The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, November 21, 1878, Image 3

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THE EXPRESS. Oadartown, November 21st. LOCAL NEWS. COTTON MARKET. W« quota to-day m follows: Good Middlings, 8] Middling!, 8j Low Middling!. 8J Strict Good Ordinary, 7| Mark.t—Fair demand. f^"Domestic Paper Fashion Scrip (Fall Styles) for salt by Hunt- ugiton A Wright. tf Have you any ruin? Read Gov. Vance's notice. Do yon think it will be muddy? The Brass Band is a success. Now for a blow. Olmw Jttcicaou’i Beit Sweet Nuvy Tobacco. nor. 31 ly Try Shepard’s “Old Cabinet” Whiskey; it ia said to be the best in town. Has the calaboose been re moved southward? Ask Wult Tom linson. The streets are crowded al most every day with movers’ wag ons. The friends of Mr. VV. M. Phillips will be grieved to learn lliai lie ia.vcry ill with typhoid fever. Mules arc comming in right freely. Prices rauge from sixty to one hundred and twenty-five dol lars. " Oh! how we wish King Cot ton were worth at leaBt 10 cents a pound. How much more happy looking would onr farmers he. The little son of J. T. Mc Clain had liis hand fearfully lance rated last Monday in a gin at Mr. George West. Ue isduiog us well us could reasonably he expected, If you like mixOd or hot drinks of any kind, call at the “Dew Drip Inn,” Bob llutcln-rson knows how to fix you up,something good IDs Tom and Jetiy ruiPt be beat. Kverv paper is Ml of nee mots o disastrous fires. Yon can have your dwelling insured fora irille mol tiien your sleep will be sweet. Policee is sued at Ibis office on town or coun try property. Our young friend Senb Jones Inis returned to bis first lurr. He liusipiit Rockmart and will now make Cedorlowti bis borne. The loss of the former is the latter’s gain, A thief entered the residence Mrs. T. G. McMeekin one nigl this week and stripped a,bed of all its r)ui!ts and sheets, thither warm treatment, Unit. The weather will soon turn cold. Mr. John K. Holcomb is an nounced, in this issue as a candidate for slijCtitt'of Haralson county. Mr. Holcomb is well known and will no doubt run a good race. See an nouncement. We publish this week Miss. Dittos’ poem. She will confera favor by contributing often. “AilenrocV articles, poetry and prose are always acceptable. Contributions from any source are gladly welcomed. Send them along. Personal. Mr. T. M. Pace, of J. S. Stubbs & Co., is visiting in Alabama. llev. W. D. Anderson leaves next week for Conference, whioh meets in Marietta this year. Miss Annie Alden and Mias Mary Bartlett, whose names are familiar to aur readers, nave removed to Cavn Spring. Mr. R. T. Dow, of the house or M. C. A J. K. Kieur, Atlanta, tvi.c in to see ns yesterday. Mr. Dow^ts doing business with one nf the best houses in Georgia. W. K. Hose, the perreveringis Insurance agent of Uartersville, was in town yesterday. Mr. 0. W. Harris, General Agent of the Aitna Life Insurance C mi puny lias arrived, and during bis stay will at range the claims of Lee Neale, deceased, against said company. We Imd a pleasant call from Mr, Selig, of the largo wholesale Clothing house of Cohen A Selig, of Atlanta. Mr. Selig says Cedartown bears more evidences of improvement than any small place in Nortli Georgia. J. J. Goltei^-Sotpi, E/V. J. and Loqifj since thdir tjfili inis buriieil, have embarked in the business of Ci gars, Tobacco and Snuffs, at whole- sale exclusively. Our merchants ull know these buys, and will thank us for informing them that one of the firm will be in Cedartown about Dec. 1. Save your orders for them. They are close to home, and il ana • tide tails to give satisfaction, it cun be returned in a day. Haralson County. Buchanan, Ua.. Nov. 19,1878. For Sheriff of Haralsoa County. We are authorised to announce the name of A. J. HUNT. M a candidate for Sheriff of Haralson county, at the January