The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, December 05, 1878, Image 4

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IpS'I-lHiM.-U J THE WORLD FOR 1879. SPECIAL OFFER. ".'UK Nl'.W YOliK Weekly World, An KmiiT-I’AnK Nkwsi’apkh, Will Ijo i *nt (PostflRO Prepaid) r N i. I ’il .liuiUHiV 1, 1S7!>, w ‘.t*..H3iSr CESJVTS COHEN & SELJG, IV HOLES ALE ir> & i; puioii kthllt, Atlanta, (sa, ’Ai« Open'd! Offer in made la en abler he Southern people to sec for them- nclres how y ml a paper THE WOLD is and haw worthy if is of I heir sup port. O .i the first of May, 1870, f he own ership and control ofTHE WOULD passed inlo the Imnds of the under- signed under whose absolute and un- tramellwl direction THE WOLD has evi l since remained and now remans. During the whole of this time THE WOULD has labored patiently and pers wring for the accom plishment of t wo great objects in politics of paramount interest to the Southern people. ) i’lie restorations of Local Solf- i}overrent at the South. If. .v U-al lbddrm of the Civil Service, in -noli wise as to destroy i ■ i•. poli ical nnehines under the op- era ion "I which it Ims come to puss , i me people are taxed to support •V' :d parties, whereas political parties have no other reason of being v'opt to lessen the burdens of gover- 1 be first of these objects lias been triumphantly accomplished. All in telligent Northern mtu now Admit, liuit, II par to >f the country were as duply i. ‘eiestinu; ,us the Sutli in s-Hiug it won. A Corrupt and auti- D-.-inoera‘.ii! govunneiit, in the South . a p rmineul peril lo the aac- nd- .• i".*y of Hue American principals in Fulcra I Govcruu-nt and tlwre* 1 iv t-> t.iii* peuec and honor «d the whole peopL. The second political objeet for which Til 1C WOULD contends still remains to be fully achieved, ’l l: •i*• *u d Aiiinini i iai on Ih'/.iii ii . lid With excelleu : pro mix sin dire- non of vviiich it is Millie. n • to nay !cal t b* y na. been us yet only i i' o . r.deemeil. "i Tl E WOULD for USiuriwill res.dii'ely snppur any hole fit«lfortlo n dei in these promises f ■ 11v. by whomsoever made and will n.s i* coin* ly every obstacle thrown it* the way ol ivdriimng llirm l.iom whatever «|iiarler. It seems to the undersigned t in iuently proper that he should a. k the ci.-opi-r.ition ol the best men of tb** Smiiu with T11E WOULD in its .ti nts to carryout the policy here outlined, lie believes TilE WOULD to be ft paper which Soui hern ci'izens and Democrats can recomend to ,s.-ulhern (vaiU-rs as an inlluence worthy ami imp >r unt to lie brought to bear with constantly increasing power upon the conduct ol our na tional a I fairs, in i he interest of truth i justice and of hurrnoney among our people of all section. It h my desire to keep 'THE WuUgDiu a livi g elation wi h the nest : nought of the South, to the end t hat I no best ideas, wishes and feel ings of the Southern people may be clearly ami fairly made known to the North, the East and the West. Alike in private aud in public ufluirs tlit- misunderstanding of men by. ne an other lies at tins ro >t of so much evil lint the word itself has come to bo i synonym with quurlmg and strife, l ? was a wise saying of laird Elgin, hi the time of our sharpest disputes ■aith limit Britain, that two intelli gent gentlemen alone on a raft in the A.i.uti with plenary powers could , i t . i. t:.e whole matter honorably in fiLE WOQLD simply asks its trends at the South to aid it in bring ing about a complete meeting of minds on all public questions between the iteiuligent citizens of all pins of the Union. William IIe.ntky IIurlrkrt. TERMS: Tub Wburly Would. One year (52 numbers), postage free (levs 1 hull two cents per week) *1.00 bOOLUH AGENTS—All ex tra copy lor club of ten, seperately addressed. 