The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, July 04, 1878, Image 2

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THE EXPRESS. JNO, Codartowu, July 4th V/. RADLEY, Editor. the Express has a larger circu lation than any other newspaper {Hiblisboil in tha 38th Senatorial District »■»■■■■«■■—■■ ■ mmm mmsmsaarnessssa Talks 111 gilt Hut Acts wrong I How You Hi) It. Mr. .Stephens was u States rights! The mini who says lit* doesn’t be- in lSiix’, hut he opposed the lii»v<- in advertising,” is uncoii'soiwus- ly nil the while doing just what. Romo and a Railroad to Codartowu. Our article in. lust week’s issue on this subject creates some stir among the quill drivers of Romo, fhu dart seems tO' r-.we gone home and caused 8onv* rankling there. The reply of tdw Courier s dignified and gentle manly, and to the Editor we say we are open r.o conviction, and will be glad to know that our suspicion are unfounded. We nre afraid however that this cannot be made to appear. The reply of the Tribune is in keep ing with tlte character of the Editor. We are informed that he is a man of extraordinary courage, brimful, run ning over, ways to tight “at thedropof theImt,” either with “pa per bullets of the brain” or if needs he, with more dangerous and deadly weapons. We account for the tone of his reply by presuming that it is the result of this combative tenden cy of his nature. lie grows person al and wo think unnecessarily so. ffe charges us with motives which nev er entered our mind and * the charge is a falsehood which might not prove “utterly powerless for harm” to us. •We have no complaint whatever against the Rome merchants for not advertising more extensively with and do not think they nullification of the, uncon^titiftioimj tariff ot 18138, the ffrfct groat lesiobl on the Constitution, lie was a States right man in 1851—‘4; but lie was opposed to action to prevent the un constitutional exclusion of Southern men with their property from the territory acquired from Mexico by blood alood and taxes paid by . the deprecates, lie hangs copts outside- of his door, or puts dry goods in his windows—that’s advertisug. lie has printed curds lying on his coun ter; that’s advertising, lie sends out drummers through the country, or puts his name on his wagon— that’s advertising, lie labels his ur- Polk County ^horiff '8 Sale of Wild Land. W" ini . ho rolll heforn {ho oSi!rt4fou>‘aBpr»r, In OcdarthWo. Aik county. G o, an too FijMSTuoMlay in Ai|>,'uel iitiXl, 1M-. between tluMn^Hflmnr* if Milo, tho lollowLttg lut-> of Wllil luu<l,f<^Mi ctti-h tt*e wlt: B Lot of land No. 2(|!1 livlho second <lls- I riot four ill soution, Polk county, Georgia for tuxcH tlu^.tlio Hiuto anJ oouuty lor the year 1874, and lovied on by virtue of one .wild land lax li fa issued by itiu (Jomptrufifcf General ot Georgia vs said SSourl>. lie was a States rights man I tide* «*r his umri|ffu(jtor8-»-that’s ad in 1850, advocating the right of <-*' I vertising. It he has lost lii-s cow, lie cession, hut was opposed to tlVe'rem- edy against a revolutionary-sectional party coming intU power. When President Grant through .Judge Hu- rell { 8 midnight order,- and Marshal Packard's United States troops as a posse, overthrew tho States govern ment of Louisiana, elected by a clear majority of from 8,000 to 18,000 votes, Mr. Stephens came to the res cue of what the Radical Committee of Privileges and Elections, consist ing of Messrs, Morton Gape liter, and others, prouounced in February, 18 73, a usurpation and a fraud. In a volunteer letter lie undertook to jus- titv President Grant and his use ol the United States troops. Mr. Ste phens always argues correctly in ad. vnnee, but when the times conies ti consummate by action’what ho has declared, ho does not cornu to time hot invariably disappoints expect a tio'a.