Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, September 04, 1888, Image 1

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i LI ■ ftmlclin C untn t t * —^ met. VOL, i announcements. »r„' ~ •: you senati Having annoupced myself as a candidate for the Senate subject to SB selected their choice by ing me as a luge majority in a full and fair vote at a primary election on the IGth of SirssM district of Georgia at the Senatorial WR-foUl at raising election. --• foR representative. I hereby announce myself STf a candi fflfAsna }kp84 pft^pp0p^tp psxt# »J'P 'l>?8F0f my ability. ™ WOOL HAT. At the solicitation of many voters I hereby announce myself a candidatp lor re-alecliop IIouso to represent Franklin county In the of Representatives I people feel under of this many obligations for foimer to favors the successful county the elec¬ and if m eusumg . tion J will guard and protect their interest to the best of my ability. Respec’t Jas. A Hmison. N. A. Flicks announces himself a candidate, at the ensuing election in October next, to represept Franklin county in the House of Representa¬ tive. If elected he will work for what he thinks to be the best inter¬ est of his county and state. I'OB ORDINARY, Ihe undersigned hereby announces | Frankliu himself a coupjy canuidafe at the for ansucing Ordinary elcc- of Itipn in January next. Should the pco pe deem him worthy and manifest it by electing him to such position, lie |inll deavor feel truly discharge thankful., the duties and will of the en¬ lo the saute with fidelity and to best of 1m ability. Daniel McKenzie. Fellow Citizens - I hereby an botrace myself a candidate for Ordi¬ nary of Franklin county at the en sueing election in January next. Be¬ ing a unable cripple and make afflicted so for that 1 am eelf and family to by bard a support labor, I my very [earnestlysolicit fellow citizens the kind support If my in this race. [elected pH the office I will with nse credit my every to myself effort and to aonor to the county. T, Respectfully Stovali* [ A, Fellow Citizens: I hereby an¬ nounce myself a ‘candidate for 0rdi pary ng eleetion of Frpuhlin county at the epsue- Being i cnppie and in afflicted January next. that I so amun iise to make a support for myself and urnily by hard labor, I very earnestly TOcit the kind support of my fellow itizens in this race. If elected I will »c my every effort to fill ihc office credit to myself and with hon or Mae county. lies pectfully. I T. J. Harrison, £ate respectfully for the announce office of myself Ordinary a can- of ranKhn county at the ensueilig elec m in January next. A. 8. Turner. FOR RECEIVER At ijie solicitation of many friends I nnoimce piyself a caaidate for the "ice of Receiver of Tax Returns of ntnklin county at the ensueing elec ™' 01111 Being a cripple and uuablr to ake ‘ke i manuc! labor by which I can hi lamily, a a reasonable reasonable I support support ask for ior the myself m ^ of the county very humbly for their aid. vo „ S . become Jesse It, Lecroy, n 8 unable to make a ' D giox myself and family on the farm cause of my deeiepitude, I respectfully ounce my name as a candidate for °® ce of Tax Ittceiver, at the elec* u , m Jnauary next. As to my racity, responsibility and qualification 'Quid refer to «ny lesponsible man Duunels or Stranges district t>at M know me. “ I lespectfuliy solicit support oj ttoe peoplo at this time hereby , W, H. Smith announce myself a candi 'Ugh e }°r of Tax friends Receiver, will and for hope me loet my vole me. j. p. Lediietter. * announce myself as a candidate ’ 1 ax Receiver of T ranklin coun [ at the January election. A. Landrum. i hereby announce myself a candi fe f’dy for Fax Receiver of Franklin If at the ensueing election. F le d, 1 will discharge tfce duties of j office jiri mptly and T. W. faithfully. Axkon. h* didate for Tax Receiver of Fraiik- 1 lecpea, 1 will “ttheJanory discharge election. the duties of the office promptly and faithfully. B. A. Porter. dida^^SESS^S county at the January election. L. K,Burrusfr. ——i m S h EMFF< - Havtag by mutual „,« m « b. tween myrelt anti my lion, opponent as candidates for Sheriff submited my name to the voters of the county the election held on the 16th of aorsedlya gnid majority pf the votes cast (it ejection I wish to express thanks to my supporters and to ask the support oi the people in the January election. J. C. McConnell PfiR TAX CajKKB. date 1 liereby for re-election announce myself oflico a candi¬ of to ihe Tm Collector of Franklin County. L, J, Green* I liereby announce myself a candi¬ date for tho office of Tax Collector of Franklin county at the ensucing eleetion in