Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, October 09, 1888, Image 1

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ftmklit*. Cowntn ' / fl j P . «r:i#Uf. Wf j XV UNCAlMEN TS* —_ -- _ for ordinary. jhe undersigned canoidofc hereby for Ordinary announces jjjct'ft of fjnJdii co unty nt the ausueing elec * in January next. Should the peo I 'electing deem him hint woitfcy tueh and position, manifest ho it to II fed truly discharge thankful, the duties and will of tho en ivor to Be with fidelity and to tho best of ability. Daniel McKenzie. fellow Citizens— I hereby au 006 myself a candidate for Ordi l* u[ag of Franklin county at the en cripple election mid in January afflicted next. that Bo a co I m unable to make a support for my y and family by hard labor, I very iaraeptly jsyfeliowc solicit tho kind support of itizens in this race. If jlJctod office I will with use credit my every to myself effort, and to fltte tho county, Respectfully kor to T, A, Stovall. I Fellow myself Citizens: candidate I hereby for Ordi- un¬ to nnco a fwry iing election of Franklin in January county next. at tho ensuo- Being “ilile a cripple and afflicted so that I amun to make a support for myself and tally by hard IrihQi', I very earnestly fellow |iolicit tho kind support of my «us in this race. If elected I will me iuv every effort to fill tho office Itlio with credit county. to myself and Res pectfully. with honor T. J. IIarrison, didate I respectfully ibr the announce office of myself Ordinary a can¬ of franklin county nt the ensuring elec 1 ' ion in January next. A. 8 . Tprnbr. FOR RECEIVER I At the solicitation of many friends I I announce myself a cadidato /or the office >ol Receiver of Tax Returns Tmnklm county at tho onsuoing oloc itiou. Being a crippio and uuablj to [perform pko-ft reasonable manuol labor support by which for myself I can pud [ters family, of the 1 very humbly their ask aid. tho vo [ county for | Having become Jesse unable R. Locroy. make llvingfor to a pecauso of myself deeiepitude, and family on respectfully the farm my I Moiince my name as a candidate ibr [the lion office ia Juauary of Tax Receiver, next. at As the to elec, Iveracity,responsibility my IIwould refer to responsible and qualification any man p Gunnels or Sc ranges district 1 nit Ny know me. I respectfully solicit “e support ojtne peoplo W, *t H. this Smith time I hereby announce myself a caudi oaie for Tax Receiver, and hope enough k elect of my friends j, will vote for me Me. P. Lxdbettir. I announce myself as a candidate ■or Tax Receiver of Franklin coun¬ ty at the January election. Hereby W. A. Landrum. announce myself a caudi rite for Tax Receiver of Franklin Bounty at the ensueing election. If Meoiod, I will discharge tbe duties of toe office promptly and faithfully. T. W. Aaron. Wte J hereby for Tax announce Receiver myself of a Frank- enn ri county at the Janury election. If ricted, 1 will discharge the duties wo office promptly and faithfully. S. A. Porter. I hereby ennannee myself a can ‘wnte for Tax Rocievcr of Franklin l0ur| ty at the January election. L. K. Burruss. Ue Hereby fur Tax announce myself of as Franldin a candi ‘ Receiver ion. ™uty, ^ the ensueing January elec RespectfnUy. J. AYERS. O. 1 FOR SHERIFF. "t'en Having by mutual Hou. agreement opponent be myaeit and my ed ls rindidates for Shorlii submit “yname to the voters!'the county P election beld on I 6 tb of August 1888 to nominate a oandidato or Senator and having been en l 0 r 8 ed by a majority of the votes 5 at said election I wish to express ®y thanks to my supporters and to , the support ot tho people in the rinuwy election. J. C. McConnell f respectfully announce myself as * candidate for the office of Sheriff Pianklin county at the ensuing section in January next. T F Williams. DOR TAX COLLECTOR i I hereby announce myself a candi L, J, Gskbn. I hereby announce myself a ennui date for tho office of Tax Collector of 1 ranklm county at the cnstieing election in January USD. 0 W. E. Bowl a. FOR CLERK. To (he voters of Franklin county I her co) announce myself ns a candidate ffir Clerk of tho Superior Court of Franklin county, at tho en,seeing election in January next. If you will elect me I will perform the duties of the office promptly, and in a sty] 1 Hint will be creditable to me. Hoping to bo elected. I remain your Fellow citizen. , J- M. Phillips. \\ ltb many thanks to the poepie of Franklin county for past favors I here¬ by Clerk announce of tho Superior myself Court. a oandldato Is elected for 1 wiM do all that, can be accomplished by my humble ability to keep the of flee in good condition, Kcsp’y A, J. Neal. FOR TREASURER. With many thanks to the citizens of Franklin county for their hearty su pport in the past I again announce m yself a Candidate For Treasurer If elected I will discharge the duties of the office promptly and laithfully. Thomas C. Burton. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that session applica¬ tion will bo made to the next of tho gonorol of assembly local bill of having Georg'a the fur (bl¬ the passage owing title a caption. as A bill to be entitled an no t to prohibit the manufacture of spiritous and intox¬ icating provide liquors iu Franklin therefore county and Ga., for to a penalty other purposes. This Augnst 28th 1888. mom locals. Wo call your attention tho announce¬ ment of Obo J. Avers, as a candidate for tho office of 1'ix Receiver. Mr. Ayers will make a good ofllcor, if elcc ted. An effort is being made to obtain a pardon for John Partain, who is chain now in jail, and will have to go to the gang for several months unless a pardon is obtained- He has been in jail sever" ill months and it is said that iris health is failing. Tiio Constitutional intendment pro¬ viding lor ivvo more Judges of the Su¬ preme Court, was defeated in tnis county by a largo majority. This was for lack of information upon the sub¬ ject. There are very few against intelligent had men who would have voted they been fully informed in reference to the vast amount of work to do jn the Court, and the delay and trouble cause J by lock of a stronger force. Mrs. John W. Osborn died last week with cancer on the face. mutilated Dock Andrews few days had his ngo with arm severely a circle a saw. H. W. Hemphill had a leg broken last week at his saw mill. Wo stated in tho last issue of the Register, that W. 8. Erwin of Haber¬ sham was probably elected repiesonla tntivc from that county. Ou r i nfonna tlon yvos incorrect; H- 8. West was elected by a considerable majority oyer Erwin. The Grand Jury ‘reocommendcd some veiy important changes in tho nmnage" ment ortho poorhunHC, which if carried out, will bo a great .-Wprovement on tbe uresewt mauagemont, b t the reccom J mendations of (he Jury might be groat I., improved upon’ Mr. Stancliff. wlio represent# the Homo Library Association, was in town last week. If the organization is relia¬ ble, and we pro3ume it is, it offers the means of procuring books at greatly re¬ duced rales, Tbos. H, Knox reports his bottom ’ lati-d com injured to the extent of UdcC fourths of the crop. Wo have seen fields of fc rward cotton that wo thought,were cut off one had by t'-e wot weather last month. r urao quantities of liquor were sold near Corncsvin® during tb© tirst dayn o Court. A sharp contest is being waged in Mr. g*h Congressional district, between Candler tho regular nominee, and toe Kev.Thad Pickett, independent, -he friends of each candidate claim prospec¬ tive victory by a handsome mijontj. Some of tbe pujf>i«« of how to vote. K T . Brown. ,*!',!,^i';or ***• '■ OUB MOTTO t INDUSTRY, ECONOMY AND r3R8 EVRfiANCK. CAKNESVILLE, GA., TUESDAY. OCTOBER 0, 1888. As l ;.: lo Sow’* ,-j1» I’i'eiarary. There arc c\hor advantage* derived fronv the sub-treasury. Bills become rvoru aud unfit for service, and these, in amounts of $500, will be taken nt the de¬ positories and fresh, new hills bn given in exchange. in Then, too, coin in Icing called at certain times to give placoto later coinage. before The silver dollars in circulation the Bland bill of 1878, commonly known as "tho dollars of our,daddies," and appearing on tho assistant treasurer’s report as “dads," lmvo been colled in. Twenty-cent coins and fractional cur¬ rency have been called in by tho depart¬ ment. These coins or currency when re¬ ceived at any of tho sub-treasuries are held until an amount of sufficient worth is received, when it is shipped to Wash cwgwnoy imrtpn, the destroyed. silver being recoined and tho TOo reporter asked Assistant Treasurer Shultz regarding counterfeit money and as to whether it was over