The Cherokee Georgian. (Canton, Cherokee County, Ga.) 1875-18??, February 23, 1876, Image 2

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The Cherokee Georgian P. H. BREWSTER, ) J. J. A. SHARP, - Editors. J.O.DOWDA, | Oanton, Oc'x_ 7 WBftOSDAVy FEBRUARY 23, 1873. The Railroad. Wcaresorry we have not sp ice to pub lish proceedings of the meeting in Ellijay, on the 12 th instant, in the interest of tMs roaJZ ' We heartily approve Hi 6 Vian proposed. Let each*county along the entire line, organize and take fitiy or a- hundred convicts, and pat them, to work and grade the road. tVc have the very riien that will do it, but there must be conceit of action. The road i$ graded to Canton. Let Chero kee finish, the grade to the Pickens line, let Pickens same time-commence the and Cherokee should continue to assist un til thermal shall be graded Jo the State line. In this great enterprise we have a common interest, and should not cease to labor tor it until success . hall crown our ef for|< understood that wp are de- termined to have the road, and that it shall tnwerce-tlie whole line of the route projected. We have ret our hearts upon it, will “laugh at impossibilities, ami say it shall be done.” Tlje wikist and best men of the State arc in aytipa'tljy with u% and with they: influence and co-operat’on the final success of the en- a matter of time. The de velopmeut and of the wondcteul resources of the section through which the road is to pass, is of ~top much importance to the State to be neglected long. Our great Stale needs the help which one of its impor tant members, now paralyzed and dormant can give, and will not continue to refuse to sthjnilate ilinto life iuu.l activity. “Let us lei#n to labor and to wait,’’ continue to do alhtbut wo can, insist upon equal justice and equal rights, and all true meu, aud just mea and. patriotic men will be willing ere long; Io accord qs tbb little Loon- which has been denied us, and which we insist is our unciaustiontUde right to have. The following rewilutum waya lojfled by the meeting al luded to’at Ellijay, and we h’pe that all the friends o ’ the Marietta and North Georgia Rsjlroud will heartily endorse it: Resolve*!, That we-will support no man for governor vy ho is mq an earnest support er of dnr enterprise. -*• * The Georghi LcgM:! fn re. Who nmdng us Is not pfou 1 of otir Legis lature? How faithfully has it labored for of our grand old coni mon weal th I Comity Hue county fine has beeh changed, church a f tcr chit’ch, a id village niter village has been protected for a dis tance of threr* miles of each, from the bane ful eftbef® Os the "retail fra fib? In n-rdent spir- a bug-cHlcher has been appointed, the ftlx>m!hahh» dog law, after being discussed in alt Cif' its details- for long ahd weary weeks,! Ims'fail'd to pass, and a howl of sutlslWlirtri will go ftp from a thousand ca nines who Ji ill ’be allowed to Harry their I owti*fhe§ tn lift* t’anynrd, th thff sheep’pits-' liirf’S, U) the hens’ nests' and everywhere else, and mine shall dare to molest or make them afraid, until the ass-semblod wisdom of the State VinH ni6ef n^uln; ihri Cotiven tiAfrqm stl<>h‘tdO h:is been cussed rind <1 is cussed, Aftishb-red and reconsidered, arid our wise biw-makers h ive sail; “we will and we woiit.wcjuiu anTwc can’t, we shall nnd