The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, June 06, 1878, Image 2

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the express. Ctxianown, Juno 8th JNO. W. RADLEY Editor. The Express has a larger circu lation than any other newspaper published in the 38th Senatorial Oistrlot !®~Thtt 11nu,sf has fixed on Juno 17tli ns tho date of the adjournment of Congress. J5f\Ve believe all the “Colonels' have finislud their descriptions of tho trip to ‘’Lookout Mountain. Let’s have a rest. iL£t*'lf the Republicans continue to abuse Mr.Tilden it will not be long until they will find in him the biggest mouthful they ever attempt ed to swallow. Uncle Sammy isn’t dead yet. I5t?"ITon. John .Scott Harrison, Son of ox-Piesidcnt Harrison, died suddenly and was buried last Wednes day. The next day his son went to the Ohio Medical college in quest of a dead body ol a friend which had been “snatched’’ by ttie grave fiends. Imagine his horror to find tho body of his dead father in a sink! Great excitement exists in Cincinnati. J3?" Suppose the investigating committee shall have learned, beyond all controversy, that Mr. Hayes was not entitled to the votes of Louisaua and Florida, what then? Can Con gress depose Mr. Hayes 9 Can uny legislation be retronotivi? Tho truth is, but for weakness in the joints of some, the intrigue and self interests of others, this gigantic fraud had never been perpetrated. The Democralic Ma-s Meeting. ! can Muure \V. J. Brown, J ., and The Mass Meeting of the Demo-' Ohns. Talliafetro were added t> iho list. , On motion the Executive Commit tee was reappointed. On motion of Judge Head, the Secretary was instructed tiplnriijsh a copy of these proceedings to the Cedar tow n Ext'it ties and Record lor publication. On motion the meeting udjourned. J. 1’. LI a it it,, Secretary. cratic party of Polk comity called by order of the Chairman of the Execu tive Committee was held at the Court House on Tuesday last. The ml Ini tee of tho meeting and the res olutions passed will bo (omul else where in our paper. The delegates appointed to 111” Ringgold Convention are all good, true mill sound men. They are no politicians, nor are they men who arc likely to come under the control of any politician seeking to use them for a purpose inconsistent with the interests ami wishes of the people of Polk county. No citarges can be brought against theiroharacteq eith er in their publio" or {private lives, and we leave the question to the peo ple if such men will be guilty of Iruud and trickery. We would not be surprised to hear such charges brought forward by some sinless mid stuinleas (?) gentlemen. Democratic Meeting Luet Tuosday. Pursuant to a call from the Chair man of the Democratic Executive Commit tee of Polk county, Julius A. Peek, a large crowd assembled m tho Court Home hist Tuesday for- the purpose of electing four dele gates tojrepresent Pclk county in the District Convention to assemble in ltingbld on the fourth ol July next I " m "J’ improvements, among which tin store occupies a premia oil lilac ■, nor tile purpost of permanent or- ■ 1 ■’ ’• ’ ganizition Mr. T. M. Paco was elect ed and W. J. Wndily anti K<1. K. A Trip Through Worth Georgia. “Amateur Farmers’’ writing in the Marietta Journal have this to say ol their trip through this section. We do not know who they are hut tvo do say that their heads are level. Hear them: At Alatooua and St.ylcslioro, wo remained for a short time, found the people thoro pleasant and kind. Pass- ng through the pretty little village of llookmart, destined perhaps in tho future to become a seCionl Hlu-llield, soon arrived at our journey's end, the residence of Mr. 0. II., dur kind host, whore we were on ertain -d dur ing our slay wiili regular old Virgin ia linspitttlily. The next day we vis- ted the lieatitiful village of O. dar town and though strangers we were soon made to fuel at home from the mlial manner in which w - wore •ooivtid. While there we visited tho (tensive li on Works of Mr. West, mated s one half mile front the I The proprietor showed us his | ■ a. I VAJildSX’fclillcrawp Mrs. T. B. J. lYoprietoi*, CBDAR'^OT'CrNr, - ■ - * . G-A. The Table Supplied With the Host Ihe Market Affords. l-W'Ir slum* of Public Patronage Solicited. '.Corfu* R.inH<>*mlilo (y. W. c i^eatl\ei^t(^ &Go., D—E—A— L-rE —11—8 I—N =©] f\ | Y=eG\ j 010 !