The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, March 14, 1878, Image 3

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CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON & CO., VihlLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CARPETS, BOOTS & SHOES. GO A 68 WHITEHALL TTREET; ATLANTA, GA. HOOTS uml SllOHS. Wo havo, during tho past Waoan nddwl a Hoot and Shop department, which U cntiroly Separate and distinct ftrairt each af our other department*, and we now ddfcr I® the pYiblle tho largest and beat Stock of Quits, Ladles, Mlaaea, “Boya and Children's HOOTS and SHOBH to be ound In tho Slate of Georgia, Wo tnakefe Vpto- t lalty ot Untie, Miles and otlior Well known first- class makers. Their CARPET DEPARTMENT hua never bsrt) equaled In the South, CARPETS of all description cheaper than ever before. Oil Cloths from 8 to 18ft wide, in a lino va riety of Pateme. Lamar SQUIRES and CORNICE, made to order. Wall ToyiM-aifd geoeml Interior decorations a specialty In tills dephVrment. Ta theft* DRV GOODS Department can always ho found thoChoiactnnd latest Styles of Black and Colored SILKS. Ladles fine and Medium DRR8S GOODS, taco* Embroiders, Hosiery, Gloves, No tions, tadles’ Tina and Neck ware, and n Genurnt assortment or ®t«ipl©nud Fauoy Dt*y a*coci«. 5®f Samples fromlhlt* Department smithy mall on apphratiou* J-S?" Onr motto in to nllow no one to undersell tie. All onV- purchases are inode for CASH, mid It will Well re- |m\V iiny and all to examine eaoli of our departments before purchasing elsewhere, Cull and examine, or send yonr erdeia to CHAMHERLIN, BOYN TON & CO., Marolt U-3m till * r,8 Whitehall Street, Atlnntn, Ga. THE EXPRESS. Cedartown, Maroh 14th. COTTON. Onr to-day's quotations are: St rict Middlings 710^ (ft Middlings,... 10 (ft Low Middlings ... 0 (ft ’Strict Good Ord nary 8$ (food Ordinary 7^ Ordinary ....* 6$ (ft Stains 0 (ft 8i Tinges 9 REMOVAL. .TAS, R. BARBER lms removed }uh Law Office to the building wost 'of Bradford it Allen’s Drug Store, march 14-2t. Johnson, Robins & Co.’s Garden Seed, at Burbank k Jones.’ Seven hundred and 11 fly choice Bp* pie lives from the Cumberland Nur* scry. Apply to feb.28 A. Dougherty. Wright has a Large and Beautiful 'stock of Spring Prints juit received. tnchl4-3 Go to Burbank & Jones for yonr Clarden and Grass Seed. iST GLOBE FLOWER COUGH SYRUP, Ifeptltin© and Queen’s De- 'light, itt Bradford & Allen’s. ‘march 14* It The latest stylo hats cun bo found 'at Wright’s, cheap for cash, mob 14-3 Burbank Aones will sell you Landreth’s Fresh Garden Seeds, 10 sent papers for 6 cents. * ,, tc^K**gh|i« if von •»»* 'broideries; lie has thy largest stock of them in town. mc'iU 8 ‘ior sale by Burbank & Jonhs. New Coring Clothing, in fact, most anything that can be found in *ti First Class Store, is at WRIGHT’S, 'and he is very anxious to sell them very low for cash. mchl4-3l $100 Saved, Every fanner c an save $100, by buying a 4 ton hay or stock scale of 'flic Chicago Scale Company, besides getting one of the best, scales in use, made throughout of the very best •'Inuteriul, including a neat brass beum •and beam box. ^ Thunder and Lightning. Onr little town was visited last •Monday night and Tuesday morning by quite a hard beating rain nccoin- ‘pauied with loud and deafening penis of thunder and dazzling lightning. •At nine o’clock Tuesday morning a •heirvyoloud again came up mid a ‘heavy discharge of rain began to fall. During its progress, the Pres- 'byterian church was struck by light- • ing, tearing the cupola to pieers. ^it/riin'down into the church attracted •by anil pursuing the stove piping 'whereat its terminus it divided,a ^portion leaped athwart the rooincm- •ting the carpet in twain ns evenly us ff done by hand. The cupola is a ’total wreck and we fear the plaster ing is, too. The damage is variously 'estimated at from on# hundred to •one hundred and fifty dollars. No Tiber damage was done. As soon as the rain subsided a collection was taken up to repair tho church and well nigh a hundred dollars in cash was raised the clay of the damage. Whatever else may be said of our people, it cannot be said that they ■do not respond when oalled on upon occasions like this. MARRIED. Phillips—Colville.