'Hie Daily World for club or IIIty,seperately addressed; Tub Skmi-Wkkkly Would. One year 1104 uumbers), postage free *2.00: To Club Agents—An" ex tra copy f’«»r club of ten, seperately adrfresml. T)»e Daily World for dim of twenty-live, seppeiately ad dr. sard. Addition to club lists may be made at any time in the year at the above rates. ■jpeoiiiK‘11 copies, posters, &o., sent «. ti.'iiever any desired. Add. .... tiers to Tub Daily Would. With Sunday edition, one >eur, postage free 810.00; With Su dux edition, six months, postagefre . 5.50 With Sunday edition,three months ,n»e live. 2.76; Without Sun- y... 1 i.-n, one year, po8tag a I r*« l Jo; \\ ithotlt'Sunday edition, six ;n • *. ; ifig'* free 426; WiLnuiii . v!..\ al: . , lilie IllOUths, p* H E have the larg. i and best aborted Stock of Clothing for Men and Boys in the State. Our Pi ices me 10 percent, less than anybody. We have an A No. 1, Sleek d Sill UTS a 1 , the “The New Prices,” which we oiler to the trade at. good terms, and at. Prices to warrant the lrude to us** <"ii (Jlo!hing to AN ADVANTAGE; Merchants should send for Samples before purchasing cl-.ewhere. Colien cfc S3 ©life', pi. 2fi-2i.i 15 & r, Piirn* Street, Atlanta, Ha. The Best Wagesi Wheels M AN'XJ^iLOTUniar) 33 Y FISH BROi. & CO NEW JOJS. A. MAGNUS, WITH MAYER, SOM & CO., RliU'IKIKIiS AND \\ U 1 LKSAI.K DKAl.KliS IN ■ WINES, LIQUOKS AND SEGARS. 52 Whitehall St, ATLANTA, CvA. GRfAT RtDUCTiUN IN PRICES We nr« ttin flrt*l to offer Kirst—C’liiss Sewing Mucliinos, I lit prices wlihln tl>c roich or nil. WK WILL KVI.L j l li F, VERY I'.KST Family SowIiik Machine for Twenty-Five Dollars IN CASH, on ;iu ornamented Iron Blnnd and Treadle, with Walnut Top ami Drawn merit«. » United i FREE OF CHARGE. JAMES G. BAXLEY, 96 BKOAD STUKKT, HOMK, (iA. Wh I' Siile and lb f .1 Dealt r in PURI I TU HE. I have added to my business of UNDERTAKER FURNITURE and will Keep u full and complete Stock at lowest priros. I S'** A I’ntctlnil Importance nr Tlllx-ty Mlffllt T^*o**X'ie3 In Cm detail-* <,r boh branches of my hllHlncs* (fives me I Oil M OKI > AI) V ANTAUU IN TIIK SUI.H0TI0N OK HOODS. that I know will give ratt-facllon. tW Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore exlendml to me, I hope by plumb and rqiiu. o •ulInir. to merit n conllnuaiiee of the Maine. M|ioi1 litl.ii . Family Hewinjf of manm'cment. and lea , than any innehlnu now In u Double 'I and Will * iiylie lo the opera- iwliif. lirery niaehlno wa Agents Wanted Kvorywhere. CKNTKNNIAL MAU1I1NK CO., I.unite 74II, Filbert SI., Philadelphia, jniPI-ly. MMTTY RACINE, WH MAICR K,VKIIY VARIETY OK •WIJS. And by coiillinng ouiMolve* alrlcly to one etnas of work; by employing uono hut the BEST OF Farm, Freight and Spring Wagojis ms of work: by emphiylnR nono hut I WORKMEN :D MACIIINEHY and the VICKY IIKST SKI.AtBD malneMs. wohnve jUMlly earned tlie reputation of ilnhli>£ “The Best Wagon On Wheels.’