The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, October 03, 1878, Image 3

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I HE EXPRESS. Ot*dn.rto\vn, October 3rd. (.AL " isr k w s. Voters Rend This. Il' will price* Jun Chaim's goods you will any they are clu*up. Listen here: A large lot of the very host Cream Chfeso just received. Fresh Canned Peaches, now crop of the best Canned Tomatoes you ever ate; atid his Toumtoe Catsup and Wjrcestershire Sauce can't be beat iji price and quality. JuU keeps the best lot of Cigars and Tobacco of any body. Ton and Coflee a plenty; autl those Freeh Fat Mackerel are so nice. Nice fresh Chocolate kept. A nice lot. of the very best Soap. Jf you want strictly pure Candies, Plain and Fancy, Jun Chaim keeps them at the very lowest prices. Oysters, Sar dines, Salmon, Pine Apple, Jellies, Pickles, Pepper Sauce, Sour Vinegar, Whole and Cround Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves, Nut Megs, Flavor.* iag Extracts, Raisins, new crop, Cur rants, Citron, Raking Powders, at half price, and warranted to be the very best. All kinds of Nuts. Shot at 10 ccnl8 per pound, lead at 10 ots. per pound. Caps, Powder, Gun Wads, Pipes, and the best lot of Pocket Knives Jfor the least money. Jun wants to buy a 1000 Chickens and 100 dozen Eggs. I hope by close attention to busi ness to merit u continuance oi the patronage so liberally given mein ibe past. Very Respectfully, sept 20*41 Juu Chaim. A largo lot of Clocks of every de scription <or sale very low, by Allen & McOsker, .Home, Gu. Mr. Stoffregan’s brother, about whom we spoke last week as being held in New Orleans, was stricken by yellow fever, but is con valescent. COTTON MARKET. We quote to-day as follows: Good Middlings, Middlings, Low Middlings, Strict Good Ordinary, Market quiet. Judge Lester speaks in Cave Spring to-night. The wagoners are doing a <lnving*biiainess now. No frost yet. Everybody is wishing for frost. Robert Shepard is improving •slowly, lie Inis bad a severe spell of lour. It ret pi ires the services of 30 jnen to do tin* dry goods trade of Ce- •durlown. We were glad to see Cnpt, McClatchey on our streets last Tues day. The Captain and Squire En- low will proceed at once to work on the new bridges in the county. Our mail-schedule is changed again. The mail from Cave Spring arrives now at 24, P* hi., and depicts at 34, p. m., same day. Our young friend Joe. A. Magnus, representing Meyer, Son & Co., wholesale liquors dealers, of At lanta, will be in our town to-day, soliciting orders. Give Joe your trade, he will treat you right. Hon. John B. Gordon will speak at Silver creek, in Floyd coun ty, to-morrow. Judge Lester will also be there. A grand barbecue is to be had and thousands will attend The battle scarred veteran’s old friends and soldiers will all turn out to bear them on this occasion. Read the county fair adver tisement elsewhere. We shall be proud when Polk county has arisen level with other counties, infe rior to her in point of wealth, as re- aril a the having a lirst-clasj fair. The Methodist Sunday School is making n move towards the pur chase ol an organ. It is badly need ed and it is hoped the citizens of the place will contribute liberally to wards i 18 purchase. The vote, tut we understand it, of the Haralson grand jury stood : for Felton, 10; for Lester, 0; not Vo- ; ting, 1. This was banded us by • tie of the bailiff’* in attendance upon the grand jury. Tin* Yellow Fever. The yellow fever is making rapid inroads in the interior town north of Hie cities that have heretofore been infested with it. Chattanooga, so long thought to be proof against it, at last bad to succumb, arid is now in its death-dealing grasp. There are a great many refugees from Chat tanooga in Home. Humors of every kind are afloat as to the existence of the fever in Home. W*> are assured by the press of that city that there has not been acase there. There may be