election, 187V. oct 10, tda For Sheriff of Haralson County. We are anthorlacd to announoo tho name of JOHN K. UOLCOMllE, with A Hull K1LLUOUE aa hladeputy, aa a candidate for Sheriff of Haralson county. Election next January. tde ROCKMART LOCALS. £ ^Mlt SlipplM! Rookmakt, Nov. 15, 1878. Mr. Murtin Key has raised this I year the finest crop of potatoes we I have ever seen. Matty of them Club Hates. We will club the Express at the f ol ‘°» in « r, “ e * withtlle f ° n ° wi "81 Weighing a. high as tonpounds. Sheriff A. J. Hunt, has bought Cold aud wiudy. Nearly cold enough to kill hogs. Farmers are sowing wheat rapidly. N'-aily everybody done picking cotton. W. Ferguson has taken in about one hundred hales of co’ton for Qu- uno. The Cherokee Railroad was sold on tlie first Tuesday for twenty.nine thousand five hundred dollars, ami was bid oil by Judge Wikle, hot it is not known Tor whom bought. The Baptist Churoh is going up rapidly. Will soon be finished. What is lie matter, thoCednrtown boys coming down here so often. They must lie attracted by the beau ty of the Rock mart Girls. By the way, Rncknmrt and vicinity can ,beat the world for pretty g rls. The election is aver and Felton elected,'and the smoke of the battle is pretty well yff. Thk City Bar is where the peo | pie go for PURE liquors. Jud Crabb has just reoehud a fresh I Stock of Plain and Fuucy Candy, | Uasitis, Nuts, Canned Peaches. To- |mutocs, nice Apples, etc. 3t Medical Notice. For the present Dr. E. II. Ricii- I ariison, Jr., can he found at night | at the residence of lion. Win. Peek. Nov. 14-tf G. W. FEATUEUSTON A CO. want 500 bushels of Guru and 6000 bundles of Fodder. oov. 14 3t. A Will EnUbllihed dlotljii^ Sou$e In Cedartown is now a fix*d fact. R. GAMMON, (Lnmpkln'a Old Stand.) li is n Larg* Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, CENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Huts, Caps and Notions, Which he will sell low for the CASH, aa he has bought them direct from the Manufactories In the Rest for Cash, and hat* avoid ed the middle Merchaat In the Cities. I Pities of CLOTHING from the cenmoneet to PIIOSPEOTTJS FOP 1879, Vol. 98 Godey’s Lady Book. 49tkYear. Bend In yoarCluba at ono. You can add any name* afterwards nt tho mum* price aa ihe original club. Reduced to $2 Per Year. TEH. 2VE S O AS3Y IN ADVANCE. POSTAGE PUNPAID. cum TERMS. ^"USaCSSiMBd. t9 00 | the dob, making nlnoa fjoplei* $14 sfi 8 80 | Ten copies, one year, and an extra Three t onlea, ono year, » I e*-py to the pen*o„ «etilni: up Hie Four caplet* one year 0 8d | dub, making eleven copie* 1. «) Five copies one year, aad an extra copy to Ihe Twenty copies one yifir, and an extra perron getting up the club, making alx ceplea, 9 00 I copy to the person jvitlni; tip the 8copies 1 year, and a copy to tho person getting | club, making iweiity one copies, >l .*i NOW 18 THE TIME TO MAKE UP YOUR JLUHS. HOW TO REMIT.—Get a Poelofflce money ardor on Philadelphia or a draft oh Philadelphia ei New York. If you cannot get cither of there, rend Bank-note*. nod In the latter ca“«* ri-rrier v nr teller. Parties desiring to get up clubs rend for a specimen copy, which will be run' ffiv. A.hln-**. Godey’s Lady’s Hook Publishing Co. (Limited) 1U0G (''.eftup- Si reel, Philadelphia. Pii. cheap premiumb. One copy, one ytar B< oys For a Good Assortment and Low Prlcca, call at the only Clothing House In CEDARTOWN. tar The patronage of the public ia respectfully solicited. It GAMMON, Lumpkin's Old Stand, papers: Detroit Free Press......' *3 00 Courier-Journal $3 00 Burlington Utiwkeye 13 00 Philadelphia Times *3 00 I Marbiiu-uisi .rJirsuay rngor, m..;.,;..!. r„,t„. . »4 00 * l the residence olthe bride s.taUtor the Williums Hotol in Buchanan. Ha will movot. town before long. Markieu—Lost Thrsdoy night, School Notica. The Spring Session of my School Cliristinn lode Godsy’a