The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, October 17, 1878, Image 4

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THE EXPRESS. Cedartown, October 17th. CURRENCY. 0 : du ts intoxicating, but tn^m-rn* nm! IV ho said the making of fried cakes whs a Jost art? A boat lace cau be jockeyed as well as a horse race. “The air is full of*crime.”—The Graphic. Thought it was oxygen. Little Rhode Island cun report as large a uolaloaliou ns Pennsylvania. Leading query of trumps: “What poorhouse flings on the most style?” Walt Whitiuuu carries a pocket full of apples for the boys who stub their toes. A Detroit dentist has a sign over his “pulling-room” door: Let “us laugh and bo merry.” A bird on the hat is now worth two in the bush. “Come, Birdie, come,” is the song of the milliner. Ten or a dozen young men, three or four coou dogs—chase of five miles—skunk turns at bay—1) ! 1 There is no law iu this country to prevent a colored man from boating, it is his common sense that inter feres. Eastern doctors seem to have con cluded that Turkish baths ure not a cure-all. They now hesitate to rec ommend them. It was u Greenfield (Mass.) child that prayed “Dood bye, Dod, we’s goiu’ to live jn Turner’s Falls!” TheTowu farmers ure going to burn sunflowers for fuel, and they use the gorgeous autumn leaves for stable bedding. The man who makes up his mind to eat grapes and not swallow the seeds has passed the first mile-post on the road to ruin. “Mo tonic like this . bracing air,” says an exchange. Yes, and you get it for nothing, which isn’t the case with stomach bitters. It is always in order for a million • hire to tell a struggling young man to stick to it, and it is always in or der for the said s. y. iu. to slick. Cupt. Howgftte is to write a series of articles on the North Pole, instead of setting out to find it. Theory is more comfortable than practice. iSonie Ohio blackbirds ate poisoned coin, and James Gray ate tbe black birds. lie hud beeu dead two weeks before they untangled the knot. There is plenty of room in this country for another orator like Henry Clay, but the public •;won’t put up with over three weeks ap prenticeship. Queen Victoria never incloses a postage stamp wheu sho writes to uiiy one. That’s the reason so muuy of her letters remain unanswered. The Cairo Common Council hus been petitioned to puss an ordinance to punish any person who baits a book for the purpose of catching poultry. About these days the cattle be longing to the fartnor who talks pol itics and likes to go to town are gnawing their way into straw staoks for wiinter shelter. An oxchange declares that a mau who will read a newspaper three or four years without paying for it will pasture a gout ou the grave of his grandfather. It may be that buck wheat causes eruptions* but what of it? What does the great world care whether a man has a pimple on his uose dr a boil on his leg? The Lowell (Mass.) Daily Courier advances the bold opinion that econ omy is something professed iu Amer ican households and practiced in those of France. The per cent, of people who go to bed iu the best of lnaltli and never awaken is rapidly increasing, ail’d, some how or other, the great majori ty are married men. Gladstone has ceased to rush out and chop down trees in order to prove that he did not despise labor. Chopping is hard work, even when elucidating a principle. The sacred cow of Indians no lon ger sacred. She got so she coqldn’i use her hind feet so well us a mule, and the natives lost sight of venera tion iu their madness. Someday3 since wo stated that wo’d like the address of just one American lady who didn’t believe tUpt she could go upon the stage and bikrome a great actress. Mrs. Elvira Lewis, of Ypsihinti, this State, for wards her address. She’s one of tIn most candid women we ever heard of. “Wus not the other feller that got away with a tall complected man, and did not the obscurity of the moon’s pale beams preclude you from perceiving accurately the liue- uineiits of the other feller?'’ asked the cotum-l for the defense of a witness in a Sail(ianciscorobbery case. And when the witness answered'he com- jduiued that the answer was evasive. RELIGIOUS. giving. The duty of giving islets under stood by most people than any other. All will admit that it is right to at tend meetings, to pray, to visit the afilictetl, and to perfomi Various other religious duties, but there are n ally very few who understand the phil osophy of giving. Some who recog nize their duty to give regard it ue onerous, and, therefore, they parti with just enough to quiet the up- braidings of conscience, and to re lieve themselves of that discomfort which they would experience did they refuse entirely. They give in order to make pence with themselves, but in most instances such people fail of their purpose. They do not give enough to satisfy an enlighten ed conscience and they give more than is agreeable to an unenligten- ed one, so that they are never easy in the discharge of the duty of ben evolence. There is also a class who regard what they give as so much waste, and were it not that they desire to stand well with the best grade of people, thgy would probably .never give to anything. They give, but they do it grudgingly and with many a dissonant complaint, so that a really benevolent person would greatly prefer to bear their share of the burden of giving, rather than listen to their disnml repinings. Such giving is au insult to the Giver of ail good, for “He loves a cheerful giver,” one who recognizes Hi-! claims, and with a joyful heart dis charges them. There are others who give, and iu doing so make considerable sacri fice, although they never come up to the inspired standard which requires every one to give us God hus pros pered him. This olass of jierssius is generally composed of those to whom the feeling of giving is,a new seusation, but if they continue to to cultivute the grace of benevolence, they will ultimately become the most liberal contributors to the caiiBe of the Master. Then we have another class who give believing all that the Word promises respecting those who are in fluenced by an earnest desire to glo rify God. They never shirk, never hide out when a contribution is to be taken, but are more anxious to give than they would be to receive. They know that God's-woi^Lw- terror i and that says: “It is more blessed to give than receive.” They remember, what God’s word says: “There is that scutteretli anil yet iucreaseth, ami'there is that witliholdeUi more than is meet, and it tendoth to pov erty.” They give with reference to tlioir duty before God, and they are uot disposed to let their benefactions be known to the multitude, wheu they read: “lie that hath pity on the poor lendeth to the Lord, and that- which he hath given will lie repay him ugaiQ,” they aecept it as the truth which can no more fail than the pillars of the Etornul Throne. Whatever the Word says upon the sujeot of giving, they accept fully, as for instance, “Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, press ed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men gire into your bosom.” Here the bosom is tho same as the mordern word pocket, for in the bosoms of their loose rob s did the children of the East car ry their treasures as men curry them now, in their pockets. They read with entire faith such passages as this: “Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borr*w of thee, turn not thou away.” Indeed