we'shan’t* ami well tie damned it we do, and we’ll be dimmed if we don’t J" And stteraiU, we believe tin y have bfl the mut -1 ilh the dog. <1 M'stbw, where they f'*Mid it, ami ail ibis bus heeu done for the gted of. the p p ople, at only seven dollars a day for each niemb* r, two niggers included! One nn-uibcr moved to refund the p> r diem I'l Ove di>y»js, but it was voted ,d pvq with b«cOtHMiitJi|Msed ami indigmdiou. And oh Imw careful have they been of the State’* i te*li( I They could uot ituiorge the ItomU ofwlhe North Georgia tlaiiioad; lor they went to Atlanta with the determination tp f kuntaid to twtlimg but themseh’* s. North ctw> go to thp d»»gs, so tiir nsj they arc eoiM: (he motto.of many is; ' family, Llovc myadl, the best; Sa Providence provides for me, Tile tnkethe rcM. ftnYrah fbf tbe Gvore’n 'LrgMsHWre! 'v ~ ’ filitlifuT servants 1” Editor! tl ( ori esp ‘ucc. '-.JMP .se, «? .i< , „ , . . „„ , AtiAnta, Gao., FeV 1?, Tim present week has been* one pt st >rm ftlddlinuUt in the, ?L>us\.’- A g,rctt m iliV Im’s Have been dk-pps* <1 of in sqme wiy, ujhk Wft *e?‘‘but Ht’P gvth’ot gem r.di iiiy rest that fiiis Legidajmx; his done, yet ■ do not pretend to crdi>isi;. I g w • fvl • n»jwiy ««*od incn have iah*n*al wiiU all t:ie j z«<l tbal they werv master oi, u> do B*>mo tWUfcg that woald nafimud U> th<‘ gtiod of our yr«»t <'<w»sw*ttwe.d<iv The sew »ol bill was l>4temulte Uouaoun yesterday; i«ud ptssed I*M ptviiy deckled voHy latt wlr l*irr U is i nn iinprtwemcnt on this present syslim rc nmms tu Wrcvn. It vtnuaily abolish*.?: the State £ataa»kO*miMit»:<im.-r t n utM'ea fejs p»y towivlura iuMehvd dollars and leaves tie j cHMM'vrimwHt-sioair with-mry J.Ute may. j Jfcms»ki>4he iirdimiric' vvajlivio c<*mmis i«fju-Floi th l ' M-veral comities, nnd Riekes otte» 4IMM fcs that wv have mn time V* incntkm. -The m*>-l i:ii|xriant im asure to j oursecthm thnt hss been ta-fare die Gent nd i A-'W'hV Iv was v»*t. d d*»wn on y* s’.Vnl iy. i small m .jortiy, that of giving S»ah»| nld so th*- Marietta andNu th Georgia > Wr nW to stab? «hM in our I F’niggk tor help, that s«mth-w. stern mem- I Ihs-j* by ,u» 3n»*‘ mm, while <i|U ij> liv- : virjj on rai'nxms and in t i $ »l«m, rvflbtvc ’t> h« ip Th* po pl'ju North 1 Georgia sitonla cvvT mru.'.:;! er the fh>. I- . n» low er 4ml Hout'iamtvin W bad a 1.. >! lu’ iu cM.v livre,’ust ‘ they were unable to prevail on their repre sentatives tado anything for our bill. Col. ‘Campbell, rd Norlli Ctmyiqgi, s’r several days doing al'l||e vail onlmembers jan.d to tiim wljli the importance of the enterprise Tie cOtncs with the connecting North west Gecrgi:i witlfmis own State, also con necting the line with Duck Town, thereby not only opening up the vftst. resources in our own State, but receiving large benefits from Tennessee and North Carolina Gen. Phillips lias been. .industriously., anti ener getically at work for weeks in the noble I cause, and while we all sympatitise with I hint in lhe defeat, we feel yet that tliere -is {hope in the ultimate success of the cuter- ’ Weturve lic.