The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, December 05, 1878, Image 3

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TUlr F.x P HESS. Co^firtDwn, December 6th V L. NEW8. COTTON MARKET. ■ 1 u.>t-'i owliiy as follows: ©■e . Middlings, 8 Middlings, Is-..' H'ddbnps. , 7] Strict (loud Ordjiary, 7J kLrkft—Dull. 'Domestic Paper Fashion hwip (Fall Styles) lor sale by Hunt- ngitou & Wright. tf Pretty .veatlicr, this. And still the cotton Christmas is coming, children arc Imppy. The Judge Barber hits resigned •miry. Who is Mayor? 'i■ market is well supplied partridges. it have hau a real live ma- iloy.-i. be careful with the fire- Ci act. is. Don't set anything on lire. There will be services at the .‘lioll.odist church next Sunday— morning and night. The aggregate value ol'prop- *■ rtv in Folk county is $1,480,381!; in Rural ion, 8587,17(1. Atys Chisolm aim Mr. Kel li.' In- [1 on hand a choice lot of !ro.m moats all tlin time*. Atys will soil you groceries at a low figure tuo. See notice elsewhere of Sup per for the benefit of the M. K. Church. A worthy cause and merits 11 liberal .Vntvnnremrnla. Mr. W. C. Slight announces him self in this issue as 11 candidate for re-eleotion. Sverybody knows Mr. Knight and ie needsno introduction at our hunch, llis friends are nu merous artt)they will not be slow in showing Hr. Knight that they are for him. Hilly Ilhliardson is nut for Tax Collector. If elected he will make a good one. Mr. Counibus .Camp solicits the votes of lie people for Tax Colin Mr. Cam; will run a good Haralson County. Buchanan, Cl., Nov. 23,1878. r,A Want Supplied Florida, Our Land of Flowers. villi < nth I >enjoy For Sheriff of Haralson County. We aro nuthorlml to announce tlm iimin of A. .7. HUNT aa a candidate for Shurltror Haralson county, at tbo January election, I87H. oct 10, tde For Sheriff of Haralson Count). Wo are autborl/.ed to nnuonnoe the name of Jwi.N K. HOLCOMBE, with AHCU KU.LWOIIK as hit deputy. n« a candidate for HlierifTor lliimlson county. Klectlon uext January. tde loplor. of, we Club Bate. Wo kill club the Kxsrhss at the following rates with the following papers: Detroit Free Press 13 00 Courier-Journal $3 00 Burlington Ilawkeyo $3 00 Philsdflphiu Times *3 00 Ohriitiini Index AM 00 Oodej’s Lady Hook ifi 50 In fact, wo will send the and most any paper at a vatue over the regular price o * one. C»ah, in advance, at th ROCKMART LOCALS. Hock mart, Nov. 20, 1 0\ Onr BititBcri.lters in anil atjuund and Taylorsville, tn« ! sub- scribe and make settlements with litir utitliurized agent, Col. N. Hthanur. He will receive order* for job work and advertisements. I*UMl.1311 UK ExiMUISS. nov. 21 Jit The many friends of Mrs. Latham will be grieved to learn that fdw is it. n precarious condition. She has a cancer forming on her throat. In a nursery wherein nil life and laugh instead of crying and fret ting, lhere is sure co he found Ur. Hull’s Baby Syrup. Price 25 cents a bottle. Rev. .1. T. (lil)SOH will be in CVdarlowii next .Saturday and Sunday, it it lit.pul and expected by his friends that he will occupy the Methodist pulpit here next Sab- bu The Texas Tribune says; “the lu'.e ‘atmospherical freslineas’ brought on many cages of Coughs slid Colds, and Dr. Hull’s Cough Syrup i3 in greater demand than «vor. ’ Pi ice only 25 cents. Tallapoosa. We visited this little village last week and found it full of mighty clever people. K. K. McBride seems to he a favorite with them all. Kin is selling a few goods and in