The Cherokee Georgian. (Canton, Cherokee County, Ga.) 1875-18??, March 01, 1876, Image 2

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Georgian • i- W ' •• , *'■■'— ’• r- —~ P.’H. BREWSTER,) J. J. A. SHARP, V Editors. J. O. DOWDA, ) Canton, G-a., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1. 1876. .... Left Out. * Several advertisemehtKaFe Wt out of this issue, owing to causes mentioned elsewhere. Wanted Immediately. A sober, practical printer, who can do grx«l work, and who is willing to work at n price to suit the times. Apply at this of- gg| g I IB> M1 Our paper does not come up to our usu al standard this week, and if our readers ah* (Hssappointed we are prepared to sym pathize with them, for we are not only dis appointed, but mortified. We hope and intend to do better hereafter, or know the reason why if we don’t. Drunkenness is a great evil any where, but there is no place th’s side of heaven where its victims are more out of place than in a printing office. Hon. B. H. Hill has made special ap- io the present for a general par don'and amnesty of people concerned in lhe infraction of the revenue laws on condi ti®n that they promise obedience to the laws hereafter. "‘This is a matter of vital importance to the people of North Georgia who have been the victims of much injus tice nnd oppression from revenue officers; and, if the application is granted, it will re lieve, in particular many good citizens of this and adjoining counties who have been arrested for mere technical violation of the law. lhe Contest for the Cadetship. The examination of applicants for the crulets|ii/at West Point military academy began at Cartersville oil the 22d and emlcl" at midnight on the’23d ultimo There were twenty-four applicants—a class of handsome, intellectual, and most prom ising young men. The examination was conducted fairly and satisfactorily to all parties. The race close between eight nppbcants. On the consolidation of the grades, it was found that the grade of Ed gar Hubert of Polk and of 8. W Johnson, our promising countyinan, was so close as to necessitate a.xomplete Revision of their respective grades. This done, Mr. Hubert was ascertained to be a fraction ahead of Mr. J >hnson, who was the second choice. M Idle we regret that Cherokee did not wig, we. congratulate Mr. Johnson on the manly fight he made, and Mr. Hubert on being the brightest young intellectual star in the Seventh district Mr. Johnson leaves this week for Louis ville Medical college, where he will pursue a course of studies preparatory to entering the medical profession. We predict for him a bright future and a distinguished name. . . Miserable Policy. We think it is miserable policy for Jeff. Davis Bob Toombs and other leaders in the late rebellion, to continue to be the oracles of the South, whenever a great question be tween the two antagonistic sections arises. It is two late now for such men to give •beir opinions, and as they misled the peo ple once, and caused the nun and degrada tion of the South, by either their ignorance or knavery, wn think it is contemptible pre sumption and shameful effrontery for such men to attem^t'to'inflftencepublic opinion and *o direct public sentiment at this time. They have been “weighed in the balances and found wantingthey have proven themselves to be unsafe and unworthy lend ers. and a dignified silence on their part would be prudent and commendable. They have wrecked one ship, with its millions of 1 v< snnd property, by their recklessness and bad management, and they are not the men to lie intrusted with Whatever may be Wo covered frqip.lhr effects of the a’orin which they raised; bnt failed most signally to con trol. Their mouthing* nnd growling* are doing us incalculable mischief, nnd aiding and abetting those who are striving to keep us in poverty and subjection. They have