it is God-like to give, and none but the godly ever do it m the true spirit of benevolence. There are miniy people who will refuse to give in open defiance of the Divine teuchiog upon the subject, who suddenly become more virtuous than virtue itself, if you seek to en courage their faith by pointing tljem to such pamges as show that giving is really nothing more nor lees than a good investment, made under the direction of Infinite Wisdom. There has, somehow or other, crqit into their code, a dogma which speaks of being yirtuoijs for virtue’s own sake, and they bring that to umagonize God’s word where it holds out lo those xs lio obey, the hope of reward. The truth is, if men will not, do right when it is to their interest, it is vain to talk of their doing it win n . against their' interest. “The earth is the Lord’s and tb • fulness thereof,” and He would not' ask to give were it not t hat He knows they will be the beneficiaries of their own benevolence. Giving benefits the giver, or else when God’s cause needed He would take enough for the purpose, and be done wi h it. Iri the light of Scripture, how foolish is the man who excuses himself from giving! God is the greatest giver of all, i and lie is the happiest being in the universe, and if we would bo happy, we must, like Ilim, give liberally, givo till we feel it to be a sacrifice, and then thero will como over the spirit a sweet and comforting influ ence, such as cool wutors impart to a thirsty man.—H. C. H., in Index iC* Baptist. In this age oi progression it is rather curious to see u town go back wards. Westhampton, Mass., cele brated its centennial on Sunday by religious and secular services in its one church. It has neither railroad nor manufactures, few of the nativi a are left and foreigners have taken possession of the soil. Tho popula tion fifty years ago was 800, thirty years ago 700, twenty years ago 700, and now it is 500 and decreasing. They bad a frightful railroad ac cident in England recently, and tho Daily News says that Mbc patience of the servants of tho company was sorely tried’ by the relatives of pas sengers iu the wrecked train coming to make inquires. Tub Effects of the Late Rain. —First load sweeper: ‘8ad thing about Bill, aiu’t it? Been out of work three months.’ {Second dit o: “Well, and no wouder; lie’s all very well at the dry, but he ain’t old enough to manage the slush; why, 1 he’d drown the people.* Good Dlgeston. “Give us this day our daily bread” I and good medicine todigestit, is both reverent and liuniau. The bn man \ stomach mid liveraie fruitful sourci s | of lite’s comforts; or, disordered and j diseased, they tingle misery along every nerve artery. The man or wo- | man with good digestion see bounty! as they walk, and overcome ol s i- j clos IlieV meet in the routine of life, { where the dyspeptic aros only gloom i and stumbles and growls at even j imaginary objects. Tho world still ' needs two or three now kinds of I medicine befmv death can be perfect- i ly abolished; but tlTut many livrs j have been prolonged, and niativ suf- j ferers from Liver disease, Dyspepsia and Ilomlvnhe, have been cured by | Merrell’k Uepatine, is no longer j a doubt. It cures Headache in twen- j ty minutes, and there is no question but what it is the most wonderful , discovery yet made in medical j science. Those afflicted with Bil- i ions ess and Liver Complaint | should use-Mkuhkll’.s Hkpatink. j Z-v^'Tt can he had of Durbank & : Hare You tho Buckeye? It is a well established fact, that Tablor’s Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure, if used according to direct ictus*-) The TEhcuIuh Ilippocastauum, or Horse Ghestuut,commonly known ns [ the Buckeye, lias freeuhigfily esteem- j ed for many