in the future some isolated im ported cases, there. Jt is the opin ion of ■our physicians that our own people need apprehend no danger of its appearance her-. In the mean time, we should he pleased if our council would purchase, say, thirty barrels of lime, and lithe our streets and alleys thoroughly. Also, pass an ordinance requiring the citizens to lime their promises, especially their hack lots. This liming will he beudficiu) even if no yellow fever ex isled in the land. A. J. Young, for pure Liquors can’t he heat. You all know it. REMOVAL. For the want of room to accommo date my large and increasing trade, I will move to the house formerly oc cupied by the Rank of Home, (one door below Mr liters’) about the first of .JuUywheii? I hope to meet all my old customers and many new ieS. MllS. T. B. W 11.1.1 AMS. jutie 20 tf Home, Ga. The Chorokee Sorgum Mill iR again ready to make Syrup for the c !"'" ly public on the usui) terms. They oi ler Evaporating i’an Grates lor &2 each. sept o, 4t Notice to Debtors and Creditors, f Cedartown can’t be beat as a •cotton market by any to..11 four times her size in the slum. John Stillwell is agitated. John means business. We are sorry that cards of this kind are made nec essary. Card will appear next week. We hoar of several new dwellings and business houses in contemplation next spring and sum mer. Now that cotton is Lein marketed, call and pay the printer, lie has waited long and patiently lor the little ‘'balance tine.” ROCKMART LOCALS. Rock mart, Ga., Se'pt. 27, 1878. Cotton only 0 cents. The weather is very warm. The song of the mosquito is still heard in the land. WASTED. To Rent or Lease for one year with the privilege of three or live years 100 to 200 acres ol’ good land. Address, 1\ 1*. J., Cure CYdurtown Express. m>44-4. When you want a COLD glass of HKER or Lemonade, call on Roll I I UTCM KltSON. If you want to spend a few hours pleasantly, go to Uutcukhson’s Billiard Hall. ICE REEU imd LKMONaDK, always on hand at Hutcherson’s. Take Notice. .Toll l-25th At tiiK Ciikrokks Gin. Having purchased a New 80 Saw Machine, ll * v,,ro, with Self Feeder, Mid all latest im provements, they are prepared to gin at the rate of 25 bales per day. Cedartown, Ga., Sept. 1, ’78. Gw Hutcherson’s PEER and LEM ONADE is the Rist m town. All persons indebted in any way, by note, account or otherwise, to the cstn'tes of 11, W- Whitehead, lute of raid Comity deceased. are hereby wotlfVtl Unit prompt ]M»vin<-nt is nrfflirril. All persona holding claims against said estate arr ' notified that limy must he |>reseiitcd In tbs’ i ol the law. This Oct . and. 1678. WILLIAM I. ’IAYLOH. Administrator. 'KORGIA-POLK COUNTY.-Win. I. Tn.v Idmiulsirutor of 1C W. Whitehead, deceased, applied Tor leave to sell all the lands belonging lid estate. Therelore, all persons cnnci'Mieil will he at a Court ol Ordinary I held in said Monday in November liett to show'cause, IT any they have, why leave to sell ' ‘ ■ he ^r^t.ted. Ulven under my .lOKL liUKWkH, Ordinary. said lanp should liol hand, this ami day • JUD. GRABS, -DEALER IN- Polk County Sheriff's Sales W ILL he sold before the Court House door. In | Cedartown. Polk county. C»u., on tin* First . Tuesday III November next, between the legal | property of tin* defendant, .lohn W. Watts. Prop erty pointed out by plalnilfl's attorney. Tenant In possession untitled, tty virtue of one Polk Supe rior Court ll tii in favor of Horry ,£ Co. vs- .lohn W. Watts, principal, and Thomas J, Davis, security. Nos. 175. 4tli settle.. i. L. Powell. Property poltile , T,-limit In possession noti Polk sbip-rlor Court U fa In favor of ll. li. Thompson, hi »M,|awa , ! , it | sw, Polk Hiipe STAPLE AM FAICY GEOCEBIES KEEPING ALWAYS ON HAND A KELL AND FRESH STOCK OK Sugar, Coffee, M ail Flour, Uice, ltuwn, Fresh Lard, in fai l, everything kept in a First Class Grocery Store. CO.