Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, August 28, 1888, Image 1

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I y W ranklin €: u nt jj ftenigtof, A I VOL XV, Enounce ments. FOR8ENAT1, / Having announced myself as a candidate for the Senate subject to idecission of the voters of Franklin county, at of a Franklin primary election, county hav- and the selected voters their choice by itsg me as a luge majority in a full and fair vote st a primary election on the I6th of August, 1 now announce from myself the 31st as a candidate for Senator Senatorial election. district of Georgia W. R. Little at the ensuing FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby Representative announce myself of a Franklin candi¬ date for the election. county at ensuing If elected I will of the guard people and to the protect best the of interests my ability. W. Geo. Sewell. WOOL HAT. At the solicitation of many voters 1 hsrtby announce myself a candidate for re-alection to represent Franklin county in the Houso obligations of Representatives the I feel under many to people of this county for former favors and if successful m the ensuing elec¬ tion I will guard and protect their interest Respec’t to the. best of my AHmison. ability. Jas. N. A. Fricks announces himself a candidate, at the ensuing election in October next, to represent Franklin county in tbs House : of Representa¬ tive. If elected he will work for what he thinks to be the best inter¬ est of his county and state. FO|t ordinary., , himself The undersigned candidate hereby fOr Ordinary announces of a Fitihkiiu county at the an$ueing eleo tion deem in January him worthy next. arid Should manifest the pea- it pe electing him to such by truly thankful, and mil will It el of em deavor to discharge the duties the same with fidelity SdiHJUcKeuzie. am? to the best of • Fellow Citizens — I hereby forOrdi- an Bounce myself Frankliri a candidate at the nary of county’ en luring election in January next. Be ing a cripple audafflicted so that I am unable to mate a eupporltor my self and family by hard labor, I very earnestly solicit citizens the. kii.d support If iuy fellow in this race, elected I will nse my every effort to fill He office With credit to myself and honor to the county, Jtpppeptfujiy Stovall, T, A. Fellow Citizens: I hereby Ordi¬ an¬ nounce myself a candidate for nary ing of Franklin county at the ensue¬ election in January next. Being able a cripple and afflicted so that myself I amun- and to make a support for family •elicit the by hard labor, I very earnestly fellow citizens kind support of my will in this race. If elected I use my every effort to fill the office with credit to myself and with honor to the county. Respectfully. T. J. Habbtsonj I respectfully announce myself a can¬ didate for the office of Ordinary of Franklin county* at the ensueilig elec¬ tion in January next. A. K. Turner. At FOR R^RIVKB friends 1 the solicitation of many announce myself a cadidate for the office of Receiver of*Tax Returns of Franklm county at the ensueing elec¬ tion. Being a cripple and unable to perform manue! labor by which I can make a reasonable support for myself and family , l very humbly ask the vo¬ ters of thc county for their aid. Having _ Jesse R. Lecroy. make hvingfor become unable to farm a myself and family on the because of my deci epitude, I respectfully announce my name as a candidate for the office ol Tax Receiver, at the elec tion in Jnanary next. As to my yefacity,responsibility and qualifiCfttipri s Way know me. .1 lespecUnlly sohcit fi® support 01 tlie peopto at this time .V W.H.Bioih candi I hereby announce myself a date for Tax Receiver, and hope enough of my lends will vote for me 1« elect me. J. P-. Ledbetter. I announce myself as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Franklin c° un * tj at the Jamtary^eiectiou. A. Landrum. date I hereby for Tax aim Receiver ounce myself of branklin ca “^ county at the enaueiug ♦•lection. elected, 1 will discharge tfcc duties of the office j»p n.ptly and failbfnflJ* T. W. Autox. OUK