—At tho res idence of Mr. 0. Philpot, on Thurs day evening, March 7th, by llev. W. D. Anderson, Mil Wm. M. Phil lips to Mna. Angie Colville, all of this city. We join with their many friends, our wishes for their future happiness, > *‘Ye local” is out an overcoat. Lost while on his tour. Atlanta is a bully place. Col. Tidwell 1ms the floor. Mr. Jule Wynn’s residence sill soon be completed. * * Jim Dodds and Asa Prior have returned. Several bales of cotton have been brought to market this week. Every horse, bu^gy, and wagon obtainable, will be brought into requisition to-morrow. The ExritHM of next week will contain full particulars of the bulling of Gu8 Johnson. Newt Wright is bad. lie did us favors of the Buhstantiul kind. {Success to you, Newt. The lumber for the Eights of Honor hull is being delivered. Very soon this order will meet under its own roof. Miss Lula Walthall, wo are sorry to say, lias been prostrated up on a bed of sickness the past lew days. Bhe is now convalescent. The railroads centering into Rome will all run excursion (ruins to give all an opportunity who wish Itt sec the Inst of Gus Johnson. Tile time honjrel .Etna In surance Company of Hanford has drawn out of Georgia. She no lotu ger does business in the state. Murdock McBride gave us a flying visit Wednesday morning, lie is looking welt ns usual, and re ports the. interest in the Express us increasing. We lienf a great deal of complaint as regards the road tax imposed upon the people by the city council. Our coltimns are open to any of the honorable gentlemen for an explanation. Mt‘. Wade W. Milam called on us yesterday. Mr. Milam will open up at iui early day, in the house lately occupied by George & Strick land, a stock of Family Groceries and a first*class Saloon. We are sorry of Col. Tidwell’s accident. While in Atlanta he bought a mess or so of fresh tlsh to take out to his daughter While cleaning them, the Coloftel tinned his tingei and ie suffering very much from the effects. There arc rumors of a bank being established in our town. We understand that parties will be in our midst this week prospecting. Come on, gentlemen. This is undoubtedly a flue field for yoitr investment and as good a people live around these diggings as God’s sun shines on. N. M. Wright believes in ad vertising. He says it pays him. Ic notifies the people of what he has in store. Newt, this week, in a fresh column, informs til public of it large stock of Spring Goods. Give him a trial, and our word for it, yon’ll be pleased. We have wondered how we could best call attention to Messrs. J. S. Stubbs & Co.’s card. These gehtlemen are well and favorably known. They have a magnificent stock of Spring Goods which they are anxious to sell, and will sell on fuvorable terms for cash. Do not fail to give them a call whetfid* you are in need of goods or not. Kuna-nay. Yesterday while Mrs. Richard Gammon was in town shopping, she left her little boy, Richard, in the buggy to mind the horse. The ring ing of the hotel bells frightened the horse and he began running away. Tho little .fellow was thrown from the buggy at Mr. Stoffregau’s, (ho 1 not hurt to any extent. The horse ran a few sou ares and stopped. The buggy was considerably damaged, While the damage the buggy is considerable, it Was fofitinate that little “Ca'flar” (Rj^ard) Wfi 8 unhurt. Value of Ailvertisinir. Onr readers will no doubt remem ber the small “Lost” and “Found,” Shawl anu ('ape. An owner has been found for the shawl, and the water-proof* cape lias been returned io ft^/jWtier. feo much for advertis ing Express • 4%*. « Pwff. Salvo. Though we did not have the pleasure of hearing the performan ces as given by this gentleman on the pm no and guitar, we feel wur- ratttea In savin# that they were par excellent. \V'<? understand thatstren- nous efforts were made to have the Professor remain over and give one of his unique entertainments