Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, August 07, 1888, Image 1

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FRANKLIN COUNTY j S. DOltTCH & Ed. F . McGOWAN, Editors aud Proprietors. VOL. XV< KOUNCEMEISTS. FOR SENATJ ifc arc authorized to announce Dr irTrom . A Iftdefwood as a e indidate fot the 31st Seimiorial dis JJof Georgia, at tho ensuing elec libereiiy announce of the myselt 31st, Senatorial a camh |«l( Strict for .Senator Georgia, subject to tho decis of of Franklin county to fflof the voters election the * Bide at the, 1888. Primary on 5 th of August W. R. Littl e. ■ FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I Jcrc’jy announce myself a caiuli ut. for Representative of Franklin Bounty »t the ensuing election. If ilfcted I will guard and protect the inlMests of the people to the best of jy ability. W. Sewell. Geo. • WOOL HAT. , At Utc solicitation of many voters 1 mreby announce myself a candidate nr rc-aleetion to represent Franklin aunty in the IIouso obligations of Representatives the feel under many to topic of this county for foimcr favors ml if successful m the ensuing clcc ion I will guard and protect their merest to the best of my ability. Hrnison. Rcspec’t Jas. A N. A. Fricks announces himself a Widate, at the ensuing election in Ictober next, to represent Franklin bunty in tho House of Representa Ive. If elected he will work for rbat he thinks to be the best iuttr it of his county and state. FOE ORDINARY. The undersigned hereby for Ordinary announces of iimself a candidate elec ’rankliu county at the ansueieg on in January next. Should the peo e deem him woi thy and manifest it y electing him to tucli position, he ill feel truly thankful, and will en eavor to discharge the duties of the me with fidelity and to the best of it ability. Daniel MeKcnzie. Fellow Citizens: I hereby Ordi- an juncc myself a candidate for [ary election of Franklin in January county next. at the ensue- Being pg Icnpple and afflicted so that I am un¬ tie to make a support for myself and blicit niily by hard labor, I very earnestly fellow [tizens the kind support ot my ke in this race. If elected I will my every effort to fill the office ith credit to myself and with honor 1 the county. Respectfully. T. J. Harrison, Fellow Citizens— I hereby an mnee myself a candidate for Ordi iry of Franklin county at tbe en emg election in January next. Be- 1 rnnable 8 cripple and afflicted no that I f and family to make a support for my » by hard labor, I very mesUy fellow solicit the kind support of ' Jted citizens in this race. If I will use my every effort to the office with credit to myself and ior to the county. Respectfully T, A. Stovall. C P‘® respectfully f° the announce myself Ordinary a can- of pnkiin r office ot o ie January county at the ensueihg elec next. ’ A. 8. Turner. FOR RECEIVER Mil the solicitation of many friends I nnounce myself a cadidate for the wiie of IteceiveV of Tax Returns of panktm county at the ensneing elec "f tnorm , being a cripple and uuabb to manne! laboi^by which I can m , lamiiy, ? a reasonable support for myself i very humbly ask the vo re ot the county for their aid. Jesse R. Lecroy. Paving pgfo become unable to make a 1 myself an< j fomily on the farm pause of my decrepitude, I respectfully pounce my name as a candidate for office of Tax Receiver, at the elec* J uauary next. As to my ouid refer "^“ability responsible and qualification funnels to »ny man or s tran g e s district t*at Know me. I respectful]v solicit support oj the fieopio W. «t II. ibis Surra lime r tti »{*i »t* tt<\s- ll ii esudi ’ •** feta-civer, and hope V;* 1 ' of n.y friends will v®'« for me *** ®*. J, P, 1.EOBETTXB. date Tax Received H for of Franklin county at tho cnsuefng election. elected, I will discharge the duties of the office promptly and faithfully. T, W. Aauo.y. I hereby announce myself a can¬ didate for Tax Receiver of Frank¬ lin county at the Jannry election. If of elected, I will discharge the duties the office promptly and faithfully. S. A. Porter. I announce myself as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Franklin coun¬ ty at the January election. W. A. Landrum. FOR SHERIFF, Wt are authorized to minomice the name of J. C. McOrler ns a randidu'e for Sheriff of Franklin county at the Janunry e-cctioii. With many thanks to the citizens of Franklin county ior.heii hearty support in the past, 1 again sheriff. annouco I bear my of name as n candidate lor some who object tome because I arrest men and put crime than and in is jail. low If a in man tlu- stima- com¬ mits a so < (ionofhis lint neighbors give bond, and isi< fellow right men he cannot to let that man run at large ai d still im post upon society? When 1 have a