The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, January 29, 1879, Image 3

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( THE EXPRESS. O*0aitowni January 89th LOCAL NEWS COTTON MARKET. Wa aaete to-day a^fellows: taed Middlings, Middlings, Um Middlings, Stotto Ini Ordinary, ■arta—Dali. SHKRIFT’K NOTICE. Until farther noticr, all the'print ing pertaining to the office of SherifT •f Haralson county, will be done in the Cedartown Expkiss. ThiaJan nary *3, 1879. Joir« K. Holcomb, Jb. Sheriff of Haralaon oounty, Go. iy- The mule trade ia getting lire- The cotton market at a stand' •till. Mr. Ray’s residence is nearly completed. The band instruments have not come yet. Mexioan dollars am worth but 80 cents in this market. 'Twill Soon be time for the busy bee te go to work. Fir*-wood not in such great demand as it waa a few days ago. Go to Bob Hutherson’s and try a glass of his egg mixture. Reading club meets every Friday night. Be sure to attend. Crime teems to be on the in* crease the world oxer. The Express is one dollar and a half a year, cash in advuaee. A New Thing and a (land Thing I HERBINK. It cures Liver Com plaint, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Re mittent, Intermittent, and Billious Fevers and Constipation. It is giv ing General Satisfaction. It costa on ly 76 cen ta per bo t tie. Trial bottle fme. Can be had only of Bvriiank 4 Jokes, Cednrtown, Ou. tf If ever there waa a time when local news waa ecarce, that time le now. If you are indebted to this paper, pleaaa pay ap. We need tha meeey. The cold wave has left and ctaiy Spring weather ia now upon The iron works have shut down in order to re-tina"aed repair generally. It is said that Alec Stephens has taken enly 879 different kinds of medicine. Peterson's Magazine has put in its appearance. The preeent uum bar is eplendid. Safe, reliable, harmless and cheap, is Dr. Bulll’s Cough Syrup. Price only 115 cents. In 1865, the staple articles netded by a family were 135 per cent, higher than they are to-day. Can’t Cedartown got up a walking mutolif Phillips’ or Hun- tington’i hall would be the plaee for it The Cherokee road is to be eold the flret Tuesday in March. Wo Understand this is to confirm the purchase of a few weeks ago. It seems as if everybody U going to gat sick this weather. We repeat ourodvioe already given; be very careful of yonr health. The Almanac of John P. Merton A Co., Louiaviile, Ky., for 1879 ii to hand. It ia well warth tha money asked for it, 10 amt*. Thad Burbank fills a prescrip tion with as mnch ease as any drug-, gistwa knaw af. Thad is a brick when it acmes to handling drugs. Mildness conquers-and hence it fit that the gen tit yet positive in- fltSN of Dr. Boll’s Baby Byrup •oeemaus as quickly the diatrders of Imbyhood. Godey’s Lady’s Book for Feb' raaty is at hand. This old aad pop ular Magazine has been reduced in prim (bat not in eiza) to 83 per an' There will be a concert given at the Academy building at Rock, mart on Wednesday night February 6th, next. It is for the benefit of the Baptist church of Rockmart. Endorsed by the Faculty. The reputation of Dr. Bull’e Congh Syrup has been solely achieved on nccount of its merit. Pliysioians prescribe it. Price 25 cts. Just as we go to press we learn that an application was made for a new trial in the cau of Jim Rowe. The order will be ceneidered and do oided upon at the next Polk Superior court. Please Take Nntlee. I desire to inform the public that I have opened up a nice assortment of groceries in the Fast end of the building of A. J. Young. Give me your patronage. Jos Tate. Munn dc Co, have sent us some "Uranine,” a new dye material of inch diffusive quality that a single grain will impregnate seven barrels of water. When dropped into water it sends down