years, owing to the fact, j that it possesses virtue?, lying in the bitter principle culled Esculin. which I can he utilized for the cure of Piles. I Ifaffecied with that terrible disease, use Tablor’s Buckeye Pile Ointment, Mid bo relieved. Price 50 cents. For Sale by Bradford & Allen. Oct-Scowl y Mexico nml United States Owing to their warm and delight ful climates, their inhabitants grow sallow from torpid Liver, Indigestion and all diseases urisitig from u disord ered Stomach and Bowels. They should of course at all times keep the liver active, and to our readers we recommend 'fabler’s Portaline, or Vegetable Liver Powder. Taken in time, will often save tnouey and much suffering. Price 50 cents. For Sde by Bradford & Allen Oct.-lleowly cmimm & selig. HOLESALE 15 & 17 PRIOR STREET, ATLANTA, GA, w . ¥ w E have the largest and best assorted Stock of Clothing for Men and Boys in the State. Our Prices ane 10 percent, less than anybody. We lmve an A No. 1, Stock of SHIRTS at tin? “The New Prices,” which we offer to the trade at good terms, and at Prices to warrant the trade to use our Clothing to AN ADVANTAGE. Merchants should send for Samples before purchasing elsewhere. Colion sto Sells, sept. 2G-2t.i 15 & 17 Prior Street, Atlanta, Gil. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Administrator'* “Sale. State of Georgia—polk county.—By virtue of an order frbm'tha Court of Ordinary of euld county, I will soil, as the Administrator ol A. N. Puckett, deceased, to thu hlgheft bidder, on the Flrat Tuesday In Novembor, 1878, between the le gal hours or salo, a part of lot bf land No. Oi, In thd Sind district and 8rd soctlon of Polk comity, Ga., consisting ol ISO acres tnort or less. Sold for tho benefit of the creditors and heirs, at law of said deceased. Terms Cash. W. O. KNIGHT, Administrator oct 8, tds of A. N. Packet Deeonsud. Bv Executor's Sale. ©AIM, n Warerooms, 90, Broad Street, Rome, Ga. Fine and Well Selected Stock of letalic, Walnut, Grained and Stained OOFFINTS. fJWOofUn Plates and Trimmings always on hand. Neatest IL-urs.-s furnished fur Funerals. Orden from thu couutry promptly attended to.. Deuldeuc* Corner of Court ami King Streets, sep. 1ft, eowOm nSGRAICE COMPANY Of IEW YORK.' Office,, No. 135. Broadway. Fiftieth Senii-Aunuul Stiitoment, showing tho condition of the Gompnny on the First day of July, 1878. CASH CAPITAL *9,000,000 00 lO'srrv" fur Jdinsiminco 1,705,009 50 Kvei rve lor Unpaid Loused 200,131 28 Kit Snrplild 1,170,042 38 TOTAL ASSETS ♦l!,180$3 10 Jno. W. Hadley, Agent, “pi. i2.3m Ceclartowu, G-ct. LIFE MOTRAMCE! K UfATTV’Q nontty’a Plnnoa, grand, N3 EmC-% B I ■ >9 square and upright, nre pro- > am iii 11 ninixi nounccd by the press and the ni A people ns the most beautiful and trC r\v cutest toned Pianos over tnauu- rifwrrifHnrwirsTvr faetuml. Bent on test trial and A Pin pronounced the bout In the world. Beatty'* Saemcelebrated (Jolden Tongue Parlor Organs. Any — * -mufocturer challenged to noamHBOsniKK r. depth, brilliancy and svin- was hbmctoN, sr&U’fe MBIBf HEffSCSES’V effects', and the only l« K« W trn. rio %m I a stop action ever In- C KROBaaaonDkaeonaHaaBni vented that cannot disarranged by use. Tho bellows capacity Is so groat that but little effort is required with tho feet to - supply all the air necessary. Best tnado and most , oiegsnt cases in tho market. All solid wood orna- • monte. Every lnatraiuont fully warranted for alx : years as strictly first class, and sent on from 6 to 15 aara* test trial. Illustrated Newspaper sont freo. Ad- i drers ]>AN1EI< F. UK A TTY. W unlit ngt on, j Now 3 orawy. United muto* of America, . ORSAmS.RFflTTY PIANOS, "^IfypuSffooro particularly oautlonecf^uTSsfBogS instruments which are being palmod oft as gonulne Beatty celebrated Pianos and Organs, and particu larly from parlies In tho West and South-West, whora this detestable trickery ban boon extensively prac tised on thoTcputatlonl have gained j also bowaroof anonymous circulars with false quotations from •lurnals. Write for explanation. 