The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, November 21, 1878, Image 4

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THE WOULD FOR 1870. i SPECIAL OFFER. TllK NEW YOltK ... Weekly World, An Eioht-I’auk .Vkwsi'ai'KU, Will bo Rent (Postage Prepaid> Kru.,t Now Until Jrnmry I, 1879, Foil T£3N OEIJVTS. This Special Offer is uinde In, en- ' } h h 'he Suu I in ru people In >cc far them- selves Jane t/tod a paper TJ/hJ WOLD is an,l In no Worthy if is of their sup- purl. On tin 1 first of Muv, 187(5. ilit* own ership ami control of TILE WOULD p''wil imo lie Iikiids of the miller- Iwhose ali.sulute ami mi ll* I <l;r«;otinn TIIB WOLD lias •>' ■ i Tnanfed tint! now ivnunSV ()., ..... ijio- wlinltt of this timi* 1 ‘ B W r • y^ISi'^i^ijreirJf Uioij^ a.' ; i o • v.-fi|| _. f r tfip HCConi- ;n ; i;v ,ii ol two j/r.-at objects in >> ditica of |»ii.uiionnl interest to tin* SnirliT*. pi*iMi|.{, ]. Tne*V.«r jiMtiotw t»r Li yin I fy-lf- Ooverm. nt at tin- S. iifli. II. A H al Heforni of 1 lie*0iyU IS rvic -, in such wise as .in ileatruy the puli'ic tl III K*hFlle.i 'oWler tii’i 1 o|» era uni of u iic.ii i: ha.s coptett<),pass Di'd. tin* | pi" are fnx'-il to support ]* liiie,| parlies, i»h' ; M»ii+ p'-iluflSnl* pMi'- •* in'ill'll i-r n ifsdn of 1 * I hi ff l \e"p. t »| •. * il the himtcns id yowr- M I. if f heKe < l.j "Of Sibil* heilt- 1 ’' • f* j *'.rmph^neil. All in- 1 r • r11 men now admit ■ 1 ' i ‘d 'i»‘* fiiiy'were ns •'•"u uvtlfi S«.-u|h in '••*•.■ it won. A o>i;r..ipt. ami anti- cffttlc grtvf-rineiit in the South v. . a }R‘fmI nefiTpPflf?iTttnfaiinrn wi l, aie American pl’iimfualsin i If -Kudcral Gi/vermtnt^aft} thi'i*-- J - 'o Lin* peace ami honor of the Whole ,■ ops-. I'l.e second political ohjL t foY wl.-.n Til K WOULD e .mends s ill remains t • or lolly .achieved, The ac n.»f -Ad mi nisi nil lAti hegnn* ii.s*c«i r. *r with exc die t pr mu- s in this direc;ion of which il is eliftic lie to Fiv'lmt h v have heen as yei only in pari rntee.ibd. THK WttULD for im part will rc*8oliiiely so) port any ill»ll»*8t ert* il't '•» r dn III lile.M- pr mipes fully, by whomsoever mail- a .| >vjj| HP i"solii'I Iv denounce eve|*V o|»8 ;icle thrown . V. -xWCMsf I GR AT REDUCTION IN PRICES We art the first to offer First-Class .Sowing Machines, nt prices within the reiich of all. WK WILL SELL TUB VKliY HEST Family Sewing Maelilno for Twenty-Five Dollars LX ('.\SII,_ on niiorimmonted Iron Stand anil Treadle, wilh 'riip nml lirawor. nlul nerixnry Attach- ‘t” u y"y n FREE OF CHARGE. j. tfll.W uyicilwR are warrantml to do the whole line or Family Sewing with more ra|ildlty, more and will row from tin* flm-st rnmlirle to the lieavieRt moreoat e.h'lliv. yond for* fIciilar und sample rtf s iwlnjj. KvorjMifiehliie warranted llir three yeats. , A If** I* WuntpiV CKNTBNniAI, MAulltN'K C'O., Limited, I . J*fiif)lls-riS>i,>l*hJla<fdl|.H«. 