warrant in my pocket for liishrrest, and have taken an oath and have given a ten thousand dollar bond that I will fuilhfuly execute others all warrants ubject placed be¬ in my hands? Some to ui« cause I col.’ect my cost. \\ here is the mHii who can suppott a family it ought and attend to the sheriffs office as to lie, and give away his cost? I cannot. What the people of the county ought to have and 1 believe are most interested in is a good officer who will faithfuly discharge the duties of his office. PJe»8e examine mv recoid as an officer, snd if it is not a good one don’t vote for me as 1 make the rate on mv record as an officer. I am better qualified to fill the office, than when first elected, and make it re-elected, I hope to be able to a better officer m the future than in the past. J. Respectfully C. McConnell. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. 1 hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Franklin County. L. J. Green. FOR CLERK. To the voters of Franklin county: I hereDj announce myself as a candidate for Clerk of tho Superior Court ot Franklin county, at the ensneing election in January next. It you will elect me I will perform tbe duties of the office promptly, and in a style that will be creditable to me. Hoping to be elected. I remain your Fellow citizen. J. M. PuiLLirs. PROFESSIONAL NOTICES A. G. McCnrry ) P. P.Proffit Hartwell, Ga ) CarnesyillcGi, McCURRY & PROFFITT. Attorneys at Law. Will give prompt attention to collec¬ tions and litigated causes both civil and criminal, in the counties of Frankun, Hart, Habersham, Madison, and hanks and elsewhere in the court by special house at contract^" Cwnesville Office and Hartwell. PHILLIP W. DAVIS. Attorney at Law, Elberton, Ga. adjoining counties in the Western and circuit and also in the Supreme attention United States couits. Prompt entrusted with sriven to all business Elm. ___ W. I. PIKE, ttorney at Law, Jefferson, Ga Will practice in all the courts °f tbe Western circuit and elsewhere by spe c ciai contract._____ A. N. KING. Attorney at Law, Caruesville, Ga. Office in the J.¥ Court House._ ' DORTCH. Attorney at Law, Carnesville, Ga Office in the Court House. J. B. PARKS. Aticrnev at Law, CarnesTiHe, Fa. Proinjl attention given ;o a>l business entru-ted with him. r. F. CAMP* .tnornc) at Law, Cariu ivil e. practice hr all the COlHS of • t\ ill circuit and elacwlitre Watt tn ISSUED WEEKLY. CAENESVILLE, GA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1 888. COMMITTEES * I L.U U GALL UfllaL FOR A PRIMARY ELECTION ON AUGUST 16th 1888 (Taken from Register of July 17th. Ro -published by request) Pcvsuant to a call of the Chair¬ man of the Democratic Executive Committoof Franklin county, the Committemet on the 13th inst. and resolved that the Primary Election for a candidate for Senator of tho 31st Senatorial district shall be hold on tho 16th day of August 1888. That said election shall bo held returned and consolidated in the the same manner as elections for members of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, except that the mangers and the Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committe of Franklin countv, shall meet at the Court house j in Carnesvillc by 12 o’clock on the following day and consolidate the returns and declare the result of the election. That the Justices of the Peace of the county shall bo authorized to hold said elections in their respective districts, and in the event the Justi¬ ces j the Peace refuse or fail to hold said election, then the member of the Executive Commit¬ tee in such di strict is authorized to appoint the managers, choosing ’at least one manager from tho friends and supporters of each candidate if available. And in the event that both the Justices and the member c f the Democratic Exccutiue committee of the district fail or refuse to hold said elecaion, then the managers are to be solec’od from the friends of the various candidates, taking at least one from the friends and sup¬ porters of each candidate, if avail¬ able. That the voters of said clecrion shall be such persons only a» arc qualified to vote for membets of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia. J. R. Tucker, Char. Dcm. Ex. Com. ot F. C. Vote for the man you think will make the best Officer on the lQth of August, THE PROPOSED EUROPEAN DISARMAMENT. Throughout tho civilized world the meeting of the Russion and German rulers has been awaited and observed with unusual interest. Cap¬ italists desirous/of investing, and peace lovers hoping, almost against hope, that a European war would be averted, have regarded it as an event of surpassing importance. The lavish display of affection between the sovereigns can have little influ¬ ence upon public opinion; but indi¬ cations arc not lacking of a substan¬ tial friendship and a business like cooperation between the Emperor and tho Czar which add assurance to the improving prospect of peace, and arc welcomed throughout the world as most fortunate evidences of an alliance for the exercise of beneficial influence. The task of disarmament, interna, al and universal, as a policy to which the German Emperor has pledg ed himself, and to which the contir nental States arc assenting, is news which will generally be regarded as too good to be true, and believed only upon strorg confirmation. That some progress will be made \n this direction is however, probable. 