^lfKCMO.NK ll U3H. Plain and Fancy Candies. All kinds of Canned Goods, Nnls, Unions, Toys etc. PRICES CHEAP. Price my slock before purelmsing —satisfaction guaranteed. Particular alteuti.m paid to the having and selling oi Country Produce, i Imuklul lot* past favors, 1 beg for a continuance of ll.c same. .gVif .lUDCllABH. AAJA1S €L BMLY7 mtor of Thomas A Chisolm, deceased, by virl ■'inirt ll la In favor urU Feat burst on .V Co. vs said U W Chisolm, Kxm time and place, hits of land Nos The atmospheric churn dash on exhibition at B mil liml atid Al len's drug store is certainly a good thing. It has much of philosophy ia its coaatractioa. Mirny who Imve Mrs. Sue Lyons’ pusaeil the. 'rite cotton is considerably stained by the late rains. Mr. M. R. White’s wile and baby died and were buried this week. The ncocssttrius ol life cost but hull*; the luxuries a great deal. A mint’s dearest object should he his wife; but, alas! sometimes it is her Ward robe. Thirty hales of cotton passed through here to Home this week, from Carrol countv. Again wo are reminded of death. Mr. Frank Johnson and James Gresham both lost a child this week Irma diptherin. li Seen it pronounce it the best patent ! j u . re Thursday evening, on her way churn ever brought to Cedar.own. home in Odurtown, Irom Hints county, wlier she had been on a viuit for some vreeKs. Mr. Jesse A. HoUscIaw, Re publican candidate fur Congress in this district, is advertised to speak ill Cedartown next Saturday night During the absence of Squire Ettlow, while bridge building, Mr. James Glenn will attend to any bus- mess that may demand the services ol a magistrate. John R. West, announces him self this week ttsa candidate lor county treasurer. Mr. West is a clever man and his many Irion Is would be glad to have him till the position. Judge Thomas J. Feiry, one of Koine’s foremost citizens died last Saturday morning. He was highly esteemed and his loss will he keenly felt by our sister city. Civpt. McLaehy brings the iu- formutioM that there is one imported caao of yellow lever in Dalton. The authorities there do not anticipate its becoming epidemic. As the Sheri ll of Haralson and his posse Were removing Hora tio and Claude Chisolm, Rowe, Gal- lamore and Nunn to their respective county, prisons last Friday night, Horatio Chisolm efleoted his escape from the guards, lie escaped a lew miles Ibis side ol Carrollton. The Marklinm House. This house is now under the man- agement of Mr. E. ll. l’aiite ol Lou isville, Ky. The whole In;use has been revolutionized from cellar to garret. It is first class in every par ticular and its prices correspond with the times. Our old friend and play-mate of former and better days, G. A. Park, is book-keeper, than whom there are none better in all the South. Wo hope our friends may lind it convenient to stop at the Markham when they go down to the Fair. ^ Maxwell’s Almosplteiie Press it re Churn Dasher* Go to Brad lord & Allen’s Drug Store and see the common' sense 1JHHAT1IINO OllURN DASH Kit. 1’lice— $2 per Dasher; or one dollar to those who pay to the Post Master, an ad ditional dollar to ho put in the Ce dartown box for the Yellow Fever sufferers. J. F. Kir Bits, Part owner, and sole Agent for it .lisposul in the State of Georgia, Cedartown, Oct. 3, 1S7S-11 Miss Troup Dever is said to he dying with Typhoid Fever. Truly death is abroad in the land. Since writing the above the news is that Miss Troup Dever died at one o’clock to day. \Ve will give an obituary next Week. The protracted me.-ting at life 'Baptist Church is still going on. Several accessions and a great many mourners. Surely the presence ol the Lord is in our midst to bless as well as allict us. Cerlilleate. ATIIKNSfUA. December H. ISti. A few night* since, I f»ve my mm one (tone of Worm Oil a ml tlie next (fay he pimped sixteen large worms. At the wane -lute I gave one done to my little girl, four years old. and who parsed eighty worms, from lour to fifteen Inches long. W. F. 1*1(11.1.11* {jft^Kor piiIo In Cudnrtmvn by Ilitrbank & •Joiivp and Itradford it Allen mid 8. K. llogne at Hock* I Ice Court It I'aa from t half of lot No *401. mid one hall of ...