The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, November 28, 1878, Image 4

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f;t>x press. CURRENCY, Time for Mmt poem. AY ■ mny lie Imppy yet. \ "■ i. he time for a bare footed boy to hung on nml get toughened for the winter. Crime is divided into three classes in Paris—conscious, semiconscious and unconscious. Victoria Woodhull says Loudon just euits her. Every American will rejoice at the nows. The “boss” business seems to be played out in New York politics, as it should lie in the politics of every other city. The London Times refers to city oflicialsas “those mysterious per sonages liearu of just as wo read names and dates on gravestones.” Fourteen different theatrical com panies which started out in Septem ber in high hopes havo met the Sheriff and been gathered in. Patti only asks tit,500 per night now for singing, which is only <>2,485 more than a small brass baud usks for tooting two long hours. “The ablest lawyer, the greatest p ei, and the meanest man in the ’,i ' ;!i • way a Vermont paper eii ret oil' of its citizens. file newspaper man who isn’t good for .'.nvthing on any department ol a paper should go to lecturing on “llow to Kuu a Newspaper.” “When they cuu’t rob us they shoot us,” remarks Ited Cloud, “and when they can’t do either the Great Father at Washington is sick abed.” Pennsylvania tramps refuse to r cognize any leader who hasn’t ser ved at least u five years’ sentence State Prison. They uro a very select lot. The best thing to go hunting with n, a club. It doesn’t till your legs full of shot, or kill any cows grazing in the next field, A late book on etiquette says: “Never refer to a person’s nose un der any circumstances.’ The wo man who wrote the book has a wart on her nose. The man who takes a single step looking toward the direction of our currency is the most bitter foe tin* farmer and the laboring man have. “The luborer is worthy of his hi said the man in the political proces sion us he stole a torch and sneaked home with it. Alex. Stephens keeps right on in creasing in weight and goodness of heart, und if anybody should nom inate him for President in 1880 he wouldn’t be a bit surprised. A colonel in command at a Wes tern post writes as follows about the way the Cheyennes are treated: “I am clearly uf the opinion that some -one ought to be hung.’ Nellie Grant looks like a woman of forty, nnd her friends say she rnado a miserable marriage. Those girls whom she used to snub will, of course, feel rejoiced. Chicago allows an interval of oDly twelve hours between summer und winter pork-packing. It is pretty hard to tell whether you are entin summer pig or winter hog. It lukes the average woman three minutes to buy a postage 6tamp and lick it on, while it tukes the average man only fifty-seven seconds. Please think uf these things. Geu. Grunt will not write a book, and another tiling—he refuses of late to sign his name to patent pill and stomach bitter certificates. lie hates all literary work. A cash drawer which cun keep the boots, baffle thieves, not us a wutch dog, sweep out the alley would be sure of a large sale. iiergh says that u man may pray and sing all his life-time, blit if he knocks down lus horse with a fence stake the recording angel blots out whole pages of his prayers at once Italian workmen are laboring for twenty-three cents per day, and the prices of all provisions arc much higher tlmo here. ThiB country isn’t as bad as it might he, after all “Remember, now,” said an Indiana bride at the alter, “we have separa ted and been re-murried four timeB, and about once more will convince me that we can never live happily together.” The canvass cost Hen Butler 4200,- 000. That sum would have purcha sed five or six hundred pianos for the poor laboring man whom he told had just as much right to pianos a6 rich men. Mrs. Alexander, of Bridgeport, Conn., has