1*m J«n3 iv ■ I! i 1 r’efphmreil Golden Tnneiio ELEGANT HT\ LEA with valuable Improve- mcntH, Saw ami lleuutitul Holo Slop*. Over Ono Thousand Orunnliln nud Jliinlclnna endoi-Mo them) mvananod roenjnmenil them na Hirletly 1'lnrt Clnsa In Tone, MeehnniHin nml Daintilllty. Warranted for in* way ..I I-. .I, ..initig t in in i y ? v, ;vli never quarter. | 1. .••'•. III.-. Ill ilie IIin|ri>j)!Ill'll ji-ili;..; SL-unitomr' b |""|;i'r (hit Itt- nlimilif u,k '‘VJTS.'.'.’.IEJnfii AND SCHOOL TEACHERS. _ .You nRMsIly Iik>inm your tinUT ihleM you Roe III to t hut t hoaervic the CO-operution of fill* beat men of U i)otli plenVniit nilif profltnhie, 'rnrtlcnlnra'ffeo! me small wiili Tlljs WOULD in ita j(ew oo^rlen? 011 * • .* I • > I *i cany out the policy ll-rc HTfltt PATTJTHJP.fl wautcU 111 every noctlon oi NEW SMOP! A a' oj>ened in Ceduriown u « u>i-cla>^ WOUI.) and Any work In either brunch can anil w'iil he done In a worknianllko alyle, and lit. fair living pricer. IB & 17 PIUOK STREET, ATLAN'i’X, UA, w JO have the largest and heat assorted »Stof\k of Clothing I’dr.'hteii tihu 1J ys in the blaU*. Our Uiicea ano 10 p. rccilt. leas t’lVa'ii ahybddy'. :l ; Wo have ait A No. 1, Stock ol Sill UTS a*, the ‘The New Priciia,” which w(* ; to tb*. 1 trailtf at go.-il j terhifb tihd at“Pntii a to t warrant the . , . trade to upeom Clolhmg to '■ ■■• i :*fj ; AN ADVANTAGE. ' 1 N^i^htlnta shAiVkl send lor Sain plea ticloiV'lmrchaeiug ehbwherei : CotLon dj Sells, 26-2u 16 & 17 l*rj»r SLivrl, Atlantii.Aia.,, . TJndertHkerWapeyboms, 9n,' Brt)ftd Street, j^ome, Om ,, u . Kind and Well Selected Sfocl^ior Metalic, Walnut; drained, and" o o p i ixr s. ; {VCollIn Platen and TrlnanlngR always on hand. NoatcRt Henriy* fiirnlrhefl ihinornlr. OrdeiR Horn ihe country promptly attended to. Ilctdduncc G'ofncr of Court and, King C^tre^yp^ ^ ."a, Z l-U.lii.ZLZZ .. ' . ... ' MANtneAOTTTIllID BY FISH 3ROJ. A CO., BAC3IMB, W IS. WR MAKE KVBliY VARIETY OF 1 Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons^ rk; by employing none bni the RKMElff, INKRY and the VERY BEST MCLICTfcD have Justly earned Uiereptttailo'B of itiaklng OiiWheelB.” iat tiie Rtrength of the »ame Is sufiVclen't foi* alt i one ydar (Vont thla date by reaadb of defective -nlahed at pU»ce,of tal?,.frea of charge, ,or. the In cash hy tae jmrehaaer producing n sample Fish,it- u li,u« i. ,,* . v Fi»a. K'Fisn puos.,& co. iyiiaiNsi) [every eectlun „r the United Stetee. SINI) tor tl Ileper *0 '■ , 1- ■ 1 1 08. & GO., Hurcino, Was. rvnvlii i > "V ¥ Office, No. 135, Broadway. il IL' l»;Jn*vw I HE \U/lii;D -PSSB mu United States nua i«, NowJmey, IJ.N. Asnorien. liflf S. ; l*I'MtS ran I'rcoiirllll to r ml* is as an inlliiciice d iinpur hiiI. to tnu brought .cii cunui.inlly- iiicruj^ing < »• c i i.ici ni uur mi ca pf fftijh Kiiiiidli ScMiii-A n n ual Slut cm cut, slio^viii