connec tion, peach brandy by the quart. Sexerul old gentlemen told us lie handled the best liquor in Haralson liver active. Card totlie.CitlzeuHor Haralson County. We, the undersigned citizens of Haralson county do ceriily that we were the guard present at the time H. W. Chisolm, who is charged with the murder of E. A. Lambert, made his escape,and that A- J. HUNT, Sheriff of Haralson comity, was pres ent, and that we as guards, together with the Sheriff, made every effort in our power, to prevent the said Chisolm’s escape. And we further n d cold he ethereal mildness of flowers. To them we would say the necessity of that expensive trip is oh vinted by Coussens’ Compound Hon ey of Tur, which speedily cures the coughs and colds incident to this rig orous clime. For public speakers it surpasses the Demosthenic regimen of “pebbles and sea shore;” clearing tins throat until ilie voice rings with the silvery cadenee of a bell. Use'. Coussens’ Compounu Honey of Tar. j Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by • Bradford d 1 Allen. OctlOeow-ly ! Mexico ami United States nu to their warm amt delight- climates, their inhabits Si'll low from torpid Liver, Indigestion and all diseases arising Irom a disord ered Stomach and Bowels. They should of course at all times keep the olive, and to our readers we mend Tablet's Portuline, or Vegetable Liver Powder. Taken in time, will often save money and much suffering. Price 50 cents. For Sale by Bradford it Allen Oot-3eowLv Chow Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. nov. 21 ly ‘ Clothing lloujse hi Cedarlown is now a lixed fact. R. GAMMON, 11 is u Large Stock of Ready-lade Clothing, DENTS’ EUKNISIIING <1001)8, lluls, Cups mid Notions, I' PROSPECTUS FOR 1870. | Vol. 98 Godey’s Lady Book. 49til Year. | Pond In youri'iiibH at om>. Yon ran add any name* aftuiw.ii<li* at Mi • -amn i»r»- • • t.f oriipnal«!nt». Reduced to Fes? ^ . a TERM fil CASH 11ST A.UVA.I'? POSTAL E P HEP A ID. ^ CHKArM’HKMIUMS. * ^ ^ * KIIMS NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE UP Y ) HKMIT. -OH a I'lwlufflro money orJ.-r on lMitlm!« Ipli'n. . on (Hiinot uut (‘itlii’i dI hcikI Hnuk-ann-. nun a. il- n SAM WILSON’S RESTAURANT, t, Barbftr & Wood's Old Si and, U It DA MOWN, Ca. I have again opened up my Uos- certify that said A. J. HUNT’S or- ! laurnnl. amOtiii prepaii-il in I'.-cii ev tiers ill regard to ke< ping 1 lie pricmi- era were of I lie must rigid cliurnc- A. J. HUNT, Slu'rilf, did Ills dut.T luSherill’all tlio time we served under him. rind it was not liis Wehnrla pleasant trip into Haralson county last. week. We were more strongly impressed than ever with the hospitality of the pec Our thanks are especially due to Mr. mid Mrs. Howell and our young friend Hold. Latham. We are under many obliga tions to otir young friend Will F. Powers lor assistance on this issue of the paper. Circumstances known to ninny of our friends have conspired in delaying us. Will has helped us Winter is set in, the squeal of the hog is heard in the land, sausage meat, back hones, spareribs on the tallies and fatly corn bread. Cotton is coining in now rapidly and selling at about 8 cents. The farmers are sowing largely in wheat and oats this fall. The railroad is doing a good bu.i- ss now making two trips a day. The report is that Mr. A. 0. West has bought Mis r.iad and takes pos session the 5th nf next mouth. If that he the case it is hoped Mint he will put il through In Cedar own Mr. Shepard bus opens.) a bar and