The Cherokee Georgian. (Canton, Cherokee County, Ga.) 1875-18??, September 29, 1875, Image 3

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■ The Cherokee Georgian. B. F. TAYIiOR, Local Editor. Canton, "WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1875. MAIL TIME-TABLE. The mail leaves Canton for Marietta on Monday and Friday of each week, at 8 a. m. Arrives in Canton Tuesdays and Sat urdays, at 4 p. in. Canton line to Dawsonville, leaves every Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock, and re turns Thursday, 4 p. m. Rev. M. B. Tugg’e preached at the Bap tist church on Satm-d *y and Sunday. The tax receipts on the first round of the Collector were less than three hundred dollais. B. F. Payne, Esq., addres-ed Mr. S itter ficld’e school, in the upper part of the county, last Friday. A little daughter of Thomas J. Chat; in, about two yea s o'd. died on the 21st in ■tant, of infl’cnmation of the bowels. The Gland lodge of Good Templars as sembles in Gainesville today. Mr. J. W. Hudson is the representative of Canton lodge. Piofessor Attaway’s school is in a very fl urishing condidon, and the pupils have been making gratifying progiess. The Pio fessor informs us that he has several very promising scholars. George Ogie of this n’ace, who was ar 'ivsicd by a revenue officer for se’i-eg I’quor without •■ecese, p’e d gu :l «v to me co? ge, before the Fedeial cou.t in At’not.-, and was aewenccd to pay a fine of oee bundled dollars and be imprisoned two months in Fulton jail. We are again compelled to apologize for our short-comings, pographicul’y and ed itorially, owing to the cold weather and the piotracVd sickness of one of our com positors. We wil’be all light next week, < however, unless we meet with fuiiherbad luck. _ To eveiy person who will send us $<2,00 in cash, we will send The Geohcjan and The St. Louis Midland Fanner one year. The Fanner 's a large eight page, toi.y col umn moodily, published by Geoige W. Mat thews & Co., 212 N. Si.ith street, St. Louis. Mo., at 50 cents per year. Mr. McAfee is making auargements to put up a coiirje on his lot opposite the Bnptist If we had a dozen others with the amie ene-gy, pluck and ability that Joe McAfee pox messes, Canton wov’d speed ’y become equal to Marietta or Cai tvixville in numbers and impoiiance. An organ is a gieat help to congrega tional sieging, and every Sunday-school i should have one. Our ’'lend Ah x. McAfee ofleis to head a subm ip ion to huy an in strument- for our Ur ion school, and we have no doubt that Hille effort would be required to tahe the necessity amount. Mrs. MiPcent Shockley died on Sunday last, of old ago. Only a few weeks ago her husband was consigned to the tomb, and it was meet that a loving pair who bad t.od together the rough and devious paths of life for neatly t'.iree-quaricis of a century, should so soon be rc-unilcd in the spirit land. The fittn of D.-rlon & Co. has been dis solved by ntu-ual conseu., M.. J. B. B.’iion succ-eding to the bus'vess of dteohltbm. Dr. Spe'r will now devo.e bis whole t’me, so Dr as be.i'ih pel mus, Io b ! s p.o“e>sSton. > M» J. fl. Iv v ty, the other', is, we beKcve, “waning for someib'ag to u»m up,” which h’s tunny fiieutU bope w r, l be soon, and in Cnn.on ; for the band can’t snate him, the gi»’n c..o't get along without him, and everybody wi’l miss him if be leaves us. In continuing his inspecting tour of the public sc tools dating the past week, the County School .commissioner found very few schoh rs in attendance. The ai.end ance al one school bad dwindled down to three, the lest bavieg been withdut ivn to in giuhe ing the c.bps Th’s fact augges s a change in the >'me of bolding our public schools. Cbi'd.ea can occive but Htile benefit from i»u liHcrml.lcnl «t --w tendon to study, end during the summer months they tee irequen’ly eaPcd away to peifoim nccesv.y wo.k on the frim. Why hot irold ibe schools in winter ? Then the farm tools n.e )ai<l a*<de, the e is ates pitc from labot, t» »d nu uh would have the fbU benefit aiFo.dcd by our public school sjslem. The teims are short, at best; change the time, nod