at the Court House. Business engage ments prevented his delay. At some future time, however, our people will have an opportunity of being regaled by ortd bf his choicest per- furmqwJes. Wo bespeak for him a largo undieiifce. Gtillnhltown Dots. AsVlost of tho villages and neigh bmhoods hitve been written up in your piper, I think it our turn nexR The bid historic nemo that, headc this kltiole was christened after an lmUiUt-iohief of the Cherokee tribe who lifed in a field now in cultiva tion ml the Wliniloy firm. The on ly things Which now mark the spot where their wigwams stood are the walnut/''trees which are still standing, being left on account of their histor ic association. The little trails they so often traveled have been enl.irged and widened for the convenience ot the white man. The streams and ■'atreifc.'SHBpa-wpfm which the lit.tL* 'maids used to sail up and down have made to change their conffle and the grand old forest through which they erst did chase the hounding roe, ha* been hewed down and cast into the fire. When we cast our eyes over the vast urea of open land We can’t help from exclaiming with the poet: “They have gottS with the forest wldf. and deep. Ami we've built our homes Where their loved So, Mr. Editor, while history has done much to keep our section before the public, Nature has done more. We can boast of as fertile a soil as can be found in the valley—abound ing in free and limestone water. Qur neighborhood is KnttWn far and wide for its high social standing. We have three schools in thtt neigh borhood. Mrs. D. A. Whitehead has a flourishing school from all reports. Mrs. Whitehead is building up con siderable reputation as a teacher. Miss Muttic West has a good school, alsot Miss Mattie is so popular that some of her patrons Bend by oite good teacher to have her teach them. Miss Lula Jeter, of Rockmatt, lias a select school at Je. ry Phillips’, and from ait accounts is doing well. A post-office has recently been es tablished in our midst. Uncle Sam has seen fit to christen it Green wood. The indefatigable Gus Tomlinson is post master and every body is well pleased. Jn addition, Gus has a well selected stock of farm supplies of all kinds which he offers low for cash. I notice he appreciates a good thing by advertising his wares in the fami ly favorite, the Express. The Sunday school in tins neigh borhood numbers forty scholar's. Under Mr. Henley’s superintendehtty this school is m a prospsrous condi tion. Being the Cradle of thechufeh, the children should all be early taught to attend them. Mrs. O. B. Whatley has returned from hei‘ home in Kentucky accom panied by her brother, Mr. Robt. Byers, who will muke Georgia his fu ture home. We bespeak for him a warm welcome by the young men II not too busy, you may hear again from U. Know. .“U. Know’s letters will always be welcomed, this one has been unavoid ably delayed for two weeks. Editor. ROCKMART LOCALS. Roc KMART, Gifc, Mclh llth, 1878. Spring weather for the last few days. Rockmart is nearly deserted-- everybody at home farming. Messrs Whitehead, Jones k Ort. and Mess. Moore & Co. are receiving quite additions to their already large 8to"ck of gtt ids. The Rev. J. W. Baker preached ut Rockmart lust Sabbath to a large congregation considering the un pleasant city. Dr. Cochran says that it is impos sible to keep Frartk Jones in the store yet, although lie has been mar ried foutf months, — The community in the neighbor hood of W. 1). Collum, T. W. Du pree and others arc putting up u new school house iffur tho Swain town bridge on Wuhftrly. Prof. Crtrter is their teacher; The Spring fights continue; anoth er cauie off lust Saturday evening between one Harnett and a Mr. Hol der. Holder got, his nose mashed, lager beer seems to have a had eff ect. Judge Barber a fmv da vs ago found himsolf minih some corn, and look ing around, found that one of his hands, Willis Evans, col’d. was the rogue. lie lmd him arrest- d a id I a 1 a trial before hiniS-If and the baluno • of the hands and found him so near ly guilty that tho n»gro confessed