The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, December 12, 1878, Image 4

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COHEK A SELIG, Calhoun, qdeiiwood. Gordon, J R Smith i Kingston, W E Robinson Sdbligmi, U P Marty n Summerville, 0 A Thrower LaFayette, \V G Hanson McLetnorc’s Cove, P G Reynolds Ringgold, G W Duvall Ohickainiiugn, G W Tho'mfts . President Dalton Femul * Uollege, \V A Rogers Alliens, George \V Yarbrough, P A Heard, supeDiutMfiiry Oconee Station 1 , \V R Brabham, jf Factory Mission,'W T IVeAll Watkinsville, W .1 Cotter F P Brown T11E. EX- PRESS, 'ili && NORTH UtOKGIA METHODISM. AV lIOLKSiYIHE Appointment of rrmtbei'* for the Year 187f>. .Uakiutta, Gborma—The up- punitiiients uf the North Ot-prgm Uoiilrfioich of the Metlioilist Kpittio- )iul Uhtirch,Smith, were rearihtnobri to-duy by liiehop MoTycirc. They are as follows: Alania Distriot- 15 A 1? 1'ltIOK MTttKET, ATLANTA, HA. RACI3VJD, . - . - - WIS. WK MARK KVBRY VAltlKTV OK Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons, And by rouflnm* oun>«?lve* •Irlcly to nticclua* of work; by intlnonu Initth* BEST OF WOEEMM, Uilnj nothing but PIHBT-CLA8B IMPROVED MACIIINEliY und flir VICHY BEST ftRLKCTRD T1MBBH, anility ft Thorongh Knowledge of th6hmdn<>«*. we Imve justly Pi.rncd tjic raputatlon ot ranking E.have the' largest and best assorted Stock of Clothing for Men and Bjyj in the State. Our Prices ane 10 percent, less than anybody We'lmve an A No. 1, Stock of SHIRTS at the “The New Prices,” which we oiler to the trade at good terms, and at» Prices to warrant the trade to use our Clothing to AN ADVANTAGE. Merchants should send lor Samples before purchasing elsewhere. CoHen tb Sell®, gf'pt. 15 & 17 Prior Stri-ol, Ailnutn, (In. W F Cook, P M Kii Ohuifli, II Trinity, J W, GR'.AV REDUCTION IN PRICES Waara I he drat to ofltir First (‘lass Sowing Machines, Mprr , , rh.T.,,rhof nil. WRWILLHELL TUB ’» Mil MKSl 1'mully s,-winy Machine lor Twenty-Five Dollars /.v ('.IN//, on si orn I'lA'iittnl Iron Stand and Trendlr, ,.Tii, I••;* « id Dm n or, und n«'<‘ci*nry Attach- jj, . •ml th-llvtir It at any llnllrnad Depot In the Wintervilh Lexington, 11.1 Ellis White Plains,'W P L>vejf»y II 0 Christian, ‘The Best Wagon On Wheels. Greensboro, Means supernumerary Madison, W W Wadsworth Morgan, W W Lumpkin Rutledge, G W Hardaway Barnett, J L Pierce Little River, E B Rees Washington, G E Gardner Rroad RiVer, C A Connftway, E G Murrah, supernumerary Lincolnton, W* II Speer, M D Tur ner Professor, iu Sta'o University* E W Speer Augusta District—T F Pierce, P E St Johns, J Boring St Lukes, J V 7 M Morris * St James, A J Jarrell Asbury, J S Bryan Richmond, C C Carey Appling, W T Hamilton, S I) Evans Deariue, N Z Glenn Thomson, W C Dunlap Warrenton, J R Parker Sparta, W A Dodge Hancock, G H Pattillo, G M Ken drick Milledgeville, G (> Smith Baldwin, K A Gray EatontOn, J C Gray, W L Wooten Putn&'m A W QniIlian Rome District—S P Richardson, PE Rome, 0 A Evarts DeSoto, R M Hickey Forrestville, T II Timmons Cave Spring,*A W Williams Cedar Valley, J B Robins Cedartown, D J Myrick Cartersville, P M llyburn, J T Norris and R 11 Jones, supernumer aries Dallas. Joel T Gibson Rock mu t, 0 C Simmon* Villa Rica, D J W. k ms Powdei Springs, A Gray Douglasviile, J T Richardson Haralson, K F Reynolds Ac worth, J J Singleton Marietta,.W D Anderson List of Siipvraunmitea: W W Os- Wo give the following waiTauiy with enc ,; wagon: W* Hereby warrant the Ptsil linos, wagon Nd.,..n> hi- well made In every partlnlar and of good material, ahd tliat the alirngth of On* «aiaa la anttt lent lor all work with fklr ••ape. Should any breakage occur within one year from title i..t« by r»*a*nn of defective material or workinaaiblp, repairs for the aamv will ho luroDhod ut pinto of aal*, h :.e oi charge, o» the price of said repair*, aa par agent’s price Hat, will be paid In cash by tau purchaser prodri'.pg a rainpln of the broken or defective parti aa evidence. Titus 0. Kish, ) Edwin H. Fish, [ FISii 1(1108. & CO. JnO.