Semi-weekly Sumter Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1875-188?, September 19, 1883, Image 3

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jpe |cmi-of£yg |cpMttan. Wo^¥, Departure of Mails from Americus. Malls going VV'est and South close at 12 M. “ “ North and East close at -3 p.m. Night mails for Macon and points beyond close at - - - - - 6:30 r. m. Buena Vista mail closes at - - 12 m. Lumpkin mail closes at - - - - 12 m. W-A. BLACK P. M. AMEBIC US COTTON MARKET. Americus, Ga., Sept. 14, 1883. Good Middling, 91 Middling, 9; Low Middling, 8| Good Ordinary, 9 Ordinary, .. 7? Market firmer. Whole number of bales to date.. 3,033 Will Not Preach. Owing to some unforeseen circum stances, Rev. Mr. Graves, of the Presbyterian church of Albany, will not preach in the Methodist church to night, as announced. However, all who wish to enjoy a good service can do so by attendiug the regular prayer meeting to-night. To My Friends. I may hereafter be found at the store of T. Wheatley, on the corner, where I shall be glad to see all my friends, and sell them the very best goods at the lowest living piices. Sepls,2w O. E. AnsTjEY. Change of Carrier. Our former carrier having retired in order to avail himself of our ex cellent school privileges, we have had to secure the services of anew man. If any are not regularly served with the paper, they will please report the same at this office until our new car rier shall have become familiar with the route. Cocoanut Caice and Coco an ut Candy at B. W. Patterson’s. New Court House Bill Signed. The Governor has signed the bill authorizing the County Commission ers of Sumter to issue bonds to the amount of twenty thousand dollars for the purpose of building anew Court House. To The Public. I am now in the store of Mr. G. W. Glover where I wisli my friends to give me a call whenever they come to Americus. Will be pleased to sell them all the goods they may need in the lines to be found in our house. sep7,2w. Marion Harper. Extension of Time. Mr. Lott Warren, Agent, informs us the limit on tickets to the Louis ville Exposition has been extended, and that thirty days are now given instead of fifteen. Tickets to the Cincinnati Exposition, good till Octo ber 10th, have also been placed on sale at the depot here. Just received at B. W. Patterson & Co.’s Candy Factory and Bakery: Fresh Cocoanuts, Northern Ap ples, Citron, Raisins & Currents. Thanks. We would return special thanks to the Southern Express Company for kindly forwarding 000 copies of our special issue to Louisville free ot cost. To Mr. S. C. Cooper, the accommo dating and gentlemanly agent at this place, we are under renewed obliga tion for assistance rendered. Fifty Bushels Guaranteed Georgia Seed Bye for sale at $2.00 per bushel, at Joiner & Nicholson’s. sept!9-2t Improving. We are informed by Dr. S. B. Hawkins, the attending physician, that Miss Allen, who was wounded on Saturday last by the accidental discharge of a pistol, is getting on very well. Although the ball has not been found, it is hoped that noth ing serious may result. At Home Again. I take this method of announcing to my friends, and the public gener ally, that I can again be found at the store of Mr. G. W. Glover, where I will be pleased to have them call on me. Will be glad to serve them whenever in my power to do so. Re spectfully. R. J. Perry. sept7—2w. A Collision. A collision on Cotton Avenue, on Saturday last, between a mulo which carried a gentleman of color, and a buggy in which two dusky damsels sat, resulted in the complete demoli zation of the buggy wheels. The man and mule went on their way rejoicing; the damsels retired on foot from the unequal contest. On Thirty Day’s Trial. The Voltaic Belt Cos., Marshall, Mich, will send J)r. Dye’s Celedeatud Electro, Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who are afllicted with Nervous Debility. Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Ad dress as above. N. B.