and the Judge gave him his choice to take 80 lushes or be prosecuted, tile third chose the whipping and Ins step father was selected to execute the sentence which ha did hand so in - iy- ,_ llenry Carpenter, col’d. caught Henry Ledbetter at the door of hi* crib a lew nights ago, tlnd gave him a good thrashing before he Con Id get away, but when he did get the chance he m id • tracks and is goffe where the lion ronreth &c. Alex. RoWeli has gone regularly into the buggy business. He is selling for R. H. Jones, of Carters- vilie. Alex, if you will ride us around we’ll tell ’em what kind ol buggies you keep. —— — — — Mr. Win. Forsyth, of Paulding •county, was married by tho Rov. E. M. Head, to Miss Martha Hart of Haralson county, last Wednesday the Gth. \\VI1 bet the buttons on our shirt that. George Gentry has got tho lon gest string of new fence in tlje state. Fact is We don’t know how long it is. Wf ‘only know that we rode Along side of it for H rilile and a half, when we were finally obliged to take the right lift lid road, and tho fence Continued its southern direction. A storm burst with terrific fury upon Haralson and Carroll bounties last Tuesday night: Gloat damage wu4donb. Hail in large quantities fell. No particulars yet. JACK TALIAFERRO, Sale Feed and Livery Stable. 11 rotui Street, Hornet hi. A. DOUGHERTY. Dealer In First C'lnsS kqd Yob&ido, CBDAHTOWN, - - * OA. deal in none hut the BEST LIQUO^J iimSi as are recommended by physicians for Medical pittydses. HtGJng them direct from the distil leries, consequently; ntt refctifled are retailed at my Bar. I mUk a specialty of STCBiS MOUNTAIET CORN) A bet ter Whisky than which is y< t to he produced. t will mMI as much iifi Four (Siill-ms und Throe Quarts af a tinus topf.itirs in need o' i». NORTH CAROLINA AND tNESsftK PEACM feUANDY always on hand. All know that 1 represent to he good nothing tli .1 i* not good. PRICES comtponti ii illi the times. It is the profit•> ?i<nt 1 mi tail, and not the quaPtir tfl’ tny Liqilors. A. DOtJGIIER'J’V. fell. 28 Jhif My I'olk to call mid ■ GUANO. I. T. MED, The Attention of llie Farmers is Asked for a Few Minnie!* DEALEU IN to Facts that are of Stoves and Tinware, CEtJARTOWN, GA. VITAL IMPORTAICE I ttm now prepared to sell •£*i riHi ar* w I regret to have to announce that oilresteemed neighbor, William Hub bard, lost on* ot his lovely da ighters who departed this life after u pro tracted sickness of some mouths on the tilth inst. and was buried on the ' Gth at Van We t cmirter. attend*dj by u largo and mournful company of friends. The parento and relatives j have our heurtfelt sympathy in their bereavement.. Sin; passed uwu. in the bloom ol'youth. Tr.ily we cm say that in the midst of lifewo are in death. Mary was a good affectionate and obedient daughter and the be reaved relatives have this Consolation that their loss is her eternal gain. Haralson County Department. ! MURDOCK McBRlfcE Editor. IIaualson County, March llth. A little child ol Mr. Sam Brown died lust Tuesday night. Our good friend, Dan Speights, is j the most liberal spirited man we j know of, more especially towards the i poor widow—Nails. Why has the. petition lor a change J of tho Tecumseli mail route not been forwarded to Dr. Felton? Send | it up. The peoplo demand, and i TIN WARE ut Rome Prices. I will also do all kinds of Tin find Sheet Iron Work. ROOFING and GUTTF/IUNfS defile as cheap as any one; I solicit the trade of Merchants. 2 If you don’t believe I Cell TIN Cheap, come and see for your self and ho convinced. X. T. Mm.' ESTA HUSHED lNxGW-, McCliUEE’S Temple of Music. W nor,ESA I ;K uml lietuil Agen cy fur Dililtimowiied M.ksr., STEIN WAY, KNABE, DUNHAM, BACON k l KARR and j. & C. I-MSIIER. Uelobratcil lircnii of MAHON A IIAM1.IN llt!r tlett, Nu\v RniriHiid Oman Co., nut) (I A 1‘rinco A ; Co.’a Miti-lc riiljIlshorHi (UlVt-r Dltson, Win. A I Poml * Co., Smith * Co., . A Mcrtli A Co. BEST GUI T A RS. *LcVi! , »*. Bru '"" “" J ' Abo full linn of Small Mnnlrnl CJoocIh, Sfrltins, rlt. I UMio proprietor req»rCtfttlly announces to tno clt- j 