The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, June 27, 1878, Image 3

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TP '-S "f? P Y P P P S C Programme of Excretion 1878 of Hearn x *■ 11 J-iOOi- School and Female Seminary, Caro Spring, (la. I Haralson Cedartown June 27th. LOCAL 3STJ2WS. Try Featheraton’a MEAL. Bob Hutcherson is convales- oiug from nn attack of measles. The confession of J. W. Nunn in regard to the Lambert murder is startling. We are having some very •trauge Weather for the time of the year. Joe Lumpkin has arrived home from school, and we under stand hears a palm leaf. Miss Minnie Whitehead, of Rnokmart, is iu town, the guest of Miss Nannie Lnmpkin. Don’t fail to road the Bmall Sewing Machine advertisement of Fred Boll & Co. iu this paper. OEM FKUIT*’jARS, cheaper than ever eold in Cedartown, by jimo 27 4t Bkauford & Alien. Col. Seaborn J ones, of Rock- mart, made hit appearance on our streets yesterday, both in line health and spirits. The elegant business houses of Messrs. Wright Si Huntington will be occupied by them before the 16th ol September next. Mis* Eva Cobb is oil a visit to Carrollton. May her trip be mf- ticicntly pleasant to meet her most ardent expectations. The immediate attraction now is thu Mute examination at Cave Spring to-day, (Wednesday.) The Governor “and truin’’ are expected down, and u mute couple will be married. The many friends of Eason Wood will be glad to learn that h has returned from Hoi Springs, Ark., very much improved in health. He strongly recommends the Springs for all diseases that “lle.h is heir to” unless it be nn uilection of tile lungs. Whether Eson’s anxiety to improve his health is but u prelude to a change from “single blessedness” is a fact within our knowledge, but we have concluded net to “tell on him.” We noticed Millar at work with his patent plow yesterday, which works admirably. By it he has overcome all of the hurd labor at tached to cotton ruisiug, ami says he can rest easy while others are behind with their crops. We call attention to the law card of Col. M. M. Tidwell, of this place. He has deservedly won the reputation of being one of the best pleaders in upper Georgia, both crim inal and judicial; and business en trusted to his care will receive prompt and efficient attention. Miss Lula Walthall and Mat- tie Jones arc making a visit to New- nan, where they expect to spend most of the summer months. Cur young people will sadly miss them, but all join in a hearty desire that their trip will be pleasant in the extreme. Prank Janes will leave for Albany, Gu., next Monday. Won don if Frank will carry “Fowler's Science of Love” with him to “while away the weary hours” of travel. Bill Wright is now giving the volume his closest attention, and it is ex tremely doubtful whether or not he will part with it. Rome has gone wild over the prospeot of having un Opera House. Theumountof blowing and puffing and gassing she has done would lend one to believe thut an Opera Uouso is owned by no other town, and that the con try’s salvation, mor ally and mentally, hinges thereon. Good many of our young people are quite bouyant over the prospect of a cheap and delightful excursion to Look Out Mountain on the fourth ot July. The trip may be enjoyable, but in our opinion the heat, dust, drunkenness, and being crowded and huddled from one days end to another, are not the elements of please re. Such things invariably occur on excursions. Oar people will regret to learn that Edgar Hubert will not bo able to enjoy his furlough at horns. His standing at West Point does honor, not only to his family, bat the State also may well feel proud of him. The congratulation and socie ty of friends for a month here, he would have enjoyed very much, and it would have lightened the arduous duties that will be incumbent upon him for the next two years. Wednesday night, June 20th Ju venile Exhibition. Thursday, Juno 27th, public ex- animation and address by Gov. Col quitt. Thursday night, exercises and charades by the larger girls and hoys. Friday morning prize deolamation and delivery of prizes, by Lion. 0. U- Janes. Friday night, Prof. Snow’s closing concert. It was an Irishman who had just left Dougherty’s, and having lost his way one extremely dark night, fall in a ditch. In this very deplorable situation be exclaimed pathetically: “And why in the divil don’t the sun shine at night when we need him, instead of glaring every body’s eyes out iu the day time, when w4 could see any bow. The following “local,” we re gret to say, was misplaced by one of our printers, und did not appear in last week’s