—Charleston Journal of Com merce, Human Phonograph: Tho success of. tho little , munt, which is, to sound, what the a class photograph is to shape, suggests an of im'n likely lo l,o ]wnmwii8 in Um ! mmlogy which uceil not, ho ubsuliim- nseof printers ink, nml tin mlvertise-1 b >Kuurcil. Tito pl.tonogftlpli m-um* inent in onr ooltittins is not it j/rn- t 6ullllt ' 8 " lu shouted into n oiovs K tn. lit onr article, we simply ; Oten ro|)roil ( io.-8 Litem in u s .me- expressed the feelings and opinion's "’hat modi (ted term. So it is with irf it Inrj-n nunib-r of our citizens, I iuUiviiUtais. Most ol ns, nt sninv men of good senso who for yews have I *> ln ' J or clhcr. Iiuio re-eolioeil llte closely observed tho conduct of Home i ideas ot other people, ot our hit-mis, in reference lathe building of until- or Ilia heroes be worshipped, of tl.a rotitl to Oednrtown. Hut “Rome 1ms *'«#«•< *« llJvwl - Lku lhu ">• subscribed lind issued Slorf.tWlO to-! stiutnent ttbovo idler,‘etl to, we re- Words building it rood would ! eeive » multitude ot impressions connect the two places.” Wo ore ! without knowing it, and give them anxious to know wlmtslio 1,os done forth again With the same sweet int end attempted to do with these bonds. ' Consciousness. The people whom Has she not mode successive attempts we worship grind their opinions olid before the hegislnture or Ga. to ob- id. as and niodes of feeling mlo us as toin authority to repudiate thorn, to B'ihiy os the phonograph operator compromise them at half, or perhaps 1 gnnds his voice into that „m..o., less th.di half, their face value? Did llttle matruttlent. AVe receive un m she not send o delegation to Atlohtn «t'“'i the sensitive toil ol our souls, headed by her Mayor for this pur- , »»<1 t! “’ I ,r °r° r mmmi give litem pose? Did not her newspapers „d- 1 forth again in correspondence to the vacate tins course? “Ready now" os >>»<*« “1 the one who turn. Miss Dortle says, “we are just ...king' the hundh-J Hvcry person, at sou,., for inforntatioh.” And furtliermpro pcliotl ia h,8 creel-, has thus ao^.l we would be glad to know what in-. the part of the phonograph. No terest Rome manifested in the build-! «"» l>«« b ‘">“ “ l, ' b "g lnkl ft'" 1 ,*’!'- ing of tho North and South road of-: tluoughont bis whole no- ter it become evident tlmt the oiier-; reerHmt never rhn. htsyont, up ho, rtkee Railroad could not bo extended '>= r^orded end respoken tl.fa infill- lo Cedurtown, and how comes it that eno,S itfipressed nphn him by ttnotlt- hc'i interest revives with sttcit a slid-! l ' r - den j.rk, when there is again some Dovtng wives are ■ phonographs ol probability of our getting the Inst their-husbands, and uxorious bus named road. If she is actjng in good faith in her efforts to build, or have built the N. & S. load, let her “prove her faith by, her works” aud we will lend whatever aid t wo can to her. If sho is hot, acting in gtfod puts a written notice on a post or tree,or tells liw sister-in-law—and tlink’d advertising, too. lie has his name put up in gilt letters over his dour—what is that hut advertising;'* Me paints his shop green er red; if a tailor he wears tiie latest style; if a doctor, ho has his hoy call him out of church in haste; if an auctioneer, he bellows to ptlract the attention of passers ,by; if a heavy merchant, ho keeps a huge pile of boxes oh tho sidewalk in front of his store—and all fur advertising. A man can’t do business without advertising, and the question is whether to call to his aid the engine that moves the world—the printing press, with its thousands of messen gers, working night and day, the steam-engine# adding to its repeat ing capacity untold power and mi ruoulous speed; or lvj to go buck to the days wljqu news- | papers# telegraphs and railroads \yero ! on know a. I ••Rut advertising costs money!” i So does everything that is worth having. 