rothhig in lose, nnd like blind Samson, they are disp< rate, and would destroy them relvr* and their friends rml their country, in order that their enemies might perish in the general wreck. We don’t bcHeve our ] < npte are in sym|>athy with such men, lor baviag been deceived and betraycdHhy them « lire, (raprebd’y by Toom I*-) they crUinly have more sensei wall to follow such leaders again. Th' ranllngs of Toombs and his sort ought to be discouraged and regarded with contempt by all decent and sensible pi'ople, and wiser counsels than he ever g.»ve, nr cun now give, should prevail with the people of the South. B Gen. Rola-n i'atu mon, ol PnHadelphia, has lavn elected a* a 1 orator of lhe Mexi can veterans? wlm will celebrate the Uer»- t nnial »< Philadelphia, ou the 4ih of July, (■t u. Patterson is a native of Tennessee. The cadets of \S«st I’viut will have to get a long on <540 in pay and allowance after the <nd «»: this fiscal year. Tiny arc n<>w receiving ft»10. which is cnnsuk'nthlv more than lhe family of the land is H’UUMjlic*! loslftisist »Ml. ——— The clerk <ft W* h.-ta appointed a« messenger an old colon d man aamni Elias I'oik, who value hi ssliing*‘>u with Jas. K Tolk, of Tionesatv. as body set vant V hen Mr. IMk w.« first elected a member «I congress. lie h<s remained in the Bulk fonily until now. and claims to belong to tm demuC’siie. V Hr ’X» The Cohmibuv wad'.m the < migration m >vcmvut as “atxMrt ever N< mly J. 600 b; tW KVfaC tl |e IWO b it seVtr d wild lnvA»k i-lrtl Irtindrttls would cornu ba<k it they tonld. They w< re deluded by fair pren>i<- <sotrxxnbii .nl. w.tgts. and they are now . b'tteih pgrvttmg Uml th* )' did -»ol t»u th- <•!. p i.t tern. 4 ZSTEW GOOT3S! Great Bargains. I now have, and am dally receiving, one of the largest stocks of goods ever brought into this conn tv. They are new and fresh, and purchased in ths Northern and Eastern markets .for eash, at panic price*. I can, consequently, sell low for cash or barter. My stock consists, in part, of— DRY GOODS, New Prints of the best brand* and latest styles at eight cents a vard. Shirtings, Sheetings, Drillings, Osnaburgs, tickings, Canton Flannels, Bleached Domestics, Balmoral Skirts, CLOTHS AND CLOTHING, Cassfmers, Cassimerets, Jeans, Linseys, Ready made Clothing, sml a great many winter goods that will, bo sold at cost for the cash. FUR AND SILK HATS, fresh from Now York, with a large lot of tho finest BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to this market. The ladies will be do lighted with my box-toed shoes and gaiters, but I have any style or quality to suit the taste or purse. Gentlemen will also admire iny elegant, new style, inexpensive dress boots. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, in ple-tifnl supply. Also everything in the line of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Hardware, Crockcry, Glassware, Tinware, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Umbrellas, Notions, etc. AVERY PLOWS, I will well low for cash, and if any farmer who likes to work wants one of these necessary implements on time, he ean get it. THE HUDSON WAGONS, of which I have a numlier on hand, both one and two-horse, I will sell on time until next fall, on a good note and security. STANDARD SCHOOL BOOKS. I am agent for the sale of the school books auth orized by the Teachers’ association and Board of I Education of Cherokee county. ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST and cleverest Clerks In Georgia, Mr. E. B. HOL LAND, can be seen at my store at all times He is still unmarried, but exceedingly anxious to enter into the wedded state, and I am satisfied he will marry soon, if the opportunity offers. So come along, young ladies. Bemember this is leap year and the' Centennial year, and you need not fear to make your wants known. In conclusion I would say, if tho people of thia section want goods of the best quality, at the lowest prices, trom the moat extensive stock in the county, let them call on me, and I will prove that my store is the place to get them. Very tespoctfully, J. M. McAFEE. Photographer & Jeweler. TITHE nndersitjnpd Dikes plensnre in noti- JL tying the public that he is prepared to take Pictures of every kind on short no tice. He will also repair Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every description. Charges to suit the times. Rooms, in Ellis’s brick building (up stairs), Canton. G*. 30 ly L. B. OWEN. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. T BOUNDARY of a new Militia District ) in Cherokee county. —Starting point at the mouth ofOwl creek, on lot of land No. 766, 21 district and 24 section in the 817 district, G. M., thence East to lot of land No. 758 in 21st district an-.l 2'l section of the 817th district, G. M., thence nearly a” East course to lot of land No. 656 in 15th district and 2d section in the 890lh district, G. M., thence nearly North to lot of land No. 500 in 15lh district and 24 section in the 1019th district. G. M., thence nearly North to lot of land No. 209 in 15th district and 24 sec tion in the 1019th district, G. M.. thence a straight line to lot of land No. 147 in 15th district and 2 i section in the 1019th district, G. M, thence down the Etowah river to the beginning point. E. G. Ellison, O. W. Putnam, C. 8 Steelk, Commissioners. Cherokee Court of Ordinary sitting for county purposes, February 16th, 1876: The Commissioners appointed to lay out nnd define the line* of a new Militia District in said county of Cherokee, having filed their report on the 15th instant, and the same having hren examined and approved; ordered that the said new district be estab lished with the nbov** described Umndary, and that a duly certified copy of these pro ceedings be forwarded tn the Governor of Georgia. C M. MeCI.URF., 29 4t Ordinary nnd cx-offleio Cl» rk. Postponed Sheriff Sale. TV TILL be sold on the first Tuesday in \ V March net*, lirfore lhe rourt-houw door in Canton, Cherokee county, Georgia, la tween the legal hours of sale, the follow ing descrilte I |»r.»pcrty. to wit : LOT of land No. 280, In the 13th dis trict and 24 section of Cherokee conmy, Gn. Levied ou as the property ot Jesse King, to satisfy a county court fl. fa. is sued from tho county court ol said coun ty in fiver of E. G. Gramling against Jesse King. pEOR( HA, CH KRO KE E C<) UNTV v T Henry T. Johnson has applied to me for iximption pf personalty and selling apart and valuation of boniest end, and I will pmsn on the same et 11 o’clock a. m.. Mnich 6,1876, at my offi o. U M. MCCLURE, Ordinary. Print* r‘s fee, $2. /EORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY VI Whereas. John Terry, administrator or William Perkmson, n-presenis to the court in his |x.4i:ion, duly Jibed and entered ou n-eorrt. that lie has fully admintsUred William Piricnson’s estate: This is there fore to ri»e all persons resweemrd. kindred and creditors, to show cxuiie. if any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and re ceive letters of dismission, on the first Mon day in May, 1876. 27 8m ' C. M. McCLURE, Ordinary. Ci EORGIA. CHEROKEE COUNTY I To all whom it may concern : J M. M.-Ako li tving in pn»p«g form applied to nic f«»r |KrnMtner»l letters of adminis’ration ou lhe estate of Susan E . Rluxles, late <rf s id < <>untv, this is h« cite .41 : ml singular tua crrtliims at «1 next of kin of SuMfi E. Rtioiirs to be and apfKsr .a my ufllee, with in tlic. time ailowetl by law. and Show cause If an? they <sn. why p<n«<an**ttt adminis tration should rot 1* granted to J. M >tc- Afer on Susjoi E. Rhodes's estate. itnos un hand amt uftkial sfeo-itnr.. February iBM . U M McCLURE. j i oreMttary. *» _ a a .9 “ f 1 - qS o J •= ft* ~ K £.2 wOI 2 H H L® ’ 111 • 0 C',.o c 3 ® 2 n h s r is § ? o lis i I ! I rjh, ?? ° M o h Ti M arzS e ° o £g " ° o § 1859. established 1859. 