received in his office. Ho replied that it was seldom any counterfeits wero received, as the principal acted part of their, business was trans¬ through hanks, and it is rarely tho case that u bad bill or a spurious coin passes tho vigilant eyes of tho tellers. When bills or coins nro received tho money passes through tho hands of his chief teller or hie assistant, coimt-*&i. and tinware each experts in detecting A bill parsing through their haw ’and having tho slightest appearance of being spurious is closely examined and then it becomes apparent at once that some outside party is trading upon t he good name and credit of Undo Sum. None of tho counterfeits nro perfect. In bills there is a deficiency in tho size or a poor job of engraving on the vignette, a diiforonco in tho thickness of tho paper, a something which is at once apparent to (ho experts and it is at once thrown aside. An inn stamp, bear¬ ing tho word “counterfeit," in raised letter?, is (hen honied Into in a gas jet, mid tho ward fumed the bill so that it can never be defaced. This is then given badfi dfeolation. owner—an though that were I any A silver piece found to be spurious is cut in two and tho pieces returned. A n average of probably sub-treasury three or four bills comes into tho in tiio course of a month and aro thus treated.—St. Louis Republic. Delights «f tiio AUmmlira. Granada during (he hot weather was very delightful indeed. Every body knows tho delights of tho Alhambra, and, as tiio best part of tiio town stands high, it was in comparatively cool. We had rooms crioof its tower,-i. bringing a couple when of our own sen irh us, and wo did not find , - -1 mvo cooking done at home, c die hotels close by, which welt- 0. - • crowded nt that sea¬ son and very nmanng by reason of the mixture of nationalities to ire met there. In this enchanted city, dirty though itbo, you might persuade yourself easily enough that you had left behind tho bustle and toil and confusion of hundred tiio present; timo moves so gently that a years more or less does not seem to matter much—there isaquict retrospective air about things which mmnrientiy soothing, Album and on the breezy heights of tho bra the noise anil ,jar of cities appear as far oil as if they belong to another world. Everything ia full of an ineffable sense of repose, of peace, of long unbroken silences, oavo when tiio in-cpresidhiotcur ist breaks in upon you unoteved and disturbs your sense cf the fitness of things. stand at window at night As you your ing fall you may elms hear beneath, tho nightingales and wake sing in the os you next morning and see Granada dimly Sierra Nevada in tho distance and tho nearer hliJs, i ll blue and purple whoso as a background U> tho fairy palace well feel at that gates you dwell, you may fairer you hove rarely looked on a scene, or at all events cue more full of deep and abiding interest.—Cor. San - Francisco Chronicle. Bnaltoh Slmpllelty of Manner. If there i» anything which another English¬ is women disliko more than it making a fuss. They do not gtrih over ii new- acquaintance or over an old one; it j a tho avoidance of fuss and gusli and sloppv compliments which has gained them*a reputation for coldness is simplicily of man¬ ner. The coidncmof manner of mannev; that and nothing else, and ft ia simplicity of net mo which dictates tiio simple mmincr. Lunch may mean a party of twenty people, hat whether twenty or two, thevz is no ceremony. Tiio ladies walk into tiio dining straggle room by themselves, tic mc-11 after, mid find tlitir way to such scats as suit them. Tho talk is as easy as if you wero sitting about a fire, or more ho. R the lunch h a email cno, tiio talk r : ,plcs about the trt Ac; i! large, you iiavo to take your cbar.ce with tiio two fallow creatures next you—men or women, as chance, vou or txrpsOor strategy may ob havo detenuined. Society does not jeet to serious topics, <r even to tho serf oun treatment cf ihc-ss; what it objects to is r-edantry, pretention, drJineaa-to tliat which is heavy ca distinguished from that which i» serious. It lias preferences will endure nrd strong preferences, but it much. What it will not enduro is tho professor who Lri-*-sinto its prcsenco the StoilS. vr. .Snialicy in New York Tribune. The recent elections lmvo demonstra ted the fbliy of