let the childieti enjoy the advantage of uninterrupted study and fasti action thioughout each session. Xavilion Meeting. A number of citizens of Cherokee coun ty, alive to the advantages which wou’d acctue to this section by the opening of the Etowah liver to navigation, met in the « court-house on Saturday, to consider the matter and send rcpusenta.ivei to the Rome convention. Aber speeches by Mr. Rrewster, Judge Dowda, and others, hearti ly favoring the scheme, the following reso lutions : Resolved, 1. That wo, citizens of Cheio hoe county now assembled, tbotoeqb’y an prtciatlng the Impotence ol opening up the Etowah river from Rome to Cemorft as suggestetl by Vie letter of Thon. J. Peny, published in The Gkoivun. a e fully con vinced of the feasibility ot the project. 2 Thai we pledge our earnest eo-ojvem tlon with the ciUtcus of Rome and along the line of the enie<piisv. 3. That In view of ifae Invitation extend-' rd uh by the eljgena of R. me to meet them on Ute (s»h t>! October next, we here by appoint the nd to wing delegate* t J. R. Diown. W. A. Tvasly, P. 11. Brewster, E. • ft-Faihi, J. J, A- Sharp, aud Joseph Do n aMsou. VILLAGE GOSSIP. It is rumored that another brick store will soon be built in town. An answer not foreknown: how a just ice of the peace will decide. Let us have more sociables in town, both among young and old folks. Alva Dowda is learning to set type rapidly, and isafi sl-rate little “devil ” Do you like cheese ? If so, you will find some at McAfee’s that is neither strong nor mitey. Caoton will probably have many stu dents to accommodate with board next year. A deserved ~ebuke was given by Mr. Tuggle io some talkafive youths at church, Sunday. Mr. McCanless has sold his interest in the floc.;ing mill on the live., below town, to John Sewc 11 . We have obtained a file of very old newspapers. how look out for scintilla tions of O' ig'nal wit. A bonder at McAfee’s hotel asked'the waller, the other dav, if be bad any “here- a f e. ’ —meaning dessert. The ladles will be delighted with the display of beaurifol shawls and prints re ceived at McAfee’s store yesteiday. Saturday night was so dark and stormy that several young Good Templars, return ing f. om the lodge, fell over a ' We don’t see what use there was in tax ing ibe coun.y to build a jail, when the officers can never find anybody to put in it. Any one wishing to rent two or tb'ee good rooms in a p'ersact part of town, can be accommodated by calling at th’s office. Canton people got quite embusbstic, on Suicid:’ r , over the prospect of a steamboat li re to Rome, as well as a rail oad to Ma riella. The stereopt’eon e. h'bk’on on Thursday netted $<1.85. Now we can undtr staod why so many able-bodied men are showmen. That bundle of criminal curiosities, Hie ebnin-gang, is soon to leave Canton for Ma j’eiia, and piepa.te the io id-bed for the sleepers and ia ;, .s. Ove.hint! the artist has a splendid room in E'lis’s biick bui’di.ig, where be is readv at all times to fu y >u with “counterfeil pi ' cmmenis” of yourself. The committee of gentlemen who went to Muiiet'.a to attend the-railroad meedeg me noted for sobriety, notwithstanding they break down buggies. Puyne & V'ocent me ccl’.ve young law yers. Tory I’t.eod the justices’ com. 3 over the counlv, aid thunder toe law to the bouoi rule courts a rd juries. - B Uy Hawkins was »ti /. >nt of our office, ■lie other d.’y, iiying to sw.ip for a mu'e. Wonder wh?t be wt'o.s wi.-i such on .•»•’»- mu’. It leo’s a J\ -c Fke be is tired of living, poor fellow! A fiend of ours was in the cupola of the couri-horse, the other day, when a wag iem:r ked that it would be a good place for bun to (He, as be was probably nearer heaven than fie wou’d ever be again. Several n.uties have been deiened fiom locai'ug In Canion iccent’y, because these aie no houses to rent. A few men of cap ital would make money by electing tene ments and renting them to new comers. A’l great journals win tbe'r name by FCob’g agog some pub' ! c cni.erp.ite: so we shall sigoa”ze our enhance in.o ibe lis.s by taking, at an cnoimourf outlay of time and expense, a