The Cedartown express. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, February 05, 1879, Image 1

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i t By Jno. W. Radley. Official Organ of Polk and Haralson Counties. VOLUME V CEDARTOWN, GA., WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 5, Polk County Sheriffs Sales. Will be sold before the oourt house door in Oednrtown, Polk county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday In February next, between the legal hours of sale, the following proper ty to wit: LoU of land Nos. 175,17G, 180. Ill in the 17th diet, and 4th sec. Polk county, Ga. as the property of Geo. L. Powell. Property pointed out by plaintiff in fl la. Tenant in posses sion notified, lly virtue of one Polk Superior court U la in favor of E. li. Thompson, bearer vs Geo. L. Powell, AIbo, at the same time and place, lots of land Nos. 131, 108 in the first dist. and 4th sec. Polk couniy, Ga. us the property of Z. T. Richards for purchase muncy of tho same. Writ ten notice given to party in posses sion within the the time prescribed by law; deed made by the representa tives on the estate ol L. II. Walthall deceased, died and recorded in the clerk’s office of the Superior court of Polk county, Ga. before the date of this levy. By virtue of two Polk Superior court li fas in favor of G. W. Featherston, Administrator, and Su san Walthall, Administratrix of L. II. Walthall, decensed vs Z. T. Rich ards. Also, at the same time and place, the Cedartown Hotel and lot on which the same is situated: said lot bounded on the South by Pryor street; on the West by an alley be tween said lot and tho property of T. M. Pace; on the North by an alley between said lot and the parsonage ol the Methodist church of Cedar- town and on the Hast by the Cave Spring road in the town of Cedar town Polk county, Ga. as the prop erty of C. II. Harris, one of the de fendants. By virtue of three Polk Superior court II fas in favor of S. P. Smith, Son & Co. vs Clins. II. Harris and M. A. Harris, and P. C. Harris security on appeal Bond. Tenant in jiossession notified. E. W. Ci.kiientb, jan 8 tds Sheriff. Written for the Kxpiikrb. That Dumb Supper. BY AILENltOC. continued from Inst week. The summer wore on. There were rides, and drives, nail picnics in the shaded woods, nnd gilt walks be neath tho starlit skies, and in them all John Stewart was Laura’s con stant attendant, hut the time was coming for her return to her father’s house. In Laura’s heart new emotions be gan to swell—a feverish restlessness possessed her, and she wnndersd about courting solitude. Grandma was wise; she smiled to herself but said nothing, only commanding Kit- tie and Boh to leave her alone. By day, and night, Laura thought on the problem. Ho was not the man around whom her fancy had thrown its magic spell; this quiet country village was not tho scene in which she had thought to enact her life’s drama. And yet, and yet, deep in her heart the girl knew the loved him mndly, fondly, perhaps hopeless ly, for never yet had lie betrayed a warmer feeling for her than I Head ship. Of his poverty she thought nothing and cared less, for she had plenty and just now sliu would have given all the world, iTslm hud it, for one word of love from him. All this nnd more she thought in the solitude of her own room, but in his presence it was her constant care to conceal her feelings, and a restraint seemed thrown over her, which he misinter preted. His whole earnest, manly love hud gone out to this girl, she bewildered him with her solt eyes, her white hands held him like bauds Polk Sheriff's Mortgage Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court Muuue' rtoof In tBemirwwu Polk county, Ga., on tho First Tues day in January next, between the le gal hours ol sale, the following prop, erty to-wit: Lot of land No. 355, in the 2nd district and 4th section of l’oik county, Ga., us the jtro|ierty of James A. Crocker, by virtue ol one Mortgage fi fa from Polk Superior Court, In favor of G. W. Featherston A Co. vs James A. Crocker. Prop erty pointed cut in this fi fa. - E. W. CLEMENTS, dec 6, tds Sheriff. Haralson County Sheriff’s Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Buohanan, Har alson county. Ga., o>< the First Tues day in February, 1879, between the legal hours of sule, the following proptriy, to-wit: Lot of land No. 797, in the 15th district and 4th section of original Polk now Haralson county, Gu., ns the property of John L Rowe, by virtue of one Justice Court II fu from the 1078th distriot, G. M., in fa vor of W. Brock vs. said John L. Rowe. Properly pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made nnd returned to nw by a