Rockdale register. (Conyers, Ga.) 1874-1877, January 06, 1876, Image 2

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HoxEjMo Register. 7/y the Jleyutor Dvhllahing Company A. C. McCALLA, Managing Editor. yf, p. HEEL), Assistant Editor 7he Rockdale Rki;i*tkk cost* only 7too Dollars per annum. It has a large anti constantly increasing nrc'/" lion, ami is one of the eery best adner tisinq mediums in the State. CONYRKS, OA,. TIIyiWDAY, JAN. 6, 1870. ■ jfc I ■■■■■ ..-HU IMI ■*'- Cl'M'KI B Ga., I)(‘0 kOtll .B*7.’’ K 7 o all whom it, may cones rn : With this number the undersigned lakes charge of the Rockdale Register as clii'-f Editor and Business Manager, lyjr. Wallace I*, Reed will still remain with flu* paper ns assistant E liter of the Editorial, Nows and Local dcpartim-iits. Wo hope to mike tho Register both profitable and interesting to ourselves and the public. A. C. McCau.a, Heitor and 'jusiness Manager. fit's. Tlo New Ye ‘. The Centennial year of American In dstM-ndence has opened with tin- promise of an eventful period. The mighty Sp-r --it of Change broods over the world, and everything indicates the near approach of gigantic revolutions in rdjgion, in politics and in society. The decTmc of Inn* trial intel a country as Otrniany : the bold and aggressive warfare waged against infidel scientists by our ablest divines, and the wonderful revivals in England, Scotland' "lid America are all calculated to encourage the hearts of Christian worker#. In secular affairs, progress is still the order of the day. The world's politics are keeping pace w ith the demands of the age. The French Republic has stir vivetl the intrigues of Hoiinpartists and Orleanista, anti'to day presents a more substantial front than at any time since its birth. Following this brilliant cpi tome of modern civilization, wo fiud Egypt under a master-mind again press ing forward in the van of the nations, her brow rc crowned and glowing with the beauty of long buried Centura s This sudden resurrection of a dead pow er, and its upward career, arc among the most remarkable events of the day. The darkest blojgun the world’s map is Spain. That unhappy country, bankrupt, in voivtel in factious broils anil on tho l *.eve of losing one of its fairest possessions, is the weakest in the sisterhood of em pires. jjffli wo cannot particularise. There of wars among the European powers, but it is to he hoped that a humane diplomacy, and the grow ing tendency to submit international dis putes to arbitration w ill avert the threat ened disasters. Imcgard to our own • is much to Lie said, but we cahiyjgJMßl within the limits of this a Democratic administra tion amrsonic changes in our financial policy America will enjoy an abundant share of prosperity. But if misgovern meat is to continue wo can expect noth ing but general bankruptcy. The good sense-and marvelous energy of our peo ple fortunately repel all such gloomy apprehensions. We believe our country will hold its owu in peace and in war. In society it is to bo noted that every thing is settling to its proper level. Our surplus population is pushing out to the far West; w\ men arc becoming selt tmpporiing; the sons of our best fain - liis are receiving a more prnot’cal edu cation, and in all circles, among the wealthy as well as among the pooiyhcre is a mauitest tendency to retrenchment and reform. When families begin to set their faces against extravagance ; when a wise policy originates among the peo ple, then and not till then may we ex pect to see a similar course p ursued by our rulers. The people nro to day ahead of their leaders, and this fact will tjoon impress itself upon the policy of .tin country. Tito signs of llio limes indicate that the Radical patty propose lucre effort lo regain their lost tfnpre* macy in this Slate. Of course they will not stand a ghost of a chattc', unless sortie of our Democrats start the Inde pendent schedule^ Hon. A. If. Stephens is opposed to the two-thirds rule. He it is undem ocratic, and that no Democratic Govern or in Geoight was ever nominated under such r. rule. > lion. Milton A; Candler, of Georgia, is pronounced one ot the four ugliest menitf Congress We congratulate Mr. Candler upon his suocesss itt achieving oistmclii'ii at the beginning of his new career. f Uuberuaturlai Gossip." now said that Tom Hardeman is the ring. Gov. Smith and Gen. Rlol<|uitt are reported uufifetidly to each I other,'ar.d tiartr.ell and James* stock is said to be rising. Tire coining session of ihe Legislature will doubtless spring u"ew issues, and with nett - measures may come men. Eorthe first time In the history of the country the Chairmanships of the House are all filltcT by Southern -4iJiTcstern liter. Sew i vmi u> cl>e COld. < l>ev. Alliens fi, 1 ay good has n confix j w-i itten s< mo very pertinent letters in r. ference to the condition of oar public highways. 