complete census of Canton. The Rif ’ Prosped*. The icsrlt of the t«»i’.wd mco.’ng in Canto •, on ibe 15. h iosisuit, did not meet expec a ’o is. «nd somewhat dampened the hopes of ihe i iho.'d’a Bat when it was remembered that people ob ject to m'eg’l.ig biw'ncw with p’e*'uie,vnd hiat much good seed must have fallen upon iul’ow giound which would geminate in due t'me, .be cause o" »egret was greatly lessened. The iai’real prospcc-s are now brighter than evci. The people along the line a>e 'jiad jtii'y awaking to the advantages of commue’c. t'on with thecomme chd wond, the»r feel'ngs a>e becoming wannly enlisted in the enteimlae, and Hbei.'l contiibiu'oos may icesonabiy be expected to flow in eie long. As an instance of the sniiil roal.iug i.x appealance, Hide Fannin county tne other day aubsciilied and promises $20,000 additional; and MniietH increased her subsciipfion by two or thousand dollars On F.iday night If everybody lUtcici.eti would contiibute their share to Ups work, bo,h in word sod deed, .be loco motive whistle would echo unough all the valleys and fi’i a’l the mouvt.’ins between Muiieiui and Muipby with the ..ey-notes of civilizi'on. The.e is pe.Vns no load in this countiy which bas been bui’tat ’ess cost than wifi have been the Ma-’eita and Noi.h Geoigia load. Genc al Pbiifps, in b’siepo.t to the diiecto.s. stated that the o.iginal proposi tion avas to subsci ibe $25,000 on ibe lire between Ma ie ia and Cavtoo, the a umeti d'S.cnte bcleg twenty miles. The amount svuse ihed was $. * 1.000, only $20,000 of wb’ch bave bean collected. About s6,Of 0 is requhed to settle the liabilities aLeady ipcu ted in consaecpng the toad. A con tact for -be iion and motive power has j been made, which will be fu. Dished upon’ the mortgage bohda, when ibe toad- i bed to Canton is completed and fice from | debt. The i.on will coal $70,000. To get ' the road ready for the iion will require' eighty thousand c oss-iiesand five bundled feel of trestje-woik, which will cost about SIS,CCO. The cost of grading the ■ laid L»tUe i<ver to Caoton, a distance ■ of tea miles, was $3,00, or sst,o a mile, I and the work was done io five months, j with le 3 than a hundred me *. By dout- ling the force, forty-eight miles could be g.aded in twelve months, in the same ratio, at a cost of only $24,000. The President recommended that the road be made ready for the iron to Canton ; that the company i.self work the convicts, and that the p‘ es ent force continue the grading. With such an exhibit of economy and ski’lful management, who can dottbt the ultimate Success of the road? And then contemplate the grand resu’ts it will be the of achieving: the magnificent countiy it wi'l open up, the activity it will inspire, ore intallcciual growth it wi'l stim ulate, the vast resources it will develop, the prosperity it will engender; and sav, it you c.-'o, that the welfare of yourselves and your poster',y will not be promoted by the construction of this road; say that, as .he vegetable kingdom has beietofoie claimed you for i;s own, you have no desire to cut tb.e loots which have bound you to the de?d pis. end kept you from rising to that snbere which the Creator intended you to occuny—the sphere of mental and material progress. OVER THE COUNTY. The fiifit is about gone ’n this county. Good smn’l fauns can be bought cheap in this county. There was a ’’ii’e frost in some portions of the county last week. Cooper ore is now found in abundance in the ne’gbho!hood of Can.du. Without doubt, Cherokee has made more co' n this year than will be needed for home consumption. Bluest ofie is a good remedy for hog chol eic. We have often tried it, and never known it to tai’. We will take pork, beef, wheat, corn, chickens, and anything else rbc.t is good to eat, in payment for subscriptions to The GEOUG’AN. A mu'e belonging to Truman Knox choked i.self to death with a rope, recently. Our ropes always get the woisi of it in such cases. The cotton crop in the county is gener ate estimated at about one-belt the usual amount. Tne it ’os have considerably re folded picking. We know of but one wedding that