Constable. Also, lot No. 109, in the 1st dis trict and 4tl> section of Hurulson county, Ga, as the property of Jno. L Rowe, by virtue of one tax 11 fa inflsvor of the State and county vs. John L Rowe- For tax for the year 1876. Property pointed out by G F Prioe,TO. ’ *A'. J. HUNT, Jan 8 tds* Sheriff. founty Sheriff Sale of _ Wild Land- Will be sold before the court house door in Buchanun, Haralson county, Ga. on the first Tuesday in February next between the legal hours of sale the following lots of wild land for cash to wit. In the 1st dish and 4th sec. of Har alson oounty, Ga. Nos. 818, 817, 84G, 746, 770, 821, 063, 575, 570, 835 and 1058 in the 20th dist. and 3d sec. of Haralson oounty, Ga. for taxes due the state and county for tho years, 1874, 76’ 70’ levied on by virtue of wild land tax fl fas issued by the Comptroller General of Ga. vs said lots and Thomas Philpot and Dennis Bates transferees of said fl fas. A. J. Hunt Sheriff. Jan 8, 79-tds Bettte Lightning! When need for Kheumutibm, Sore Throat, Lame Back, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Contracted Mus- oles, Stiff Joints, Corns, and Bun ions, on human beings; and Spavin, Ring Bone, Galls, Scratches, etc., on animals, Ooussens’ Lightning Lini ment is unequaled, and its effect simply electrical. As its name sug gests, it is quiok to relieve, and thou sands bear witness to its astounding virtues. Price 50 cents. For by Bradford & Alien Cedartown Ga. Oot3deow-ly of steel, between his hooks nnd his aching eyes stole the image ol her tiiuiliJfJiy G*o cluster ing hair, and thi^wrfume of her breath came to him on every passing breeze, but he reasoned, she is the child of wealth and luxury, a brill iant future lies before her, she will return to the whirl of fashionable life and forget the little episode of our acquaintance, even now she shrinks from me in feur lest I should presume to ask a nearer intimacy. Whenever a man thinks that way he is going to act stern, so John Stew* art wrapped himself in his pride, and set his face hard as a Hint, till Laura almost feared his altered man ner. They forgot to talk, those two who loved each other so fondly, and tho days slid by till the last one hud come of Luurn’s stay, and on the morrow she would leave Mapleton. Thislast night was a sad one, to many. Mary Brooks, the minister’s daughter and Ella Burnett, two warm friends of Laura had come over to spend the night, and ulthough Lau ra’s heart was sick and sad with hope deferred, Bhe exerted herself to the utmost in making them enjoy them selves. Eleven o’olock had struck before they realized how late it had grown, for busied with Laura’s pack ing and interested in their own chat ter, they had tyot noted the flight of time. “Eleven ’'"o’clock and 1 am as hungry as a shark;;come girls let us go down to the kitchen and get some thing to eat,” so Kittio proposed— having, herself a voracious appetite. After some demurring at the unsea sonableness of the tiour, they went down, piloted by Kittio, and found a fine bed of coals in the fireplace cas ting a subdued glow over tho room. Kittie, being an adept in the busi ness produced the cold victuals and gathering round the fire they prepar ed for a snack. “Oh” said Mary Brooks struck by a sudden idea wouldn’t this be a splendid time to set a dumb supper? there is just four of us, and every one else is asleep, Kittie’s eyes were round ns sau cers. Ella laughed, “look at Kit’s •yes” she said “she don’t understand you.” Mary turned to Laura “you know how don’t you Laura?” but Laura confessed her ignorance, and then Mary went on to describe the modus-operandi: “Well it takes two or lour. If there is four you take it by couples, two take hold of every plate at the same time, you go backwards at every thing you do, and you must neither laugh nor speak ortho oharm is'bro ken.” “And what does it all amount to,” said Kittie “is the thiugs fit to eat after all that?” “You goose” she explained “the supper is not for us.” The fable must be set all back wards, each girl names her plate, and sots a chair up, then the doors are opened and we wait for the ghosts of our future husbands to come in and have a scat at the table.” Kittie wns excited, she sprang up and turning her back to the fire held first one shoe solo and then the other over the ruddy coals. ‘Lets try it. by all means, she insisted 1 want to sec what we will see.’ ‘To he sure’ Laura said, ‘but ain’t it strange girls, that when girls are Kittie’s age, they are always vexing their heads over who they will marry. I wish I was four teen, she added with a sigh ‘no such thoughts should mar my peace,' ‘and I wish 1 was nineteen and as pretty as you are cousin Laura ! know who 1 would get,’ whereat Laura blushed furiously, and asked the girls if they had ever assisted at a dumb supper. ‘I have’ Mary answered ‘Ella has too I heard her say so.’ And did you see anybody? asked Kittie, and Mary solemnly averred she did.’ *I)o tell us' they all said, ami she commenced her story: One time when I went with father over in the adjoining county—whero he preaches you know—I stayed all night Saturday night at a Mr. Mar tin’s, who had four very agreeable daughters. After supper Mr. and Mrs. retired to rest, and we girls sat round the kitchen fire telling our tales till finally some one suggested petting a dumb supper. Of course we caught at the idea, but there were five of us —Marian settled the dispute by say ing that she would retire to a corner and look on, we began tur operations and you know any one wunts to laugh a great deal worse when they know they must not. I really thought Butn^vtanes 1 should burst when we would run together backwards, we made a great many blunders, but fi nally we got a few charred things on the table and then began to feel se rious—The old dog had his bed out side in the kitchen corner, and dis turbed I suppose by our noise, he be gan to bowl. Ugh! it makes me shudder to think how awful it soun- edd, so mournful and despairing—it seemed to our excited imaginations that he was conscious that some thing was coming but not flesh and blood. Then the chickens began crowing, und although it is nothing strange for roosters to crow at mid night; it added to our terror. Then we noticed that the wind bad rison, it howled around tho house, and we imagined we heard the sound ofhor ses feet, and the jingle of stirrups— just the* oh horror! a figure appeared in the door way, a terrible undefined shape and with a scream we all hud dled in the corner almost smother ing poor Mirian, Than the figure came in und explained itself. It was Mrs. Martiu with a red flannel gown on over a white one, and her head tied up with a handkerchief, alio, had awakened and hearing mysterious sounds in the kitchen had come out to knew tho meaning of it and she laughed till her fat sides shook, and the tears ran down li*i oW*ks. As for me I was willing to give it up, for I was scared so bad J could hard ly stand, and that has been my last dumb supper. They all shuddered a little, and drew closer together—laughed, yet felt solemn, girls will be girls, aud then Kittie, like the good brother at love feast, called on Ella for her ex perience. ‘Mine is similar to Mary’s only I was at school, and any little thing like that had to be managed with great secrecy to escape tho urgus eyes of our teacher. There were four of us boarding together and we had talked of trying our fortunes by a dumb supper for some time and at last hit upon a plan. Our room was up stairs over the dining room, and the Professor and his lady lodged in the room adjoin ing that, so of course every time we went up and down stairs they wore bound to hear us. As to letting Mrs. Simpson into our secret we never thought of such a thing, sho would have held up her hands in holy hor ror, and lectured us for u month to come; but she had a negro girl named Ellen who was our sworn ally and she agreed to have the kitch en ready for us upon a certain night also to furnish some of the provender for our entertainment Mrs. Simp son liko a careful housewife had ull her dishes, cups, saucers, spoons and platos kept in the dining room, so we were at a loss on that subject— but each of us had a little mug, that we used in brushing our teeth, and one of our number was the lucky possessor of a silver cup. Be It known that we lmd to march down to prayers at nine o’clock, and pre tend to be very devout so our supper was late on that account. On the night that ve had decided to try our fate, wo filed down with proper decorum, and after prayers and good nights marched back to our room, and then foi action. There was a balcony along tW front of the house and if any one Lad passed they would have witnessed some gymnas tic feats rarely equate! off the stage. But we reached the g'ound in safety and found the kitoken in proper trim for our cookery,so we went to work after stationirg Ellen, our faithful coadjutor, aitside to keep guard. We found a few tin plates and broken knives md forks, and enough scraps to set air table though I am sorry to say thn we lmd no ta ble cloth, and our fa*e did not look very inviting. My (articular friend and crony Rosaline thoughtlessly and heedlessly wishei aloud that she had brought a windtw curtain; we were all shocked at Iwr speech for I for one was feeling quite solemn ev*- cry thing was so still and the night was pitcli dark, jjat then Ellen