Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, July 31, 1888, Image 1

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FRANKLIN COUNTY REGISTER j j, VOL. XV. bfOUNCEMENTS FOR SENATP < 9 L are authorized to nr nounce Dr . Underwood as a c indidate foi '.'from the Slst fc€ latorial dis of'Georgia, at the ensuing elec hereby announce myselt a candi for Senator of the 31st. Senatorial ict of Georgia, subject to tho decis the voters of Franklin county to i»de at (lie Pri mary election on the of August 3888. \V, R. Little. fob representative. ■fftcpsinSifve jly at the ensuing of election. Franklin If led I will guard and protect the rests of the people to the best of ffiity. » Geo. W. Sewell. WOOL IIAT. ; the solicitation of many voters I by announce myself a candidate ejection to represent Franklin ty in the House obligations of Representatives the I under many to e of this county for foimer favors f sncccssful m Ihe ensuing elec I will guard and protect their est to the best of Jas, my ability. Hmisou. Kcspec’t A ;A. Fricks announces himself a U :late, at the ensuing election in flier ky next, to represent Franklin in the House of Representa If elected he will work for [bethinks to be tbe best iuttr E his county and state. for ordinary. e elf undersigned candidate hereby Ordinary announces of a for kliu county at the ansueing elcc n January him ivoithy next. and Should manifest the peo- It ecm eeting cel him thankful, to such and position, will he truly discharge the en r to the duties of with fidelity and to the best of ility. Daniel MeKenzie. on Citizens: I hereby an¬ te of myself Franklin a candidate for Ordi lection county at the eusue (pieand in afflicted January next. that I Being so am un lo make a support for myself and i t the hy hard labor, I very earnestly kind support of my fellow ns in this race. If elected I will nv every effort to fill the office credit to myself and with honor > county. Respectfully. T. J. HAbbison, low Citizens — I hereby an tesayselt a candidate for Ordi M f ranklin county at the en ? election in January next. Be [able £ npple and afflicted so that I to make a support for mj * inctfamily solicit by bard labor, I very W [jew the kind support of citizens in this race. If a I will use my every effort to omce with credit to myself and to the county. Respectfully T, A. Stovall. Bpectfully tor the announce myself a can¬ oflBce of Ordinary of ■in county at the ensueilig elec January next. A. 8. Turner. FOR uecrivek ■’be solicitation of many friends ■ y °t flee myself a cadidate for Receiver of Tax Returns ■“’o county at the ensueing ■ Jteing a cripple and uuablj Dla,1 ue! labor by which I can R^uy, ■' l^onable 1 very humbly support ask for the vo V “C county for their aid. Jesse R. Lecroy. E“g become unable to make a r r ?yse!f and family on the farm Peoftay decrepitude, I respectfully r name 88 B candidate for pee of Tax Receiver, at tbe elec “ •mauary next. As to my io refer responsibility to tesponsible and qualification my man t* F“Off 8 or Stranges I district solicit t»at me. respectful I v "Port oj the peoplo at this time W. If. Smith announce myself ft candi "’my Receiver, and hope mi-. friends will vote for me i. P. I.BPBfcTisn. I hereby announce myself a candi duty* for Tax Receiver of Franklin county at the ensneing election. If elected, 1 will discharge tte duties of the office pr< ir.ptly and faithfully. T. W. Aakox. I hereby announce myself a can¬ didate for Tax Receiver of Frank¬ lin county at the Janury election. If elected, I will discharge the duties of the office promptly and faithfully. S. A. Porter. I announce myself as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Franklin conn¬ ty at the January election. W. A. Landrum. FOR SHERIFF. W, fire authorized io the Paine of J. C. MtOrlcr as a cm dida‘e for Hieiifl' (if Franklin county at the January eeetion. With many thanks to the citizens d: Franklin the couiity I again tor heii hearty support in past, annoucc my name as a candidate for sheriff. I bear of some who object io me because f priest men and put li» m in jail. If a man coin¬ mils a ci ime find is so low in the estima¬ tion <*f his neighbors and fellow men lint he eamo* give bond, isi' right Io tet that man run at large and still im¬ pose upon society? When I have a warrant in my pocket for his arrest, and have taken an oath and have given a teu Ihousand dollar bond that I will faitlifuly execule others all warrants object placed be¬ in my l ands? Some cost, >VJipre to m« is the cause I col 'ect my man who can sheriffs suppoit office