issue: The dosing exercises of Prof. W. J. Noyes’ academy were concluded on Thursday evening lust. Not withstanding the iudement weather, they were well attended. The de portment of his scholars gave proof of the tiuo disciplinarian, and the readiness with which all his pupils auatvered the most difficult questions propounded to them, showed the Professor to possess that rare quality to bo found umong teachers—thor oughness. To Whom It May Concern. My school for the 2nd term will open on Monday, July 8tli. Those who have ever given the subject a thought, know how important it is thut pupils should enter us early iu the session as possible. Respeotfully, J.vs. 0. Hauris. jttne 27, 1878 2t The “Dime Party” of this week wus again heartily enjoyed by all present. The programme for the en tertainment on next Monday evening especially is replete with thu Quest music, recitations, and in fact, every thing thut would tend to make thu evening enjoyable. All are respect fully and earnestly solicited to attend, and we bespeak for the entertainment quite a large audience. Heading Club and Library Association. The above named organization is now progressing towards a rapid con- sumation of all its aspirations, und deserves “God speed” from tho mouth and purse of every intelligent and public spirited man in our midst. It has for its end tho intellectual aud social improvement of our people, both young and old, and should they fail to give it the necessary support, it will reflect badly on both their liberality ami intelligence. For the information of those who have not investigated, we will state- that the Heading Club and Library are sepurate aud distiuct, and while a man may he a member of both; yet, because he is a member of the one he does not ex officio belong to the other. Our lack of space for bids that we say as much about these institutions as we would like, for in our opinion their benelits are not properly appreciated, oven by their wurmest friends. A publio Library, made up from the shelves of our private individuals who we think would contribute, will form a collection that would do hon or to any town of this population anywhere. Its classical collection would be sufficient for any ordinary purpose. Its Histories mostespecial- ly would be ample for the most learned; itB novels and other branch es of polite learning, would be u source of umusement and instruc tion for years to come;, nor the “half hasnot been told,” for yearly tho num ber of its volumes will bo increased, both by our purchase and contribu tions from publishing houses all over the United States. Besides being a remarkable incentive to readers, it will put in service many a valuable volume garnered from sonic forgot ten corner, and whose pages are brown from dust and long disuse. These are facts well worthy of your earnest consideration, und should the Association, fall through after our people have a due appreciation of its many advantages, they will disclose a lack of enterprise unpardonable in the extreme. Splendid weather now. Tho jury box lias just been revised —about COO names in the box. Guess wo won’t have to import jurors any more. Miss Lucy Uliceuy, one of Carroll- t-ni’s oliurinmg young Indi r, uiiiin heforo the hoard of education Iasi week and passed quite \)t creditable examination. Miss Olfaeny has an l e'w'for interesting scliaol near Mr. Josiah Chambers. Rome auil a Railroad to Cedartown. We admire Romo and her people. _ It is agreat plaoe and her puople do- ; Buoiianan, U serve much credit for what they h ive , done and arc doing for in-nisei vos and their oily. They arc perhaps I now and then a little too hold, too [ adventurous iu some of their enter prises. They understand hut imper fectly tho art of cutting their gar ment according to their cloth. They mo in faot individually and culleot- ively of a rather speculative turn ol min ', and always ready to put on all the airs of a great oily. Some symp toms of vanity also occasionally ap pear in tlieir composition. We might go so fur as to say that they are individually and collectively a vain people. They are very well aware thut there is no other place iu North Georgia except It une, and every spot north of the Chattahoo chee is in tile vicinity of Home, and seriously doubt whether she is sec ond to any city in the state, if the truth were known. Blit witli these- peccudiilos of Rome, mid tier people, we hare nothing to do. They do no hurt to any one. It is aguiust her inordinate selti-iliiicss we protest. Within the memory of some of our citizens, she has a time or two, udmi- ted by purely selfish motive, very short