Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, August 17, 1888, Image 1

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Jftmklin y Ctotmtj) Rr, kA\ i« Mef $ VOL. XV, ANNOUNCEMEN TS FOR SENATS \Vc are authorized to announce Dr T CJ Underwood as a candidate for Senator from the 31st Senatorial dis biet of Georgia, at the ensuing elec¬ tion. I hereby announce myselt a candi* ■ Senatorial date for Senator of the 31st, diltrict of Georgia, subjeet to tho decis¬ ion of the voters of Franklin county to be made at the Primary election on the 16th of August 1888. W, R. Lima. for REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby ‘Representative announce myself of a Franklin candi¬ date for election. If county at the ensuing elected I will guard and protect the interests of the people to the best of my ability. W. Sewell. Geo. WOOLHAT. At the solicitation of many voters I horeby announce myself a candidate for re-olection to represent Franklin county in the IIouso obligations of Representatives to the I feel under many former favors people of this county for apd if snccessful in the eusuing elec¬ tion I will guard and protect their interest to the best of my ability. N. A. Fricks announces himself a candidate, at the ensuing election in October next, to represent Franklin county in the House of Representa¬ tive. If elected he will work for what he thinks to be the best inter¬ est of his county and state. FOR ORDINARY. The undersigned candidate hereby for Ordinary announces of himself a anstieing elec¬ Frankliu county at the tion in January next. Should the peo p e deem him woithy apd jnanifpst he it by electing him to such position, will feel truly thankful, and will en¬ deavor to discharge the duties of the same with fidelity and to the best of his anility. Daniel MeKenzie. Fellow Citizens cand — idate I hereby for Ordi¬ an¬ nounce of myself Franklin g county at the nary en sueing election in January next. Be¬ ing a cripple and afflicted iso that I am unable to make a support for my¬ self and family by hard labor, I very earnestly solicit the kind support of juy fellow citizens in this race. If elected I will use my every effort to fill the office with credit to myself and honor to the county, T, Respectfully Stovall. A. Fellow Citizens; I hereby Ordi¬ a» nounce myself a candidate for nary of Franklin county at the ensue ing cnpple election iti afflicted January next. that I Being a and so amun- and able to make a support for myself family solicit the by hard labor, 1 very earnestly fellow kind support of my citizens in this rac6. If elected I will use with my credit' every effort to fill the office the to myself and with honor to county. Respectfully. T. J. Harrison, I respectfully announce myself a can¬ didate for the office of Grdinary of Franklin comity at the ensueihg elec¬ tion In January next. A. 8. Turner. FOR RECEIVER At ihe solicilation of many friends I announce myself a cadidatc for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns of JJ ranklin county at the ensueing elec¬ tion. Being a cripple and uuablc to perforin manue! labor by which I can make a reasonable support for myself and family, 1 very humbly ask the vo¬ ters .ot the county for their aid. ' . Jesse lULecroy. hyingfoi* Having become unable to make fqrm a myself und family on the because of my ? deeiepitude, v I respectfully announce, the office - my name ap a candidate Candida for of Tax Receiver, at the elec lion ia Jnauary next, As to my i veracity, would responsibility and qualification ln Gunnels.,or refer to Stranges »ny responsible district man tint *nay know m*. I respectfully solicit “® support oi the peopio «t this lime ..c W.H.SJinp dJ.'rvr'BSs,- myself a candi er, . and hope ,0 enough elect of my friends will vote for me me ; J, F. Ledbetter. I announce myself as ft candidate * or Tax Receiver of Franklin coun at the Jan nary Sy. election. A. Landbvn. OUR MOTTO l INDUSTRY, ECONOMY AND MBtSEVERANOE. I hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for Tax Receiver of Franklin county at the ensueing election. If elected, 1 will discharge the duties of the office promptly and