The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, June 27, 1878, Image 2

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the express. Cedartown, June 27th JNO. W. RA.DLT3Y, Editor, Th» Express has a larper circu lation than any other newspaper published In the 38th Senatorial District. We will attempt in our next to Rive our rentiers the benefit ol' such facts as we can glean as to the histo ry, progress, anti extent of commun ism a thing worthy of serious atten tion. The Atlanta Constitution says ex- Gov. Joseph E. Drown will proba bly he called to testify before the Potter Committee in regard In the election frauds in Florida. He hns a pretty good idea of theshapetaken by the frauds in that State. ‘•Is suicide epidemic” is the ques tion now ngitating the minds of montal philosophers. Six horrible instances of this in and around N. Y. city make up u ghastly reconi for one twenty-four hours. All gave evidence of mental derangement be fore committing the unhallowed deed. From the Savannah Morning Newt*. HOMKTlIINti TO ME REMEDIED. At last, after repeated efTorts to ad journ, the second session of the For ty-fifth Conpreas concluded its labors at 7 a. in. yesterday. Various were the resolutions adopted fixing the day and hour for final adjournment. First, Monday, the 17th, was settled on; then Tuesday, the 18th; then 1, 8 und 10 p. rq, of Wednesday, the 10th; then 1 a. m. of Thursday, the the 19th; then 1 a. m. of Thursday, the 20th, and after all the end was not reached until, as we hare stated, yesterday morning at 7 o’clock. Du ring all this time the sundry civil appropriation hill was the main ob stacle in the way, amendments being constantly made to it in one house, only to be disagreed to by the other. Then followed conference commit tees, which would in their turn disa gree, thus necessitating the appoint ment of new ones so that u compro mise might he patched up, and the hill passed, naturally amid more or less hurry. There must be something wrong in a system of legislation which puts utTtothe fraught with interest to tho tax puy- ers of the country us the civil sun dry appropriation bill. It is certain ly wrong that, in the throes of the dissolution of Congress, when mem bers uro tired out, many of them have left for their homes and all are anxious for their work to be over and done with, and when everything is in hurry and confusion, thousands of dollars of the people’s money should be voted away. It is not on ly wrong in itself, but it opens the door for log rolling and trickery in that ninny, desiring some appropria tion for some pet sahemes to be in serted, can take advantage of absen teeism and thoughtless legislation to slip in and liuve passed, without the knowledge of tho members, some trivul measure involving much out lay and expense to the public. This has been done in the past. Silver was demonetized in just some secret manner, and there is always danger —so lung as the present habit of patting olf important legislation to the Inst moment prevails—that it may be done ugain. We suspect the grent trouble is that, of late years, Congress has de voted too much time to legislation for special interests, hearing the claims of this, that and the other individual or private corporation, in stead of turning its attention more particularly lo objects of general welfare and utility. The session of Congress just clos ed was not exceptionable in this respect. It merely followed the examples of numerous predecessors, which have made of the custom al- innrt a law; but it is strange that, huring experienced the evil effect of the practice in the past, no efforts are made to remedy it. Congress always lias ample time to settle, at least, all important questions with calmness and due consideration. The main business of the session can always readily be blocked out,acted on, and finished up without confusion or careless husie. This is a matter of importance to the whole country, and there is clearly need of reform in this direction. James Slorer, of Pulaski Co., Ind., writes; ‘‘I had tho Dgepepsia and Liner Complaint for nine years, could keep norhing on my stomach; I was induced to use Db. IIabter’b Liter Pills; after I had one box of Pills I experienced a decided improvement, and