The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, March 14, 1878, Image 1

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By Jno. W. Radley. Official Organ, of Polk and Haralson Counties. VOLUME IV. CEDARTOWN, GA., THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1878. Subscription $2 Per Annum. NUMBER 18. r II 0 FES SI ON A I, B T ATTORNEYS at laav, CKnVRTOWNV OA. rV"WHl practice In all tin* Oourt* of the Itom# flrcolt, iii Lhe Hnpmne Ooitrt of th* Slate, nin) in th* H. S. District riourt for III* Northern District *f Oo^relft. Nov. 11, 1374. T- W. Mir.NRK. J. W. HARMS, Jit JyJJLN-JBtt * HARRIS, A T TORN B Y S AT LA W , OAKTEKSYlU,!?, 0A. Orrrrp on Mn1n Street, noxt iloor to Gil- •atli 4 8ou. Mr. Milner trill attend the Buporlor 'Coart or PoUc connty regularly, March J, 1677-tf ^■ILLIAM M. SPARKS, Attorn *y & Ooijnbf.u.oii at Law, OEDARTOWN, HA. tW* Will practice In all thu conrta of the Homo Circuit and adjoining counties. novl 1,1874 OT. N. STRAIMG5-E, n. )•. & Ex. oir. j. p. Hocltixinrt, Oa. JSir" Collenliona solioiteil, mid money paid over punctually. IffeilowTjTT. CKDAUTOWN, GA. TW* Office at. the Court / House. All business cntiiistpd in his hands will receive prompt attention. .March U, lH'JOr-HtH OLD KKIjI ABLE FEED, SALE & LIVERY STABLE, Will. Rntuey, Proprietor ROME, ------ Bargains offered In - - - GA- piirclia** of stork. and will receive prompt at- mlly earned In these time* I. BOA L A /) VEU T/ SMI EX TS POLK COUNTY. Polk Sheriff’s Sales. IM, bo .old bofuro Hie Court Homo door, lu Cedartowu. Polk county, Oa., oil the First Thus- day in April W. between tin'legal hour* of Bale, the following described Iota of land, situated lu raid county, and known n* Wild Land*, levied on under and by virtue or fl fas now in iny hand*, ofthe State of Georgia vs. said lota respectfully, and tuned by tho Honorable Comptroller General or tile State Tor non payment of taxes due the state, to wit: Tor taxes dun for the years 1874, 1875 and 18711, Alfred Shorter transferee of .said II fas. Nos. Ill, 80, 53, 50, 87, 00, ISO, ISO, ISC, 802, 805, 307, 340, •'118, 314, in the and district and 4th section of Polk county. Oft., aud Nos. 28,50, 183,251, 230, lu the 17th district and 4th section of sumo county and Also at th* same time and place, lots of land Nob 345 and 1170, In the 2nd district and 4th section of Polk county, as the property of the defendant, V II Opert, by virtue of one Superior Court ll la lu ruvor of Catty Glover vs. v II opert. Also at tbu same time and place, one house and lot in the town of Cedartowu, Polk county Go., con* tabling ; v acre, more or less, situated on Prior street. Hounded on the Hast by property of John O. Allen; on the West by nu Alloy; on the NArtli by Prior Btrect, as the proporly of Mrs, Mary Daniel, by virtue of one Tax tl fa In lavor of the Sinto and county vs. Mrs. Mary Daniel. Property In posses sion of A J Young and Win. Dunn. Levy made, and returned to me by u Constable. Also, at the same time and place, one house and lot. In the town of Cedartowu, Polk county, rieoi- gin. No. ti In the Darden survey. Hounded on the Mast by the now Jail lot; on the West by p| M . and King’s law ollleo and lot; North and siu;ih bv a street on which Is situated the ruslUoiico of J. . . McClain, ns the property of J. T. McClain, tt u for Mrs, V. K. McClain to satisfy one tax ll fa in ra vor of state mid county vs .J. T. McClain, tmsiue for Mrs. V. H. McClain. Levy made ami returuud lo me by a Constable. Also, at the came time place, purls ol lots of, land; the West half of lots of land number* 177 ami 17S In tlm 17 dlst and tbu 4th section of Polk county (in as tlm property or W. L. McCamllei-s by vliiue of one mortgage ll In from