billiard saloon in llnckmarl iviili John Drawer at the helm. When the citizens want something good lu drink call cm John and they will get il. Mr. Gnll'ilh Davis lost another child last Friday with diphtheria. The parents have onr sympathy in their bereavement. Mr. William Hubbard is now in Texas on a visit and to look at the country, lie writes hack that lit* is not pleased with the prospects mid does not think tile country healthy. Tilers has been something ever five hundred bales of notion sold in this scsson and still it fault aa ail officer. This Noveu 0th, 1878. J. M. MON HOE, J. M. IlOLCOMHE, J. S. 1LESTLEY, W. T. 1IE8TLEY, II. C. POSEY, W. J. HEAVES, L. S. JEl'T’EHST, JOS. M. WALD HO PE, M. Y. DARNELL. her erybudy. Table supplied with lies' the market alfords. nt the small price 25cls per meal. Ci re me a call, nov 21 M Sam Wilson. NOTICE. The old reliable having been mil of Ibe City lor some months past, has returned and gone into winter (piarters up sl urs over ihe Wood Shop of W. S. Davis, where lie would lit- pleased to serve his many friends Lady’s Hook Publishing Co. (Liu Philadelphia. I’. Boys Clothing. tlm tally Clothing House In CEDABTOWN. II CAM MON, B ARNES’ IVniNT Power Machinery. 15flSpg VmII send Mach Trial if I ,G. W. Vanik. nml customers, v. 31 3t 1 Tun City Bah is where the p* o pie go for DUKE liquors. REMIWGTOia jewing Machines. See This Offer. (loiley’s Lady’s Hook mi" veal- for only * I. hoi JUIi. GRAB Fine largo heads of Oaimage in store and for sale by .III) (Jit a till. A fresh supply <»f Goshen Butter now on bund and lor mile by ,) id 0 It Alt It. 3t Try t-he ( lufallble LlVKU Pill pul tip by Burbank & Jones. Bur i»k & Jo HARNESS. The undersigned having spared no pains in lilting up a beautiful shop, returns many thanks for past lavors, and solicit a a continuance of the same. (1. W. Vance. nov 21 Hr. ffitidical Niitice. For the present Dr. E. 11. Hit'll- audson, Jr., cun he found at night at the residence of lion. Win. Peek. Nov. J4-1 f FDR RENT. 'rin* 11*• 11St* tiinl premises of M if. A. (J. Prior, in Odiirtuwn, are for rent for the ensuing year. 'IVrms; quarterly payment*, with note and sicurity required. For piirticul. apply to II. U. Puyou, Nov. 7, :f Cedartown, Cla. iisllspss Aqents Wanted In i Fad. A 11rg’* prop irlion of the An; can people are to-day dying from the eflecis of Dyspepsia or disordered li er. The result ol these diseases up on the masses ol intelligent and val- —- uuble people is most alarming, mu* Candies, Nuts, Unisons, Oranges, king life actually a burden instead .. T C n .V. ,n8 » 1,1 “bundanee, at of a pleasant existence of enjoyment. JUD CRABB’S. dec 5 at. Cranberries and Mince Meat, at dec 5, 3t J id Cha tin’s No complaint of the Aimline : you get from Burbank & Jones. Christmas Tree. The Indies of the Methodist Church will give u Supper ami Christmas Tree uii the night iff the 24th, at Huntington & Wright’s Hull: All are invited. The Tree will be open to all wliu wish to make presents to Hslutionsor friends. The proceeds of til* Entertainment are to be ap propriated to furnishing the Metho dist Parsonage Admission, 50 cts; Children, 25; The members of the Methodist church at this place reluctantly part witli their old pastor, Rev. W. D. to be a faithful Christian and u good citizen. lie gone hence to Marietta. They stand ready to welcome the arrival of their new pastor, Rev. Mr. Myrick. lie will find Ins church united, ready to ussist him in his I against the evils of the