an occupation for sale chcup. It is that of killing folks and selliug their bodies. She has gone to State Prison for life, and her tools can be hud cheap. There is where clergymen get left. They gei no more for marrying a couple weighing guO pounds apiece I han ih>-y do for splicing a sharp- unsed woman to a man with u voice |iky;a dariiing-iieidle. - COHEH & S3ILI&. "YV HOLESALE 0|ti|O|T|n|X|BiBPU 15 & 17 PRIOR STREET, ATLANTA, GA, K have the largest and host assorted Stock of Clothing for Men and B.»ys in the State. Our Prices ane 10 percent, less than anybody. We have an A No. 1, Stock of Sill UTS a*, the “The New Prices,” which we oiler to the trade at good terms, and at Prices to warrant the trade to use our Clothing to AN ADVANTAGE. Merchants should send for Samples before purchasing eleewhere. Colien tfc ©elis, pt. »6-2i.i 15 & IT Prior Street, Atlanta, Ga. UndLortaKor Warorooms 90, Broad Street, Borne, Go. Fine and Well Selected Stock of Metalic, Walnut, Grained and Stained OOFFI 1ST 8 . BOMB INSURANCE COIPAIY OE NEW YORK. Office, No. 135, Broadway. Fiftieth Semi-Annual Statement, showing the condition ol the Com jinny on the First day of July, 1878. CASH CAPITAL Reserve for Reinsurance ... Reserve for Unpaid Losses. Net Surplus 43,000,000 00 1,705,00!) 50 200,1S1 1,170,043 TOTAL ASSETS. .40,180,873 10 sept. 12,8m Jno. W. Hadley, Agent, Cedartown, Ga. LIFE SlfSCRANCE! The Following Table, being a partial List of Losses paid by the Mobile Life Insurance Company o practical lllut*t ration* of the Bel lid Profits of Life InauMiico. John U. 1 Evergreen Alabama Mobile, Elyt Jkhbee L. Bennett Wm. 11. Karikh Obcau W. Stewart John M. Wohubn Dh. L. W. IIahkih Wm. A. Frazier Thomas W. Baker J. U. Mii.lioan Wm. T. 11 Mhb. Eliza J. t J' L. Halbert F. M. MoDuffbh John Holmes John Bkndkh (Jkohob A. Brown YV. U. Donoh Kkv Columds Smith John A Spaulding RESIDENCE. Total Preniiun Paid. •unjro County, Alalinn Auburn, Alabama Cleburne, Texas (Gold) Mobile, Alabama Memphis, Tennessee Opelika, ’oe County, Mississippi den “ ' ■ ton Corsicana, *• Fort Deposit, Alabama Hood County, Texas Meridian, Mississippi Gadsden, Alabama $121) 15 111) (10 58 50 70 20 HO 70 07 41 4OH 40 85 HO 101 12 80 40 50 00 32 50 1IW «»o 88o 75 88f 8o 121 Oo 40 01 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES the first to oiler First-Class Sewing Machines, at prices within the reach or all. YVE YVILL HELL THE VEltY BEST Family Sowing Machine Tor Twenty-Five Dollars IN CASH, n hh ornamented Iron Stand and Treadle, with YValuut Top nml Drawer, and necessary Attach ments ami deliver It at any Railroad Depot In tbo United State, FREE OF CHARGE. ns machines are warranted to do the whole >r Kamilv Hnwltii/ with more rapidity, inure fatigue to the op .... .hail »ny machine now in *"* l)utib The Best ©a' Wheels mANtrrAOTtiHiii) bt FISH BROjS. & CO., RACINE, - - - - - WIS. WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY OF Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons, Wild by confining ourselves etrtcly to one class of work; by employing none but the BEST OF WORKMEN, Using nothing but FIltST-CLASS IMPROVED MACHINERY nnd tbo VERY BEST SELECTED r, than Hny n mblo Thread old l They make t v from the line, lend for mhric t< nchlne warranted for three years Agenti YVunted Everywhere. CENTENNIAL MACHINE CO., Limited, 729,‘Filbert St., Philadelphia, I’a. Jnn3-ly. oT •sVciideavon - 1 auccocd In .... I will credit them tent, selected r.t tho lowest wliolesnlo price, will Immediately ship tho Instrument, free, or after ay amount la credited tho balance may be paid me icaah and I will then ship them tlu> Instrument. Itcy need not to known lu tbo matter, and wilt bo doing their friends a real scrvlco, as I shall mnko fS.°ffSL"»ra I UfSktSH. JffltHJSS v hat Is ordinarily nakoi by ngonla. Ploaso send mo a list at oaco. aud after you havo mndo Inquiry, you wmk unsolicited indorsements ns has Mr. Beatty. From every State nnd Territory conies tbo samo verdict: “They uro tho bm in the world." CAUTION.