Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, July 17, 1888, Image 1

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FRANKLIN COUNTY REGISTER J, S. DORTCH & Ed. F. McGOWAN, Editors and Proprietors. VOL. XV, ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR SENATI tfe are authorized to announce Dr. : T G. Underwood as a candidate foi j senator from the 31st Senatorial dis | triet of Georgia, at the ensuing elec | tion. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby .Representative announce myself of a Franklin candi¬ date for election. county at the ensuing If elected I will guard and protect the interests of the people to the best of my ability. Geo. W. Sewell. WOOL HAT. At the solicitation of many voters I hereby announce myself a candidate Franklin for re-olection to represent of Representatives county in the Houso I feel under many obligations forfoimer to favors the people of this county and if snccessful in the eusuing elec¬ tion I will guard and protect their interest to the best of my ability. Respec’t Jas. A Hrnison. FOR ORDINARY. The undersigned candidate hereby for Ordinary announces of himself a ansueing elec¬ Frankliu county at the tion in January next. Should the peo¬ ple deem him worthy and manifest it by electing him to tuch position, he will feel truly thankful, and will en doavor to discharge the duties of the same with fidelity and to the best of his ability. Daniel MeKenzie. Fellow Citizens: I hereby Ordi¬ an¬ nounce myself a candidate for nary of Franklin county at the ensue ing election in January next. Being a cnpple and afflicted so that I am up-' able to make a support for myself arid solicit family ths by hard kind labor, support I very of my earnestly fallow citizens in this race. If elected I will fill the? t office use my every effort to with credit to myself and with honor to the county. Respectfully. T. J, Harrison Fellow Citizens — I hereby Ordi¬ an¬ nounce myself a candidate for nary of Franklin county at the en sueing election in January next. Be¬ ing a cripple and afflicted so that I am unable to make a support for mj - self and family by hard labor, I very earnestly solicit the kind support of my fellow citizens in this race. If elected I will use my every effort to fill the office with credit to myself and honor to the county. Respectfully T. A, Stovall. FOR RECEIVER At the solicitation of many friends I announce myself a cadidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns of Franklm county at the ensueing elec¬ tion. Being a cripple and uuablj to perform manue! labor by which I can make a reasonable support for the myself and family^ I very humbly ask vo¬ ters of the county for their aid. Jesse R. Lecroy. Having become unable to make a livingfor myself and femily on. the farm because of my decrepitude, candidate I respectfully for announce my name as a elec¬ the office of Tax Receiver, at the tion in Jnauary next. As to my veracitv, I would responsibility responsible and qualification refer to any man iaGuunelB or Stranges district taat may know me. I respectfully solicit the support oj the peoplo at this time W, H. SMITH I hereby announce myself a candi date for Tax Receiver, and hope enough friends will vote for me to elect me. J. P. Ledbetter. I hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for Tax Receiver of Franklin county at the ensue ing election. H the T. W. Aaron. didate I hereby announce myself of a b rnnk- can¬ for Tax Receiver election. H lin county at the Janury elected, 1 will discharge the duties of the office promptly and faithfully. H. A. Porter. l announce myself candidate for Tax Receiver of Franklin conn- FOR SHERIFF, We an authorized to announce the name of J, C. McCarter as a candidate for Sheriff of Franklin county at the January e-ection. With many thanks to the citizens of Franklin county tor their hearty support in the past, I again annouce my name as a candidate for sheriff. I hear of some who obj ect to me because I arrest men and put them in jail. If a man com¬ mits a crime and is so low in the estima¬ tion of his neighbors and fellow men that be cannot give bond, iaii right lo let that man run at pose upon in society? When I have a have warrant taken my pocket for his arrest, ami an oath and have given a ten thousand dollar bond that I will faithfuly hands? execute Some others all warrants placed in my I collect object to me be¬ cause my cost. Where is the man who can suppoit a family and attend to the sheriffs office as it ought to be, and give away his cost? I cannot. What the people of the countv ought to have and I believe are most interested in is a good officer who will faithfuly discharge examine the record duties of his office. Please mv as an officer, and if it is not a good or.e d >n't vote for me as I make the rate on mv record as an officer I am better qualified to fill the office, than when first elected, and it re-elected, I hope to be able to make a better officer iu the future than in the pas(. J. Respectfully McConnell C. . FOR TAX COLLECTOR. 