110 very properly regaid* 1 roads as the arteries of a country, and shows by seven! examples and illustra tions that no Stale can possibly be pros perous and thk kly populated unless its highways are kept in good order. Our legislators wid do weii to pon-h r over Ur. I lay good's remarks. Nearly -ill the papers in the Slate arc no v in fyvor of a Constitutional Con vention. If wo could have one, as North Carolina did, at an expense of On'y s2s,(h)i), there would be few ob factious raised. The grout trouble w i lt our law makers is that they atteit)) t 100 , much. The Georgia Legisla'ure wi’l eoHvvve on Wednesday next. Thu Jti'iWTPn I will con.ain a full synopsis ot the pro I (.-(Hidings of 'this important body, and bills of public interest will be hid be fore our readers in full. * The recent biographical skotab of Vico President Wilson, in the Sunny South, was a,capitnl thing in its nay. Its two best points were brevity and line writing. The brevity was original with the author, arid tho fine writing •was borrowed, with ..ut credit, from Mac an lay. Readers who are familiar with Ma'-isulny’s essay on John Hampden will roc iginze old acquaintances in the third and sixth paragraphs of the Sunny South’s sketch. ® B (D & (33 A J3® Q3lfiP , The only white woman in the peniten tiary, named 15, netta Ileit n, has been pardoned by Uuvernoi So ith. The Griffin News says that Mr. Riley I lays, a y oung inrn eig teen y ears ol age, a son of Mr. Washington llay-s, wlio fives near Ron: IDs mill, on the Oc mulgi-c, in Ihitth county, accidentally shot, and killed himself on Christmas day while out hunting. Tho Atlanta Herald *cys that l’rof. Wm. lleriry Peek,• the famous authoi, erljoyed his forty-lit.h birthday on Fri - day. Prof. Deck is more widely known than m y Southern writer, and has made more clear money by bis pen than any mail who ever wrote south of the Ifhe, A company ot friends met at his house and celebrated the auspicious day in a lilting style. Among the presents given the Professor was a !J>25D parlor organ from his wife. Under the head of “The Raising of Meat in the Sout h ," the Columbus Bn qunersays: “i'lns m al ludge,” re marked a prosperous tanner tho other day ; “I raise an abundance, and I Ih lieve others can do the same tiling.” lie added that betoro the war stealing of hogs was almost as frequent as now ; that he had received many a whipping from his lather because he did not watch the hogs and prevent others from taking them ; that firmers then took old worth less negroes or children, ami made them herdsmen, aud they ooultl get responsible darkies now lei elo the sumo for their food and'clothing. This tanner ways been well off, and was a four lighting man in a gallant regiment. At this stage a poor e-iine up and gave hih ex pcrieiiee, FMH year ho bought a shoal for $(5, fed it bushes of corn tor which he paid $12,55, and in addition paid 50 cents for hutch ering—making the tot 1 cost $15,05. The pig when killed weighed 321 pounds mt. lie sold it for ten cents a pound, the whole bringing $32,00, which shows a net profit of $1(5,05. T hat beats cot ton, which is sold for less than it costs to produce. A negro woman ami chUil were re sell) I v Dozen to death in Jneksuu couu ty- Mr. !!. M. Ovnie, of Millodgcvillo, is movijig his printing matoiial to Savan nah where he will start- a daily paper under the name cl the Free Press. Victor Hugo Sturm, who married Mrs. Eppie Bowdrc Casilen, of Mnoon, and about whom there were so many scan dalous reports, has moved to Sim Fran liseo, V Divid Dickson, Jr., was killed hy his brother, James Uiukso n, at Sparta the other night. It is thought that David was asleep when James attacked hint with an auger and heat his head to a jelly. Whisky is sup posed to tie the cause. David and James Dickson are nephews of Mr. David Dickson. Hon. James \V. Green, a Superior Court- Judge under .Bullock, died sud donly at his home in Ups n county re cently. It is sfa’cd that Mr. Conley, of Jasper county, made this season three thousand ouo4mndred and fifty bushels of eoru on thirty acres of land. There is a well defined rumor prevail in or in high circles that Governor Smith lets fully made up his intentions with reference to the troubles connected with the late administration of the St-iti Treasury. Suits against the sureties upon the bonds of et Treasurer Jones, it is said, will be instituted .ti an earlx day, and doubtless before the Legisla ture assembles. It is stated that lbs suits against ex Treasurer Jones’ bondsmen will be com motived in Bibb, where U. A. Nutting, who ts on the first bond resides, and in Col*b where J. D. Waddell, who is on the second, resides. Attorney-General Hammond. General Toombs and McGay and Trippe will represent the Stato; B. n. Hill Js Son and o! A. I,* ap pear for j,h'.