Semi-weekly Sumter Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1875-188?, September 19, 1883, Image 4

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A WOMAN’S WIEL. A LAI>T, SUPPOSED TO B 1 ON HER DEATH BSD, SPOILS A SCHEME. Cincinnati Gazette. Hamilton, 0, September s.—There is now living about four miles west of Riley, this county, and just over the line, in Indiana, a family which for convenience we will call Jones. The residents thereabouts will readily re cognize the family. Mrs. Jones has for a considerable time past had in her employ a buxom lass, Sallie by name, a lassie of pleasing appearance and fine form, and withal a woman who would make a wife that any man might be proud of. Sallie thought she would make an admirable farmer's house wife, and imagined she saw her way so to do. But the fondest hopes are of times dashed to pieces when we least expect an accident. For two months Mrs. Jones has been confined to her bed by a diseaso that baffled all the physicians. Two weeks ago the doc tor gave the woman up for dead, and bo did all the relatives and husband ol the unfortunate lady. Day by day she weakened and slowly drew near the shadow of the valley, where she bade her friends good-bye, and prepared to go the way of her ancestors. One bright morning Sallie came into the bed-room and announced to Mrs. Jones that her end was near. She thought she would inform her that she had entered into an arrangement whereby she was at the suitable and proper time to become the Mistress of Mr. Jones’ estate, and fol lowed up the announcement by asking her to bless the union. But Mrs. J. did nothing of tho kind. She aroused herself from the lethargy and stupor in which she had fallen, and despite the fact that she was almost standing on Jordan’s stormy banks, put forth her will power, and determined to get well and knock that match into a cock ed hat. And Mrs. Jones did get well she is now as of yore attending to her duties, and Sallie nnblest and single, is in search of another home. This circumstance, although not strictly coming under the head of faith cures, is a remarkable instance, and we sug gest to physicians similar practice in similar cases. Physicians use Shriner’s In dian Vermifuge in their practice and pronounce it a first class article. A trial will convince the most skeptics] of its intrinsic merit. People are so ridiculous with their allusions, carrying their fool’s caps unawares, thinking their own lies opaque while everybody else’s are transparent, as if when all the world looked yellow under a lamp, they alone were rosy. “A Blessing in Disguise.” 484 Adelpiii St., Brooklyn, N. Y.,) _ March 20th, 1881. j No family should be without Allcock’s Porous Plasters; their healing powers are wonderful and their efficacy far reaching and lasting. For years past I have seen and known them to cure and relieve the most ob stinate and distressing cases of rheuma tism, kidney complaint, bronchitis, neu ralgia, lumbago, inflammation of the lungs and throat, paralysis, asthma, spinal weakness, and coughs and colds. In my own case they have afforded me almost instant and permanent relief. My friends consider them an invaluable and speedy remedy for all kinds of aches and pains. They are a blessing in disguise; and no wife or mother should be without them if she values her peace and comfort and freedom from nervous exhaustion and other ailments. Asa strengthening plaster, also for backaches and weaknesses, they have no equal. I have never yet found a plaster so efficacious and stimulating, or to give so much general satisfaction. Used in connection with Brandretu’s universal life-giving and life-liealing Pills, no one need despair of a speedy restoration to good sound health. Mrs. E. Tompkins. He travels safely, and not unpleas antly, who is guarded by poverty and guided by love. [Continued.] . chapter n. wonderful and mysterious curative power is developed which is so varied in its opera tions that no disease or ill health can possi bly exist or resist its power, and yet it is Harmless for the most frail woman, weak