Lady Book.... Mr. Wm. M. Williams, by 1. Weatli- ... *J 60 Ksq,, Mr. G. P. Jolmiou to Miss lit fact, wc will send the Express Ella Williams, and must any paper at a small ad Thus two young ami happy hearts vance over the regular price of one. have mingled into one. I wish the Cash, in advance, at these prices. young Couple much joy, uud utay i(| „ Uot . their troubles be few. | Our subscribers in anu nruuiid Also, on,the same evening, at the residency of Judge Woods, Mr. Newt 1 ... . . ... Jacobs was married to Miss Delia A. C. Prior, ... Cedartown, nre for »nr authorized agent, C->- >V. N : ] 1— We.thcrby, Esq, offi- 4 will receive orders dating. 1 - Uockinurt ami Taylorsville, may sub ibe und make se.tilyuienta withl The SfltANOK. lie I for job work and advertisements. Publisjiku Exphe^i nov. 31 3t FOR 11ENT, house ami premises of Mrs. are for Termsi The flattery Tent. Mr. J M. B. Fowler having Boots and hats are lining demand- j ed. We mean those bet on the late election. Pay tip gentlemen, we have paid uiirl, and ara ready to try I another pair for 1880. We hear of several good horses successful during I,is gtay in onr #nd muW8 huvittg died recently | ba J k =• u Jua Uml ,, ,n, has concluded to rtniain n few ^jtiiout unybudy being able to ac- —_ ye longer. Now if you want some L cunt f„ r the cause. It will la-re-1 “Santa Cluns’” Heutt-l security required.' " For particulars apply to H. C. Pryor, Not. 7, tf Cedartown, Go Goto Jud Crabb’a ami get soma | nice Gothei Butter. 3t Try the‘-BUMM IT" Fine Cut To' 3t Qnurtcra at St tow day good pictures—tin or photograph— I lm , lnbt . rci i t |„ t the bidder this year Jml Crabb’a. do " ot l>e g lcct 'hr opportunity. had rust hadly. Yet it was pulled j J(|lt r ^[ T , j Kt JUD CUABB’S, CamnoB Mean Vlewa of Foreign Lands, and saved, and ia being fed to stock. Fine \ Vbite [; rHI | (jabbage, Choice B, H. Dwlnell. May this not be the cause of the mya-. Dl , icd Be|lf Bologna Ham Sausage, The above named volume nf 400 terious disease. I L jce j Jlir g e Onions. pages is now in the hands of the bin- In going a few miles journey the | • ««< ler. and will be ready for delivery by other day wc met 7 men. Three of , Jud Crabb Inis added CROCKERY the 1st „f 1),comber. It is well prin- these told us that a certain gentla- ; » n d GLASS WARE to liis Stock of ted on flue, Iteavy paper, aud will be inuu of Haralson was a candidate. Goods, and is qfferint: them very neatly bound in imtslin. It will be A little further ou we were informed cheap, sent, postpaid, by mail on receipt of by the other lour that litis same man ♦1.50. Address, M. Dwikbll, Rome, Ga. boot. k nice Hue of Clothing. I j ^different machines with i/1 Pi which Builder*. Cabltivt I I *1 Maker*, Whjjoii M»k. rt< I A. V ani | JobiMin>"n mlHC«'lln- hh to (Quality and price with uteem power nwnuf V?ill send Machines On Trial if Desiaed. you read thla and tend for catalngna W. F. A JOHN RAUNIM. Rockford, Dis.Hl. July 4thS6l REMINGTON •300 Tl3.1» Offer. Th" feilarlo Godey’s Lady’s Book on- y-ar for only 83, bntli free of p. .'I, Kxpiti'; age. JUD. CRABB, -DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES KEEPING ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL AND FRESH STOCK OF Sugar, Coffee, M->al. Flour, Rice, Bacon, Fresh Lard, in fact, everything kept in a First Class Grocery Store. Plain and Fancy Candies. All kinds of Canned Goods, Nuts, Rais'ns, Toys etc. PRICES CHEAP. Price my stock bclnrv purchasing—satisfaction guaranteed. Particular attention paid to tho buying and selling of Country Produce. Thankful for past favors, I beg for a continuance of the same. 45-tf JUD CRABB. begins the 3nd Monday iu January, cf.™!