* defendants. Judge Etaih.- rane's retainer of $2,500 has already been paid. The ‘ wet" or “dry” election came off in Fstttburn on Saturday. For prohibi tion, 48 votis ; against p ohibif on, 23 ; tattering, oj not voting, It is now given out that tie Govern or's m'-ssage will go beyond, instead of fall short, < t usual proportions, on ac count of ti.c- executive being compelled tO make the statements regarding the Stale's fiaancii-s wfiich should have been given by the Treasurer. The race for Representative in Cobb [county is bet wet n two ot the most j prominent citizens of ll e county, Judge David Irwin and Oenr-nl Win. Phillips. I It is pretty generally be i ved that Judge ! Irwin has the advantage. Thu Atlanta Herald says it is current ly reported that (t,>vt rnor Hmitli is to lie .‘jp x” at the next <am v.d This infor mal jon is ol course obtained pir grape vine. In Athens, Ga., on the 25th, Christmas day, Robert C. Lumpkin, s n of the late Jud >e J- 11. Lumpkin, di- il of congestion of the stomach. The Hon. 13. 11. llill will appear as counsel* lor ex Treiiiurer Jones. lit says “the reputation of Jaek .buns is Uhe reputation of Georgia.’’ It is said | that the Colottid will apply to the Leg islature tor permission to he heard before that body by counsel. Secretary Johnston minima Colonel Jones, of the Mac-m Telegraph, that ull the ttuids of the Fair Assoeia ion, atnonnting to sonVi fom- ih-ousaud dol lars, are in the hands of the Treasurer, Colmel Lawton, and, so far, non couir eatable, which will explain why premi ums and advertisements have not been paid. He hopes, however, to “settle up - ’ ere long. The Macon Telegraph has the author ity ot the author for saying Mrs. An-, gUnfit Evai s Wilson desires tlie Italian pronunciation of her novel “lu-lcl-ee chee." •The next semi annual meeting of the State Agricultural Society will be held at lit npswiek, on tho Bth day of January, 1810, and will remain in session for three day s. The meeting is made up of three deligntes from each county in the State, and there are generally from two hundred and fitly to three hundred delegates in attendance. The Atlanta correspondent of the Chronicle "jj* Sentinel, writing on the 31st uif., says that Co 1 , C. Peoples stands the best chance ot a nomination for the Judge-ship ot that Circuit. The education of tho colored troops is gradually progressing. The following mysterious documents was found posted ilp in .Stewart county the other day : “ I w ill make a Specach alathan ili'l for the /ollai'd Propitiation nex Saturday Nigal on Tcmpress matters tor the Defence of our county and there Estopeed State they Drills in at Present * end (J hope that they will all Turn out end I will do my Best for Things I say that Free doms wij s Great But Principurl ft -the Best end Dear collartl friends Los mon lerise l’hire am ng Our Friends Do away With being Yung end a undi vided mind and Les hold up our beds among ail natjons of all kinds well a Solistunt member of the baptist Clmieh Noar mi- Tommas Hill." The Atlanta Constitution says : It i now stated, upon positive authority, coming, it se'-nis, from Judge Ilopkius himself, that lie will c rtainly resign his office as Judge of the Superior Court fir the Atlanta Circuit on or about the 20tii of January next. It is presumed that in the absence of appointment to another gillieo lie will re -enter the profession and become a practitioner. is now said that lot n L. Conley, PPputy Collector of Revenue for the fourth district, is in danger ol removal. Jacob Whaley, the Augusta oenteuna rian, is at last dead. He was one hun dred and one years old, ami never used intoxicating liquors. _® 3 M m SW3 o M iss Ma ggie 11. Davis, daughter of Jefferson Davis, was married, the other day, to J. Ailisoa Hayes, Cashier of the State National Bank. Gov. Chamberlain of South Carolina receives praise from all sides for his en ergotic efforts to keep that pair of ras cals, Moses and Whippet- from disgra cing the bench. Cassius M. O'uy, of Kentucky, writes to a gentleman in Washington City that his State will present his name to vote in the Demount’ie Convention in 187 G, as a nominee lor Vice President. lion. Carl Sohtirz and Harper’s Week ly protei and to believe that, in case Grant shall secure the Presidential nomination, thee will he a split in the Republican party. It is authoritatively stated now that the slate recently announced ot Centen nial orator, poet and Declaration of In dependence reader was a clever fraud, no appointments having been made. There has just been received a form al