when I had finished the second one I was entirely oured. The Silver Dollars. During last we, k thirty thousand standard silver dollars, in exchange (or greenbacks, were dispi ssd of i t the various da positaii s directly to the people. None of this money was paid cut where customs duties are collected, as it w uld have come di- rectly back to the government in pay ment thereof. The o d r of Secreta ry to ] ay silver out for greenbacks was to the amount onl, of the legal tenders retired during the month. ThiB retirement has be-n prohibited by a recent net of Con gress. Silver will, however, continue to l e paid out for gr, cnbacks where the treasury ofliciuls are satisfied that the object in securing the coin s not maiely for the payment of cus toms duties. A vigorous puper on Communism was read by the Rev. Ilcnrv ltose ut the Milwaukee ministers’ meeting lust week. “Dlank cartridges," h, exclaimed, “nre fools’ ammunition! Whenever Communism in America lilts itself as It did in Pennsylvania last summer, it must bo treuted as ii was in France, with shot impelled by full charges of powder. With tlio-e who underlake the role o' thrives and murderers there is no method but that of force. Argu ment is childish, perilous and cow ardly; mercilossness is mercy.” No doubt muskot bulls and buyo nets are the nioBt effective moans of suppressing Communistic mobs, but the best preventive of Communism is good government. The enemies of popular government will have half achieved ita over throw when that government will have to tiiitin- its supremacy by force. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, June 21, 1878. At 7 o’clock this morning Con gress adjourned after a session of eight months, after doing good and bad deedB and omitting to do good anil bad ones to ubout the same ex tent as ut other sessions. The pre vailing hard times and the many unfulfilled promises of retrenchment may create u belief that this one ses sion hns sinned above all its prede cessors, but this is uot 3o. The great failing hns been thn 1 , though working in full light, Sena tors and Representatives have not seen that tho usages of a Hush war timo were not Buited to a time of profound finauoial depression. They will be wiser when they moet in De cember. The appropriation bills were final ly passed, except the smaller ones, suoh as the West Point bill, covering a very much larger amount than wlieu reported from the House Com mittee. The orowds around the two IIouseB lust night were something unprece dented, and the oonfusion on the lloor of the House of Representatives surpassed anything I have ever seen. It is to be noticed, however, that except the increased amounts in the regular appropriation bills, thcie was no tendency to extiavagancc. No subsidy schemes succeeded, and the largest and most persevering lobby of this generation was defeated on every measure it had hop.d to force through iu the late days of Hi session. Mr. Potters Oommitteo will sit here for a short time for the exami nation of several witnesses, und then some of its members will prooeed to Louisiana. Tho necessary attend ance of membors of the Committee on the proceedings of the House Intu prevented muoh progress of late. The city of Washington hns cause for gratitude to this Congress, hav ing received more attention than ev er before, and a system of Govern- ment having been adopted which will give positive value :o property which cannot now be said to be worth anything. The tuxes were absorbing real property, and busi ness was dead. Congress now as sumes one half of our expenses and that will save us from complete ru in. The Ho use defeated a measure which had passed the Senate, provi ding for the puyment of such mail contractors as had carried the mail in the South before the war and had not been paid by either the Federal or Confederate Government. The proposition to make green backs receivable for four per cent bonds, and for custom duties ufier October 1, 1878, ppassed the Senate, but failed in the House. The jurisdiction of the Court of Claims waB extended considerably, though no claim arising more than six years ago can be presented under the eulurged powers of the Court. The court is to consider claims uguinst the Government and report