™ MflohlTIfla 1879. It will be one of my regula- ^JoWlllg jVi-QiLlllliUo. lions to keep the boys and girls apart and separate during hours fur both study Hitil recreation. To those who approve this polioy I extend an earnest solicitation for their patro nage. Jas. ('..Harris, nov 14. tf Ro Machine haa apt unc K> rapidly Into favor ai lOMeaalux Inal theqiultlefl ne.ded lu a family Ma rine—namely:'Lieut llniiulog. Hinnoth, Nolaeleaa tepid. Durable, with p - • * - - —- • I'ricea reduced to eult the timee. Agents Wanted In all Unoccupied Territory. Mrs. T. B. Williams. MILL] NEK, / No. 91, Broad St., Rome, Ga. AS on bund a large assort men t of Hats, Flowers, Silks, aud ether goods in Iter line. Alsu, lias on band, at tt'l limes, Zeplter, white and col ored; Standard Card Hoard, Mottoes, Ac. Remember the plat e, nearly opposite W. T. McWilliums & Co.’s new building. REMINGTON Creedmoor Rifle VICTORIOUS at (RRED MOOR, 1874, DOLLYMOUNT, 1876, CHEEDM001I, 187 (i, CREEDMOOR, 1877. SINGLE and DOUBLE BREECH LOADING. SHOT GUNS. The beet gun* for the price evor produced. Uni versally recommended by those who hit— them. WEBB’S PATENT CARTRIDGE LOADER Th« onlv complete apparatue ever Infantod e and yortab per and melallc ■hella. WE will do ull kinds of WAGON nod BUGGY work lit hard pan prices, FOR THE CASH. We mnkt|a specialty of Oof3B.xm.M- AH kind* of CABINET work done, and Old Furniture repaired at rhort notice. Crr We will lake Country Produce at C’a*h Price*, foi oar work. Give u* a call. We guarantee aal* lefKCtion. flUMPTBR db WIIjIilAMB. HARNESS. The undersigned having no pains in titting up a l shop, returns many thanks for past .... - T 1 An Astonlsklag Fset. was not a candidate. Now, candi* ... A • U.»., o« ana t. i. .« M, » pay the printer his little charge lor e jj,, C | a 0 f Dyspepsia or disordered liv- announciag your names once a week er . The result of these diseases up* - e(1 in tha columns of the Express, a on the masses of imelligtnt and val- hr uin P»r*f th.t is read weekly, by nearly | "fiSS Revolvers, Reipeatiug I’istols, Am monition, Gun Munting, Iron and Steel Rifle and Shot Barrels, fur Custom Gunsmiths. JOHN L. HAWKINS, Dealer In LIQUORS and CIGARS. Agent for the Celebrated GIBSON WHISKEY, Also Bundles BOURBON <6 RYE WHISKY, APPLE & PEACH BRANDY Imported Brandies, Rum, Gin, Scotch and Irish Whiskies, Port, Sherry, Madeira, Malaga, Claret, Champagne Wine, Curacoa, Anisette, Maraschino and Vermouth, BROAD BTRXUBT, ROMS, O-A. Iy Prompt Attention Given to the Medio* end Shipment of Ordoie. eiiuif, ictuiiio uinuj iiiuiiM iv! |nsc» i - • il i _ <j king lift actually a burden instead favors, and solicits a contiuuapce of erer J . voter , 111 U “ r ‘- 81 ’ 11 .. I ’ ’ J ' i of a pleusant existence of enjoyment the same. G. W. Varcr. This is a cheap meansol election- 1 #| ,j ugf f u |„ Me as il ought to lie. nov 31 3t BOYS AND 6IRLS READ THIS. eering; and why not be economical in this as well as anything else. Mr. Tink Hilton hus bought the I Gentry House and lot tu Buchanan, Old matt Doster has soap on consignment at Messra. Philpot & Dodd’a and I. T. Mee’s. His prices ever brought to Cedartown, and he are one dollar for fifty pounds, or 30 wants you to come and tee them. ‘‘■ANTA OXiAUtf Has requested tie to notify you that | a nd intends improving it soon he will stop at JUD ORABB’s again u a Kina' Who has been this Christmas, with the finest lot Ml.. U. A. King, .who has bsen of Present, and Toys that he ha. | f ? r pounds for 60 cents, bucket included. Patroiiize tlie old tiiun and help him alnug. He lucks capital, not energy. Our fellow townsman, S. P. Shepard will soon open at Rockmurt u drinking and billiard saloon. Our young friend, John Brewer, will pre side over ita destiny. John is 11 clev er boy und will make tunny friends at his new home. The dwellings of Mess. Duffy and Wood are progressing. Mr. Lin ton G. Ray commences hi. house next week. We challenge any town of its size ill the state to beat this in real solid, substuutial improvements. We venture the assertion when