is to take p'ace before Cbrisltnas. What do the young folks mean? How aic parsons and printeis to live? The ciy for bread will not be heard fiom the end of Cbeiokefe, ibis ser'.on, but the squeel of the poike’s, as they fall under the knife, w’li be a common sound. Some hogs got d unk on sorghum skim mi >gs near Fie d’s bridge, the other day. It was a s’jgv’ar circumstance, causing bacon to/<r z t, but it soon rose again. Since the new discovery of gold at the Fiftok'in nicies, the miners ate engaged, botn night and day, in sinking shafts and imining entries to the glitl 'ring prize. A friend, who already has seveial small chi'dren to provide for, says he doubts the prop iciy of exhibiting the D'lbeck trip’cfs over rhe county, as it is a bad example. The cb'cken crop has been almost an en tire fn ; 'u;e in some poi ions of tbe couniy. Os the ten thousand remed es proposed for chicken cho’er.i, wc think none of them are worth a cent. The cmmtiy north of the Etow ah will have a icmaikably sweet time th’s winter. A geni eman recently in that poiiion of the county says he “never saw ns much sor ghum bcio.e since he was bom.” Rans Se'leis of Csitersville has been in our coutny of late, looking for a home. We hope he will succeed in findliig one to suit him, for he is a good-beaiied fellow and a good hand to catch hoise.ibievei. The pe simmon, wild grape, chestnut and chinquapin crops are all very good, and the opossums end the boys'wi n soon have a fine time. The opossums wi'l cat ibe fruit, and the boys will eat the opos sums. Our old friend Popham informed us, the o<bcr day, that he recently struck gold in nbundaece on bis place near town. He rays that in a stna’l panful of diit theie was evough of the piecious stuff to liteially cover the bottom of the nan. The county wi'l be well represented at tbe Rome navigation convention on the6th of Oe.obcr. What is to binder Cherokee Geo gla fiotn becoming wealthy, prospeious and potent, with her blight nrospec’s tor raihoad communication and I'ver naviga tion ? Abxo’ute'v nod'’ ?g, unless it be tbe apathy and uneulet nrisiog spirit of those whose intc.esiS are involved. Major Wilev Petty of Ophir owns and runs one of the finest flouring mills In North Georgia. The mill bui'ding is a substantial ftame structure, and the ma chioety is new and oi the most improved pa.ri? 0, the whole cor. ; ng over four thou sand dol’ms. Since January, when the mills went into opeiation, five thousand bushels of wheat have been giound for toll alone. Two little daughters of James Blanton, of this county, came near being bitten by a rattlesnake, the other day. They were at p’ay in a hoise-lot near the bouse, when the larger gul discovered the snake, and in at temp Jug to take tbe smaller one out of they both fell over a pile of nils, end were stmek st by the snake. teen ratdes and a button were found on his snakeship’s tai’, and he was perfectly blind. A little child was torn to pieces by hogs, recently. The mother, who I’ves near the Barlow line, had gone to a neighbors, leav ing her child alone at home. When she returned a horrible sight met her gaze. Swine had got under the bouse, pushed i through the flooring, and almost devoured 1 her little one. What awm ning this should i be to parents to inclose their dwellings, an<P make home kafe Horn imr’-’on. VValesca Notes. Brother Neal can’t see clearly. It was a nice young lady. Take the wool out of your eyes. A flock of wild gec®e passed by on Sun day night, winging their way southward in search ot a warmer climate. A whopping big boy made bis appear ance here on Saturday. He is boarding at G. W. Boston’s, and is very food ot sweet milk. Mr. A. P. ; ce has a couple of acres of ve~y file tobacco, which is as high as a man’s chia, broad leafed, and smooth as polished marble. A little g’>! of Mr. T. Smith, about six years old, was. severely if not fatr'iy bu nt, tbe o.ber day, by the fi.e ign'.iog her c'otb’og. Th’s accident should be a wai o iug io olbers. We met our nreacbe;, Ibeod er mo; airg, in aver y n'eaiant mo id, and, on irqvny, learned that Mr. S. R. Jac .