beautiful grteu root lets. On account of our foreman being subpumaed at Buehanan Supe rior Court, und the coafinement te his room by sickness of Mr. Powers, the Ixprsss again has to beg the in dulgence of its readers. There is no need of calculating the csrtainty of any human plana or intentions. In tho contested election case of J. M. Arrington versus R. II. Wheeler for the office of Tax Receiv er, after throwing out the illegal voteB, the result showed Mr. Arring ton to be twenty-one votes nhead. The matter has been referred to the Attorney Qeneral by the Governor. What the flual result will be, no one can tell. Cel. Bwlntll’s Book. We have been tardy in noticing the appearance of “Common Sense views of Foreign Lunds” wrtten by Col. M. Dwinell ofilie Rome Courier. We have read tiie book through and must confess our surprise in finding it so oleverly written and interesting in the extreme. When one begun the reader cannot lay the book down without a feeling that something has been left undone. The book is nicely bound and will be mailed free to any address for one dollar and a half. Jud Crabb has thu book for sale in this place at the above price. Call there and see a copy. NOTICE. The firm of W. M. Phillips k Co. will bo dissolved on the First day er February, 1879, J. 8. Phil lips withdrawing. Busintss will still be continued under the same name. Johx H. Phillips ia admitted as a partner from that date. All persona indebted to the old firm will please come forward at ones and settle without further notice. The books and notes will be at the store for the next thirty days; after that time they will be put out for collection, unless special arrangements are mads. In order to reduce our stock pre paratory to the dissolution, we offer all goods at oost for CASH. No goods to leave the house under this condition until fully paid for. Now is your best time to secure barguins such as were never offered before in Cedartown We mean exactly what we say. W. M. Phillips, • E. D. Hightower, J. 9. Phillips. Jan. 29, 1879-41 A Remarkable Result. It makes no difference how many Physicians, or how much medicine von hnvo tried, it is now an estab lished fact that German Syrup is the omy remedy which has given esm- E lete satisfaction in severe cases of sing Diseases. It is true there are yet thousands of who are predispos ed tn Throat and Lung Affections, Consumption, Hemorrhages, Astir inn, Severe Colds settled on Ilia Breast, Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, Ac., who have no persona knowledge of Bosohev’e German Syr' up. Tu such wc would say that 50, 000 dozen wi re sold last year with' out one complaint. Consumptive try just one bottle. Regulur size 75 cents. Sold bv all Druggists ii America. In Cedartown by Brad ford & Allen. BRADFORD k ALLEN have the best Livvr Pills ever sold in this or any other market. They have seld over four thousand of them and the demand for them steadily increases. Thsy give entire Miiefaetion. This large quantity haa been sold without any puffing er advertising. If you once try them yon will use no other. ' JmolSIy -•••A Beith efT. H. Opert. Mr. V. H. Opert, a well known and respected citizon of Polk county, died his reuidenoe last Sunday moraiag about Ity o’clock. He was quite old and feeble for n long time prerioue to Ilia death. He leaves a wife aud three children to mourn his loss. An extended notice of his life and char acter will appear in these columns at an early day. Married, On the 21st instant, by Rev. J. M. Robertson, Mr. W. N. Selmon, Floyd county, and Miss Lottie V. Stidham, of Polk county. We wish tho interacting couple much joy and prosperity, that time may deal lightly with them, and that their voyage down the river of life may be fraught with all the joy and prosperity