faithfully. T. W. Aaron. I hereby annoppep myself a can¬ didate _ for Tax Receiver of Frank¬ lin county at the Janury election. If elected, I will discharge the duties of the office promptly and faithfully. S. A. Porter. FOR SHERIFF, We nr* authorized to announpe the name of J. C. McCarter ns a candidate for Sheriff of Franklin county at the January oection. With many thanks to the citizens of Franklin county tor then hearty support intbe past, I again sheriff. annouce I my of name as a candidate for hear some who obj ect to me because I arrest men and put them in jail. If a man com¬ mits a crime and is so low in the estima¬ tion of his neighbors give bond, and is fellow it right men that be cannot to let that man run at lame and still im¬ pose upon society? when I have a warrant in my pocket oath and for have his arrest, given and have taken an a ten thousand dollar bond that I will faithfuly execute all warrants placed in my hands? Some others object to me be¬ cause I col lect my cost. Where is the man who the can sheriffs support office a family,and it ought attend and-give to his cost? as I cannot. to bo, the people away of tho county ought to What and I believe interested have are most in is a good officer who will faithfuly discharge? he duties of his office. Please examine mv record as an officer, and if it is not a good onp don't vpte for me as I make the, rate on my record as an officer. I am better qualified to fill the office, than when first elected, and it re-elected, I hope to be able to make abetter officer in the future than m the past. y Respectfully J. C. McConnell. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. „ 1 hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Franklin County. L. J. Green. I hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for the office of T ax Collector of Franklin county at the ensueing election in January 1889. W. E. Bowers. I hereby announce myself of Frank¬ as a candidate for Tax Collector lin county at the January election in 1889. Robert M. Walters. FOR CLERK. To the voters of Franklin county. I hereDi announce myself as a Candida e ftw Herk of the Superior Court of Pmiklin county, at U* 'WSJ , the SSa.V—1.7 FOR TREASURER. of BTanklin county for °their hearty aifs Thomas 0. Burton, TABULAR STATEMENT OF'THE VOTE IN EACH MaLOTA DISTRICT. Cai-nesville,. Dooley's siiouauo W U, Wolf to Guui Briants P ciT g J r a a. o g* S x r4 - 'JQ 5 5 a <—«* ■ D Pit U°XI = Log % o Democratic Nominees 3 _ a AVO S' 8 3 I E a 32030 28114 85 91 51 38 98 64 122 69 55 W. R. UNDERWOOD LITTLE 121 21 12 h0 17 18 39 62 44 33 60 8 3 T. G. McConnell. -l 86 47 20.31 73 : 45 W# SO 26 j. c. 20 Bfi 46 57 92 69 68 80 08 O QO 27 J. C. McCAIlTEK. L ttte’s vote in the county "T Underwood’s *' oo McL'onneU’a Little’s marjorityt^ in the county O* voto QD McCarter's majontyjy « . 93 McCowwU’i CARNESVILLE, GA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1888. OVER-ZEALOUS PROHI’S WHO AltE INJURING TIIK CAUSE OF PROIIIBIFION IN THIS AND OTHER COUNTIES. Under ordinary circumstances we think it is a mischievous practice for country papers to take sides for or against county candidates of the same political faith. For the reason that it mignt bavo seemed that we vvese paitisan in the Senatorial cams paign which closed on yesterday, wo refrained irom referring to the po¬ litical aspect recently developed by a few prohibitionists in this county. The senior editor of this paper was an active prohibitionist long ago when, it was unpopular to be one, and when most of our over zealous friends were dumb as oysters, and some of them were on the other side, and wt hope to enjoy immunity from the cant phrazo “not a prohi¬ bitionist at heart,” which has grown into common use recently. We would be glad to see the man¬ ufacture and sale of liquors, as a beverago, swept from the earth, but wc will oppose to the utmost, all effort at further general legislation upon the temperanoe movement at present. The sensible, conservative prohibition element in this State, to which wo owe our victories, oppose it. We look upon a state prohibi¬ tion law, as a sort of a wild cat ex perinient, doubtful and dangerous. In #ur opinion, it is a movement led by fanatics,and by politicians who are scekiogtheir own political prefer¬ ment.!!