The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, October 24, 1878, Image 3

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m THE^EX PRESS. Ceilartown, October 24th. I O CAL NRW S. COTTON MARKET. We quote to-duy us follows: Good Middlings, 9 Middlings, 8J Low Middlings, H Strict Good Ordinary, 81 Market dull. Ice in some sections of Polk Tuesday night wus a had one for pedrEt riuns. Oedartown may be said to be yellow fever proof. Many of our citizens gone to the fair. . Glad to see Judge Brewer out on the streets ngaitt. A. J. Young, for pure f.iquors can’t lie beat. You all know if. The Constitution, reports thiols lovely at the fair in progress there. 5 </" Domestic Paper Fashion coop (ball Styles) for sale by Hunt ington & Wright, tf Bob Hutcherson will open up tomorrow a line asrortineut of whiskies, w ines brandies &c., at Mer ritt's corner Our youfig friend Charley Heath has taken up his winter quar ters behind the counters of W. M. Phillips & Go. Codartown boasts of another paper, the Advertiser, soon to appear. There is still room fur more. Judge Enlow takes possesion of the Oedartown hotel to-day. The Jjto^Bnd his good lady know just cuter to the wants of u him grj^Bkiuoh. A nice little party of friends assembled at the residence of Mrs. L. II. Wul'.ludl last Thursday night to witness (he marriage of Dr. Jo. A. Diddell to Miss Lula Wall hall. UOCKMAllT, DA., Oct. IS, 1878. A little Frost this morning for the first time. Some rain yesterday. The Tallapoosa Mall Route. ] ROCKMART The Express has quite a lot of subscribers who get their papers at Tallapoosa, in Haralson county. This mail leaves Oedartown, via Cave Spring, thence to Tecttmseh, thence to Esom Hill, Little Creek and then to Tallapoosa. Several months ago complaint came to this office; many even stopping their paper. Since that time at least two dozen, have stopped taking the paper—not on aocount of any fault, found with the paper, but because of the irregulari ty of receiving it. In self defence the publisher began to look around for a remedy. The thought of a pe tition wus entertained, so in January Inst we wrote to Dr. Felton as to the udvisubilly of having tiie mail route changed so as to begin at Oedartown. He r pli d ns follows: House ok RbI’Resbntativbs. I Washington, D. 0., Jan. 21, ’78.j My Dear Sin: LOCALS. Mr. Sam Clary darkened our duoi' Stoop yesterday. We were sur prised as well as gratified a .me-fing him. ilaml-sliuking occupied Ih - most of Ills time all tile afternoon. John Allen and Mr. Prebble having potion their new breech load ers, with the assistance of ‘Brents” tiny will make tile quails ‘‘June." The party who went in 'pur suit of Willis Hand failed to over take him. They brought hack with tlifiu a wagon, amt buggy. Mr. ilatid left '.lie lown, owing the people near ly one Ihonsaml dollars. Miss Owens, of Wavorly, Hull, and Mies Akers of Edgewootl, two beautiful young ladies, are guests of Mr. T. M. Pace. Fay Yonr Taxes. Mr. York, the Tax Ool lector, is billed to be at Oedartown, to-morrow, (Friday) for the purpose of colleote ing taxes. He will be at Buncombe on Nov. 4th. To The Public. The report is current that 1 do not intend to tench in this place next year. I desire lo say .that.the report is without foundation, whatever. Jas. G. Harris, Oct 84,1878 8t New Candidates. As peach blossoms bloom in the Spring, so are candidates bloomiug now. We this week announce Peter 0. Harris as a candidate for County Treasurer, mid L. B. York and Wm. H. Morgan for Tax Collector- These are some' of Polk county’s best citizens, and their friends will esteem it v plensant privilege to vote for them. A nothing House. As. Will be seen elsewhere in these columns, Mr. Richard Gammon has opened up a superb stock of gentle men’s and boy’s clothing aqd gent’s furnishing goods which lie has re-, ( cently bought from the large Eas tern manufactories 1 with the oash. He promisos lpw [prices and a good assortment, being prepared* to suit anyone from a jeans to the finest broad cloth. Call on Mr. Uunimon at Lumpkins old stgnd. j Inventors and, Patentees 'Should send for instructions, terms, references, Ac., to Edson Brothers, Solicitors, of Patent, Washington, D. O, who furnish the same without charge. Edson 'Brothers is a well- known and sncceasful firm of large experience, having been established since 1866. tf Yort ninst send a strong petition, stating tho*cliange you desire in th petition. Get as many names as possible, mid send to me, und I will try to effect the change for you. Very llespectlully, Wit. II. Fulton. We replied to this stating that the petition wits getting up, or some- thing of that import, when he re plied lignin ns follows: ..nousa OK ItBl'RKSSNTATIVES. I Washington, D. C., Fkhhuauy 8, 1878. J Dear Sir: Your letter to hand. Send tne th« petition in reference to the change in the 1*. 