The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, October 03, 1878, Image 4

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T-KK K X PRESS, r ’"v.r'j va, October -frd. AU sours. •flii k* of .iv. I work —slides. Takv' uwiiv women nml what won!;! follow? The men. •Stay-itt*homes. It is now perfect ly sale to polish your door-plates. A chowder is'one of the victuals that, doesn’t ivquire any chow. Now lt*t the wild elm so on the oys ter he«i« begin. IIip! hip—a riw! “Heaven lies about us in our in- ■tuuey,” and wo do our lying for our* 'tlv " n»»u w»* get older. or people are like green lobs ters—they never know when to let go when you shake hands with them. Soliloquy by a tippler—The public always notices when you have been drillkivg f and never when you are thirsty. It is the experience of curons ♦uoprie* irs that one stock of clown's 1 • Cco will outlast seven sets of cun* . . -Myermg. i *i- Prince Imperial of Japan i*i tunc have become a good Me!.* plater. Death cuts short many •' ' ig*u p.ospecu An •'•say caminencing “Dim email- -ation of iuchoatu thought, immor tal in perennial evanescence,” is res pectfully declined. “The real heroes of this world,” remarks the New Orleans Picayune, - ‘aro those who go about like minis tering ang ds saving life.” The ^ iston Post says it cost ns much to bury a man decently in New York as it does to live for six months an tine style in London. OR. RICE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY„ -i ■'"i A regularly ited *nd lrK.ll/ fimlin. -l , b'.lelm anl Hi. »• I to rr»«ftil, hi* prmril.'# will prove. Cure* .I lforma Of prlvato, chrnnli and aciualdtuMe-i. Sliomiator- rlioa and Impotenoy. M^Urere-uiioY.nif ab-mlo Tuuih^»9»u»r**xc^.r4r«^«r^ M-a.^orother Wt*. ^rn,luir.nU.I<i*i«, I’Uhii--«v PI Hrlil, T’-PrcUve Mem ory. Phj .1*1 on ^4*v, Areata W> So-net^ ot ti d.rlng marring* ImoPier or satmppy. *r* thoroughly till |.-r, SYPHILIS ohIheA "o 83$: Bn ■«. Con«u1titl •« tr.-e nn4 Inrl'.M, cb.rgt. te»*onabl% *ndcorrr«pon4eiK* itrletly coaflditiiUL A PRIVATE COUNSELOR OfKrt rirea, *jnt Jo any niMrew, areurcty pealed, for thirty blic* hour* froan V A. M. to ? P. M. BoroUya, t to «*F,l£ . BELL & CO., Wholesale Jobbers of GENUINE SEWING MACHINES, Sewing Machine Needles, Oil and Attachments. 03F THE ONLY HOUSE “S® In the South that can supply Genuine Parts at Wholesale or Retail at less than NEW SHOP! A TTENTION' !*lmrltid to the foci that 1 hnvu opened hi (.'edurtowu u Firrt-clnr- tv 7011 ii nl BLACKSMITH SHOP Any work in fltlicr brunch enn and will bo drum In it WotkliiHIlllJkti i*ly If, mid lit lair living prior. THE CAM XX. HOUSE SHOEING „^:C ii-pivlaliv. All \ ji-kir n trial, and I will pusmii WII.I.IH H. HAND. ^■•1 Irel.iet lott. JACK Eastern Prices. OIsTXjY 03STCE. TONE TIME ONLY,^ Card,—Ah thia uvlvortinemont is largo enough to catch the eye of all readers of this papor when first opened, wo shall not iusort it a second time, and respect fully ask all to either tako immediate advantage of it, or saw it for future reference. ohstcie ONLY. B^WE SHALL NOT REPEAT THIS CARD.^ RETAIL PRICES FOR LEADING MACHINES: liiainifnetiir- W i’l set d M u-hint s On , Til I if Dcdnid. i* viui r ml tlili* nml e<.-tid Inr rn»iilo!»Mi» W F. »V .lullN IIAKNJi*. Ifockloi I'lr.'ii' No. 12 N. Eighth 8t. ! 