1 hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Franklin County. L. J. Green. FOR CLERK. To the voters of Franklin county: I hereDj announce myself as a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin county, at the ensneing election in January next. If you will elect me I will perform the duties of tne office promptly, and in a Hoping style that be will be creditable to me. to elected, I remain your Fellow citizen. J. M. Phillips. PROFESSIONAL NOTICES A. G. McCurry \ P. P.Proffit Hartwell, Ga j Carne3yilleGa, McCURRY & PROFFITT. Attorneys at Law. Will give prompt attention to collec¬ tions and litigated causes both civil and in the eounsies of Frankun, Hart, Habersham, Madison, and Ranks and elsewhere by special house at con’raet Curncssvt-Uo J-pf Office in the court and Hartwell. PHILLIP W. DAVIS. Attorney at Law, Elberton, Gra. Will practice ih ail the conrt of the Northern circuit and in Franklin and adjoining counties in the Western circuit and also in the Supreme and United States courts. Prompt attention criven to all business entrusted with him . W. I. PIKE. A. ttorney at Law, Jefferson, Ga. Will practice in all the courts of the Western circuit and elsewhere by spec contract. __ A. N. KING. Attorney at Law, ( aruesville. Ga. Office in the Court House. J. S- DORTCI. Attorney at Law, Carnesville, Ga Office in the Court House. J. B. PARKS. Attorney at Law, Carnesville, Fa. Prompt attention given to a’l business entrusted with biro, B. F. CAMPS. Attorney at Law, Carnesville. «»• Will practice in all the courts of ths Western circuit and elsewhere. MEDICAL CARD. Sfe tention to the sick. .. Georgia Franklin Conotv , , Whereas JJ court ot Ordiuaryof Allgood f. M^d* county for a disohsw di guardianship of l J ^ urom Ms WJf’wid Creditors B #r*t ^ to AiSSood^ “'i,' receive the usual 2^#EUg ISSUED WEEKLY. CARNESVILLE, GA., TUESDAV, JULY 17, 1888. Written for the Register. SUCH IS LIFE. A Story Full of Striking Truths Some of whioh Fit Some of The Citizens of North East Georgia, “My dear, did yon know Mrs. A1 ton was sick?” said Mr Comer as he seated himself on the front piazza of his elegant mansion. “No James, is she sick?" “Yes, very sick I suppose, John Alton came over just now to get some more supplies, but 1 could not not let him have any more. The Doctor says liis wife will die and if she does he will lose his crop. He cannot take care of tour children and tend his crop. Perhaps you had belicr step over this evening and sec her, aid carry something along to nourish her a little.” “I’ll try to go,” said Mrs. Comer. Second day: “My dear, did you go over to see Mrs. Alton on yester¬ day?” “No, just as I was fixing to start Mrs. Tiddle came in and I could not go. She is worse I suppose, the said she might live . till ... night. Doctor I’ll try to go and see her this even ing,” said Mrs. Comer Third dav: “John have you heard from Mrs Alton this morning?” “Yes, she is dead, poor woman, I am sorry. What will John do with his tour children?” “k do not know. I saw yesterday evening that she could not live long. What will you do with his cro r ?” “Oh! I will have it finished my self.” “As I thought,” said Mrs. Comer* “I don’t see what be is to do with those four children. There is some one at the gate James.” Mr Comer gets up and walks lies urcly out to the gate to see what was wanted. In a few moments he came rushing into the house almost out of breath, and informed Mrs. C. that Mrs- Combs little boy is sick. “We must go to her.” said Mrs. Comer. “Yes! Tv..:*. ’ said Mr. Comer. “Jack run down to the bottoms aim tell the boy 8 to bring the horses here quick. Only 8 miles we can make it in an hour.” Everything is in a hustle and bur¬ ry! hurry!! hurry!!! Horses are brought up and hitched to the ear l iage without ceremony. “Are you ready wife,” said Mr. C. “Nearly,” said the wife. “Tilda bring me two jars of those best pre* serves out of the dairy, perhaps they are older than any of Mrs. Combs, and Johnnie can eat a few of them.” All ready and off they go, to con sole the rich Mrs. Combs in her sad affliction. They soon arrive and rush into the house only to shower down their sympathy on Mi’s. Combs and then on Johnnie, who has had a shght attack of