The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, January 29, 1879, Image 2

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UbMmOMOpOC^^tMUmU'J WWUVHBMOW* J MMinWWH IHWWMWHIWH1 THE EXPRESS. Oedartown, January 20th. JNO. W. RADLBY, Editor. Tht Exprtus ha* a larger circu lation than any other newspaper published In the 38th Senatorial llatrict. Scarlet fever ia raging violently in New York. Deaths there number Irom Seventy to eighty per day. Till! partridge crop is generally frozen out in Kentucky—the deep snow making it impossible Tor them to obtain tood. A Nbw Jbkskt clergyman refuses to make a return of his mnrriagos before the State, claiming to be re sponsible only to God. Tits aggregate product of gold in thi United States last year was 158,- P5R, 231, ol silver *88,748,801, and of lend *2,458,000, the total being *17,860,188 less tlinn 1877. Roscoc Conkling was re-elected to the United States Senato lrom New York, and John A, Logan, from I Hi., nois, while in Indiana D. W. Voor- bees was also returned. It is thought that an organized in cendiary corps exist ia New York city. During the last ten days fires to the amount of ten millions dol lars have occurred. Conukbss has just passed a new Pension bill whioh will extruct from tho Treasury a sum any where along frem twenty-five to one hundred mil lions dollars a year. It now propo ses to pass an Income tax bill to aseet it. Ilow long, ohl how long will it ba before our representatives will learn to legislate in favor of the depressed people. There is rascality at the bottom of this bill. It ia a bid of both parties for tho votes of the ex-Uuion Soldiers. Passage ofthe Peaslea 11111. The ceuntry was taken by surprise -on Thursday last by the passage of ■tho back pay ponsion bill in the Bennie by an almost unanimoas vote —there beiug only four votes ugainst it—th* same bill having passed the House soma weeks ago by more than a two-thirds vole. Commenting on this measure, the Washington cor respondent of the Baltimore Sun nyr. "While the bill is no more thun a piece of buncombe, it is rather se rious buncombe, as it is estimated it will take over *80,000,000 out of the Treasury. When the bill passed the llonae, no one supposed it would go through the Senate, but it seems that thero were but four Senators who had the nerve to stand up against it. As the bill has passed both Uouses by such an overwhelm ing vote tho veto of the President would be of no avail. It is said that toms pensioners will receive as large an amount of buck pensions us six thousand dollurs, and that the aver age will be five hundred dollurs. A pensioner put on the rolls to-day will receive under the bill his full pension from the time lie was discharged, a period which run back from thirteen to fifteen years. The question is where ia the twenty million dollars to oome from? It is not in the Treas ury to spare, and members of Con gress will probably not be inclined to levy additiouul tuxes to meet the obligation.” As the back pay distributed by this bill will accrue only to the soldies of of the loyal North, East and West wa presume we shall hear no howl (torn those quarters about the prodi gal appropriation of the publio mon ey and the increased burthen or tax ation upau the people of the country at large which it will necessitate. It is but right that the disabled Soldiers of the Union Bhould ho lib erally pensioned. To such a pension law no Southern man could with propriety object. But it does seem a little strange that such a bill us that which now awaits the President’s signature to become u law should be passed by largely more thun a con stitutional majority, while the Rep- teeentativvs of the North are unwil ling to consider auy claim from the South, even for the spoliation of our churches and institutions of learn ing, and refuse to pass a bill to pen- i the few survivors of the Mexi can and Indian wars, upon the open ly, declared ground Ihut such a meue- i would oonfer benefit upon a lar- ' proportion of Southern than of era or Western men.