ran in—her eyes wwo with terror and told us some holy was coming, and out of the hack loor wc dashed pel 1mell and made fo* the house. Ol nil the running we did it that dark night. Stumbling, and holding to each other, each one wanting to be ahead, and no orfS caring to he be hind. Fortunately the back door was open and we crept up stairs as silently as possible,and to bed. When we had gotten overour fright a little, and could talk ngtin, Rosalind said if that was her future husband who was coming in sh* hoped he would kindly excuse her hr running away. Then wc all thought how foolish it was to set the table foru person, and run when we heard one coming. ‘Poor Ellen’ we said ‘what has be come of her’ it wuscruel to leave her, but ‘self preservation is said to be the first Inw of nature’. The next morn ing Ellen had the joke on us for it was Mr. Simpson she said, who, after frightening her iito fits, almost, came in and surveyed our poor littlu feast. Ellen said he chuckled till she thought lie was going to choke, when he saw those little toilet mugs holding an almost colorless liquid, which we obtained by rinsing an old coffee pot—and lloialind’s silver cup among the tin plates and scraps of bread and meat. But lie gathered up our property, and tiie next morning when four shame-faced girls went down to breakfast presented them to us with a grave bow, although a merry twinkle in his eye reassured us. Mrs. Simpson too had a sort of glimmering smile on her stern fea tures ns though she remembered the Inr ofi time when sho was a girl, and pitied our iguorance. Ana that wan all that came of our supper, and 1 have not tried my fortnne that way since.’ I tried my fortune once ‘said Kit tie,’ I found a grain of corn in the road and put it in my shoe, for I had heard if you would do that the first man you met in the road you would marry, and what do you think? I walked on till that grain of corn blistered my foot and felt like a coal of fire, and the first person I met was an old blind beggar, and I don’t be lieve in fortune telling, but if you are willing we will set out the table und have a dumb supper. I ain’t afraid.’ Ella and Mary expressed their wil lingness to help, and Laura felt a lit tle superstitious thrill as sho con sented. ‘Now’ Mary went on ‘if you have scorched your dr*>ss enough Kittie standing «ver the fire see if aunt Hagar hasn’t some kindlings handy, and lets have a bright blaze, we must all nnderstane each other. Laura and I will be partners, Ella and Kittie. If there is enough cook ed we will only have to go through the pretense of cooking and it will be easier. All say what you waut to say and when you get through we will begin. While (lie girls were having this confab over tho fire, none of them noticed a little figure that crept down the stairs a id crouched at the half open door, listening intently to every word. When theii meaning began to dawn upon his mind Boh (for it wns he) could scarce restrain mi ex clamation of delight. He saw fun ahead, mid began turning over in his mind a plot to scare ihe girls out of their senses. He thought of wa king Jnkn and imagined how the girls would scream when they walked in dressed in nimily habiliments, but a thought presented itself, he and Jake were too small the girls would not scare worth a cent he said to himself, hut lie knew what lo do, he knew, and he puckered his mouth up tightly to keep from telling it, and stealing buck to his room dressed himself hastily am! left tho house. John Stewart had staid late in his office that night. The clock struck twelve before he roused himself from his list less attitude und prepared to go out. Laura was to leave to-mor row, and how could ho bear the sep aration? she was so dear to him, this girl with tho sweet womanly soul, cultivated mind, and lovely person. 11 is face grew pale, and his eyes dim as he looked forward into the future without her. Now he blamed him self that ho had not spoken; he for got that the world might accuse poor John Stewart of wooing her for her wealth, that the world might say it. wm the heiress he wanted, and lie had been thinking, too, that he had defrauded her of her rightful privi lege.’ I should at least huve given her the chance to accept or reject me, perhaps she loves mo ho said to him self, and his heart beat tumultuously at the bare thought; but he had let his opportunity slip. Sho was going to morrow. A letter might never reach her, and he might, never see her again face to face. With a deep- drawn sigh he opened the door and stepped out, and just then a little figure came flying round the corner, nuking a great clattering of boot- heels on the pavement. It wns Boh all out of breath, covered with per spiration, and running over with his secrG, who seized liolu of Mr. Stew arts hands and in an incoherent man ner began to pour forth his story. Bob could not complain of inatten tion. If every speaker bad as appre ciative an audience as he had tha‘. night, there would be no complaints on that score, and before the small orator was through talking John Stewart had resolved to comply with the boy's request, though not exact ly to scare the girls. Surely, he thought, she could not bo offended, if she used savory incan tations to bring the wrath of her fu ture husband and opened the door for his admission, if he happened to step in. And perhaps too the op portunity would be given him to tell her what was in her heart. Promis ing Bob an orange and enough can dy to last a we<»k, they turned their steps toward Grandma Thurston’s home, and around to the kitchen from whose doors and windows shown a ruddy light. Their preparations were complete, and eacli girl stood at the back of a chair ns though to designato the place for their prospective spouse to occupy. They were very pale, sol emn looking girls, looking out of the doors and windows with scared eyes, and John was smote to the heart by the look on Laura’s face—a sort of wistful 3’earning, a sorrowful thought ful look, that ho had never seen there before. He stood outside in the dark for some moments dreading to step in while Bob clung to his coat skirts and urged him forward. Finally he summoned courage, and stepped in. There was a chorus of soreams from Mary, Ella and Kittie, while Laura fell in a dead faint in his arms, and, I urn sorry to record it, that there she was abandoned by her companions. When Laura came to herself it was to feel kisses upon her lips and cheeks, while strong lov ing arms held her in a close embrace. It was no dead man, nor spirit that was evident, pouring a torrent of fond, loving phrases into her ear in Johu Stewarts well knowu voice, aud Subscription $2 Per Annum. 1879. NUMBER It. Laura would have been content to listen much longer if the girls bad not come back talkative, and clam orous on account of their fright; but two soule were better satisfied than they lmd been an hour since. There was laughing and talking, and plenty of threats against Mr. Stewart, and vows of getting even with him. Mary and Ella declared that a fright was all that ever came of a dumb supper. Bob was the he ro of the hour. He had been a little uneasy lost his idolized cousin should be offended with him for tho liberiy he lmd taken, yet even Bob, small as he was, understood by Laura’s ludi- vnt biushes and love-lit face that she was not displeased because Mr. Stew- Hrt sat so close to her. Perhaps the girls understood more, for they stole out, on one pretext or another, and Kittie marshaled Boh ofT to bed leav ing the lovers alone by the kitchen fire. But Boh was not Blcepy, and moreover his bump of cuGosily was very large, so presently he was peep ing in tho door, cautiously n conuoi- luring. When ho saw Mr. Stewarts arm around Laura's waist and her head lying on his bosom, while his mustache seemed in dangerous prox imity to her lips, it was all the young scapegrace could do to keep from yel- ling with amazement. Then a soft murmur of voices broke upon his ear, aud he plainly heard his friend saying‘bless that boy.' Of course lie was the hoy though what he lmd done to call forth n blessing he could not tell. Perhaps it was going to bed. he thought, and if he was blessed for that he would go; so he softly re tired shutting the door on Paradise. The morning star had risen before John Stewart took his Lave, and then no shadow stood between their hearts for they had told each other everything, and Laura etraiglitwuy went to her grandmother’s chamber. That good lady was awake and de lighted beyond measure at the tale her grand-daughter unfolded. And when the morrow came; and Laura departed for her distant home it wns uuder the care of one who pos- «»88ed her heart’s purest affections; one who won the esteem of his fel- lew-nien by his gentlemanly deport ment; one of whom she was more than proud. It was with many a heartbeat that she presented him to her father, and when she had escaped to her room, she knew that she was the Biibjectof their conversation. Manly and straightforward, John Stewart told his love, winning her wise, kind father’s regard by his frank manner, while her gentle mother’s heart went out to him and welcomed him to their home circle. Later gran dma’s letter come con firming their opinion, and for once the course of true lovo did run smoothe. Laura married the man she loved and trusted, aud to-day in the city whero he makes his home, who