— My success lias LrouclH Into existence huiutredsof TIM BEIt, nnd by n Thorough Knowledge of tho luislnef reputation of making “The Best Wagon On Wheels.” Wo give the following warranty with eaoh wngon: ECoi’olDy wurr/mt tho FISH BROS. YY’AGON ho well made In every particular and of good material, nnd that the strength of the same Is sufficient for all ork with fair luage. Should any breakage occur within one year from this date by reason of defective material or workmanship, repairs for the same will bo furnished at place or sale, Tree of charge, or tho prlco of said repairs, ns per agent’s price list, will be paid In cash by tae purchaser producing a sample of the broken or detective parts as evidence. ( Titus G. Fish, ) Racine, Wis., Jan. 1st, 1878. \ Edwin B. Fish, t FISH BROS. & CO. ( Jno. O. IIugoins, ) Knowing we can suit you, wo solicit patronage from every section of the United States. SEND for PRICKS and TBRM8, ami for a copy of our Agricultural liaper to Angn.tis, lsis,6m FISH BROS. & CO., Racine, Wis. HEW ;SHGP’ A TTENTION Is invited to the fact, ’.bat I Lev. opened in Cedartown a rirst-class WOOD ami BLACKSMITH SHOP Anv work in either branch can ami will be done In a YVorkmanliko style, and at fair living pry*’*. FOR. TP DEQUES O A-esaKE. HORSE SHOEING ..0J a specialty. All I ask is a trlul, and I will guaran tee complete satisfaction. YV1I.L1S H. flAND. JACK TALIAFERRO, Sale Feed and Livery .“table. Broncl Street Home,On. DaIv'iiSdV. DBATTY, WaiiC inutnn, New Jorncy, It. H. A merlon, hCltTTU PtAIV'O UltAND,'SQUARE ANTTITP- LJtft I I 1 RHAtca UIUHT,amTUEATTY’SCRLK- ItRATED GOLDEN TOMOUE UAKT.OH ORQANB aro tho sweetest toned and most perfect instruments over lwforo manufactured in tills or any other coun try. ^ Adiheiw^lJAN BEATTY* Wa-ll- FiflHfls’MlsM 1 ; cd. giyGeo Beatty t Krvni.YTSvffi. 1 ? WAI1 ^jj >ajj | Kh|lY^fij'.AT' TOOF’S STANDARD RUFFLER, r ALL Sewing Machine*. Tho best to use aud most perfectly constructed. Address E. J. TOOF, “ Domestic ” Building, New York, For further information apply to J. D. ENLOW, Cedartown, Dec. 13,1877-ly Ga. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, THE SIMPLEST, THE MOST DURABLE, THE MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINES. rosresBlng all tho Intcst and most desirable It la easily understood, makes the double* thread lcrk-nlitrli, has self-regulating ten* Mon* nnd t»ko-up, and will do tho whole rango of family work wiMiontciinuge. The •• DOMESTIC” 1b imwlc in tho moBt dnr- r.blo mnnner. with conical etccl bearings and compensating joumnlB throughout. Agents for the •• DOMESTIC” Sewing Ma chine and tbo 4i DOMESTIC ” Paper Fashions wanted in all unoccupied territory. Addreaa Tlie Cedartown Express. WEEKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER, published in ths thriving l T\ village of Cedartown, Polk County, Georgia, and devoted espociully to tho interests of Cherokee Georgia, ft is a home enterprise, and every citizen ia Polk and surrounding counties should give it a hearty support. mum bipbB' o BkHT CAKE t bio. Special acc« d Haralson cou My r«rtk lo call and b.2l *f Dr. Louis S. Ledbetter, Denial Surgsos. CliDAKTOYVN, GEORGIA. -I RADUATE of the Baltimore College of Denial JT Surgery, keeps up with tho latest improve lunlB In thu profession, and gnuiantoot* natlifac ntyle a oplnei G. J. BRIANT, isro. 6, Broad Street, ROUE, OJ Kan kept In Br ‘ - -Mall ml the Dost nnd Pnre»t LIQWORH aaml bclln thei ill- in: liqilii Give him ' ill Und him lo hr NO HUMBUG. If yen want something good, go and try Brla*t;hu will not represent Ida Llauore to he good union* he mean* what be pie drink they bhotild alwHyagott what bo is doiug and get what th no risk, lie lias moved next dt . . HOTEL. YVlien you go to Itome call c Mho"'no MR waited on quickly