* We give the following warranty with each wagon: ■\7C r O Horoby WaVTAllt the FIHJ Ml.OS. WAGON hr.' well made in every particular and of good material, amt that the Mtrciiiph of the fame is Minieimt in all work with lair tunge. Should any hreakHf;o occur within one year from this date by rearon ol deflciive material nr workmniiMhip, lej.alra for the tame will lie at place of rale, free of charge, ci- the price of aald repairs, aa per n^eut’a prico list, will ho paid In cash by Ino purchnfcr prodnciia; a enhiple o| tho broken or delectivo parts as evidence. i Titus (I. Kisiri ) Rnuiiip, V\’i.--., Jiui. 1st, IST8. - Iuhvin H, K’isi , KISH liUOS. & CO. ( Jso. 0. IIUIKllJtS, ) Knowing wo can suit you, wo solicit pntronanu from every a PRICKS and TKRMS, and for a copy of onr Agricultural 1 lap ISll BROS. PIAMSSSEEII! e namefl of rellahln persona of tbolr ( i or 1’iunoorOi rritator to noil them IOM io wish to procure an Instrument, 1 iraan, I will usa my best endeavors i, and for every Plano I succeed In Jftiymont of either n Anno or tjnrnn i nnd when It amounts ton sum aultlelent to pnyfor any lnatru- aolocted at tho lnwoat %vhol«aalo price, Immodlatolyrlilntno Instrument, free, or after «ny amount ‘ -*■* In cash and Thoyueed . •’-••iff their friends a real service, elnl - IIlSURAIfCE COMPANY OF MW YORK. Office, No. 185, “Broadway. FiftiiHh SotuTAnminI S ;i»<• inunt, showing; tlut uondilion ul tho Company on llm First day of .July, 1878. HASH CAPITAL I’t Rcrvc fur Ic-iiiHiirancc I’cservc for Unpaid Losses... Not Surplus TOTAL ASSETS Jno. W. Radley,! Agont, 13.3in OOClfl.E'tO'WilL, C3r£a, ment, aolocted at tho lowpat whole I will Immediately rhln tno instrument, i ny amount Is credited tho bolnncomaj — _— .... In cash and lvlll then ship them tho Instrument. ! They need not Id known In tho matter and will bo doing tholr friends ft renl service, ns I shall make npcKlitl ofters to thorn, •cIIIiik ft aiiperlor inntrument f‘»r from ono-hnlflo two-lhlrdM v. lint is ordlunrlly asked by nKenta. Plenno aend tno a at onco, and after you hnvo mndo Inquiry, you ©in add i •> It. lIHiatrated Nov.snarnr sentTreo. Ad- (• e.»s DANIEL F. 1IEATTY, Xynahlngton,' New .1 r ■••••• v. United ol Aincrlen. ; mnssk l Into existence l.„ in huvo formerly been In my r-pcrleneo Isovplent to thoso liiK. lllur.(r.ited.AovEnTiBRU My success I Imitators, so: employ, who . ... _ . Inaton, New jerHey»_U._B._Aniorleo. LAND, SQUARE AffD lTP- “U.SmJBEATTY HCELE- l’ARLOU ORGANS aro .. ist perfect lnstr ‘ i munufaotured In this or any otbt 3ss DANIEL F. BEATTY, Ws-h- cw Jersey, 17. 8. America. , Wash- LIFE INSURANCE! i.l hr Hi Thr Following Titbit*, Wing a partial List «»f 1- Mobile Life Insurance Company, some practical lUiiMlralioiiMoflho llunofiis and Prollliof Life IiiMursnce. | i I otnl Anunint Pn miuniM | Policy | Paid. i John D. Canr.T John S. Gkicknk loan H. GlIKKNK John R. Ruhkutm M«a. Saiiaii A. Fin.i.Kit II,xp. IlodKIiH J. F Rasiumiy ADDI-"N FltAHKIt ■)Mcm; L. Hknnkrr \V%. II. ItAIUKH oaoAit W. Stkwaiit •IoiTn M. WoitliKN 1)11. L. W. IIAIIII1H Wa. A. Fua/.iku TiidMAM W. Makuii J. U. Mil.I.IOAN Wm. T. Maiu,an Miim. Ki.ika J. Ai.dmch J- L. IIai.iibiit EiSSST" John IIkniiku Gkoiiuk A. liitowN W. IF Donoh Rky (mtamns Smith Rvcrurecn Alabama Auburn, alnlmnii i •lohnrne, Texas Mobile, ; Memphis. Tenuo«*t Oxford, Alahiiniii Monroe * '011111 v, Mlsslaslppl Fori Deposit, Alnhnmn Meridian, Mississippi hulsd' ll, Aluhuum 5.0*0 | 8.Sdll ! a.non | ¥orihrthjf iufunrmtioii iipiily to J. D ENL0W, Cudnriown, G„. Duo 13. 