0. Route, and 1 will do what 1 cun to effect the change. If Esom Hill is to be drop ped I hope th’i people of that vicini ty will sign the petition, us I would be unwilling to do them the slight est injustice. Very rwapeetlully, \V. it. Felt oh Now Esom Hill wus to be dropped. Mr. West, the post-muster, und oth ers signed the petition. The peti tion wus filled up und forwarded on. No reply wus received and another letter wus written, which accounts for the *‘P. S.” at the bottom of the following letter: HOUSE OF RKPRESKNTATIVF/L I Wabiiinoton, D. C., Mat 80,1878. | Dear Kir: Your petition wus re ceived nnd placed before the P. M. General, lie makes the changes in the routes—such chitnges its you seek. If there is anything further desired by tiie people of your commuuity in regard to the route, it will give me pleasure to serve them in any wuy that lies in my power. Yours re spectfully, W. .11 Felton, 1*. 8.—Did yon not. r, ceive my former letter, written when the pe tition reached mef Our Haralson friends have now a clue to the whole matter. The suhe contractor went so far on the strength of this letter ns'o engage board in Oedartown. The route lots not been chungid, and no urriitigenieiits made for cluiiigiiig it. We give this cor respondence in self defence.. We are losing money constantly by the irregularity of the present mail route. It would have been a boon to those people hud it been done us Dr. Fel ton stated. The people now know who is to blume. We publish this as no campaign document. We do it lo the blame, if any, where it belongs. We assured our Ilnrul- son friends that the route hod been changed. Why it is thus, let Dr. Felton answer, binning Convention. The Tallapoosa Singing Conven tion will convene at Antioch Church in this county, Friday before the 4th Sunday in July next The meeting will embrace Friday, Saturday and Sunday. AM lovers of vocal music arc invited to lie present. P. it. D. Williamson, J. It. Reeves, W. S. T. Bush. Committee. (Advertlaemcn t.) We see from the Oedartown Ex press that H. P. Lumpkin has been annonneed as a candidate for Sheriff of Polk comity. We can say this mnch for him, he is an old and well known citizen, and hits been Justice of the Peace, Tax Receiver and Sheriff for many years in this county, and cun show as good a re cord as any man, both as an official and private citizen, and no one de serves more credit and respect than himself, and we commend him to the oitizensof Polk county, and earnest ly desire his election, knowing him to be a man of truth and veracity and a good officer, always at his post. Re served this cpiinty well, left a clean record behind him, and if Polk see proper to elect him-she will never have thejlenst cause to regret it. Rome Bulletin. BRADFORD & ALLEN have the best Liver Pill ever sold in this or any other market. They have sold over four thousand of them atid the demand for them steadily increases. lHhy give entire satisfaction: This large fyantily has been sold without any pufifiBji or advertising "If you* once try will use no other. iune 13-tv The cotton picking is pretty well over, and nuw we are gailiering corn and sowing wheat. Mr. Hnltzdaw did not make an appearance lust Wednesday on ao count of some family alfiiction. We regret to learn that Miss Lena Um ber Is very low; also ono of Judge Barber’s smitller children is very sick. Jonathan Williams lost a child lust night with diphtheria. A protracted meeting commenced at the Methodist Church last. Wed nesday night. Mr. J. L. Jones had u load of font bales of cotton on Ids wagon going to Rome^und in.attempting jo grease his Wagon by a torch light, tiie