*- North and Wept ol i lie public road lend- igtoCnrtursvIlloaml Van Wert, In the IStlt dip let and did suction of 1'olk county, Oil., up the riy of A s McGregor, by virtue of two .Iiip ■' Iiip from the lOifird district. G. M., ill lliivla vp A S McGregor and .1 O Hill 'd tno dufumiaut with a notice of Hup levy in writing, Levy made and returned to me by a Countable. Also at (lie pame time and p'ace, lot of land No. I ftll'.l, In tho (Htli diPtrict and fird pucIIoii o| l*olk county, tut , up the property ol tbu defendant, John II Hagwuli, bo the pah.I Bagwell being la no—cs- pIoii of Hie astne. I have iiIpo perved tbu paid ling- well, lie being thu tonnnl it: poppupeln, with a writ- ten notice of tlitP levy, which Ip reunited by law. lly vlrtuuofoiiu Justice Court fi la irom Hie lliTfid diPtrict, U. M„ In favor W 1*’ I’iiipoii, lor the upe ol Iteece vp .lohn II Kilgwell, iip the prop erly of paid Uugwcll. AIpo at Hie pame lime and place, lot.a of land N I fiid pection oi folk i diPtrict • the property xll la in la viir . .. . irutin. Levy made and returned to me by a CotiPluhlu. ! Maine time and place, lets ol land Nos and 2!I5, all in Ibe 1st district and HU ilk county flu., by virtue of lour wild p I.*riio.l l»y tbu Comptroller Oeneral t list paid lots. lor taxes due the Mu' county lor the jrenrs lfii I 75 7(1, Win T .lame E. W. CLEMENTS £8r Merchant*. Mclbldo trade the larucsl and chuipcst stock of Crocker; Lumps, Table Cutlery, statu pud Tin Ware, Woode Ware, Looking Olasses our seen in 111 South, you want to pay cash and get bottom cash pric and select just what y A Co. Atlanta. Fall ml \Vlllhu id fi, ids Hhcrltl'. Citation for Letters of Dismission. GeORGIA HARALSON COUNTY: Whereas, Iteuben and John It Ilalcombe, Admin- want, order from Mcllrldc ' |„trntois of Keitben llalcome, represents to the Court In their petition duly filed and entered oil record that they have fully Administered Uenbcii llalconibe'sestate, this i.« therefore to cite ail per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show euusc, if any they have, why said Administrators etr-Hlugnnt bran new stylus Tea Dinner Toilet ! should not be discharged from their Adminlstri dp direct ImiMirtuthiii ehpape-t ever offered In the I lion and re ' 1 " 1 ' 1,1 , ‘“ S*r||tlll Lamp-, Chundellurs, Library Lamp.-, Amcilean China Dinner Sets #17*70 each at Me- Ilridu's Crockery Kinporftiin, Atlanta. DO, Broad Street, Home, Ga. Fine and Well Selected Stock ot Motalic, Walnut, Grained and Stained J^r-Collln Plates and Trimmings always on band. No lle*- from the country promptly attended to. Ilosldence Corner ii sep. P.l, eowlitn f Mcltridu'p Fine Ta- . al Mc- liridu's. Athiuta. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Slier! fl. We are nutlinrlxed to ntinottncc the name or ; W. (I. TAYLOlt, as a candidate for Shurlll', at llio January election, 187.1. Deputy, U. W. CLKM- IJNTs,. In this connection I will s ty that If uluc- | Uil, I will move to Cedartown. For Connlj Troasaror. Wuarcniilhorir.ed lonnnoiiucc JACK It. WEST! ® .**«* iR?. as a candidate for County Troiuurerul the ensiling | January election. fi, Ulu. Thomas C. Lumpkin, who was raised in Uunu-, *hd ""‘S » B011 of Uou. John Homy, Lumpkin, died of yellow fever last Kuturdny, ut Ilia i,uor, good mid bud, tiiul bring them The- attention of the people of l*olk county ia especially called to to the notice of the Polk county Fair. Get your farm and orchard products, vegetables, chickens and ducks, cukes, preserves and other good things ready. Feed and curry lip* your stock, fix up your babies, fat and lean, pretty and ugly, flue and residence S miles from Chattanooga. A. J Youpg solicits the trade H f the people through our columns. Ho is a meritorious man, and we ahull bo glad to