January 1389. W. E. Bowers, I hereby for announce Tax Collector myself of Frank¬ as a candidate lin county at the January election in 1889. Robert M. Walters, FOR CLERK. To the voters of franklin coqpty: I hereoj announce of the myself Superior ns a Court candidate of for Clerk Franklin county, at the ensneing election in January next. If you will elect me I will perform tt>e duties of the office creditahle promptly, and in floping a. siyl t to that be will be to me. Fellow citizen, elected. I remain your J. M. Phillips. With many thanks to the peep.’e of Franklin county for past favor/ I here¬ by announce myself a oandfdi.te for (Jerk of thy Superior Court, /Is elected 1 will do ail that can be k/ep accomplished the by my humble ability to of* flee in good condition. 1 Kesp’y A, J. Neai,. - i—> FOR TREASURER. AVith many thanks to Hie citizens of Franklin county for their hearty support jn the past 1 again Treasurer announce myself a candidate dor If elected I will discharge the duties of the office promptly and laitbfully. Thomas C. Burton. PROFESSIONAL NOTICES A. G. McCnrry ) P. P.Prbflit Hartwell, Ga )’ OarnesyitleGa, McCURRY & PROFFITT. Attorneys at Law. and elsewhere in the court by house special at contract^ Carnesville O ffice Hartwell. and PHILLIP W. IIA\ IS. Attorney at Law, Elbcrton, Ga. £$£ Will practice in a/1 the conrts of the «g-S4i*S?lS.8t2rS« dre»it »»■> i» iTwlSf* United given to Stale. <^^»td-!. h him. w. I. PIKE. A ttorney at Law, Jefferson, Ga Will practice in aU the ^urm of the Western circuit and elsewhere by p ciai contract. A. N. KING, Atiorney at Law 7 l aruesville, Ga. , Office in the Court House. __ _ J. S- DORTCH. Atiorney at I-aw 7 Carnesville, Ga , Office in die Court House. J. B. PARKS. Astomey at Law. Csrnesvil k*. b*■ ■ Prompt attention given to afi entrusted wiUt hint, OPS MOTTO t OtUOSTRT, BOOHOKT ADD PntSEVBBAKCE. CARNESVILLE, GA., TUESDAvT SEPTEMBER 4, ’ A ST A TP ^ I A AA/^ ' - SOME FACTS ABOUT PRom ‘ ° F «“* DEGIDEDLY G0N$TITUTI0NAI<. — Not a "WBWmSK"" CotiatKMtienal Amendment _ bt rev. a. ,i. hughes. *,*>#'*-4 Tho ultimate dftwctf pvohbition >*«>, * i“toxl«atm g liquors, except tor me dionial and mechanical purposes, The liquor husiuevs is fraught with such tremendous evils that all lovyrs of humanity a^apt any restrictions till they can get absolute prohjbi tion. They deem it ear better to close one doggery if they can do nothing move, fa prohibitionists accept high license where they oan not get prohibition; and local option where they cinnot get a general law; and statutary laws where they cannot get a constitutional amend. meat, Quite a number of tho counties in Georgia have special laws by which which they have partial prohibition; that is, the sale of liquors to be q^ed as a beverage is forbidden. And abou^fpur years ago the legislature passed a general local option law. So in one way and another more than two'lhivds of tho counties m Georgia have some form of prohibi¬ the tion, anti mo vast majority of good citizens in the counties that have it not, are prohibitionists, Pro¬ hibitionists rejoice in what has been accomplished, but of course desire togo forward and rid the entire gtate and country of the evil. And there might be an advance movement, tho temperance people met in convention, the present year, in Atlanta, and gave notice that they would try to get the next legis¬ lature to make £ law prohibiting the raanufactuie and sale of liquor throughout the Stale, And that they wore not a set of wild “oyer-zcalous fanatics,” is evi¬ dent when it is known that the con¬ vention was composed of such men as Judge Hillyer, Walter B. Hill, Rev. Mr. Jamerson, of Toccoa, and Col. J. S. Dortch and A N. King ot Carncsvillc. And the wisdom and extreme fairness ot the legis¬ lation proposed is appaient to every unprejudiced mind. They do not think it best to attempt a constitu¬ tional amendment; and give notice that they will attempt a statutary law; which like statutes may be repealed or amended by any suc¬ ceeding legislature. And this notice is lour months in advance of time of electing the prohibitionists might where they could, elect men who would make the law, *’-d the liquor men bad due notice, and they took it, and as was expected an electing men, wliere they can to defeat it. See the fairness, Notice given given four months in advance; be¬ fore most of the candidates had de¬ clared themselves, that both parties might do what they could for their respec'ire measures. Hence the duty of every voter, and especially every prohibitionist is lo demand of lliose asking to rep resent us, how h# will vote on the proposed bil . Siiiiniuiiig it the people in ad as all other measure* are sub* \ a.ivc, lied m el-cting ihe men to make ihvir ifavis. Yet some, either beeau# they kuow no better, or iu- i ntc »ding to miarejaroscnt, tell the the people that the prohibitionists are trying to pass a law ovor their keads; whffi il “ bein « submitted t0 the itt elMtln S their log* la We defy any man to establish one unjust thing, in the way of logisla tion, attempted by prohibitionists W the interest of prohibition} Liquor ■* tr*: *?r '**•*■ 1 * M - kition.sts, never t! And Umtttae vraa „„Hb» nemo, lcl!t » f uki "e <ag «4v». tag ot anybody in is evident, §ct much as to the of the measure *w«y proposed. Now as to tho fore the »..