—No risk is incurred; thirty days’ trial is allowed. dec2l-ly- SHORT‘CROPS. If your crops are so short as not to enable you to pay out, call on me and I can, at small expense, negotiate you a loan on your farm at eight per cent, interest. This will pay you better than letting your debts* stand over, and their doubling up or compound ing interest. Yon will always save money by payiug as you go. Every body knows the difference between cash and credit prices. Call on or Addr^sß F. E. BURKE, Successor to First National Bank, septa-tf. Amoricus, Ga. Still Here. Seaborn Feagan, who was arrested last Saturday, for jumping bondsmen in Mississippi, is still flourishing his razor and crying “next,” in his shop near the postoffice. The officer who caused his arrest left on Tuesday with about three hundred dollars of Seab’s money. He had a hearing before Judge Pilsbury, which cost him in the neighborhood of five hundred dollars. He seems to be a sadder as well as a wiser man, and will let women alone. Public Schools. Our Public Schools began on Mon day last, with a very flattering atten dance, there being about two hundred and fifty in tho white schools. This number will doubtless be largely in creased before the close of the week, and all things point to a most pros perous session. We have no report from the colored schools, but will give full report from all the schools in our next issue. For Sale 1 I have a pair of fine, well broke oxen which I will sell cheap. A. C. Bell. Give Him a Call. Among our new advertisements this morning may be found that of 11. D. Watts. Having moved into his new house, with an entirely new stock, comjjlete in every department, he announces himself prepared to 83rve his old customers and all the new ones who may favor him with a call. Remember the place, north east corner Public Square, and gov ern yourselves accordingly. A Busy Day. Saturday last was a busy day for our town. Cotton began to pour in early in the morning, and found ready sale at rising prices. Asa con sequence people were in a mood to trade, and our merchants found plen ty of work to supply the demands of their customers and friends. We hope this was but an earnest of many days to come, and the beginning of a long business season. Qur Special Issue. We really feel gratification at the reception which has been given our special issue. All who have spoken to us in regard to it, have spoken in the highest commendation, and if its reception at home be an indication of how it will be received abroad, we shall have accomplished all we origi nally intended. To one and all we say, “Thanks for your compliments.” PERSONAL. Charlie Odom of Macon, is visiting relatives in this city: We regret to learn that Miss Nellie Qlessner is very sick. Mr. G. J. Stapleton, of Webster county, was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Lott Warren and children are on a visit to her father, Capt. Davis, of Albany. Mrs. Jordan of Macon, a sister of B. H. Jossey, and her little son, Jessie are visiting in the city. Mrs. Frank Jossey left Monday last for Macon, where Mr. Jossey will make his future home. Mrs. J. B. Hinkle returned home Monday from Macon, where she has been spending some days quite pleas antly. Mrs. Rutherford leaves to-day for her home in Butler, Ga. She has many warm friends here who will regret to part with her. Mrs. A. D. Gatewood, who has been visiting relatives in Jackson, Butts county', for a month or more, is ex pected home to-day, and consequent ly Any is jubilant. We are pleased to learn of the im provement of Glennie, son of James Dodson, Esq. The indications are that he may soon be entirely recover ed. Mr. W. W. Hooks and wife, of Americus, accompanied by their sis ter, Miss Maud Clegg, of Sumter county', are in the city, the guests of Mrs. J. A. Walters. —Albany News. General George Bivins, an old cit izen of this city, is lying in a critical condition at the residence of his son, J. E. Bivins, in Leeton. We learn that his physiciaus say that he cannot recover. The following young ladies left on Monday last for Reidville, S. C., to attend the Female Seminary at that place. Misses Carrie Buchanan, Nan nie E. Sheppard and Alice McGar rah, of Sumter, and Miss Nannie E. Hunt, of Worth county. C. A. Fricker, who has been for some timepurchasing jewelry,organs, etc., for his store, in the north, re turned home Monday, bringing back Mrs. Fricker and her mother, Mrs. E. Smith, who have been sometime in Augusta. Our young friend Oscar Ansley an nounces his present whereabouts in this issue, and solicits the patronage