© j $== Arc now receiving their mammoth stock of new Spring and Summer Goods. Tills stock: m Prices in Keeping with the Times, arid (tootU Must be Soli! Call early mid make your select ions Bd#"’ Wo also HUY COTTON, and pay the highest. Hush price tot Country Produce oct. o, lSii-ly I M .H Veal’s Jeweiry i Liams, R, h St., Rome, Qa. tAS on hand lints, Flowers, Ribbons, Silk and all otheV Goblls itrlier . Prices as low as the lowest. (Jail uml examine our Prices. J, I\ 1JUUK K. W. 15. MON HOE. ’ L, D. CAMPBELL. J. b\ JB U H K :bl & CO. ■4-4l*HOi*IllISTOHS OF GEORGIA ©PICJI! MIX.UB. . MAI^UEAOTtJjlIiUSOK AND WHOLESALE UEAi,ElW JN v Comes, Catsup, Allspice, Baking Powder, Cinder, Cloves,’dream 'ntftaiv Cayenne, Mace. Nutmegs, Indigo; Peailutsj Oinu un<*n,S»Hla, Teas, fciuigon Bark, Favoring Extracts, (peers’ Drugs,. Ta ble Sauce, Mustards, $o., &c. Coffbsj T^eaimts M.ult Row shod for tho Trade Hole Manufacturers of Ino colehnilnd “TOWN TALK" BAKING l’OWDKRS. ('ornn' Prif.r and Mitchell Streets' ATLANTA, GA. Rather Mixed. Postmaster Goneral Key in his “conciliatory letter to the South,' in order to prevent another “upri sing,’’ is rather hard on Dr. Felton. He recommends tho people to vote for “Independents” if necessary rath er than fur Democratic candidates who stiilered themselves to he whip ped in by tho parly lash to vote for the Potter resolutions of investiga tiou. Now these resolutions good thing. They simply authorise the appointment of a committee to inquire into and report upon tho Electoral frauds. Wo all know rhero were frauds committed. The poin of the Democrats was to prove it. As Democrats we have all along beeirus- sel ling that frauds mere committed and We-ltere always met by tho Re publicans with, why don’t you prov it then? The Congress does propose to prove it and right there comes in the stink. Hut to the point at issue: After the vote was taken the Rome Court er charged that Dr. Felton did not vote for the resolutions. In a few days the Doctor came out in a card in the Atlanta Constitution insisting that tho charge of the Courier was false; that lie did/ (tho exclamation point is ours) vote for the Potter Resolutions. Ill a few days, at the instance doubt of President Hayes, Pustiuus t.r General Key issued a manifesto to the Southern people admonishing thorn of them of the evil and danger consequent to an honest', investiga tion of a dishonest administration He says to them that they lmd bet ter vote lor Independent candidates for Congress—tor men who are not of the organized kind. We cannot see how Dr. Felton will be uble to shoulder the load.. He olaims to be au Independent candi date for Congress and spoiled to rush into print in order to inform bis cou- stttueuU that be voted for the Potter resolutions, while Mr. Key wants tho people to vote for Independents to save tho country. How cun it be harmonized? The Republicans cannot indorse Dr. Fel- tou because ho endorses and voted for a bill that they declare means tu oust or unseat Hayes. Truly things are mixetl. An organized member oould not and would not have voted for a bill more hurtful to them, us they think. As for the Resolutions, the Dem- oeratiptparty endorses them. As a party, It wants the matter shown up in its true light and the rotten car cass exposed to full view. Nobly did they organize and defeat tho lie