1877-Ly tlif muuiha, SI pi t- lil, oik* yuir, (i •niHge ^unil.ii!). S.'tii,i'iy \V •v.. M oil .,1 , any W .rlii, uiinlnining Ini'- ,rv I. ui'ivii hi J Uulli-i'ge Cliro ul ,• |iO.HilgU live 1.50 T I'll' ; ' .dll I •!JViuu-C". ISelllt P*8t- )lliu in in v ■ r i t bunk ilruft or reg u r- Hi I In sent by mail will seuiler. ‘ I Hi WORLD,” S& Park Bow, New Yerk. TOOF’S STANDARD HUFFIER, For AMs Kewliitf Mnrhlnra. 'I'tie hr.f min _• and mo#! perfectly conslriictcd. Address T. J. T00P. "DoMcsTiq " Pnildlng, Now York, nu / nildlng, liivEN, Ct. ■'■. ; • ' ; v ■ ; THE LIOHlE«lT StUNUIMC, THE SIMPLEST, THE MOST DURABLE, THE MOST POPULAR SEWI1TG IaCHDTES. 11>, 1 ion of tho United Stales. SKNDu ic CO., Riicinc, XVis. The Cedartown , . vTJtY upenud l» UahrioKu u i .rsi-ciHs* WOOD lin’d BtnVOkoM ITU SH01 1 Any work In either hrarch c*u* <»od will bo done In a Workmanlike style, and at fair living prtrvs. B»on O .v gpf K. 3^“ 11< >\isK i • c x v \ .-.-i * ft specialty. AIM ask in i. trial, a)sd 1 will jnavan JACK TAIIAFER&O, Sale Food aw* Li^ury ; table. fir0ft(l b'h'f'f, Bust oauu »»„ . n . < n. 1d«. Speciul ii'iwnnu fit!. • • h-sois. )'uik nnd llaralrou e«ninty '•lorda*. u ■ to it'd uui .Dr. Lou. S i dbettor.. Denial rff • .row. UKDARTOWN, iA RADUATF.the Ihdll.. or.-* • i. o ll.i • OT Surgery, keeps up wh the 1 • cs i • msnin in the proies-i .n, u-ul • "nip,- -•••jr i i « Express. a, j. /Iron it St net, WEEK LY JEAMILYE NEWSPAPER,? published in im* tliriYing village of (.’< dart own, Polk OounlY, Georgia, nud doToled esptriaHv •o the inb n*8t8 of ChfrokiT Georgia. It is it home enterprise, and every ■/. ‘\\ in. Polk and nurroundiu^ counti*^ should give il a henriy support. mmm Will give all !li«- latest news, besides a variety of Lil-rary, Politienl, Kdiiea- tji'iml, lleligimis, Tempi rauce, Agrioultural, ami general reading mau-r. L is mi excelb-111 r.dvevtising medium, and merchants ami olln rs who w i1,. secure I lie vas trade from Polk, Paulding a. d IliiiHlsonjjcounlirs, in this Stm , and Glebiirne and Clier«ikec counties, ol Alabama, would tl • well lo avail llieiuselves of ibe advantages it oilers. Our mDeiiisiug ralis in* wry modeiiite, and will lie sent on application. Official Organ of Polk and Haralson Counties. All ||te advertising pertaining to tho ■ dices L»f Sheriff and Ordinary it* mid Haralson eoiiuli-s is published ,u THE EMMIESS, nud no (her paper in the county i nUiilns it in lull. Li addition to this far 1 , THE EXPUI SS and* ubirtllv bus a Ltu'gteif Oli*c«lttti0H than any piftFOi? In Polls. CottBfty* \\. iusite vi.e uttention '•! advertisers t* this faeL mnl »«k iliem l- onsiucr n» r own inter»sis nnd A*lverli. a w i* THR rtXPKVffffx. Hates of Subscription. One Copy Out; Year. S'J 00 One Copy Six Muntlis 1 00 One Copy Three Months SO lr. is t.iNlly tr-<Icrn' r 'i!, l-nkcn 1ho ilonbla- thi-ciul l-i k-tfrli. I im relf-H milullnpr ten- i ‘nns nud • • I,'--up, anil will do tho whole rango of family v ..v’c y-, Minn* rlinnito. Vho ••!*<: . : IC" is inudo ill Iho moptdur- rh!o mnnrer. v't'i conical ntcej henrings and c^mpcn-a.i' i'.iunal.i tliroiiL'hout. /gums for n ) •• DOMES! I* ” Fcwliur Mn- r’ mo and tho-* I’OJlfsTIft ” Paper I'nNhlona wanted in nil unoccir iccl territory. Addresa Eo-sirg Ha;h'no Ccmiisy, 17sw York. DM. RICE, 37 court Place, LGUISVILLE, KY., Of prlTSte, ehroalo wud sexaatrtlseMes, gpormator- rlioa ana Impolenay. »B*tiierc»uuoi«e)f abusem jouin, raxuat *oxcu»»«ta BiBlareryi-r*, or other oaui-i, mid producing toroo o 1 the following er-.