—Saturn- Hum, The Nation’s Capital! Washington, .Inn. 25 187!*. The ereut of the last week was the cipher dispatch discussion in the House. The previous announce ment that General lltitler would con tribute a speech to tho occusion, and pay Ins respects to cipher literature, sufficed to attract one of the largest crowds of the session, many of whom went away without having experien ced the senjiition of extreme delight they had anticipated. It was sup posed that the General knew a thing or two about ciphers, and that his contribution would he something ex ceedingly lively. But Benjamin did not shy his castor into the ring with the air of a man who meant to hurt somebody. Ho came up smiling, with a rosebud in tbo button hole of his coat, mid in a very deliberate and dignified manner delivered himself of u few high-toned judicial reasons lor opposing the proposed investiga tiun. lie thought the House lucked jinIadiction, and that it would sim ply ho the stirring up of privuto scandal. Tho Major General is svi- dently cultivating dignity and re spectability preparatory to his inau guration as Uevenior of Massachu setts next year. This was his last chance to shire n few of the bricks with whioh his hat is said to be tilled, and he fuiled to improve it. In the course of his remarks he stated, however, that nobody had ever seen tho duudle of dispatches so myste riously found upon his desk last yeur, and that when brought to light they might hit somebody. llale and Conger could not let pass the opportunity to inject » little of their partisan malice into the debate, both indulging in some of their sick- ly species of wit. little said some thing about it conspiracy to defeat the will of the people, probably re ferring to the successful scheme of his illustrious father-in-law, Znchn- riuh, and John Sherman, assisted by the other Chandler, and a few cho sen experts. Before Butler’s speech every Republican hud quietly oppo sed investigation, because they were not certain that the General’s bun dle does not contain somo of old Zucli’s and Morton’s dispatches, but embeldeued by the G-ucrul’s omis sion to confirm their fears, they changed front. Little Eugene pro fesses to doubt that Morton destroy ed the Republican dispatches, but he manifestly stood a good deni firmer on his pins after Butler had spoken. Mr. Hewitt’s speech gn the sub ject was tho most important dclivor- unce, us the stateinonlsof his person al knowledge of the innocence of Mr. Tilden, and that the Democratic committee lmd scorned to resort to the use of money, were accepted es the utterances of a man entitled to belief. When he said that the in vestigation would prove that at least one of the candidates for President in that memorable yeur was not a mere triokster, ready to bargain for the highest office in tho nution, a sensa tion of applause passed over the pack ed galleries and the Hour below. “Does aaybody believe,” said Mr. Hewitt, “that if Mr. 'l'ildrn'hud been in a scheme to buy these oorinpt re turning boards tho thing would have failed for wa it of money?” It will he shown that the scoundrels were foi sale and volunteered propositions to that end, hut Mr. Tilden refused to furnish the money, though n few ol his friends regarded it a case of pro perty ia tho hands of thieves. They know that the Electoral volo of these states legally belonged to Tilden, and as the law seemed powerless to wrest them from tho rogues, it was though t prudent to pay the ransom, ns is of ten done to secure the restoration of prnperty to its