acceptance by Pope Pius IX. ot an invitation by the Centennial authorities, requesting Ilis Holiness to recognize the enterprise l>y contributing works of art from the gallerhs of the Vatican, or from the \y< rksbops be cot trols. Tito letters of the Hope are couched in the warmest terms of friendship tor the United States. One Henry Jones, a colored man, who died recently in Philadelphia is still in - buried. He ©wind a lot m a white cem etery, but the lladical trustees refuse interment, on the ground that such a desecration would depreciate the prop erty Of their fashionable graveyard. The unsavory Beecher scandal is to be again revived in two forms. The ae by Plymouth Ghureli ot Mrs. Moulton’s schedule of questions to be submitted to a Council of Churches briu„ff the nutter before ecclesiastical authority ‘at an only day”; wni'o the civil suit instituted by Air. Moulton against Mr. Beecher lakes the question again into the Courts. It is said Hon. I . CJ..C. Lamar thinks, be will be elected Coiled Slates Senator! Iron) Mississippi by just seven votes. 1 Tb s is figuring it down “hue,” It is asserted in prominent eirch s that! if, us reported from Bouden, there is a near advent of European intervention in Cuba, our government would inform such powers a3 might coßfbiife for this purpose that their course would bo high ly offensive to the United Stales, as it would imply a design of controlling af fairs in localities contigious to this eoun trv, thereby injuriously affecting our commercial aud political interests, and for this reason, apart from other con id i rations, tho United States would con tinue to act- in tho spirit of the Monroe do trine. lie has been to Washington, the great ll id tenn -r, ex Postmaster Bard, has, a he unites a letter to bis newspaper just itdliot with the third term zeal jTlie third term qu: stion," he Bays, “i$ l.eiiig fret ly disc is. -ted in all places of \ j nbiio resort., and is steadily ginning | ground with the people; the empty idea tint this is not in keeping with the | ‘ writ'en law-,' is fast being exploded,’’ I’ is a lather remarkable discovery, b' t Mr. Bard bints it with the following: “The politicians are opposed to a third term for President Grant, while the people are hostile to the politicians, and therefore fav- r his election as a national cece.-si'y.” It was “at a social party” said the t 1 -graph in its Chesterfteldian way near GJI-uin, Siimm-i- county, Tennessee, dial “ Jack Suddette was shot tie til by Joel Rarnea. The difli.-ulty originated In a dispute about the possession of a chair.” A very provoking thing to hap pen at a holiday entertainment, but tlu-ic are regions in this broad land of social freedom where it takes a good dial to break up a party or impair its sociabili ty. While we would hardly like to von t are on the statement that the “social party” went on as before, we confess our curiosity as to that dispute overUi’eown ership of a-chair. To the coming nov elist it would be an invaluable incident in the delineation of border beauty and ruffianism. A lenifi : tornado passed twelve miles east, ot IHckman on Sunday evening, ■Sweeping down the whole fore t in its pathway. The force of the wind was so great that persons can now walk ov r the trunks of trees where bd re was a douse of woods. Twelve dwelling houses and barns Were blown down, some shattered into fragments, and the inmates barely escaping with their Lives. Worm fences from the bottom rail were all lifted and blown away. At Mayfield two persons were'crushed to death under the niius of their houses, and a negro killed outright. At another point a man named Chuoks.and a Miss Searcy were killed, while her sister was badly crip pled. A hotel nt lieelfoot lake was blown down, the guests barely escaping. Some were badly bruised by the falling timber. Death and destruction left their trace along the entire tiack of the tornado, which made a noise that could be heard for miles. Richmond, Virginia has fifty churches, of which nearly one half the population of the city are members. 'I ho Sunday schools have over 15,0 )() scholars. Moi e than halt of the church members are Baptists. The Church Conference asked for by Mrs. Moulton commences the 25th inst., a! Plymouth church', if the list-is com pletcd in time. Laura Ileam, in a recent letter to the Cincinnati Commercial, asserts that President Grant has lost ail his money in speculation and is yery pom-. No body believes that, but the President may he foolish enough to start such a story to stir up his friends to renewed efforts to put him into a third term with the emoluments thereof. One hundred Georgia newspapers and seven Georgia grand jurors want a shortening of crlrnn and tiia's, on tie score of economy ; good wagon road s ; a dog law, as a protection to sheep rak ing; and consolidation of comity offices, for the purpose of effectin economy in pgb'ic expenditures. The latter’ propo sition is one seriously to be considered by statesmen, as is also an additional one to consolidate weak counties terri torially.