-C.’ tlUOOIN'B, ) Knowing we can anlt you, w# solicit patronage from every eectlon ot tin- f'it.'c •• <i. . • PRICES and TBRMR, and for a copy of our - SgHcnltural llaper to . ais. ms,i.m FISH BROS. & CO., T.xuii.c. Wib. JO If. A.. MAGNUS, WITH MAYER, SON & CO., Jtl-XITIFIlife AND Y\1I OI,ESA US DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS AND SUGARS, 52 Whitehall St., ATLANTA, &A Raoine, Wis., Jsn. lit, 1H78. t4Chlue« arc wananti-d to do the* whole • ""lily with more rapidity, more unji 1 :■ •.•fill, and lee* fatigue to the opera- niunlilti^ now in u«r. They make thu "c. 1 Mitch In xtich u nmniiiT that ttn v e” t-*itv of winding the under thiead, • m,» tin -«i ni'nhrlc to the heavieat •tn ••no fm a rlculiir and enmplu of ' ■ v i ih. duo warranted f«»r three year*. A I, SJ U MINE 00., 1.1 rilled, '’••. Pillion «t .. Philadelphia, 1* 90 BROAD STREET, ROME, GA, Wholes ik* and Retail Dcnltr in WEEKLY -FAMILY NEWSPAPER, piiblistud in the thriving £lA_ village of Cedartown, Polk County, Georgia, and devoted especially to the inlcrests of Cherokee Georgia. It is a home enterprise, aud every oitixcii in Polk and ^urropnding ctuntiis should pi\e it a hmriy support I have added to my business of UNDERTAKER “if FURNITURE • ’ ' and will keep ft fh|J injd‘^9111 plate Stock at lowest priros. |IT A Practical Rxperinnvo of TlxlSTty Xllfflit Tonra in thu dctallw of belh braurhea of uiy hu»iur«e give* mo DECIDED ADVANTAGE IN THE SELECTION OE GOODS. that I know will give rnilufnclluii. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore cxtonde.l *o me, 1 hope by plumb and *(|iiare eelinc, to raorlt a continuanra of ihe same. apeii wim AM. hi wUg V irhlae*. A / . I i.wrt pcifcctly con*tructcd. no " lbiildlng, New York, Haven, Ct. Will give all t)ie latest news, besides u variety of Literary, Political, Educa tional, Reljgious, Teniperance, Agricultural, and general reading matter. It is an excellent Advertising medium, ami meicliuuts and others who wish to secure the. vast trade from Polk, Paulding and lltvi'ulson counties, in this State, and Cleburne and Cherokee counties, ul Alabama, would d.» Well touivail themselves of the mlvuuUges it tdf. rs. Our advertising rates «r* very moderate, and will be sent on application ElDei loii, A G \\ orl.’-j !*■•!•.I Inn, .) W (i Elbert, W F N o mau llarlwell, W Q Furiss I I lilvlsviik, tf A Million .1 i'ers.oi, li A Simlo Mulberry, S\ II Eakes IHSURAICE COIPAHY OP KEW YOEK, Office, No. 135, Broadway. Fiiliidn Rcnii-Amiiuil Statement, Bho.ving the c.iinlilibn of tin- Company on the First day of July, 1S7S. Official Orgatn of Polk and Haralson Counties. All the advertising pertaining to the < Hires Polk and Haralson e.oiiiilioe is published .u other paper In the county pfildishi-s it in lull. In nddit.jun to tins lad, THE EXPRESS tii Belton, L P Winter t iaikMiik, \V D I lent b Fianklm „S|n ings, to »i* sn; p’i d L.t|».s\ille District—J E Mix-in, i'E (ijtioesville. J M i.oweiy AIpniiiettn, M W Arnold Ciii.ton, E K