U VViihIi Ins ton, lliu condition of the C»ntpmiy on ihp First dny of July, 1878. in. New J eraey, tanUHhnient in tli JtM’Noy, than $ TII^ i|1i tfije o. ji.i ii.ii ..r Mill' (• *«»|di* of lill 8**Uliullr 11 is niv desire (•> , ki*i*p WOULD n n living fhitiyn ^ijfi 0ie best tliuiipht of ilu» Souih, U) the cud that Ih" Im-hI ideas, wiahea and leel- i .gs of Mi- Simt.llcTn *)icn|dc f ‘ /: ifmv hi*' clcnrlv and fairly made known t«• M- c North.Jh"J‘Jnsl ami the \Ves'. p v.;-" and in public affairs ilm m mud •• st.iirliug of men hy one an- r Ilea at Mu* ro t of so much evil '. • he untd;i;self hna unine ’ to b|v ■*v ...uyni with qimrling and atrife. i wta i vi A* saying df L i|*d nt t i * tiui - f oiii- aharp.-at disp.itea with Ureal Britain, tllat twomteUi- geuuamkDnuqe ulo^on nutocin^rti? Aiianii. wiin plenary powci^ cpiijd. »*•'! isf the wlihle matter honorably in DM . .... .... Tli WJ.JLD 8i»i»phrj-«tk8(.ita friMida at the Smith to aid ifiij bring ing #t (iomplete .. intwli^g ui«, inindV/m«iijl publicqucgtioul l^iiwecn j th$ 1ii 1 igd*irt'cifiBeiis i»fqi11.\ ]J■.r § * the Union. Wji.uam IIk.vry Ul'huikkt. TERMS: I’uk Wkkki.y World. Ofi..,year J[nr^;<iJifi|i^V}*ra*) # ,jiifi- free 11 ad Ilian two cents per week) 01.00 t , ro CLUB \(<KaM I’S-i-W'f' r\ ; . : Mm c. ;py tor cliih of ien, aeperately »c.0reas*.*d. 'I’lii* Daily Worlii 1 fi»r cl’ih or tifty, aeperafely addressed. ‘ ’I’llk Skmi-Wkkuly Would. 0 i" year (104 numbers), yoatage free $2.00; T» Ulul) Agents—An ex tra c *py .lor club of ten,’sejiemtely <.ddivss"d. The Daily World • for club of twenty-five, a *ppemtely ad • ilrrased. '1*11* Daily World. With Sunday edition, one year, iHdf.igc* free $10.00; With Sundny diiioa. six immtlis,po8lHgefree. 5.60 With Sunday edition,three imoitlm pMtj*ngi* fret*. 2.75; Without Sfin- May Hiiiuoit, one year, fiustage tree .sou; Without Sunday edition, six m .mbs'.-p^ugi*'lYi* 4 25; Wltrmut Siiudav -ditionj tliiee mouths, p s fr-'e 2 20. ii se than tlin-e mouths, $1 .p-.t; |Y» MltllM. S'.iml-iy World, one year, postage fi'ec $2.00 Alooday W jrld, ohtaiuing Liter- nry iteviews and (Jolledge Chronicle, one year, poatage free 1.50 Terms; iu advance. Send ILst-Oflice money-order, hank driifr «• legister- ed leuer . Bills Rent by ninil wili be at risk of sender. Addition to,duh lists may be msde •»t any time itrthe.year nt the above . ne ii c* ( *pj*'*R, po-ters, &c.. sent , .- *r auv d*sired. Addtvpa r :i£ WORLD,” M Park Bow, New York. iBtatei. ^Vlfy _ ‘ warrnntod^or 1 ght paid both 'tvnyb by hini If tlie> - ario r ~— "-"l-Ior Iirustratod advkhtirgk and from hla uatronn, soma of whom you may know-, IlluRtrntea Nownpaner Mint froe. i. why ? illicituho lie roIIr only T . null, tliken no rinkn mid linn no ue i nccouutH. Even* Instrumenf fully alz years ns strictly flrst-cbuw, und I • sent on from S to in days’ tost trial, money refunded TOOF'S STANDARN RjJFflER, 105 “ ‘ .for IH Suwl.g N.rhll... rii.u-,1 Wu'v.wvl mortperfectlyrtm.inicto!. . Ailflrot. ( A PITA I. ; L t K i. c'ur ii i:.' .. Ini' U11; ni.l LiUll'r N.'l Sii |.