rightful owner, but Mr. Tilden would not consent to it, and'the matter fell through. Take this in connection with the fact that the ether side did induce these sumo thieves to deliver the property over to a party who had no claim upon it, while R. B. Hayes has rewarded every one of them, und we have the case summed up. Phono A Cedartown Enterprise. We take pleasnro in copying the following tributa to u Oedartown Enterprise irom the Oartersville Ex- pren: A brief ward of congratulation to thd citizens of Mariett/, and of Can ton, and to those of tho counties be yond; and to President Phillips ns well, on tbs prospect he has of soun ding bis whistle in Canton, ere the sans (ff Jaly shall be upon ns again. Vavosable referenoe, alio to the an- jn the oolumqs of the post week, of five mil delivered, nine d, sod tho strongest nth—‘Cherokee,’ of full blast on the remainder—tt sufficient guarantee tlmt Muriettn, Canton and Atlanta will soon be brought into close neigh* borheod by rail of irou from Oeor» gin’s own vast, orc-bede, equal in life and lust to tho lineal English or American. A practical commentary by tho Marietta und North Georgia, worthy of note, building road bed by judicious use of convict labor, while ironing track with native manufac tured iron, furnished by the skill and capital of President West, of the Oherokee Works, a large capitalist of sound views, and one of tho first of American iron masters, driving with marked ability the superior iron works of the State. Should not and will not the economic example now being achieved in the building of this now railway, invite further en terprise and increased utilization of our vast coal and iron resources, with proper application, also, of the class of labor referred to?—This brief notice, intended only us suggestive, may ba supplemented, and will be, with such facts ns experience, obser vation ami comparison have deduced touching coal, iron, railways, labor, lumber, etc. Respectfully, Rout. A. Ouawford. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Thompson’s Linament. A well known remedy in this com- munlty mntlu nt homo, and ha* dozens or home witnesses who can attest to its Curative Qualities. Have you a Cut, Bruise, Sprain or Burn ? Apply Thompson’s Linament and be healed at once. Have von Rheumatism, Neuralgia, .‘Headache, Toothache or Back ache ? Buy a bottle of Thompson’s Linament and ho relieved instantaneously. Ilavo you any kind of lung diseases, or are you threatened with pneumonia, or liavo you Chills and Fever? Thompson’s Linament, will roliovo you. Prioe, $1 Per Bottle. Prepared by DR. R. It. THOMPSON, jan 20 tt Cedartown, Ga. BEST IN THE WORLD. And Better than any Saleratus. Ono teaspoonfM of lliis Soda used with sour milk equals Four teu- spoonfuls of tho boBt Baking Powder, saving Twenty Times its cost. See psek- ngo for vulunlile infor mation. If the teaspoon fill ie too large and dues not produce good re sults at first, use lessalterwurds Jan. 30, Uni. Wheeler & Wilson’s NEW NO. 8. Exposition Univirbklle, Paris, October 21, 1878. Wheeler & Wilson are awarded, for their new Sewing Machines, one of the Speoial Grand Prizes of the Ex position (the only Grand Prize awarded for Sewing Machines) over eighty competitors. The New No. 8 Wheeler & Wilson does every variety of work, makes the elastio lock sttch, sews faster, runs lighter, and is dnrablo bsyond comparison with any shuttle ma chine, and is sold at tne lowest price oonsistsnt with tho prodnetion of a good and serviceable maohino. Pub lic appreciation of those facts is show in onr rapidly increasing sales whioh indicate that the New whtel- er & Wilson is destined to snpplant ail rivals. Lilt of reduced prioea sent by mail upon application. Machines sold on easy terms. Old machines taken in exohange. Whiiui