8ond ustrated Plano and Organ Advertiser, tlmonlals from millionaires, bankers. containing testimonials from merchants, lawyers, clwgynion, and thousL..-- purchasers throughout tho long! h nnd breadth of tot 1. with full particulars of th« ^treat Pin gik” War’ aimVnst high 7 lirtcea,' Newspaper fdretts DANIKTrP. 1JI5ATTT. Washing Tho Following Table, being a partial List of Losses paid by the Motile life Insurance Company, glrcH some practical lllualratlonBOf the HencfltB nnd Profitsnf Life Insurance. John H. (Iiikknr .John H. Oukkne John It. ItonriiTH Mu-*. Fa it a ii A. l't'i.Lvn Jkssek I,. llKNSETT OSCAtt W, STKWAHT Hu. h. W. lUitius \VM. A. PllAXIBIt Mi-.-*. Kt.irx ,1. Auimcit John Holmes ItEV (JOI.HMHH Bvitll John A no Marengo Comity, Alahutna Ty ler, Tt-xus Auburn, Aluhaniu Whistler, Alabama Ojicllku, “ Mon roe County. Mississippi Gadsden; Aliiliaina Houston, Mississippi Crockett, Texas Corsicana, *• Fort Ilenosit..Alabama Mobile, Cleburne, Texas (Gold Waco, - (Gold Hood County, Texas Meridian, MltiaiHsIppl (tadmU-ii, Alabama For further information apply to J. 1)1 EN LO W,'Cedartown, Ga. Duo. 13, 1877-ly Depot, 104 HEADE’ STREET, New York. Y virtue of the last Will of II. F. Morrell, lute of Carroll County, (hi., deceased, will ho Hold be fore tho Court ilousu door, in tho Town of Ditch- annn, Haralson comity,*Ga., on tho First Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, tho following property to-wit: Town Imt ami Im provements tborcoii In mild town of Buchanan, ly ing North east of tho public square, on, nnd East, of tho Van \Vert road, known ns tho l.nku Wood plate, and Ltiitig iiiMitltone sere. Al-o iOi i .-.on . .< and adjoining said lot, known as.,the •• j .n .V :m -■ place, aoutaluliig one-half acre, more or ie.-L bom ns tho property of 11. F. Morrell, Ueooasud, for tho honclltot ti.shoira. TerriiH Caoh. W, W. .MUHIIEIJ., oct 3, tils Executor t3rma Aiimlahtratui-'s Salo. IOTA—POMfc COUNTY.—»y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary .of. said county, will ho sold before the Court House door, In Cedar- town, Folk County, Ga., on iho first Tuesday In Novembut next, between Iho lejtrtl hours of s.. -, thi following properly, lu-wit ! Lots of laud Nos. (10 uini 01. In the VPh district aud,Jnl soetloi ; nl o lot Ntiyp-1, in the inti district and dtii sc.lie ; .il'u lots Nfis. IV.i, 'J.i. -nil. In the 1st, dudrlct and -illi sccllon; alllii Folk co.miy, On, Allot mid lot* of land belonging to the estate of L. II. Walthall, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the ernditore. O. W. KKATHBKSTON. Administrator, MHB. H. WALTHALL, Administratrix, of the estate, of L. H. Walthall, deceased, oct. 8. tds. NEW SHOP! A TTENTION Is luvll. d to tin fact that I have opened In Cedartown a i ir«t-e.1ass WOOD and BLACKSMITH SHOP Any work In either branch can and will be done In ft workmanlike style, uud nt lair living prices. FOkl THE CASH, 1IOIISK SHOKINO a specialty. All I ask Is a trial, und I will guarsn tee eomplet" JACK TALIAFERRO, Sale Food aod Livery Stable. Broad tit reel, Rome, Ga. Best CADE taken of Btock. PrlntN) hie. Special accorainodatinn tor teams. My J'nW and llarnUuu county Iriutids are invited torn 1 ! Dr. Louis S. LctibeUcr, Denial SBxsrgeoia, Cedautovtn, GfiOUOIA. HADUATK of the Baltimore College ol'lJent.