this world can afford. Persenal. Miss Regina Straage, an accom plished daughter of Col. W. N. Strange, of Rockmart, is visiting friends in Cedartown. Mr. Joo Ko-enkurg, of the firm of Rossnburg k Bro., of Roms, paid our town a visit Inst week. Two of the cleverest men in the world now decorate the Post Office. Wm. G. Knight aud Jud Crabb are hard to beat. Miss Ida Pressley, of Rockmart, has been visiting the family of Mnj. Bob Jones. Thb Advertiser kicks before it ie prieked. Poor, sensitive sonl—we pity him. Well, when it gets ita swaddle clothea off and becomes weaned, it may knew the difference between twesdle dum and tweedle dee. Our neighbor endeavore to be ■biting,” “withering” and “eaicas- tic.” He aetme to take great pride in iniinualing the misfortune of hie neighbor. The funniest thing we’ve heard of lately is his talking about throwing a stons at our structure. Neighbor, beware of the rebound! The rebounding force of an object thrown against a wall sometimes hurts, you know. Philosophy teach es that, you know, Sliie your stones to your ksart’s oolitent; we will try end be on the outermost wall to receive thorn. But remember, it will be our turn nexi and will surely avail ourselves of it. Our object in what we wrote two weeks ago was to caution eur neigh bor, not to excite him. We had no idea of controverting any question with him. We do not seek a con troversy note; we will bo ou hand should one arise. We have adverti sed the Advertiser /ret, all that we desire lo. Flerlda,Oar Laud of Flowers. A throng of sufferers with coughs and colds, annually go Smith toriijuy the ethereal mildness of tho land of flowers. To them We would sejr the necessity of that expensive trip is ob viated by Coussens’ Compound Hon ey of Tur, which speedily cures the coughs and colds inoldeut to this rig orous dime. For public speakers it surpasses the Demosthenic regimeu of "pebbles mid sea shore;” clearing the throat until the voice rings with the silvery cadence of a bell. Use Coussens’Compound Honey of Tar. Price 60 cents a bottle. For side by Bradford tfAllen. 0otl0vow-ly Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, teaaacno, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, Eruptions and 8kin Diseases, Bil iousness, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Nouraljrla, as a Dinner Pill, for Purify ins tho Blood, Aro the most ef fective and conge nial purgative ever discovered. They Are mild, but ef fectual in their operation, moving the bowels surely nnd without pain. Although gentle in their operation, they nro still the most thorough and *•— searching cathar tic medicine that can be employed: cleans ing the stomach and bowels, and even the blood. In small doses of one pill a day, they stimulate the digestive organs nnd mey stimulate tne dices’ promote vigorous health. Ayer’s Pills have been known for more thnn a quarter of a century, nnd have obtnined n world-wide reputation for their virtues. Thoy correct diseased action in the several assimilative organs of the body, and are so composed thnt obstruc tions within their range can rarely with stand or evade them. Not only do they core the ovory-day complaints of every body, but also formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled the best of biMM||Jdll. Whilo they produce power ful are, at the same tinw. the •afent sad beet phyiie for cklMvea. By their aperient action they gripe much less than the common purgatives, nnd never give pnin when the bowels ore not inflamed. They reach the vital fountains of thu blood, and strengthen the system by freeing it from the elements or weakness. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates, containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, these Pllb mav be taken with safety by anybody. Thcfr sugar-coating preserves them ever fh*sh, and makes tltem pleasant to take; while being purely vegetable, no harm cau arise ■tv* Yen the Buckeye! It is a well established fact, (hat Tabler’s Buckeye Pilo Ointment will cure, if used according to directions. The iEeculus Hippocastanura, Horse Chestnut,commonly known m the Duekcye, bus been highly esteem ed for many years, owing to the fact, that it possesses virtues, lying in the bitter principle called Esculin, which cun be utilized for the cure of Piles. If affected with that terrible disense, use Tabler’s Buckeye Pile Ointment, and be relieved. Price 50 cents. For Sale by Bradford A Allen. Oct-3eowly No complaint ef the Analine that yon get from Bnrtmnk & Jenee. r ~Hli*»nt bran nsw sty Us Tsa Dtaasr Tot Is* ■sts dirart importation cheapo*! over offeree hi Um Bents. An Immense stock of McBride’* Fla# Ta ble cntlury, Spooae, Fork*, Castors Ac. at Mo Bride's, Atlanta. Cheap, but nica— Burbank k Jonas Christmas Toys.- J£- "Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Library Lamp*, American China Dinner Hate $17.81 each at Ma- Drlda’e Orockury Emporium, Atlanta. "Merchants, McDilda A Oa. offer tor Fall trade the largest and eheapact stock of Crockery, Lamps, Table Cntlory, stamped Tin Ware, Woaden Ware, Looking Glasses or«r seen la th Month. If rant to pay cash and g«t bottom cash pries* fUld select lust what yon want, order from McBride Oo. Atlanta. Among the most remarkable pro ductions of this age nnd country is Hull’s Unir Renewer. Its success is unpnrulicled. It is sought nfter by rich und poor, high nnd low, young und old. Inhabitants of foreign lauds—the people of Austruliu, of Eurape, and of South America find menus to get it at whatever cost. It is because it works like mugio. It restores the hair to its yonthtul color and beauty, and robs approaching age of one of its disagreeable accom paniments. If yon nre getting bald' try it. Try it if yon art getting gray, or il have any dieassse of the scalp' Try it if you wieh a good hairdress ing. It will not disappoint you.— Muncie (Ind.) News. Some interesting reading ■any be found ia tha oard of Mr. Holcomb, Sheriff of Haralson conn- ty, Mr. H. setmi to say what be It is with no little degree of satisfaction that we are enabled to inform onr friends in Haralson that Mr. Holcamb has given his printing to the Exprbss. This in the face of the endeavors that we know were mode to deprive us of it, is peculiar' ly gratifying. We hope to merit the fhvor by giving our reoderi a much batter paper during the coming year. Ws have many friends in old Har alson. We wonld dislike to distin guish between them. We feel com. peeled at the present time to return our warmest thanks to Mr. T. J. Loveless, Tom Latham aad John Wuldrope for favors rendered us in the lost few days. Id the case of the State vs James Bows, charged with being one of the murderers of E. A. Lambert, was tried before Judge J. W. H. Un derwood last week in the Haralson Superior court. Tho jnry found Rowe guilty and noommendod him to tha moroy of the aoart. Tho Jadgo oentonold him to imprison ment Ipr life. The other cases were continued until next regular term. la Irrepressible Conflict. In 1870 Wheeler & Wilson placed upon the market thsir now No. 8 Family Sowing Machine. It mot with success unprecedented in sew ing machine annals. Mechanical ex pert* doolara that it waa perfection, and destined to supersede all other machines for family use. Makers of rival machine* (using the *H fash ioned shnttlo) determined to crush the rising competitor, and to this end, in May 1877, reduced tkoir price* Thoy reoooncd that th* Whooler k Wilson. was too good a machint to coaspoto with them at low prices. They said they could tell their ma chines at what