A Wilson Ms’s Co. Atlanta, Ga., General Agency for Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, and Alabama. . W. B CLBVK8, Agent. .' ■ ■ m Polk County Sheriffs Sales. Will be sold beforo the court bouse door in Oedartown, Polk county, Georgia, on tbo first Tuesday in February next, between the legal hours of sale, the following proper ty to wit: Lots of land Nos. 175, 176,186. Ill in the 17th dial, and 4r.h sec. Polk county, Ga. as the property of Geo. L. Powell. Property pointed out by plaintiff in I! fa. Tenant in posses sion notified. By virtue of one l’olk Superior court II la in favor of II. R. Thompson, bearer vs Geo. L. Powell, Also, at tho same time and place, lots of hind Nos. 181, 168 in the first dist. and 4th sec. Polk county, Ga. us tho property oTZ. T. Richards for pneohuse money of the same. Wril- t<"<i notice given to party in posses sion within the the linn- prescribed by law; deed made by the representa tives on the estate of L. 11. Walthall deceased, filed and reonrded in the clerk’s ollico of the Superior court of Folk county, Ga. before tile date of this levy. By virtue of two Polk Superior court fi fas infuvorofG. W. Featlicrsten, Administrator, and Su san Wultlmll, Administratrix of L. H. Walthall, deceased vs Z. T. Rich ards. Also, at the same time and place, the Cedartown Hotel und lot on which tho same is Bituatcd: said lot bounded on the South by Pryor street; on the West by an alley be tween said lot and the properly of T. M. Pace; on tbo North by an alley between said lot and the parsonage ol the Methodist church of Cedar- town and on the East by the Cave Spring road in the town of Cedar- town Tolk county, Gn. as the prop erty of C. If. Harris, one of the de- fendents. By virtue of three l’olk Superior court 11 fas in favor of S. P. Smith, Son & Co. vs Clias. H. Harris and M. A. Harris, and P. C. Harris security oil appeal Bond. Tenant in possession notified. E. W. Olemrntb, jan 8 tde Sheriff. Haralson County Sheriff’s Sale*. ElMTILL he sold before tho Court House door in lluohaium, Har alson county, Ga., on the First Tiles day in February, 187), between I he legal hours of side, the following property, to-wit: Lot ol land No. 707, in tho loth district and 4th section of original Polk now Haralson county, On., a. the preperly of John L Rowe, liy virtue of one Justice Court II fa from the 1078th district, G. M., in fa vor of W. Brock vs. said John L. Rowe. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made and returned to mo by a Constable. Also, lot No. 160, in the 1st dis trict und 4th section of Haralson county, tia., us the property of Jnu. L Rowe, by virtue of ono tax 11 fa inTavor of the StiTb and county vs. John L Rowe- For tax for the year 1876. Property pointed out by U F Price, T C. A. J. HUNT, jan 8 tds. Sheriff. Haralson County Sheriff Sale of Wild Land. Will be sold before the court house door in Buchanan, Haralson county, Ga. on the first Tuesday ill Februury next between I he legal hours of safe the following lots of wild land for cash to wit. Ill tho 1st dist. and 4th sec. of Har alson county, On. Nos. 818, 817, 846, 745, 770, 821, 063,575, 576, 835 and 1058 in tho 20th dist. and 3d sec. ol Haralson cuuntyl Ga. lor tuxes due the state and county for the veors, 1874. 75’70’ levied on by virtue of wild land tax tl las issue I hv the Comp'roll, r (leij-ral of Hu. vs suid lots and Tlioiiivs'Plitlpot ami Dennis Blies trui,sfeiVei of suid II I'm. i A. J. Hunt Sneriff. Jan 8, 70-Ids Polk Sheriff Is Mortgage Sale. ILL ho slid before tile Court ** House ilmr iu Cede, town, Polk county, UL on the First Tues day iu Jiimmrylncxt, between th* le gal hours of suk the following prop, eriy lo-wit: I Lot of land [No. 356, ill the 2nd district and 1th section of Polk con. ly, Ga.,/ us the property of Jumes A. Grnker, by virtue ol one Mortgage fi til from Polk Superior Court, in favir of G. W. Feutherston & Co. vs Jambs A. Crooker. Prop erty pointed Jut in this fi fa. E.