The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, November 14, 1878, Image 4

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FOR 1.879 SPEj91jft^Tj ? THE NEW yo.UK Weekly World, An Jiiam-l’AMK NiDysPAMiK, i Will be sent (Poetigu Prepaid) From Now Until- •kmy^ry l, \fWk ^TJEUNT OESISTTS. 7 V ^//v Sprt'inl Ojfer is wtoc/o' A) c/1- ■'A/cSouthern paoptetosee for them* ■fives. funogood a paper Till’] WOLD is and how worthy it is of their sup port. On tin*, first of May, 1870, thcown- '- v 'iU 'a*l..o. iiu-ol uI TiiJi WUULLV ]...t .1 into On* hapd* at-Llm uudtx* i-.!i'•«! vj«nl<;r swbfdwnbfiohi& anil uav <*v» r since remained and now remans. During the whole of this time THE WOULD has labored patiently and persevering for the accom plishment of two great objects ill politics of paramount interest to the Southern people. i. The restorations of Local Self- Goverment at. ihe South. II. A U m uI Reform of the Civil Service, in snob wise as to destroy . i-* m ichines under theyp- era'don of Which it bus come to pass • it 'ie pi i)pie are taxed to support • dii evil parties, whereas political p:t situ* have no oilier reason of being except to let-sen the burdens of gover ns ni. 1 be :ir«l *>f tl.fs** objects has befcrf triMiripbanfly accomplished. All in- tclkge-it Northern men now admit that all parts .if the country were ns (Ueply interesting ns the South in seeing it won. A corrupt and auti- Dein oratio goverment in the South was a penninent peril to the ascend ancy of'true American principals in the Federal (iovernudit and there fore to the Peace and honor of the whole people. Jiiti accond political objt*»-t for whiWi THE WOULD contends siill remains t*» be folly achieved, Thu actual Administration began its ca- nvr with excellent pr.imiics iu’ thfc !i?f . :ion of which it is Biifffcene*to jIs part 'villA^oltimely support any honest i^lbrkto rede in these promises f ,, lly| |< Lw.w I hcmuM»eve r made and will as fcSmfm.) ymfnon nee everv obstacle thrown in the way of redeeming them Lorn whatever, quarter. U^Cf-iijs to the m liter signed em inently proper tiiat he' should ask the co-operation of the besl men of the Sou'll with THE W01iLD in its' efforts I., carryout the policy here outlined, lie believes THE WOULD to be a paper which Southern citizens and Democrats can recomend to .Southern readers as an influence worthy and important to be brought i > bear with constantly increasing i ower upon the conduct ot our tut- liortal affairs, in the interest of truth of justice and of hurmoney among our people of all section. It is iny desire to keep THE WOULD in a living lelation with the thought of the South, to the end that tie best ideas, wishes and feel- ii ;'H of the Southern people may be •ideal ly and fairly amide kuoivn tqdhe; Nui ill, Abe East and the West-. Alike* in privjdg, - aiuL i a *. pu hi ic aifui rs. Lin standing of men by otw ab GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES W« are the first to offer First-Clnsti Sewing Machines, •h of all. WK WII/ij Skill, Walnut .Top ami Uiawer. and necessary Attac inents, |nd deliver It at n,(y/t nil road Depot In t FREpj OF paAIia-E. imjhtfie* arhvinrrnhh^l to*dl> thb wtac essity of winding ffipwai; livery machine warranted Tor threi Agents Wanted Bvt4ywherfl? CENTENNIAL MACHINE CO , Limited, JsnS-ly. COHEM' & SEUS, ■\V.HOLESALB uitnrfO'. B! ‘SHJ/olf ©W 'I . „ •• 1 • 1 .1? ’Ss'&lf.t-filuSSsi'jiSBT, ATLANTA, OA, W i- J; ,r - E lmve the largest nml best assorted Stock of Clothing lor Men nnd 11..V3 in the Statq.l.iM^Elieesiliife 10 percent, loss than anybody. We have an A Nof 1,'Etock oT SHIRTS at tlw “The New . ,,, „ L . rUfi? 1 *^-- which we oiler to the trade ot good ; O i] [(|,T| ,{eyiis, and at Prices to warrant the . !fu J trade to use our Clothing to , . AN ADVANTAGE. ' Merchants'should send for Samples before purchasing cltewhere. ; ..n./ i Oolien cfc Sells;. , sypt. 26-^1 . 