ami get Will give all the latest news, besides a variety of Literary, Political, Educa tional, Religious, Temperance, Agricultural, sad general reading matter. It is an excellent advertising medium, and merchants and others who wish to secure the vast trade from Polk, Paulding and Haralson counties, in this State, and Cleburne und Cherokee counties, ot Alabama, would d well to avail themselves of thu advantages it niters. Our advertising rates are very moderate, and will lie sent on application. Official Organ of Polk and Haralson Counties. All tin- advertising pertaining to tho ofiiees of Sheriff nnd Ordinary in Polk nnd llarulson counties ii published in THE EXPRESS, and no other paper in the county publishes it in full. Ill addition to this iucl, THE EXPRESS undoubtedly has a 3fcax*g«i» fkau any oil*,or 1> stiver laPoIlc CSewmfcy* Wu invito the attention ot advertisers t. this fact, and ask them to considerth-ir own interests and advertise in TUB EXPRESS. CltAMPTON’3 MiijpeYLkl fHokp IS THE BEST. Till* Soap 1b munnfnctnrod frem pur* mate rial*; ami kb it conUlu* a lnrgv percent- ag« of Vegntino Uil, 1* warranted fully eqnal to the bf*t Imported Frci ti Utu It Depot, 104 STREET, New York. Sowing HacMno Company, Row York. OR. RICE, 37 Court Hece, LOUISVILLE, KY., SStea *r“Fdoli° n Lm» 0 f 8 wuutl POTr*r,*^i 'XS&H}3Z& press. Consultat-'oa free and lovlind. ohargea msonaU* and oorrcipondcaeo strictly oooOdsntlaL A PRIVATE COUNSELOR ■v&mas^Biia .' k Rates of Subscription. One Cojty One Year ^ ^0 One Cojiy Six Months 1 00 One Copy Three Months > r, 0 Prlrtlaff.^D We are prepared to do all ordinary kinds of Job Printing with neat ness and dispatch. Everything from a visiting card to a mammoth poster can he printed at om cflice, such as Letter Heads, Bill Heads Note Heads. Statements, Posters, Visiting Cards, Chech Boohs, lYTote Boohs, Circulars, Cards. therefore rec«Mn*mle« for tine in tho Laundry, Kitchen and Bath Hum, nnd for general bou#eb«kl purpob** ; al- for Friiter*, Painters, Kagicew * and hini*t<, as It will remove ryots of Ink, •, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc., from the hand*. M.i cd only by Crampton Brothers, 2, I, h, M and 10 Kutgeiv 1’laco, and 83 aud 35 Jcilcrson Street, New York City. 6. aV'dAWB, Cedaktown, Ga. Ro»0 »»ni**a4. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after SUNDAY, JUNE 1), 1878, the nln* will run on the Home llallroud as follows: EVENING TRAIN. jeave Romo daily nt i ll A kl teturu to Rome at 12.31 P M SATURDAY ACCOMMODATION. .uaye Rome (Sutnrduy only) nt fi I0P If det«rn to Home nt 8.00 P M C. M. PENNINGTON, Oen’l Hup’t. ip27tf JNO. E. STILLWELL. Ticket Ag’C ID O W 1ST With High Prices! CHICAGO SCALE CO., OS if 70 West Monroe Si, Chicago III., Have Reduced the Prices of nil kind* ol S €£ ii I* H S! 4-Ton Hay, Stock or Cotton Scale, $60. Former Price, $160. All other size* at a Bcnlo Fully* YY’aui filled. Circulars, mt npo LEGAL BLMKS PRINTED TO ORDER, And for snle nt 80 cents per quire FOR THE CASH. AddresB Jno. W. RADLEY, CEDARTOWN, GA. 'h Ktittwris >A 1LLEK & IcOSKER, DEALERS IN WATCHES,CLOCKS, JEWELRY Solid Silver and Plated Ware, NO. 45 BROAD STREET, ROME!, OA. Personal attention paid to Repairing Watches, Clock, Chronometers and JeYvelry. All kinds of Jewelry made to order. cmvtJl-’7» Bny the dec. 18,1877-1 jductlon. VST Every All orders promptly Lima anb Toatimonlale applicvt Cheapest and Best Pkotograpk Gallery. I have opened a Photograh Gallery OedLartOwu, OF*. whore you can got PICTURES of all klmla taken. Special attention devoted W Cojtying Old Pictures I will also repair WATCHES, CLOCKS, and “SWING MACHINES, and warrant satisfaction. |?&- If you have no money. T will take prodVca at lilgheal market price. 1). II LLi)BETTER. tJS ’79 If you want Bill Heads, Letter Uchds, Ciroulara Cards, Handbill Pouters, or any tbinjr in the o Job Painting bring y*ur oril*r* t# tbe --t* M.::