est invalid or smallest child to use. “Patients “Almost dead or nearly dying” For years, and given up by physicians of Bright’s and other kidney diseases, liver complaints, severe coughs called consump tion. have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy! From agony of neuralgia, nervousness, wakefulness and various diseases peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape from excruci ating pangs of Rheumatism. Inflammatory and chronic, or suffering from scrofulaJ Erysipelas! Salt rheum, blood poisoning, dyspepsia, indigestion, and in fact almost alf diseases Nature is heir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which can be found in nearly every neigh borhood in the known world. TO THE PUBLIC. MRS. P. LEWIS -WILL OPEN A BOOK STOIC on the first of September next, in the Haw kins building, south side of the Public square, second door from the corner, where she will keep a full supply of SCHOOL BOOKS, Stationery, &c.,&c., which she will sell cheap for CASH. A share of public patronage respectfully so licited: aug22-lm HALL’S Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfectly adapted to cure diseases of the scalp, and the first suc cessful restorer of faded or gray hair to its natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has had many imitators, but none have so fully met all tho requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp. Hall’s Hair Renewer has steadily grown in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness to every quarter of the globe. Its unparal leled success can bo attributed to hut ono cause: the entire fulfilment of its promises. Tho proprietors have often been surprised at tho receipt of orders from remote coun tries, where they had never made an effort for its introduction. The use for a short time of Hall’s Hair lIENEWER wonderfully improves the per sonal appearance. It cleanses the scalp from all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates tho weakened glands, and enables them to push forward anew and vigorous growth. The effects of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic prepara tions,hut remain a long time, which makes its use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM’S DTE FOR THE WHISKERS Will change the beard to a natural brown, or black, as desired. It produces a permanent color that will not wash away. Consisting of a single preparation, it is applied without trouble. PREPARED BY B. P. HALL & CO., Nashua. N. H. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. tFOR ALL THE FORMS Scrofulous, Mercurial, and Blood Disorders, tho host remedy, because tho most searching and thorough blood-purifier, is Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggists; sl, six bottles, S5. A *it7eb s In fever and ague districts, in tropical and other regions visited by epidemics, and in deed in all localities where the conditions are unfavorable to health, this famous veg etable invigorant and alterative, Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, has been found a potent safeguard even to feeble constitutions and fragile frames, while as a cure for indiges tion, billiousness and kindred complaints, it is without a rival. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. Nerve-Life and Vigor - RBSTORBD.- This cut B h° ws the B Howard Electric §S Maguetic Shield r.s applied over the Kid q 'I neysandNervo-vltal Hip centers. Tne only ap pliance made that j&r “ t 8 ever y part of Jr % the body, and the fa only one needed to ’ K 1 . H W S POSITIVELY CURB n A j a Kidneyl>i*ease 1 an-up m |llheumatim, M OFTniE f 15) yipopsia* I a tlie "’orst cases oi HIRRArM 3 Seminal Weak . a Ilea#, Exliaus -3 tiou, liupoten 5 S ea*e# and Weak i gl \ j f ueas of the Urino ' r ® ™ 9 Genital Organs, [Patented Feb. 25, 1879.] * YOUNG MEN, from early indiscretion, lack nerve force and fail to attain strength. MIDDLE-AGED MEN often lack vigor, attribut ing it to the progress of years. The MOTHER, WIFE and MAID, suffering from Female Weakness, Nervous Debility and other ail ments, will find it the only cure. To