1 II advertising coats noth ing, all the second, third and fourth- class petty shops would, stand an equal chance with the most respon sible house. If you want to prove to the world that yours is a tirst-class establighment, advertise Poll; oomi'.y Un., fo il u«l copu v foC I he v virtue ol «»•-• K-1 iG fn l the Uouiplffellor II lot o tliiio and plnoo lot of laud 2nd 'list, nml -lih neol. of n., f.i- tuxes due 111h stale n- 1871- levied on l»y d UK ’li to ■ Issued by auOrui of On. vtf hiii«l AIho fit mini* lime mid |<laco lot of luml No 27h in ikvJnd dial. llli ,-eo. of Polk ability t (In., lot tuxes tine tlio sluto und county for tln.-.youi- 1H7-1; lovlod on by vir- uiv ot oho will land Oik li fa Issued by the vtomptrollerGwiernl ut Uu. vs mid lot. Alscmt eunifl time find pluoo lot of land •No. 278 i« the 2nd Uist. Itli see. of I’olk pouiUy (l*. for taxes due tho stale oo»iniy t< r tTic year 1871; levied 6n l»y lue ol one wil l land lax li ffc issued by llie CoumlroUei Cielieral ol Uuor^iu vs said Also nt sumo lime and place lot of land No* 27J iu '-he 2Ud disl. ilii see. of I’olk county On ,h»f '<>»« (lie sluti- and ouuniy for ibwjear 187-1; lovied ou by vir tue of one wed laud tax li fa issued by tlie l’ouiiiti oUei ; *T3ei»oral ol' Georgia vs said lot Also at sum • nmo aud pmeu lot of land No. LDl ill the 2qd di#t. Ilh see. of l’ulk county Ga., tbriox -s 'lue tho sialo and oouniy for the year 1874-7' levied ou by vir tue of one wild land ibx li fa issued by tho Comptroller.(jvnoiul of Georgia vs snid lot Also Ai-Urtftfe tiino and plili No Ut>2 lit fhu 2nd disl. till uniy Uu., lo: county for tli l»y virfuoof fd by t and No. 1115 in the 17 t\i diet. -Itli sect. Polk county, Oil., fpr tlxos duo tho fttiito Jand ooun'y for t he y^afs 1874, 1875 -tifid J87G; levied on by virtue of ode wild land fi ft< issueilrt.v IliolCojni'troller Goife^- ul of Gftgrgiu fa said hit. ; v . AIbo 4 the .-mine.jitfti? iftfd pi' 100 ' 1(, t/of la ml No, 7117 in ilia i 7 ill iliat and -ipi £ou. l*olk county, Ga., for tuxes due tlio state and county ior the year 1874, and levied on by virtuo of ouo wild loud tax ti fa issued by tho (/onipiroU or General of Georgia vs said lot. ' Al-ti'M oManil No. Ilf,8 In the IHth .list, and JJrd seo of Polk county (la. for taxes due Ills'Male ntid coti>ty for tl»o years 1874-6-G; by virtue of one wild land tax li fa issued, hv the, CVuiutroller Oonornl of ,t;k. VS Htud’lol . k ( t Also lot oi land No lf(10 in the 18«h disl. tuid «ird aec or.l’ulk couuly Ga, ,fcr ..tuM’S due ilie siato ffud county for the years 1574-6-1»; by virtue of,qfip >vH,d laud tax ti fa iBstio«l Jiy the (Jytupt|puur' General of 'On. vs snid lot. r- / -! AIho lot of land No 12(17 in the 18ih dint aud 3rd sec of Polk county tin. fed* takes due the state and ooiitrty for the year 4*74. by virt ue of one wild |andit|»^ li by ilio Ooiuptrollor CBDARTOWjXr, CSr-A.. Tho 7able Supplied With the Best the Market A/fords. share of Public Putromif-u Solfcitcd. i'evim? itcnsotiulilu/ euoriil of On, let. lot of laud Polk due tho slate und vein- 1874 ami levied | wild lAnd'tax h fa is- AJotnpiroiler Gieucrui of Ua. va 1 plao No. 80b iu l io 2ii l-list., 4th county Uu. fur ta» county for the J lot of Pc •am 1874 und lovlod l»V virtuo of one wild land ink II in is sued* by Iub ComplroUor Uvuurul ol' Uu- vs said lot.' , , , Also ut Banie tlute and plaeo lot of laud No. 8Gi* in tho2jid| dial. 4th sec. of i’olk county Uu. lor taxis duo the state and county for the year 1874; lovied on by vir tue of one wild laqd tax ti fu issued by tho Comm roller U neiHl ufUa. vs