The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, August 08, 1878, Image 1

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The 1211 XPRESS. By Jno. W. Radley. Official Organ of Polk and Haralson Counties. Subscription $2 Per Annum. VOLUME IV. CEDAHTOWN, GA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1878. NUMBER 39. PROFESSIONAL M. TIDWELL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, CEDAUTOWN, GA, ^ Offlco la tho Court Uousti, with Judge Pt^Rr.) tar Will pmctlco In the Superior Court* Of Polk, anhllng, Harhlaon and Douglae, and In any other county In tho State, by *}>t«lal contract; also lu tho Federal Court at Atlanta audio the Supreme- Court of Os, Juno 20 am. J^JURDOOK MoBRIDE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, B1I0HANAN, QA. nr Will practloo In all tho Court* of th* Rome Circuit and adjoining countlo*. may 13-78-tf i. A. BLAMOB. JHO. M.KIKO. jJT.ANOE & KING ATTORNEYS. AT LAW, OKDAIITOWN, OA. far Will practice In all the Courts of tho Rom* Circuit, lu Lite Supremo Court of the State, and lu the 9. S. District Court for tho Northoru District of Soerfin. Nor, 11, 1874. T. W. MILKER. J. W. HARRIS, Jn J^ILNfiR * HARRIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OARTEUBVILLE, QA. Opfior ou Main Struct, next door to Gil- oath k Sen. Mr. Mllnor will utteud tho Superior Court of Polk county regularly. March 2.1877-tf 'yjrILLIAM M. SPARKS, Attorney A Counsellor at Law, ORDARTOWN, GA. Z9T Will piactUe In all tho courts of tho Homo Circuit and adjoining counties. OT. N. STR ANGE, N. P. & Ex. Off. J. P. nooitmart, O-a. jagT" Collections solicited, and money jiaid over punctually. JAS. D, EHLO W, J. P. OEDARTOWN, GA. Ir8?“ Office at the Court House. All business entrusted in his hands will receive prompt attention. March 0, 1870-3m TO THE CONFEDERATE llRAVES. To you we plead, tho record read. What glories round It cluster, As we look bnck along the track To lame that crowned a Lester. At Perrjvllle he stormed the hill, Tho battle-field all gory; “With Joyful noise, “Close up, my boys, And wreath tho cause with glory. “Tho hoys lu gray," that led the way, Amidst th* cannon'* thunder, Will stick to hint throttrh thick and thin, In Toting make no blunder. Let cowards sneer, tho rabblu Jeor, That armless pIoots Is pleading, Before tho braves who fought lo save Your homes, whole hearts wero blooding. “The Iron bond" roverotho wonnd, While honors round It cluster— Protect from harm, thut pulsates* arm, And voto for Colonel Lester. Old Doctor Folt will loso hi* milt, Ilisappetit* and liver; Will lmvo to sup a hitter cup, While rowing up salt rlvor. 'SAMIS, I Cannot sot down in «o many words just when or how it came to be understood between my partier, Stillman, and myself thut I was to marry his daughter, Nannie, when sho was old enough. I lmvo a vague impression that sho was in long clothes at the time we first talked of it. Her mother died when she was a sovii.isn gj r j ( lin d 0 ]j Stillman took tier home to the family liouse at ESTABLISHED IN I8S0. McCLURE’S Temple of Music. W HOLES ALU and Retail Agen- cy for the Renowned Plano Makers, x STEINWAY, KNABE, DUNHAM, BACON & KARR and J. it C. FISHER. Celebrated Organ of MASON * HAMLIN, Bur dert. New England Organ Co., and (1 A Prince Co.’s Music Publishers, Oliver Dltson, Wm. A Pond & Co., (smith & C#., V A Morth & Co. BEST GUITARS. J S„ I,rucno a "' 1 Also frill line nr Small Musical Goods, Strings, etc. T kn proprietor respectfully annotincos to the dt- ijunB r.t t'cdartown and vicinity, that Ills facili ties enable him to oiler extra inducements to pur* chasers of Mu-tcal Goods, guaranteeing everything represented by him to give entire SHtistaetlor.. Correspondence solicited. Catalogues mailed free JAS. A. McOLURE, 05, Union Btroot, Nashville Tenn. Janl71v John Lagomarsino, WIIOLKBALR OONNFOTIONBR, Foreign itnd Domestic Fruits, No 4, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. March 14-tiin CYRUS HALL. TONSITORIAL PARLORS. (West end J. S. Noyos’ Waro House.) OHDARTOWN, G-A. jar8htt\1iig, Shampooing nnd Hair Cutting dono neatly, cheaply and expeditiously. Give tno a Jan 81 tf JOE LAST! THOMPSON’S RESTAURANT AND LADIES’ CAFE, JAMES’ BANK BLOCK, ATLANTA, OA. 0X0 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. tgf*Accommodations for Families, and Meals at all Hours. E. Cleveland, Fashionable Tailor! •EflARTOWN, QA." mtii' Bo.