cot ton took Ht-e and wus badly damaged before it could be extinguished Burnt till (lie hugging nil' of two hales, ami partly off the oilier two. Cotton is on the decline. Only 8} for the heat. Mess. McClutohey and Enlow are working rapidly on the new bridge. The rock work is about completed. The Baptists have concluded to move their Church house from Van Wert to Ilookmnrt instead of fin ishing the Presbyterian Church as intended. Mr. Bobo, contractor, commences the work next Monday. The subscribers to the Express will recollect that they can pay their subscriptions to tiie same here in Hook mart, to W. N. Strange, Don’t lorget when you sell your cotton to pay tiie printer. Next Tuesday two weeks is the election. Prepare,you democrats, to give your chieftain, Judge Geo. N. Lester, a grand ralley on that, day, and all will be right. Again we ca'I upon ull true genuine democrats to ralley, and make u long pull, a strong pull, and-a puli altogether, and we will fear t.o danger. Haralson County. Buchanan, Ua„ Oct. 18,1878. The late fall oft* in the price of cotton does not seem to discourage the buyers of Buchanan, lor they me us eager to buy as ever, notwith* standing they have lost considerably. Farmers, now is the time, and Buoh- uiiun is the place, to s II your cotton and buy your goods, and thus lend your aid to the building up of your own county lown. [If these mer chants would “add” it would benefit them.—Ed Express.] Mr. Wm. Willingham was arrested and lodged in jail last Friday night at Buchanan. Last Friday Judge Davenport hired out the negro convict to the highest bidder, ilis sentence wus lor twelve months in the chain gang. He was knocked off to Mr. W. J. Reeves fer the sum of tlr.rty dollars. Mr. L. Mihalavitch, of Atlanta, was in town the other day. He says the health of the city wus never bet ter than at. present Many good judges say now that Judge Lester will beat Dr. Felton 100 in Haralson. If the Chestnut street store that j .A.nivual Fair & Traces has “Umbrellas I ‘covered” in its window will reoovi ; several that, we have incautiously h sued we ir.II pub lish its name in fiyl. “There’s a graveon the lea,” re marks the Chicago Tribune. Yes, that’s so—they buned ft. llWSe-tlilef there. Sealed proposals will be re ceived for a head-hoard. The New York Omt$t#inl Ad vertiser denies that a btmt "rides” at anchor. We l^eg to remind our con- temponry that a person never “pulls” I a boat, but pushes it. October :s creeping on, and Jack Frost is nearer tiie South every night. Let no one’s purse-strings tighten until the long night is bro ken ami day fully dawns. Have You the Ilnckeyof It is a well established fact, that Thblef’s Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure, if used according to directions. I’he /Esenins llippocastanuni, or Horse Chestnut,commonly known ns the Buckeye, has been highly esteem ed for many years, owing to the fa«t, that »t possesses virtues, lying in the hitter principle called Esculin, which can he utilized for the cure of Piles. II affected with that terrible disease, use Tabler’s Buckeye Pile Ointment, and he relieved. Brice 50 cents. For Sale by Bradford & Allen. Oot-3eowly REMO V All. For the want of room to accommo date my large and increasing trade, I will move to the house formerly oc cupied by the Bank of Rome, (one door In low Mr Peters’) ubout the first of July, where I hone to meei all my old customers and many u w ones. Mrs. T. B. Williams. june J40 tf Rome, Ga. Mexico nnd United StAtes Owing to their warm and deligh'- uI cl mates, their inhabitants grow r .\llou from torpid Liver, Indigestio i and ull diseases arising Irom a disord- eied Stomach and Bowels. They should of course at all times keep t he liver active, and to our readers we recommend Tabler’s Portaline, or Vegetable Liver Powder. Taken in time, will often * save money and much suffering. Price 50 cents. For Bale by Bradford & Allen • Oct-3eowly Iliitchers n’s ViEER and LEM* ONADE is the Ik'st m town. An Astontyhlng Fact. A large propoftion of the Ameri can people are to-day dying from the effects of Dyspepsia or disordered liv er. The result of these diseases up on the macses of inielligeut and val uable people is'fhost al inning, ina<- kiug life actually