said lot. ai at saaio liujo and plAcc lot ut land No jis-I-*'* tho 2nui dial. 4th hoo. of. Polk county ^ ' i’.n'y am, Wild laud Also lwt of laud No 1 li 10 ia tips dial und 3rd vca ofil‘olk county Gli for tiixuh guo the mute and O'mh'ty iol' tho> yoats 1871-6-0/ l»y vi’-tuo of "tie wild bind tax ti In issu**d,by the Coiupkfyllfe Ucuerul of On vb aiiid lot. AIh(» lot of Iliad Nh 121 & in Jhe l8gi dlst and 3rd seo of Polk coipity ^tft, for ih,xos tine tho Kioto'^uu^. oounty lot the ycM-s tSf l-'t-i;, l.y Mi-nu- ol one wii l hind tUf- ty fa issued bv tho UouipU-olior Uoiieral of Uu vs said lot.' Also lot of Und No 1215 iu tho 18th dial and 3rd seo of Polk county Ga, ior tuxo: duo the state und county for tho years 1874-6.0. by virtue of one will lulid tax li fa issnod by tho IJoniptrolK 4 !- Uouurul of Gul vs said lot. Also Iu! gfland No 1310 in the 18th dlst. and bid ace ol i*«ilk Obulny U.i, I. «lue tlie stale amt OoUlity lor- Uiu y by virtuo of one wild, laud I y the Uonifi lot. G : . \Y.-i-diutljoriito11 8t do., m *" : "DJ-B-rkafT^ift^s .v. )i. An- now receiving tlicir inttniMicfh stocK'tif*rt^v Spring and Summer Goods. fJPJHiM STOt’H ihi t!OMPIv3fci#J3.., Pl ica in Kw'llliiR With tlie Tima?', an'J Gohils MuM .'Call curly nml make vonr selections.. Esf'Wi- also HUY (JOTTON, and |my tlm liighcat Casli |>noc Iff Country l’mlnoo ocl. r>, 1877-1 y biter Geiieiul Also lot i levied faith, but is only making a demon stration in order to draw tlte atten tion of the citizens of our county # from tiie buildiitg of the Gherokee itailroad, we ask her in the name of justice to desist. We speak ,plainly# with no inteutionk to wantonly wottnvl the feelings of the people of, Rome, but because we feel a deep in terest in the growth und development of our thriving little town. She is the centre of a Considerable trade, is filled with men of enterprise aud business tuct and With»fair ;pluy will in a short time make a respectable inland town. Our people con never forget the foul play dealt them in the building of the Seims, Rome and Dalton Railroad. The conduct of Rome in that mutter they still think was uufuir aud selllsh. • The survey ors of the roud, pronounced 'the noun through CJedaiilown us the best and cheupest. Anj4 by what influence wusit given another direction ? We think it wash,'the iulluetrcoof Rome* and we have reasons to believe thut she she has ever since been pursuing the same lind of conduct* band8 nre phonographs ot then wives. They record and repeat each other, l'iie wife who believes thoroughly jn her husband absorb his thoughts and feelings with a loving fidelity and pertinacity that notliiug can ex ceeth, He uses her more absolutely that) ((.lie manipulator of the phono graph .jises that instr|Ulritint. »Slie uot pniy echoes his wordtf,' but he imprints Ins .mind upon Iter, so that she becomes permeated with his idea tity. The same thing is illustrated in an ignoble light in the works os po ets and painters. There is n*larg) class of artists who get situ rafci with tho method of artists gr.-alct than themselves. The consequent:* is that they become copyists, and're produce not only the virtues bui' the vices of the original. It is in tliav' way t)mt small works, are produced in profusion. The small literary or ail worker becomes thb more imita tor «,f the great man tu Whom lie looks up. It is much better ffcd have a voice of one’s owhfdu’wever Bipull. kite’s glass may be small, hub it is at least pleasant to.know that it is all one’s own.