1 ■-.*> ■ ' McMillan & Snow. Wholesale Dealeis in •GROCERIES, PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS. WHOLESALE HOUSE, No. *Bl Forsyth street, near State capitol. FA#CY GROCERY HOUSE, 25 Marietta st., near DeGive’s Opera House. SEEDS of all kinds. 100 barrels new Mackerel, 200 half barrels new Mackerel, 400 kits new Mackerel, 100 half barrels White-fish, 100 kits White-fish., a large stock of staple and fancy Groceries, ai lowest prices. 27 3m Livery Stable! N. J. GARRISON lias opened a Livery Stable in Canton, and is prepared to fornidJ Horses, Buggies, and Wagons to the public for reasonable compensation. He will also do Hauling to and from the railroad and elsewhere for those desiring such service. The s'artiug of a livery stable in Canton is only an .experiment, but Mr. Garrison hopes' by attention to business and salisfnc tory charges to make his experiment a sac cesslul undertaking. • 23 THE DEATH-BED OF ANDREW JOHNSON. A FINE ENGRAVING, just published on heavy plate paja-r, 14x19 inches in size. It touchingly portrays lhe last mo ments of the gp nt stati »nuin, wilh family and friends gtonped sorrowfully arouml him. It is n bemMiful gem of art, and should hang in every house nnd cottage in tne land. Sample <spy sent by mail, movni ed on a roller and postpaid, on receipt of 25 cents, or 3 for 6fr cents. A ddress BURROW & CO., Pitblislicra, Box 94, Bristol, Tenn. Agents wanted everywhere to sell our new popular Pictures of Mooily and Sa«kev, Dentb-!»e4 of Andrew Jolms<>n, and one humlreil other subjects. No mon ey required until pi< lures are sold, bend stamp for catalogue and terms. Address as nlMive. . . 27 4t Speciid Notice. r pilE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale One Hundred Acres of Land, forty acres of which nre under fence and in cul tivation/ The remaming sixty acres are in the wo/h.s nnd well timbered. A small creek runs through the place, having *»me ten or twelve acres of bottom laod upon it. On the place are all lhe ncc<-ss>iry houses, in good condition, a gno-l orchard, and an excellent spring of water. It lies in the 3d district and 2d section nf Cherokee, Tiie whole lots are Nos. 10 and 11; the half lot J is adjoining, but dumber not remembered. I will give a bargain in this property, if sold noon. Titles unquestionable. For fur ther particulars, call on W. H. Bra non, or at the office ot The Cherokee Georgian. 21 F S. BRA NON. W. A. BRWHWELL. CARPENTER, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Residence, Canton, Ga. O ALL work done bv me will be done with noM iwo. and <!l»f*aUh. Price* rvaxuable— ■uitislaction gn»raate«4. j Aug 4, Ljv J? II- Speir. CANTON, GEORGIA, (Office: J. B. Barton » StoieJ HXVIMi remmwrt the practirr at Far aiot Ofeftrtrie*, tenders hi* wrvice* to hi» fri< ad» and patrons and tht corn muulag generally 3 b»ltk>o«t Osern for |>a*t favor*. rv*pe» tfn’ly aobcita a continuation »f tb<- name. Idamar* <rf women and chlidrea made a 'pedality. WIU attend raßa day or nix hi. -S-ly JOHN L- M'»ON. r. WOOTKM. Moon a wooten, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta,* - - - Gkorc.ia, i Office, Oppo-ite National Hotel. ( xTiCj. M. Turk.’ WILL CQNTINV* T»fc BRACTH-A < F Medicine and Surgery. 1 \IF EASES of WOMEN -nd OBBTET- I ’ RlCSiudde a Si'ECIALTY. Offi«e<in Mam street, u.t>l cud. , A-g 4 1-ts Gret the Rest. WEBSTER’S Unabridged Dictionary. 10,000 Words and Meanings Not in Other Dictionaries. 3,000 Engravings. 1840 Pages, Quarto. Price, SI2. Webster now Is iilorinus; It lenvos noth ing to be desired.—[Pres. Raymond, Vassar college. Ip very scholar knows the value of the b work. —[W. 11. Prescott, Historian. Believe it to l>c the most perftet dic tionary of the language.