carrying the tamper* nee question ies into have politics. been The helmlngly temperance do* faun oveaw featoii in almost ouiry county where tho issue was raised. This does not argue but that a majority thfti oppose the prohibition sensible, indicates clearly danger level-bonded of currying prohibitionists the into see pol¬ the itics, few ill question advised A more move ies, meats on the part of death unreasoning knoll of fannts will sound tho pro»» labithm in many counties in Georgia. A novel sight was witnessed near Car* nesville one day last week: A iloek of hawks numbering from two io five hundred were semi winging their way toward tho southwest, They wero in several parcels but in sight of each oilier, and embraced two kinds, the common chicken hawk mid a larger variety known here ns the rabbit hawk- It is in nii unusual mmibeas, thing for and lmwks to associate largo Hoard of such wo tiling lmvo never Been or had doubtless a before. held They council, and met together, migrating 0 homos somowltoro were to now in tho Soul It-west. Meta's Bohannon and Konady havo finished painting the court-houno. The building is improved in appear¬ ance, iulornally and externally. Wo hear of several ladies in (he county who will make largo exhibits of fancy work, preserves, jellies, etc. Let others do -likewise, and tluw insure tho success of our county fair. Parties wanting a find good reliable their and cheap pump, will it to to write W M Busbfl, Toe. Ga,, or see J W Rowe, traveling Yours Truly, BUSHA. W. M. TO THE WHITE TEACHERS. Saturday, October 20th, lias been sot for the next meeting of tiio white teach¬ ers asncUloa of Franklin county. Let every teacher who expects to follow the business in the future turn out. We tell them plainly that it will not do to let thv. opportunity for imptovemont slip. NOTICE. To the Tax payers of Frinklin county Ga. I will ho at the differ ••t District Precincts on trie differ ent times below mentioned for the of collecting the Taxes for 1888. FIRST ROUND. m Man " | ey 1 ? s Monday Oct. 8th 1863 W. lir Bowersvillo ... lues l( 0th 0 ,, £00 Bryants Wedn’y “10th 21d r<„,„w G\1t»l0g Thnrsdar lhursua.T “ 11th inn 1877 Red Hollow Friday “ 1/th 012 Byrams SftturdftV “ 18th Big J Smiths ^ Mon 1 . y « 15th 027 Wolf Fit Tuesday “ Kith * j_ Flintgv j] j t , Wedn’y “ 17th ' 812 Stranges J humlay - “ 18th 210 Gunells Friday “ 10 th “ 20 th 204 CaWMVlllo Monday « 22 nd u <> 0 Middle River Tuesday “ 28rd SECOND ROUND. 37 O Manleys Wednes day Oct. 24th 1303 W. Bowersviile I'hurs. “ 25th 200 Bryants Friday “ 20th 212 IJytams Saturday “ 27th 218 Gum log Monday v 29th 1877 Rod Hollow Tuesday “ 30th 215 Big South Wedn’y “ 81st 027 Wolf Pit Thursday Nov. 1st 211 Flbitsville Friday “ 2 nd 812 Stranges Saturday “ 3rd 204 Carncsvillc Tuesday “ (5th 203 Dooleys Wednesday « 210 Gunnells Thursday “ 8 th 1420 Middle Hivor Friday *• fith T UIIXO HOUND. $70 Manleys baturdsy Nov. .0153 w Bowersviile Mon. “ 208 Bij Tuesday 1 aiM ij y “ 13th 213 Gumlog >Y ednesday “ 14th l f‘‘ p s , Hollow Thursday “ I5tb 212 Byrams h riday u CD Big Smith Monday O \y,,u vv olt ‘PftTuestlav i it iuesoav » 20th Flints vole Wednesday List Stranges Thursday “ 22nd ° 23rd Gunnells tl Friday “ Dooleys Saturday “ 24 th MM* Kiver Monduy « 20th Carnesvillc Tuewlay “ 27th On the 4th day ot December I will close my books at Carncsvillc for the year 1888. L. J. Giikicn T. C. F. C. MARRIED. At the rosiileuce of George Wily, in Banks aounty, Mr. John L Elrod and Miss Charity Atkinson. The happy young couple aro spending a few days with the grooms brother, W P Elrod, of this place. —— '• ........ ... ■■ OIJR COUm FAIR. A good deal of interest is being felt in the county lair Exhibits aro be¬ ing prepared and tho people aro anx¬ ious to know definitely when it will open and liovv many days it will con¬ tinue. We suggest t nit the county committee meet on nox Saturday and fix the time and make such other ar¬ rangements as they may doom neces¬ sary, There is no time to waste now. Let everybody who is interested in tho growth and welfare! of the count y, go to work in their respective neighbor¬ hoods and got up an* many exhibits among their neighbors as they can. we must ruitko the exhibition a suc¬ cess, arid to do this only requires n lltttlo exertion upon the pait of those interested. Tho