u burden instead of a pleasant existence of enjoyment and usefulness as it ought to be. There is no good reason lor this, if you will only throw aside prejudice mid skepticism, take the advice of Druggists and your friends, and try one bottle of Green’s August Flower. Your speedy relief is certain. Mill ions ol bottles of this medicine have been given away to try its virtues, with satisfactory results in every case. You can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents to try. Three doses will relieve the worst cuee. For sale by Bradford £ Allen. jun-20eowly HTMerchants, Mcllildo ft Co. olTor Tor Fall trade the laruest and cheapest Block of Crockery, Lamp*, Table Cutlery, stamped Tin Ware, Wooden Ware, Looking Glasses over neon In tb South. If you want to pay cash und got bottom cash prices and select (out what you want, order from McUrldc ft Co. Atlanta. OF North Georgia. Stock & Pair Associa tion, WILL BE HELD IN Atlanta, Georgia. October 21, 2,3, 4. 5, & 26, 1878- 4ii a Hnn 0FFEllRD ,N $14,500 PREMIUMS $4,500 offered In Racing Purses! $1,600 In Military Prizes! Over SO military companies outside of the Stole already decided to come. THE FASTEST HORSES In the country nru coming. AN OI’EN AIR CONCERT Every day by one of the finest bra** bands in I he United 81 alee, AMUSEMENTS OF ALL KINDS MAY BE EXPECTED. MINSTREL PERFORMANCES! CIRCUS! MENAGERIE! MULE RACES! FOOT If ACES! WHEELBARROW RACES! SACK RACES! J^yllis Excellency Samuel J. Tilden litis been invited to be pres ent. THE MYSTIC BROTHER HOOD of Atluntn, will uppenr on the streets, Oct. 25th, in more grandeur tlmn ever In-fire. Send fur Premium List! Dent fitil toomuc. B. W. WRENN, S-o’y, W. 11. COX, At lttn tu, Ua. President. DARNES’ Patent Power Machinery. jk h* different machine* with l K which Hnlldi-rr. Cubliici I a I Maker*, Wagon Maher* v nnd .lobbor* in ml*cello neuurs work can com plete a* to (Quality ami price with Hteam power manufactur ing. Will semi Machines On Trial if Dcsiaed. Sny where you rend till* nnd send for cntnlogue nnd price*. W. F. ft JullN 1IARNU8. Rockford, Winnebago Co., Ill, July 4tliS4it CWllnll Lamps, Chandollors, Library Lamp*, American China Dinner Sets (17.50 each at Me- Bride’* Crockery Emporium, Atlanta. A good, many of our citizen are now in attendance at tl,e United Stutes Court in Atlunta as witnesses. The infant child of James E. and Nancy Jackson died last SuLqrday morning. A Remarkable Result, It makes no difference how many physicians, or how much medicine yon have tried, it is now an estab lished fact that German Syrup is the only remedy whioh has given -com plete satisfaction in severe cases of Lung Diseases. It is true there are yet thousands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung Affections, . Consumption, Hemor rhage^ Asthma, Severe Golds settled 011 the-Breast, Pneumonia, Whoop ing Qpugh, &c., who have no per sonal-knowledge ,o.C Bosohee’s Ger- mnn,Syrj?p. To snch we wonltte say thatTil),(job dozen were sold last year without Onecomplaint. Oonoump- tives'try'jnst, one bottle. Regular size %& cents. Sold by Bradford &. Ailed. Brick Work. ^ I an> prepared to do all kinds . of briol('jviii , If aiid,*tiJ\ .bn pleased -to receive Ciders, tgYge or small at sat isfactory.prices. . Will be pleased to have your Mtreuage. .1 tMisWi • HBohoE 8; Wm’mELrk- OotlO-51 {XPEIegaiit bran new stylos Ton Dinner Tollyt set* direct importation cheapest ever offered In the South. An Immense stock or McBride’* Finn Ta ble cutlery, Spoons, Fork*, Castor* &c. at Mc Bride's, Atlanta. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Comity Treasurer. Mr. Editor : You will pleaso notify the prople that I am a candidate Tor County Treasurer nt the onsulug Jauury election. 34, tdo PETER 0. HARRIS. For Tax Collector, are authorized to annouuco the name of Wm. H. MORGAN as a candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing January election. tde. For Tax Collector. are authorized to announce tho name of L. B. YORK for re-olection to tho office of Tax Col lector at the ensuing January election. tde For Sheri ft. are authorized to announce the name of W. G. TAYLOR, as a candidate for Sheriff, at the January election,. 