one and all we say that the Shield gives a nat ural aid in a natural way WITHOUT DRUGGING THE STOMACH. Warranted One Year, and the beat appliance made. Illustrated Pamphlet, THREE TYPES OF MEN, also Pamphlet for Ladies only, sent on receipt of 6c, sealed; unsealed, FREE. American Galvanic Cos., nrrinrci l34 Ma<|| * o u st., Chicago. Ur I I (ltd 1 1103 Chestnut St., Fhllu. aug3l-3ffl Wool Wanted, BY THE Laurel Mills Manufacturing Company. In exchango for good honest jeans tweeds and linseys, we exchange our cloth to farm ers, wool-growers and merchants on favora ble terms, and will give you better value for your wool than you can get by selling for money. FOR 10 POUNDS WASHED WOOL, We give 8 yards Doeskin Jeans. We give 10 yards School Boy Jeans. We give 10& yards Tweeds. We give 12M yards plain or Check Linseys. FOR 10 POUNDS WOOL IN THE DIRT, We give 6 yards Doeskin Jeans. We give 8 yards School Boy Jeans. We give i'A yards Tweeds. We give 10 yards plain or Check Linseys. We will manufacture your wool into leans for 22K cents per yard, tweeds 15K, linseys 12J4. We pay freight on all wool sent us. Send for circular and samples, and you will send your wool when you see our goods. Direct to Laure Mills Manufacturing Cos., ROSWELL, COBB COUNTY, GA aprll-sw&wly ■tagnwMj Iron L*r*ri, Steel Bearing*. Bras* TARE BEAM. I'■ a JO.IEN, BE PAYS THE PltrflCSUT. Ifl A Bold on trial. Warrants 6 yaars. All tine* as low. , ■ Tor Iron book, addree* ‘ I ■ jffl T JONEB OF BINGHAMTON, JfjjjZSa&W BixeuAiroi, jobs & mm. If MM:]] jn'|PCu|tta£sHN I Jlr~T llil T** 1 ' jjfiH lUnflnflEMj"j ! I SSs ,L ~t l "w, J v _ Li •i“ FORSYTI STREET, *wmm, - - - MR. SIIAW is now in the Northern markets, purchasing his FALL and WINTER STOCK of NOTIONS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and Hats, Umbrellas, Etc. We must have room for these NEW GOODS, and we must have Money to pay for them. Tf you want Bargains ! Bargains ! Bargains ! ——IN Lies’ Hats, Parasols, Linen Lawns Figured Piques, Muslins, and other SUMMER GOODS, call early, as We are Offering Them Without Regard to Former Prices! €Eif m SUHIEI ®l®¥lt© Can "be had CHEAP for the GASH! STRAW HATS, Nobby and Nice, at “Rock Bottom’' prices, and no mistake. #l® mjkMßmmm, ssnmsv (Laundried and Unlaundried), is conceded to be THE BEST SHIRT IN THE MARKET ! In the BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT, we are pre pared to give the best values ever offered in this market. Our Stock is Simply Immi, mil Mist Is Reduced. It is imposnible for us to specify all the bargains we are now offering, and you will never know liow much you have missed unless you give us a call and inspect our goods and learn our prices. This we cordially invite you to do. JOHN R. SHAW'S, Forewtfc Street . •Imericus Ga. Sr. Eldridge’s Dug Store NEW CROP * Laadreths Pedigree TURNIP SEED! AT — Dr. Eldridge’s Drug Store. EARLY FLAT DUTCH lUEOTP SEED! LARGE RED TOP GLOBE, anew VARIETY, of TUKNIP SEED! POMERANEAH WHITE GLOBE, TURNIP SEED! COW HORN. AMBER GLOBE TURNIP SEED! YELLOW ABERDEEN TURNIP SEED! Bloomsdale Swede or Im proved Purple Top, Yel low Ruta Baga TURNIP SEED ! SOUTHERN SNOW WHITE TURNIP SEED! White Egg, Seven Top TURNIP SEED! The Best is the Cheapest. ASK FOR LMDBETH’S. DR. ELDRIDGE’B DRUG STORE. Books, Books, Books! A FULL STOCK OF SCHOOL BOOKS AND School Stationery FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS BM Bools, Paper id Mopes ALL CHEAP FOR THECASH- Newspapers and Magazines Received. Butterick’s Patterns in Stock. jmgis-tf AG-InTES aycqck SPECIAL NOTICE. We call the attention of those who contemplate buying Buggies, to call at our shop and examine our stock of EIEST-CLASS BUGGIES before purchasing. We have on hand at present and will keep in the future, a full assortment of first-class finished buggies and oNU-tioitss: wagons of our own manu- l facture, that we can sell you as low as it is possible for first- V//\V V/’IW class work to he sold. OUR BUGGIES ARE STRICTLY . FIRST-CLASS. Nothing shoddy about the construction or material Our remitatioi is at stake on our work, and WE ARE