a family it ought and attend to the as to be, and give away his cost? I cannot. What the people of the countv ought to have and I believe are most interested in is a goed officer who will faitlifuly discharge the duties of his office. Flense examine mv record as an officer, end if it is not a good one don't vote for me as I make tR^ rale on rnv record as an officer, f ajn better first qua elected, I i fled tp flll and the it office, than when re-elected, I hope able to make a better officer tc the future than in the pasl- J. Respectfully McConnell. C. TAX COLLECTOR. * FOR 1 hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for re-election to 'the office of Tax Collector of Franklin County. L. J. Gbesw. FOR CLERK. To the voters of Franklin county: I hereoj announce myself as a candidate for flerk of the Superior Court of Franklin county, at the ensneing election in January next. If you perform dunes ,. of . will elect me I will the the office promptly, and ip a style that be will be creditable to me. Fellow Hoping to elected. I remain your citizen. J. M. Phillips. “ PROFESSIONAL NOTICES A. G. McCnrry > P. P.Proffit Hartwell, Ga [ CamesyilleGa, McCURRY & PROFFITT. Attorneys at Law. Will give prompt attention to collec¬ tions and litigated causes both civil and criminal, in the counsies of Frankun, Hart, Habersham, Madison, and Banks and elsewhere the court hy special house at contractor Curnesville 1 Office in and Hartwell. PHILLIP W. DAVIS. Attorney at Law, Elberton, Ga, gg-SdTrsJtftM couats. Prompt attention United U States entrusted with •riven 1° .qi business Elm. W. I. PIKE. A itorney at Law, Jefferson, Ga \Vi 11 nractiee in all the courts of tbe Western ^circuit and elsewhere by spec cial contract. __ A. N. ICING. Attorney at Law, ( aruesville, Ga. Office in the Court House. J, S- DORTCH. Attorney at Law, Carnesville, Ga Office in the Court House. jTbTpark^ Attorney at Law, Carnesville.Fa. Prompl attention given to aU business entrusted with him, B. F. CAMPS. at Uw, CUrnesville, <*• Attorney the ooar oftb w ,n nractiee in all wberc Western circuit »»d ••*® ISSUED WEEKLY. CARNESVILLE, GA., TUESDAY, JUL ,31 i 888. MARTIN LOGALSJ A Horrible Accident Near Store--Other News of Intejv- ✓ est From this Thriv¬ ing Village, Crops look wel' here. T he protracted meeting at Red Hollow Is going on now. It is large¬ ly attended and the house was filled to its utmost capacity on Sunday. Rev. P. F. Crawford preached a veiy able sermon on that day. A sad accident occurred It. 's near D. Yow’s store this morning. C. P. Smith’s engine exploded and kille 1 his son who was about 16 yenis old, am! scalded a negro named Win. Brown. C. P. Smith is not dangerously hurt but tho negro is in a dangerous condition, Tbe skin is sealdel off from his waist to _Jiis iect. x v Geo. W.Mitchell arrived .in Martin on Saturday. He has been in Texas and Arizona for two and a half years. He does not Jifto tho \yeslerq country much. It is so hot in Ari¬ zona that most of the people sleep out of doors every night, and it hardly evet rains. Mr. 'l’hos. Dundy and wife have been visiting friend aud relatives in the vicinity of Martin several days. They returned to thoii home at Richland, S. C., this morning. Red Hollow church has been completed and is said to he the best church building in the county. Prof. Vanlloose was in Martin last week, and spent several days here and at Avalon We were glad to form his acquaintance. He says the seminary under his charge is progressing finely and the students are increasing every session. 'v The trustees of tho school at this place have elected Prof. N. A. Ericks as teacher of the school fo>; another year. Red Hollow has bo candidates yot, but we cap’t say we have seen no candidates from other districts.! R A. Wllbnnks has been crowded at his gallery for several days, and is getting a good deal of work to d o'. July 23rd 1888. “Subscriber.” VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. I offer my residence and drug store house iu Carnesville lor sale on reasonable terms. This properly known as the Osborn property has an elegant 7 room dwelling, good barn and out houses and a good store house and is in many respects the most desirable property in Car¬ nesville. Persons wanting property in tois beautiful and growing town will do well to secure this. Apply early to P. F. Crawford. Carnesville, Ga. Every good Citizen should come out oti the first Tuesday • DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETING The Dem .cratic party of Frank Jin county is requested to assemble in mass meetiag at the Court House in Carnesville on first Tuesday in August next for the purpose of clect ing delegates to the Gubernatorial convention to be held in Atlanta on the 9th day of August 1888 and to to select delegates to the Congress¬ ional convention. C. J. It. Tucker, Char. D. E. C L Mize will deliver die Domes tic Sewing Muchluo to parties wish¬ ing hi buy, ut any point in this county. IIHER SANA AND TH1 BOVS. The Nestor of Journalism Talks to tho Badger State Editors. Milwaukee, Wis., July 24.