««<«. bo. people first, and they pass upon it in electing their repiosenta tires, and in ease a majority of the men elected are committed against the bill, it will not likely be so much ns introduced. The people -having declared against Hi prohibitionists havp too much sense to to waste 0,1 <#** °« »*• But m ease the people elect a majority in favor of l b of course it will be C omc a law, aud the peple having declared in favor of it, there will, bo * occasion no to 8 « it to themagam. But it i® objected that proposed law is unconstitutional, on the ground that general laws must oper ate uniformly tliroughont tbc State. -ni Tbnl , It eboiild . I, operate , alike tbroiijh. . eat the State is just what la tairod and proposed, and should tl m>« operate it will not be the fault the law. But it is objected again, tlmt.. we anempt this we lose all we gained for prohibition. It Is to be supposed that poople who have sense enough to get together in tions, have sense enough not to jeop erdizc everything, when there is no earthly reason why they should risk anything. For there to be anything in this objection .. . there roust , be are pcalingof all prohibition laws ever the people attempt any further legislation on prohibition. We have not had, nor are >ve likely to have, a legislature capable of such sui,vome non-sense. But the bill proposed is to be so framed as not to effect any existing in ceil failed to become « to Nothing le» than direct k* Motion .an repeal tho law. wo no» have. If the bill proposed should be in¬ troduced and tail, it would bo just like any other bill that fails the legislature. So nothing is ^<> st if nothing is gained. And the meas ure proposed is so lraportent, wise and just, that it is better for the educational effeef, to have the agita¬ tion and the people vote on it in the manner proposed, even if it be deleated. Bnt, it is objected again that the State has no right to make such laws. It is sufficient to remind such objectors that the Su preme Court of the United States, in an ajipeal case from Kansas, and; another from Iowa, decided that the States have a right to prohibit the manufacture and sale of into -Icating! ' liq„ore. Tb» meagre propored H like notning ever a e I“ p prohibition this .. or any interest of m other state. It was a codstitutional amendment that was defeated m Texas ard Tennessee. This meas ure is not open to the liabilities of effort at constitutional amendment. Carrying it before thi lftscpie ot each separate county, in electing their representatives. 'Die bring liquor power bear fiom without cannot to such influence for its defeat. There will lie no great expense in the can vass and defeat in a county, or even in the State would he no great aster. ! But prohibitionists generally think that, it was hotter to have had. for the odncational effect, the agitiation, the vote and defeat than not to have had them. And docs not the same j Z^hat '°1 LtZtL m counties lu Georgia have prohsbitiou; west R not all of them by a vote of the people; is it not almost certain r* tiomsts, will s,and ^ in * their J- places r*** as <J« te “ov«-»atoua ’"l 1 ' 01 ' toatiua" »'« *>» Jo, snr< that 'P‘ from the State before the end of 1888. . Of all the issues bofjre the people «, ta . portanoe, considered from any stand point, there is nothing anything like 80 important as prohibition. Tliero 18 ^ ie question of tho State Ifoad, important in itself, but the road is ostimated t; be worth *>ight million dollars. 