Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, August 21, 1888, Image 1

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I LI f W ffcnklin j f X § otmt® r £mi§tet. y 1 V OL. XV, 'iSNOUNCEM ENTS for SENATS I I f e are authorized to announce candidate foi Dr I f G. Underwood as 31st a Senatorial dis I Set Senator from the of Georgia, at the ensuing elec | I tiem. announced myself as a I Having for the Senate subject to candidate of the voters of Franklin i idecision primary election, and C ounty, at a tie voters of Franklin county hav¬ ing selected me as their choice by a luge majority in a full and fair vote #t a primary election on the I6th of August, I now announce from myself the 81st as a candidate for Senator Senatorial district -)S Georgia at the' ensuing election. W. R. Little for representative. I hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for Representative jof Franklin county at the ensuing election. If elected 1 will guard and protect the interest# of the people to the best of By ability. w «j.,. (j0 „ °. w r _ rr • WOOL HA1. . _ At the solicitation of many voters I hareby announce myself a candidate for re-election to represent Franklin county in the Houso obligations of Representatives to the I feel under many J 1 n I will guard and protect their tl0 ‘ wst to the best of my ability. lntw Respec’t Jas. AHmison. * N A F announces himself a sfej* is J ’iuUSV S w tail" Ut what h* thinks to be . wt of his county and stav v* FOB ORDINARY. The undersigned hereby .announces dinary of himself a candidate for O i elec¬ Frankliu county at the ansue vr*g tte tion in January next. Should iifest peo- it p e deem him worthy and inai he by #lecting him to tuch and positi ouj will feel truly thankful, W in en¬ deavor to discharge the duties of-the #am» with fidelity and to the bc-$t of hu ability. DvidifcKMm.. Fellow Citizens — I hereby C an nounco myself a candidate for nary of Franklin county at the en mss -rfe am unable to make a support for my self and family by hard labor, l N« r y earnestly solicit the kind support of If my fellow citizens in this race. elected I will use my every effort *o fill the office with credit to inyself and honor to the county. Respectfully Stovall. T. A, Fellow Citizens: I hereby_ for Ordi¬ an¬ nounce myself a candidate nary of Franklin county at the ensue ihg election in January next. Being a cripple and afflicted so that I amun able to make a support for myself earnestly and family olicit the by hard kind labor, support I very of my fellow % in this If elected I will c j tl vena race. office use my every effort to fill the with i "edit to myself and with honor Franklin county ’ the ensueibg elec¬ tion in January n «*• A# 8# Tubhm . ’ FOB E®CE1V. xr „ r^' . ut , / T ■At the solicitation of m llt announce myself a cadio ^ in L°J. { office of Receiver of Tax ^ Franklm county at the ensu * l0 tion. Being a cripple and . , can perform manue! labor by whi v « make a reasonable support for . -) and family, 1 very humbly ask tl w tera of the county for their aid. Jesse B. Lecroy ■Having livingfor become and unable family on to tbo ma. * because myself deciepitude, l respecUWO of «y candidate announce my name as a th the office of Tax Receiver, at ® e ^. ttar.-atsrg&S due I hereby Tar hnnounce Bicni'N, mrselfa cand^ for "if! iS-ShT vo , e f or mo tfasi" 5 ’ I announce myself of a# * rank* * 13 couB ‘ for Tax Receiver Vy althaJumiryie^^ OUK MOTTO i INDUSTRY, ECONOMY AND rmSEYKKANGB. I hereby announce myself a ca pro di date for Tax Receiver of Fran lin county at the ensueing election. If elected, I will discharge the duties of the office promptly and faithfully. T. W. Aaron, I hereby announce myself a can¬ didate for Tax Receiver of Frank¬ lin county at the Janary election. If of elected, the I will discharge the faithfully. duties office promptly and S. A, Porter, I hereby snnounce myself a can¬ didate for Tax Redeyer of Franklin count y at ice January election. L. K. Burruss, FOR SHERIFF, We ar« authorized to announce the na me of J, 0, McCarter as a candidate for SlieiiIT of Franklin connly at the January e-ection. Having by mutual agreement be¬ tween myself and my lion, opponent a* candidates for Sheriff submited m y name to the voters of tbo connty ir. the election held on the 16th of Augnst 1888 to nominate a candidate for Senator and having of been the en dorsed by id a election majority I wish to votes cast at ga express my V thanks to my supporters and to ^ BU pport of the people in the ICR TAX CCELECTOR. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Franklin County. L. J. Green. ; by announce myself a candi¬ date for the office of l ax Collector of Franklin county at the ensuemg election in January 1889. W. E. Bowers. I ,* Ik *veby announce myself of Frank- as a candidate. ter Tax Collector election lin county at ♦tie January U, Walters. i. * in 1889. Roisert. FOR CLERK. To the voters of Franklin county: . sfaffTfi-aSs? at the ensneing p ra «klin county, January next, ir yo' in will perform the will elect mol u c elected. I J j. M. Phillips. - m r —■ ■—— FOR TREASURER, With many thanks to the citizens 0 f Franklin county for their hearty *| j n t }j C pas t J again Treasurer announce elf 8 candidate for If elected I will discharge the duties of the office promptly and faithfully. Thomas C. Burton. PROFESSIONAL NOTICES A. G* McCnrry {?