MOTTOi INDUSTRY, ECONOMY AND PERSEVERANCE. I hereby announce myself a d idate for Tax Receiver of Frank¬ lin county at the Janury election. elected, I will discharge the duties of the office promptly and faithfully. S. A. Porter. I hereby announce myself a can¬ didate for Tax Reciever of Franklin county at the January election. L. K, Burruss •k. FOR SHERIFF, Having by mutual agreement be¬ tween myself and my lion, opponent as candidates for Sheriff submited my name to the voters of the county ir. the election held on the 16th of for Angnst 1888 to nominate a candidate dorsed Senator by and majority having of been the en¬ a votes oast at said election I wish to express my thanks to my supporters and to ask the support ot the people in the J, C. McConnell X 11 TAX CimtTCH. 1 hereby re-election aLnonnce myself a candi¬ of date ior to the office Tax Collector of Franklin County. L. J. Green. I.hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for the office of Tax Collector Franklin county at 1889. the ensueing election in January W. E. Bowers. I hereby announce myself of Frank¬ as a candidate for Tax Collector lin county at the January election in 1889. Robert M. Walters. i*- FOR CLERK. To the voters of Franklin county: I hereDj announce myself ns a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin county, at the enstteing in January next. If you will elect me I will perform the duties of iheofiice promptly, and in a sty!' that *Ul be creditable yourW^m. ^ M Moringto be I ™».m; yvitl* many thanks to the peepte I J?er<- of p ran klin county for past favors L announce myself a candidate for clerk of the Superior Court. Is elected 1 wil/do hiunble ail that iiVt can ity be keep accomplished toe by my to «ce n good condition. ^ _____ FOR TREASURER. With many thanks to the citizens of FyankuP epppty fpr their hearty support in the past 1 again Treasurer announce myself a candidate tor duties If elected I will discharge the of the office promptly and faithfully. Thomas C. Burton. PROFESSIONAL NOTICES A. G, McCnrry > \ P. PJProffit Hartwell, Ga. ** OarnesyilleGa, McCURRY & PROFFITT. Attorneys at Law. Will cive prompt attention to collec¬ ssisfifessnSS tions and litigated-causes both crvUand ‘ Office nd, t^«iS 2 !S-oS 3 rC and JElartwelL FRlLliPt-W. DAVIS. CuO ■^i^jjjtag^cpunties ofrcEnd.also m the in Supreme the Western and United States couats. Prompt attentio giyen to All business entrusted with givi . him. — r I. * t>TKF , .. ,,W. ’ r a Homey at Law, Jefferson, u • sajrf-u Western emu & centra 55=* Qffioe in tbe Conrt Honse * 1 J. S- DORTCH, at Law, Carnesville, G* Attorney Honse. Office in the Court J. B. PARKS. at Law, Csrnctrilb, F» Attorney «lt liusmew Frornpl sttea'mu gi' eu ntru-»ted with him. e CARNESVILLE, GA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, | j j 3 . To the People of BYanklin Oountv This Space will be filled bij AteCOJfNELL $ BRO. next week. Be sure You read their LOW PRICES ON SUMMER GOODS . Also Pay Special attention to their LOW.PRICES On a Magnificent Line of Fall and Winter Goods. Ladies are urgently invited to call aud ace this elegant line of winter goods that wili arrive in the next fow weeks. Look out for their big advertisement noxt. McConnell & brother. Carnesville, Georgia, THE REGISTER. Official Organ of Franklin County. J.S DOR PCS, Editors & Edw f mcgowan, Propr’tors Hon. A. G. McCurry of Ilartwcll was in .Carnesville last wook. Mr. J. E. llerndon of Elberton spent yesterday in town. Waterproof gun caps at Phillips’ Prof. Quincy Williford is visiting at his old home in Madison county. T. A. Little of Harmony Grove spent a few days in Cardesville last, week. flgpDew Drop toilet soap, the finest in town at Philips'. Prof. J. F. Tabor has closed the spring session of his school at Mill¬ et ay Academy. y We call the attention of our road* era to thn card In this issue from J. R. Ivie, announcing himself a can¬ didate for Ihe Stewardship of the County poor houso. We Issue a half sheet this week, as our type setter was absent last week on business. The