16 & 17 Prior Street, Atlanta, Uu. JMJHDB& ®. MUil, r .sn it Hoi 1? * Undertaker Warorooms, .•(> • . >' 90, Broad Street, Rome, Ga. Fine and Well Selected Stock of i; Metalic,. Walnut, Grained and Stained COFFINS. jaWCofllii Dales and trimmings always on band. Neatost Hcftrso* tarnished for Firuerals. Ordeis oiu the country promptly uttondod to. Hosldonco Corner of Court and King Streets, scp. 10, ctivfim t M0 ofoDrntPil'ftolilon Tonguo l^AHLOR ORGANS ‘ste HOME IplldniH® 1 Isi! INSURANCE COIPAXY OF SEW YORK. 311101 TEACHERS. viWiki. l^'yaBripkwTt-iTAiiyStE iflVc'r l H^ANI V hn 1 V\p^'I^Fv H /\^n r .a| 1 iir; t nr,' yew Jct’Mvy, lltiitoti Htmfw of Aniovf •• . , Office, Ho. 13&, Broadway. m Fiftieth Semi-Annual Statement, showing the dfcndition of the Company on the First day of July, lp78. CASH CAPITAL *3,000,000 00 R.-serve for Reinsurance 1,705,099 50 Reserve for Unpaid Losses 200,131 28 Net Surplus.., 1,179,042 38 TOTAL ASSETS. .*0,180,873 1 0 TOOF’S STANDARD HUFFIER, Miisnu«*t*>at4H»li!ig tii; men. by ort# $\'f r l !H §*ar tire •fOOT of so inuclF'evi Mi’tl I In* word itself lias pome to be, a synonym with quaflliig and strife. 9 it. was a wise flaying of LortLEIgin, at Mi-* tiure'i’f mil'sharpest dispa res.- with Great Britain, that two intclli gent gentlemen alone on a raft in Iht* Atlantic with plenary powers could u-l jasi the whole mutter honorably..iy, an hour. THE WOQLD simply asks its f'rends at t!ie S.uitli to aid itm bring ing-, about a complete . meeting of minds on all public questions between the iteloligeot citizens of all p.vfts of the Union. William Hesuy H^jhlbbut. TERMS: Tub Weekly Would. One year (52 numbers), postage ,n>e (less than two cents per week) *1.00 TO CLUB AGENTS—An ex'- /.raco})y for club of ten, seperately audresseil. 'J’lie Daily World fur club or fifty, senerately addressed. The Semi-Weekly Would. One year (104 numbers), postage tree49.00; To Club Agents—An ox- tra copy for club of ten, seperately i.ddressed. The Daily World for rlub of twenty-five, seppiirajely/ud* dressed. -V ,Tn DjTpT Woiap. ,- -^ ' WMi stinday Jditi'in. olft' .yaar, pmta4e I'l-Jk HHO.OO) With* .fidnila) edition, six moni Its, postage five. 5.5U With Sunday edition, thivv.pionthq postage free. 2.75; Without Sim- duy edition, one year, postage ? lk*t* 8.00; Without Sunday edition, sjx iaotitlis#.|p->dtiige SUlfnatr edition, , . free 2.25. Less than three montks.lkl p:r? montlis. Sunday World, one year, postagel free *2.00 ’ Monday World, containing Liter ary Reviews and Colledge' Chronicle, one year, postage free UO;Terms; Cush in advance. Send Pest-OBice inoncy-order, hank draft or regletcr- •! U loiter . ..Bills, Bent, |)y mail will In at risk of .Bender, addition to club lists may be made • i any time in the .year at the above : . • .L "Sphoimeit Copies, posters, &c., sent '-ee, wbeiijJveranyidesired.. Address ‘ - THE WORLD,” 15 Park Bow, New York. sept. 12,3m Jno. W. Radley, Agent, Cedartown, Ga. ' ' Pop At.L KsVyIdk Machlnoa. Tli« Lent to ■*<j nml nHwUwfoctly corstnicted. E. J. TOOK, “Domestic “Bulltllnff, Now York, *■*”**"- or Nkw Haven, Ct. EBEHH (ago Lfi gu |iet*!425; ( , n, three mdnflhS; THE LfQHTEST RUNNING, TH& SIMPLEST, THE M08T DURABLE, v THErfllOST POPULAR r SEWBKf ' rm-fosslngTlta tho iPUfrovuiQBnfe. ^ «i * * Tt is fnNl1y“inil«-rstf'n^“Y , W5cL thread Wk-Hllt<-h, has soir-n nuUtlng ten sion* nml thke-up. nnd will do the whole range wcf.'familj'KMtrlfcAlthnut. ehnuRe. Tho •• DO)l E^TIC ” is mndo In tho