-rrd expresslnßs’fffwK? | to day, who lajt they "fire det«ri©meil to - prqssjbrward in the w'brk, and s<y that it must and shall becompleted. We know o’ nothing like pluck ; a good resolution is a great prop in any undertaking. We have seen several gentlemen since we have been here, who anticipate a visit to our section, they say, for the purpose of buying lands and becoming citizens with us. To such, we say come along, and tell them to bring their friends. Thegold mines in our county pre exciting a good many when they visit the Geological department, and sec the rich spcqiinpns of mincr.ds from the up country, they open their eyes and say they never dreqmed. of such things. S. Sabbath Sehfiols. The benefits.resulting from well conduct ed Sabbath-schools are so numerous arid' great, and so appareht to every reflecting mind, that any. argument in their, favor, would seem to be unnecessary, yet the apa thy and indifference of parents and others, in regard to. the matter, make it. necessary that those Avh’o arc alive to the importance of the subject, should be unwearied in their effoYts to establish and' build up those nurseries of morality and religion in every community. Tlie minds of children are constanflj- receiving impressions, either good or bad and it is well known that early impressions give tone and direction to all the opinions and conduct ot after life An impression made upon the’ mind in child hood or youth is almost sure to remain, “And time the impression deeper mdkes’. As streams their channels deepe-r wear.” The sentiinenls of the litde songs learned in the Sabbath school, the simple and wondtrfid storks contained in the Holy Scriptures, and the lectures of intelligent and pions teachers will be rememb red and treasured up vi-hen many other' things will fade from memory’s pages, and be lost in the flight of years. Something will grow in the mental soil, arid if the seeds of virttib •arc not sewn, cultivated and’made to'yro ducc gnotl fruit, a crop nfttflee wfll sporita-. ncori'dy spring up and yield its bitter fr tits Every mten-sf of society rerpiircs that the moral and rt ligious training of children should not be neglected. If we would pre vent crime nnd all of its attending evil c >n sequcnceif upon society, we should educate the children to think arid act cmrectly. If we avould perpetuate good government we should prepare the minds of our children t» appreciate the importance o‘s selecting only good and wise men to make and administer the lirws. If we would encourage and f»>s ter honesty, gdhrfety and every good prin ciple, weshouidiend out aid to the Babbath fichogl cause, for it is the cause which has for its object the promotion of all that is good In flic world, nnd it Is opposed to cvcrj thing'that tends to produce evil in this life’ and miseiy in the world to come. Then labor in the Sabbath-school'cause, you who love your children, who love your God! And y*jur lah*»r shaft not be in vain, fix' the giiod that you sow, or cauwj to be sown, ip this great field, will produce abun d intjruit u< this woilu, and you will ryal iz • :i L.irvr:-t of untold i:i the world jp come. Caidersvino A’oW. (■orresp4‘id< lui' o's T!i * GotJW. Sii'ssiik EntTonsAfter nearly five weeks of I.'g il strife, our city Is again cpiiH, and peace r.