Ella Gary Writing Class of Carnesville was organized last night in the Court house, Miss Gary is well up in the art of teaching pen¬ manship and will give satisfaction. jfiffftDon’t loose time making jelly when you can buy it cheaper “XT” SuE? MT mtS a glass at Phillips. Miss Georgia Herndon, one of , Elbertons most attractive ladios, who has spent several weeks in Carnesville, leaves for her home t0 <1<iy ‘ ft Misses Bessie and Belle „ „ Conger left on yesterday to attend the Lucy Cobb Institnte. Miss Bessie will take* position as teacher in tho public schcols of Athens, while Miss Belle will enter upon her second term at the Lucy Cobb. It turns oul that the Supposed incendiary fires in the neighborhood of Red Hill, were kindled by a little boy who lighted them just to see the nlaze and did not know he was doing wrong. L. J. McConnell is in the Gate City this week baying a stock ot fall and winter goods. He will tok e inib o attractions at Piedmont „!auq s a before his return. ! ' The young people of our town en 'joyed a most delightful social gath¬ ering at the residence of Mr. L. J, ‘.McConnell, on Thursday night. Our devil was out of town 8nd no : w wears a long face because he wasn’t on hand. The Eagle Potash makes pure soap 20 minutes, without boiling. In , n Phillips’ nickel cans, at (J. I), gun cap* at G, S. Pnillips The quarterly meeting lor this circuit was held at Carnesville on Saturday and Sunday. For several Says past, the weather has been very pleasant. The nights are cool and bracing and the days are pleasant* Miss Ella Gary one of the most accomplished yojing ladios in N. 3£. Georgia is in Carnesville. Miss Gary has no superior as an instructor m penmanship. !%e lias organized a large class here and is giving en¬ tire satisfaction. W 04 JB McEatire carry the best line of shoes of any faouss in the place. They hnye some of the very best home made shoes down to the very cheapest, The man who can’t see danger in the new Baptist church, has le. l s Mian half an eye. It may not tall years, bqt the walls may bulge out, and the whole structure go down'at any time. Just a little labor and expense in securing the walls by wooden or iron girders would make it secure. Mr. Armistead, the minister who has preached at West BowersviUe, Hartwell, Elberton, Harmony Grove and other places in this part of the state within the last year, has recently joined the .Methodist church and will preach at the Methodist church here at Carnesville on Wednesday night Buy your flavoring, such as vanilla lemon, cloves, spies, ginger, etc., from Phillips. M— ta* an*. Minnie Barber two of Harmony Grove’s most • bt and f a8C i n ating young ladies, t v j fl ,ti n g thoir cousin Willie May their visit lie a pleas ono Poplar Springs campground was'' mcorporat0(J in 1831. Thomas ' j R Nelson Osborn are an( ev . q{ thc trustees to which the • ^ m gde. Mrs. Joo. W. P u . n, was a small girl ^ ^ the firit cam p meeting held and has attended every wao bmg period . attendance and she is babl th0 on i y person living who her attendance back to ^ first meeting. Why will >ou cough when are will give immediate relic!; ricelOels., 50cts., and 81 at J. It* Tucker’s Carnesville Ga., and A, R. Jones Lavenia Ga. • • 1 and scratches of ! Itch, m,mge, animals etery kiad on humaa or cured in 30 minutes by Woolfords Sanitary Lotion. This never fails For sale by l>r. J. R. Tucker, Cars nesville, Ga When yon want lin ware call (i S. Phillips. MARTIN ITEMS. The cotton iu this section is open¬ ing fast. Wo will have somo for market in few days. I. W. Randall is on the itnpiovo. Three balas of new coltou was shipped from Elberton to-day. Fodder pulling is now on*hnnd. Cotton in this section is tolerably good. The protracted meeting at Pleas¬ ant Grove and Liberty Hill have been largely attended and much in¬ terest manifested. It seems that the people are getting better. Wo saw mno candidates pass the tlie other day in route for Liberty Hill, they are generally attending meetings. A W. Westbrook was troated to a watermelon the other day at