— Charles A. Dana, editor of the New York Sun, delivered an address this even ; ng at the Academy of Music to I he Wisconsin Editorial associa¬ tion. The hall was crowded, and the veteran editor’s discourse on journalism was warmly applauded. Mr. Dan a said there were no set Unaximsand rules for journalists. Doctors and lawyers might have them, but there were very few rules used by newspaper men. Mr, Dana submitted the following: “First, get news, get all news and nothing but news. “Second, copy nothing from another publication without giving perfect credit. “Third, never print an i ntcryiew without knowledge and consent of verson interviewed. [Applause and “Fourth, never print paid adver¬ tisement as news matter. Set every one as an advertisement. No sail iug under false colors, f Applause. J “Fifth, never attack the weak or defenseless, either hy argument or by ridicule, unless there is some ab¬ solute publie necessity for so doing. “Sixth, fight for your opinions, but don’t believe they contain the whole truth. “Seventh, support your party if jou have-one [loud laughter and applause], but don’t think all good then are in it and all had men out side. “Eighth, above all, know and be¬ lieve that humanity is advancing, and that there is progress in human life and human affairs [applause], \ nd that as lure as God lives, the uture will be greater and better thoU the present and the past. [ t p plause.]—Constitution. Yatb for the man 1J0U will make the Of ‘ ‘ <l C6r jJlQ J[Qth of Au~ „/ ' REMEMBER It is once in a life time that you have a chance to have your beds cleaned, so don’t neglect to have it done while you have a chance, We guarauteee to give you satisfaction or no charges. Rankin & Co. Carnesville, Ga. BUCKLENSARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruise Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cl ap» ped Hands, Bhiiblaids Coyns, and all is in Eruptions, aud required. postivfly It cures* is Piles, or no pay give perfect satiafac** guaranteed to refunded. Pri 2 5 tion, or money For Sale byceM. cents per box. Freeman. NOTICE. Rankin & Co., have opened a fac¬ tory in Carnesville, where they are prepared to renovate feather beds by the latest process. Send in your newest or oldest beds and we guar¬ ani ee to please you or no delivered. oharges. Beds called for and Charges reasonable: »4» COME OUT TO THE MASS MEETING ON THE FIRST TUESDAY. W C A J B McEntirc carry the beat line of shoes of any house in the place. Tin*/ have some of the very beat home made shoes down to the very cheapest Sewing machines at M' Connell & Bros ONE DOLLAR TER ANNUM HIS FIRST Elliott Fi, Shepard’s First Love -It Was Wholly Innocent, But It Did Not Last Yery Long. “BY ROSE SIIAPLEtGH.” New York, July 2t.—Now York, much as it is accustom to journa¬ listic surprises and novelties, has not so startled for many a year as by the extraordinary policy of Col. Elliott F. Shepard in making his journal, the Mail and Express, a nomi-rellglons one, and the daily ins Bertion of a scriptural text over the editorial column. Col. Shepard rath¬ er prides himself on his consistency, ns although a large stockholder in the Fifth avenue line, he strenu¬ ously opposed tho running of tho vehicles on Sunday, an evidence of his deep religious feeling and his dis¬ regard of Mammon when Christian principals arc conccrnad. The fol¬ lowing is a faithful report of n con¬ versation between two ladies that was overbeared in one of Col Shep ard’s own stages, which throws a somewhat new light on his cliarac tar: “I should thin!