Aiken, W 'F Lid lie, supeimncrary Cherokee, J L IVrryfifan.' (dimming, J U Pale Flowery'-Branch, J II Mash burn Hull, N E Me Bray or Lawrencevillf, II M Quilli. u L oiganvillc, C \j Paiillo Duluth, W- <Rl iSmitli Roswell, M J Cofer • Ciibh, A W Upwland Norcross, F B Davis JOtitwith J« W Baker LaG range District—W II Peter. PE LiGraiigc*) W II LaPrade, W F Glenn West Point, T A Seals Troupe, J W~Slips Long Cane, J U Davidson Whitesville, F. M T Bandon GivenvilU and/frinityv W T Cald- $:!,01)0.000 uo l.l'i'.I.O^ J8 CASH CAPITAL R serve I'-t Reineurance .. R' S'*rve li»r Unpaid L>nf'e>. Ned Surplus Jjy, A J Deiivoj'^ R J Harwell, M L Malsby, W M Cruipley, R A Gunner, llenrv -Crawlord»J M Bright, j 1* Duncan,*^Nl’IIrfmhy,* J- B C Quil l!Tiu, G llnghesj Morgan Bella If, C Trussollf-N llPulmwr, J W Knight, W J bcdtt/ S J Bellttlii D Kelsey, -J Julies, J liewis, J Cnumbers, JP HoWell, C W^Key, J M Arinsiron^, J W Yarbrdirgii, AV J Wurdhiw, B F Farrtss, W A Kloivncn.. SirjUM’iiiluieraried: Peter A Heard, John T 'Norris, RII Jon< s, A M^kub, E G Murranv li J Morgan* >W T Lftint*; - -• • Locfltetl; Juseplb'Carr* NORTH GA., CONGRUENCE STATIsaiCS. Local preachers'^. ..... ... 445 Inorease . u 2 > Mefnhers...’ 5fe, 100 Increase *. '* l,50l Infants baptized .V 3,03!J Sunday schools b^2 S. Teachers 4*;070 S S. Scholars' .... ..30,653 COLLECTED FOll * Sii|lerunuated preacliers.’!.. ?|5,784 Foreigji missions 1 4,177 'Domestid niissfdus...... .’.V. f 3,728 Ai^nivers. rj oollection'tor Inis- siuns '200 Joint lifoard Pinuudr; W F Smith, CXeculftU.em Lhtir. . apee in Gaik I’-ovin We iuvite-the attention ol advertisers ts ibis luot, considerthtir own int«r#ns and ndyertise in TlIlL KXP Rates of Subscription Btwloj VtcUai Comptny, Dor York. The Following Tubli-, b.-lngu inirtiul List of Loss.-* J'jiiil Lj (lie OnefCopy One Year..... One Copy Sjx Myntlis. . . One C pj* Three'Momhg | j Total I Amount iToniltinif | Policy IMIil. I’rollt lo Aeiwurud KF.8IDKNCE. 1* nr. uo 58 Ml Tl 30 83 Ml Alnhama Mnraiiuo County, Alabama TvIcr.Toxa* T>lcr, IVxa* Auburn, Alabama Clohnrnp, T«’*a* (Gold) Mobile, Alabama Moniphlii, TnmiuHiico Oxford, Alabama WhUpcr. Alalauim MoArfcf'i’oimlr. MIhbI**I|i|)I Gail mien, Alabama Uniodon. Ml*a|ralppl Crocket i. Tcxa* Coralcana. “ Fort Depoalt, Alalwma Mohllo, ^ " (’hOnirne, Texn* (Gold; Waco. •• (Ooiff llood County. Tcxaa . . Meridian. .Ml*rlaalp'pl Oadadi u, Alabama King’v Cap, J Jones Senoia, T S Ij Hurusll Grantville, M II Wblt^' IlagiinsAikle,^ M^ji Boi Franklin,J II Diniel^ Prospect, 11 M .Newton Carroltfltt^J W Ijee Bowden, W Ih^.h«ick'lelbrd Whiteslmrg, J W Quilli an Emory, C S Own'll . * Pulmetio, W A| Banks FnirbiTVii, L f JNeepe S Pre^i^ent LaGrijnge FdiVa lege, J, li Muysynt G rifliii I)i8lrW(^J E Evans, (irillij/> F R ft'Jidnll We ure preparetM.o do all ortlinanv kinds oi Job,i’rinting with neat ness and dispatch. • Everything from a visitidg.card to a m.imu.oth poster call be priuUniat onrotUce, such ns* 3.6oo ; l.JMjo j ]UH On HI K IH V 13' *>il lo) no’- lif Ml •8*. 411 fill 118 311 3o S3' Ho 131 On •III 01 t.o »n s!»oo >3,6oo JOIIIf A' KlMVMllNO For further information rtjjply lo J. D ENI.OW. Cedartown^ Dee 13,1877-ly iril ELAMS TOTED TO ORDER, And for Rh^at 80 cent* per quire FOR TUB OAfcll. 1 Address •• - ; • i - « • T pQlmod o^^a^cnufno hero oxumMvfly prac- r.minn.1 •. uUobcwaroof .o\' .m-.-iWr". IC.KniaNAoqJ FvudAf'. - 1: i illFn.inioul'imf'i fnonhr wr frre. lagroBi IFATTT,.\) , i in- (v Spliji Sihffcfi!.!’ K 1 gmrtim, flT|irtljfy.