&cpplyCcJfMUTiUtiT Owl’s Corner, one of tho prettiest little villages I ever had th* good fortune to see. But Nannie was eighteen wheu I first met her as u woman, and this was the scene of our meeting. John lmd seut for mo to come to Owl’s Comer on a certain July day, promising to drive over to thv sta tion to meet me, as my elderly legs covered the ground but slowly. We had retired from business, rich men both, some tlvo years before and cor responded regularly. But I had boon abroad, and this was my first visit to Owl’s Corner in ten years. I remember Nannie as a romping child, fond of swinging on the gates, climbing up giape-arbors, aud imper iling her neck fifty times a day, John always saying on each occasion: “She’s a little wild, but she’ll get over that.” I waited at the station for half an hour; then, seeing no sign of John, I started to walk horn*. It was mid day and fearfully hot, and when I had accomplished half the distance^ turned otf the road and started through a grove that gave me a lon ger walk, but thick shade. I was resting there on a broad stene, com pletely hidden by the bushes on ev ery side, when I heard John’s voice: “Where have you been?” There was such dismay aud aston ishment in the voice that. I looked up in surprise, to find that he wus not greeting me, but a tall, slender girl coming toward him. Such a sight! She was dark and beautiful, dressed in a thin dress of rose pink, faultless about the face and throat, but froui the waist down, clinging to her, one mass of the greenest, black est, thickest mud and water. “In the duck pond,” she answered with a voice as clear and musical as a chime of bells. “Don’t come near me.” “You tre enough to wear a man into his gravel” “There, don’t scold,” was the coax ing reply; “little Bob Ryan fell in face down. It did not make any ma terial difference in his costume, but I wus afraid he would smother, so I waded in after him. The water is not over two feet deep, but the mud goes clear through to Chinn, I imag ine. It is rather a pity about my new dress, isn’t it?” A pity!” roared John; “you’ll come to an untimely end some day with your freaks. As if there was nobody to piok a little brat out of the duck pond but you?” “There was actually nobody else about. There, now, don’t be angry. I’ll go up to the house and put on that bewitching white affair that came from New York last week, and be all ready to drive over to the eta*’ tion with you, at what time?” “About three. Lawrence is com ing on the 2:10 train.” And I had come on the 12:10. This accounted for the failuro to meet me. I kept snug in my retreat until John and Nannie were well on their way homeward, wonderiug a little how many young ladies in my circlo of friends would have so recklessly sac rificed a new dress t* pick up a bog- gar’s brat out of the mud. When I, in my turn reached tho ousc, John was on tho porch, waiting for Nannie’s reappearance. He gavo me a most cordial welcome or rather, a luncheon, called Nannie, his moth er, aud a man to go for my trunk, all in one breath, and seemed really re joiced to see me. Presently u slender girl, with a truly “bowitching” white dress, trim med with dushes of scarlet ribbon, and smoothly braided black hair, tied with scarlet bows, came demurely into tho room and was introduced. Never, however, in that first hour could the wildest imagination have pictured Nannie Stillman wading in to a duck-pond, but tho half-shy, half-dignified company manner soon wore away, and Nannie and I were fast friends before dinner. Sho sang for me in a voice as deliciously fresh us a bird’s carrol; she took me to see her pets, the new horse that was her last birthday gift from “papa,” the ugly little Scotch terrier with the beautiful eyes, the rabbits Guinea liens, and tho superannuated old pony, who preceded the new horse. lu a week I wus as much in lore as ever John could have desired. Nannie was the most bewitching maiden I had ever met, childlike and yet womanly, frank, bright and full of girlish freaks and boyish mischief, and yet well educated, with really wonderful musical gifts, and full