—New York Telegram. Tho Woman who rejoices in salad and icc civatn, hot calus and warm Tie; ..IF The &iuk*tit‘ who eats hastily and sits down at once to active mental labor; IF The Business Man who holts his food in eager hast gild hurriek to his counting-rnonl; IF . Till! Hard Drinker could jook the clelioatqjglttud, swollen and fes tered with disease, that cause lhu throbbing brain; IF i*i,i-, The Lawyer, thu Minister, tho Merchant, and all who load sedenta ry livejs and are subject to Dyspepsiu or indigestion, Constipaiion and Headache; ii? These only khew what Mkukkll’s llFl’bTlNl; Foil Tnn Livuh will do for their relief, and how quickly it cures—there would be much lesssnf- foiing than at present. Tlio great Liver Mediciuoa foreale by Bujuiank «S Jonjcs. .. tUXOB lltlU lor tliu yiur 1871 Inuo o4* ong w Mleif'by ,Uo Uum l ll >' oilcr Uc ‘ KMul ul V-**M va ' eiilu^lot. Biim0 j. |1(e ull j piaoo lot of luml 7/.,; mo 2„.l i'list. -lia hoc, or :.oU "/• tur taxis duo tlio Bluto ana gounty Uii, *T ...i i....:.. i innty for i 11 ? >’ ( >r • liv virtue .. . ^..iii,nti-An„_ Ueuerul i ul of Ga, > t ime mi l plaoe > i the 2u*l dial fimtnMr (in. v 1 ' oouiij taxrt*^ii r ,^& n: ' (Jwnj/ij-Vi-^taoral of Ucorai a In tut'No. 723 i’olk pouut 9 1 county * HaraUon County Deputy Sheriff’s Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court House door,in Buchanan Har alson. county, Ga.; on the first Ttms- dlty in August next, between the le gal hours of bale, the Billowing lots of Wild land, for the cgshi Lot of land %. 341) in tlie 20th district and 3rd section 1 of Hatalson bounty, Ga., ,- or taxes due thV State and county for tlio year 1 1870, and Ihvietl on by virtue of one Wild land fa issued; by .the Comptroller General of Ga. vs said lut, V. R*. navift’lransfereel !Mso at the same time and place, hit of land No; 1804, in theBOth dis trict and 3rd section of Haralson BOpnly ,Ga., for tuxes due the State. county for the years 1874, ’75 and ’70, by virlue of bito wild land tax fi la issinid by the Gomptfolle.r'G'eneii. al of Ok. vs stikl lot. W. 'W.i-Dean translerree. A. *T. HUNT, jnly -Ith Ids peptity Sheriff. Mon Killed atDuekton. We liliruf through tlie mail carrier thut a young man, by tho name of Norris, was killed in tho Mary mine, on Wednesday night last, by a blast, lie (ailed to hear the signal which is ussually giVen to get out of the way aud was instantly killed by- tho ex plosion,—Cleveland Ban no. 4. young man of 20 recently took a§ a wilg* Ponnsyly^nm widow of 60 the sole proprietress of a couple ' of pacing petroleum wells. He loved ’*■ mot wisely but two wells. A philosophic ’ barber, w.ho, h/is mote Ihiin once contributed to the wisdom of thefee colnmSj-rolates to us a tept lor insanity which we think comes very, neiii /: beitig infailable. He was talkihg tibont the facility with wliic the bxperf.s cleared the great forgers and thlbvee, and said, it was different with a caAe In., his neigh borhood. A vbiing darkey broke open an old darkey’s trunk und stole some money from it. , lie was found out, and some friendH interceded .with the old man for the youngster, say ing that he was bruay. “Crazy—the devill” said the old man. ‘'If had broken open nriy. trunk and pnt some money tharj I might, have- thought Bf.” He whaled the boy. 87 i ami wil l Uu 1 (lYv llio !■«"« ““ Alio'n. U-l S*»“ lot °. f No, 487 in j-li«v2ml <}int, 4 th “J 0 ’ 1 '* “' county Ua, t'gr taxck *luu s ‘ county for ^.« ycar ! virtue iff on o wild *'ix t' , .. Hill Complvull."', tH"'" “! p[ a J^’liit 6 law! a 4tJi »■*•»• ol J ' 4l T;-' lino tlio bluto, and ; leviyl uu uy • fa Aiy U** yedrgia vs mo time and place, lo 1 tho 2nd dlst. 4th boot- yl for taxes duo the Hlulu the year 1876, levied by virtue ollone wild land tax fi t» i»t» uL ’ by tho Coui[troller Gcucrul ol. Uuorgiu said lot. x A Iso at tlie fame time and place, tot o» land No. 05V in tho 2nd uud -1th h«o. l’oik county Ua , for taxes duo tlio sluto aud county for tho year 1874; lovlod on liy virtue of ouo wild laud tux Ufa