Polk Superior Court ill lavor of \\. C, Knijht Atluir. of Kdixtuid Jlorry, decM. vs said NcCumlh-s*. I.eyy made by II. p. Lumpkin, foriuer Sbeiifl, Notice of said levy G eorgia, polk gounty. • vy - , C.Hnrbcnmd others have uppifed for an order to-open a public road of second grade from Rock mart lo lhe county line m the di reel ion of Drake- town and Buchiimm. And W. 0. Burlier and W. B. S. Davis, a major ity of the commisbioners appointed to review said road having made their report under oath that they have ex amined the said propose^ mud and find that it is practicable and would be of vmblio utility and that they have proceeded to mark out the same conformable to law commencing at Rockmart in said comity and run ning by the residence of W. 0 Bar ber to a point intersecting the road from Van Wert to Carrollton or Bu chanan at the foot of a mountain near the residence of W. B. S. Davis. Therefore nil persons will take notice to he and appear at a court, of ordi nary to be held in said countv for county purposes on the third Monday in March next to show cause if any they have why said road should not he granted, (liven under my hand this loth day of Ecb’y. 1878. Joel Brewer, fel>2] -4t Ordinars. HARALSON COUNTY. Haralson Countv Slier- iir'e? Sales. w„ enquiry who is willing to . • work steadily ut tho employment, hut we furnish. $Uif> per week in your own t miking over $80 p-r day. All whoongug* lit one* can make money (list. At thu present time money cannot he mude so emlly mid rapidly at any other Itching to try the hiirino* D. H. Leclbst bar, Bgent, (Meeks’ Building,) Ooclftltowil, S S S 3 CrA, Has just r<rc iveA.-a full line of ■FAMILY “GROCERIES. FIRST-CLAWS CROC ERA', I have aIm) optiireiVx .-inngniftCKit Stock of Jewelry, < en*lrUig;:tn,part o.' WATCHES, CLOCKS, .GOLD SILVER WARE. I Invite tto attention •rtheptiblUiitoiChe ■pablie to »n Inspection -of .these artirIce. (Everything ’■warranted a* rejn-esealotL REPAI II I TS* O 'Of WATCHES, CLOCKS tuid JEWELHY, 'Promptly dmraanfl'GUAHANTRKn. dioiaeinber 1 the place. a (If. LEDBETTER Agt. - Meeks’ Budding. • juu.R-lj “ LSSMtA I _ M Libel for Divorce in Hollr Superior i curt. Ll CY DAVE 1 Hull* to i’oifcct Service, in?.N‘ltY'D.IVH, / Fohruvry Term, IK7A. It appearing to the Court by the return of tlib Sliorill, tint tlni defendant doe* not reriiiu in this county—and it lunher appearing that lie doe* not reside in this State, It Is, on motion «.r eoic.ool. or deredtliat said defendant tippeiu and dnYw.'t al the next term of till* C'« urt, else tliai the ense be con sidered in default, And the I'liliUltt'ftllowed to pro- eeed. And It i* Inrtliur ordered thiu tliiu Hale be pulillHliedin the Cedartowu** oneu a iminili lor four month*. j. \y. jl Ukdkhwoou, II Iii lice A , l’luintitr* Attornoys. Notice to-Debtors and Creditors. All perron* Indebted to the c*l«lo t»r Jinry Karl, dreeured, are hereby liotllleil tocoixe forward and iiiiikt* *etlleinciit*. And |ho*u havingemlin* ngainrt mild estate «r« requested lo pre*ent the mime to mu fur payment, in the time pro*allied by !“"• K. I). IHGIITOWKH, feb 7-flt • Administrator. VJTKOIUilA—I'OI.K. COUNTY.—H. \\\ Cushion having applied foi letter* of Administration on tlm estate ol A. N. fnekult, late of said county, do ceased. Therefore, all person* concerned, will be and appear at (lie Court.ol Ordinary, to bo held lit and lor said county, on the tlrst Monday In Aptil next, to show muse, if any they have, why said letter* should not be granted, Given under my band, this Mliacli Slid, IsTH. frh 7 30(1 JOEL BHEWER, Ordinary. Gk KOHGIA -POLK COUNTY.