| W. CLEMENTS, dec 5, tds Sheriff. DjO W NT With Sigh Prices ClUOiGO SCALE CO., OS it 70 B’ejb Monroe St., Chicago III., Have Redgad tho Prlcqp of ill kinds pi SCALES! 4-Ton liny Stuck or Cotton Scale, $G0. tornior Price, $100. its great reduction. BT Every /aiuuntkd. All orders prompt!} ire, Price Lists tub Testimonials ent upon application. Cheapest and Best All other siw Scale Fully Ailed. Clrci Bny thi doe. IS, 18711: muel P. Snow, ARTOWN, GA. and Organ, mid r in Vocalization or Bi ilding. Luton* January 6th, *5 per month, lutyablc d«c 10, lui Jb.1.. -s?.U- 2 13 Shorter Block, rioivixi;, o-a. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIM- mings mid Fancy Goods, last on . low Mill duprceS market,ni« low a. tho Cash could bny thorn. My stock consist* or BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, 8\TIN8. AND VBQVBTB. BUTTONS AND TRIMMINGS to match every Blind* of Drum Goods, 11 TO P E L E E N T S. I pieces of Jean* from 12 cent* up; 00 plecen All doI Cassimcrcs nnd Kcrsoy from H5 cent* np; 40 piece* Plaid nml l’lniii Llusoy from 12M to 20 cent* for the best ninko; 75 piece* White, Rea nnd I’lald Flannel from cent* ii*; llApiocu* Uleached Domestic from 6 com* up; 10 piece* of Ticking from t pent* np; 75 pair V.'lilto nnd Colored Blank- it* cheaper than ever sold In this market; Print* rom ft cent* up; 80 piece* of Cauton Flannel from cent* up; 00 Doxeu of tbo Celebrated Pear) Shirt, flnlfhod compute for $ The largest Stock o CARPETS xblbltcd In thin market, fST* Agent for Mine DcmoroBt Pattern*. I shall make every effort to win nnd hold your ' “Tract performance II. HAHPOLD, kt tt? cm. ro v j n t&l*jr.' dc r-4 yn jvna NT es „ , JOK. .A., MAGNUS, WITH DELAYER, SORT * CO., RECTIFIERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS AND SEGARS, 52 Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA. Sols Agent (or John Kauffman’s Celebruted Cincinnati Lager Beer. .Inn 10, 8m . O ROHUIA, rOLK COUNTY,-Milton R. Rich ard* ha* applied for permanent letter* of ail- mlnUtratton on tno estate of Henry Richard*, late of raid county decoa*ed. Thf“ — . „_od will and patronage by _ . ... of every duty pertaining to my business. WIIITELEY’S OLD LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Rome, Oa. WIIITELEY, PnoPMBTOB. KKBI’S CONSTANTLY ON re. Good llorvoa and Vehicle*. Splendid tor Drover* - _ alwnyaon hantffor t j *atl*factlon guaranteed to all who A Want Supplied! A Well Established fiou^e In Ceilurtuwn is now a fixed fact. R. GAMMON, (Lumpkin's Old Stand.) Has a Large Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, lints, Capa and Notions, Which ha will .i-ll low for tlinOABlI, n. ha ha. bought them direct Irom the Mniiufuctorle* Iu tho Bast for Cash, and ha* avoid ed the middle Murcha.\t tu tho Cltle*. All grade* of CLOTH IN *5 from the commonest to best. A lilco Hue of Boys Clothing. For a Gootl Assortment and Low Price*, call nt Oidibary Clothing; House In a tOey hnv OEDARTOWN. i t3y~ Thu ptilruuagu of the public U respectfully solicited. It. GAMMON, oct 21,4ni Lumpkin’* Old Stand. ftom« Itallpostrf. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On ibid alter SUNDAY, JUNK 0, 1878, tho rain* will run on the Rome Railroad a* follow*: EVENING TRAIN. Leave Horae daily at 8.10 A M Return to Heine at 12.80 HATVRDAY ACCOMMODATION. Leave Ruiuu (Saturday only) at & OOP M Return to Hum, at 8.00 PM C.M. PENNINGTON, Gcn’l Bup’t. up27tf JNO. B. STILLWELL. Tleket Au’t ■a ARNES’ Patent Power Machinery. .J w differ tint machines with I rv which Builder*. Cabinet I fl Maker*, Wagon Maker* w and Jobbers m miscella- neours work can com pute as to Quality and prlca with steam power maaufacter- W?ill zend Machines On Trial if Desiaed. Say where yon read this and send for catalogue and price*. W. F. A JOHN DARKSB, Rockford, Winnebago Co* 111. July 4th2flt Real Estate Agency, The undesigned belolvlng that a Real Estate A< geucy I* needed In tbls community, have establish cd one far the purpose buying Belling and renting, for othors, Rail Estaiosuch aa forms, town proper ty, mine* ai.