sighted we think, with sharp practice, defeated projects of a rail, road to our town. And now conus the question of extending the Chero kee Railroad thus far anil an inllii- enlial citizen of Rome makes him self prominent in the enterprise. Mr. West, we presume knows his business and needs no udvice from us, but wo would modestly suggest to him that if he wants this road ex tended to Ccdarlown, he would do well to have nothing to do with Rome or any citizen of Romo. Wo inay bo mistukeu, hut wo are persuudod that ttio road will never be built so long j The Mormons have readied Har as opposition, open or secret, fair or , alson and are preaching. Hope they foul, from that quarter can prevent will B' ve Buchanan a call “ | j Gammon & Co’s [. $). c Kr|lows, IVoptietor, CEDARTOWN, OA. Tho Table Supplied With the Best the Market Afford*. share of Public Patronnpr Solicited. Terms Reasonable Mr. W. J. Reeves reports mor* sick ness now in his ilistrtct than has been there in several years before. Wo ure sorry to hear that our young friend Bod Latham was thrown from his mule and had his shoulder dislocated. Bod is recover ing however, and noliody down at Tallapoosa need lie very very unea sy a A snow white eel was caught the other day out of tho creek near Col. Brocks. This was a large eel, and an t.hor of the sumo sort escaped trom tliesein at the same time. Joseph Hooper and Sam Shoemute were carried down to Carrollton the other day under a warrant charging them with grinding mault for pur poses of making blockade whisky. They will have a preliminary trial before Judge Wm. Morrell United States Commissioner for Carroll county. Last Tuesday a stock company was to have been formed for the purpose of working the copper mine near Mr. I Heeds. This lias lately been discov- I ered, and is said to he a valuable do* i posit. Obituary. Departed this life the JJd ultimo, Mu. William McBride, after a lin gering illness of several months, du- liEMOVAL. For the want of room to accommo date my large and increasing trade, I ...... will move to the house formerly oc- I ''"’8 " ,|,lch tlme demonstrated Hie cupiedbytho Bank of Rome, (one , trWB pLilosopiiy ol the door below Mr Peters’) about the clmraotcr ’ composed, willing first of July, where I hope to meet ! ttnd P re I !lu ' ed "’ moet 11,0 denmuds of Compound Cough Mixture, n pleasant and convenient pocket rem its, colds, hoarseness, bronchial imitation at Burhank it Jones. “ Marchant#, If you want to pay ca#h for CROCaRRY, Glassware, Lamp#, Chimney#, Show , Buckot#, 1»rooms, Tubs, Dl#h Pans, Dlppurs Ptui#, otc., Huml to McUiudk «fc Co., Atlanta, tee#, unit you will niako money. W. H. WOODS, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER (Rear end Noyea’ Wurchonav,) Cedartown, .... q-a Li. ill work for LOW PRICES. If you have pay for work. I wllltako Inoxcban h»r my work, ut Cn#h 1'rtcva, Hides, green , Ik’ca-wnx, In fact, anything, ao aa going. Clive ino a call. may 23-2m John Lagomarsino, WHOLESALE OOST1UFOTIONZ1R, Foreign and Domestic Fruits Rome It aILi*oad. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after SUNDAY, JUNK », 1878. thi Aina will run on thu Romo Railroad a# follows: EVENING TRAIN. o Rui daily a ..K\:W) P M SATURDAY ACCOMMODATION. / tomo (Huturdny only) at 5OOP M to Romo ut H.OU P M C. M. PENNINGTON. Oen’l Bup’t. JNO. K. STILLWELL. Ticket Ag’t ull my old customers und many new ones. Mrs. T. B. Williams. June 20 tf Rome, Gu. IOK CREAM SODA WATER, ut Burhank & Joke’s. Rev. Mr. Ammons, of tho Christuin Church, will preach ut the I’resbyterion Ohruoh Thursday, Fri day und Suturdny night. Co und hear him. All kinds of Fancy letter papei for sale at Burhank & Jones. It is a sad sight to see an intox icated person on the street. How much more so is it to sue u dull and sickly Baby rendered so by the use of dangermiB opiates? Dr. Bull’s Ba by Syrup contains nothing injurious and many be given to the most deli cate Buby. Price 25 cents. Tax Receiver’s NoUoe. I will be in Cedartown on Saturday, June 29th. This is positively the last day I can hold my nooks open So come up and give in your tax. R. H. Wheeler, jnne 20, St Tax Receiver. Rood DIgeston. “Give us this day our daily bread” and good medioine to digest it, is both reverent and human. The human stomach and liverure fruitful sources of life’s oomforts; or, disordered and diseased, they tingle misery along every nerve artery. The mun or wo- mau with good digestion see beauty us they walk, and overcome obsta cles they meet in the routine of life, where the dyspeptic sees only gloom and stumbles and growls at even objects. The world still aginary i eds two i needs two or three new kinds of medicine before death can be perfect ly abolished; hut that many lives have been prolonged, and nianv suf ferers from Liver disease, Dyspepsia and Headache, have been cured by Merrell’s Hepatine, is no longer a doubt. It cures Headache in twen ty minutes, and there is no question but what it is the most wonderful discovery yet made in medical science. Those attiicted with Bil iousness and Liver Complaint should use Meriiell’s Hepatine. E^-lt can be had of Burhank & Jones. Tho Organ War.