-Ign'S supreme. Mdcli business was disposed of during the rec nt term of IfartoP 1 Supertor Coqrt, but a greSt deal re ttlnlns yfl on the dockets. Little bndness tlolilg fiere on ftcfbunt of the scarcity of I'gtcens”—evcfybbdy coinpl iining of hard tniiek. Ne*Vs ftvms are almost as sfcarcc hlhhil lids place ns greenbacks. On last Wednesday, J.' G. Thrower, Cl. W C. T., arid R. M. Mitchell, District Dep. u\v, were here for rfid purpose of organizing n ('fmt’.ly Oi.lnd I.odgc nf the I. O. G. T. Evt iy lot’gC th the county (six in number) was n i*r* seated, and the memhers I f thc J Oix'rnr hiuLa n'we lime. The Qrg.uuz-Uion I setfictc<l,ri|ii the following tjfliccw ww < hcud and installed fi*r the ensuing year;, i J. I‘. Kinman. of Adairsville, G. W. V. Tg i Miss .Luinie lb inklen, qi Ci<SSViUc, G \. T .; Geo 11. IkuJtkx. of L’assvilk, G. G’.qlk P. Ileu'h ol G *it-ism il e, G. S ; John 11. liar r»» <»t Kuil-SWR, W F. 8 ; A. W. B*rr *a, < f Etowah, G. T; K. 11. J*>nea, Giflera vHle, G. G; G tj Whuti 44 ut Rockm ut. G. M ; W. M. Gnikiors. oi' uitUav, G. I G.; J. W. Dyer, of Cuitcrsvdlc, G. Q. G; .1. 11. Rhodes, of Carh’rsvilltt. G. A. K; Mb»» C?tnie 11 fnei, oi' C.u .fravine, G D. M.;' I Miss Jennie L jwk ss, of Ca.rU rsvflie, G. R. | 8.; Miss L ima Huberts ol Qn ieovill-, G. L.B. ■ .. , 1 s -e that a bhl low passed the House, re-; penling the Local Opting law. so far as :t t n li’« s to t’artcrsvillc. Well, my imptes- i ’ sion is that s-une bgisGtors dug their own I graves. p.'fiifteaFy, with a whisky l»o*tfc-. I In irtVy indorse the posltbwtof Colonel ; Douds, tu y*Hir last istny, on the tpu-siions of Convcn'ii»n and Convicts, especially lhe I la” v. Utt 'em hyptfri, <¥>lolll4. 1 _.»re aln-aily spun this out lohg'T than , I intra !e ' •«' f will bis f*pn. Tit-x iM<M»t n turuuT ts Im rev/lv-j Ing to make a true vl taiaxteU, stuc-edis iuhisW.UK. | Who W.ll and Who Will Not ba Clov i . %. eruor. 2 . n > doubt, will smpp >rt . 11.6 no’ninc*'f<'f the Demo r .tic C-migm w>n 4 i WutHW hit* nds to be heHidin 'li tcoiypn s cast her vote only f»r‘ifcftve, . progressive,- democrat. We publish the . following extrac s, that ti e icade may - know which way lhe political wind blows: i It. doesn’t look r< asomtble, I know, but 5 James i- gaining strength wonderfully. It (dWlJn’t >u a bit if he is the next ' governor. Alongside of Sjnftfi, Ibr that off ' licehexoulJn’ixmi,.but with Smith on the ? road to congress, he stan Is a mighty good 5 showing, J tj-11 you, if indications are any , thingin Augtista Constitionalisf. 5 ’ Oiir at tebtiofi lias been calk d to the fact * that we gave color to the charge that Gov. 1 “ffiird term” by copying , it from an exchange, without -Contradiction. It did not at the time odm'ir 10 us that this 1 accusation was Very tn Just, inasmuch as * ’hu governor was first e'ledted to serve out i the unexpired term of the absconding Bul , lock.and IS n<>w. feally serving bis fi st term. We t:Ju; pleasiiie in making thc cdrrecliijn' 1 [Athens Watch mini. . We have hearliGvn. Cplqijjtl spoken of by sbine pf the most influiheiai men fn the county, as a hi an truly worthy bfcrinsidcr ? ation and support of the-people of the Stale, r and it is our candid opinion. that iij > cm-pudst.fie stands higher than any otlwr nmfi that has Lycii nfi ■n’tioned for the’ po>i -1 tioti. However. Vre think it best to reserve , our pow’der'yet for a little while- till we see r farther. We do not care to make a flash in the pan.