<d mining lutoresta. W* will take pro perty to sell or rent and make no charge tbrodver- tlalngor trouble unless a Bale or rental Is accom plished. Any one having property for tale or rei will make money by consultingu*. Miller A. Wright A Co. doc13-tf Cedartown, Polk county, Ga. BURNHAM’S Work*: Christiana, Lancaster Co„ Pa. Office 28 8. Beaver BP, York, Pa. G eorgia, polk county.—l. m. rcov has applied for exemption of Personally, a: I will pass upon the same nt 10 o’clock, A. Mm i tho 81st day or January, 1879, nt iny office. Tl ¥ “9th, 1879. JOBLBEKWBR, Ordinary. urnud will npjwnr a Court of Ordinary to hi „ tho Frist Monday in March ;o show cause why said Idler* should not ho granted. Given nnder my hand this January tho 18th 1879. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. Jan 111, .Vkl CLK< RGIA-l’OLK COUNTY.—O. O. Bnnn ha* \JT applied to havo Solomon Osborn, a minor child ol George Osborn nml wife. Laura Osborn, colored, lato of said county, dccun*od. bound to mm Therefore all person* concerned will ho and appear nt n Conrt of Ordinary to be held In said county on tho Third Monday tn February next to show cause ’* ly they have, why said minor should not bo ill to snld C. C. Dunn tn term- of the law. Given under my hand Mihj JiHuiaijjMith, 1879. jnn 111 41 JOEL BREWER Ordinary. —M. II. Hunnhn child ippltcd to have Oeorgo Osborn, a minor child orgn Osborn, 8r., and wlfo. Laura Osborn, jd, late of snlii county decensod. bound to him. Therefore nil porflons concorned will ho und appear nt a Court or Ordinary to ho held 111 said county on the Third Monday In February next, to show came If any they have, why said minor should not bu bound to snld M. II. Itnnn, in jan 1H, 4t JOEL I GIkoKUIA-POLK COUNTY-W. T. Tomlin- son, Administrator on the estate of E. S. Tomlin son deceased, haa applied to mu lor letter* ol Dis mission from tho tnld administration, nllegliigln his potltlon that ho 1ms folly administered and ilia- burned tho estate of snld deceased, according to law, therefor*, all persons concerned will bo and appear at a Court or Ordinary to he held In said county on th* First Monday In Febru- next, toshowcauso if any they hnvc, why let- of Dismission should not he granted In said cas*. Given under my hand this Nov. 8rd, 1878. r 7, 8m JOEL DREWKit, Ordinary. CRAMPTON'8 Mmperikl istoki JS THE BEST. This Moap I* manufactured fr*m pure mate rial*; and a* it contalus a large perceat- nge of Vcgotino Oil, Is warranted, folly oqunl to the host Imported Castile sonp.and at th* same tlmo contains all ths washlag * clcnas- tug properties of the. cole- b r u ted nmn and French Laun dry Hoape. It I* therefore recommended for nse In tho Imundry, Kltchon and Bath Room, and for general household purpooee; al so for I'rlntore, Painters, Engineer* and Mnclilnlat*, a* it will remove spots of Ink, Grease, Tar, Oil, Palat, etc., from tho heads. Manufactured only by Crampton Brothers, 2, 4, 6,8 und 10 Rutgers Place, and M aad 86 Jefferson Htroet, New York City. For salo by O. A. LAMS, CmiAKTowN, Ga. oct 20-fliP GIeOIIOIA—11ARALSON OOUNTT.