publicans. They were outgeneraled and now the ghost of Hayes’ ouster sturea them too plainly in the luce. The Democratio party, however, has no intentions of unseating Mr. Hayes but they are thankful, at least, to Dr. Felton for voting for the Potter Res olutions. Artist—“You curried my picture to the Exposition and handed it over to the managers?” Porter—“Yes, vour honor. It pleased them. Lord now they laughed. Gibson requested to act ns secreta ries. On motion of Mr. ,1. A. Peek, a eommittce of one from cacti district was appointed to select four th-lo- gntev nntl submit their n tines to this convention for thoir sanction. On motion of Mnj. Uiinii it was agreed that said delegates be cleottnl by a rising vot The following named gentlemen were reported and iinanim.iiislv cloo- tod delegates: Win. ilogg, (}. w. Morgan, W. F. Darden uml John L. Branch. On motion the delegates tver thorized to appoint thoir own alter nates. Tho committee submitted the fid lowing resolutions to the Convention, which were nil mimously adoptod: Resolved, By the Democracy of of Polk, in mass meeting assembled, Hint we are in full sympathy with the National Democracy, mid accept the pas-age of the Potter resolution by tlin Democratic House of Re seiitatives of the United States Con gress, as II true exposition of Demo cratic jfrtnciples, min as an elfiirt to punish I muds and preserve the sano- tity of ballot, and denounce as false the charge that it is nil attempt to “Mexic.ntzo” our government, and disclaim any intention to interfere with the tenure uf otlico ul President Hayes. Itesolved, 2nd. That we do not rec ognize the right or propriety of any manor member of the Democratic Jiarty in defiance of the wish, will or judgment of tho Democratio party to make himself a sell' constituted can didate to dominate tho organization and defy the party; that however worthy he limy lie in oilier respects he places himself outside the Demo cratic parly, “gives aid and comfort” to the enemies of the purtv and tut noni ces himself ready to follow tho lead of Ihe apostate Key and to aid Jolin Sherman amt his co-workers in their great crime against liberty and in their frauds upon Liio purity of elections. Itesolved, 3d. That we appoint four delegates to represent the oonn- ty of Polk in the “Ringgold conven tion” and that the delegates go un- instrucied except to vote for the nom ination of a man of purity, ability and lidelity to tho Democratic par ty- itesolved, ith, that these resolu tions ho published iu our ooifmy pa pers, the “Oednrtown Record” and “Cedartown ExpittiSH.” On motion tho meeting adjourned. T. M. Pace, W, J. Waddy, Chairman Eu F. Gibson, • Secretaries. Democratic Meeting in Haralson. Editor Express, The tullowiiig is the result of the meeting ol the cit izens of Haralson county, held at Buchanan to-day. The meeting was called to order by Judge Head. Hon. Charles T'ulliaferro wuscalled to the chair, and J. P. Hamil to act as secretary. On motion' of Judge Head a com mittee of three was appointed,to se lect names ol four good oitizens to represent. Haralson in tho the Con vention at Ringgold on tiie 4th of Ju ly- While the* committee wua out Judge Head was called, and respon ded in a well timed and pointed ad-' dress. The oommifctee reported the fol lowing named gentlemen as delegates to add Convention: James Head, Tlios. Latham, W. C. McBraer and Alex Kowoll, who was on motion of Judgo Head, confiimed as delegates. On motion The®. Waldrope, l)un- y modi conceivable. We also visited his elegant mansion, built at a cost of i sonic twenty-five or thirty thousand dollars. Mr. W. has our thanks for- his courteous attention to us. This! g'ntleman is daily turning out large ! quantities of iron ore and hollow | ware of nil kinds. Would wo had i more men of like zeal and energy to • develop our mineral wealth. This