of noble thoughts. Sho was a perfect idol in the village, her friends and neighbors thinking uo party com plcto without her, while the poor fairly worship her. John allowed her an almost un limited supply of pocket-money, and she was lavish in all charity, from blankets for old women, tobacco for old men, candies for children, and rides on horseback for the urchins. And she had a way of conferring fa vors that never wounded the pride of the most sensitive. We rode together every morning; wo walked in tne cool evening hours, we spent much time at the piano, and discussed our favorite authors, and one day when I asked Nannie to be my wife, she said, cooly: “Why, of course; I thought that was all understood long ago.” I was rather amazed at such mat- ter-of fact wooing, but delighted at the result. How could I expect any soft, blushing speeches? I suppose I ranked just where John and Nan nie’s grandmother did in her affec tions. Bat one morning, when Mrs. Still man was snipping her geraniums in the sitting-room, and John was read ing tho ‘morning newspapers, Nau- nie burst in, her beautiful face aglow her eyes bright with delight, crying: “Oh, grandma! Walt has come home! I saw him from my window riding up the road.” Sho was going then, just ns John exclaimed: “Confound Walt!” “Who is Walt?” I naturally in quired.” “Walter Bruce, tho son of one of our neighbors. He has been like a brother to Nannie all her life, but went off to Europe two years ago, when he came of age. They wanted to correspond but I forbade that. So he has turned up again.” It was evident that John was ter ribly vexed, and I very soon shared his unnovance. Walt, a tall, hand some, young fellow, improved, not spoiled by travel, just haunted the house. Hi was generally off with Nannie, as soon as he arrived, and blind to Mrs. Stillman’s ill concealed cold ness aud John’s sarcastic speeches about boys and puppies. As for me, by the time my sleepy eyes were opened in the morning,, Nannie had taken a long ride with Walt, was at the piano when I came into tho room, and Walt was walking beside Nannie when the hour for our usual stroll arrived. And the very demon of mischief possessed the girl. There was no freak she was not inventing to im peril her life, riding, driving, boat ing, and I /airly shivered sometimes at the prospect of my nervous terrors wheu it would be my task to try to control this quicksilver tempera ment. But one day, alien I was in the summer house, 0/ very rueful little maiden, with a tear-stained face came to my side. “Walt is goiiijfjiway,” said she. “Indeed.” “Yes, and he says I’in a wicked flirt,” with a qhok ing sob; “I thought I would ask yoiuibout it.” “About what?*’ ‘Our gutting nAirried. You know papa told me I wus to marry you ages and ages ago.’ “Yea.” “And I knew it was all right if ho said so. But Walt says you must be a muff if you want a wife who is all the time thinking of somebody else. And you know I can’t help it. Walt has been my friend ever since we were always together. And when ho was in Europe papa woulnd’t 1ft us write to each other, but I kissed his picture every right and morning and wore his hMr in a locket, and thought of him nil the tune. And he says you won’t like it after we are married.” “Well, not exactly,” I said dryly. You’ll have to stop thinking of him then.’, “I don’t believe I ever can. And so I thought I’d tell you, aud per haps—perhaps you will tell papa wo don’t care about being married after all. I don’t think I could ever be sedate and grave like an old lady and of course I ought to be if 1 am to he an old imtn’s wife “Of course.” “And l am so rude and horrid. 