8t. Louis, Mo, I tpgiinl iroMhlc* oflioth male and r. iitalt* ili.n any pliy.lrlnti I l« , XYAW»j!r^u r iiiito:Ais5~ iui j According to the Rufl'.ilo Express, i Tjj® PHYSIOLOGY OF^MARRIAQE ■“lager b *er ilosn’t Intoxicate. It is j thnt H rvr.IiivfISldIVnn.l , -re iwLinlmi lo and M#B»nh«wl'.'i S'H lpng frit._ 'll., y ■, 'lie tiit.tiititv that some men carry n*'‘^ il 7, 1 ‘rr*<“•’ 1 r-i!V“u J Unguar*. r**lly un.leratood. 'Hie two In.,... omurnrr au 1 Wti ! !.*ll down.” I Pi*—*- ?- l !A C0 . l .‘^ lll,>> * > * lr latam.!!..* fur Ih»Hi m.rrlrd and The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER MnitmrUr* In *11 ni*|. inanhnwl. .ml aii|i|ily Mpr., *11(1 contain v.hiahlr |.f..r •lRBl,,wtth*llthi-rt«0i(lm|inir< i.n . «.°° r hornrnaper* aay i "The knowledge Irnpartnl ..... k.?. i ,uw *.", rk * Uh. no war of (iii<retluiuil>lc ch*r- l-.fii .k! *"' , " , l'*l»« •*»"• rrery »". AmuM hm.w Th* fiRiSSEF- i , rOPl'LAIi mil K.H - » Ota. MCh Pi fil'IM nolh In on* vnlniiM', $1; in doth am f . i U .^f umiKr a«*l. oi LIFE TALIAFERRO, | Sale Feed and Livery Stable. ! 11until SInd Udine,(ia. | IBkkT OAUK lukdii »r Stock. I’rlnm rfm-oim- j l»'f. spcrinl iuvoiiiiii(Nlniltiii fur ifnnii*. My 1’nlk , mxl llnmlaoi; ciniiity lrl«*n<1i« arc* iiiviicd in cull and m # nu*. fob. sn if Dr. Louis S. Ledbetter, Dental Surgeon. C.'KIiAllTOWN, (ii:OI«l!A. l(APUATK tif Hi*' Mnlllinnru Cnlfori* nmcnlnl V_T Suryi ry, kitjw up wllji lint luU-M |m,.nivit nifiiit* In tlin pn»n > i‘fliiii. nml cuarniiliioi 1 «Hilp|.ir- linn In nil cnaiti*. TIiohu wlalilm; iu lmvu old icutli • iniiili- iifw, or lend oia 1 .* rfplii' fd, emi Imvc It done In tin- l*a—t -ivli* find ai rfiomiiiild. rain* by calltiiu on him ai liu utHl'i!, imXt door to I'hllpnt <t Dodda '•toro. Feb. Iu, 1H77 «“ G. J BRIANT, INTO. 0, j IIrnml S/nd, JIOMJ'I, (JA. i xVKKI'Son band tin* UiTt and Puro*t MqroflH ... .... h..... i,| Monio and holla llieni m-rlo np namiy- ..v, ......... ... ii ...ii UNiil Mimctbiuu t'oon. i o mill try iirlmii; lie will lint rfpntt-ciH blr l.iiiuori> to lie 1*00(1 iiiiIi'hk bo uifniH «Imi bu Miy*. U fu n jhio plf drink ilif> ► lioiild nl w. yayo to n mail wild know u'JCTI )N IN PR.CCS Kirsi-Chtss .Sewing: Mncliincs, liornll. \VK WILL HELL K VKIlV ST 1.-111111* Sewing M vlillii* lor A ce'chrutvd jihilouopber uaed to • , •• i"e* f'.u-iVti nl I'.trttine hiv like » r k- -only vtigleu and creep- on-it to the eummit ” • . r on: who went for his i •' .• iti heartily glad to gel v •«/ •••cun ifoiuit forano- ). t H.iieen uI healthful pleasure '«•?.♦!.. <• Buys that it took millions * evolve limit from the oys ••’•;. .. 0;.in shows that it tukes ••a at .. minute to transfer the . v *ut to the man. cbout; Hojuirner at one of the Alum ®«iri gs in Went Virginia publishes ri u local paper, "An ode to the springs.” Of course il’s aluiiiode. We’ll give a hands one wedding piMs'iii to,he iiian who’ll marry the youi.g !a ;who thumps all day ou i io piano ... our hoarding-house. J'.’ you an stung by a bee, use hartshorn; if bitten by a snake, got drunk. Bo physlciuiis sav. O, hang a bee sting! give us a snake bite. Some clothing was stolen recently T V^JlitV—FiV0 DollfliTS from the ottice of the New London ^ y ( Telegram. The editor must have ' ibeen tuking a hath at that time. “iiedau,” said a patriotic Irish* tnan yesterday, “but it’s a ripe wa- | tennelon that should be the emblem of Ireland. It always hus the greeu above the red.” “Why does a dog chew a bone al ter it is devoid of meat?” au inquisi- | tive exchange asks. That is easy t*» j