it ooot to make the Whooler k Wilton, aad still makt money, but they reckoned without thair host Wheeler & Wilson prices were also reduced, and the nse of au tomatic machinery, th* oompany is enabled to turn out ■ maohino supe rior to any other in the world, and soil it at a fair price. Sewing ma- that its sales are nearly doubled year ly, and the factory which haa a ca pacity for 700 machine! per day can not at present fill the orders received. The best is the oheapest and the neo- ple know it. OheW Jeokson’s Best Sweet Mary Tobaeeo. nev. SI ly Go to Burbank k Jones to buy jour Christmas Tricks. Best White Lead, without adulter ation, at Burbank k Jones’ I'RBP.ItRU (IT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Matt., *01J^ r BT l ALL“uMIJOO , lST8*i!VKHVWU*klUl For sale by Burbunk k Jones. U P< 0 & & k o t W o i* o to C3 b ESTABLISHED IN 1865. A. TSCHOPIK A BRO., Chattanooga, Teim. Wholesale Manufacturer of PLAIN AnD FANCY CANDIES. And link* 1 :8 of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Al-o Jobbers in Fancy Groceries, Cigars § Tobacco All goods warrantedjdrst-GluBti, and satisfaction gnarnntevd. Orders so- licitffd ami prompt attention given. jun 10, 3m "©ewdi^Op Iqn.” oet 31. This is lo infurm the pubjic Hint I have opened nt Merritt’s cor ner a choice selection of WHISKIES, WINES, GINS, BRANDIES, CIGARS end TOBACCO. All r> Imra of . Sh»m ran AM..... l. ,n- •PSOCIObUr. H, Saloon I. first oisAaa In every ptrtlcolnr HOT DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Be lore to call tithe DE WDROP. R. M. HUTCHERSON, Proprietor. "CITY BAR ” S. P. SHEPARD, Proprietor. -o:X:o- Will keep Constantly oa hand a Fin* Asaortment of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Gins, CIGARS & TOBACCO, And to bis msny friends who here so liberally patronized him, be respect fully solicits * continuance of th* same. ’ Look ont for the RED LIGHT, at Bprber k Weed’s eld Bleed, ops awn A. J. YOUNG, Wine, DEALER IN Corn and Rye Whiskies, Gins and Brandies, Noyes’ Wershons. CEDARTOWN, CA. No white dirt coated Lirxu Pills to be had at Burbflltk 4 lonflfl'- but soma of ths best mads. LUNGS Try ths Great Infitlihle Livik Pill put up by Burbank & Jones. "HE WHITE SEWING MACHINE vnx deist aw as*. Unrivaled is Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed is iha Broad ClaiM very nrur armuTim qvicarnT sxLUMi MA-unosurr, AMU Xast rw.'dc*. Cowing Machine |4 VMS WOULD. Wnclnf tributTte'lU McetUnon and Maariarlty •var ether machines. and In MbmlttlM ft ta tha trade we Mt It upon Ita merlte, and tn m lattaaea wdittn of the White I* fea malt Ma le excellence and a la Iteteiar. Tha demand forth* White hat Iwcraatad la aach ssaateat that wa are a*w oeiapelled ta tarn ant JL Cemplate Sawinff hCaehiaa mnrnxy three solziutee La ■vary Machine It warranted far • years, and aaMhrrili at liberal ditceanU,ar apan asiy payaw ate, ta salt tha canvaatasaa at i srown wafts nr raoosm nwiwiw. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.; il MS taeld Asa* OtiMteai. hhli The fatality of Couumptioa or Throat aad Lung Diseases. which ewcep to the grave at least jne-thirtl of all death’* victim*, arises from tha I Opium or Morphine treatment, which timply stu- i Defies as the work of death gou on. $10,000 will 1 be paid if Opium or Morphine, or any preparation I of Opium, Morphine or Prussic Acid, can te found I in the Gloss Flowbb Cough Svbuf, which haa I cured people who are living to-day with but one ’ remaining lung. No greater wrong oan be don* > than to say that Coiuumpti.n i* incurable. Tha Globr Fi.owbr Cough Syrup will cure It when all other means have failed. Alio, Coldi, Cough, \sthma, Ilronchitlfl, and all diieaies of th# threat tad lungs. Head the testimonials of th Hon. * " " •' il-Gor. —and be