upon them to Congress if found meritorious, and Congress is not to act upon anv private claims not so reported. The object is to keep worthless claims out of Congress. Austin. . Ten liroeck vs. Mottle McCarthy Tor $10,(100. This mutch between Mollie McCar thy, the Queen of the Pacific Shq e, and Ten Droeck, the King of the Western Turf, for $10,000, four miles heats, to be run ut Louisville, Kv., ou Thursday, July 4th, 1878, will i e the turf event of the year, and wi 1 vie iu interest with the mighty sitirg- gles between Eclipse and lieniy; Waguer and Grey Eengle; and I’ey- tonu, and Fashion, of many years ugo. No one can fail to admire the pluck of Mr. Tlieo. Winters, id' Cali fornia, the owuer of Mollie McCar thy in boldly throwing down tin gauntlet to the renowned Ten Droeck, and meeting him to do bat tle upon his mvn ground. Tin- match will attract thousands loLoiis- ville, many from the golden gates oi California, from the North, the East, South and West, will assemble to eri the Quein of the l’uoific Slope, light her battle for turf stipremnoy with the King of the West. We are informed by C. P. Atmore, Esq. Gcu’l Ticket Auent of tin Louisville & Gt. Southern It. It. hat Round Trip Tickets will he placed on sale from principal Stn nuns ou the line at one fare round trip, so that all who feel itnlitied will have an opportunity to witness tin contest ut. comparatively small cost. T okets will be sold July 1st, good ;o return July Dili. If not used ae cording to contract they will lie void. Dr. II art .-tit’s Elixir ok Wild G’H-tUY is a purely Vegetable com- ni a ion lhut supplies a want long o iglit. In its use, no change ot diet or surroundings is necessary, and ladies or invalids may use it freely to restore their waning strength. N. I. WRIGHT, CEDARTOWN, GA. my goom Boots, Shoos, Hats, CLOTHIia, Hardware, Crockery, GROCERIES Which tiro being received now, daily. CYRUS HALL. TONS1TORIAE PARLORS. (West cud J. S. Noyes’ Ware House.) OUDARTOWN, G-A. tayShaving, Shampooing and Hair Cutting done neatly, cheaply and expeditiously. Qtvo me a cal). Jan 81 tf JOB LABTER. DOWN With High Prices! CHICAGO SCALE CO., <18 .ti 70 West Monroe St., Clticngo III., Have Reduced the Prices or all kinds of SCALES! 4-Ton Hay, Stock or Cotton Scale, $60. Former Price, $100. All other sizes at a great reduction. |W Every Scale Fully Waiiuanted. All orders promptly filled. Circulars, Prico Lists anb Testimonials sent upon application. Bny the Cheapest and Best NEW SHOP! A TTENTION Is Invited to the fact that I.havc opened In Cedartown a Kirst-clasa WOOD and BLACKSMITH SHOP Any work in either branch can nud will he done In a workmanlike style, and at fair living prices. FOR TXXR OABB, jy HORSE SHOEING a specialty. All I ask is a trial, and I will guaran tee complete satisfaction. Jan.17, lv WILLI9 tf. nAND. Tfca fUw»»4y $f Iks ltlh fsatary, Barham’s Infallible PILE CURE. Bwlaa^™Cw«Co*? Barham, H. 0, FRED. BELL & CO., Wholesale Jobbers of GENUINE FIRST-CLASS SEWING ZMLA.OIEmXTES, Sowing Machine Needles, Oil and. Attachments. (pr THE ONLY HOUSE Tii) In the South that can supply Genuine Parts at Wholesale or Retail at less than Eastern Prices. ousrij'X' ONCE. /*-ONH3 TIME! ONLY.-»$ Card.—As this advertisement is large enough to catoh the eye of all readers of this paper whon firat opened, wo ehall ni stall toi fully ask I not ineort it a second time, and respect- > either takeunmediate advantage of it, or saue it for futnre reference. 03ST0E OnSTLY. •WE SHALL HOT REPEAT THIS CARB.-@« RETAIL PRICES FOR LEADING MACHINES: Tho “ Last Out.” IMPROVED REMINGTON. This Machine hits Just boon r ready improved, aud tho Company insists on tho following advantages: Spit'd, light running, porfoctlou and quality of workmanship end material, beauty of finish and great wearing qualities, and tho boat wood work ever put on the market; every table having a deep, rich molJiug. Bold ron Cajii Only, as holow: No. 1, riaiu Tahlo aud Drawer f35 00 No. 2, same, with Tanel Cover 4'J DO no. 3, haiuo as No. 2. with Drop Leaf end Sido Drawers, exactly liko cut above.. 