world. Albert, had hi Capt. Julc Peek’s plantation. They sat down to reBt and whilo sitting, resting, in a fence corner it ms weapon when it wasdiseharg- The wound is very painful and It is in The yuung folks are enjoying emselves hugely now, two parties in one night. The saw mills are now running on ne, plenty of water since the rains set in. What Inis become ofthecandi.luies? have not seen one in a week. Come around candidates we are all getting dry. ol. Batt Jones and John Devett : u little twist at Diincomb court ground last Saturday, consequence was, Col. Jones, a black eye. Have not seen Devett to sec whether he is bunged up or not. William Young and Elbert Rliine- liart had a little tight the other day. Elbert resorted to law, and William left for purls unknown. When Dorn Pedro was making his tour of observation in America, lie made*» note of the fact that Dll. Haute it’s Fetish and Ague Sue- oii'ic was, under all conditions, a safe and certain cure for Chills and Fever. For sale by all Druggist. Dec.5-2t Dried Beef just received ut Jen Chahu’s. i BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, i good, just received and for sale by J U[> CltAHB. 3t Best Liver Pill ill town kept by Burbank & Jones. deco-ly Salts, Soda, Bluestone and Copper as, best quality, by Burbank & Jones. Come one, com *!di, Come both large and small, Como to Jud Cl And look at Gu to Burbank & Ju your Christmas Tricks. to liny Cheap, but nice i Toys. SANTA CLAUS I ills goods, and is « Store. -Burbank A Jones Goods »t JUD s arrived with Jud Crabb’s dec full fit nice Ohrist- Cii ABU’S, dec 5-3r. mid usefulness as it ought to he There is nog J reason for this, if you will only throw aside prejudice and skepiicism, take tile advice of Druggists ami your friends, and try one bottle of Green’s August Flower. Your speedy relief is certain. .Mill ions ol bottles of Ibis medicine liu been given away to try its virtue wiili sntisliiclory results in eve disc. Yon citn buy a sample bullfe for 10 cents to try. Three doses w relieve I lie worst care. For s» by Bradford & Allen. jiiii-fiOeowly i is fixing up for Christ- dee 5 fit. .SantaClaus’ Agent, JUD CRAliB, lias ihe cheapest 'and', prettiest Stock of Christinas Goods we ever saw in Cedartown. dec 5-3t W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Cedartown, Polk county, Gu., on the First Tues day in January next, between the le gal Iraurs of sale, the following prop erty to-wit: Lot of land Nu. 355, in the 2nd district and 4th section of Polk ty, Gu., as the property of Crocker, by virtue ul one Mortgage ti lit from Polk Superior Court, in favor of C. W. Featlwrslon & Co. vs James A. Crocker. Prop erly pointed cut in this li fa. E. W. CLEMENTS, dec 5, tils Sheriff. No whitt dirt coaled Livek Pills fo be had at Burbank & Jonea’- bnt some of the best made. House door, i i county, Ga., be i ol sale on file i Polk county, Ga., between the legal hours ol sale on-the First Tuesday in January 1879, the following prop erty to-wit: One chestnut Sorrel horse, about ten years old, and one Iron Safe, ns tlie property ol J. R. Barber, by vir tue of one Polk Superior Court li la in favor of J. K. Rowan vs J. It. Barber. E. W. CLEMENTS, dec 5, ids Sheriff. PILE CURE. «sr" as BRADFORD & ALLEN have Ihe si Liver Pills ever sold in this or any other market. They have sold over four Ihmisaml of them and and for them steadily inert' They give entire satisfaction. This large quantity has been sold withou any pulling or advertising. If