>: V.X Hurgery, keeps np with the latest Improve nicnts In tho profession, and gnsran'ci.'s ss'nfao " Those wishing lo have old («•(!» made new, or lost ones replaced, c In the best style mid at reiisonubH rates by mlling on litiu at hts office, next door to I’hllpid A U n'ij Gh: KORGIA—FOLK COUNTY-Win, T. Oi»> sou, Guardian of James L.unpton, Iu* applied lor leave to sell all the lands belonging to hie said ward, consisting of lots of land Nos. 5i'J. 5”»7, fir>3, SffJ, 654,6(H), 601, (*0*4,011, and parts of lots Nos. 075 nnd 676, Iullie 9nd district and -ith s.rtlon of Folk county, (ja, Thdrofore all person* concerned will be ut a Court'of Ordinary to he held In and for said county on the First Monday iu November next, to show causo, If any they have, why eshl laud should not lie sold. Given under my hand, this Oct. 1st 1078. JOEL BKKWRIt, oct 3,-UOJ Ordinary. ClT'EOKOIA—POLK COUNTY.—L. C. H.irlcy hus applied to have W. I). Crshb Hppoitited Guar dian lor Thomas K. Kurley and Robert H. O. Ear- ley, minor children of of Marion Barley,, deceased. Therefore, all persons concerned will bo and ap pear nt u Court of Ordinary, to be held In said County on tho first Monday lit November noxt, to allow cause, if Aliy they have, why t he same should not ho granted. Given liiidor my hand, (his Oct. 1st 1876. JOEL BREW Kit, oct 8,30d Ordinary. Notico to Debtors ami Creditors, All person8 indebted in any way, by mile, account nr otherwise, to the estates of R. W Whitehead, late of said county deceased, aru hereby notified that prompt payment is required. All persons holding claims ueatust said estate are afro notified that they must be presented hi thu term • o. iuo law. Tills Oct. SJml, 1.-78. WILLIAM I. ’lAYLOR. Georgia-folk li&tffiftl^-wm. tTY lor Admliil-trator of It- W. Whitehead, deceased, pilot! for leave to sell all the lands belonging estate. Thomloru, persons concerned I' Ordiimry,to he held iu said t Monday |u Novuinhrr next to Given under my Polk County Shoi iff’s Sales. wv Tuesday In November between the legal property o billowing p land Nos. 117 and 5M, both In the 17th d till section of Foil, count*. till., h* ihe f til ) dtilendant. JiiImi W. Watts. Prop. Hi out by pluuilifTs nttprney. ThiuijI In possession notified, Jiy virtue of one Folk Supe rior Court ft fa ui favor of Berry A 1 *. vs- John W. Watts, principal, and Tliomut* J, Davis, security, J. S. Dnvia, trustee, rulninnt. Also, at the same time nnd place, lots of Inud Nos 175, 176, hSHnnd 111. In the 17th district and ■Ith section of Folk county, Ua.,ns the propert* of Geo. L. Futroll. Property pointed out by plaiutiir in 11 fn. Truant 111 possession imtified. By virtu.- of one Polk Superior Court ll fa in favor ol K. K. Thompson, hearer, vs Geo L Powell, Also, ut the same time uud place, lots of laud No* 98ft,JU39,1033,10.V., lb,Vi, 11)73. 1105, 1106, 11-Jo and 1131), all in the 2nd district nud -till set riou ol polk comity, Oa. us thu properly of G \V Chisolm, ex eculor of Thomas A ChiB ilm, deceased, by vlrlur of one Polk 8 u nor I or Court fl t.i iu luvor ol G IV’ Feathorston A Co, vs u.tld G W Chisolm, Kxecn- Also. at tho-samo time and place, lots of land Nos 200, ono half of lot No 201, and omvhalf ol loi No 13rd section of J properly of A H McGregor, by virtue i ticeOonrt ll fu« fTOii! luvor ol K C Duvis vs A S McGregor lock. Hervial tno di-rendaiit with a notice of this levy lit writing. Levy, iuh Iu uud rutumed to ute hy a Coiistuhle. Also ut tho sat . . 661), in the 18th district and* 3rd .section oi' Polk county, tin., a* thu property of the defendant. Joint II llngvvcll, he thu said llagwell being In posses sion ol the asimi.' I have ulso served the raid Bag- well, he liulng the tenant li: ptissesslu, with a writ ten notice ol nils levy, which is reipnrtkl hy law. By virtue of ono Justice Court tl fa lroiu the 1073d district, G. Mm In favor \V F Pinson, for the use of McGregor vs John II Bagwell, us the prop- time and place, lot of kind No. 10!)