little town can also b nst of the most I beautiful spring imaginable, situa ted in a cool shady grove near the hotel. We lmd the pleasure of meeting i ninny charming young ladies, who \ bewitched us with their sprightly conversation and bright eyes. Alas! what would earth be without the.o minislering spirits. It was also our pleasure to visit the family of Mr. W. who received its with open hearted hospitality. Mrs. It’s whortleberry pies will long he remombcivd; would we could have this charming little, being in our region. Nature lias been most generous in her gilts to this section, bestowing upon it a delightful climate and i charming scenery.—Why should we pine Idr other climes, when so much of the beautiful is within our grasp.! The crops promise a splendid yield j with tile execution of wheat which is somewhat damaged by rust, still many trid tanners say, it will yield a 1 very lair average, us a larger quantity has been planted this year j Strange does it appear to us that the \ cry should be west when so much | sleeps within our own soil, needing : but. t he touch of energy and enter- 1 prise toawukeit active life, thus giv ing prosperity and happiness to our | people. UFJ2 ENrSTOANGEt The Following Tahir, being a partial List of Losses paid by the Mobile life Insurance Company, u’tlcal IlhiHtrutlom" I I’rollUot Life tin tit L. Bp* H. Uaiii: itoCAB W. STK John M. Won Du. r.. w. 11ai >.\ulimn, ahilruriu aolaburm, Mulillr. AI.-UmLoU Oxford: a OiK-iIlm, ’ Muumo < ’■ O-.f-ltti, JMbrtdlMi, MM-Ufidhp! Uil«M S r'i IfW Bo iso n iS S' fcX.j 4.M9 K 5 « is For further in formation it fiftly t.o,T. I). KX LOW - , Cedartown, Gil. r>oc. IB, 1877-1y JVloot'e, jr4’l\ & do. DHY GOODS, NOTIONS, MATS, HOOTS AND SHOES. ATTmANTA, qa. Corner Decatur lit:cl Prior Sts. March 11 Jiu nprivWti April 1 HtiUi udmluiMratiui tho 18 th day 44 th ilaj May,. A Lesson to Fathers. The great secret of success iu bringing up chilljjoi) is to establish perfect conlidence between pareuts and children. If the lather is the ' Vi. boy’s bi st fi iend, as the wise motlu i are tin* girl’s, there is no troubl /.bout keeping them bad associates, j G eohgia- whoso vicious examples and silly i bravado has a lasting effect upon 1 '- ’ their characters. Fathers 1 , in your efforts to secure fortunes for your families, remember that money will not save you from the heartache if your boys go wrong, and that their only safety is in being kept close by yourside, helping you ip business, and you in turn sharing their fun and play. Nothing is so flattering to boys us the society of their fathers, and nothing makes a man so popular with them aa his joining in their amusements. Try to do this; and you will try in turn to understand your cares and troubles.—Take as much pains to preserve them from contamination in the the simp of im moral companionship as mothers do thoir girls, and you will find them 'to be growing up to be modest and virtuous young men, lit companions and husbands lor girls who have been carefully guided from all knowledge of evil. Devote your evenings to family amusements and .pleasures. Invite young people to your houses and pay them aftentioh, instead of going to bed or shutting yourself in another room the moment they make their appearance, au if their wiis, and could be, nothing between your man hood and their youth. So shall you be kept, young in heart, and the in experience of your sons will be tem pered with something of the sobriety of experience.—Lutheran Evangelist. POLK DOIT NT Y. GtKOHGLA—PQI.K COUNTY.—111 iHHUt hint R(>|>lk“l for tin- rjiinrflfan ti minor under fonrluon venr? fore nil imivomt will 111 they hnv tVblfe Hnlflgh W. my otllcu objection!* to Given under my hand thlv JOf.L HimWER, Ordinary. POLKOOUNTY.-W.O. Knight Ad- of flow ■' l |'i»ot , !!e > - l . , | id,"thiil'Map 11. WRIGHT elt under my hand.