you once try them you will use no oilier. juneRUj I mentors Hurt l’uttoilfea Should : r instructions, terms, , In Eilson Brothers, Solicitors, of Patent, Washington, D. O., who furnish the same without charge. Eilson Brothers is a well- known and sHCcessful lirm of large experience, having been established since I860. -DEALER IN STAPLE AID FANCY GEOCESJJA KEEPING ALWAYS ON HAND A Ft LI. AND FRKS1I STOCK OF Siiwur, CoITtic, M"iil Flour, Rico, Uncoil, Fresh Lin'd, in liict, everything kept in u Final ('Infs i.merry Store. Plain nnd Fancy Cniulies. All kinds of Canned Goods, Nut Raisins, Toys etc. PRICES CHEAP. Price my stock bull.; - purchasing—satisfaction guaranteed. Particular attention pa.a to tin; buying and selling of Country l’roeinco. Thankful it . past liivors, I brg for n conlimisiice of ihe same. 45-1 f JUlJCRABB. . T. B. WiliiassLiet k n, - - Some, ,M. Fl. *V"I’S, Si'V • REMINGTON Oree&mooi' Riiie vioromors at CIlKEDMOOIt, 1874, DOl.bY.MOUNT, 1875, CHKEDMUOll, I87U, CIlKEDMOOIt, 1877. M I L L 1 N No. 91, Broad St., - - - HaS oil hand n large as.iuriui mt of Iln | goods in 11hi* lino. Also, luiS on luuul, m a’l time- h oi’Ctl; Standard Card Board, Mott Ac. j I' d j opposite W. T. McWilliams & Uo.V n, iv l.u.M l May It, 1S7R-WH) New Wood assd fell uckwttkSSY f* ^ 12 V SUMPTER & WILLI A ‘ ' L tl DOUBLE HUE EC II LOADING. SHOT GUNS. ly'rLoommoiuii'il Cl™ WS'ESl i«li WEIBB’S PATENT CARTRIDGE LOADER ■Sl§?SSK36'. Revolvers, Repealing I’islols, ' tinition, Gun Mtinliug. Ir mid Slrel Rifie and Shot Bnrrele, in (In n i th REMINGTON Agricultural Implements. PATENT CLIPPER STEEL AND CABBON PLOWS, WROUGHT II! OX H HI IIG ICS. WE will do all kin Wauaki I of VV A11 (IN nml ItUGM \ .’-ST* We have pionu red the on v:cch ol i ut C.'nuti t’rircu, liu mir v JOHN L. HAWII Dealer In LIQUOBfd and * Gr I Jk"or« Agent for the ( i*l> luHtf'd O 1ST "W. 3EI X XS. 'V. Aleo Hiimlh'S KOURUON & RYE WIIISKY, APPLE ic Pii.’tCH BIIA Imported Brandies, Rum, Gin, Scol.Ji ami lr:sh t\ nirk. , Sherry, Madeira. Malaga, Clarn. e Curacoii, Anisette, Marascl'ii!" ■ BROAD »T30-H3317-i’, RO o. . - Di DAYID H. DOU&HEBiTY, (Formurl/:f7l' Silvcy & Douglirny ) WHOLES A LIS AND KKTAIL DEALKK IN Dry (roods, lotions, Hats, Shoes, E; 35 PEACHTREE-STRiET, AYLrth j 8A I have a Very large and extensive mu The Spring Session of m.y Sclimil begins the 2nd Monday in January, 1879. It will be one of my regula tions to keep the boys and girls .part and separate during hours fur both study and recreation. To those who approve tins policy I extend an earnest solicitation for their patro nage. Jas. C. IIaiikis. novl4, if S. P cheapest Liq gars in town. lias the best and Tobaccos and Ci- nov. 21 t( Armory and Principal Office, IXsIOK, NT. Y. Brut lid .di d:ul\ P-i’t : m| .1 l/V ssasufxnsK . . ... . , ulfpHitmu'.r', i-■‘■hi ’A*' m SSSrcSSr In Silks, Dross (loads, Hosiery, Nockwcnr, 'I’hIi Triininings. lliinclkercliiefs, Boots nnd Shoes, frri and Fancy vJoods, I ^liarautOL* to show the Lir, Greatest YYiriety. and for lessmoiiev than 'iu> .1 ; • "'"uaGi.) li D 1\ S.—Mil. S. M. Knox, rormerly of Knox «v !'■ nected with my house. He will be glud to sec his H i**: .!■ from them. . ... VbssMBSKS “CITY BAR” S. P. SHEPABJD, Proprietor. Will keep Constantly on hand a Fine Aasortnu :;! oi Whiskies, Brandies, 'Wbiez, CIGARS & TOBACCO, And 10 liis many friends who have so liberally piilr.mi;- . him. I,.- fully solicits a continuance of ihe same, gar Look out for the RED LIGHT, ut Burber & Wood’s oltUiuniL