• PJ >r oflU Hartwell, Ga f OarnesyiUeGn, McCURRY & PROFFITT. Attorneys at Law. and Hartwell. ___ PHILLIP W. DAVIS. Attorney at Law, Elbcrton, «»• Will Shorn practice in ail the cour o circuit and in a ?rcuit n C U Supreme and Sd and also m the attention Stales courts. Prompt entrusted with given to all business him. W. I. PIKE. A ttorney at Law, Jcffenon, Ga cial contract. A. N. KING. at Law, Caruesville, Ga. Attorney House. Office in the Court J. S- DORTCn Attorney at Law, Carnesville, G* Office in theCourtHouse. J. B. PARKS. Attorney at Law, Carnesville, Fa. Tromp) attention given f° **1 busmevs entrusted with him, CARNESVILLE, GA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1383. tabular statement of .tiie,vote in each malitia district. Democratic Nominee# S. I m SI Dooley’s siiomm** CO I E < ►*) *— Byrams Pit Wolf Hollow Red Big Smiths I i © riant* B £ i I ? 8 * 7 < B 329 80 28 114 86 91 __ W. U. LITTLE m 61 38 98 64 122 69 56 T. G. UNDERWOOD 21 12 101718 39 62 44 38 GO 3 3 j. c. McConnell, 249 K5 37 88 47 20 31 41 CO Oi 115 CO O 26 j. c. McCarter. 205 kO 3 46 57 02 69 54 to O 70 CO JO 27 Lttle’s vote in tbo county 1280 Underwood’s 404 Little’s marjoritytST 816 McConnell’s vote in the county 927 McCarter's « “ 829 McConnell’s majority!!^ 98 THE REGISTER. Official Organ of Franklin County. J.S DOR fCM, i Editors Sc Edw.F McdOWAN, I Propr'tors 2 TOWN & COUNTY An unusually large congregation attended camp meeting on Sunday. Thanks to Mvia Julia Banks for a 42 pound water-melon. Waterproof gun caps at Phillips’ Read the announcement of D t. L. K. Burruss candidate for Tax Receiver. Dr. Burruss has first class business qualifications and there is no man in the county who can fill the office more acceptably than be |@rDew Drop toilet soap, the finest in tow a at Phillips’. It is time now to start the usual f , find slandeung reports on . • We have already heard Infidel in the field. Remember thattbe first Saf^V in September is the day set to ex» amine applicants for a scholarship the Technological school of Geor in G. D. gun caps at Eveiy live white teacher in the is expected to meet in Car n.esvi 1, e on the first Saturday in September to form a teachers asso eiation, Clarke The colored people of cou nty have a legislative candidate in the field. The Eagle Potash makes pure soap 20 minutes, without boiling. In m nickel cans, at Phillips • Rev. P. F. Crawford and family have returned from a visit to Harris county. Tiie vote polled on Thursday last at the primary election was larger than the vote usually polled at the fall elections. As some of our readers may not have seen the ex» tra edition of the Register issued on Friday, wo reprint the table, giv¬ ing the result in each precinct. f#gF*Don’t loose time making jelly when you can buy it cheaper than you can m*keit Only 10cts , a glass at Phillips’. About 1200 worth ot lumber was burned on G. L: K'nes place last It was far from any house or place from which fire coaid have caught t>, accideot md « J* “SS WL - Terrcli ‘ THE NEW DISTRICT. Editors Register—It was tho pleas ure of your correspondent to mix and mingle with the clever people of Middle River district on the 15 th instant. I say clever, but that docs not give them justice. I havo trav¬ elled considerably in my life, but I never met a more whole-souled, ur¬ bane people. It was my pleasure to/ meet with Mi. W. D. Bonds one of the old land marks of that district Mr. B. is about 70 years of age, bill bale and hearty and able to do as much work ns any voting raan’in tupt section. When he undertakes /to count'his sons-in-law he stops at fen and then counts three sOns Besides raising ten daughters and three wns of li is own, he has raised six or e/gbt belonging to some one else, B. has given of his each children and has one plenty hundred lef acres land t. Is there another man in Franklin county that can count tcA son in-laws, if so rack him out, and let us hear from him through th e Raois ter, I met, also Mr. W iu Roach, J W Jlalcy, Mr Jot dan, Phillips, and Others whose names 1 fail ti /emem» ber. Mr. Roach is one of Abe many good farmers of tint section and has one of the prettiest Iocayons in that section cf country. r Haley is also pleasantly situatedJand a jolly good fellow. I I learned that Mr. j John Bonds and wife has a baby /daughter that has six grand-fath and seven grand-mothers T4 my regret I failed io see that baby. Now Mr. Editor n there i« anoth¬ er baby in Frankliy county that can count so many grandfathers and mothers, let us hear from it through the Register. Fearing my letter is getting too lengthy I will close. (itr. Itch, mange, and scratches of every kind on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolfords Sanitary Lotion. This never fails For sale by Dr. J. R Tucker, Cars uesville, Ga. The