| c 'I Ol'A I, ASSETS... . M,000.000 00 . 1,705,000 50 . 000,101 08 . 1,179.04s! 08 ..! *0,180,870 10 ' Jno. W.'Hadley, Agent, loo. is>.om Cedsjrtox'vrx,' G-a.. ImIFE INSURANCE! Tin* Following Tuble, being n partiul List of Los» « j.iiitl 1>y tiie f i Mobile Lift Insurance Company, five's some pracllcul IlhirlraUeim of llm Bonoflln nml I’rofluof Lifn Ipsiipmcf. the lightest running, THE SIMPLEST, THE MOST DURABLE. THE MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINES. rnsfcssfricr n'l t!io latest nhit most deslrablo ir.'prorumcnts. It is irtslly nniIerR?rnl, tinlcwi tbo double- r-.rei.d 1*ik-sllti-ii, las r.plf-MguUtlng ten- i 'nns nml t ke-np, anil will do tho whole raugo of family work w tJinnt rhnnui*. Tho*’l)«*: tr ' IU’’in nmilo In tho most dnr- i'iIo mnnver. t Jt!t conicnl steel hearings and cumtMiiibni Hi j Juumnls 1 throhelibnf. ,'genia for I d *• IIOMWlil'” Sewing M»- r*iine nnd tho •• P05U>>f 10 ” Fi»pci wanttdfftrfiirTinoccnpftdterrttfflrjr. tewlsg Htekiao CompaBj, F*w 7«t DR. RICE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., A rnsUrty MboeIM and lenity onallDed pbyddaa and tbs MoitHueceMfal, oEbtapraodn* «|Q prove. Cure* aliform* •r prtfals,ebnotnandnMualdtann^ gp«rmator- sSsr. mrj. Physical Decay, Plmnle* oo Pace, AVenloo Lv BccUty of pMnsles, Oaabuloa of hlian, l«« cf Bnual Poww, ko^ n dering ra»rri»*a tmpr.'i*cr ornnhapcT, are too really sssss A PRIVATE OOITN8SLOR •Ioiin r». CAnpy John 8 ( (JiiEuse John S. Oiikknr John It. Hoiieiit- Mils. Saji ail A. F0 II. I). KjkiKIU s f ; ; J. K. ItAsnOirr J - • Ai>i>h>on Kiiaskh Jeshf.k L. Hennutt \V?i. 1|J UjLinfS J IIMJAII W*. STkiillT John M. Woioikn Dli. L, ,W. IIauhis Wh. A. Vhazikh Thomas W. Hakeh J, < . Mh.i.ioan. IVm. 'e. Miis. Ki.ira .1. A i.iiiurii wmm RESIDENCE. Evergreen Alnbatnn Mobile, Ely) on. ! “ IMiirununCfiiinty, Alabama Aubtihi, Alabnma Cleburne, Texas (Hold) Mobile, Alabama ' Memphis, Teii|tC8Aeo.: ;Oxrord, Alahaina WhNtlor, Alslmuia Opellks, “ Monroe Count*, Mississippi OiwWunr Alnbanm > IIoiisUiu, Mississippi Crockett, Ti-xiih Corsicana, “ Fort Deposit, AlAliama Mobile, lehnrne, Texas (Cold) | Waco. “ (Gold) Hood County. Texas [.Meridian. Mississippi {itudsdeji, AJahania , „ prOar Aimmni | rreinliiras | . »ti» • -Asssiired TDIhI Premium Paid.. $2,f)00 1 *1211 i.i : 2,rfl0 55 •i.i no i tin ini I m hnu 4o s’.Ih'!' • (HI t Mi IK) 82W, 1118 <lo 28o 15 Of 511 K. 411 So'tW ‘ill So ssc •iu in 1 ,W0 J.017 44 1 .HIM HO i.'.Hil 511 •1,5111 IHI not *20 *2.808 88 . 