answer; often heard of “bread in the j bone,” and it’s the bread the dog's ; after. Au iuteligent and sensitive jour- i nal imparts this bit of delicate und useful information to its fourteen j millions of readers: “It is not polite to bite corn from the cob iu the pres cuce of people who have false teeth.” The Nation thinks that u part oi the drill of every girls’ shoo! ough 1 to be the reception by a wife in u old gown to a dinner of corued bee and cabbage of an unlooked-for guest, thoughtlessly brought home by a reckless husband. “Ilow is the corpse?” asked an Ann Arbor medical student of tin pickier. “The corpse? On, it’s ii. the best of spirits.” For proof ol which he showed the liquor that it was put up in. “Sweets to the sweet,” said a young man on passiug the syrup to a young lady at one of our. hotel tables. “Ann beets to the beat,” remarked the la dy, shoving the dish of that vfegetu ble toward the young man. A newspaper editor, as he taker in. an exchange, will discover the ti tie of his own paper in a solid pag of reading matter as quickly as n young lady who is one of u group qtaudiug.Mp^e a mirror discover her owrf reflection. The “ Last Out.” IMPROVED REMINGTON. The Genuine Stewart Machine. Thin MaoIiIiia linn jual boau unmtly Improved aud the Company initiation tho following adVMitauea TUo Onuiiiuo Uowo Mndiiue is sold by the Com . $:m no Tbla Machine haa been the pack borae for all „ TUo O " u,,luo « Mncbiu. m*kcr« nf Imintiou 8IU6Cr Mvbl.u. tnauj ’* I* - .”" c »"“ >»■•>. U.onMBd.taHD.lM.wl.l forStamrt’H»l.lcb worn No! never inalde tlio Htowan Factory; wa Iheroforo eau- No. a, name, with Drop I^jaf and 1 Draw • tlou all who deslro the Renulno Stewart to aeu io it or "- 8ee-“-' Speed, light runulng, perfecllon and quality or that every inaebino ha* •• Henry Stewart, maim foe- S^Wheii a workmanship and material, beauty of Anlali and turnr." printed on tlio top of tlio arm and that hi. to U «. H ‘ ** r,ct '** - ----- „.„r k 2:.:,".! t*: ,. r co mP '.,. buyersoro ready to tako Tho Oenu no Singer, latest style ont, U p eciacly llkn tho Stewart in every periled- tar, except the wood work Is plalnor, aud Is auid by the Company's Agents iron Cash, as No. 1, Plain Table, no Cover. See See cut above 45 00 w fTWh-n ftuy credit ia given f 10 to 115 le added credit is given •mark Ih axed on tho baeo of the , r y iiineliiuo tills factory — vr — -• •• »»ly for the market, they will he sold »ou Ca.ii only, as below: ’ Plain Table, no Ooy« 535 no groat wearing qualities, and the Iwst wood work ever put on tho inarliet; every tuhlo liaviug a doop, rich moldiug. Soi.n rou Cash only, as below: No. 1, Plain Table and Drawer g:i5 no No. 3, mine, with 1*0001 Cover 40 00 No. 3, saiuo aa No. 3, with Drop Leaf and Bldo Drawers, oxactly like rut above.. 45 00 . inewoou worxror the Stewai Wo have exclualvo control of territory for this * n ■t^rlo and liulali. Bee cut a>M>vi-. Write ub for coinploto illustrated catalogues. Ki gin being addod h> thrrs' prioca when lit is given Write us lor complete illustrated oat*- No, 3. with Covor, fox:k aud Drawer! No. .1, same, with Drop Leaf and i Draw ers. Seuoutatmvn 45 00 Tb» >m,l work f..r Ih. Slowirl I. v.rj mpprlor t> Io and llnlali. Bee cut a>mve. Wo liavo oxclusivo control of territory for t'da Machine. Write us for complete illustrated catalogues. All the standard first-class Machines now retail at similar rates to above. We will furnish price-lists for all on application. 