1 wolve years ago tllo sifts list ics told us that Georgia s annual muon mix was twenty-five mil-. my dollars. reduced Supposing prohibi tion t0 Have it one third; then making allowance for a groat deal of liquor being smuggled In, «*!! H is probable that prohibition jvould save U.o people of the State, annually, as much as the State Rond 8 ^° rt Umo •• t» . «» .. oaowto, „„ ib. M .. ^ “na Qunoeof preventative is ^ o( An , ^ „ ould aimini<h , hc nmnbor o( ^ meeh a« prohibition, Afj to e ,j ucati , 1D: Prohibition would save to the paople, (we do not i). -«© Bf»,CU, IVOIUU bo used m that way.) money enough to run the public school eight monihs m the year. Then, think of the untold suffer and would prevent, to almost countless thousands of mno cent littlo children and help ess wo men. ^ The peopb in the counties which QQt proUibltian( ne0(1 it far wore0 tbna ftny other ] effi 8 i Rfcion . jj, j g R m u*ter of weal or woo to many them—even one ©I fife or death to man y. And tho good people of such counties desire it very much, and having failed to got it by local op tion, they ask ns who have it to hslp th ® m to K et ifc - «°» «“ ■ «T . , J b<J( tIM , i„ differo „,. rach „„ nppe amt Carnesville, Ga., Aug. 24th 1888. w| „ ou C0Uf?h wheH Shiloh’s 0(jrc wi „ ive immc diate relief ^ 10cl ^ 50ctg<) and n nl J. R Tuvker » s Camesvillo Ga., and A, rt. Jo „ ei Laveni;l Ga . Itch, mange, and scratches ot every kind on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolfo’ds San’tary Lotion. 'Ibis never fails For sale by Dr. J. K. Tucker, Cars oesville, Ga. When you want tin ware call on G.S. Phillips. » - vaniu . lemon, clove., spice, ginger, etc., from ’ am . « W C & J B McEntire carry the ^ p tne 0 f 8 hoes of any house in the pj acP> They hive some of ihe very home made shoes down to the ver y cJjfapest. • The Eagle Potash makes pure soap , n *20 minutes, without boil mg. In nickel cans, at PbiIJij**’. Waterproof gun caps at Phili p*’ NO. 38 A SCHEME FOR BETTER . SCHOOLS. A timely and sensible editorial under the above caption appears in the Atlanta weekly Journal of July 31sfc. We*bave long felt the want of trained teachers and Lot i AS* schools in Georgia, ami especially in. this part of tho state where we iuv best acquainted with the deficiencies of schools and teachers, and for quite a number of years wo have advocated the adoption of some ‘Vv H tem leading to the results cOiti, m plated oy the editorial mention;#! It projiosed that the sfcafca appropri¬ ate $3,000 annually which would probably be duplicated by the? Peabody fund. This fund would run a noinial school one month free to one teacher from each countv* who in return would be inquired to instruct the home teachers free of charge. We heartily endorse tjio scheme aud hope to sec it, reduced-to pvactice within twelve months, lielow is an extract from the oil ~ toriul. k normal school should be held durjiig the sumer vacation of .tho regular schools. Now, 12,00 will pfiy, *th« thq benefits professors. through the to scattc' lea1 state, at, one teachef should attend, as (jkjqrgja. n «tu dent, from each county in Tltese 8tu(lent*t«aclieis sboulfiji f0 enabled to come witli their expense, paid by the State. $1,000 will do this, and , the studeuirteichers should be required, m return Ior the to their respectivo counties, v|te ns;^ school there organize held least county twice noai;c. !' , to at wit month during the ten months of regular school work free ,to the teachers of children the county, thus, giving lie to all the of the Slate ( benefit of the one month spent i t the State Normal School bv ti teachers selected and trained at the expeuse of the state. ip the way suggested.f3,000 of slate money expended ipiiuially inestimable !V> a few years would oe ol value jn advancing the and educational it will (In progress of Georgia, similar more good overdrawn than any from taxpay- expen¬ diture our era. It is manifest that next to tin importance of selecting will that a good of semi' co rp" of professors, be ing the best pupils to this school. The county school commission r might reccoinmend several to the urandjury,and select, Whatever would enhance the boHorof the ap^ pointment deserves attention. The manor woman selected mud not only be scholarly and progress¬ ive; he must also haveatnbiliou, pc - sislency and snap. No wooden man will do it. Of that material men make machines, not teachers. Every appointee should be compe¬ tent to rise, some day, to the high ¬ est chairs in the State. NOTICE TO WHITE TEACH BUS The white teachers of Fninklm ciunty"will meelat the court-limise in Carnesville at 10 o’clock a. m. on the second Saturday in Srp'. to organize a teachers associati o.i. Every teacher is expected to.atscud. NOTICE TO COLORED TEACfF ERS. A r J’he colored teachers of Franklin county will meet at Union Grove, the colored Methodist church, near Cjrnesville on the third Saturday m this month, to organize a teach¬ ers association. Every colored teacher is invited to attend. S5<g“I)oR’t loose time making jelly when you can buy it cheaper than you ran make it. Only ldcts A gi aH8 a t Phillips'.