008 54 1.119 S? 1° iSas 2.4JU 44 S.4I2 54 2.4411 57 4.788 Ho 8.078 2o 2,878 4o 058 80 For fun her iuforiAiition npply to ’.T. 1). KNI.OW, CeJanown, Gn. Doc 13,1877-ly "Depot, 104 HEADE STREET, Hew YorJ:. liPBH, p:\blj8h'*d in ‘he tbrivijig if, Georgia, und tldVoted* especially t is n homo onterprlat*, • and.wry oild ii ,• • it u^idatfly supp 'rt. ' " M- . • o: , , - ,’,i , . , ^ u j, , Will giv.‘ nil tin-,.brsidca ».variety, of Eiterury, Pufftioulnoii- (i,-nnl, IL'IigiuOs, T,'rti|ii'rnhbe, Agrioiiltmul, nml general r, ailing Rafter. I is ih excellent udver'tiBing nioilimn, nml, merchants an I others wit" wis i tu secure the vas trinle from.i’iilk, paufding anil Jlnhilsiin bunnties,' iu this Stall-, nml Cleburne ami Clierukee counties, of Ahihania, wnulb .hi well tu avail themselves of the ail vantages it nifers. Our ul I el'l Ising rut s are very moderate, and will he sent on n|)plicntion. iron tub iEgr HORSE SHOEING Jjgi . i , |n!CliiUy- All 1 hbH I. n nrl.l, aViA I will ViUir b ibeu eoinplelc sallsfactlou. '*- "» lv '• ’« WILLM 8,' IIA^ND. • U-CK TALiimio, , Sols Food and J^jypry vidble. Jirond Street,. % U*; .,;\D()vu\G<% t t iDn'ifri 'T ' *? * ♦: > * *. 4, ‘ KST CARE UJfpn of PV>yk. prices re**op« I. Hpecirtl areommodAilon for teams, ily i/ulk amt Harolson couuty Irleuds Hre ItivltOH ioeull nnd ... sen me. - fub.kltf nty with eucli wniron; » ^ n Dr. Louis S. Leclbetter, Dental Surgsob. Cr.OAHTOWN, fl-KOHOIA. _. keeps up with the latest Improve im'pts In the prolesslon, ami giHihrntees rifDlac- tioti In all casus. Those ivUhUm lo have old It ctb made unwyiir los) gnus roiilaced. cun have. It done in thb ntsl style aim at reaslinilnl* Kites hv chlllng on hill) NtjhH> Oftlce, next door to Philpot k Dodds Pjofe. Feh. In, 1877-ti Official Organ of Polk and Haralson Counties. All tfu* mivprtising pertaining to the ofiic^a of Sheriff a id Or.liniiry in Polk and lLirnlson counties i. puliliahwl in TllK EXPBKSS, nml no other paper in the county publishes it in lull. In addition to this fuel, THE EXPRESS iindonbtedly Vm a, Lapgee OlvculatDm than any other papoit* In County* W" inviti* tin* attention of mlyertiaera t'vqhia llict, and iIumii to eimaiiliTUi-ir own iiitereata and a'lvertiae ip ^ u : NO.- 6, llkdil Street, . i UOXifi, QA Kf.RPHoii hHnd Ihe Itsst-Xflif Pnrest LIQUOR# ever kept hi Roinu mill sells them ue cheap asany- irtiu ulso sells ihslf’ Imjiilre llqAnrs; 'Glvii bltn a call nnd satisfy yunrHelves;.yoii will find him to be NO. HUMBUG.- If-ymi wiint somelblbg good. g» uud try llrlnnl; lie will not represent Ills Liquor* lo 'be good unless he menu** what he says. When pen pie drink they *lifmld-alwnyitgolo a man who know What Ijo is doing and Ret what tlp-y wm>t and rnn ho lisk, lluhis mliVuil moit door til the Ito.MB HOTEL. When you go to Rome call on him nnd ypil will Ini wall treated, waited on qniekly and get something good. full ‘21 !y CIUHPTPN'H Iiijp erilil M okp js run iuzst. , Tll/s Hoiip 1* irlnnnflirtnred ffri(n |(^Fe mate- rMla; ami