know that ho is do ing his share of the business in his line. Mess. W. G. Taylor and E. W. Clements are uunouuccd else where in this paper us candidates for sheriff and deputy sheriff of Polk county. They are both known the county over. Their friends are le- giou aud we liava no doubt hut what if eleoted they will make the county good oflloers. They have done so in the past; why should they not in the future!' all. They shall have a fair showing ami wc can have impartial judges. Bring out your paintings, pictures, plows and wagons. Let all vie with each other to see who can excel and who own contribute most toward making the county Fair a success. Remember it is October 22d and 23d. AH of those who have taken stock or been appointed on the Executive Committee, are expected to meet'at Mr. Noygs’ store in the afternoon of Saturday next. Frost has been seen by sev eral smart folks in town—who don’t get out of their l>oJs till late break fast—but lazy country folks, who get up before day, haven’t seen it. .Messrs. Whitehead, Jones & Co., are extending their business by tak ing out a partition and extending more shelves. They are using great energy ill their business, and we think if they would advertise liber ally in the Ext*BBSS, they would cer tainly succeed. Everybody Knows It. Knows what? That S. P. Shepard S'-lls the best Whisky and Cigars in town. Try him and be con vineed. net 3, tl Have You the Buckeye I It is a well established fact, chat Tablet's Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure, if used according to directions. The iEsculus jrippocastnnuin, or Horse Chestnut,commonly known ns the Buckeye, has been highly esteem ed for many years, owing to the fact, that «t possesses virtue?, lying in the bitter principle called Esculrn, which can be utilized for the cure of Piles. Ifaffec ed with that terrible disease, use 'Fabler’s Buckeye Pile Ointment, and be relieved. Price 50 cents. For Sale by Bradford & Allen. Oct-3eowly BRADFORD & ALLEN have the best Liver Pill ever sold in this or any other market. They have sold over four thousand of them and the demand for them steadily increases. They give entire satisfaction. This large quantity has been sold without any pulling or advertising. If you once try them you will use no other. june 13-)y Administrator’s Sale. State of gkoiiuia folk county.—ny no iff tin order from the Court of Ordinary of I comity, l will »ull t ait the Administrator ol A. Duckett, dec-caned, to the lilgltoMtbidder, on Ibe at Tile-day In November, 1878, between the le* yal hour- of -ale, a part of lot of land No. Ii'-l, in tbu 2ind di-tnet mid fird flection or Folk county, On., comd-tlntf ol 1-.W acre** inure or le-«. Solti lor tbu benefit of the creditor- and heir-, at law or aid duuca-cd. Ter m* ComIi. W. O. KNIGHT, Administrator lift a, til- Of A. N. Puckut Deceased. 'I'ld- Aiigll-t 4ud, 1818 KSPOUT, Ordinary. POLK COUNTY FAIR. AT Cedartown, Ga., OcCubur TJ liinl 'in, lam Premium- arc*, offered lor nil article- umialiy ex hibited at County Fair-, -m b a- Farm. Orchard and CArden Product-, -Mechanical and Farm 1 n de ment* 1 , Work-»ff Art: -neb a- Palutinj;-, I'ictii ci*. etc. Ladle- Fancy and Handy Work, to^utbur with product-or the Kitchen and Dairy, Stock of all kind- that are u-cd and rained III this auction. Poultry, lieu-, etc. Everybody i-exp ctud to come uml brlitff anything they have rare and inarltorlu-. Tim BABIED Being Source, Will Him- u Showing. ArrillijjcmoiilH will lie inwilu for . Kfti-t mi'l .Slow Mule Itnce, and Foot Ilace, nnd other muu-einent- to interc-t the crowd. The Exhibition will be at the Court llou-ii. The live .Stock to bo kept at one of the Livery Stiiblu-. A full Premium Li-t will -oon bo ready forul- trlhutlon. J. O. WADDELL, 1 M. II. I UNN. V II. HYttD, JOHN L. HAWKINS, Dealer In LIQUORS and CIGARS. Agent fi'P the Uelelnateti GIBSON WHISK.E Y. Also 11 ami lea BOURHON & RYE WHISKY, Al’l’LE & REACH HRANDY liupurleil Bmmlivs, Uiim, Gin, SuiilJi nml Irish Wliiskn?, l’-nl, Bhi-rry, Mmlt-int, Malngn, L'lnri-I, L'lininpngin- Mini', Gil'acoti, Anisette, Maraschino ami Vermouth, BROAD STREET, ROME, OA. Prompt Attention Ulven to the Select ion and Shlpiucnl of Order-. .