—-[Louisville News and Farmer. Senator Perry, from this d strict, says that-he “can conceive of no circumstance that wifi prevent Cohpilt getfing die enflrb delegation of his ftisfHdt, Vomposed of the 1 counties of Calhoun, Early, and Baker. He ' is by All odils the favorite in rhe counties named.”. From, the bgst information we can get, Senator Pertv gives very co r ct information, and we don’t hesitate to give expression tn like opinion, and to say fiir r (her, that it will give us much pjca*ure to . yield Gen. Colquit a heapy. support as the . democratic hominee.-[Early County News. , There is a certain clas.spf people—and a verv large class—who, unless vei'y strong evidences are brought f>rtb to prove the '■ contrary, wilt'continue to believe Governor * Smith to be an honest and aflicient m»n, and are content to judge h's conduct in lhe ■ future from what it has been in the past. They arc’generally pi bphf who trouble 1 themselves very little about such matters, ■ ami no pmtler wluit may be the pretc lions of other pandplates, they argue tliatGover uor Smith has filled the po.utlhn well, and ; ttmt there is no' necessiry for a clmii.-e. They say “let well enough alone." Tlitre 1 is no doulit that fle will,stand the best i chance for the place, U be consents to run. , [D iltoii Citizen. Many of the papers, tlirpujhout the State are liihtr.ig, even naming the man who they’ . thirik will be the next governor of Georgia, nnd <pvite anumlier have, we sappose inum d tiomdly, ovgrloiiked lhe man that North Georgia Jias determined shall be th * next , governor of Georgi a—Gen. L. J. GnrtreH. Quite i nitniH of voters in these momit.un Amnucs known no other couli late, ami we. believe there are many, ah, oodles of them, who will vote for The General any-w ty, even sbbiifd !fo Withdraw from the rape If the poeple of this section ein’t get Slate aid to help them to bpifil a railroad, they can vote, and wi 1 have some say ; s to who, will be dur next governor—Eliijay Cornier. The people of North Georgia think their ■ time to furnish the gov< nor has arrived and having niin>lx‘rs* of gentlemen we’l qualified for the p'Hition, iirsist that their 1 claims be consiib'ivd. While, we pledge our support to the nominee of the democra'- ic piarty, we c’aim the right to comnteml tor the nomination of ant irt from our soetion. Among the many who would m ike good goytnmrs and wjtoso lioim-s are norifi <fl the Chattahoochee river, *we mention the ; names Os C<l. ’W. 11. D.ibney, of Rom-*, Hon. John W. Wotl’wl, of C irter«vilie, ami Judge J. W. H. L'mlerwoval, <if Rome. These are allgmid men, either,ope of w;li nn, should oe raceive the nomm:i’i*>i}, Would completely distance Jun Johnson, « l*e has been a candidate on the radio d ticket tor some nronfks past.—[Cartersville Expnss. J 1 g? LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. r)OFNDARY of a tv-w Mditi-i Disfrict ) ijfGlico’kec county.—-d'arfiiig pohvt nt tl»e moutlj <>[Owl creek, on Ipt of bmd No. 7G6, 21 dLs'ricl and 2 I section in the 817 •ILtriet, G. 'M , thericc E ist tn lot of laud No 758 tn 21st district an 1 9 i section ofthe 817ih district, G. M . tlieiM e uenrly an East course ki lot-of land No 6'»Jj in Ifitb district and $1 section in lhe HtMfih district, G. SL, thence ne irly North tn lot t>f binl No. 500 in !slh district antl2 I fwetiori in the 1019:h d district, G.-M.. ihei on nearly North to lot i of land No ?i>V in l-ith di-urici and 2 i sec tion in she IblOlh disUict, G. M.. thence a strhighf Um* to !