1 hat France will be guided by the action of her neighbors is quite well assur Oil. |<*or scvcial weeks the ten fancy of Koiopeon affj»rs| has been dm been more al meeting of tho Russian and Gors man Monarchs. The reports ot moro extensive perchases of Ameri ican and other securities by German investors servo as indications that the German capitalists who have most at stake, tho visit to St. Pe¬ tersburg has improved has afforded tho assurances and prospect of con¬ tinued peace,—New York Commer¬ cial Belletiu. BLOTTED OUT. We were going down tho Mississ* ippi and had just pulled out of Natchez, when a man, who had boarded tho boat at that place, sat down with four or five of us and en¬ tered into a general conversation. Ho was learned and intelligent and u as calm and self possessed as any one you ever mot. By and by lie said: , “Gentlemen, I want your opinion on a strango question. Lot each one of you triye his choice of death in case of suicide.” There was moie or less jocular talk before an opinion was given. There were five of us, to be ex¬ act, and two held to laudanum, one to shooting and th e other two to drowning. It was agreed, however, that m none of tho cases would the victim suffer much, providing he was determined to make a sure thing of it.” “Why. do you ask, coionel,” I queried after awhile, seeing that be was silent. “Because it‘s a personal thing with me. GoHlcmcn, I am very glad to have met you, and to have had this pleasant visit. Good day.” lie lifted his hat, bowed grandly, and walked to the port side of the boat and sprang into tho water be¬ fore the eyes of fifty people, We stood icady in case he came up, and the boat was stopped and held, but never a sign of him did we see. The father pf waters closed over another mystery so tightly that noi even a fiugei tip was shown to guide us. Some day liis body floated to the surface, to be cast upon ihe bank and found, but it was to bo roolcd into a shallow grave and for¬ gotten ere the month was out.—De¬ troit Free Press. LET EVERY VOTER GO TO ON THE POLLS ON THE SIX tee NTH AND EXPRESS IIIS CHOICE FOR SENATOR. PRIMARY ELECTION ON ON THE SIXTEENTH INST. DON’T buy bad coffee when you can get something good. You will find tbe best at Phillips’. W C & J B McEntirc carry the best line of shoes of any bouse in the place. They haye some of the very best home made shoes down to the very cheapest. All who arc by needing clothing McConnel can be benefited calling on & Bros. Ca’l for tbe “Red Bandana” love letter chewing gum. You will find it at Phillips’* Now is your time to buy white goods cheap at McConnell & Bros. ggy-Dew Drop toilet soap, the finest in town at Phillips’. Photo chewing gum at Phillips’. C L Mize will deliver the Domes tic Hewing Machine to parties wish¬ ing to buy, at any point in this county. MoConm U A lira* lead the market on tobaccos. ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM AIRS. CLEVELAND KEPT PROMISE. The fresh illustration ot ^Mrs. Cleveland’s tact and modesty is tho latest subject of gossip in society circles. On Monday last a concert was given by a number of local ama tuors for tho benefit of Miss Ilolla wcll, a crippled young woman resid¬ ing in the district. Tho concert was giyen m an unpretentious little hall connected with Willard’s hotel. It w as not in any sense a society affair. There was no long list of lady patronesses socially prominent in tho gay world, nor was the audi¬ ence anything moro than a plain respectable, every crowd who had paid their money and were there to the benefit of it 1 In some way Miss *IIal!oweli had secured a promise from Mrs. Cleve¬ land that she would attend tho per¬ formance. Requests of this kind arc declined by hpr a score of times a week. In this onsc, however, her sympathies were enlisted, and she gave tho required promise, although to do so necessitated a hurried drive in from Oak View after an unusually late dinner. She entered the hall quietly and took a seat near the door. That sho was not recognised even by those nearest to her was due in part to their