-Appllcation hav ing beon made to have W. C, Knight, clerk of the Superior Court of said comity, or some other lit and proper person appointed the Permanent Adminis trator on the estate of Thomas Lawson, late of said county, deceasetl. Tlieruloreall persons concerned will bo and appear at a Court of Ordinary to bo held in and for said county on the llrst Monday it. April, next, to show cause If any they have why said W. C. Knight, or other fit and proper person, should not be appointed the Permanent Administrator on the nstntu of Thomas Lawson, in terms of the Law. Given under my hand this February 37tli, 1878. I‘ub28-30d Joei. llnewKit, Culinary. hi sold before Ifrt? Court I Conan Door in li'i iinuii, Haralson comity, Ga., bo'.wuen the legal j boars of sale, on the First Tuesday lu April noxt, j the following property, to-wlt: | Lots of luud No* 074 and «7a. In the 2ttlli district j and 3rd section of originally Cherokee now Hand, son county, coiilnltiixL' 40 acre* each, levied onus the proporly oi J. J. McJimklu, to sntl tt'y two fl liis I Issued fioni the Superior Court of Unmlson county , In favor of Gliatldlcr .V: Cobb, and Forsyth & House vs. said J J McJutikiii. Property pointed out in said II fa> Also, at the same time aad place. Lots of land Nos. Ill) I, His, 85ii, 11.12, 9.|3 and UM, In the •»()tli dis trict and Hid section of originally ('liurokee, now ilnralsou county, levied on irstlie prdpurty of Middle Georgia Mfmral Association, to satisfy one Laborer's lieu tl fa Issued I rum the Clerk of the Su perior Court ol Haralson county, In favor of J I* Kamil vs. tile sai l Middle G • .i- -i vflimml Associ ation. Property pointed out by J Pllnmll. Georgo Grcenliown. Agent, notiiiednt Hockmart, Ga., by Also, at the saniu time and place, lot* of Land 127, U5, 25, lit the 7th district mid 5th section originally Carioll, now Jiurnlsoti county, a* the property of .Mary Cartrlgh't, to satisfy one Tax 11 In in favor oi the Htutu and county v*. said Mary Cart right. Tax for the year )877. Property point ed out by 8 L Helton, T C. Also, at ibo san e time jind place, 40 acres of lot of land No. 280, in the 7th district and 51 h section of originally Carroll, now llaralson comity levied on as tlm properly of Thomas ll llvstley. to satisfy one Tax tl fa in lavor of the state and coun ty v*. said Tlmmas 11 Hestloy. Properly pointed out by 8 L Helton, T C. Also, at the same time ami place, lot* ol land No* 851, 858 mid 85U, in the 20th district and 3rd tecthm of originally Chen kee. now Haralson county, lev ied on a* Hie priqnrty ol the Middle Georgia Min eral Association, to satisfy one Tax tl f* in uvor of thu State auderunty v*. said MltUllo Gettrght Min eral Association, Property poiual ont by » I, llel Urn, T C. H. C. WILSON, leh 28 til*. . SlteTilf. Haralson County Sheriff’s Sale of Wild Land. (to Itpfnre llio (.’Ollrt Ilmint (Tnor III HucliHiian, Haralson county, (in., on flic First Tuesday in April next, between thu legal hour*of sale, for the cash, the following described lot* of laud, situated In said comity, and known a* Wild Land*. Levied on under and by virtue of fl fa* now in my hands, of (ho State of Georgia vs. said lots respectfully, and issued by the Honorable Comp troller Gcneinl of the State for nonpayment of tax es due tiro State, to-wit: for nixes .due for the years IS74, 1875 and iK'ti. Said lot* pointed out in said ll fas and containing 40 tie res, more or less, to-wlt, No*. 