—To nil whom It may concern, It. U. llatchosou having In proper form applied to me for permanent Li of Administration on tho Estate of William Oar- ', lato of said eounty, this Is to cite all am gnlar tho creditors nnd next or kind of William Oumor jo bo nnd appear nl my ollico on tho First Monday In February next, and show cause. If any they can, why permanent Administration should not bo grauted to R U Hutcheson on William Gar nets estate, Witness my Hand und official slgmi turo, this December 22, 1878. Jan. 8. *70 8. M. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. Notice to Debtora amt Crofiitnrz. All persons having dcinandsiigninst the esluh J.W.T. Hand, dec’ll, tire hereby notified -to | sunt them to mu propurly miulo out within tho t 1 pt escribed by law; and all pursnu* imluhud to i estatearo required to make Immediate puymuti A. It. HUGOKS, Adm'r. dccl’J.ft* kraEOKUIA, POLK COUNTY.—A. Huntiligtoi ns tl creditor ol W. V. Hander*, deceased, hit applied to have W. U. Knight. Clerk Mupeilo Court of Mild county, appointed ns ;.dmtoh lraln on the estate of said deceased. TlivroRtro, all put will l»t I oppa , jo held In said Monday la February next, to show eausulfiiny they have, why W 0 Knight, Clerk, otc, or some " Piopor person stjouhl not he appoint. Islrator on I ho W C ran- aers, In terms ol tho law. Glvut thfs fob day of January, 1R! • -“‘tr mm laud Jan 8 .’kkf JOEL HRKWER, Ordinary' -A. It. htisuppllid for sxviuplion of personal)' . * jyc January (ItIt, 18TD. Jnn 8. 8t © KOHGIA-POLK COUNTY.-Fnnnlo Hand, widow ana relict of J WT lltmtl, deceased, hnr appllid (or exemption of personalty and suiting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will | upon tho same at 10 a’clock, A. M., on the the J doy or Jannory 1879, at my office. This nth dav of January. 1879. JOEL IJltEWEII, Ordinary. _ applied for Exemption of Pcreonulty nml s ting a part and Valuutlou of llnmnstcud, ami 1 w upon the same at 10 o'clntk, A, M. on the 2»th ‘ * ““ This Janaary Manhoud: H wLo t, How FtLS'ore . Just puhllelied, a now ‘ Hi of Dr. Culver- * Celebrated Essay e radical cure (with- cal Incapacity, Itn Woakness. Involuntary 1 k'tnltinl Losses, Impo- teltcy. Mental und Pliysh ,ts to Marriage, etc.; nbii Consumption,' Epilepsy nnd Kits, Induced by self- indulgence or eexuvl ex.ravaganco, Ac. rtr-Prico, In a sealed envelope, only six c Tho celebrated author, In thus admirable clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years’ success ful practice that the alarmthg couHoqui abuse may ho radically curml without one use of Internal modictuoor the application of the knife; pointing out a mode or cure at onco simple, certain, nud effectnul. by moans ol which ovory suileror. no matter what hi* condition mnv bo. may euro himself cheaply, privately, and nidi cnl.y. &r This Lecture should ho In tho hands ol every youth and every man in the laud. Bent it der seal, In n plain cnvolopu, to any address, poi MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann Bt„ Now York; Post Office Box, 4666. “Acts upon tho reader like a tonic. Tho editorial department Is especially atrong.”—Boston Trane- “Continues to hold It* place In tho very front of Anorican magaalnna few ol which equal It In abili ty aid none o7 which hare ‘ " * fresh ness.—Sunday School Sunday Afternoon A MONTHLY MABAZINE ry merit tho leading secular monthlies, and sustains to the religious preee “■* the eocular press 1 serials, stories, poems, otc., and moral purposes, while iu Its Editor’s Table aro vigorous discussions of Hve rellglout themes and of secular topics, from the religious standpoint. It is Preeminently rc.-d- able, and flllaaplaoe occupied by no other publica tion. •pedal features. ITS CONTRIBUTORS INCLUDE Prof. O P Fisher, Prof. F A Walkor, Prof. James F Clarke, Rev. Dr A Peabody, Itov. Dr J T Tnckor. Rev. I W Bacon, Rev. Dr E A Washburn, Edward E Male, Rebecca H Davis, Horace E Scuddor, Rose Terry Cooko, Ellen W Olney, Adeline Traflon, Sa rah O Jewett, $8^00 a Year, poaUge paid. Bend 15 cents, lor BP A C NEWsBrIAL entitled “Calvin tho Sinner, begins iu tho Jannary number. It ia by the author of Son’s Heathen. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, Bprlnglldd, Mass. G. J. BRIANT, NO. 6, Broad Street ROMM, IA o K!kf.I*s «i. Iian.l lilt- lint and PotmI Ufldlir kept In Woint-ni-d sells them as cheap assay- ulso sells tliolr liupnre liquors, oive him a rail nnd rntlsfy ynurscivcs; yon will (lad him taAa- NO HUMBUG. If you want sorm-thlug good, ar itrlant; ho will not represent his Llauara m —’“ ‘ what he says. Waer — ltd try Itrlant;' good unless , • drink thuv >1 ml Itn Is dolii] • risk. Helm HOTEL. Wlioi '"the’tfoMM ,. j him aid ml, waited on qulcklp aad ^et Burlington Hawkeye FOB SAI.K BY NIIU8 TIIADB, 6o. WEEKLY $2 Pt-R Af-NUM. $1,000 IN PREMIUMS. Also, Preinliims for small club* and single naaaea. Send 6 cents for copy snd terms. II \WKBYB PUBLISHING COMPANY. ( , Burlington, lewa. AGENTS WANTED. For Tho Young Puopls’s Jllu a'rut til Biblt History. Over 110,000 Copies ordered In advance of pub lication. Thu best and on-lost hook to sell. This work contains un Interesting aceouut eft he great events mentioned In too Old and New Testa ment, the lire* ot the Patriarchs, Judges, Klfiga- and Prophets CUIUS r AND HIS APOSTLES, and of tho rumnrknblo womoa nnd children men tioned In tho Snrred Volume. Illustrrted witlle- guut Steel Engravings. For terms and territory, apply to the HENRY BILL PUBL18IIINO CO., Norwich, Conn., or to Geo. W. Collin*, Macoa,9a. Jan. 8,1m JACK TALIAEEEttO, Salo Feed and Livery Ctsbte. Broad Street Rom+fim. Bt»-r C-'AKK ukji o< Woik. Prlrr. icm. hie. Special accommodation for teams. My fdk and linralsoa county lriends are Invited ta tall mh acetno. fob.81tf Dr. Louis S. Ledbettar, Dental Surgeon. Ckuaktown, Gkouhia. G RADUATE of the Bnltlinoru Collogo of DenlaF Surgery, keep* up with tho lateei txnprov» incuts In the profotrinn, and guarantees saiuafh^ 1 giuirantees i ilog to haveo s replaced, can have t tlen In all cuses. Those wishing to have oM teeA innry 9th, in* 8th, 8i zrnEi TOBACCO VICTORIOUS! TRIUMPHANT r at the at the Centennial Exposition, Exposition Universal!*, PniLA., 1870. -ARI8. 1878. The ’'Stioff’’ unrivalled Grand, Upright and Squ* nro Pianos, the recipients of more than sixty flift premiums and’Uola and 8llver Medals, Includlnr the Medul ef Merit and Diploma of Honor at the Centennial Exposition In 1870, have achloved ah the Exposition Uulvcrsellc, Paris, 1878, over all A- Meduillc D: Argent and a Diploma • (Thonneur, Togothor with a Special Cortmcate of Merit t» Jacob Gross, Superintendent of the Stlcfl Factory for hts oxtrftordfnury skill disjjlayed In every part of their construction, the whole forming a Grand Award, higher by for that of any other American Exhibit, and demonstrating beyond doubt the lux* moiine superiority ofthe 8tTeff Instrument*. The “StjeiT combines ovory quality noceaeary for perfection n a Plano. Its rich, grand, mellow and powerful tonehae never been excelled by any other I.- 1 ntrnmm, t . Especially In the treble does tho “Stloir 1 Plano show Its superiority.over all otb era, by the bell-like clearness, sweetness and sing ing quality of tone, which lend to it an Inestimable charm. For quickness of response to the Anger nnd uvonnuss of touch throughout the entire ecnle, fuultlonn action, unsurpassed durability and art!*- tic finish, thin Plano lias Justly earned a world wide reputation. SECOND . HAND Plano* of all makers constant ly In stock, at from$75 to $800. Boloagent for tho Southern States ofthe Pelou bet, Pcltou & Co. and other makes of ORGANS. tlS m, Xffi 0fl>1 ^ 08 0r 0rs#n * ,ont ot l •PpH«h* OllAS. M. 8TIEFF, dcLlStf 9 N. Llbt-rt/ ZtrMt, Btltlmon. MJ. PATlnTS, conueoted with Patents, eat Office or the Court, pm — —’—inpeMst CllVMD drcitl