stands fairer than Judge Stew art? His widowed mother finds a home with her son; his sister is well married, and once a year he and his lady go away into the country to a little village, where lives a good old lady in a comfortable farmhouse, with a beautiful young girl called Kittio for her companion, and a boy who has lost his tuste lor candy and the circus, and thinks of studying law with his cousin, Judge Slewart. There too, our old friend, llagar, goes about with a gaudy bandanna around her head, getting up marvel lous dinners for, to use her language —“De best man and do be best wo man in de whole yeth.” And there Judge Stewart and his lovely wife live over again the bliss- full days of their first love. They are lovers for all time, and until yet lie “blcssses that boy” and she “That Dumb Supper. N. II. Cain, of Fayette C. II., Ala., says: “I gave Dr IIahte’s Fe ver and Ague Speuieic to my lit tle daughter, who was a mere skele ton from the effects of ague, she is now well and a new child. My wife suffered eight months from Chills and Fever; nothing did her any good until she commenced using Dr. Harteu’8 Fever and Ague Spe cific, which cured her at once. For sale by all Druggists 2t Theartof education lias been redu ced to so fine a point a point that even a hawser can bo taut. ALL NO (ITS. A strapping fellow—the barber. “Excellent wash for the face—wu- tei.’ There’s a h in every one’s bonnet. The great want of the church just no. ia it congregnl .on. A highlv colored title—'.lie pen- cock’s. Hud weather is n fog-horn conciii- •ion. Snowbody’s child—one that's tur ned nil rift. When a man liaan’t a red lie get* hi lie. All murderers hanged Iiutc their ropes of lieurm. A retired Boston flremun rails himself an exsport. Does nil intellectual snvage have > mental reservation? Men who stand aronnd waiting for a drink show lack of cents. An alsriii clock ill a house general ly wakes lip the wrong sleeper. A mini enn never see Ihe point of a juke ia a paper he dues not pay for. There’s one melancholy fact about a calendar, there’, no time when its days me not numbered. It taken a -nod deal of grief to kill a woman just after she lias got a new seal skin saque. This makes the small liny inad. He wishes he had teased far a sled instead of a pair of skates. .Sleighing Item.—One of onr fash ionable tailors lias a cutter that costa him 71,500 it year. Thu little contrihntinn salvers handed round in churches are apt to come bnckjnitiicr nickel plated. When the ichnolinaster reduced tile hoy to submission It was an un fair contest, because it was tutor won. Care killed a cat, says the pro verb, but the style of bootjack with which the deed was done is not men tioned. “You ought to husband your coal more,’ said the charity women. ‘I always does. I makes Itiill sift ashes and pick the cinders.’ The New York Graphic calls the Indiun question, ‘Copper-Colored Conundrum.’ Tluit is about the hew of the hatchet. “1 am looking for ‘Paradiso Loat,’ said Joslin, wlttu lmd upset the back- gummon-bourd, und was groping about tinder the table. The Nation Ims an article entitled 'The I.ast Trace of tiie War/ ft must have belonged to (lie liarneBS of ait artillery mule. Gen. Spinner says the climate of Florida cures his rheumatism. Now, if lie could only liud something that would take the crump out of his sig nature. There is believed to be only one tiling slower limn molasses in Januit- ry, nnd that is a lady making room for another lady in a street car. ‘Is n htwyer justitled in defending it had cause?’ We cannot under.. Btandingly answer this uutil we know the nmountof his fee. There are two periods in a woman’s life when she does not like to talk. When one ia we never knew ami the oilier we have forgotten. It is a fuel fully understood by railroad men chut the lines having tiie most long tunnels on the route secure the bulk of tho bridal-toar trade. A good soldier, who goes to per form tin not of charity, must observo tiie following orders: 1. Order alms! 2. Cany nlmsl 3. Prewitt alms! Oh! tiie tmcomprehenaible small boy. He'll turn from flye acre* of clear, 111100111 ice to work his way throng 1 , tiie half foot of sluh where tho danger sign is. See the conquering zero comes. Yes, so a good many business men remark, in looking for their proGts for tho past year. ‘Somebody’s Coming when tho Dewdrops Full,’ is said to be a very beautiful song. ‘Somebody’s Com- iug When the Note Falls Due,” is not si enchanting. The plumber came down like a Wolf on tho fold, His pockets wsre laden witn solder and gold. And for lour mortal hours ho made love to the cook; And seventeen dollars wete charged up in his hook. ‘Oils und pomade are no iwnge r