issued by tlie Couiptrolloj General ol Uoorgia va said lot. Also at theHamo time and pluoo, lot of land Nu. 27J iu.tho 17th diet, aud 4th, Folk couaty Ga., ior taxes duo the d county-for tho yoars 1876. and 18i0 levied on by virtuo of one wild laud lux li fa Igsueu by the Coinptr'olWjr Uenora! of Georgia tb buid lot. A1m» hi the bumo time and place, lo*/ of land Ne. 277 in the 17il» disl. 4th Beet, of Polk county Uu., for tuxes fiuo the suite mid oouniy fur tho year .18/4; by virtue ql one wild land tux ii fa isbued by tho Comptrollcrtlcueral of Georgia vs said lot. Also ut the same time uud place, lut of laud No. 2S0 tu the 17th dim. 4th Hoot, of Polk comity, Ga-, for taxes duo the bluto aud bounty for tho year 1874; lovied on by virtue, of one wild hind tu.x h Ja issued by the Comptroller General uf Georgia v said lot. ' : A’tHO at the Haute time aud place,, lot. ql and No, 286 m the 17th dist, 4th ‘ sect' of Polk COUtlty, Ga., lor taxes tlue tho Hints and county fur tlie year 1^74; by virtue ot quo wild land lax ft la tsjiied by the Uoiup- troliar Ueuferal of Ueorgia vb auid lot. Also hl'tltt* same time and place, lot of laud No.28U in tho 17th dint. 4th Best, of Polk county,*Ga.', for (axes duo the staiu and county for the year 1874; levied ou by virtue of uno wi\d land lax ft fa issued by. the Comptroller General‘of Georgia vs said lot Power Machinery. dlffeHiit, marliliijM v.iib which Bufltlers. Caomel Mukcrt*, WrMUot! Makers and .Ibub'cra In jAIhci'IIIc- itoourr work 1 run ooiu- pletons to Qtiiillty niut pride with steam power liiauttraetur- Will send Machines!O'n Tiial if Dcsined. . *| i r>'Til tills mid send for ciitulogne F. & JOHN 15AUNES. HockfUrd, Wlnnuluitfo Co,, III. ^ July 4th2bt .fMRORGIA, I’OI.K C0UN'Ui''.-E, D. Hightow} %3!f nr administrator on thir eBtatn of -Mary Karl has apn]led for leave to feqll, pit the land belonging to said estate, Tbcrfforo, nil persons concerned wHI appear nt a.Court »f Ordinary tu be held in said county on tho First Momlpy in August next to allow cause, if any they Jhiive. why leave to hojI said land should not bo inantod. Given under tuy huiid.'tliiH Jniiu With. 3fl7S. . July 4th .10d JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. land No.. l22U*io, Hto IHth d k 1 Poik ffouuty Ga, tot? iSx* due tho stmc ulik oouniy fur*- tlte ye by .virtue ol.Quu-wiht laud ui.v li til bv the Uopiyitroller Ucneral ut lot. Ah:o lot land No. 1225 in *t I’olk county ti ij Btiiie and couilty lo. • 0; by tutuo of onu wih - •• f.U Ly the GuUipt t oller L.f uei'.ll dt Uu, i lot. •’ : i lot of In lid No. 123* 1,n7 1-6-8; by virtue of one wild land nu li iu i*BUud. by. ihq CJputpttoner Ueuei'ul ol* Uu vs tuid >ol. A 1st) lot of land No;12!)li aud Bru'stc ul i’oik gou.Siy due the biute 1874 6-0; liy Alto lot ut laud No. 1232 and Uni seo of folk comity tu.i'ijtnd pl.t i ia'xcfc duo and . 6; ry vqtU* ) U.v. vs sukd lot. Also lit tl»d fsituiv.t l uul No. l->2 m tm Polk feoUiVty.'Ga.; f un-i oouniy itir auu levied on oy virtue' ia ibbued by i“o 1 Aifcui wi -^V ft, li, . Alsu kttupiamu Uuiu and pla laud Nu.' 1b7‘J iu tbe ldth 'uiat. 3rd soot,.of folk cotioty, Ua., lor takes^ due tlio slate and comity for t.|0 yuurn |p7-P*76 had 7b‘, levied on bj virtue ol one Wintjihudi lax ti ia'ishnett oy thu 1 - Uouipti oiler. Ucuuiai lo, stale ri'S' 48/1 'und 18i0; jpu wild lirud taX ti pt ; rollo. Geq«iinl- ol ml Depot, 104 READS STREET, New York. wv.Vr. ! iciniw!,'l*fc,Ul.i‘iii.'' ; .iiv- r».'i B-irsk* 4V.wnr.-r. SttkqRi -Sitf Goinp'aqy. MALSTERS AND I.AUER HKlstt iMIRWKRS, A.TX.^Kr>x-uTu, - - - t-f» - CTA. OWfcv! No. 8 WW( Hunter Street! Brewery Cor. CollltiB & IUtVUSf&stH. I.jstu id lot. i. 128U tli the uuty, Ga.. lo : and place, Jot i-uuipiiuAjOr Ueuer- ..loO II i -81 i .umy, Hoy where j fend price*. ’ OR. RICE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., ■ •biuc In Toiuh. Miutrnwwur Butor«rv*wnikprpP)*-. MuiM, 4od nrodaulng soma «riha WIlowlogefTeeWihertptf**.