—[Dr. J. G. Holland. Superior in most respects to any oth'T IO known to me.—[ —George P. Marsh. rrVie standard authority for printing in _L this office.—[A. H. Clapp, Govern ment Printer. IPxccls all others in giving and defining scientific terms. —[Pres. Hitchcock. Remarkable compendium of human knowledge.—[Pres. W. S. Clark. “The best practical English Dic tionary extant.—[London Quarterly Re view, October, 1873. TxTE'W To the 3.000 Illustrations heretofore in Webster’s Unabridged wc have recently added four pages of COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS, engraved expressly for the work, at large expense. Also, WEBSTER’S NATIONAL PICTORIAL DICTIONARY, 1,940 pages octavo. 600 engravings' Price, $5. THE NATIONAL STANDARD. PROOF —20 TO 1 The sales of Wtbstrr’s Dictionaries throughout she country in 1873 were 20 times as large as the sales of any other Dictionaries. In proof, we will send to any person, on application, the statements of more than 100 booksellers, from every sec tion of the G.& C. MERRIAM, Publishers, 25 Springfield. Mass 1876. Cotton Option at 15 Cents. i fJTAKE your choice of the following: Jolm Metryman’s Ammoniated Bone, Baldwin & Co ’» A.nmnniatcd Bone, Stern’s Ammoniated Bone, ’ Prestnn d: Son’s Ammoniated Bone, Reese’s Soluble Pacific, Want’.o Guano, I Eliwan Guano, i Acid Phosphates and Chemicals, For composting with stable manure and ■ cotton seed. I For terms, etc., apply to WINTERS A WHITLOCK, Marietta, Georgia. * A few bushels of Pearce’s Prnliflr Cotton Seed for »i»r. The cotton is earin' and su|wrior in staple nnd well trailed to this w ction. Price, $5 |M?r buahd. 25-3 m Don’t Go Away ‘ TO BUY YOUR STOVES ANO TINWARE, When your wants ean be supplied at home FKRRY HASTY. W. R HAFTY. PERRY HASTY A BRO., Successors to Jahn A. Webb, Will continue the Tin-shop in Canton, nnd . will keep in stork STOVES and TIN WARE of all kinds, and will manufactwre tin ami Mhcet-iron work, to older, in work manlike maimer, at prices as low as can be afforded. REPAIRING made# specialty. 17 I recommend the alniye firm to a gener ous public, and ask for them the patronage friends extended to me. JOHN A. W EBB J. 11. CLAY, Brick and Stone Mason, Brick Maker and Plasterer, CANTON, - • • GEORGIA TTTtLL do all kinds of work in his line, \ V such ns budding Brick nnd Stone Houses, Pillars nnd Chimneys, Plastering I House*, etc. All work done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices rea . sonahlc nnd jnst. Best of reterenccs can be given when desired. aug 11 2 ly TTROSCOPIA. DR. G. W. MADDOX has practiced medicine for three years, wdb great sueceOL in the rapid cure of diseases, espe cially those ot hinahs. Chronic diseases, i s lx>th ot males and females, yield readily to j his pure medicim-s. Casts can be sent to ! him by expn-ss or t»v hand, one half ounce ■ ot uritm being sufficii ul to locate the dis ease. Mi-dicines sent to any part ot the Uid’ed Static nt his risk. All case* prompt *lf ait« n«kd m, day or night. AJilrew. G. W Maddox, Wah»ca, Chcrokev county, (veorgia. W Mrs. M. A. Smith, Canton, HAIR WORKER, X f ANUFACTURES hair into all kinds !Al ol bruid«, ringlets, setts, bracelets, I -vatch-gnards, necklaces, etc. Will insure satisfaction in quality of work and pricv. i AH grades ot mounting furnished when de sir»d Call and see slyk- of work, on Ma js ktfn street. 4 FARM IMPLEMENTS. s ■ y .‘f- t H t j, ;i | fQ PRICES REDUCED. ■ »ill ttf -«<■• vdneA ” >, , t !f dUW q,H irj.jS *9 ■■■> 11 1 isa* s'c’iudb oil ii '’dl? ' • ' i/ “ -.4 1 --■a*;*- Mark W. Johnson & Woodruff, .nuld NT A, GEORGIA, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Farm Implements, Seeds, Fertilizers, Carriages, Big gies Wagans, Portable Steam Engines ’ - Improved Live Stock, Etc. offering, at prices greatly reduced, the following attractive stock: 50 Boyd Excelsinr Plows, 50 No. C. Ex< elsior two-horse Steel Flew, 500 J Dixl« Craft one-hotre at $3, nr 6*t one «*4er for f 15, 500 one and Hro-hordf Farmers’ Friend Cast Plows—the best Turning Plow ever efilrred to the public, 500 Feed Cuitcre, all sizes and prices. 