-." We expect to discuss the subject at some length in the future, but can only say now, that there aye men in this county, who understand the subject aud the people, much better than those at the helm of State pro¬ hibition, who arc equally honest, and who see in State prohibition nothing but disaster to temperance cause. With the best of feelings for those With whom we disagree, and with no object in view but the advance¬ ment of the cause of tcmpeianee, we assure our over-zealous friends, that they are giving prohibition the most fatal stabs it has ever received in this county; r They + ? rnip : (hyiding 'if ■ weak the supporters of , prohibition, oning the temperance. .cause- and without intending it. tg*y ar^ addend, opmfprt the f V. i Gun caps atG. S. PhiUips’ ^ ^ a g # Phillips' primary ELECTION The primary election on yester¬ day was well attended, the vote reached the number usually polled at the fall elections. The day passed off quietly here and the ut most good humor prevailed. will be seen by the returns publiahs ed elsewhere, W. R. little was ses lected as the choice of the county for senator by a large majority. J. C, McConnell, candidate for Sheriff, carried the county by v much smaller majority, $is oppo¬ nent is a very popular man, but it js practioably impossible to defeat a man who has filled the office as acceptably as McConnell has, and who has held it only a short time. In another column will be found the full vote of each Malitia district of the county. The campaign, and the election was unusually fair bo far as we are informed, and as matter of course the entire people of the county and district will give Mr Little their hearty support, and Mr. McConnell will be endorsed,by the solid vote of the. county in January. We are glad it is over, os it will save both and the people and the candidates much wory. DEATH OF JACOB KING. Jacob King, an old and respected citizen 1 died on Tuesday nignt.' He was recovering from a long and severe attack or typhoid, or typho malarial fever, and relapsed, it is supposed, from injudicious dieting. Mr. King had liyed in the county on’-y a few years, but he had made many friends and was held iu high esteem by all his acquaintances. In chronicling the death of citizens who have fallen by the way, wo have'often said U A nun is gone” but have never written it with a fuller consciousness of its truth, than when we say of Jacob King, A good man is gone. CITATION. GEORGIA Franklin County, All persons interested good are hereby be not$ed that:if no-, cause shown to the contrary an order will ^ M by thfl undersigned, on ah* ftfcdpfcemher cuHjyAhOcro^i.eoaHnissioners ap ville roact running thence the tlefiierit irt/ad : bv gift " the’ residence ,W MW Duncan the Jeffersoq,:” Jeffiersim, road; 1 crossing road and with new cut road leading from WilbornV to Iiovstoii. This 14th 1888.'' ; L. N. Tribble Ord. THE NOMINEES. Official Election Returns from Every Precinct in the County. Little} for senator By an Overwhelming Majority. The Race For Sheriff is Close But Ends in a Victory for J. O. McConnell. Carnes villo district pollod a big vote yesterday. The candidates for Senator worked all day with energy hard excel. The candidates for Sheriff were more liko sweethearts than opposing candidates for a pay* ing office. The day passed off quiot ly, without a ripple ot dissatisfaction from any source. Tho following is the official count of tho votes pollod at this precinct: Little 320 Underwood 121 Little’s majority 208 McConnell to O McCarter iz CW McConnell’s majority 42 TEACHERS TAKE NOTICE. The first Saturday iu September has been set for the organization of a teachers Association m this county All white teachers male and female, are cordially invited to attend. They will meet in the Court.House in Gainesville at 10 o’clock a. n\. CITATION. Georgia Franklin County. To all whom it may concern, John Watkins and H. W. Homphill admin¬ istrators of David G. Watkins, dec’d, lias in due form applied to the under 1 * signed for leave to sell tho lands be¬ longing to the estaro of suid dec’d and said application will be hoard on tho first Mondry in August next. This July 2nd 1888. L. N. Tribble Ord. .