it is muddy, Cedartown is the muddiest town in North Georgia, The city dads have done their duty pretty well as to building side-walks. Fathers, lot us lieseucli thee to build one front Mrs. Hand's property to the walk just ucross tlie sreet. S. P- Shepard hus the best and cheapest Liquors, TobuCcos and Ci gars in town. nov- *4 *1 Nov. 14-St to her relatives iu Polk county re. turned home last, Suuday body’s heart made'glad. A nice candy party at James Row- Pianos and Organs nt. Factory Ratos. I e |p 8 i„ at Friday night. Some' of tlie Guano Introduction Sale, com- Cedartown ladies present. ^noticing Nov. 1.1.000 Magnificient | Mr _ W. R. says he has declined There is no good reuson for this, if you will only throw aside prejudice slid skepticism, take the advice of Druggists and your friends, und try one bottle of Green’s August Flower. .Your speedy relief is certain. Mill ions of bottles of this medicine httvr been given uway to try its virtues, with satisfactory resufts in every ... case. You cun buy a sample bottle Some 1 for 10 cents to try. Three doses will 0 ’ relievo tlie worst cuee. For sale by Bradford & Allen. jun-30eowly BRADFORD & ALLEN have the best Liver Pills ever sold in this or any other market. They have sold Instruments from best makers tu be I marf jing thie yeiiv , I thiitk lie can over four thousand of them and the iiluDtiil. for introduction and adver- 1 ■ 1 .... - r.h. ,l,.l„,r REMINGTON Agricultural Implements, PATENT CLIPPER STEEL AND CABBON PLOWS, Cultivator*, Bolld Steel Cnltlvator Teeth, and 1’oltti*, Wrought Iron Standard Cultivator TVeth and I’olnta, Sayer'a Patent llorae noe,*8hovel Plow Shovel Plow Uladea, Plain and with WinffB, of WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES. Arch anti Trm|ierotcal Ttui«. Kork,. Ca. Bhnvola, l»l Steal Him. amt Oardan Rakea, Piattter'a ItMudled tinea, Power., Wheel Uorae Hakee, Needle Cotton Cline. placed, for introduction and adver- M j jgn goe(1 reu8 „ H> fdr so doing, tisement, iu Southern homes at don’t believe money il Ac s nts Wholesale Rates. BW- ^ Haralson county ask Obe cant 7 Oct. Pianos only *135. . , , p Magnificent Square Grands, cata- ^ 1 ri r r P lmct logne prices *1000 only *350 Hand «... Lucy Roger, left for KM some 9 Stop Ohoans, *57; 13 Stop. I *» *« 8t Frld »y- °’ A ' P ‘ *71; Mirror Tops, 13 Stops, *86. Choice instruments at lowest prices ever known. S years written guar antee. 15 days test trial. Write for Introduction Sale oiroulur. Ad dress Luuden & Bates’ Southern Music House, Savauuah, Ga. The | erybody. Great Wholesale Pit Depot of tlie South. /Jfl. „ <F Great Wholesale Piano and Orgtin I best tlie niafket alforcls. iit thi small SAM WILSON’S RESTAURANT, At Barber A Wood's -Old Stand, Okdaeiown, Gap- I have again opened up my Res taurant. and aiu prep»rudjto feed ev- ' ' Table supplied ifitli tlto Nov31-3t Be sure aud price Jud Crabb’a CROCKERY aud GLASS WARE before purchasing. 3t Nice Fat Mackerel at 3t Jud Gbabb’s. prio* 35cts per meal.-. Gi i’rme a caR. nov 31 tf Saji Wilbon. \ A. J. Yeung, for pure Liquors eoa’t he beet. You ell know it. NOTICE. The old reliable having'Keen out of the. City fpr some months "past, 'has returned, and. gone into winter qukrtdrs, up stuirs over the Wood Shop of W. S. Dayts, vriiem jte would be pleased to serve his many friends and Customers, , ,(}, Wr YANPB. nov. 31 3t demand for them steadily increases. They give entire satisfaction. This large quantity has been sold without any puffing or advertising, if you once try them you will n»e no other. iunel3ly livelier* «4 PaUatees Should send for instructions, terms, references, Ac., to Edson Brothers, Solicitors, ol Patent, 'Washington, I). C., who furnish the same without charge. Edsoii. Brothers is ti well- known and successful firm nf large experience, having been established Since 1866. tf ^-MercMnU; McBtldo * Cc. ol»r