!), 7!H), 71)1, 7!)il, 7ft3 nml TIM, in the list district atid 3rd section of Polk county, Ga.. us the properly of James H Morgan by virtue ofoue'luxil fa in favor of the Stutu county vs James U Morgan. Levy made und returned to tne hy aConfitublu. Also, ut the mime time ffiiajJWilo, lets Of land Nos 9!W, 302, HM) and 2115, uli In the 1st di-drlct uud Hh section of Polk county Gu., by virtue of lour wild Lund tax tl las issued by the Comptroller General of Georgia nguinst euld lots; for tuxes due the Stuto mid County for the years 1871 75-76, Win T James, John uud William Leo, transferees. E. \V. CLEMENTS, Oct 8, tils fhoriff. Citation for Letters of Dismission. Georgia—Haralson county.* WkorcnB, Reuben und John Itllalcombc, Admin istrators of Reuben Hulcome, represents to tho Court in their petition duly filed and entered on record that thoy have fully Administered Reuben Halcoinhe's estate, this is therefore to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they have, why said Administrators should not he discharged from.their Administra tion and receive Letters of Dismission on .the first Monday in November, 1878. Tills AuguitSnd, 1878 a tig 8 (Kid S. M. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. Hearn Male School. OAVt SPRING, GA. T JlEForllelh Session of thin School will open August SO, nnd closu tlm Fall Term' December 1811) 1878. The Spring Term opens January (Hit uud closes with a Prism Declamation June 27th, 1870. Tuition for theyeur, $20, $30and $10. Inci dental expenses lor tne year $1. Board with the Piincipul nt fin per month, exclusive of washing a. j. 2STO. G , Broad Street, ROME, (*/i. K EF.PSon Jiund the B«st ml Vn mv L!Q r. t . one else sells their import- ’nju/ (.n. .» . call ur.d satisfy vmi •«•! • . wii . • r- to he NO HUMIUM. * If * m « »t,- - pio^cli Ink thoy shnuld •>*g«* u. a r..-n win. km ., what hi Is doing ann :-r wh.-t th-v *. n.i nnd *n* k, IU sometbing good. OH A MPTON’S erhil Boih JS 7 HE BEST. dry therelora rec.on.nteuduel for use In Ihe J mu miry, Kitchen mi* 73■»*l: Room, and for general Imn "-hold purpose* ; al so for Printers, Painters, Unglnc.-ra *ud Machinists, *s it will remove spots of Ink, Groa•*>, Tar, OH, Paint. He., l-om the i.s i. • - Mann fuel tir.-d only by Crampton Brothers. For sale by 6. A. ImAJXIS Ckdautows, Oa. Restan- ■ k h. v-h Ao. JJ, Brv.: t • " .Stvmplt 1 Th 1 )'.'. 1 :-.iitl \ ■' HlnHe Men! Mingle Lodging Board «ml L'dg’ng, pu i. . . ... Board, per day SSPSS “obi ,; ■ OYSTERS ARE NOT INCLIT-Ef) WITH K'F Table Mippiip.i »irn t■.« imu'kct hW'oids. • nlcai nf. nil hour-. Nov. 23 *77-ly 13 < > N With High Pnco ClIKJACiO ' . >. I fIS ,f 70 West Miuinm ■’ • lluvp IE«dUC.(l tliv I 1 ' i.. ■ .]. ■ ttci . . 4*Tou Hny, Iofu .■■ ?*: • tt m. Foriv.-., ’ -.i All other *ir.e* at a c-o.! - . ic .n . t ■pealtfvititir Wxrim•• vo. filled. Circulars, Price l.i-o; Buy tlio CliOHpi ,l dec. 13,1377-ly i.lHi ]' Photograph Gallory. I lmve opeyctl n l , li..t<H;r;tti Qulter OodnvtOvc x-k , errsa. where you can get FicanjjiKts of all kinds taken. Bpcciul :«Uoption devoted I Copying 1 Old Pie -irr.\ I will ulso repait WATCHES, ' 0L0: -, awarded iu Latin, Oicckand inathenuiticn. For ! circulars orothor information, address thulfrincpal. > fsmtasprm freei For tbe spoertv (*nro or Hv-,.-.lnnl ’ycuUne-'s. J .iirit Manhood uud nil ilisordcra bffiugut on by IncUr.- oretion or ox cess. AnyiDrtigclat lias theingro- dlunta. I>r: W. .lAtfet’K* »V 4*0., No. ISO WmI Sixth Mm-I, «‘lm-iiuiatl O, RS'WlNt.; vMV- OITl'TK! and warrant eiuif>fant.i;it. gSV If you lmvo ud iaom-y. Twill ’takiv'Dot't qtJdghcat ynnrjft-'t price., j i ,.D* U, LRpBKXTJv-U- tj3 *7J