convinced* rtiauV be by takiag th* Loienge* for Son Threat, t Cough Strut. I those of ethi. . | you wi 1 * •'* j Globr Tako no Troches I when you can get Globb Plo< * ’ i. For aale I B bottles. [ jkm ar. lamrm'MZtTa m oo.. yisy'a PHILADELPHIA, FA. , - - yellow or a dirty browa color. The itomach becomes dlseaied, aad Dya- pepsU, Indigestion, Constipation, Hc*dacho, Bill- popflu, indigestion, Constipation, Headache, Bill- ouanese, Jaundice, Chills, Malarial Fever*, filea. Sick and Sour Stomach, and (•■«») MbUity fcl- low. MiBBBLi.’a Heratimb, tho great vegetable discovery for torpidity, cautee tha Liver to throw ~>ff from one to two ouaco* of bile each time the ilood passe* through il, as loan as there ia aa oa- eaa of bile; and tha effect of even a flew dooea upon yellow complex ioa or a browa dirty look lag skin, will astonish all who try It—thoy being the Ant symptoms to disappear. The cure of all kUi- oua diseases and Liver oomplaint ia arade certaia hv taking HhfatIIvr ia aaaordaacc with directions. iplaint i* nude certaia , _ ’daace with directions. Headache Is generally cured ia twenty miaates. aad ao disease that arteea frwa Aa livwr mb eaiet if a Air trial Is fflvea. grjtyrjarrtt tic* by all Druggist*. A. F. MMBKtlt A CO., *»*., MHX+tM, «* For Sale by Burbank k Jones. MARRIED LIFE DR. BUTTS Bo. IS N. BlgOtti Ot. onm sgSSfil? A Specialty mude of Stone Mountain Ilourbon and .Stone Mountain Corn Whiakey THE “OLD CABINET” Cannot be excellvd. I keep such Liquors as may be used as a bevoraja* *r for msdical purposes, with psrfsot sorety. Giro mu oo.ll. Good Ireel- mtnl guaranteed. ooi *, fenY* JAMES G. DAILEY. 96 llKOAD STREET, ROME, OA. Wliolnsulo and Retail Dealer in PU AH I TU RE. I have added lo iny business of UNDERTAKER FURNITURE end will keep a full and complete Stook ut lowest prices. tW A Praetic.1 Experience or UlsUt Woivr-re In lb. S.:.l|.of bulk branches of my business gives me DECIDED ADVANTAGE IN THE SELECTION OF GOODS. that I know will give satisfaction. ' fST" Thankful for thu liberal patronage beretoforu extended to enllntr, to merit a continuance of the same. I hope by plumb and sqaara spail 6Shu PHOENIX PLAINING HILL. Longley & Robison Proprietors, ATLANTA, OA. THE LARGEST AND COMPLETEST MILL IN GEORGIA. I-ONGLKY k ROBISON, No. 18 Loyd Street, Factory corner Bettor -I Ollui*t. Contractors and Proprietors of Phwnlx Plaining Mill, miiuufaeturera of Doora Hash Btisuta ate. The Phcanix la the finest aud bast Plaining Mill In the Somh, and turn* out wortol thi viJt ta.! quality and at prices that defy competition. They have purhca*«d the latest linrnovemMti an7 Mcbin.rr e«.r brought Soult. .oil bow guuubte. tb.t no bou.., Nortb or WnTl, .hf Is, ar|for less monav. Uesldes iroods of their nm mok. tta» k... . i. ....lirrT'U. r * iaB »«tte brought Bouth. and uow guarantee that no house, North c -a money. Uesldes goods of tbMr own make, they have a Urge stock of Wester* MMicwM.wco.MIUn. rent.. 4..i,t.g touaireSmmSlJ ■ufL'tu ._ *rtu to *Mm.> * *. AaCWiMUn --*• -- — F—-i. >TVy*'P*t, it IkutMMMUImla lb..11,. Tb.y in Uoreaghl/... .gji"?"*-*! ey have aever failed to come ap to th* very highest Murk of their coatract v MM.sLi.tur!v - r ,v f ■•(•rial need In building, and all of the Sa.lies Doors, Blind*. atc.?2iy cl? JMdartSMSS of thcircompetore. The Arm Is also agent for tha New York Maamel Paint Co. 7 Tk# la endorsed as tke best ia tae world. 1 P* 111 “j® ®F A OO. 19 Shorter Block, ROME,' GA. Greatest Bargains ever offered to the Trade at Rome, in Jenna «-rri*siii Flannels, Linseys, Dress Goods, Tickings, Domestic*, Shirt*. ’ Shawls, Ac. Ac. ' ["Overcoats! OHBlAPt Overcoats!! LARGS STOCK RKADY-MADB CLOTHINO Cbesneet to - „ 0w>rgil> - Ur jt e stuok * f Boot*, Shoe*, Hats, Ac, at Low > H. B. PARKS A O Sign of Big Whit? and