828, (170, <100, 881, 883, 008, W17, IK)5, (Hit, HIP, 080, 8*2 and 880, lathe 1st district nnd 4th section of Haralson connty. Austin Ayers, of Haralson County transferee. K. C. WILSON, Sheriff, feb 28 tds PAUPER FARM. rpiIE Commltto rccomineiufcd by the Grand Jury X sworn and pltiting for the 8ml \V. i.!:. Polk ■- n- perior Court, 1818. and appointed bv the Odinary of suid county, for the purpose? of purr busing IltrnlB-iInga Pauper ' ■ u said county, hereby invito all wishing to soil to said county r farm lor that puniosc. tojireeeut to the Ordinary, in writing, a plat of said farm, together with :i fail statement in its location, conveniences terms of buIo, water facilities, quality of iamb how —‘'—* GREAT REDUCTION IN PDICES We are the first to offer First-Class Sewing Machines, «t price* within the roach or all. WE WILL SELL TltB VERY J4E8T Family Sewing Machine, for Twenty-Five Dollars IN CASH, on nil ornamented Iron Stand aiifl Treadle, with Walnut Top and Drawer, and uecessary Attach ments. and deliver it at any HaiUoad Depot In tho United State, FREE OF CHARGE. Thesa machine* arc warranted to do tho whole lino of Family Sewing with more rapidity, more ease of management, nnd lee* fatigue to the opera tor, than auy machine now in uso. They uit)ko the Double Thread Stitch in such a manner that they avoid tho necessity of winding tho under thread, and will sew from tho flnost cambric to tho heaviest overcoat cloth. Send fora clculur and sainplo of wiving. Every machine warranted for three years. Agent* Wonted Everywhere. CENTENNIAL MACHINE CO., Limited, 72fl4FUbcrt 8t., Philadelphia, Pa. jau.'My.- «• 1 ’• ' i ri how much cleared, number uu'd kind of buildings, distance from town, etc. Stating fully ull fuels necessary tu|i)c known by tlm Committou to enable th«-m to Judge of its lltnes* for said use. The Committed lire » s > autlmrlxod to eoc.irc n flt mnl proper person to take charge ol said place when purchased. Proposition* from those desiring the situation, must ulso, together with those selling, lie made to thuOrdinary on or before tli PIUIIU1..II, 11111,1, wnii iiiom; u.r •cllinit, liu in.du lo thuOrilinury on or liulumtlu.l.c day of A|>riIJm-xt. Uv OHlcrm tho Ordiilary. Tlio Uommlttao hold, it. next mueUiig let Tuee- ” fob 7 at G KOHGIA, Polk County.—N J. Tumlin unit otliera lmvo ftp- plied for n new l-mul of second grade commencing ut Wm. JI. Hnlchings’ nnd running by Sliiloli Churoli, .Jer ry Isbell’s mill the Berry or Wulthull place to Priors StuLion in said coun ty. And Wm. Jl. Hutchings, Jerry Isbell mill Jiimt-s Jl. Pryor the com missioners appointed to review mid mark out said road, having made iheir report under oath that they have proceeded to perform their du ties in tile premises and iind the same, to bo of public utility and that they have worked out said road conform ably to law. Therefore ail persons concerned will be and appear at the next Court of Ordinary for county purposes to be. held in and for said oou..ty on the third Monday in March, next, to show cause, it any tlp-y have; why said road should licit he granted. Given under my hand this 5th day of Feb’y,, 1K78. JO til, BiHEWMt, febSl-ft Ordinary. OH! IMPREST. Oli I tl on rest, on thus-* rich rod lips, Permit inn to Impn** The lore, I cannot splnk with mine— 'iW boundless to express. Eager would I tho U_ott.Tr sip, That rod* upon (heir ldoo!n ; Like clew upon the. rose at morn, Diffusing sweet perfume. Oh ! Darling, let thy little hand, .So dimpled, pure nnd sweet; Lie pressed against my heaving breast, And feel my wild tyeurl beat. A feeling which ca.-’.