1 I/.fin* ot (YilurtKvn nnil vicinity, Hint hia facill- tins unable him to oiler extra Imlucemfcntx to pur- cimsrrs of Musical tlonds, Ktiarantcelnj* overythlng ! rutircuctitcd by him to jjlve entire natletactlor.. Cwrrupnomlcnci* nollcitvtl. ICataloKtiiii mailed fre# , , JAS.A. MfcCLUHH. ttf', VnlonStfOef, NiiHhvllle Tonu. .InnlTlr W.F.Treadaway, to them, iifitl will hnvo fnttch to do with TiARGE t’Rt)PS I lie bo mint* Jear. | A table of Analyses and Commercial value of FERTi Life kfc#5 hart Lee ft prepared bv the Honorable (^ommisrionef of Agriculture lor the ! Siitffe bf Georgia, whefeiu lie fifioWs the properties and intrin- aib value ol the many Fehiliters; good, had nnd mdilfer- (*l»t, offered for sale iii »lib State. Below we print a table taken iToi/i llu» Commissioner's Report; T11 ?•' FaIlMERS MAY DRAW Til KID. OWN CONCLUSIONS; Analysis andHommerciftl Value of FeTtilizersr •) ’ s < |4 J |*| ■ % o 1’A I'Al’Sl'O (ilJAN'O 11,28 1 0,-11 1 2,88 »44 2H UltANOE, MIXTURE 11,-10 2.1.5 2,52 40 27 SOLUBLE }»AOIPt(.! OUANO 10,05 1 :i t ia | i.oft 31) 00 LI EHKi’S A M Vt IN 1 AT El • IMS. BON E... 11,10 | 1,58 j 2 SO 38 00 WILCOX & <>J Mlf.S ii.nV 12,"51 t.rtf a 7 23 CUMBERLAND SURER I'llosl’IIATE.. 10.75 a,f»u 1 .... i)S 88 /JELL’S AM MON] A’l'ED BONE 8,55 | 5,00 | l»,03 35 42 WATSON & CLARK’S 10.05 ] 2,45 .... 34 70 EUREKA AMMdNIATED BONE 8,05 1.255 | . .. #0 30 Now (Raw yotfr o^Vn conclusion. tthi Agent for tli6 !*|f J hail to wolk from here to Baltjipore fop it, X would not be with out Dr. full’s Rough Syrup in my lamily,” is what we he»f;l » lady e»y yesterday, should have this ohunge; THE MULE. A Man Horribly Wounded by tho Kicking of a Mule—The Bones of his Face Literally Crushed. Oil lust Tuesday morning just be fore duylight, Mr. Oudle had his luce aliookingly mangled by n kick from one of hie mules. The mule lmd been puwing and knocking ut the door of the stable nil night, ill con sequence of which Mr. O., hud been uuiible to sleep. Juat before day Mr. Ctidle got up uud went into the sta ble and gave the mule a severe Hog ging. When he had finished whip ping the mule Mr. Oadle started to leave the stable, and just as he Was cleuring tho door tho mule, which is a very powerful one, and rough shod, with all its force, seht his hind feet flying at Mr. (Jadfe, one of which struck him fairly in the face, breaking his lower jaw bone in one,- and the upper jaw hone in two places; ulso breaking his hobo and knocking out four or live front teeth, besides other ghastly wounds on the fleshy part of the face. I)rs. Kiker mid Smith were imme diately sent for, and they succeeded in extracting the shattered bones and straightening up and setting the broken ones. Though we seem to have gone into the details of this man’s wounds, yet bis real condition beggars description. Llis physicians arc hopeful of his recovery. Fatapsco, Grange Mixture, Soluble Pacific Guano, ftnd Liebig’s Am. Dissolved Bone. How do they compare with the above? AHEAD in everything that goes to fimla* GUANO OR FERTILIZERS* j If people use Feftilifers, tliet should, by all ffteana, u‘s6 the BEST | mul lor the BEST GUANO amt terms, apply to A. HUNTINGTON, 8 tinUl OfiDAitTOWN, C)A LIVERY Feed and Sale Stable, (DOUOIIBUTV'S STABMSi) OirOAHTOWN, CrA., Good Stock and Elegant Vehicles always on hand. Charges Reasonable. Be sure and give me a trial when you want to take u! pleasant horse back or btfggy ride. W. t. THKAlMtfAY; feb. Jl8 StH KELLEY’S HOTEL. W. A. KELLEY, - Proprietor. North Side Market Street, above Sixth. LOU IS VILLE, 1C V. NEW HOUSE, Nswi.y Fitt«k SOARI) AT ,1.50 PKR DAY* «wr MBWm J. f). Ir^foprietof, CEDARTOWN, ..... GA, The Table Supplied With the. licet the Mark’d Affords. slmre of Public Patronage Solicited. Terms Reasonable. Remodeled, Refurnished and Remonetized- “Where the Hungry ccnso from Suffering, and the weary find u rest.’. FIRST CLASS LIVERY STABLE, (At M.y'. Old Stand), ZAMF.S nOU0I.ASM A CO, Vroprietoi s, ip patronage of tho public respectfully solicitcd.^ TERMS easy. MILLAR, Proprietor, jftn.l|73in . CEDARTOWN, GA.