1 moved next door to llie I.OMK 1 him ami v and gel lob 31 ly i t HAMPTON'S Aniperikl L ^okp | /n '////•; nnsr. 'I*iil* Soup Is uuiuiiDii turcd from pure mate- rinls; und ns it rout.ins s lurgw purcuut- i*-*' "f Yugctinti Oil, is warranted ni'lj eqnul to tlio best imported i usi llu soap,mill Ml the same time uoimitiis nil the unshing * (bans, in,' pnqu-rtles of the reb- s. oud deliver it ui tiny liiiilroml Depot lit llu* FREE OF CHARGE. •r. 'hun >111 \ niUl'Iillle 1 loilb'e Tur 1 1 lileli iu sill'll n mm m-i llini I Iu-v v.>1.1 III" necessity ol u iodlnir llio iinib r lliM'iu'. .id will -i \v fr-'in 'h" rtnesi runibrir Io ll.t- Im.vii m n* cl'.'th, semi fora clculnr und Mimplc of twlutf i very machine wMiruntcd for three years. Ai"iit« Wunteii Kvi-ry where. LBNTKNN XL MAC1IINK CO.,'.trd, 7311, FUliert st., I'hiludclpliln. I'n. Jin* ly. Every Agent, Dealer, Eiepairer or Minister should write us at once for Agencies, Parts, Needles, Attachments or Machines complete, either wholesale or retail, of any first-class make. . When you write, state occupation, if you expect trade prices. All consumers (except ministers and school-teachers) will be charged lowest casli retail rates. Remember, we are no upstarts, hut havs twenty-five years’ experience in the business, and have been located in this place dry III"! It seven years FRED. BELL & CO., 31 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. The Bzsi Wagon On loru rceommi-iidi'N 0-r ui- in tin- Laundry. K11 • Ii. 11 nud Until Hiniiii, nml for gi-m-nil lum-i-liolil ; nl- foini Printer-*. I'a 1111 era. Kligiliccri* nml Mni'liiuiiOv, 11- it will rrmovi- rpoin of Ink, On-MM-, I’m. Oil, I'nltil, i-tc.. I10111 Hit- Imnifo. Mni-iirnrliircd only by Crampton Brothers, I in IliHir-r* Plnci-, und 3.1 nml 1 Mr.-cl, Now* York City. For Mile by G. it. LAW!;, 1 'lillA LToWJf, (i.v. idUI-K-OJlHt’# Restaurant & Lodging *A .Idlv-riM \o. I.'f / Sum | >1/ SI nil, Udine, Ga. for Com T11 Id ••ml Ii Iim1i.1l Tun AMD | prono :nccl 1 The .lemhie of the Chemist or th aoience of the Botanist has mad uo discovery of greaterjralue to inai. bind than Du. Hartrk’s Euxib 01 Wild Cuxhby, which removesull ii regqlaritiesof 1 ht|bowels,brings bac) the’roses to the cheek of the ' waste, aaffer.r, and iuaurea robust healtl For sale bjr all Druggist. Septal St fit S? HTTV A ni-niry*a rinao*. grnud, I-* BBT %9 mi mire und upright, an- pro- omm—■■——a m iiukwhI l»y t In- preftn nml l hr OI A fj /X fl pen, I.- ps I bn most hrnutlful nml r I IV w«9 Kwi-cii-st tonrd Pianos ever ninuu. iiri-d. Kent ou teat trial and . . • ln--t In tin* world. Drattv’s Mud • ol>lr)iToiig:|ul';irl(N-iOf|pma. Aliy ft] Q 1 innufiu-tnyi-r chaUcncr<i to ivdi ispuilthuhtr ThrypniaasM pow- r m mum .111 1 1 1 -. (!(•»• Ii, brllllnni-y and sym. WASfflWCTdw. NEW JERSEY. bo^nMnrm^oTTw^MJTTlu^TcnowJ’ciipiu-lty'ls'Ho great b:U iptlo effort Is required with the feet to •ttixplyd;l Urn iilr lu-cesanry. lb-Ht made and most rb-nuut c:iscH iu tlio market. AH ootid wood orna ments. livery Instrument fully warranted for six years n* strictly first elnss, nud sunt on from 5 to 15 ORGANS, BEATTY PIANOS, eiffl! iloft 1 irnonta which are Iwlng palmed oft aa genuino , ltycelebrated Pianos and Organs, and particu larly from parties In tho West and Boutli-Wcat, where tin* dctestable trickery lias peon extensively prac tised on tlioreput.