<>t dflnrid Nn. 117 In 15’h ’ tli-SHto and 2 I section in the Will: a district, G. M , thence dowty tlte Etowali river to tbv j beginning point. _ E. G. Ellison, . O. W. PriNAM. C. 8 Btki i.e. I IM o ji L<¥imi>ssion«rs- i Cbrr»>kcc (’ourl of Ordinary silting for i coniitv ptjiptws, Fgl<uary Ss h, 1876; ■ The Commissioners appointed Io lay out ‘ nnd di fine the lint’s <>fa new Mdifta District. * in said e<emty of Clierukcv, baring sis-M ili-ir rvqurl on die 15 h insumt, and ih<* i s-une having been examine I and approve*!; *tf>l*T,t d that the S lid nep- district be est ib- ; 4 HshPd with the :tbov * <h»-cri')H bmrnrhrv, I and that a duly'ct-nHisd copr of th<-vi pro I veetlingsbe lnl|iq Governor ot I Georgi a. C . M. Mc.C|.puk, 2'J -lt Ordm iry’an-I ex *>melb Ule'rk. ' ’ ~ ‘ 7- • - I Postponed Sheriff Sale. A VTILL bt* sold on tl«c first Tmatday in, i' * March n- x’, b ‘Are the c,hirt hoil'd . jaloor in C into'i. <“> r >k>s* c >u i’v. fl-orgU, ] lx tween the I-gal Ihmhh.4' sale, the lollo.v- I I3”d«wribv:| property, to w:l; , „ LOT of laml N >. 28),'i:i the Ifith d s ;tri t an 1 2 1 sG-tion of filer >k»-e civmiv, ■ ph. Lcviel on as the properly o! , King, in ssdisfy a conntv court ft. fa. is -1 sucii from tlw county court ot said ftomi ‘tv in f ivor of E. G. Gramling agiia-t Jesse King. 1 ! EORGIA, CHEROKEE COUN FY ; \_T To all whom it m>y c<mc» rn J. M.'t ■ ircAlcc haring in prop<*r form R-iphrd to me for permanem letters of admi usi ration m tlte estate <M Stvo»n E . Rhodes, late of .1 j,-i univ, tji.s is t * cite ail ar d singular v ere iilors'aud ncx: ot kin of Susm E. Rhodes To be and uj»;>cnr it my '’filer, wi’h iu Hh* time altarami bvlaw. and shuw cause i| any liwy can, why iMnauueut adminis tration should not lie grautml to J. M. Mc j Afre on Sus m E Rhodes's <-st ate. Witness 1 mv haml’ftn I oflirisl •'ig’iatnr-*, Frhrwwrv 7; ItHfi. C. M. M> ULURE, 27 It < *rJ«uaw. Gret the Beat. WEBSTER’S Unabridged Dictionary. M ' ,’Jx r 10,000 Words and Meanings Not ix Other Dictionaries. 3,000 Engravings. 1840 Pages, Quarto. Price, sl2. TTJcbstcr now is gloli* u<; it leaves poth -1 \ V ing to be desired.—[Pres. Raymond, 1 Vnssrv college. scholnr knows lhe value of the I* woik.—[W. 11. Prescott, Historian. Believe it to be the most perfect dic tionary of the language.—[Dr. J.' G. Ilolhmd. Superior in most respects to any other known to me.—[ —George P. Marsh. r riae standard authority for printing in JL this office. —[A. If. Clapp, Govern ment Printer. I Excels all others in giving and defining _J scientific terms. —[Pres. Hitchcock. T)emarkible compendium ol human i _L\ knowledge.—[Pres. W. S dark. “The best pbactical English Drc- • TIONAHY extant —[LbtiTon Quarterly Re view, October, 1873. ZSTEJ'W To the 3,000 Illustrations heretofore in Webster’s Unabridged we ha\e recently added four pag< s ot COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS, engraved cxpresJy for the work, at large ♦■xiiense. Also, • WEBSTER’S NATIONAL PICTORIAL DICTIONARY, 1,910 pages octavo. 600 engravings - Price, $5. THE NATIONAL STANDARD. PUOOF—2O TO 1 The sales of Wibstcr’s Dictionaries throughout, the country in 1873 were 20 times as large .as the sales of. any other Dictionaries. In proof, we will send tositj person, on applieatim. the - statements of more than 100 booksellers, from every sec tion of the esnihtrv. G..