45 00 Write us for complete illustrated catalogues. The Genuine Stewart Machine. This Machine has boon tho pack-horas for all bogus makers of imitation 8ingcr Machines, tnauy thousands having been sold for Stewart s which were never insido tho fitewart Factory; wo thoroforo cau tion all who doslro tho geuuino Rtewart to boo to It that every machlno baa •• Henry Stewart, manufac turer,•’ printed on tho top of the arm aud that hla tm Ip-roark is fixed on thobaso of tbo arm. As cash buyom are ready to tako ovory machine this factory can produce sh fast as ready for tlio market, thoy will be sold ron Cash Only, as below; Tbs Genuine Howo Msohlno Is sold by the Com pany as bolow, ron Cash Only: No. i, Plain Table, no Cover $35 00 No. 2, with Cover, Look and Drawer 40 00 No. 3, samo, with Drop Loaf aud 2 Draw ers. Sco cut above 45 00 . . «“Whnn any credit is glvon $10 to $15 la added to tut'Ho prices. Write us for complete illustrated catalog jos. The Gonuine Hiuprr, latest atyle out, is nreclsisly lika the Stewart in every particu lar. except the wood work is plainer, and Is sold by tuo Company'll Agents von Cabo, as bolow: No. 1. Plain Table, no Cover. Bee cut ebove $35 00 No. 2,wlthUovor. Lock and Drawer 40 00 No. a, tamp, with Drop Loaf end 'J Drawers. 45 00 •3**10 being added to tleoo prleen when .$35 00 No. 1, Plain Table, no Covt No. 2. with Cover, Lock an vw No. 3, samo. with Drop Leaf aud 2 Draw ers. Bco cut above 45 00 Tho wood work for the fltewart it very superior -' "t.vlo and finish. 8eo cut above. We havo exclusive control of territory for this ilschine. Write us for completo illustrated catalogues. All the standard first-class Machines now retail at similar rates to above. We will furnish price-lists for all on application. Every Agent, Healer, Repairer or Minister should write us at once for Agencies, Parts, Needles, Attachments or Machines complete; either wholesale or retail, of any first-class make. When you write, state occupation, if you expect trade prices. All consumers (except ministers and school-teachers) will be charged lowest cash retail rates. Remember, we are no upstarts, but have twenty-five years’ experience in the business, and have been located in this place seven years. FRED. BELL & 00., Kkctrotyptd by A UaoUF.If*trolyi» Foundry. 31 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ca. (*. W. ^ektl{ei> ( toT\ & Co., D—E—A—L—E—R—S I—N =f) f{]Y=E0|o|o|f)|g= Are now receiving their mammoth stock of now Spring and Summer Goods. otu m KsmiwxMwmp —; Prices in Keeping with the Times, and Goods Must he Sold.— Gall early and make your selections Wo also BUY COTTON, and pay the highest Cash prico lor Country Produce 0 ot. 5, 1877-ly LIFE: INSURANCE! Tin*. Following Tublf, being at partial List of Losses paid by tho Mobile life Insurance Company, gives some practical illustration? of tho licneflls nnd Profits of Life Insurance. Depot, 104 READE STREET, New York. w. h. TULLEB, President. jos. kleishel, Treasurer. dity Bfewii)^ dompk^y. MALSTERS AND EAGER BEER BREWERS, ATLANTA, ------- Ollce No. 6 We*t Hunter Btr$et. Brewery Cor. Collins * Harris Btreets. John 8. Giikknr John H. Oiikknk Miw. Sahaii A. PULLItlt SBE* Cusseta •* F.lyton, Marungo County, Alalia T.iler, 1’oxns Jksbkk L. Dennett iClobunio, Tuxh. Or-(.'Alt W. STBWA Wm. A. Fiia/.iku Thomas W. Hakkh J’ L. Halhhht F. M. McDuffee Mobile, Alabama Memphis, Tonnessoo Oxford, Alabama Whistler, Alabama Opelika, Monrou County, MIhbInhIppI Giulsdun, Alabama Houston, Mississippi j Hoed County, Texas Meridian, Mississippi I Gadsden, Alabama 1,1100 FO 1,017 44 1,009 tO Fur Ga. further information apply to .1, ]). JON LOW, Cedartown Deo. 13,1877-ly - Mrs. T. B. Williams, MILLINER, Veal’s Jewelry Store, Broad St,, Rome, Ga. H, AS Oil hand Hats, Flowers, Itibhons, Silk and all other Goods iu her line. Prices as low as the lowest. Call and examine our Prices. 1878-.CH1 J. V. BURKE. W. E. MONROE. L. D. CAMPBELL. J. F. BURKE & CO. •♦“^PROPRIETORS OF THB-f-f GEORGIA SPICE MILLS. MANUFACTUREIttf OP AND WHOLESALE DJLALfiUtf IN Coffees, Catsup, Allspice, Baking Powder, Ginger, Cloves, Cream Tartar,. Cayenne, Mace, Nutmegs, Indigo, Peanuts, Cmnaraon, Soda, Teas, • Saigon Bark, Flavoring Extracts, Grocers’ Drugs, Ta ble Sauce, Mustards, &c., &c. Oofies, I?earmts IVIal t Roasted for the Trade- Solo Manufacturers of tho celebrated ‘‘TOWN TALK" BAKING POWDERS. Corner Prior and Mitchell Streeti. ATLANTA GA*. Vvch 28,2m ’