«lfi Nci vous- ueu. Semlnnl F.ralwl.ns, Dlmnc** of filcht, PtheUTe Mem. re dorlni m«rri»s* Improper or»nbnppr, uiorongniy Mm®s&a8eg& wMdUeBTeiqiiKtfr cured. Pml-nlii trttlcd by tn»llorer. pre*». Consullathm free end Inrltwl. charge* rea*onab)% aadcornapondeo'.e etriedy coaflilentlal. A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Kk KFl’S o» lutnd I he Rest and rnri-st r.H|V?OPJ» ktipi in |f«ii)vfliid yclla them as cheap sunny- onu rLn m-IIh |‘dr iiujuiio i.qnoiv *'tv• him a fill! and riUiisn yinuvoivci*; .yon wiL fi • *i hiir. lolie NO IIL'MHL'i*. If you* :■oinHlilnL' pend, •«» nud irr J'lliitH: lu wi.l n*' m i r*-rfiit liir I vinorB io 1*4 yuoil iinU-!*- I ,-m nui' •-!•*»• •-•■•uyi*. When pi A pV drink -li'uil'i m- - y.i. i mini v.i v i oh wlpit lie in doin'* no rlrl-. It.-him II0TKL. Wh. hi the hO> i lekiy« CIIAMFTON'y Imperial M is :m/■: best. dry Souni*. U u* tharulurn iiH-ouimuuUns fur nic in tin* laiundry, Kiiclieu and Hath Room, suit fur jviieral hoUMi-hold ptu pmes ; at- no fur l’rlntiTH, PainVM'B, Mnyineora hi*-V M.-ichiniHts, ae u " iB ' t ii" / pfcU -.I In' (Iruanv, Tar, OU. in y t.u '-nr. th t . Cramp G. ju'.'.a.J >'-:v Fi'luttos- ■vss; * We are prepared t<> do all "nlimirv kinds 01 Job Printing with neat ness ami dispatch. Everything from it visiting can! to a mammoth poster cal. be printed ill out * dice, Midi ns Letter Heads-', Visiting Cards, Bin Heads Check Books, IJote Heads. Mote Books, Statements, Circulars, Posters, Cards. LE n AL BLANKS PBLL'IID TO GOMl, And for snle'at SO cniIs per quire FOU THR CASH. Add refis sJsi©. W. ll.A!3JllsE'¥ - , CEDARTOWN, GA. JULIUS IfllUrS IktlOS SPSS Depot, 104 EEADE STREET, New York. iwiKl Bundsyi, S to 4f. Ms ^011-keXMCTKt ALLM & IcOSKEK, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELUY Solid Silver nud Plated Ware, NO. 15 BROAD STREET, ROME, OA. Personal a'lenii .11 puid L» Uejisiring Watcb'.'tf, Cl * k, Clinvnomi l« rs and Jewelry. All kinds- f Jewelry nude to order. cimlJt-'TV M e us <$> ££ n i % v © art . CIU-NUK UK MlTlJJDtll.K. On nnd nllcr SUNDAY. JUNE 18“C. - raiiiH will run oil tlui Rome 1,'ullrnad na Ldlo-*- - EVENING TRAIN. 1.1-nv* Roinu daily at tUA < Rcliirn to Koine at )<,«•* v (( HATUKDAV ACCOMMODATION. Lcnvu Rome (Saiurday only) at 5 (#P IRIMi n to Rome at H.OO I* A u. m. i , i:NNiNBTo:f,n«iri sup’t. ap-JTIf JNO. E. STILLWELL. Ticket Au’t 13 O AV r 1N T With High Prices! CHICAGO SCALE CO., US iC* 70 Hrtv/ Monroe St., Chicago III., Have Reduced the l'riru# of hII Kinds ol s a £, 1* is m 4-Ton .Hay, St 1 t a 1 t-.l n Scale, fcOO. Fortin r Price, ♦100. All othef at a great reduction. fcPi' - Ev*ry Sculu Fully Waiihantkii, All order* prcmiitly tilled. Circulars, Price Liu* uub Tasiiutoulalc Hunt upon applkvtiou. Buy the Cheapcvt and Be«t dec. IS, 1877-ly Photograph ffallery. I have opeued a Pliotograh Gollvry CodartOwn, da. where you can get PICTURES of all kiMds lakuu. Special attenllua devoted to , Co]iying Old Pictures 1 willnLu repair WATCHES, CLOt K s, „d SLWIM.J M. A CHINKS. and warrant satislholiou. . i will • IP*?- If you hAVvi at hi^hMl markol n il I.i'IDlU-:TTMM tJ3 ’7H AF you want Bdl Hoads, I.eUcr Do*d*, citron ra Cards, IlandbUl Posture, or • «v Utirur in the way | o .Job Printing brkigyanr orders t« Iks