--mIE iMIM - ---- NOTICE-AGENTS SALE. Will bo sold before the court house door iq the town of Carnes ville, Franklin county Goo. within the legal horns of sale on Tuesday the 4th day of September 1888, the following tract of land belonging Fowler, dec, to the estate of George D. lying on the waters ot Hudson riVer, adjoining lauds ot L, S. & J. B. Mc Whirter and others. About 40 acres in orignal forest 40 aci es in cultiva¬ tion and balance in old pine field and pasture. Said tract containing the 164 acres more or less. Sold as property of the estate of George D. Fowler, deceased, for the benefit of heirs. Terms ten per cent, on day ot sale, balance 15th of November with note and bond given for tile on dy of sale. Any person wish ing t > lscttie land or plat of same vril cal on either of the undersigned July 25th at Fort Lamar, Ga.—This 1888. R, M. Carruth, J. B. McWhirter. Agents Estate of George D Fowler ‘ deceased. CITATION. GEORGIA Franklin Coun ty •To all whom it may concern; Thos. M. Coffee has in due form applied to the undersigned administration for per— mauent letters of on the estate of John M. Coffee, late oi said county, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday iu September 1888. Given uuder my hand and signa¬ ture. This July 31st 1888. L. N. Tribble Ord. 4u When you want tin ware call on G. Phillips, NO. 3 THE REGISTER- 1 "tL 11 * Official Orgsn of Franklin County. J.S DOR1CH, 4 Editors & Edw F McQOWAN, • Propr’tors TOWN & COUNTY Let us havo peace. Mrs. J. P. Adair, who ha.- been sick with fovot is improving. Mrs J W and Miss Ida Crump who have been very sick are mend¬ ing. Hon. B. F. Camp has returned from Athens whore ho went to rep¬ resent this county in tho Congresa al Convention. A grand walking match will take place in Athens on tho 23rd inst. Those of our citizens who take an interost in such matters will fino thesa races worth seeing. Messrs. Jefferson and Richard Boggs of South Oarolina, spent a few clays in Carnesvlllo last week. Miss Kate Childs is spending a fow days with friends in Hart county. Candidates announce youiselves! Lot tho “dear people” know to what officovou aspire. Weave sorry to leain that Dr. Kefohersid is quite ill at his homo near Martin. The protracted meeting at Indian Greek Las assumed the proportions of a revival, Several ascensions to the church have rosulted, Miss Lizzie Looney, a charming young lady of Toccoa, is visiting friends and relatives in Carnesville, Notice tho announcement of R. M. WaHers in this issue. Mr. Wal¬ ters is a young man of fine qualifi¬ cations, and if elected, will make a good Collector. ^ The crops in Wolfpit, Gmnlog and Bryants districts, were looking very fino a few days ago. Fouster Roach (better known as uncle Foxey) who is 88 yeats old, has made a full ban d iu tho crop this year. He has been engaged in clear¬ ing wood-lands since laying by Iris crop, and walked six miles to depos¬ it bis vote in tho primary election on Thursday. A change has been made in the mail route from Harmony Grove to Clieap^Banks county. Walnut Hill has been made the end of the route. It now leaves Har¬ mony Grove twice a week. Ashland onr new post office, has been added to this route, which is a great con¬ venience to the people of that neigh¬ borhood. We the night on Tuesday last in a house in Gumlog district now occupied by W. II. Whitworth which was built in thecar.y part of the present century by Joseph Chandler. Part of the old weather boarding still remains. It is of oak, split with a wedge and froe, and dressed, and boarded. W here the ads of tli e planks c ome together, they are beveled about two inches and the joints of some of them are still almost water tight. •wr'.Uon ri t loose time making jelly when you can buy it cheaper than you can make it. Only 10 c ts a glass at Phillips’. C L Mize will deliver ;ho Domes tic ing Sewing buy, Machine to parties wish¬ to at any point in this county. BUcTDew Drop toilet soap, the finest iu town at Phillips’,