‘on bad just pr 'semed b : m with a nice b. con ham. We would r '.e lo see one appear at our house, for we ..would i? yer have it ••i?a mutton. A . lend has left with us the fl lest speci men of mica we have seen in was found in th’s couoiv. A mmc of it would be very valuable p opevly. Many a man in tnis section who now goes to bed poo?, will some day wake up to the riches wh’ch he possesses unawares. Tbe camp-meeting near Walesca was held under very un avorable conditions, ow’ng o the inclement weather, but many pco'flg abended and much good was done notw’.bslaud’Ug. Tbe Presiding elder and seveial other able ministers were present, efieci’ve sermons were delver cd, and about thirty persons embuced religion. The meeting clo ed ou Tuesday of last week. A Word to Those who 0«e Us. ; ’Another dun!” Ob, no! We can get along without money! Our printers can wart for their wages; our paper oil's can be paid some time; and we can run a pa per just for tbe fun of the thing! You are only one among seveial hundred, and the amount you owe is not much; besides, when we need it, we can hunt you up and ask you for it—no, beg you to pay us, and if you don’t do it, we will dead-head you; for we always did like you. and think we might fur fish you a paner for nothing, as it is not much! What’s a dollar or two here and there and yonder! Times are hard, and printers ought to wait for their dues until they are better. Now, just pay yotit other lUile accounts, and when you have more money than ydu need, you edn us. CHEAP CASH STOKE. W. M. ELLIS, Second door west from corner Gainesville and Marietta streets, CANTON, GA., Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES ANO HARDWARE. Will also do a general Bartering business, and allow the highest market prices for country produce. It will be to your inter est to call and examine my stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. You will find goods at the old prices, tor cash 8-fyW. M. ELLIS. JAMES O. DOWDA, Attorney at Law, CANTON, - - - GEORGIA. WILL practice in the Superior Courts ot Cherokee and adjoining counties. Will faithfully and promptly attend to the collection of all claims put in his hands. Office In the court-house, Canton, G?... au<r 4, £_ly A. BRIGHTWELL. CARPENTER, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Residence, Canton, Qa. o ALL work done by me wilt bo done with neat ness and dispatch. Prices reasonable —satisfaction guaranteed. Aug 4, Tjl hakdin, HOUSB AND SIGN J? A.TNTE IL Canton G-a. Aug 4, l-'ly BF.NJ, F. PAYNE. JAS. U. VINCENT. Payne & Vincent, Attorneys at Law, CANTON, . . - GEORGIA, Will practice in the Superior court* of Cherokee and ndioiuing counties, and in ttie justices' courts of Cherokee. Prompt attention will be given O the collection of accounts, etc. Office in the Court house. 2-1 y “jTiL CLAY, Brick and Stone Mason, Brick Maker and Plasterer. - - - GEORGIA TXJ'ILL do all kinds of work in his line. \ \ such as building Brick and Slone Houses, Pillars and Chimneys, Plastering Houses, etc. All work done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices rea sonable and just Best of can be given when desired. aug 11 2-ly LEGAL A d min Istra tor’s Sale. T)Y VIRTUE of an order from the Court JL) of Ordinary of (lherok< e c >uuty, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in October, 1875, at the Court-house door in said coun ty, between the legal hours, the following lots of land belonging to the estate oi Joshua Burtz, deceased, to wit: Lots Nos. 771, 772, 813, 811, 811,815, and three acres olf south side of lot. 8>2 — all in the third district and second section of said county, with the following reserva tions, to wit: One acre, more or less, deed ed to Orange church oil’ o( lot No. 814; one acre off of lot No. 772, for family burying-ground; three acres, more or less, off the west side of lot No. 812 ; a'so tbe house known as Franky’s house, with the privilege ot wood, water, and fruit on said preinis' a, tor the use of the widow du’.m ,T her natural life Terms of Sale —One-third, one third at the expiration of twelve months from sale, and the other third at