1879. Doputy, E. W. CLEM ENTS,. In this connection 1 will say that If elec ted, I will move to Ccdartown. . For County Treasurer. We areauthorlzed to announce JACK R. WEST as a candidate for County Treasurer at the ensuing Junuary election. oct, 8, tde. For Sheriff. Wo are authorized to announce the name of Mr. U. F^LUMPKIN a* a candidate for Sheriff Polk county at the ensuing Junuary election, oct 10. tdo. . For Sheriff of Haralson County. We are authorized to announce the name of -A. J. HUNT aa a candidate for Sheriff of Haralson county, at tha January election, 1870. oct 10, tde REMINGTON jewing Machines. No Machine has spi unn *n rapidly Into Ihvorns possessing lust tho enmities no.dud lu a family Mo- clilno—namely: Light Running. Smooth, NoUolcss Rapid, Durable, with perfect Lock-tttitcli. With Ing the past year Important Improvement* have been added and no trouble will bo spared In keeping the Remington lahead of all competitor*. Prices reduced to suit the times. Agents Wanted In all Unoccupied Territory. REMINGTON Creedmoor Rifle VICTOItlOUS AT CREEDMOOR, 1874, DOLLYMOUNT, 1875, CREEDMOOR, 1870, CREEDMOOR, 1877. SINGLE and DOUBLE BREECH LOADING. SHOT G-UNS. produced, those who have WEBB’S PATENT CARTRIDGE LOADER The only complete npparatn* ever Invented com ldning In ono completu and nnrtnblo machine al the various! Implements omployod In loading pu per and mutullc shed*. Revolvers, Repeating Pistols, Am- munition, Gun Munting, Iron anti Slwl Riflt! and Shut Barrels, for Custom Gunsmiths, REMINGTON Agricultural Implements. PATENT CLIPPER STEEL AND CABBON nows, Cultivators, Solid Steel Cnltlvator Teeth, and Points, Wrought Iron Standard Cultivator Teelh and Points, Sayer’e Patent Horse Hoo.'Shovcl Plow Shovel Plow Blades, Plain und with Wings, of all sizes. WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES. Arch and Trapozolcal Truss, Forks, Cast Steel Shovels, Cast Steel Hoes, and Garden Rakes, Plan tor'* handled Iloes, Mowers, Wheel Horso Rakes, Needle Cotton Gins. JUD. GRABS, DEALER IN STAPLE AUB FANCY GROCERIES KEEPING ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL AND FRER1I STOCK OF Sugar, QolTec, M^nl. Flour, Rice, Haueri. Kiv-lt Lard, in fart, everything kept in n First Class Grocery Sn.iv Plain nnd Fancy Candies. All kinds of Canned G ods, Nuts, Rnis’ns, Toys etc. PRICES CHEAP. Price my stock bt f- re purchasing—satisfaction guaranteed. Particular nitoi:th>n [mid to the buying nnd selling of Country Produce. Thankful for past favors, I beg for a continuance of the same. 45-tf JUD CRABD. Mrs. T. B. Williams, MILL J 1ST E 11, No. 91, Broad St., ----- Rome, Ga. H ■®*AS on lmml a large assortment of Huts, Flowers, Silks, uml other goods in her line. Also, has on ham!, at rM times, Zeplrt r, whi'e and col ored; Standard Card Hoard, Mottoes, Ac. £3?* 1»< member the jilaee, nearly opposite W. T. McWilliams & Co.’s new building. May 10,187H-flm JOE. A. MAGNUS, WITH MAYER, SON & OO., RECTIFIERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS AND SUGARS, 62 Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA. The Best Wagon On Wheels MANtTX'A.OTTTIlIiri IX Y FISH BROJ. & CO., RACINE3, WIS. WK MAKE EVERY VARIETY OF Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons, And by confining oureolvc* otrlcly to onoclao* of work; h»y employing none but tho BEST OF WORKMEN, Using nothing but FIRHT-CLASS IMPROVED MACHINERY and tho VERY BEST SfiLRCTfCD TIMBER, and by a Thorough Knowledge of thulnioluu**. wo have justly enrriod till? reputation of making “The Best Wagon On Wheels.” We give the following warranty with each wagon:. Wo Hereby warrant tho FISH Bros, waoon» bo well inndo In every particular and or good material, nnd Hint the otreugth of the ennui I* snlHclpnt. lor ull work with fulr usage. Should nny breakage occur within one year from Ibis dale by roflpon of rffcfrrtlru material or workmanship, repair* for the same will bo furnished Rt place of solo, free of charge, or the price of said repair*, n* per agent’* price list, will be puld In cash by tne purchaser producing a sample of the broken or defective part* as evidence. ( Titus 0. Fish, 1 Iiacinr-, Wis., Jun. 1st, 1878. 4 Edwin B. Fish, !