^*5 Executor’s Sale. By virtue or the la-t Will of II. F. Murrell, late of Carroll County, Ga., deceu-ud, will be -old be fore the Court llou-edoor, hi tbu Town of llitch- Mtiau, Haralson county, Ga., on the Flr-t Tue-’day in Novi tuber next, within tbu legal hour- of -ulu, the following property lo-wtt: Town Lot and im provement- thereon ill said town of lluchaiinu, ly ing North uast of the public square, on, and Bast of the Van Wert rouil, known ns tbu Luke Wood place, and beingnbuutoiw acre. Al-o lot Nortli of and adjoining suld lot, kuowu a- the Joint White place, containing one-hall acre, more or less. Sold it- the property of 11. F. Murrell, deceased, far the benefit of his heirs. Term- Cash. W. W. MKUHELL, out fi tds Executor. TOGF’S STAEMRO BUFFLER, Jw Mrs. T. B. Williams, MILL J -TST L ll, No. 91, Broad St., Rome, Ga. Has Oil hood it loi'gu onSovtioeot or Huts, Flowors, Silks, imd othur- goutls in her line. Also, has on liaml, at. a'l limes, Zeplur, white ami col- oreil; Standard Card Board, Mottoes, &c. 53TKctm'iiilier the place, murly opposite W. T. McWilliams & Co.’s new building. May iv. 1878'tim . LIFE INSURANCE! Xhe Following Table, being n partial List ol' Losses imid hy thu loMle Life Insurance Company, S lve> .Dine prnctlcul niu.traOon. of Ilia UuncM. nml I’rollUor Life Iiminnc.. I'm* ALL Sewing .Machines. Tim be.-t lo use nnd most perfectly constructed. Address T.. J. TOOP, “ Domratio ” Building, New York, or Nkw Haven, Ctl Mexico and United States . Owing to their warm and delight ful climates, their inhabitants grow sallow from torpid Liver, Indigestion and all diseases arising irom a disord ered .Stomach and Bowels. They should of course at all times keep tin- liver active, and to our readers we recommend Tabler’s Portaline, or Vegetable Liver Powder. Taken in time, will often save money and much suffering. Price 50 cents. For Sale by Bradford & Allen 0ct-3oowly BEER always on ICE al Hutch** erson’s Billiard Hal). Administrator’s Sale. Gri*:bltG!A-POLK COUNTY.—Ily Virtue of an order from the Court or Ordinary of -aid county will be -old before the Court Home door, in Cedar , Folk county, Ga., ou the First Tuesday in Novembei next, between the legal hour- or thu following property, to-wlt: Lota of land lit) and 111, in thu 181 It district ami fird section; also lot No b'.U, In the 2nd district and 4th section; also lots Nos. 11W, 212, 218, in the 1st. district nml 4th section; all'in Folk county, Ga, All of said lots of laud belonging to the estate of L. II. Walthall, deceased. Hold for the benefit of the creditors. G. W. FKATUBKSTON. Administrator, MUS. S. WALTHALL, Administratrix, of the estate of L. li. Wnltlull, deceased, oct. fi, tds. GkoJICIIA—I'OLK COUNTY—Wm. T. Oil- Hon, Guardian of James Lampton, has applied for leave to sell all thu lauds belonging to III- said ward, con-i-tlng of lot- of luml Nos. 52t>, 557, 552, &5fi, 5.74, (K)0, 001, 602,021, and purtB of lots Nos. 075 and 070, intho 2ud district aud 4th s.ctton of Folk county, tin. Thercloru all pefspuB concerned will be ut a Court of Ordinary to ho held in aud for suld ftounty on the First Monduy in November next to show cause, jf any they have, why said land should not lie sold. Given under my baud, this Oct. let 1878. JOBL 1IRKWBU, oct 3,-80 J Ordinary. Cf’BOIlGlA—FOLK COUNTY.