-hobf die, Throb* in that bounding pillsc A love nnselllhli, pure, n-d Ciinb’t them that lo<c .ftptilaoT Ob I love, let those expressive eyes, 8o mystic In their beaming: lb mi; ou me, wltlithft tender dyes Of love,and kluOfloM teeming. Oh! sweet, tnV ldVe’ff too pure and deep To ever fade away. ’Twill still burn brightly, when the sun Hu* ceased to bring Ibo day. Then lady let me have thy heart, My heart I* bound to tlilnc; My constancy shall forge u link. And bind thy heart to mfeu, ORAMPTON’S qperikl Sokp This Soap is inniuifauturcd from pure mate rial*; and as it contains a largo percent age of Vegetino Oil, is warranted fully equal to the host Imported Cast lie soap,and at the same time contains all the washing; a cleans ing properties of tho colc- Ger- man and French Lawr- dry SnatiA. It I* therefore recommended for use in the Laundry, Kitchen and Bath lioom, nnd for general honseholjl purposes; al so for Printers, Palnteri^Snglneers and Machinists, ns it will remove spots of Ink. Grease, Tar, Oil, I’nint. otc..fiom the hand*. Manufactured only by Crampton Brothers, For snle by JUD. GRABS, Cbdautown, Ga. - JOE LASTER’S TONSITORIAL PARLORS. (West erwJ J. S. Noyce’ Waro House.) OEDA.H.TOW3XT, O-A. E17~Ul)aving, Sliampoetagand Ilair Cutting done neatly, cheaply and expeditiously. Glvo nic a call. » Jan 31 tf ' JOE LA8TJ5R, JLP you want Bill Hcndv, Letter Hoad*, Circular** Cards, Handbill*, Poster*, or any thing in tho nay o£«frtb' Printing, bring your ordor*;tojthe (Published ny I^Hipes.-j Eternal Punishment. BY S. 1*. Hit'll A11DSON. W« tnitke it iliatinction between punlalniiCM)t hiuI fmMorinjj.. A man may anUtw in right doing but eminot bu pun islied for tiding right. II in tho moral constitutiou oi things, there can bo ho rewards without holiness, and ho muiishmeat without sin, then heaven muat he a slate, as well as a place, and hell a condition ns well as a place; then heaven and hell are not arbitrary things, not dependent on the will o!the Greulor, hut the moral condition of the creature.— Man may Ruder arbitrarily, but can not in the milnru cl things ho pun- i-h.-d arbitrarily. .Leaving God and the Bible out of tliis discussion, na ture has either by law or accident, established a law, that like begels its like, and experience confirms the! fact that punishment always follows ! sin in this worligBiei'gfbiv if ititin [ lives to eternity, if he- does- not j oJuinge, will he noJ sutftjr forever? | If nature should ever Jose its balance j and fall bade into chaos, and then i Biart again, is it not most probable j she will follow the stone old beaten J truck, and the same cause produces ’he same ellem ? Tlm Lviicf in A the- j isin does not save man fltnn suffer- j ing and puifishment hwe, nor does if offer any resonnble probability lhat men will Re saved J)t>m sin and punisment heraifter, if ttio Bible is h ue, and there is a God who governs the moral and jmtural worlds. Our faith in God does nor. relieve the fact that men sin, and* are pun ished in this world. If man believe that Jesus was really the Christ that was to come, and accomplish all he promised to do, still men sin, and are punished. If God can prevent sin and punishment in the other vflorld, why has lie not prevented it in this? If it. is against liis nature foyniun, und devils to 8u tier forever, isjfc not equal ly against liis nature ami govern ment for them to suffer v.t all ? Is it not probable that if the Divine power and goodness could have created a moral being without the possibility of sin and punishment, that He would have done it? It is impossible but that infinite wisdom, power aud goodness could create any other moral universe, than the best that could be created. Is it proba ble Lie will ever change it r to suit his enemies, and the opposers of all good? Man is man, and God is God, in this world; God reigns, and rules here, and man sins,* and is punished here. If he is man in the other world, God is God in the other world, and man sins and is punished hero, will lie not sin and he punished- there? Is not a sinner in this* world-’ a sinner in all worlds? If God* does mot change in the other world, and .wad the sinner cannot, then the sin- •n«r cannot, then the sinner-must suf fer forever. It is often asked if Divine