-A 100 lb. SoUd Shot. If any man insults your common sense by offering a Qrst-cluss 9 Stop Organ for (05, “Shoot hipi on the spot.’, All necessity for buying such inferior Organs is forever done away with. (100, Cash or (110 on Easy terms, now buys n magnificent Mason & Hamlin Parlor oit Church Or gan with Four Sets Heeds and Ten Stops, in ElegantNew Style Case with Illuminated Panels.—Handsomest Style of Case ever produced,—Spe cial Offer to introduce this new Style.—Sent on trial.—Guarranteed for a life time.—Rented until paid for. —Other new styles just out.—Illus trated catalogues free.—Address Lunden & Bates, Savannah, Ga., Manufacturer's Wholesale Abents for the. South. june 27 4t his maker. In his life is to ku found those uohle traits of character that distinguish the truly good man; gen erous amt kind lo all, ever ready und willing to respond to the appeal of tlio distressed. The wail of the wid ow and the cry of tho orphan never fell upon his ears unheard, in all of the relations of life, charity was the ooutroling auu governing princi ple. It wus an inherent element of his nature to alleviate and assuage the pangs of pain und sorrow, and ameliorate the condition of suliering Immunity, and to throw the broad mantle of charity nver I lie foibles and imperfections of hiimun nature. The probity ol his life and exemplary conduct fully exoinplilled thut solemn declaration, “blessed are tile peace makers.” In his demise, the family and community linve sustained un irreparable loss. The kind affection ate husband, and indulgent father, and a bright ornament in society is NO more—but bus left behind those excellencies of chuructcr that have stumped their impress upon the ago in which he lived. The memory of which deserves appreciation and em ulation, as Was fully attested by the weeping family and the large con course of sorrow-stricken friends as they moved in mournful procession to tlie spot selected by him for his lust resting plaoe, close the murmur ing waters of the stream where he of ten lingered,jmediluting upon the in stability of all earthly scenes, and the necessafy preparation to be made to meet that inexpressible decree. “Earth to earth, dust to dust, ash es to ashes.” A FalENi). Fortify the body against dis ease by purifying tho blood with Dr. Bull’s Blood Mixture. Thus forear med you will not be attacked by siok- Certifloate. ATHENS, GA. February 19. 1818. 8m: My culld, five year# old, had aymptora# of worms* I tried calomel and* other worm medi cines. but failed to expel any worms. Seeing Mr. Bain’s certificate I got a vial of your Worm Oil, and the first dose brought forty worms, and thu second does so many were passed I did not eoant them. 8. U, Adams. BS^For sale in Cedartown by Burbank A Jones and Bradford A Allen and B. K. Hogue at Hock- mart. Juno 18 lm The Cherokee Iron Company have their Foundry iu operation again. Job work promptly done at reasona ble prices. They are now making a specialty of Hollow Ware, which is claimed to bo a superior article. Eng lish Pots, Ovens, Lids, die., are among their products. For further information inquire of Dauiel Wulk- kor in Charge. april 25-3m McBride * Co. manufacture Show Cases, and sell as Cheap as any manufacturer In the country. Thoy will duplicate any bill Iu theli line bought HINTS -TO- GROCERS. IT IS POOR POLICY any retail merchant to sell luforl Instead of trying to lind tlio cheapest that can bn bought,ho should always select Till: Ili:ST la thu market. Wo know of no busim-s anywhere, iu tho city or country, that would not sooner bccomo permanently established, ami in tho long run pay hotter, by bundlin’; only fair and honest g. toils. To bo Hire, custom may for a whllo bo allured by low prices into the purehaso of inferior and adulterated articles; many even t«':o up with short weight and other swindling; but time rights nil theso things, ami nothing is more certain than that HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY MEM DO BUSINESS TO Um MONEY! Tho surest way to accomplish this is to bniid up a pormanont trade. This can not lie