- Dim, Heiulnal KmU»lf>n«, Dlmticu of Bight. DaOcUvo Mum- reudcripi marrisgv traprrpw oruntaWT, «re theroushly hnd^ptrminet.Jy c'j rr4. ^ BYPHlLlo GOn' 3 ' v9SSu. qu^ily cured?’ P»arnu'tre»te*fby rn»Uor^ pre.j. Coaiuluaan trt# and tur lied. cHWfH •ndoorro>,>ondeno* ttHotly coifldMttlal.- ‘ A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Also nt tli. nni’ie lin.o and pin 00 - lot of land No. 202:in Uu 17.U Uist nu/ of l'olit oountr. On., fo^ l'n4.s/luq I “* m.4 •*•• y> nnii ootfn'tyforttn yenrt.' 18/4. .taro; by vi, by virttmof one yrihl 'land tax it fa , ? 8U0 ^ by the CgqiptroUer General <)(■ 0[OqF?. 1 ,7;''ii Haiti lot,« Also nt the same timo nn 1 plnco, lot of latpl No- 208 in tlio 17th. tlj^t 4th seo. of Fait oounlyGii., foi^ tuxes *luo‘ state rind camrfy for the .voqr t87l nB»l le.vied ot\4iy virtjio of one wild laud tax fi fu issucil by tbe Comptroller Uencvnl of, Georgia vs st(i*1 lot. Also at thi^Hame timo nutl-plaqo, lot of land No 2«JI»\n tlio 17th dist.-lth sect, of Polk county, G-d., for taxes'duo tho state ami uQiinty fqr.lho yo«r 1874; levied ou by virtue of one wild land tax ft fu issued by the Comptroller (liberal of Georgia vs said lot, Alspat (he same time and place, lot of land No. 808 in tho 17(li dipt 4th sect, of Polk coiiuty; Ga , for taxes duo tlie State and county, .for tliq yojir 18.7(1 1 levied on i.y virtuo of one wild land fu issued by Die (Joinplrollor Gonerul of Georgia vb Biild.lot. Alsfi Tit the same time itiwl place, lot of land No. 810 \n ihe 17tb dist. Arrd 4th so c. Poll; county Ga . lor taxes duo tho a lata und county fur tho your 1874, and levied on by virtuo of one wild laud tax fi lit issued by .(he ComptroiUir Gener al of Georgia Vs said lot. Also at the nanloiime atpl place, lot of land No 313 in tltfi iZtfcrjJV*^ BecL ' Polk county, 0a.,f«ta|Mea duo the state ail’d couny for^tbdy^HI(* , lh74 ’76 aud ’7 ilnvied on by virtutMMf’ ld la,ul uVl fa issued by thp -Gpucml °f Georgia vh said lot*. | q . . Al8«> rit Win Bumo little ftnd'plkco,' lot * or land No. 814fn thul7ib dlst, 4th sect Polk county, - o., for trixeB due the glut! and oounty for tho years 1874, 1876 ittU .*•-'• • -■ * by virtuo of-one wild lut 187^; levied on by virtue of-ono wxlu lap tax ti fa issued by tho Comptroller Gotten hi’ Georgia 1 ’ taxes illiS years’ 1c75, uivteu on -tty niVuio oi one V n la itlb.icU O, luc Cuaipll olic Uporgm 1 lot V l-‘83 in the I8iti di.. , d .IrUseO ol Poih county U*v. for taxes uu tun statu u|iU . comity lor .-.thc yui.i v tsStud bj Hie Oyuvr-u u* A Lo ut tho bumo time attdi place, Jut. of land No. 1287 iu lue 18th dial. 3rd scot/hi Polk ooau y, U4., lor-tuxes dtie i »'o htUte’ county lyf ttiu years 18/4, irt76 uud 1870; lovied on’ by virtuo qfioao wild, , tax h la issued by lire Uuuiplrbillir ubuurai oi Georgia vs suid lot. ; . Alsu at the same time fiV/ti ^lago, 1 0 , l(f land No. 1288 ut the 18Ut dj.-t. ora auei. 0 f Potk eoquty, Ga., lor tq^es d(/e ttio ; slate h.iU eouiuj lor yea* l ( d,‘u und lcvicu OU by virtuo Ol one WnU laud | a fa'iSbued by liio Gguipuouei- Uuudi-.n o ticoi'gia Va aald lut. Alsu ut (uu same lime and plage, lot ol laud No. 12Jo iu lue ldiu di,t;‘3rj a.-Ot, u!' Eola Cou.l.y; KJa i, lot tuLca iddfei tbo. sttUJ uqq euuut^ kov. iqu lfi/'ji,. Jb87,5 iuiy, 18/0; levied on i./y vulu’e oi pue wild laiid tux' ti la issued by l ue “iOuinpirollor Ueao. ai ut U‘.o*giU Vojpi^d; lyt , Also ut tue same ujre and; place, lut A land No. 12o2, ui tho lfciU dtol'tf. j .sou./ IT PolktoatttyVUa Mi lpy taxes duo liio "Un* (87-J, 1876 tun, . i out vBili'y.Vu' 1 It l'a issued by Luo .UuntULrullur Gonerul qVUoqlgju ys/tatd^oi iVt:0 -i the atrie til htnd’iVu. J2»dhU uio- i'uljj;coMUty, Ua.,dor r ..