-itlonl have gained j a'so beware of 1 yinou* circulars with fhlae quotvtlons from nln tradeJournals. wrlteYor explanation ‘—* ISJiJitASCE COMi AflY Of liEW YOEF. C flic e, 1: 0.1G5, Broadway. 1‘iiliclli .Semi- Annual Sl.ilcim-nt, >|iu\viii<^ the tin id it ion of ilm C. nipiitiy on 1 lie dny of July, 1,87*5. (JASii (* A PITA L ej.onn.oco to I’i'Si* vr I* r Ii j jfiir 'i <• • It-S-*nv Ini' L’n. ui'l LisjScb Net Su pi-iB ... linni l a*rI"' 1 "' 1 "*' ••• • •■•• •!!••• 1 J sui.p-i. Iln-.kis-i nnc. j.oiijiinjr. .".’.'.'.".V.7. { •Ml .nl sum out f t'1 -TKIIS A||KNOT INCLCDKII WITH MKAIA ; Table upp i Mi uilll 'lit* best tlio 111.41 k 1 nil' nl,.- -Mon Is uf nil liuur Nov. \:| TT-ly .1) < > w IV & CO., wis. With High Prices CIIIC'AOO SUAI.R (70., HW J?. R.ACINEJ, - WK .MAKE KVKUY VAUIBTY OK Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons,! US J 1 70 IIW Monroe SI, (Jhicmjo HI Aud by conllning oureolvce stricly to one class of work;, by employing none but the Have lii-duced the Prices of *11 kinds ol ALES! TOTAL ASSKTfS fp|>t. 13, Uin Jno. W. Hadley, Agent, Cedartown. Ga for Ik-atty's illustrated Piano and Organ Advertiser, I containing testimonial* from millionaires, bankcre. nii-rchuntH, lawyers, clorgymen, and thousands ol “■inaiii m innuiiDio PILE CURE. tt»r»r hit* U wre Hf*rrbul4| : S() BEST OP WORKIVlSlff, C ’•Hlli I’ll '>K , ’" t ■'"IST-ChASS UIHIOVKI) MAI’IIISKIIV mill llio VKIlV MUST BKI.BCTKD W I.I^.MH-J :w '■ i«i«°°riHub„.inM,.wuimv.jii.iiyc„„ e ,im., l .|,„„»„r,„.i,i„ B 4Tlln Huy, stock or Cotton Sciili ■ “The Best Wagon On Wheels.” • I *.;o. Former p,^ »,«o. We give tin- following wuminly with encll xvu^nil: | ata groat reduction, tar Evui ”T71To Horo'by warrant the FISII DUOS. WAGON ho well I Hc,,l ° p, i.i.v Wahiuhtbii. All orders prompf made in i-vuy |wrll«ilrtr and or good material, and that the etrciiKth of the miiiu Is ruflldcut for ull | flllui1, L ' lr eiliars, Price Llers auh Testimonla work with fair nwigu. Should any hreukMgo occur within one year from thin dale by reason ofUefeclive '• l<cnt u,x,n ■I'pbc.’llon. umterml or workmanship, repairs lor the hhiiio will he luriilrhcd nt pWo of vnlu, fr»e of charge, or the HlIV tll(5 ChcftHest Und Bef price of ruld rt-pnin*, iih pur agcnl'i* price list, will ho paid in cash by tau purchaser producing'a rumple ,i,._ 1 ol tlio broken or dc-feci 1 ve parts nr evidence. * y l 'I’lTUS 0. KlSIf, l Jno. (J. liudGINS; [ FIBIt I!Itns - 4 co -1 Photograph Gallery. Knowing xve can rull you, wo solicit patronugo from every section ol tho United State*. SEND for PIUL’ES and TEIIMS, nml for a copy of our Huper to Augurt 15, |H7rt, lim FISH BROS. & CO., Ritcinc, XVis Depot, 104 READS STREET, New York. I have opened u Photogruli Guller CodnrtOwn, Oka.. whore you cun get PICTURES of all kinds taken. Spocial attention devoted i Cupying Old Pictm-es I wil) uIbo tupair WATC'II EH, CLOCKS, und SEWING MACHINE! ... . i, , • • ■■ uiid wurrnnt sntiafsetiou. l’nct'S in Keeping With. I lie Tune?, uml Goods Musi be .Sold. j Cull curly und miike your uelectione ! rb" lfymihim, no money, i wiu tnk. jirodu. 33T We also ltUV COTTON, and pay thb highest Cush price jor j “ '« •“■ n «^e r, «- LEI)BK j TEK . Country Produce oot. 5, 1877-ly J rja -71 * * * Gc. W. ^eatl}ei c ^toi{ & Co., U—JO—A—L—E —-It—S I—N EE© 1| 10 i 01 f) I $= Are now receiving iliyir inuunnotli slock of. new Spring and Summer Goods. WHK BWQpat l« €OMPXiBT12a