successfully tlone if inferior no' It is only by keeping kind, even if thoy do lmmediato profit, thut Ih built up. Keep til starch, tho best #p ie bf.’t articles of their lot pay tho largest permanent business best Houp, tho best best baking powder, and so on through tho wholo list. Wo have known n grocer to loan u customer whoso trado was worth a hundred and fifty dollars a year clear profit to him, just because ho would not supply a bulling powder that was deuuind. il by thu trudo. SEA FOAM Will towns We to jour Store to aej oilier oeetMiie tie Grocery Line. It !h a Unit-claw* article, will do all wo dulm fur It, aiul never fulls to work WELL. It is a credit to any merchant'll fctock, and la ono of the few good things ho can confidently recommend to every customer. It will sell itself after one trial, for its great merits aro soon appreciated. And not only so, but one lady using it will tell others of the womlcrftil properties of Sea Foam, ami where It can bo purchased, and fo tho tido of trado will gradually but surely cut toward tho enterpris ing groecr who keeps it In block. Actually, tho ladies of Georgia where Ska Foam hits been introduced, are noted for making better bread, biscuit, com cakes, and other cookery thou cun be found anywhere else, und they give Sea Foam the credit, and won't use any other baking preparation. And U is not to be wondered at, either, for SEA Foam NEVER FAILS TO MAKE GOOD DREAD when used according to dlroctiona. Morn than half the eomplaluts of bad flour nri.-e irom tho use of common baking powders, which not Infrequently umko tho best of flour turn out dark bread. Bba Foam will make better cookery with second quality of flour than tho best of flour will pruduco with any of these other compounds. NEARLY EVERY MAKING POWDER IS ADULTERATED. SEA FOAM IS PERFECTLY PURE And contain!* ao clement or Ingredient that Is in uny way injurious. SEA FOAM COOKING RECIPES Are presented with every can, also Full In structions for Use. *1-You cau buy Ska Foam from any loading wholesale house, or send to Gants, Jones & Co. HANUFACTCRERB and PROPRIETORS, 176 Duane St., New York. N PRICES First-Class Rowing MiulHiies, TUB VKUY IU.:- AT. WILL HULL Twenty-Five Dollars IN CASH, Bland anti Treadle, will ir. ami nece##nry Attach any Itatlroac! Depot in tin ml Drat United FREE OF CHARGE. machine# are wnrrnntcd to do the ' wing with more rapidity. »l. and le## fatigue to the i. due now In nr.;. They nuke itch In mcltani# ding III linn of Family Double Thr ■ that the !Wl»g. Kvi loth. n tlm Hut’s Send for itnchlnu w Cil’l hrlc to the etl lor thr CENTENNIAL MACHINE CO., Limited, 72t», Filbert St.. Philadelphia. Pa. JttuJMy. OHAMPTON’S Xmpcrikl Moap IS TUP BUST. Thi# Soap is manufactured from pit rial*; and a# It contain.* u largw pe ag« of Ycgctiuu Oil, 1# warrai fully oqtiul to thu bc#t import C'nHtile #oup,nml at the #nnit time contain# all the mg properties mp#. It lor apt in tlm Laundry, Kitchen and Hath Hoorn, nod Tor general houtubold purpoeea; al so for Printer#, Painter#, Kugiuuera und Mucldnlat*, a# it will remove spot# of Ink, (1 rente, Tar, (Mi, Paint, etc.. Irom the hand#. Manufactured only by Crampton Brothers, I, I, h, H and 10 Rutger# Place, aud HU and 35 joflbreon Struct, Now York City. Formula by JUD. G.RABB, Ckdartomn, Ga. B, F. Buckwalter, FASHIONABLE SHOEMAKER, no mb, qa. BOOT AND SHOE, MiT. M- HATCH. House and Sign Painter (At Hand's Blacksmith Shop.) CEDARTOWN, GA.. I. T. MEE, DEALER IN Stoves and Tinware, CEDARTOWN, GA. I am now prepared to sell iTOfli TIN WARE at Rome Prices. I will also do all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Work. ROOFING and GUTTERING done as cheup as any one. I solicit the trade of Merchants. SdgT* If you don’t believe I sell TIN Cheap, come and see for your self and be convinced. I. T. MSB. may 23, 3m. Manhood anil nil disorders brought on by IndiH- eretlon or excess. Any Druggist baa thn lugre- dleuiH. Dr. W. ■Atil lvS A CO.. No. 190 West ttlxtb ftlrvel, Cincinnati, O. 3 S b £ H *1 P 92 5* « ft © p p s c- © * » j ft 2- * 3. ST r P I s ft §* a«< ft % O Oo 11 i! e© 9 i^ 'O pf- o o —T 0© r g J50 n o ~ o 1^ t Jc9L & O JbBMI M A*** Morphia# OPHJMsSis habltcored. lo^.n'Squirt COLLIER HOUSE, 85*tf Whitehall and 9Broad Btreets ATLANTA, GA. ■Don’t forget to atop at tba abovo House when you go to Atlanta. You will And thing* "all right" -iboimtlfully auppllcd, and charged only $1 per day melt 28-Jlm 1. D. UPSHAW, I'roprietor. ! ^ i o n m 3 P I Oo O 3 H c p H L j D > H K e ^ Hf, £ L n J w J JS. £ hc r $ RH © SS o m ci B B m pi o © •ft 3 © © B H 3 >■ a © (A > 3 © H M t* 0 P H ss S.OQ tlOinUTB-Q