Mar tin for his integrity. Mnrtin will have two gins this season run in the same house Mernt & Al’en seem to have all the work they do repairing old bng» gras. This section of country seems to bo improving. More new buildings going up, more new buggies and new wagons being drove. The country seems to be in a prosperous condition—if it w in debt. The potato crop is sorry in this section. G W. McBath is in town to day on his bicycle. “Subscriber. ’ CITATION. GEORGIA Franklin Oonnty. All persons interested good are hereby be notified that if no cause shown to the contrary an order will be granted by the undersigned, 1888 on the 15th day of road, September marked (establishing but by tho road a new commissioners as ap¬ jng pointed at the for Gainesville that purpose and commenc- Carnes* rille road runuing thence the set¬ tlement road by the residence of Walton Ginn and Moses Duncan to tti« Jefferson road, crossing said . efferson road and intersecting rith new ent road lending from Mrs Vilborn’s to Roystou. This August \4th 1888. L. N. Tribble Ord. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind., says, “Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh s Consumption Cure. Sold by J R. Tucker. Carnesville, A. R. Jones , jJV niil ” UNCLAIMED LETTERS. Beatson, Mr. C A; Borran, H C; Davis; Miss D D; Glover, Henry (Col); Johns:n, Mr A S; Jalroy Mr; O’kelly, Dr H W; Vincent, Mrs Nancy N; Wilson, Frank; Merck, J. The above mention are in the jM>st office at Carnesville and will lie forwarded to tlie dead letter office unless called for, W.L.McBtlh, As. P. M. NO. 32 FOR. THE STEWARDSHIP. Editors Ees.ster. —As it is com¬ mon to have the names of standing candidates in old Franklin to appear ill the Register, I will hand in my name. And I can truthfully say that I have beeu strongly solicited by some of the voters of the county to declave myself n c undulate for Steward of the Paupers Homo nt the next election. And if I am elected J promise to give bond m the sum required by the Ordinary, to keep the Paupers for one year and to furnish each one with plenty of good bread from flour or meal plenty of meat either Bacon Beef or Pork, Coffee, Sugar, Syrup, Yegatables Tobacco etc,, etc. Also good aud sufficient clothing for their station, and to see that each one change their cloths at least once a week and to keep good fites winter aud look after the sicki Having given genera! satisfaction ill said office for four years 1 feel that I him better able to give satis¬ faction in futuro than I was iu the past. Oliedtantly MM J. It. Ivie. NOTICE TO WHITE TEACHERS The white teachers of Franklin c unity will niectat the court-house in Carnesville at 10 o’clock a. m. on tho second Saturday in Sept, to organize a teachers associatioo. Eve r y teacher is oxpected to atsend. T O COLORED TEACII •awr KBS. The colored teachers of Franklin county will meet at Union Grove, colored Methodist church, near Caruesville.on the second Saturday m next month, to organize a teach¬ ers association. Every colored teacher is invited to attend, » * , .. CITATION. GEORGIA Franklin County To all whom :t may concern: Thos. M. Coffee has in duo form applied to the undersigned administration for per¬ manent letters of on the estate of John M. Coffee, late of said county, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on thc first Monday in September 1888. Given under my hand and signa¬ ture. This July 31st 1888. L. N. Tribble Ord. 4t CITATION. GEORGIA Franklin Connty. To afl whom it may concern; T. K, Cheek has in due form applied to tho undersigned foe permanent letters of administration on the estnre ®f F, A. Weaver, late of said county, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on "the first Monday in October 1888. and official . Given under my liand signature. 8 This 22ud day of August 1888 I.. N, Tribble Ord, Are you made miserable by Indi¬ gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Apoetitr, Yellow Skin? Shiloh’s Vitalizcr is c positive cine. Sold 4f Dr. J. U. Tucker Carnesvil'c Ga.| A A. R. Jones Lat omi Ga.