goodness cun punish forever? We reply, Di vine goodness does not purAsh at all. It is the will of God that all men should be saved. lie has tvo- pleas ure in the death of his wicked, but that ho turn and live. Man sins against the will of God, and is pun ished against His nature and His will. God gave His only begotten Son to keep men out of hollv- Man ruins himself against all the mercy, grace and warning of the AIVnighty, I “Oh, Israel, thou hast destroyed thy- I self J* Men will be damned because limy will not. he saved. If men will not he saved in this world, what evi dence have we that they will charge in the other ? Is it possible in the stronger motive to the human mind (o he good in the other world that God does not hold out in the mind in this? lie says “what more could 1 Iuiyc done; than I have already done?” tied is in Chrlat, and Jesus declares he would have saved Jerusalem, hut lie could not, because they would not. It may he argued, man is hero in the flesh, and there he will ho a '•pirit, Is not tlm flesh one of Ihe strong motives to he good? Are there, no motives in ties of friendship and kindness? Where do we find the moot reckless forms of ehniucter: are they not among those farthest re moved from society, seaman ami sol dier, etc.? What will the sailor lie when on tho wide sea, where all the lies of flesh and blood are brok en, and all his restraints are gone forever? Thousmds are held with in ill*' hounds dl decency only by the restraints of mothers, wives find friends. We need not. lift the vail to look into eternity to prove men will nexer repent. Wreck after wreck drift by us daily. Tliei'e are thous ands of men in Geoirgitv to-day who will never repent. They will abide the judgment us they arc. There must he an eu4 of strife. Peren nial nature proclaims the eternal lelution of things. The oak bends under the storm hut rises again.- The ship rocks atv.l reels, the sea breaks over her (leeks; but when the oak is once on the ground it never stands erect again; when the ship careens beyond the line she goes down for ever, never rules the waves again or spreads her cavius to Ihe wind ol heav en. If men camnot he induced to ni. nil. Xlufre can b^. no. r?- peninnco in a government where there is no pardon. There is no doctrine in the cliris- tain system that fears investigation. We want controversy. Wo are al ways glad when the out side world is moved on religions subjects. I wish, all thu secular papers would devote half their columns to moral and re ligious subjects. Wo shall never convince the world of the truth of ohristuin doctrines by snubbing it. The religion of Jesus was not pr-i- olaimed in a corner. We are - to teach it by the way ami publish it on the housetop. J doubt if there have ever been a time since the days of Luther when* the church and world were more ignorant.of the doctrines of chrif> tianity. We have had rhetoric anul sentimentalism enough in t*ke pulpit and press for the last thirty years. The church and the-world need un derstanding in Divine tilings. There are communities in ueorgia where the doctrines of Christianity have not been preached in years, lest some ones feelings should'be hurt, if- we appeal to the word of God.. The Jews certainly understood their own language. Tile living and dead Israelite all declare their scrip* tmvs teach eternal punishment, and if we appeal to the new testament, certainly Hebrews, Greeks, and Lat ins understood their own language, it is impossible for men at this day to understand the new testamen better than the Savior and fihc Apos-* ties who uttered it. The Greek church, the Latin church, dead and living, have always held the doctrine ef eternal punishment. The whole church of God. living