limited knowledge of her appearance and in 'part to tho plainness and modesty of her attire. When the performance was conclu¬ ded sho quickly left the hall, and en¬ tering her carriage drove back to her country liome without a soul beyond the ushers and tho benefici¬ ary of the concert being aware of her presence. InRn Italian garrison there was a privafco soldier named Ugolino. Oue of the officers took the soldier aside one day and asked liiai: “Are you a descendant of the famous Count Ugolino, about whom Dante wrote?” “No,” replied the soldier; “all my ancestors were poor people.” “1 refer to Count Ugolino who was starved to death with his sons in the tower of Pisa.” “If he didn’t get enough to eat, very likely lie was an ancestor of mine, after all,” replied the honest soldier.—Texas Siftings. Deputy Collector Gantt of Athens has received applications for license for two fruit distilleries, one from Elbert and one from Greene couniy. BUCKLKN SARNICA SALVE. The Best Salvo in fthe world for Cuts Bruise Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cbap* ped Hands, Bhiiblaids Corns, and all ' IS in Eruptions, and required. postivriy It cures is guaranteed Piles, or no pay give perfect satisfac¬ to tion, or money refunded. Price 25c cents per box. For Sale by If/M. rceman. NOW WHO SAYS WOMEN IS INQUISITIVE? When Mrs. Hattie Davis entered suit tor divorce m Chicago on Mon¬ day, the unique fact was broaght to light that she didn’t know her hus¬ band’s first name “She never knew him otherwise than as J. Davis,” said her lawyer to the clerk of the court. She lived with him only al¬ a month, when he ran away. She ways called him Mr Davis, and never was told his first name. He signed himself plain J. Davis.— Philadelphia Recotd. Buy your flavoring, such as lemon, cloves, spice, ginger, etc., from Phillips Friend,” tho l*est “Everybody’s cake of soap in t^wn for Cels 1 ‘UilUpV. 0 SHE MADE HER ; HUSBAND By Breathing the Brouth of Life Into a Pieco of Dough. Thequestiou of the insanity of James Stevenson and his wife Agna, an elderly couple residing at Wash¬ ington Heights, was examined yess terday. Stevenson is lifty-five and and his wife is fifty years of age, and both appear much older, f ile, ligion, it is said, had made them both insane. Mrs Stevonscu had on a skirt mad oof liorso hair cloth, and a strip of the same material was tightly tied about her head and over her ears. “1 wear this over n.y ears,” she said in a loud voice, “to shut out all other religions than my own. I am a Campbellite—a Campbollite, do do yon hear? I am the creator ot' tho umverso! I made everything and own everything. Don’t think because I am ragged 1 that I can’t have better things, for I o A’n 50,000, 000 buildings, and all of them me finer and bigger than any in this city. I have sailed over thorn through the air ma.iy and many a time. Why, I could .-top over this building just as easy as not, if I wanted to. I made that husband of mine; he wasn’t nothing but a piece of dough, but I made a man of him by blowing tho breath of life into bun. Didn’t I create you James?” “Yes, you did. That’s vghf., judge. She made me, and I wasn’t nothing hut a piece of dough.” “I am 55,000 years old,” contin¬ ued the old lady. “That is, I’ve lived on this earth that long.” The old man said be was an old soldier, and was wounded at the battle of Black river bridge in Vir¬ ginia. “When I lay’ wounded on the battlefield,” he said, in tremus lous tones, “the spirit of my wife came to me and revealed herself to me, though it was seventeen years later when I first met her in the tlesh. But I knew her and knew she was the creator of everything.” They were found insane.—Chica¬ go Times. REPTBLICAN DISCONTENT IN ILLINOIS. Although tho Radicals arc doing their utmost to keep it quiet, there is not a doubt hut they are extreme¬ ly dissatisfied with tho political out¬ look in the State of Illinois, Tho farmers of that State have for years been gramblmg over the tariff system which compels them to sell their products in free trade market—-the cheapest in the world—and to buy their necessaries in the dearest.— New Orleans States (Dcm.) Customer (to saloonkeeper)— Dutchy? What Saloonkeeper—A arc you laughing at, fellei young vas choost telling me a coming tunny joke abowid dose goot time veto dot lion and dot lamb dej lie down togedder, but dot lamb vas insile dot lion. Dot vas no tffiesnut. You haf a bcermit me,—New York Sun. •‘Can’t you spare me a little money, papa?”. “How much . - dear?” “Well, I want to of buy enough fash¬ ma¬ terial to make one tiie new ioned bathing suits.” “How much is the stuff a yard?” “Three dollars.” “All right, my dear. Get what what you want. Here i i half a dol¬ lar.’’ Richfield News. ►