colic, caused from from eating too much, probably. Johnnie Fourth day: “Well wife is much better this morning He seems to like those preserves, l think be will be ail right again in a few hours. I expect we had better go home this morning and try to start up business again. Now Mr. Editor, I have drawn a ^ rru the tenant living with Mr. Comet rich Land Lord, while Mrs. Combs was a rich widow living 8 miles dis taut. They carrv their piescnls and down their sympathy on time who do not need it, and who Jo not from l heir heart thank them *» “ 1 , ‘ nc " , «! c 'r t on h f la Frank!! e county, but in many ...... .. ,* ‘ ,,,rtWl ‘ nookunon lh * poor tenant with a kiud of holy horror, and when they are obliged to speak to him in company they speak in a low tone as if they were afraid some one would hear them. They will shower down their chan¬ ty on those who do not need it, and yet, when the crop is gathered the land lord cariies it to market, sells it and puts the money in his pocket, and the tenant noTer sees a dollar, he happens to see money pass from the merchant to the land lord. At the end cf the year, tenant calls for a settlement. *‘Oh,” says the land lord, “its hardly necessary to bother about a settlement. I have adjusted yonr account, and find you have not quite paid ont, hut its only a small amount and will just consider it even. On Sunday the land lord, with his family in a fine carriage drive off to the house of God, and don’t even offer his tenant a donkey to vide, if he gets to church he must walk. The land lord tal es a leading part in chi rch affairs, prays long prayers, sings long and loud songs, and goes home in the evening feeling that he is certainly chief of men. Cun such a man ever see inside the pearly gates of eternal bliss. I do net pretend to say that ail land lords are such as I have desciib od above, theie are good men among the number. Blit if I am fortunate enoush to get to Heaven, I will bo very much surprised if I find some men there that I now have my njind on in Noith Georgia. Lookeron. Franklin County, Georgia. Senator Brown to Senator Yoorhees. A curious scene was witnessed in the Senate the other day, and Sena¬ tor Brown, of Georgia, figured prominently in it. The Senator nad pvepared a speech on Mexican claims, and owing to his weak phys sical condition, he was allowed to remain sitting whi.e he read it. Reading in a very low tone of voice his speech attracted very little at¬ tention, except from Senatoi Voor heeo,-who went over to where Sen. ator Brown was reading and took seat near him. Obseffvhig this, the Georgia Senator wheeled cfcair so as to face the Indiana Sens ator, and to the galleries it looked as if he were delivering his speech to the Tall Sycamore rather than to the /Senate. The Geoi gia Sena*, tor gets a good deal of interesting and valuable matter into his speech' es, and no doubt Mr. Voorhees was greatly edified.—Savannah Newe. BUCKLENSARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world fori Cuts Bruise Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cl ap» ped Hands, Bhiiblaids Corns, and all is in Eruptions, and required. posttvely It cures Piles, or no pay is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac¬ tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents perliox. For Sale by H.M. Freeman. Money for Farmers. I am prepared to negotiate loans for farmers at total com mission of 12 per cent, with interest at 8 per cent., payable once a year to- wit: on December 1st. J* H* Darks. oc 1 (!nriie8vil!e,< a The reason why I “k 0 ,0 <M 1 | ,lC Domestic Sewing machine, is be* it docs iU own talking, when cause fails lo on exam ined, and never give tire lai'ifsclioM. o. L. MIZE. ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM GEN. GORDON AT GETTYS¬ BURG. Gen. J. B. Gordon, of Georgia, was another Confederate who trav. e!ed far and wide over the battle field to-day. His wife was with him in the carriage during the ride and Col. Frank A. Burr acconipans ied them, Mrs. Gordon is one ot the southern wives of soldiers who shared no little part of their hus¬ bands’ hardships. She was with Gen. Gordon through the greater part of four years of campaigning, sharing every hope and fear of the confederate cause. To-duy she is a tall, slender woman, with feature of strong and refined lines. Her dnrk hair has but few lines of gray. When a correspondent spoke to her to-day of the magnificent speech which Gen, Gordon made at vester. day’s reunion of the blue and the gray, she said! “For a week before the general started on his journey here I kept saying to him: ‘You have a speech to makea.. Gettysburg, why do yon not make some prepara¬ tions?’ He would say: ‘I haven’t time now.’ He wrote that speech on the train coming here, and I copied it for him.’ Mrs Gordon is, by the way, idolized by thousands of southern soldiers. Gen. Gordon came toward Get.ys burg twenty-five years ago on the road from York, and struck the right flank of the eleventh corps during the first day of the battle. He was fresh from his raid toward fc] )e Susquehanna Valley, and it was his arrival which did nruen to over¬ whelm the union fotces and drive them oack through Gettysburg and to the positions held duriug the second and third days. Over the scene of his march of his arrival, Gen. Gordon rode to-day, and every f 00 fc of ground bore a harvest of reminiscences. Gen. Gordon also visited tho scene of the second day’s assault on Culp’s hill. A union officer who visited to-day fight that same Gen. scone of the first day’s Eleventh was Bartow, then of the corps, who was shot down by flordon’s fire and left for dead upon the field. Gordon's troops found him there, and Gordon himself saw that the union general received all the cave and attention due a gallaut combat¬ ant. It is another coincidence that Gen. Barlow led the charge ordered by Hancock at Spotsylvania, which Gordon finally stayed, and so.favcd army . CITATION. Georgia Franklin County, To all whom it may concern, A. J. Neal, administrator of O. Dean dec’d has in due form applied to the under¬ signed for leave to sell the Railroad stock Helongin to said dee.d, and said application will bo hoard on the first Monday in Angnst next. This July 2nd 1888. L.N. Tribble Ord. 4t r OUR NEW BOOK. By J. B. Vaughn is having a won¬ derful sale- SOcts per copy; $3.25cts per dozen. Address J. B. Vaighn, Boman, Ga. $2% F. A. Mabry, of Tocca, Ga*, is selling the famous “New Home” sowing machine. Sue him before buying. C L Mize will deliver .he Domes Uc Sewing Machine to parties wish¬ ing to buy, at any point in county. W UA J H McEntire m*rry the best line of shoes of any house in the place. They have some of the very b;st home made shoes down to the very cheapest. McConnell k Bros lead the market on tohacco*. NO. 28, THE LAYONIA PICNIC. The Grangers and Their Friends to Rally at Lavonia on Satur¬ day to Eeaston Good Things to Eat. Some 1 Fink Speakers on Hand The Grangora picnic is to bo hod at Lavonia, Ga., on the 21st inst. Everybody is requested to como and bring their wives and a basket of eatables. We anticipate having n grand lime. The picnio will be known as the Tugslo Grange Picnic. Tho State Lecturer from Middlo Georgia and Mr. Gunnels from Banks county, and others speakers will be present and address the gathering. We would bo pleased to Irnve tho editors of the Register with us on that dav. Every member of the Tu galo Grange is requested to moot at Lavonia Thursday morning the 10,h. inst, lor the jnuT,o»o of making ar¬ rangements tor the picnic on 21st. Remember this is a public picnio ami that anybody and everybody will bo welcomed. It lias been sometime since I notic¬ ed any locals from this place. I thought it probablo that a lew* lines mK'h t be noticed. The corn and cotton crop is good. The farmers are about done work. Big meetings and pionics aro tho go now. A Farmer. Good Will, Ga. TIIF FORCE OF HABIT. “Do you see those two soldiers coming up the street?" asked a roil" itary man of a Tribune reporter yes¬ terday. “Yes.” “Those fellows belong to the reg¬ ular army and it you will observe me eloeelv l’l! give you a good il¬ lustration of the force of habit and results of stret discipline. You notice that they keep perfect and walk erect, as the ranks, Nijvr watch them.” " When the two soldiers airivrd op p osite the speaker, he suddenly said, in a brisk, sharp tone; “By the left flank, march!” In un instant the two men turned to the left, and had taken several steps toward the gutter befoie they were aware or it. A loud laugh re¬ sulted, and tho two confused-look* ing defenders of the nation ins creased their pace without looking back.—Minneapolis Tribune. Go to W. C. & 3. B. McEntirej for fruit jars. Buy your flavoring, such as vanilla, lemon, cloves, spice, ginger, etc., from Phillips Always reqsember that W C & J B McEntire cannot and will not be under sold on sugar, coffee, meat, flour, and all kinds of groceries. McConnell & Bros carry thu be<t stock of shoes yon have examined. When you want tie best tobacco for the least money always go to W C k J B McEntires. They cannot he equaled in the place on tohacco. Fredi meal nt McDonnell & Bros iu stock uU the time. ft you want the strongcat and tho simplest sewing machine buy M.e Domestic.