of his friends. Wo congratulate him and the house which has secured his services, and hope that his success may be commensurate with his polite ness and good business qualities. Capt. Jno. A. Cobb and family re turned from Athens Monday, where they have been spending the heated season. While absent from home the Captain also took in Louisville and the Exposition, and grows eloquent in his description of what sights are to be seen there. As impecuniosity prevents our visiting them, we will listen at the Captain tell of them and draw on our imagination for the bal ance. Pay your accounts—now is the time at 2t Dr. Eldridge’s Drug Store. Bloomsdalo Pearl, |the earliest on ion sets known. Now is the time to plant them, at Dr. Eldridge’s Drug Store. RIPPLES. When the rag man toots his horn, Lo the little urchins mu, O, what visions then arc born, In the brains of every one, Of the shirt tail ragged son Of mumbly peg or big pop gun, Nary shinny stick, or kite, Give their souls such pure delight. Peck’s Bad Boy and his Pa will be in Americus in a few days. “Got the bulge” has given way to “obtained tho convexity.” We are progressing. The job work executed at the Re publican office never fails to give entire satisfaction. Mrs. F. Lewis will have Robinson’s Algebra’s and Otto’s French Gram mar by noon to-day. it, The average man now begins to wonder why he sold hia overcoat last spring, so that he might buy a linen duster with the proceeds. Fine perfumery, toilet waters, hair oils, soaps, lilly white and toilet arti cles generally at Dr. Eldridge’s Drug Store. . Extract from a letter from Ange lita: “Dear Henry—you ask if I re turn your love. Yes, Henry, I have no use for it, and return it with many thanks. By-by, Henry. If you want a cheap Sewing Ma chine, call and see one which we have traded for, and have put in good order. Machine guaranteed same as new. James Fricker <fc Bro. This issue of the Republican was gotten out by only two compositors, and one hand worked only one day. Theentire work was performed by the two in a day and a half. What other office can beat this? Onion Sets, Red, White and Pearl. Plant now, at 2t Dr. Eldridge’s Drug Store. Persons having stamped envelopes and 3-cent postage stamps on hand October Ist, will have to hold them, or lose the extra cent. There is no provision for exchanging them. If you want a first class steam en gine for ginning aud threshing, call on Harrold, Johnson & Cos., and ex amine their large stock of “Eclipse engines” at their engine yard, Cotton Avenue. Engines on hand ready for use. Avoiddelay. Earliest Bloomsdale Red Top Tur nip, anew variety. The quickest growing turnips known. Try it. All other Turnip Seeds at Dr. Eldridere’s Drug Star*. The readers of the Republican will notice that our columns are very much crowded with advertisements. It is not our purpose to diminish the usual amount of reading matter, but to increase the same. We are now making arrangements to this end. Hungarian moustache wax is the latest for fixing the moustache. Cos metics for the hair. Condroy’s ban doline, etc., etc., at Dr. Eldridge’s Drug Store. “Have you heard any bad news?” asked a minister’s wife of her hus band, as he entered the house, look ing a little despondent. “Yes, I have; the marriage of young Smith and Begley was put off until next year.” To Farmers! For the next thirty days we will pay those indebted to us, one-fourth of a cent a pound more for their cot ton, delivered at our store, above the Americus market price, on days of delivery. Remember to deliver at our store on Cotton Avenue. sep!2,lm. Hamilßros. In Bankruptcy. On Monday last Hon. Isaac Beckett, Register in Bankruptcy, heard the cases of A. Hirsch and D. A. Mayo, and held their final examination. Quite a number of creditors were represented in the Hirsch case. The business of the Court having been Completed, Col. Beckett left for Savannah on Tuesday morning, hav ing made a most favorable impression on those of our citizens with whom he came in contact. He has long held the office of Register, and by his up rightness and exalted qualities of head and heart, has made many friends. We know of no one who would prob ably give more general satisfaction as the successor of Judge Erskiue of the U. S. District