most dnr- ch}a Dinnncr* wlki.jeonLrfil rleel hearings and fcontp^Patlfig^firnlrft'fiironBHout. Agents for tho ‘•DOMESTIC” Sewing Ha rbin® nnd tho ‘aJM)M1><TI(L,” Paper Fnsliloi •Swtog EMUa»,Co»jpaay, Vfw York. 37 Court HacB, LOUISVILLE, KY.J ‘A tvfuUHy Saw A iwfuUHy oSoatni MfdJogoUJ uS --^■'-^'MhVo^V^gpe^iatyr. niainrw plhar i rsedertag morrlaga Imp^vop C *“ Gleet, f SS®om»?onl l onee a isto5S/^a5sw^i. < Hw*aa.iS».as!W/ LIFE INSURANCE! The Following Table, being a partial List of Losses paid by the Mobile life Insurance Company, gives some practical Illustrations of tlio Benefits nnd Profits of Life Insurance. NAME. John D. Caiiey John 8. Chkbne John 8. Ohkene John It. Hoiikhtb Mub. Sarah A. Fuu. D. Kookhs E. Habbuhy tniBON Frabkr •Jkbbee L. Uknnett J.qhn M. Womiykn Dr. L. W. riAiiRiH Wji. A. Kha/.irk \\'Mi yrtniMK. r Mw< Eliza J. Ai.imici J- L. Hai.iikiit E. M. MoDurrkN John Ukmieh Georue A. llnowN W. it. Donor Rev Coi.umob Smith •John A Sra,uuiino RESIDENCE. I Profit | Abpi<tired Marengo County, Alabama Tj lor, Texas Auburn, Alabama Cleburne, Texas (Gold) Mobile, Alabama Memphis. ToiinoBPoe Oxford, Alabama ' tier, Alabama kn, “ •oc County, MIsBlBsippl leliurne, Texas oml Couiity, Texas . erldlaii, MlBBlssIpp OadBden, Alabama (Gold) (Gold) 79 20 82 60 80 7(1 97 41 408 40 a» ho 101 12 80 40 ftO 08 82 BO 198 9o 28o 75 19 to 8,883 40 941 fto 1,920 80 1,917 44 1.909 80 2,901 59 4,591 00 llllt 20 2,808 83 903 54 2,443 3" as a 2,449 67 4,788 80 3,073 2o 2,378 4o 953 89 For further information apply to J. D. ENLOW, Cedartown, Ga. Dec. 13,1877-ly The Cedartown Express. ('T' WEEKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER, published in the thriving L. villiigo of Oednrtown, Polk County, Georgia, and devoted especially to the interests of Cherokee Georgia. It is a home enterprise, and every oilizen in Polk and surrounding counties should give it a hearty support. VIE BXPBISS Will give all the latest news, besides a variety of,Literary, Political, Educa tional, Religious, Temperance, Agricultural, and general reading matter. It is an excellent advertising medium, and merchants and others who wish to secure tho vast trade frb'Ai Polk, Paulding and llaralson counties, ill this State, and Olcbnrne and Cherokee counties, o( Alabama, would d'j well to avail themselves of tho advantages it offers. Our advertising rates are very moderate, and will bo sent on application. Official Organ of Polk and Haralson Counties. All tlie advertising pertaining to the offices of Sheriff and Ordinary in Polk and Haralson counties iv published in THE EXPRESS, and no other jinper in the county publishes it in full. In addition to this fact, THE EXPRESS undoubtedly bas a Lapffei* Cii*cu!.Oifioa than any other l>ai*ejt» In. Folk Chmtif y» Wo invito tho attention of advertisers to this (act, and ask them to consider tlivir own interests and advertise in TUB EXPRESS. NEW SHOP! H TTENTION 1b Invited to tho fact that 1 havo E9n opened In Cedartown a Klrut-das# tVOOU ami BLACKSMITH SHOP Any work In either branch can and will be done In a Workmanlike stylo, and at fair living prict-e. FOR TIX 33 OASB. t38~ HORSE SHOEING U&t ■ Bpeclnlty. All I ankle a trial, and I will gtmrbn lee complete entisluction. .17, ly WILLIS 8. HAND. JACK TALIAFERRO, Sale Feed and Livery Stable. Broad Street, ltome,(la. -Debt CARE taken of Stock. Prices reason* bit. Special nccommodatlou for teams. My Polk and Hnralson conuty friends are Invited to call anil •e# me. fob. 21 If Rates of Subscription. One Copy One Year $2 00 One Copy Six: Months 1 00 One Copy Three Months 00 Printing. < We arc prepared t» do all ordinary kinds of Job Printing witli neat ness und dispatch. Everything from