- it would be awful¬ ly nice to ride down on these stages on Sunday and see tho styles on Fifth avenue.” “Yds, but Col Shepard don’t like to have the stages run on Sunday. Tie thinks it’s wicked.” “Col. Shepard—who is lie?” “He is the president of this stage line, the son-in-law of Mr. Vander¬ bilt, and tbo pious editor of the Mail and Express. lie heads all his edi¬ torial pages with a Scriptural text,*’ “Is his name Elliott?” “Yos.” “Then I know all about him. You must listen carefully, for its a great secret. IIo once loved Alma, our seamstress!” ‘ Ob, no!" “But it is true. It was ages ago, before he knew Mis3 Vanderbilt, when he was very young, and they lived out our way, and one wasn’t any richer or better than tho other. He used io write her the loveliest li'tle love letters—so good and inno¬ cent. I know, for I’ve seen them. Well ho loved and wrote and she oved and wrote, and theyboth grew up—alas to part! He came to the city,-—was famous in his way—mar¬ ried the richest heiress to be found, experienced religion, and became editor of a newspaper, and friend, ihilosoplier and guide of Chaunccy M* Depew.” “And she?” “She married a New Jersey man— a shiftless fellow, who failed to sup¬ port her or his children, and Alma had to sew for a living, 'Vben times were hard she was obliged to look both ways and all ways to make the ‘two ends meet.” “One day, when there was a big space between thhse same two ends sbe thought she’d go and see her rich old old lover and sec if he could help her. “I’d like to have seen Col. Shep¬ pard’s face as that demure little faded-out old woman walked into his big office. Sbe sent word that a lady and old triend from his early borne wished to see him. “Was he kind, Alma?” 1 asked her on her return “Yes. miss, but sort o’ grand like He looked as if he kind o’ wondered who I was. So I made a bow and said, I’m Alma!’ “Alma! Alma! Who?” “Why your little playmate and sweet heart. I’ve brought you a let¬ I ter yot. wrote to me when we were both young and you loved me. See | M . rc 's your naoMi down to tbe bottom Elliott F. ibepard. took NO. 28 road it through, and then ho seemed puzzled. Finally he said: “I remember you now. This little letter is very interesting to me. I want to take it home and show it .to Mrs Shepard, She trill be pleased to see it.,* “Did you let him have it, Alina?” “Yes, miss; wasn’t I right, miss? “I suppose so, but 1 must say it way cute in him. lie was not anxious to see his .name, oven in boyish writ¬ ing, in the possession of a poor sew¬ ing woman.” “What else did he say, Alma?” “IIo asked if I were married and happy, and when I said I was unhap¬ py and poor he said he was sony. He told me very kindly that he’d liked to have hoard good news from me. Then he got up, and I got up, and he showed me to the office door, and that was all.” “Did ho «rivc the poor woman any¬ thing?” “No; not even a pass to ndo lus stages, and ho forgot to quote the Bible and toll her; The Lord will provide. Trust in him!” “Did she ever got her letter back?” •‘No; but she has more letters, and when I get homo I will borrow them and we will have lots of fun reading them. We will boo how much scripture he quoted in his love letters. We might find them interesting, as might the former Miss Vanderbilt-” Here tho stage reached Central park, and tho two ladies alighted. ASAD AFFAIR. George Eddloman, who somo time ago shot and killed Thos. G. Gres¬ ham, is still in jail at Atlanta. Tho papers now contain an advertisement from Mr. Eddlem ui stating that ho wants to sell his property, and asks purchasers to come and soe hun. Monday ho had quite a number of callers. lie says ho must have mons ey with which to pay his lawyers, and to raise the money lie will have to sell his property for what it will bring. COME OUT TO THE MASS MEETING ON THE FIRST TUESDAY. ■#*» Harman Warner, the Atlanta mam chant who left found so mysterously dead in bed some days ago, Monday. was in Chicago Since March 26 tho coroner and justices of the held peace of Washington have seven inquests Four of thp deceased parties mot their death at tho hands of a fellow creature, the other two by accidental causes. The will of the late Cap. John Kelly, was filed with the ordinary this morning: All of the property, amounting to 811,000 was left to his widow. NOTICE TO STUDENTS. This county is entitled to one ben¬ eficiary in tiie Georgia School of Technology located in Atlanta. The btfneficary is selected by the Board of education, compctativu from among those who stand a ex¬ amination. I will hold a competativo examina tion in the court-house at Carnesville on Saturday the 1st of September such Upon application, I will furnish information as I have at command, July 24th 1888. J. S. Dortch Buy your flavoring, such as vanilla lemon, cloves, spice, ginger, etc., from Phillips “Everybody’s Friend,” the best cake of soap in town for Sets at FhiHips’. McConnell & Bros lead the market on tobaccos. OUR NEW BOOK. By J. B. Vaughn is having fJOiScts u won¬ derful sale. 30cts prr copy; per dozen. Address J. B. Vaughn, Bom.r.i, Ga.