fur Fall trade the largeat and cheapest stack of Crockery, Lamps, Table Cutlery, stamped Til Ware, Wooden Ware, poking Glaaiee liver eeen In th South, it yon want to pay cash end get bottom cash prices and aelect In at whet yon went, order from McBride * Co. Atlanta. Armory and Principal Office, ILION, 1ST. Y Branch Offices and Agencies: Ml Jt US Broadwa*, New York, Anna, * Sewing Machines. Chicago, *87 State 8t.. Hewing Meeelnes A Arms MARRIED LIFE NEW WOOD SHOP. At the Noyce Shop, formerly occupied by \V. H. Hand, by SUMPTER & WILLIAMS. *pr l», CEDARTOWN, UA. 87a BAYID I. DOUGHERTY, (Formerly of Hllvey * Dougherty.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Etc., 35 PEACHTREEgSTR ET, ATLANTA, BA. experienced reeldeut Y c m»ny desirable ^oi lumber for the past t > lar'Uall Lampa, Chandeliers, library Lamp*, • American Chine Dinner Bele $17|w each at Mc- Brlde'a Crockery Emporium, Atlanta. ‘ B3r*ElegAUt bran newetytee^ek Dinner Toilet eet* direct Importation cheapest ever offered Jn the <goi*th. An linniinse'itdck of McBnde'e Fine Ta ble cnt)*ry^Ri>oons, Forks, Castors Ac. at Me DR.BUHS No. 13 N. eighth at, St. Louis, Mo. Who haa had peter eieerleeee In the, treatment of the eenai trouhlee of both nmle end fkmaia than any physician The PHY8IOLOOY OP R8ARNIAQK Tho PRIVATt MffDIOAL ADVISER Beoks that ara really flwtdve aud MtMmtwia— hi all mat, len NartalalM to ■•aheed and Weeseakul. and supply dSSTasarwisiaaesa paieeaMjiaoriwhieel—Mi lehmithe terheqi married mid In In ■wits' nsw works 7a In no way of aoestlonahls ehar> Mter. bat to somethin*tt*t wvwywM show 14 tost Tho ■set Ibe. many Ills km mb to- M ~et Louie Journal. roroLAB niCB-B eto. meh both la one volume, *11 In eloth[aak CoS Bfiffle mmn m I have a very large ami extensive stock, and am daily in receipt *»r NKW GOODS, embracing almost every fabric and design to be found In anv Dry Goods lioneo in the South, and buying aa I do-Birictly for cash—and having one of the beat and rouet exp err in New York cily, who is almost daily In attendance at auction nale* when are often eold at price* that will rcarelv pay for their cartage, and bealdoe iny own expend for the old whole*ale house of Bilvey A Dougherty, of which 1 have been a member for year*, make* my lacllltles for obtaining desirable and cheap goode, equal to if not superior to any home in the market. Buying all my goods for the wholesale department, frost which my retail room la •ap plied. enables wo not only to get gooda at Jobber*’ price*, but alao to got off 7he longest diaconut* for CASH. And thla being my Aral Fall Stock since opening, I have no old good* to ■offer yon, and conse quently don’t have to charge long profit* on New Goode to average the lose on old rubbish etock. Ill Silks, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Neckwear, Table Linen, Towels, Dress Trimmings, Unmlkerchiels, Boots ami Shoes, General Domestic and Fancy Gooda, I guarantee to show tlie Largest Stock, Greatest Variety, and for less mnmv than my house South. er“All that 1 a,k I, to .end for Sample,, or cell end sxntnlne my Stock nnd price., th.n 0 y.n mo- not see that you can save mouey to buy ol me, over any houeeln till* market, I will not aak you to do *o. Your*, lteepfclfully. DAVID 11 DOUGHERTY. P. S.—MU. S. M. Knox, formerly of Knox & Parks of Rome, is cou- necteo witli my house. Ue will be glad to see his friends and teei'iv,' orders from them. a, 'P l 3m IRS. H. JONAS, DEALER IN FANCY MILLINERY and NOTIONS, REAL HAIR GOODS, Ribbons, Embroideries, Everlasting Trimmings, Luce Collars, etc., 81 liroad Street,........ Ga Nock Tlea, Ilandkorchlcf*. Fan*. Coneta, Velvet#, Perfumery, Soap, Ac.* Be eure and price my Goode before purchasing. PT Country Merchant* supplied at New Y 0 *’* 1 Prlrea. oct 17,8m PILE CURE. HiiwUIiN sin ImntUA 1 MMUttlOd Hlllf Mil dl*orl**m tSSSsiB® 81 Drugglat hoe the ln| ans