and dead have always held the doctrine of endless pimaehmo-nt, with only one excep tion, and that one never noted for large numbers, or great piety, or learning. All government, both heathen and christuvu have ap proved the Divine wisdom, by intro ducing rewards and punishments as fundamental principles in their legislation. If there were no utterances in the Bible on this great subject, there is no doctrine-more fully indicated in the nature and relation of things, than eternal punishment. Good and evil can never exist in harmony in the same government, and is it not most probable this strife will finally end in the eternal salvation of the good, and the eternal condemnation of the Wicked. No falsehood can in its uitimates, prove a Wessiug to mankind. The best meii in all ftgee' have believed in endless punishm. nt. The enemies of the higher morality aifd purer forms ot religion, have al- ways been oppofed to the doctrine of elcffiftl punishment. They are generally opposed to capital punish ment in this world and no punish ment in the oilier. The church Inis never been the loser but always the gainer in the open free discussion of her doctrines. ‘‘Tlu* fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.” Keeping Up Appearance. A member of the sanitary police force came across a hoy the other day who was wheeling home a load of oyster cans and bottles-, and curious- to know what use the lad’ coul'c> put them to he made a direct inquiry. “Going to throw them over into our hack yard,” replied the hoy. “I took two loads home yesterday.” “Bui what do you* use Yin for?” “It's u trick ofthe faniilv,** gymmd the lad. “How trick?” “I’d just as lief tell,” continued the hoy, as he spit on his hands to resume his hold of the harrow.— “We’re going to have some relashuns come in from the country. Wo may not have much lo sat, but if tln-y see these cans aud bodies and boxes they’ll think we’ve had talers, cham pagne, figs and nuts till we’vu got tiled of Ym and are living on- bwad and taters for a lu-althy change 1” The officer scratched his ear like a man who had received a nyw idea. It is said of Spurgeon that in his pointed way lie cried m»*t from the pulpit, “There’s a shoemaker. Last Sunday h« wld* shoes that amoun ted to nine pence, and there was- four*pence profit on it.” In the au»- Uu*ncc there was a shoemaker who had done that very l&svj?.-/ Thu mystery bothered him uH week, so on tipi next Sunday lie had his girl open the shop while he again went to church. “All., sinner?’ Spurgeon hi - gun, “sinnin^ by proxy is just as had as through y out sinned yours If. It’s no use for you to come here yourself and leave your daughter to keep shop.” The shoemaker was dumb- ftmndel. It set 1 him thinking, and he was converted. Spurgeon, hear ing of the circuinshmce, saUUlm be lieved the Holy Spirit inspired his words. Next Town Ahead where they loan you :. Hoi- lav and chalk it down till .fo-fiVor- roxv, for a butt le of M eh hKlin’s 11 i:i»a- TiNK for tho Liver. The enormous expense of importing tlie ingredients' of this great liver medicitn into this country, is why our Druggists, Burbank & Jones, sell hut. one sim ple bottle to the same person for ten cents; hut as there are titty doves in the large size bottles, it. is cheap enough after all at two cents per dose, for a medicine that has m-ver been known to fail in the ctire of dyspepsia and all diseases of the liv er. It inis never failed in Ihe ciirr of liver complaint when taken as di rected, no matter of lioxv long si und ing the diS''Hse. It cures Chills and Rover, Constipation ol tlu* Bowels. Dyspepeiu and Liver Complaint'. Sample Bottles ten cents; regular-' [size, fifty doses, jun*.M*l.y PERFECTION. “The While Sewing Machine." .No .Sewing Mach ice lias ever met. with such universal approbation as the White. It is decided by all un biased, practical iimchinM to he the nest Sewing Machine on Ihd market.