1 know I am nvt like nice city girls, and I am altogether hateful, but Walt don’t care.” I rather agreed with Walt as she stood in shy confusion befor piness, John,” I answered. “This is right and fitting. Nannie is too bright a May flower to be wilted by being tied up to an old December log like me.” »So when, half fearful, the lovers came in, they met only words of af- feotiou, and Nannie’s face lost noth ing of its sunshine. She was the lovliest of brides a few months later, and wore the diamond parure I hud ordered for my bride at her wedding. And sbo is tho most charming little matron imaginable, with all her old freaks merged into suushiny cheerfulness, and her bus- hand is a proud, happy man, while I’m Uncle Lawrence to tlio children and tho warm friend of the whole family. A Young: tfiant. The Ctlumhus Times puglishes tho following: Pike county, Alabama, ha3 a great curiosity. It is in the form of a hoy ten years old who is a perfect giant. One of our citizens, recently on a visit to Troy, saw this wonder ful bov, who hud come up to town on a short visit. The boy’s name is Edgar Roll. His parents live near Troy, lie weighs ‘-.’85 pounds. Mens- uree 4 feet 8 inches about the waist, 4 feet <» inches in neight, wears a collar 24 inches around, his thigh measures 2 feet 8 iuoes, and tho muscle of his arm l foot 1)1 inches, llo wears a No. 4 shoe and a hoy’s hat No. 5. Ho is a perfect hoy in his manner ot faking and acting. Our informant gavo him a Him** for the privilege of weighing nod mt. tiling him. Ho bus a sister y<> • ■ r than hiniHelf who weighs 241 d« What is remarkable about these two children both thoir parents are ordi nary sized people. The father iu a RELIGIOUS^ Opposition to ('hristiauitj-ltf Results. The attacks made upon long-estab lished doctrines of othordox denomi nations of Christendom, by the ene mies of truth, or men whose learning seems to have made them thevictems of dangerous errors, has evidently aroused the Christian ministry of this country lo greater activity and vigilance. The consequence is, that revivals of religion are reported from almost every locality, which result, iu the conversion of unbelievers and additions to the churches. In Geor gia, revivals are reported in almost every neighborhood, and what is true of this Stale is likewise true of m ar ly all others. Christianity has nothing to fear from open opposition, for her truths are not only invested with intrinsic invincibility, blit when presented by the true messengers of tho Gospel, lmvo promise of the vitalizing power of God’s Spirit, by which they are carried directly to the heart. Vain is all opposition whin the truths ol Christianity arc established by per sonal experience. They shine clour.* ly and brightly in the view of the converted, and need no argument for their establishment. The Christian, inspired with God’s love, sees and Vegetables, tho edible parts of which ripen under ground, such as potatoes, carrots ami parsnip?, are heat producing, while those that ri pen above ground, are cooling. The latter including especially asparagus, lettuce; peas, beans, tomatoes, cam and nil fruits, should b - freely given in summer time. Meat should not. he eaten in summer time. Moat should not he eaten oftener than twice h day at most, and !• an prefer* able. Tomatoes tire particularly healthy an a summer diet. A married man iu Newburg has invented an india rubber rolling- pin that will roll out the dough veiy evenly, and yet bend to the head when it strikes* Con July 13, //. Ft tnal Hit Da Hon. H / Dr.a it Sill—Aft tion, the propriety of tho 7th Oongroi us, which I proposed to you at tersville on the 1 Itli inst., is impressed upon my mind. I am firmly convinced that a joint canvass of the entire District on fair ;.r*d equal terms as to a division of time, coupled with an agreement that we alternate as to the conclusion, is the wisest, fairest and best course for us lvilec- riot by Cur- eply eyes still mistier sweet lips quit- I small spare built man weighing only ering. It was a sore wrench to give her up, but I was not quite an idiot, and I said gravely: “But your father?” “Yes, I know; he’ll make a real storm. But then his storms don’t last long, and maybe you could tell him that you have changed your inind. You have, haven’t you.” “Yes, the last half hour has quite changed my matrimonial views.” I could not kelp smiling, and the next moment two arms encircled my neck, a warm kiss fell upon my cheek, and Nannie cried; You are a perfect darling, a per fect darling, and I shall lovo you dearly all uiy life.” So when I lost her lovo I gained it. She flitted away presently, and I gave myself a good nieutal slinking up, and concluded my fool’s paradise would soon have vanished if I lmd undertaken to make an “old lady” oat of Nannie. John’s wrath was loud and violeut. He exhausted all the vituperative