& C. MERRIAM, Publishers, 25 Springfield, Mass. For 1876. Cotton Option at 15 Cents. r | 5 AIvE your choice of the following: John Merrvmvn’s Ammoniated Bone, Baldwin A C<»’s A umoniated Bone, it'-rii’a Ammoni itcd Bone, Preston <f- Son’s Ammonixted B nifc, Rctsc\ Soluble Pacific, Wando Guano, Etiwan Guano, xlc’d Phosphates and Chemicals, Eor composting with stable manure nnd cotton Hcerl. For firms, etc., apply to WINTERS &, WHITLOCK, Mar etta, Georgia. A few bushels of Pearce’s Prolific Ctrilon S.’ed for s’o”. Tin* cot’on is enrly and sup- rior in staple and- well suited m this siciimi. Price, per bushel. 25-3 m Don’t Go Away TO BUY YOUR STOVES AND TINWARE, When yonr want? can be supplied at home PKRBY HKSTY. W. R. HASTT. PERRY HASTY & BRO,, Successors to J_»hn A. Webb, Wifi cfinflrfite th'-- Tin-shop in Canton, and win keep in Mix k STOVES ami TIN WARE of all kimU, ami will manufictiire tin and shyej-irou work io older, in work manlike riiatimT, nt prices as hnt as can t>e nffonlrd. j RE PAI RING made a si*ecialty. 17 , I n eommend the above firm to a gcticr | oils public, and :i'k for them the pntrbriage I friends extendi <ltr> me. JOHN A. WEBB A/r r rb2?<TioNr, i I Citiseus and Friends of the M. & N. G. Railroad! joseptFelsas, Al the old Pinckney Y'oung Corner, MARIETTA, GEORGIA, I Has a large stock of— DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, HATS, CLOTHING, CROCKERY* WARE. BOOTS AND SHOES—the best cuMotn niade work, Wiii'h ho off-rs cheap nt Panic Pliers (’•all and sv tor yourself. No troub’e to : •h m mstr.ilc to yo ( i what i- g -ing on in sell- ’ , ing goo Is now, during panic Hints, wlien giv»Js nnrst tie -oM l<»r < ash. nndcasli only. Thanking all my friends lor their Jils-ral j pdiouage, and asking a coniinuanct: of the s une, I am, veiv respect fully | 17 JOSEPH ELSAS ts ROSCO P I A.. IyR. G. W. MADDOX has practiretl I * medicine lor three years, w th great j succcsd, in the ra|»l<l cure of UiM-ases, «*spe-1 dally those ot Chrmic dise is, s. ’ l»oth of males and leiunles, yield rea lily to . his pure medicines. Caw* can l>e sent to him by express or I>v hand, one half ounce j of urine iieing sufficient to locate the dis ease. Medicines rent to any part ol the j United States at his risk. All caves prompt ly attentferl to. dav or night. Address. G. W Madoox, Walescu, Cherokee county, ! Gem-a. R> | i' FARM IMPLEMENTS. LE* 1 _E T J_ Tj I Z _E -Ex. S- PRICES REDUCED. Mark AV. Johnson & AVoodrufF, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, W’holcsale and R< tail Dealers in Farm Im Seeds, Fertilizers, Carriages, BiiS gies VTagoiis, portable Steam Engines Improved Live Stock, Etc. offering, at prices gif.dly • i>> d, d>- < stotA M|rs j 50 Boyd Excehior Plows, 50 No. C. Ex e’s or two-horae Steel Plow, 500 !>ixie Crist one-horse Plows, at $3, or H nt one orlcr for sls, 500 one and two-horse Farmers’ Friend Cast Plows—the best Turning P.ow fVW •ffriwd to the public, 500 Feed Cutters, all siz ,- s and prices, 150 Corn Shdlers, from |9 50 up, 200 dozen Hnitdh-<1 Farniers' Slihulc IliieS. cheaper than ever In fore offered, 75 two-hor*e iron-axle Farm Wagons, Horn $75 up, and warfante l, BUGGIES —We have, the largest Repository in Georgia, and can ruil every tMI« Mid every pocket. TUertllizers. 