- Be sure and try them before bityidg .mj* ether. Tor sale by IS. C. HOUGH, jnn. ;M, tmSfi Borne, Ga. The undersigned can he foil ml on and after March the 1st at tlie Cher okee Iron Co. 1 will also have a man at my old stand lo do all repairs in the harness line ami any* tiling that he can’t do will he done at otico at the Cherokee by myself, leh. 28--Ft G. W. Vance. Mush;. TinYC tb iuloric. all porsrvns who- wish to purchase rheet musi:: that by applying to the editor ot thift paper jliey will be'saved the trouble and risk of ordering it. He will" furnish wnjL of'iiKteijj at parked' pry* •ee: It “4oiFt You Forget It” All parties indebted lo Van & Aiitchinson will please cornu forward and pa/ itp*at once. All unpaid ac counts will he placed in Lhe hamla of an officer for collee'ion if not paid within live days. W-- mean wlmt we say*-. Save costs by coming-up- and settling at once. Vann & Hutcjh-’nson. feh 28-tt’ Chattanooga had ten diuths last week. The Mississippi Legislature xvill adjourn the Kth. Ex-Secretary-of the Navy, Gid- 3ii Welles, is dead. Patience and industry are sure of their reward. It is had religion that makes peo ple hate the religion of other people. The flights ol'the humi»n mind are not from enjoyment' to enjoyment, hut from hope to hope. Tho seeds of repentance are sown in youth by pleasure, but the harvest is reaped in age and pain. Probably no man ever felt worse at being in the wrong pew than Jon ah, when ho found hiinwdS in the whales spew. Meekness und)courtesy wilPidways recommend the first address, but soon full ami-nauseate, unless tiny-' ire associated with more sprightly pialities. It often, depends on a trifle, not more thorn She toss up ol a penny, whether man should raise himself to riches and honor.- on pine away in misery and want till he dies. “Truth licsui. the bottom of a-well.” We have often verified this by look ing down into a well and seeing Truth’s honest countenouse in- tlie smooth waiter:. About the time u man begins to pay $10 for a high-blooded* fowl, is about the time he should foil down stairs and bump the brains from his feet to his head. Tlie good opinion of honest men, friends to freedom and well-wishers to mankind,, where ever they may be bdrn or happen to reside, is the .only kind of reputation a wise man would ever desire. IDIICATIOIAL JA8. C. HARRIS- T ENDEHS his services to tlie peo ple of Cedar Valley in the capacity of Teacher for the year 1878, nnd respectfully solicits a share of their patronage. Exercises'Will commence on the Second Monday in January. Terms as usual. deo&Odm ism. PROSPECTUS. 187S or The Daily IrUuiufl City of Atlanta, Every innnuiug (Mondays excepted) containing tliev- latest News iron) all part* of the world, by mail and telegraph with Appropri ate Editorial Comments up to the time of going to 1‘res*. Its Disputin'* will not lie surpassed bv any newspaper- in tho Gulf Status, and tho EDITOR! A I. DEPA KT M ENT Will bo conducted in tho interest ol th? Notion.'.t ’ Democratic pnity, but with special rHeroncotothe- rlght* of the South nnd the State of Georgia. THE DAILY TRfli.UNE \Vflf contain the decisions of tlm Supreme-' Court tlie proceedings of the Legislature when iu session, ami at nil times correct re- - polls of matters or Interest occurring in the Ex ecutive De partment. The local column* will always contain a full account: of everything happening iu Atlanta and vicinity.. . SUBS U IU 1*T 10 N: Daily—Olio year “ Six months - - - - • l One month Address, 0, ». WILLIAMS, Manager. AUanto, C.jui^