■ FISH BROS. & CD. ( Jno. G. UunoiNS,) Knowing we can suit you, we solicit patronage from every section ol thu United Slates. ( SEND for PRICES nnd TERMS, and for a copy of our Agricultural llaperto Anttii.tin, 1878,dm FISH BROS. & CO., Rncinc, Wia NEW WOOD SHOP. At tho Noyes Shop, formerly occupied by W. 8. Hand, by SUMPTER & WILLIAMS, WE will do all kinds of WAGON and BUGGY work tit hard pan prices, FOR THE CASH. We make a specialty of OofELtKkJB. All kinds of CABINET work donvj and Old Furniture repaired nt short notice. tar We will lake Country Produce at Cash Prlcos, foj our work. Give us a call. We guarantee sat isfaction. 8UMPTEH d) WZZiXilAMfl, Sept- 1», 8m. CKDAItTOWN, GA. JOHN L. HAWKINS, Dealer In LIQUORS and CIGARS. Ageut for the Celebrated OIBSOIV WHISKBY, Also Hnmllez BOURBON & RYE WHISKY, APPLE & PEACH BRANDY Imported BrandieB, Rum, Gin, Scotch und Irish Whiskies, Port, . Sherry, Madeira, Muliign, Cliiret, Clmtii|iiigut- Wine, Guracon, Anisette, Maraschino and Vermouth, BROAD STREET, ROME, GA. Prompt Attention Given to thu Selection and Shipment of Orders. sept. 10 8m For Sheriff. Wo areauti&faed to announce the name of G. L. POWELL, a*a candidate for Sheriff of Polk coun ty, at tho enoulng January election. tde PATENTS. inn, Solicitor of. American and Washington, D. 0. All business Jltouts, whether before the Pat- r tile (fturt, prempfly Intended to. No e unless a patent Is socu red. Send for Armory and Principal Office, ILION, 2ST. Y. Branch Offices and Agencies: 381A 888 Broadwar, Now York, Arms, ft Sowing Machines. ' Chicago, 387 State St.. Sewing Macelnes ft Arms Baltimore, 47 North Chariot St. (Masonic Tomplo) hewing Machines and Arms. oct. 10 8in PILE CURE. Buh&a TUoCuoOl) Xfcriua, JT. 0, H*«W fhlt* to Nt* Hemorrhoid^ sack*. laacnag—— OPIUM! >nn<i Morphine ftaMteared. WHITELBY’S OLD RELIABLE LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Borne, Oa. W. L. WIIITELEY, Proprietor. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON hand to hire. Good Horses and Excellent Vehicles. Splendid Accommodations for Drovers and other*. Horses, Carriage*, . and Buggies always on hand for Intlre satisfaction guaranteed to all who patronize mo. oct 10 Dm Haralson Countv Sheriff’s Sales. W ILL bo sold before tho Court Houso Door In Buchanan, Haralson county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on the Fir#t Tuesday in November next, tho following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 3A3. in tholst district and 4th section, of originally Cherokee, uow Haralson coun ty. containing 40acres, more o.* less, to sutlsiy ono Justlco Cotut 11 1a issued from the 1078th district, G. M., In favor of W. Brock vs John L. Rowe, as the proporty of sold Rowe. The said lot of laud pointed out by John L. Rowe. Levy mode and re turned to me by a Constable. Also at the Same time and place, two lota of Wild Land, Nos. 855 and 861. In tne 1st district and 4th section of originally Cherokee now Haralson aocuty, Ga , Levied on by virtue of two Wild Land tax fl fits Issued by the Honorable Comptroller General of Ga., v* said, lot*, for. taxes duo thu Stole and county lor the year 1874-B-fl. octiotds. ' A. J. HUNT, Sheriff. Searcy’s Lessons In Short llaud Writing ONLY TWO DOLLAR8. These lessons are complete In every particular, and by their aid auy one of moderate dbllity may, in a few mouths, without the additional uld ot a teachor, acquire a knowledge of this utfcful and beautiful art. They have heretofore boon written a long Ranh and fUrulshod, by mail' to stu dents at from ten to twenty dollars, I now pro pose to have them printed, and a* tho labor or pro duction is removed, I will sell them at only two dollar* for the full courso. Application should be made at once, as the lessous are about to be put to press and only a limited number .will be printed. They will be ready for delivering to subsfnbeis In thirty days, neatly printed, tiud illustrated with beautiful engraviugs, and boned In fine cloth. Tho book haa boeu set np In type and the ongrav- er Is finishing up tho plates. Act ‘promptly If yon wish to toko advantage of the opportunity to odd to your attainments thl* greatest accomplishment Of the age. Address. W. K. H. Sbarcy, OfUcial Reportor, Flint Circuit. 000 OctlO-8t Griffin, Ga. WASHINGTON, D HAS A FIRST-CLASS HOT! $2,50 per ilny T vemont JEToi N'. Liquors Sold.