150 Corn Shellers, from $9 50 up, 200 dozen Hanfficd Farmers' Shank Hoes, cheaper than ever before offered, 75 two-horse iron-axle Farm Wftgmis, ftbm $75 up, and warranted, BUGGIES —We have the largest RefMieitory in Qvorgia, aud cau suit every taele a»< every pocket? 3 ’* •»* •*» ” ; Fertilizers. 3,000 tons of tlm best standard Fertilizers, now ready for delivery, consiraing. in part »f 1,500 tons Russ« ir» Ammoniated Bone Su- 200 tons Stono Soluble Guam*, t perphosphnb*, I<M> ’om» Pure Flower of Raw Bone, 500 tons Slone Arid 50 tons ptotasta Ompoitnil, ‘ A 509. tons Ovster Sh» ll Lim*. Also, 20.000 pounds Sulphate of Ammonia, Nitrate of Soda, Muriate of Potash, «lc. Seeds. . Our Seed department 1* the most compb<tr to U''tflmd North or South. Noted cam be calks! for that we can rnM furnish. We have n»w iniving— -10.000 doz Papers of < ho'ce and genuine Garden S-< ds, 1,000 bbls EaHV Rose, Show Flake, Brewm il’s Beamy and Pi-crL ss Potatoes. Order new. 250 bushels of the crlebrntedSt. Domingo Yam, very fine and early, 500 bushels of Red Clover, 1,000 pounds LnW-rne, Wh-rte Clover, Crims<m Annual Clover, etc., 2 000 bushels German Millet. Ami right here l. tus urge every farmer, in Georgia »• order at once, one or more bhshrls of this German Mhlet. We know nf netting equal to It under the sun as a hay of forego plan’, and seed will be 1 000 bush. Is Hungarian Grass, 5.000 bushels Red Top or Herd’s Gram. 500 bushels of Timothy, 10,000 bushels Red Rust Proof Oats, the enly 2 000 Lu-hek of B ue Grass, Orchard Grass, Oat worth planting Hem Jasnar? M» Rye Grass, Witches, et* , March, 500 ImshelS of New, Rare, and Desfrab’e Cotton Seed, r c We are in earnest, mean to se ll ehenp, ami will give one of Warr n’a Patent IlasnMt all who send us ae order amnunti»»g to $lO Semi for price lists. We sell Farm Engineit chctt|M'r than any other Southern house. Try us. 2« 3,n MARK W. JOHNSON & WOODRUFF, Atlants, Ga. i i iimii tins ~ 1 JOHN 8. REESF & Co., General Agents, Baltimore, Maryland. .A. ZD JLIIR, <Sc ZBZROS-, Atlanta, Geovtria, Sole Agents for the District of North and Middlo Georgia, Nnrth Ala b.tma and Tennessee, for the ' ! 'u A; « fag si Stviftl f»dw ns *'* .. ‘ iaM» ; • "‘I she* A- emll ■ PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, Capital, $1,000,000 I i 1 si—— —l JUST RECEIVED: 1000 Tons Soluble Pacific Guano, 100 Tons Acid Phosphate for composting. (NO OU) STOCK ON HAND) W© are now prepared to farisish doalers and planters in any qwMHi. tv desired of the above high ghtde nnd popular FertiliKem, which era freah and in line condition, and the analysis recently made, ©f the new stock, show about 15 percent; available ‘Phosphoric Acid, 3 t-4 par cent. Ammonifi, arid nearly 2* per cent, of EOJASH. Sold on time, an usual, at low price, with th6 bption to the planter to pay in Cotton first * November, at : 15 cent’s peF pouiid. Call on, or send to u* for circulars and analysis. Respectfully, [26-2mj ADAIR A BROTHKBfi. * ■ '-4 --''t, .■■'L—.— ' - 77..1.1* ■ I I " ■ 1... ■■■■■■■■■■ a 1.. J"H . Rome Stove and Hollow - warn Works. A written guarantee with every stove sold. If any pieee hrndb* from heat, or anything wi the matter with your stove, bnng it back «n< ;we will fix it hi two houraorgive you another one. Every artiei* warranted. Pots, Ovens, Skillets, and lids of all sorts. SEAY BROTHERS, Proprietors. Office a.xicl Salesroom-39 Broetd St. Foundry, corner of Franklin street and Railroad. Gin-gearing; Mill-whubls, Castings, made tc order T1 ToitTb, TiX, AND Sdeet ibon ware. Tin Roofihj; 4 fsiittcring, and Job work promptly attended te. Tib W sre sold very cheap. 13-3 m