Court, since that office must of necessity be filled by a Re publican. LIST OF LETTERS Heiu&intMß; in llio Post Office Mneri cut, Kept, 15th. ISB3. If not de livered in 30 day* will be tent to Dead Letter Office, Washington. C-O J Cottle. G—Georgia Wine Cos. H—Dennis Hooks, C W Hudson, Lula Heys. N—Dora Nicholson. O—Green Olbritton. R—Ben Robson. S—Salinie Stewart, Lilia Smith. T—Willie Tanner, W R Tracy & Cos. W. A. BLACK. P. M. ttr Money Saved by Calling on Us. lQur Prices are the Very Lowest for Good Goods. GrITILiIEE! j THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE— ! j Clothing and Hat i HOUSE IN 8. W. GEORGIA! | 1 OPENING - OPENING | —THE NOBBIEST STOCK OE— j Perfect-Fitting Tailor Made i GARMENTS. SHIRTS | And dents’ FurnUhing Goods Ever Exhibited to thTRADE! j 500 rr OfY 500 i GOO Oww GOO ; Samples Beautiful Cloths! ± Shirts and Underwear ( Made to Order on Broadway from i the Best Designs In tho Country. ' —OUR 01.00 SHIRT— BEATS THEM ALL! ' We Baal Only in First-Class Hoods. Beal genuine and pure Port wine, also fine cooking sherry, imported French brandies, gin and pyre whis keys for medical purposes at a l Dr. Eldridge’s Drug Store. OFFICIAL COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, Regular Meeting, } Council Chamber, Americus,G a. I September 17th, 1883. j Present—Mayor Felder; Aldermen Morgan, Watts, Cobb and Bell. Absent —Alderman Williams, and Burt. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Petition of John M. Coker, through Alderman Cobb for permission to en close an eight foot alley in connection with his lot in Oak Grove Cemetery was refused. The following resolution was on motion of Alderman Morgan adopt ed: Whereas, Due notice having been given Messrs. McNair & McLendon, contractors for the sinking of the ar tesian well, to show cause why the said contract should not be annulled, and Whereas, The said McNair & McLendon having failed to appear or make any showing whatever. Be it therefore Resolved, That the contract lieieto fore exising between the Mayor and Messrs. McNair and McLendon and approved by the Council, be, and the same is hereby annulled and cancell ed. Resolved further, That the well committee, with the Mayor as Chair man, be, and they are hereby author ized to make at their earliest conven ience a contract for sinking an arte sian well. On motion of Alderman Morgan, the street committee was instructed to have substantial railing placed on each side of the Turnpike on Church street, near Oak Grove Cemetery. The following bills were ordered paid: B. F. Mathews SG,H. D. Watts, S3. Petition of Vigilance Fire Compa ny for anew hose cart was referred to Committee on Fire Department. Petition of Austin Dupree for trans fer of license on barber shop to Ben Harris was granted. Applications of H. D. Watts aud W. 11. Evans for license to retail liq uors was granted. Council adjourned. D. K. Brinson, Clerk and Treasurer. CLOSING OUT SALE. SPECIAL BARGAINS AT JOHm R. SHAW’S. MY STOCK of SPRING anil SUMMER DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, PARASOLS, LADIES HATS, PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS; TRUNKS, | CLOTHING! I But i Punishing Mi, j BOOTS —SHOES, j STRAW HATS.&C. Is unusually LARGE for the SEASON, and rather than carry these goods over, I am Determined to Close Them Out. I want room, (as well as money,) for the large stock of FALL and WINTER GOODS that I intend soon to PURCHASE in PERSON in the North ern aud Eastern Markets. The BOTTOM is now OUT. I can do better for you to-day than I can to-morrow. Many a man has got poorer by waiting for to-morrow which never comes. J Dll 11 It. SIISIW 9 THE BOSS H):ry Goods MERCHANT. Forsyth St., Anu riaii, (L. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Sumter County, will be sold at public outcry, between the hours of ten a. m. and four p. m., on the first Tuesday in October 1883, the following real estate, be longing to the estate of Geo. F. Cooper, de ceased. The house and lot on south side of College street in Americus, known as the late residence of Dr. Cooper. The house contains six rooms and the lot contains abont four acres. Stable, kitchen and all neces sary outbuildings on the premises. The loca tion is very desirable. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms cash. W. J. DIBBLE, Administrator. july2l-sw&wtd ■Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every Instance.! (Sihnatiomit. IRVING INSTITUTE. ’■’arrytown-on-llic-lf udson. BOYS PREPARED FOR COLLEGE OR FOR BUSINESS. Address DAVIIt A. HOWE, A. nr., _aug2n-lm PRINCIPAL. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, Macon, Georgia. The Forty-sixth Annual Session will begin September l!)th, 1883. The most elegant College building in the South, furnished with all the modern appliances looking to the health, happiness and comfort of its inmates. Unsurpassed advantages in Literature, Music and Art at moderate rates. Apply for Catalogue to Hev. w. C. Bass, President, or Rev. C, W. Smith, Secrotary. ]uly2o-tf Ret Tort Starel J.WAXELBAUM & CO. Are Now Opening One of the Largest Stocks of CLOTHING, Dry Goods, Silks, Satins, ¥Et¥E¥§ f Boots, Shoes, mm and CARPETS EVER SHOWN SOUTH OF BALTIMORE! In a few days they will open their 11V YOU tIIHIIS IfflllSE. A room 30 feet by 90 feet, for the exclusive sale of CLOTHING AND GENTS’ FUR NISHING GOODS. 0 CALL AND SEE, if ■you please. % J. Waxelbamn & (;o. In M Store. J. W. Sheffield &. Cos., Americus, Georgia. HARDWARE, Buggies and Wagons, HOOKS. SASH AND BLINDS, "Wholesale and Retail. 11 WANTED," E\ LRYJBODY to come and see our stock, which cannot be excelled, of STOVES, CROCKERY, TINWARE, BELTING, AGRICUL TURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUGGIES, HARNESS and SADDLERY, WAGONS, SASH, DOORS and BLINDS, BUILDERS’ MATERIALS PAINTS, OILS and general HARDWARE. IN OUR:ISfMiV REI’OSITORY, you will Noe one of the lamest displays in the State of the BEST WORK MANUFACTURED, built to our SPECIAL ORDER, and WE DEFY COM PETITION in QUALITY of MATERIAL,WORKMANSHIP,PAINTING, DU LABILITY and PRICES, and every job sold by us has our SPECIAL GUARANTEE. In Buggy and Wagon HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES, we have a large and complete line from the BEST MANUFACTURERS at lowest prices. OUR WAGON REPOSITORY is RUNNING OYER with the celebrated OLD HICKORY and TENNES SEE WAGONS, which have no superiors for DURABILITY and WEAR, and now is tho time for you to come along quick and get one CHEAP. IN BASH, BOOR AND BLIND DEPARTMENT! we have a LARGE and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, and it will pav you to got our ROCK BOTTOM PRICES before buying. CANE MILLS anil KETTLES, COTTON PRESSES and GIN GEARING, SPECIAL MACHINERY ami REPAIRS furnished to order on short notice at Manufacturer's prices. Buying goods in LARGE QUANTITIES DIRECT FROM Manufactur ers, FOR SPOT CASH, we are in position to COMPETE m PRICES WITH ANY MOOSE IN GEORGIA, AND WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! Como and see us, and we will MAKE IT TO YOUR INTEREST. CT. "W\ E3laefilelcL Cos. sept!2-3m MEW l¥t£ S iiiiiiiii 9-- , _ i Jut Qpiiii tin Latest Attrution in Dry tois, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, 33'5T 9K. *9. step, Corner Cotton Avenue and Forsyth Streets, Americus, Ga. A WORD TO THE WISE! We have just commenced business with NEW GOODS, and we want your patronage, and in return will sell you Dress Goods, Boots. Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Trunks, Jeans. Domestics, Etc. That will he o£ service, aud save you money. I have selected my goods with much care and know I can suit you. Call, examine and price my goods, I will take pleasure in showing any article you may want. . I Will J\'ot be Undersold by *lny One / MR. FLEISCHMAN Is with mo who will be pleased as ever to sec all liis friends. We are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PHICES for Hides, ( art and all Coun try Produce. sepStf. T- S.O-iEiEIEjCsnE;, CARRIAGE BUILDER; Thankful for the patronage heretofore extended to him, would inform the public that he is fully prepared to do all work in his line,in the best manner.anil at prices as low as the lowest. Bring me your old Buggies, Wagons, &c., and I will surprise you at the price they can be pttt in order for. All work Ido is fully warranted, and I won’t go back on anybody. J Come and see and be convinced. Shops Cot* ton Avenue, opposite Prince Bros.’ Stables I T. £• ftREENE MEW I 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 ii 1