—L. C. Earley has applied to have W. D. Crabb appointed Guar dian lor Thomas U. Earley uud Ilobert II. C. Ear- ley, minor children of of Muriou Earley, deceased. Therefore, all persons concerned will he and up- pear at a Court of Ordinary, to bo held in suld county op the first Monday in November next, to show cause, If any they have, why the same should not be grunted. Ulvcu under my hand, this Oct. 1st 1878. JOBL BUB WEIL ' oct 8, fiOd Ordinary. OPfUMI land Morphia- liiMtfirrl, Th-O/lKlna I *H't «<«»'* ahioiuU THE LICH1EST RUNNINC THE SIMPLEST, THE MOST DURABLE, THE MOST POPULAR SEWIHG MACHINES. rosropMnjj n!l llio latest nml most dealrnblo lmprovemeiita. . . „ , It is dtslly nmlcratnod, irnkca tho double thread h ck-tllch, ha- rrlf-n unlntlpg ten i inns nml tiikc-up, and will do tho whole range of family work wlthouf chauirp. The •• POJilM 1C ” ia made In tho most dur- r.tite manner, with conical steel bearings and compensating Journals throughout. /gunta for t'n •• llOMhbTit *» Sewing Ma* cMno and Uto • • POMFMiO ” P-per Faaliioua wanted in nil unoccupied territory. Address DOMESTIC Eexricg HacWna Comjiiiy, Now Tort Jolts S. GlIKKNK Jotl.S S. GlIKKNK John It. Koukiit- HAIIAIt A. FUI.I.KH KnoKtt- ltA-nuit’.- Anm-oN Fuaskii Iksskk L. Bknnktt W-M. ll. ltAPIKU USCAIt W. STKWAUT John M. Woiiukn Dn. L. W. Haiiiiis Wm. A. FlUKIBll Thomas W. Uakkii J. C. Ml 1-1-Mi an Wm. T. Haui-an Mus. F-i-ika J. Ai.nutt'ii j- L. IIai.uijiit F. M. McDurrr.K Jolts Holmks John Hkndkh Evergreen Alabama Mobile, Marengo County, Alabama I T> ler, Texn- I Auburn, Alabama | K’leburiie, Texas (Gold) Mobile. Alabama i I Memphis, Tennesseu | OxTord, Alabumu Whl-tler, Alabama Opelika, *' , , , Monroe Coiintv, Mississippi i Gadsden. Alabama 1,017 I'ltlll Fort Deposit, Alabama Mobile, ('let)urnc, Texas (Go d) Waco, ** (Gold) Hood County. Texas Meridian. Mississippi Gadsden, Alubuma For further information apply to J. D. ENLOW, Cedartown, Dee 13,1877-ly Ofi. Heam Male School. CAVE SPRING, GA. 11B Fortieth Session of this School will open M August20. anil close tbu Fall Term December lfith 1878. The Spring Turin oputis January Htli nml cl.i.on with » I’rta iVSS fc*: PiTiclpal at #1« per month, exclusive of "ashing nnd towels. Student- will be tboroutfhlv preparea for the higher classes In College. I awarded In Latin, Gioek and mathematics, tor circulars or other j ld Ki^ ( J! 1 a . I m".? 1 ’ 11 ' July 11 8,u ' ‘ Cave Spring, Gu. V alley House, J. D. ENLOW, Proprietor, CEDARTOWN, CA. Terms: County Custom, 25 cents Ik-r niFitl. Trunsiont,50 cents u meal. (afr*Good substantial fate and clean beds will al ways tie found at my house. Give me u call. -ep2lttl J. S. WATSON. C1IAS. HEINZ. J.S. WATSON & CO. Cloth llrculns, Wlh. Woolen and Cotton DYEING ESTADL1SHMENT, 30 South Prior St., ATLANTA, GA. pp- Silks and Woolen Goods of al: description Dyed in a superior style. Ladle# Crape. Stella nml Cashmere Shawls, silk, Merino aud Mousselimj Dresses. Gentlemen’s Cloaks, Coats, Pauls nml Vests lmmlHomely cleunsed, and everything anper- tulnlug to the business punctually attended, to. ' * Summer months. Georgia—folk county.—John Hutching* I as nppliud for purmuneul Letters of Ad .^fsira- Foil on the estate ofWm. M. Ilutchlngs, late of t Id county duesased, Therelore all persons con cerned will he at a Court of Unlinary to be held in -aid comity nn the 1st Motid ty In October next to show cause, it any they luivo, why said application should not be granted. Given under my hand this Aug 24th, 1878* JOEL BUF.WKU. sept 5th, fiOd Ordinary. CrBOROIA-l’OI,K COUNTY.—V; C itllleht. talqlug to the business puncuiany .uwvmuou, i«. | Administrator, on the estaute.of A N PnckeU, has Bummur W«OH & c<)!^ Kyvllcil for loavo to «oll llio lmd of raid ikce»..'d, 30 South Prior St., Atlanta, Ga. Wcrthiugnu, (Irceuu Co., 1 If you want Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Circulars Cards, ITOndfilll Posters, or any thing in the way o Job Printing bring your orders to the 'nsfamsusm West Nlxlk street. i’lMrluitM S Therefole, nil persons concerned wjll file otijccliona to the same, l f any they have, at a Court of Ordi nary to bo held In said county, on tho 1st Monday iu October next. Given under my hand, this Aug. 81st, 1878' JOKL BKEWBIt, sept. S.fiOd .Ordinary.