language in tho dictionary, and then sat down panting and furious. “Come, now, I said, what is the objection to young Bruce? Is lie poor?” “No, confound him! llo inherits his grandfather’s property, besides what his father will probably leave him.” “Is he immoral?” “I never heard so.” “What does ail him then?” “Nothing, but I have set my heart on Nannie’s marrying you.” “Well yon 6ee she has set her heart in another direction, and I strongly object to a wife who is in lovo with somebody else.” “What on earth sent that puppy home?” “Love for Nannie, I imagine. Come, John, you won’t be iny father- in-law, for I will not marry Nannie if you are ever ?o tyrauical, but we can jog along as usual, the best of frieuds—look!” I pointed out the window ns I spoke. On the garden walk, shaded by a great oak tree, Walter B^uce stood looking down at Nannie with love-lighted eyes, Her beautiful face, all dimpled with smiles and blushes, was lifted up to meet his gaze, and both her little hands were fast prisoned in his strongones. John looked. His face softened, his eyes grow misty, and presently ho said: “How happy she is, Lawrence.” “Aud we will not cloud her hap- dgho 130 pounds and the inothe 140 pound3. The boy is a great curiosity, and whenever becomes into town a crowd gathers about him. Hu had net been to Troy, until the other day, since Cole’s Circus passed th rough. When tho manager of the circus saw him h; made every effort possible to induco his parents to let him go with him. We are told that the parents have been approached several times by show people, and they have been offered large sums of money as an in ducement for them not only to let the boy go but to travel with their entire fumily for tho purpose of ex hibition. Their overtures have boon persistently declined, through the family are in comparatively reduced circumstances. omprchiiuls as the wisest, uncou- j to pursue, and that such a c«>uiao verted scientist cannot, and from Ilia will he most acceptable to Hie people, high standpoint, in favor with the Allow tno to suggest the following Muker and Ruler aud Redeem*!*, he considerations in favor of a joint beholds with pity and profound canvass: commiseration uttempts tooverthrow i 1. It will enable the people to see the great and glorious truths which j and hear the candidates together and underlie tho salvation of the race.! judge of their comparative qnalilica- i’lio triumph of Christian truth is bious and claims. Why the poor, deluded negroes, as Dr. Feltou calls them, went to the Ringgold Convention: “Personally appeared before the undersigned, llayness Milner, Ellis Patterson, W. II. Miller and Peter Guthrie, who being duly sworn, de pose and say, that they are the col- d men who attended the Ring- gold Convention, and that they did not attend said convention as delegates, nor has any man tried to make them believe they were dele tes to said convention. But they attended as private citizens, and were merely spectators. Deponents fur ther swear that their own instance and of their own free will and accord, without the solicitation of any one, and chose their own time and man ner of going. Deponents further swear that they attended eaid con vention for the purposo of ascertain ing for themselves whether tho char ges made against convent! us by Dr. Felton as to their unfairness aud trickery were truo or not. And de ponents further say that the - are satisfied that all the charges ns to unfairness and trickery are utterly untrue aud without any foundation whatever. Haynes Milner, Ellis Patterson, W. H. Milaer, Peter Gutherib. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this July 22d, 1878. J. W. Pritchett, N. P. and J. P. Bartow Co., Ga, complete in Christian experi the result of tho grace of God operating upon aud in the heart. Tho only repression w’.cli Christiani ty can Buffer (s the consequence of inaction on the part of Christians themselves. So long as they prove vigilant and faithful, I hero can be no suspension, no retrograde vnovemont, no falling off from tho great army of Christ. It is external opposition that preserves the vigilance and keeps vital the energies of Christian watch men, and tho forward movemont the Christian host is accelerated and assured the more because of the greater violence and resolutions of its enemies.