a visiting card to a mammoth poster can bo printed at oiji cttice, such hs Letter Heads, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads Note Heads, Statements, Posters, Check Books, Note Books, Circulars, Cards. LEGAL BLANKS PRINTED TO ORDER, And for snle nt 80 c. nts per quire FOR THE CASH. Jno. W. RADLEY, CEDARTOWN, GA. Dr. Louis S. Ledbetter, Dental Surgeon. Cedaktown, Geohhia. .HADDATK of the Baltimore College of Dental D —ory, keeps up with tho latoBt Improve the proloaaion, and guarantee* *ati-fac- Or tton In all cases. Those wishing to have old tooth made new, or lost ones replaced, can have lb done In the host style and at reasonable rate* by calling dn him at his office, next door to Phllpot A Dodds atore. Feb. le, 18T7-C ALLEK & McOSKER, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Solid Silver nnd Plated Ware, BROAD STREET, G. J. BHIANT, NO. 6, Broad Street, ........ BOMB, GA Kk -o KBPS on hand the Best nnd Purest LiqUORV ever kopt in Rome and sells them n* cheap a* any one cl*e sells their impure liquor*. Give him • call and satisfy yourselves; yon will find him to be NO HUMBUG. If you want something seod, g» and try llrinnt; be will not represent his Liquor* to be good unless be means what be says. When pee pie drink they should always go to a man who know what he is doing and gel what they war* J ~~ . - o the ROME HOTEL. When yon go to Rome call on him nud you will be well treated, waited on quickly and get . fell 21 ly :> risk, llehns 1 somathing good. f V' t i$«UL khUICYKt ROME, GA. . PerBimiil nttenlinn paid to Repairing Watches, Clock, Chronometers nnd Jewelry. All kinds of Jewelry made to older, ...wMi.'Vn ORAMPTON’8 Miqperik-l Bokp JS TUB BEST. This Soap is manufactured from pnra mnte- riala- r anda» It contains alarg® percent- sis of Yegetlne Oil, is warranted Hilly equal to the best imported Castile soap,and at the same time contains all the washing * cleans ing propertlo* of the cele- French Laun dry Sonus. It Is therefore recommended 1 for use In lhe Laundry,• Kitchen and Bath Room, nud' for general household pnrposc* ; al- bo for Printers, Painters, Engineers and Machinist*, as it will remove spots of lak. Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc.-fiom the tvmidt». Munurael tired only hy Crampton Brothers, 2, 4, h, 8 and 10 Rutgor* Place, nud 33 aud 35 Jefiorson Htrret, New York City. For sal® hy a. A. LAIYE, Cbdaiitows, Ga- •St 20-Ww Rome Railrimd. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On aud after SUNDAY. JUNE 9, 1878, thv rain* will run on the Rome Railroad ns follows: EVENING TRAIN. Leave Rome daily ut 8.10 A M Roturn to Homo at 12.30 P 11 SATURDAY ACCOMMODATION. Leave Romo (Saturday only) at..... 6 OOP Mi Return to Home at 8.00 P Ml C. M. PENNINGTON,Gcn’l Snp't. ap97tf JNO. E. STILLWELL. Ticket Ag’t ID O AY N With High Prices! CHICAGO SCALE CO., (iS t£* 70 West. Monroe SI., Chicago III.* Have Reduced the Prices of all Kinds of S-i? ALES! 4-Ton Hay, Stock or Cotton Scald* fiGO. Former Price, 4100. All other size* nt a great reduction. 637" Every Scale Fully Wahhantkd. All orders promptly filled. Circulars, Price List® anb Testimonials *ont upon application. Bny the Cheapest and Beat dec. 18,1877-ly Photograph Gallery, I have opened a Photogruh Gallery OednrtOwn, GFa. where yon can get PICTURES of all klads taken. Special attention devoted to- Copying Old Pictures I will also repair WATCHES, CLOCKS, ami SEWING MACHINES, and warrant eutisfaption. XS' If yon have no money. I will take produce at highest market price. D. II LEDBETTER, I? you want Bill Heads, Letter nosd*. Cirenter© Card*, Handbill Posters, or any thing 1h the w*jr o Job Printing bring your orders Wthe