DETERMINED TO BniLD NOTHING IN THE WAY OF A VEHICLE THAT WILL NOT GIVE A PURCHASER PERFECT ANT) ENTIRE SATISFACTION. Our specialty is the justly celebrated Dexter Queen Single and Double Buggies. that we DEFY COMPETITION to produce a duplicate of at any price. Don’t be de ceived. Come and examine our Dexters befoi e purchasing, and we’ll show you in a few minutes that all other Dexters on the market are wholly unlike ours. When your old Buggies and Wagons need repairs in any way, bring them to us. We know that our facilities for doing work can’t he surpassed by any shops in Southwest Georgia, as WE HAVE ON HAND AND MAKE IT A POINT TO KEEP A FULL ‘ STOCK OF ALL MATERIALS NECESSARY TO EITHER CONSTRUCT OR REPAIR VEHICLES. We' aie the only Carriage Makers in Americus that carry a full assortment of thoroughly seasoned White Oak, Hickory, Asli and Poplar lumber, and every one knows first-class seasoned timber is the backbone to every vehicle. Remember this when you want a BUGGY SB 01E-HQBSE nil THAT IS ill Bill! 11 IS W and seeond to none in principle of construction, finish, lightness and strength. Call at our shops, opposite tle Republican printing office, and we’ll show you the handsomest lot of fine buggies ever offered in Americus at any price. july2s-wtf OLIVER & OLIVER. JAMES FRICKER, FRICKER Danville, Va. Americus, Ga. Jas. Fricker&Bro.’s j AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT HOUSE! ' Under Barlow House, Americus, Ga. New Firm, New Goods, Low Prices! Buying in such large quantities to supply this and the Danville store, we mow get * quantity discounts that we did not heretofore, and are thereby enabled to give our cus tomers lower prices than ever. Our stock of WATCHES, CHAINS, NECKLACES, LOCKETS, BRACELETS, RINGS, SETS, LACE TINS, EAR RINGS, GOLD AND SILVER THIMBLES, SOLID SILVERWARE, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, CASTORS, BUTTER DISHES PICKLE STANDS, SYRUP CUPS, SPOON HOLDERS, BAKING DISHES, CAKE BASKETS, WATER SETS, WAITERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, FLOWER STANDS, CARD RECEIVERS, ETC., ETC., was never more complete than at the present time. We also have on hand a large lot Cloclsis of a,ll IKZincLs ! which we will sell cheaper than ever and guarantee each one to give entire satisfaction SEWING MACHINES. WE KEEP THE Davis, Williams, Bikeb, OTHERS > constantly on hand, and have Just reduced the price FIVE DOLLARS on each style. Machines guaranteed in every respect. Needles, Oil, Attach ments, and Parts for all Machines, kept in stock. SPECTACLES. We always keep in large quantities, and have instruments to test your eyes, and can fit you up with just what you need. Prices from Fifty-Gents to Twelve Dollars per pair. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. This Department is filled witli PIANOS, ORGANS, URGANINAS, ACCORDEONS, HARMONICAS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, TAMBOURINES, and everything else in the Musical Instrument line down to a Jews Harp. In this line, as in all others, we cannot bo undersold, as we buy in larp quantities direct from manufacturers. Our terms for selling Pianos and Organs on time are more liberal than any other house we know of. To convince yourselves, get prices and terms from any one else and then call and compare with ours. Remember, when you buy from us you don’t have to pay freight extra; the price of Instrument covers that; also includes Stool and Book. We guarantee every Instrument sold. Should anything get wrong you do not have to write North and wait ten days for an answer, or ship your Instrument a thousand miles to have it repaired, and be deprived of the use of it for six or eight weeks but simply report the trouble to us. Be sure and examine our stock, and get our prices’ before you purchaso. WORK DEPARTMENT. We will, as Heretofore, turn out nothing but first-class work. Mr. C. A. FRICKER , gives Ills personal attention to this Department. ALL WORK WARRANTED. P rice, reasonable. We solicit your patronage, and will endeavor by fair dealing to merit thesame JAMES FRICKER & BROTHER,