the end of two years, at ten per cent, interest from date. Notes to be secured by mortgage on land. Sold for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said deceased. JESSE M. BURTZ, Adm’r. Printci’s fee, SB. Sep 15-4 t Postponed Administrator’s Sale. I~>Y VIRTU E of an order from the Court ) of Ordina. y ot Mitchell county, Ga., will be sold, on the first Tu Viay in Octo ber, 1875, at the court-house doorm Chero kee county, G.i., be ween the legal horns, tne mineral inteiest, with mii'fngprivileges, in and to lots. Nos. 735 and 773, in thiid distiict, second s clion, of Cherokee coun ty. Sold as the piO’»er.y of George Burtz, deceased, for the benefit of hews and cred itors of said deceased. Term c. sh. JESSE M. BURTZ, Adm’r. The celebrated Franklin gold vein runs through one of the lots. Piinter’s fee, $4. Sep 15-4 t Notice to Contractors. 7VTOTICE is hereby given that sealed j_N proposals will be leccived by the un dersigned until the 21st d of Sent. 1875, for the building of a bin ge ovtt Shoal Cieek, near widow Cooks, in accordance with plansand specifications at my offic , and jtrro at Col. Sharp’s stole. Like propo sals wi'l also be received lor the same time, for the rep iring of Hawkins biidge across Little River, specifications at my office. The right to reject any or all bids is re served. " C. M. McCLURE, Ordinary. aug 24, 4-3 Cherokee Court of Ordinary, sitting for county purposes, August 12, 1875. It is hereby ordered that the Tax Col lector of said county proceed to assess and collect, upon the taxable property of said county assessed by the State, two-tenths of one per cent., to be applied to general county purposes, bridges, jury pin poses, and support of poor. Also three-tenths of one per ce it., to be applied to the payment of princip.l and interest on bonds for court house maturing January 1, 187(5. Also, that there be assessed and collected, when not prohibited by law, one hundred per cent, on specific taxes, the same to be ap plied to the- general fund for county pur poses. Given under ray hand and seal. C. M. McCLURE, Ordinary. The county tax is fifty cents on SIOO, the State tax tbe same. Printer’s tee $4. aug 18, 3 4t EORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY.— V i Whereas, R. M. White, administrator de bonis non of W. J. Westbrook, repre sents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully ad ministered W. J. Westbrook’s estate, This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and ci . Aitors, to show cause, if any they can, why said adminis trator should not be di..charged irom his administration, and receive letters of dis mission, on the first Monday in December next. C. M. McCLURE, Ordinary. Printer’s fee, sl. fl-4t TYY VIRTUE of an order from the Court Jls of Ordinary ot Cherokee county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in October, 1875, at the door in said county, between the legal hours, the followin'* lots of land belonging to the estate of J. T. Hendiix, deceased, to wit : Lots Nos. 1,252, 1,253,1,251, and 1,255, in third district, and second section of said county. 8.3 d far the benefit of the ho ru and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. M. E. HENDRIX, Administrator. Printer’s fee, $3. 6-4 t Georgia, chebokee county.- Whereas W. W. Hawkins, admin’s tra’or of Robert Hawkins, represents lo the court in bis petition, duly filed and en tered on recoid., that he has fiflly adininis tei ed Robei t Hawkins’s estate : Th's is therefore to cite all peisons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to shou cause, if any they can, why said adminis trator should not be discharged from his adminis'ration, and rccei e letters of dis.- mission, on the fiist Monday in January, 1876. 9 3m C. M. McCLURE, Ordinaiy. /'I EORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY.— VJT William Cox has anplied to me far exemption of personalty, and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 11 o’clock a. in., on the 16th of Septembei, 1575, at my office. C. M. McCLURE, Ordinary. Printer’s fee, $1.50 6-2 t T-I, <T. O’JSIETIiHJI-iIDS, house, sign and obnamental Painter, FRESCO AND SCENIC ARTIST, Canton, - Georgia. Refers to Rev. P. H. Brewster, W. M. Ellis, J. B. B trton & Co., Canton, Ga.; J. A. Stover, J. W. Dyer, painters, Cartcni ville; John A. Matthias, Cass station, Ga. Prices to suit the times. aug 25 4-2 m I F~YOU WANT PRINTING DONE. 1 with neatness arid dispatch, call at this office. CANTON PRICE CURRENT. CORRECTED weekly. Cotton 15 i 1 10@l 25 Cohn Meal $ bu .1 25@1 40 ’ Wheat 90@l 00 Flour —Fancy bbl 3 50 * Extra Family 800 1 Family 7 50 Fine 6 00 ’ Bacon— Sides. 16% Shoulders Hams, sugar cured 18 ; Bulk Meat..... 14 @ N . Lard _ -6 ! Coffee —Rio 25@ 28 Sugar —Crushed Coffee A.• 15 , Brown 12z-» j Salt —Virginia 250 Liverpool 2 50 Tea —lmpe« ial 1 00@l 25 Black 60 . Crackers —Soda 10@15 i Cream 15@20 , Candy 25@6q , Pepper 35@ > Tallow 16 , Beeswax 25 Bags 2% Honey E s lo Chickens » 10@SO . Country Butter 15@20 , Hides— Green 4 ’ Dry 17 Lime id Bu 50 t Syrup 75@1 00 Molasses 55@65 ’ Brown Shirting B@lo Iron— Tire 6%@7*£ Rod B@lo ’ Nails 5%@8 i Leather —Sole 30@D3 Harness.... Upper ’ 50 ’ Manilla Bags 1 40@10 50 Wrapping Paper jp lb The above retail cash prices—in quantities lower. i —l ... ' i ■ * DIRECTORY- STATE GOVERNMENT- 1 James M. Smith, Governor. . N. C. Barnet, Secretary of State. ’ J. W. Goldsmith, Comptroller General. ‘ John Jones, Treasurer. Joel Branham, Librarian. • John T. Brown, Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary. J Gustavus J. Orr, State Scho'ol Commis- 1 sioner. J. N. Janes, Commissioner of Agricul ture. Thomas D. Little, State Geolog’st. JUDICIAL. BLUE RIDGE CIRCUIT. Noel B. Knight, Judge. C. D. Phillips, Solicitor General. Time of Holding Court. Cherokee —Fourth Monday in Febru ary, and first Monday in August. Cobb— Second Monday in March ami November. Dawson— Third Monday in April and second Monday in September. Fannin— Third Monday in May and Oc- .tober. Forsyth— First Monday in April ana fnirth Monday in August. GiLMER--Second Monday in May and October. Lumpkin —Second Monday in April and first Monday in September. Milton —Fourth Monday in March and third Monday in August. Pickens— Fourth Monday in April and September.} Towns— Monday after fourth Monday itj May and October. < Union— Fourth Monday in May and Oc tober. COUNTY OFFICERS. C. M. McClure, Ordinary. Regular cour first Monday in each month. J. W. Hudson, Clerk Superior Court. M. P. .Morris, Sheriff. E. G. Gramling, Deputy Sheriff. John G. Evans, Treasurer. Wm. N. Wilson, Tax Receiver. Joseph G. Dupree, Tax Collector. Wm. W. Hawkins, Surveyor. Wm. Rampley, Coroner. JUSTICE COURT—CANTON DIB-. Joseph E. Hutson, J. P. R. F. Daniel, N. P. H. G. Daniel, L. C TOWN GOVERNMENT.' W. A. Teaseley, Mayor. J. W. Hudson, Recorder. James 111. Kilby, Jabez Galt, J. M. Haff din, J. M. McAfee, Theodore Turk, Aider men. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. James O. Dowda, President. James W. Hudson, County School Co»- missioner. Prof. James U. Vincent, Examiner. Joseph M. McAfee, Allen Keith, Josept* J. Maddox, John R. Moore. Me&ings quarterly, in the court-house. CHEROKEE TEACHERS’ ASSOCIA TION. James O. Dowda, President. M. B. Tuggle, Vice-President. C. M. McClure, Secretary. J. W. Attaway, Treasurer. John D. Attaway, Censor Morum. Prof. James U. Vincent, Association Cor respondent Regular meetings every second Saturday in each month, at 10 a. m. RELIGIOUS. Baptist Church, Canton Ga., time o‘ service fourth Sunday in each month. . Rev. M. B. Tuggle, Pastor. J M. E. Church, time of service, preacher# fl in charge. Rev. W. G. Hanson, first Sunday. Rev. B. E. Ledbetter, second. Rev. J. M. Hardin, third. MASONIC. Canton Lodge, No. 77, meets first and third Monday nights in each month. James A. Stephens, W. M. fl Joseph 51. McAfee, Secretary. Sixes Lodge, No. 282, meets first and fl third Saturdays, 2 p. m. C. M. McClure, W. M. W O. W. Putman, Secretary. ||| GOOD TEMPLARS. » , Canton Lodge, No. 119, meets every H Saturday. 8 p. m. 11 B. E. Ledbetter, W. C. T. S James W. Hudson, Secretary. GRANGE. B Canton Grange No. 225, Canton Ga. Jabez Galt, Master. Joseph M. McAfee, Secretary.