—Index and Baptist. Tlio Dally Lift*. I meet with Christians who, be cause they have been once washed from their sins, seem to think that they need not be very particular about the little waya of their daily life. They are not prepared to die just now; but they look for a general cleansing, when tho day of their death comes. They tlo not care to have a clean conscience before God every moment. They think it easier to wait. If they only die well, all will be well. So the little sins are allowed to remain and to grow. Tho heart is uncomfortable, faith is con futed, hope is dim, life is not holy. Never mind they think, we shill all rightjit lust, we|shall sing with joy in heaven. Now, it is a blessed truth that, being justified by faith, we liavo peace with God through our Lord Jeans Christ. (Rom. 5; I) But if you would have abiding pence and growing strength to serve God, you must remember that we are jus tified by Christ that we may bo sanc tified by tho Spirit. The look of faith must bo continued all along. Clean every whit, yet wo must wash onr feet every day. (John 13). We must not put off anything to a dying day, but we must keep our con science clean before God; continually sprinkled with tho cleansing blood; living only for Him all the day long. Then, wheu our Master come*, we shall not be ashamed.—ltev. J. E Sampson. 2. It. williwoid the repeated assem bling of the people of the same place or vicinity. 3. It will save to the candidates both labor and expense. 4. And, above ail, it. will protect each candidate agaiust any false charges or misrepresentations that may be made in his absence, when he has no opportunity lo meet and refute them. I, therefore, renew to you the pro position that’we canvass the entire District joint ly and together upon fair, just aud equitable terms, to be agreed upon by us or our friends. Hoping lo have an early and a favorable answer to this proposition, 1 am yarn* obedient servant, Geo. N. Lester. Carterbvillk, Ga., July l!), 1878. tion. G. N..Later: Dear Sir—In reply to your loiter of the 13th soliciting a joint canvass of the 7th Congressional District, I must say 1 respectfully decline for the present to enter upon such an arrangement. A protracted canvass of three months and a half is neither conven ient nor desirable, beginning in the heated term. When I desire joint discussion I will invite you specially to meet mo at certain designated points. You can do the same with me at certain appointments of your male.* ing; otherwise each candidate will make his own appointments and fill them at his own convenience. I prefer to let the whole matter remain in this shape, subject to any change which future developments may sug gest to us. Very respectfully your obedient servant, W. H. Felton. Never scoff at religion, it is not only proof of a wicked heart, but of low breeding. A beautiful form is bettor than a beautiful face, a beautiful behavior is better than a beautifi’ 1 form; it gives a higher pleasure than statues or pic tures; it is the finest of the tiue arts. ‘Sam, why am lawyers like de fishermen?’ ‘I don’t meddle wid dat subject, Pomp.’ ‘Why, don’t you see niggfth, kase da am so fond of de bate.’ Liver in King. The Liver is tho imperial organ of the wholo human system, as it con trols the life, health and happiness of man. When it is disturbed in its proper action, all kinds ot ailments are tho natural result. Tho diges tion of food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and nervous system, are all im mediately connected with the work ings of tne Liver. It has been suc cessfully proved that Green’s August Flower is uneqnaled in curing all persons afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and all the numer ous symptons thatresultfromau un healthy condition of tlio Liver aud Stomach. Sample bottles to try, 10 eents. Postivoly sold in all towns on the Western Conti non t. Throe doges will prove that it is just wlrnt you want. For sale by Bradford & Allen. june20eowly The poorest girls in the world are those who have never been tough to work. Pure Lester Whisky at S P Shep ard’s. The heat Bar in town; fine old Cabinet, Lincoln and Wheeler Whisky. aug 1 3t