ladies arc requested to get up a good exhibit of their handy Wo hope that parties in diff¬ parts of the county will lnfonu people through the Bk qihteii what arc doing, PROCEEDINGS OF THE SU¬ PERIOR OOUKT. J M Quilliau was elected fore 111 nn of the grand jury and ii O Harrison, Jerry Cleveland, J R Skelton, Alfred Burnett and Jones Bennett and W. T. Cbappelcar were sworn in m bailiffs for the term, The following cases wero called anp disposed of by trials, continu an ces Ac. R A K ing vs T 0 Burruss sent on judgement against esc :utor—Con tinned. J W Purcell vs Polly Purcell, Verdict for defendant. Francis Siytors vs J All all—set- Tho State ya J II Hayes—violin tioti of the local prohibition act. Plea of guilty. James Smith otal vs G W Loony —complaint. Referred to arbitrators. George M Swilling vu I) B Eskew —domago by breaking of mill dara Vordicfc for plaintiff. John W Starr vyi Eiishaboth Manly and tv A Royston. Levy dismissed. Samuel Reed vs Gasann Ifc-ed— Kivoice. Verdict for plaintiit and diHabilities of doiendan* removed. Cox, IL11 & Thompson vh B T Goodson and Sallie Goodson—Mort¬ gage. Rule absolute granted. The Ptajo vs Brister Hall—viola¬ tion of the local prohibition act Pl< a ot guilty. The .State vs John l'nrtain—Carry¬ ing concealed weapons. Verdict of guilty Tho State vs J aim Partain—Uarry ln g corccalc-d weapons. Vcrdict not guilty. The State vs Thomas Ilntbeock —violation of local prohibition law'. Plea of guilty. The State v»J. R. Little—Adul¬ ter^. Verdict of guilty. The State vs Elias Duckc-tt—vio¬ lation local prohibition act. Pica of guilty. Tbe State vs Rale Chastcen -forg¬ ery. Pica of guilty. NO. JO f iho State vs George Carey—Op probi jus words. Verdict of no* guilty. II W Jonc* vs Illtoda Watkins. F 01 closure of mortgage. Hubs nisi granted. The State vs James Smith—as¬ sault with intent to murder. Plea of guilty to assault and battery. Elizabeth Edwards vs A J Neal, administrator 0 / Josopli II.Ewdatds, Application for Dower. Commissi ionors appointed. Tho State vsChostor Kirk—Carry¬ ing concoalod pistol. Verdict of guilty. Tho Stato vs Albert Gribblo—• Adultery, l’lea of guilty. Tho Stato vs II. G. Keller—Four lulls for violating local prohibition aot. Mr. Keller was convicted at tho last term of tho court on two lulls and pload guilty to one, and it was agreed that the four remaining bills should bo settled at this term of tho court on payment of cost, The cost was paid and the hilts dismissed. The Stato vs David Shannon violating local prohibition act. Set¬ tled upon payment of cost. The State vs Marion Sanders— lo 6 nl prohibition act. Set on payment of costs. Tiio Sfato vs Marion Sandeas—As with intent to murder. Pica guilty to stabbing, Tho Stato vs Alex. Kay—Assault and battery. Demand for trial. Tiio State vs W P Canthron, C N Hayes and Ttios. Mayfield—Lar¬ ceny from tho house, W P Can# tlion was put on trial and a verdict of not guilty rendered. The Stato vs Smith Farr—Illegal voting. Settled upon payment of cost. The Siato vs Lawrence Adams— carrying liquor to a cbiirob. Plea of guilty. Tho State vs John M. Payne Assault and battery, Settled by yay* ment of cost. The Stato vs Mosa Brison and William Teas!y—Assault Mose and battery Settled as to Brison on pay¬ ment 01 cost. Tho State vs Terrell McFarland Assault and battary 1 . Demand placed on Minutes. The Stato vs Albert Sanders— carrying pistol concealed. Plea of guilty. The State vs CN Hayes and Thoa. Mayfield—Larceny from tho house. Demand placed on minutes. G.I Ramsey vs Thos. Bryan— foreclosure of mortgage. Rule Niji granted. The Gieser Manufacturing U«. vs J M Keesler. Foreclosure of mort¬ gage, Rule Nisi granted. Joht> B, Governor of the State of Georgia vs Henry Bird—Peace warrant. Bond discharged and judgement for co^ts entered up. C. II. Little & go. vs A P Carson. Foreclosure of mortgage. Rule absolute granted. C I> HolltfieM vs N J Holbrook et at. Damages- Dismissed. John Watkins and H W Hemp¬ hill, admin’s, of David G Watkins, deceased vs J L Laney. Foreclosure of mortgage. Ordei taken to per¬ fect service. James Goodwin vs Josephine Goodwin—libel tor divirce. Service perfected. Eliza J. Holcomb vs John Hoi* comb. label tor divorce. Seivice perfected. S. P. Thurmond vs M W Wil¬ liams, defendant and John Jackson, c.aimant. Continued.