as’ltiwiRlilus)%lnrg«iperceut- agu of^Vugetliiu OIL Is wurrantud ■j fully Vqn'ilf io tbe'bcef Imfliirled Cusillu sospyind aMhtesme time conliiius aull the "wnshlilg a deans ing jiropertles or thd ode-: .' . bj’ntf.rl mswsn'1".' French linin'-, dry Soaus. It is thefeloru reeonniieudtin Tor nso In ihs I^iumlry, Kilelien uud Hath Room,, and for general househo|i| purposes; nl- so for Printers, Painters, Eiiglueer* mid Machinists, ns il will remove spots of Ink, Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint. cljp». horn the hands. Manufnt'liireiltifTly hy Crampton Brothers, 2, 4, h, 8 and in Jtutgei'f Place, and .Tl aud 85 Jefferson street, New York City. For sale hy G. A. LiilUn, Ukoaiitiiw.v, (Ja. Rates of Subscription, One, Cupy Qnc Year..... One Copy Six Months... , Ono Copy Tlirfic Months. .. $2 .. 1 Home Ballrsad, l:II LN(. H'OIO SPHEDULK. On nnd after SUNDAY, JUNK », 18'.8. the rains will run on the Home Railroad as follows* ! KVBPltNU TRAIN, Leave Rome daily at a. 10 A At Retnrn to Home at ;V2.8II P M I. SATUI1DAY ACCOMMODATION. j Leave Rome (Satnrdky only) at ...6 TOP M ! Keturn to Home nt 8.1)0 I’ M I C. M. PENNINGTON, Gen’l Sup’t. np27tf JNO. F.. STILLWELL. Ticket Ag’t *~><rrX Wc nm |.r.-|.«n..l to do ull ordinnu kipps Jo,b Prin ting yjt h nunt- ne>8 am! ili-piifcb. Everythiiyg (Vom a vi8ifcin^ curd to a mammoth jioater cal 'In*'|‘VihVetl ntuiu' oflicts"flkbh ue' ’ r ' ^ *** ' Letter Heads;, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads Gheck Books, Note Heads* Note Books, Statements, Circulars, Posters, Cards. LE p rAL blanks prietld to drum, Vhd for anle tit 80 Ci*nt8 |»er quire FOH THE CASH. Address Jno. W. RADLEY, OEDARTOWN, GJL. Soil Kwhctkt ALLEN & McOSKER, DEALEIIS IN WATCHES, OLOCKS.JEWKLUY Solid Silver und Plated Ware, NO. 45 UltOAD STRKET. ROME, GA. I’eMuna 1 a teii i i * * 11 Duid In iie|iairiug Watclu s, Cl ii k, Plil'iilinnii'ti'i'a in d dewelrv. Atrkiiids nf Jewelry niude touvder, lowtjl *7tt D O W 'N With High Prices! C1II.CAGO SCIALE CO., G8 if 70 Monroe St., Chicago Ill.„ Have Heduced tho Prices of all kinds of. 4 Ton II iy» Stuck or Unttmi Scale,. $00. Former Price, $1(J0. All other sizes at a great reduction. Every Bciilu Fui.i.Y Wahhantku. All orders promptly tilled. Circulars, Price LUts unb Testinioulaln sent upon applies linn. Bny the Cheapest and Best dec. 13,1877-1 y Photograph Gallery. I Imve opened a Photogruh Gallery OedarlOwn, O-*. where you can get PICTURES of all kinds taken. Special 'attention devotod to Ci'l>yio,T OKI Pictures I will hIso lepnlr WATCHES, CLOCKS, uud SEWING MACHINES, nnd tvai'iani sitiitiI'a<;Ui>n. f*9~ If you have no money. I wIU tukc produce- at highest market price. D II LEDBETTEK. tj3 ”J!» If you want Bill (loads, Letter Ileatls, Circulars Cards. Handbill Posters, or any thing in the way o Job Printing bring your orders to the M IV .