3,000 tons of the best stnndarH Fertiliz- rs, now ready for di livery, consisting, in part »f 1,500 tons Russ l H’s Ammoiiialed Bone Su- 200 tons Sio .<» HAltdilv <»u.snU, perphospbale, 100 ions Ptife Flower of Raw Bona, 500 tons Slono Acid Phosphate, I’>o ions Laud Plaster 50 ions Poiaih Compnnmi, 50) tons Ovsier Slu-I Limo. Also, 20,000 pounds Sulolial • of Ammonia, Nitrate > f Soil s M irinc o» ate. 500d.6. Oiir S'-cd drpartment Is the most com pl tv to b-- found North or South. No«aad cau becalksi for that wv cm not tumisii. We have now arriviiig— -104)00 doz Pa ft rs of elm ce and genuine Gmdrn Seeds, l,ot>o bbls E-iriy Rose, Sm>w Flnk<-. Rr wm Vi’sßeuniv»ml P' t rl-si»HritiCu*». Ordaraow. 250 bushels of Hie ceb bi ili d St. Domingo Yam, wry fine and early, fiOO bushels of Red Clover, 1.000 pounds Luci-rnv, White ( lover, Crims m Annual Clover, etc , 2,000 bushels (krni iu Milb't. And right liri. let us urg- cvi-ry tarmrr, in Gaorria l*» order al <ni e. one <>f mor.- I>u-h< Is o! this G. rman MidW. W» kmw of no.itiwg tq ml to it tin h r the sun a.s a hay or forage plan’, an 1 seed will be sc».te. 1,000 l.tisii ls Hungarian Grass, 5.0u0 busl.e-s lied Top nr Hetd'n GraMi, 500 bushels of Timothy, 10,000 bushels Red Rust Pns»f Oats, tha waly 2,000 bu-LcL of Buy Grass, Orchard Grass, Oat wo; th planting li»rn Jauaary te live Grass, Vitrhr-'. etc , M.ireh, 500 bushels of New, Rare, and Dislmb'e Cotton See >, »‘ C NV’c arc in earrnsf, m»‘nn inte l) cheap, and will give one of Warr-n’s Patent Iloaa to all who send us it' - order amounlit-g to $lO Semi for pi ire li-ts. We sell Farm Engines cheaper Ilian any othvi Southern house. Try us. 26 3m MARK W. JOHNSON A WOODRUFF, Atlant*, Ga. — i : : : —_z- JOHN S. REESE A Co., General Agents, Ballimore, Maryland. _A_ ID .A. I LEv <Sz ZB ZR OS. * Atlanta, Georgia, Sole Agents for the District of North aivl Midille (icorgia, North Abte baina and Tennessee, for the PACIFIC (TANO COMPANY, Capital, $1,000,000 I an.l.. anil «- "4 .'i ■ «:,»;* ' f ».* ’ ’*«■!* ;*; . z 4 '■■■ Y' M f JUST RECEIVED: 1000 Tons Soluble Pacific Guano, 100 Tons Acid Phosphate for composting. (NO OLD STOCK ON HAND; We are now prepare<l to furni.-h doalers and planters in any qrwintD tv desired of the aixtve high grade and popular Fertilizers, which are fresh and in tine condition, and the analysis redbntlv made, of the naw stock, show about 15 per ocni. available‘i'hefrphuiic Acid[3 t-4 pwr qent. Ammonia, and nearly 2 per cent, of POTASH. Solti on time,' ar itoual, at low price, with the option to the planter to pay in Cottoa first November, at 15 cents per pound. Call on, or send to us for circulars and analysis. Beapectiuily, [26 2m] ADAIR & BROTHEBS. Rome Stove and Hollow-ware Woras. A written guarantee with every stove sold. If any piece bre>k* from heat, or anything is the matter with your stove, bring it back m 4 we will fix it in two hours or give you another one. Every ar title warranted. Rots, Ovens, Skillets, and lids of nil sorts. SEAY BROTHERS, Proprietor OTlioe 6LIAGI Saleeroom-39 Broad st. Foundry, corner of Frayklin street and Railroad. Giii-geuring, Mill-wht-els, Castings, made tc order COPPER, TIN, AMI SHEET-IRON WARE. Tin Roofing. Gnttering. am! J»»b work promptly attended to. Tm Ware s< Id very cheap. 13 3m