„ and ouuuty ior the years 1874',/" Unit 1870; levied uit by vilhtibOfluho (Willie land tax h.iu.issued, by li|o gomptrojlcr ,U.y icr^J of Geoygia ts quid lot. ' Alfto at Uti sa'uo tittn tlipl plaflu lot ;«f* land No. la' tho J8th Uist,. peel. ,uf, i’olk,oo.uuiy, Uu„ for taxes' due (liquidate and ebuiity for lUbyear 1OT4-5 6 levied Ltt by vhtuo of but wild l(vnd.,iuf .li .fa issued by lUVCoinplroller of General ol‘ Georgia vs said lot. Also «t the sumo time aud plav'p, lot, of- laud No 12'Jfi .in tho 18t.h tlLt 3rd svct. of Poli cuutiiy, Uu., fur taxes dho tub Biiite 'ahd cjunty fbr Ihe* year: .Ibi'O', t uu*l levaod ou by virlue of une wild laud tax fi fa issued by the Cotnptrollor Geuer, al ol'uoorgia VB said iol! ' -r ■ 1 , ■ E. \Vv CLIiMliN'fH, B, 0. | i; l« UllJ pli.,., I0l''o?4 1 W. M- HATCH, Sous'! and Sign Painter (AtllundV DJacksinllh Shop.) OBjOAnTOWN, CiA.. f* I Sill mfjb iKsmtaitfcaa The P^ollowiiig Titblv*p!bi*ittg it partial List ut’ .Lp?ses pqitl l\v tho loMle Life InsiiMiKio Company, ‘ gjvt'i* Mi'iifu pfnctlc/il llltifjriitloiii* of tlie Prnt-lD** I’.na Front,* /.Hi.iAiM-'iW . |.Ionv H. (Jit!!i;NH 1.1*1 ii n II. Rohkiit- ^ .1, !•’. lf/'/nu;v . • iKHRUK L, JtKNNUTT w>i. II. ItAnr.ii OBfAP. VV,., Sj'KWAniT .Ions M . \t OlttlKN lut. .Ii. W. JIahkw Wsi. A. FaX/.ir.ii TllOMA** W, t'AlwKIl J. * . Mm.i.kus Wit. T. lUai.AS Mill*. Kuza J. Al.DIUfll Jt L. Haijikht < F. M. .nlcnlfKKKB , i Joi/X Hoi.m/.h WS’SLu W. R. Donuu €01.1*Min* Hx irit ,lon?t A fjtrAUt.|«Nu REfllDENTTv ; i, . MfllHirli, Alab.-iniu . , i i01obiirii.J, TVXari*' (Gbit)). Mobil*'. A|.i1..u..h > . . Mcui|*hU. Tt nneitsco OxUml, Aliilmma’ WhlfHpr, Aliilmma lOnolikg.i *; •* ■ .. I Monruf Oounty. ■MiBslHrippI [ (iatlKilen, Alalminu Ilim:*t*)ii. Miinm-Blpj.l " rh*at. 'v.qia • -i Mort Deposit, Alabauia 1 >l«» , *ilo. *• /(iluliqrno.T«xa» , Wncu, •• { MovmI C'iuiU.v, Y.ivh" Aierldlaii, Sll.s-L.-Ippl {GmloiU-n.iAliiJiaiin UfhS m 1,017 44 i.noo ao :.»*'i M 9,443 *7 K,7 44 4.«ol to 4,TJ!> 95 BSn lo £.F!I| W 9.37« Bo ].H1» (to 9,431 44 1.4W St •?, 149 B7 4.788 «o X.K7S So S.378 4o ar.3 ; IForTurther iiifoPimitioh afiply itV.L I); MNl.OW, 'Cedartovrii, Oh. ^ t DVR* 13, 1877* ly Ui > Mrs. T. B. W Hlmms, M I I. I. I tSr.E.Ii'P'.: Li 1 - Veal’s Jewelry Store, Broad St,, Home, Ga. .*®AS-on t4»*l.UnU, Etoiftis; Ribbons, Silk nml till «t|iw. Oomls in her Hite. PHees ua low ad the lowest. Cull arul ‘exitmiilo tiitf Pilees. May 10,lW?Lliin ‘.i . '' * • ,1. b’, .BU.jLKE IV. E. JIONROK. , D. CAMPBELL J . h\ 13 TJ R, K K ■& GO. 1IJ. : +-H , iC01*RlI',T,OUb i OF/J’ini-rff,. • , . .MILLS. • : .-uuiDifj 4. . 1 hlo yiiude, Muytuiijs, }, 9lf t P . J Oofios, fP.eojj.iits Vfe Malt Hduatedfcfor.the Trad© 8ole.]>hiiutractiiw4q(.thoce)ebrfl4}d , 7 , OWN POWDERS. TO f’w and MilMl.. “ . ' ATLANTA, GA. March 28, 2m ■ 1*1111 9!: i I U > ' 'G. ft **W I . , 1 3' ' 11 ii A 1 E. Olevetand, Fashionable Tailor! 0EDAKTOWN, GA. Itomi! ’.U sidJ.uua<t, CHANGE oif SCiniDULl5: On iiu/1 afier P.UNIJAY, JUNE 9, 1878, tin rains will rim on the Rome Railrontt as follows: 1 EVENING TRAIN. , Lnnllon. dully nt SIO-A Jt Cod «wH)^ Hctnm'toRytoaut...J..4 ,.. v ...12.3^ P II _ —~ HATURIJAX1 AUCOMMODATtON. ' ! I will w«)rk for LOW f%0^8. ir you Have not Leave Romo (Saturday only) at BOO PM ' thd Money, t« pfty-fol i&ifaifcwUltaku Iu vxchmigo Return tb Rome at.... J.’..8.(H) P M for piy wui+,j«^9^, P/ice«, Ilidos, green or dry 14'. Ml PENNINGTON, Gen,M 8|H*’t. j i T “ l lpw. Boc» ; wa.t. ft fact; ahythlng, «*/• as to kto np27tf JNO. E. STILLWELL. Ticket Ag’t' [ trade'n’golng/ 'GIWta«« c»H; may 23dm . W. E. WOOES, BOOT AND «HOK MAKER, (Rear end Noyes’ Warehouse.) • - G-«.