-thi* Mkrch 9th. 1W in JOEL UHEWKU, O/dinary. G eorgia—polk county.-j. o. iipnllud for exemption ol Porwjm nor child « Ipenjom* e< f Orillunry iv lr J. O. fill), icertied w » he held 11 tl will he itnd app It. might bu said of an old toper that he went down, down, down, un til he vibrated between two slates — that of tho saloon and that of the station-house: Marriage is a safe way to garnlAo — if yu win, vn win a pile, and if yn lose, yu don’t lose anything, only ! the privilege of living dismally ' alone, and soaking yure own feet. /-aEOItOtA—HARALSON COUNTY,—0, “ C. vT Hares, Adfolnmtrator of tho estnto •' of John Kirk, deceased t hawing tiled Ills petition to self *be real cstato belonging to tho estate of John Kirk, it is therefore ordored that all Dernoua next of klif and creditors, are hereby noUflud to b^tand appear ntmy office on the First Monday In July, 1878, and show cause. If auy,tiny, have,-why;said petition ’mold not be granted. This May 8Ut 187*. tnuy01-80d B. M. DAVENl'OIlT Oriliury » why letters or gtiurdlanship t-houlU liot hi ited in faldjcase, tills May Will ItllP. ’ dfl-SOU ' JOEL BREWER. Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. J^LLL persons indebted to the Kstnte or Thomas come forward and nirtko'ltiunedlatu p'tiyn.ui.i; and all persous holding claims against said esiatu will present them properly attested to the undersluncd. tv-. C. RNIttn-r. Administrator of Thomas Lawson, Uecensed. May X3, 18T7-Ht Libel far Divorce In Polk Superior Court. Superior Court, February 'Perm 1878.-' His Honor, J. \V. II. Underwood, Judge. LOU BROWNER J Rale to perfect service, JAMES BROWNER. ) February Term, ISIS It aup^tirlng to the tionrt by rotnrn of tho Sheriff that the defendant (loon not realdejn Ihla enuuty, nnd ft further appearing that he dAVs not rosldi! Ill the State, It-ia on motion or counsel, onlered, that said defendant appear and answer at the next .... that the ii ho coiislderdd in dcfiiiilt, and jdaintlfrallowed to proceed. ...... It Is Oirthor ordered that this rule be published In tho Cedartown Expuess, once a month for four months. J. W. ii. UndeuwooJ), J. S. C. R. C. W. Mi. Sparks, PJalntiff’s Attorney, inch 3H-lui4ui. CYRUS HALL. TONSITORIAL PARLOUS. (West end J. 8. Noyos’ Ware House.) OE33AriTOWN, G-A. Shaving, Shampooing dud AairCuilldgdone iSSSSliS dlents. Dr. W. IARI W dc No. IN Wwf Mlxlb .Street, t tneinuutt. «. Hoots, §lioos, Hats, CLOTIUGr, Hardware, Crockery, GROCERIES Wltrtth arc -bWng treceived tjow, .jlqijy., AGENT FOR Soluble Pacific, JLureka, Watson and Clark’s, Zells «& Son’s Oiidtif), and Pacific Acid Phbsplsate f o r Composting, MOSEY S&VEI2. lew doo tl® “CASH STORE” J. S. StebBgi & Co.y oJEiD^SLm’jiccs-wi'sr, oa. •'■■HE now rfOfiving a litrgi- nntl,tvoll s.-hoiftl Stuck or 8>ry doods ? Motions, Hoots and Shoes, HUiis and KEABY-MADS GIiPTHIBfO. ;ubtpt»*d to tin- S Fill NO 1 UADF. Tiu»si* goods wnv bought for tho CASH, and were selected with more cant, and bought cheaper than ever beloiv. They a ton have n large slock of Family Groceries, Hardware,- CIIOtiK FItY aud (1 LAtiSW A UK, ul p'iois which de4y competition. When in lioed Money thereby. vliicl >f OOODS, give them ii call, ml V"U will save umrfjli 14-3m epoW 1)Y luatruiuentH. . Head for Spoch.l Offero and cuiarS oxtmuing lYauda of PIam5 utuLtJrgair Tri LUUDEX A BATES, Wholwala Phlift) and 1 Of DouIrrH, Suvamnilj, Ga. .. . ,-may fi-lin Pianos. -Kj O: tns, -New, 7 Oct. $137 1 New; fi Stops, '|tl7. :! New, VA Oct. $116 ( New, 12 Stops, in. - s uEN J; BATES atiih-hold tiic .flolcfand rataJ liitf phot In.into the BOGUS miinulactiirurs who (lecolvc **" “"tbHc with liumlmg Grand Ofi'ira oh B1101) 1 j*. a dfor.Spoclalpff^fnd rip- ATLANTA, - - - ttlar^t^ dity 'Dre'viqg dompkity’. MALSTERS AND LAGER BEl'lR BREWERS -m i 14*a' %vwury C’or. Colillu A ■ fyUtH- *wr» f Itsrw t-flOfr -■