Rev- Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, lad., says, “Beth myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh s Consumption Cure. Sold by J R. Tucker, Caroesville, A. R, Jones Layonia, Are ou ma(lt by luSi o.Apuatiu.V.UowShW A. R, Jones Lavonrn Ga, IN MEMORIAM. The church at Indian Crick in Conference. Iu view of the rffiicfcion with which divine providence has visis ted us in the loss o? our venerable brother, Rev. Hemy Wood, we the members of this church do adopt the following resolutions, *s an ex¬ pression of our feelings on this mournful occasion: Resolved, That wc sincerely and deeply deplore the calamity which has befallen our community in the decease of this venerable minister of Christ. Hesolved, That we tender our cor¬ dial sympathy to the family of Uro Wood, and we mourn their loss as oui loss, Resolved, that os a testimony of respect and esteem we entertain for the character of our departed broth-, er, we respectfully request the Franklin County Register and Bap‘> tist Bun to publish the foregoing resolutions. Resolved. That the foregoing resolutions be spread upon the min¬ utes of our church, and that a copy be furnished the family of Bro. Wood. Adopted by the church in Conference, Auguest Uth 1888. » V. T. Burgess, Mod. U. M. Hamilton, Clk. ASHLAND DOTS. ) *#' r . A stranger has just arrrived at the residence of Mr. J L Parks, its a boy and Mr Parks is happy. The school of Miss' Sally Looney at this place, is aot so large as it has been, owing to mumps and protract-^ ed meetings. The meeting at Indian Creek has closed with good results, so we learn. The citizens of Ashland section and Bold Spring section, met, near the residence of J F Shannon on the 16th inst, to arrange to build a new school house consolidating the school at Ebenezer and Bold Springs. Near ($200) two hundred dollars was made np, and a commodious will soon be erected. / Occasionaly we see a candidate passing through this section. Come alisac gentlemen you have some brethren in this section. Mr W T.Dooly and family who have been absent from home for some time, have returned, glad to see you back Bud. More anen. Vex:. Why will you cough when SbilohV Oure will give immediate relief. Price 10cts^ 50ct»., and 81 at J. B. Tucker’a Gainesville Ga., and A, R Jones Layonia Ga. NO. 32 MARTIN LOCALS^ Eds. Register—T he crops te th*s section are suffering for rains. Cot¬ ton is shedding its forms fed. I. W. Randall and wife arrived «t\ homo last Tuesday from Mr. Randall eamo home with fem— remitaint fever. He does not like .diknnsas and Mississippi much, but (ikes Texas very wolf. T ho oleot ion passed of quietly on the Kith. This disti.ot generally givos a majority for the candidate that is always elected in connty clcos tions. Somo fodder is being’pullcd in this section, Cotton is opening some. JJ Fietch Gilboi, brings tho best aruK largest watermolons to Martin, * has raised loads of thorn this year. Ho hauled four loads from lus patch in one week, averaging about 83 per load. Mitohell & Loony have about got -heir gin completed. They have h »d t overhauled by W. II. Blanchard of Gainesville. IIo has raado them two now gins out of two old ones, ho guarantees them to bo hr good ns new. The W. H. Blanchard gin sharpener is superior to any wo have soon, liis work is commendable to the public. lie is the lltvcnto'r of Ills machteo sharpener. 'n V T. \V. Mitohell and John Mills got thrown from a wagon on Wodnos* day night. Mi. Mitohell got his Ins-arm broke and Mr. Mills hia tmkla spraned. The*meeting at Clarkes Creek is still iu urogrese. They have been wed supplied with ministers, tfc-y have hud a very «’•« ■r.Rfeetlng, sev* oral joining. — Meetiug al Confidence closed last Wednesday night after a series of several day# meeting. Seveial ad ditions to the church. The colored population have all emigrated (o Aliens ! rom this sectio.i. Ptolracfced meatiugs have been ihe go in this section for about six weeks. Wo ought to have lots of good religious people from the in* ,crest they seem to mp'iifest by go¬ ing to the meet'ag day an:l night. Dr. J. D. Ketcfiersid lias been quito sick for several days, but he is able to ride and wait upon the to-day. “Subscriber7 T CHANGE IN THE ANNOUNCE¬ i MENTS. W • call attention to the ehangi m the announcement of W. R, Lit¬ tle, candidate for Senator from the 31st S3notorial district. \ Wo also ca’l attention to the change in the announcement of J. y. McConnell, candidate for Sheriff. We suppose the opposing can¬ didates, Messrs. Underwood anl McCarter, desire their ’aiiftounec jnente withdrawn, but as we have heard uothiug fnm them on the subject wc allow then, to remain this week. We do not wish to keep them before the people as candidates when they are not, and will take out their announcements after tnis week, unless directed otherwise. When you want tin ware call on G. 8. Phillips. C L Mize will deliver .he Domes tic ing Sewing bay, Machine to point parties in wish* this to at any county. The Eagie nickcj ^Potash makes hard water sost end washing easy. One can for 5 cents, at Phillip^,