—[N, V. Herald. Prokop, of Graz, lias constructed a lock on anew principle, which he claims lenders it proof against pickingorcopy ing the key. The peculiarity consists in a keyhole curved upward instead o’ strait, with a corresponding comptuud curved key. On and after Februrhy visitors will not be admitted to the 'Centennial grounds without a pass. Lately the crowd of visitors has been so great that the workmen have been very much re tarded and in’erfered with. A strong movement is being made throughout the country in behalf of the r 'lieal of the present bankrupt law. Mr. Holman has introduced a 1 11 in the house to that end, and business raon who haiipen to be solvent are backing him with petitions. Gold is one of those Unknown and uncertain qualities to build upon which, subject to the laws of trade, is building a house upon sand. We ha lt upon it hi fore the war. We were constantly being ctranded and swept away. With the greenback as the only money receiv able for all public taxes and all private debts, there can be no such thing as a i financial panic.—[Cincinnati Enquirer (Dcm.) # Bishop Haven has been talking about the third term, away out in Omaha. He thinks Grant is going to ‘bo .reelected, and that Mr. Blaine will defeat himself by trying to’ imitate Grant too closely. The most importutnt bill for the South which has been introduced in Congress at this session is one directing the Sec retary of the Treasury to pay to the owm rs, or their heirs or assigns, with out interest, the amount of the proceeds [of sale of anv land for direct taxes made by the United States in the late insurrectionary States. Such owners, however, before receiving the money are to give a full and coinp'etc quit claim to I the government. * * Four members of the Nashville Med ical Association spoke at the late luetft ing in favor of the revival of bleeding in the treatment ot diseases. Jt is stated that tho §10,000,000 bridge over the Mississippi at St. Louis will not pay interest, on coSt during this general ion. LOOK HERE! ARROW TIES, lie per lb. STANDARD Rom, Bagging 16c per yd. GUNNY BAGGING, Rc “ “ At G. V. Sanford's. 4 lbs RIO COFFEE for SLOO 8 “ STANDARD A.SUGAR .SI.OO <!. U. Bulk Sides per cwt, He l’ltre Lent lgud, 18c Golden Hams, - Ro Ai G. V. Sanford's. —o— Cheese, Crackers, SarJi-r s, Oysters etc., At C. V. Sanfokps.. Tobacco, from title to 75 per pound, At C .V. S.VNKOHD3. r OOK OUT t TIME CP ! To Our Customers: Y’OtJlt notes au.l aocountr are now due, and X wo noed the money. Those that come up promptly will got accommodation again, and tlioao that don’t pay up tty Nov. Ist. will bn charged extra per cent. Remember wo did not propose to sell goods on time, and thou waif till Christinas for the money. This notice is intended lor all who have not paid up. H member that those who come forward now and pay up wilt) >e remembered in the future. Now | l’Uvvati don't pi tus off !! j We also have on hm l a largo and well se lected stock of General Merchandise, which wo propose to sell ns low as any house in town. We will pay the highest market price-for all kinds of country produce. Give us a call. Respectfully, Oct. ei ’75. J. It, ALMA.ND, SON & CO. C. VV. WIiAVKIt. J. U GRAKADE wiAVKii & mm Dealers In Dry Goods, Groceries, Family Supp%3, Etc., Etc., A largo and wall selected Genera Assortment always kept on hand. The Best Goods at the fowest prices. . Call and see us at our Store in the Bentley Building. May C, lyr. CONY E*ll S Male ami Fciualo High School. 1870, THE exercises of the above institution will be resumed on tlie 10th tlayof JANUARY, 1876. Tuitiontclue at tba end of each quarter. RATES OF TUITION : Primary Duparrtment, par quarter 4 00 Intermediate “ “ “ 5 50 Academical ■“ •“ *‘ 7 50 Higher “ “ “ 10 00 — o — expenses, twenty-five coute VK- quarter. n n on e a r. Students prepare! for any class in Co'l- yc, or for the several business avo cations of life. Tor farther particulars address either one of the Undersigned, j. f. McClelland, a. m. Lev. J. At. BRITTAIN, A. M., no2l 6m Principals. MISCELL AN EOUS. Brittania dippers, flesh forks, ladles, spoons, i eako turners, egg beaters, stove shovels, cover lifters, Tack hammers, nutmeg graters, and many other small goods for housekeepers, too numerous to mention, at J. S. Anthony’s, Commercial st., Conyers, Georgia, sign of The Big, Red Coffee Pot.” A CARD. Dfi. D. S. SOUTHWICK, ono of the most successful physicians of New Orleans, has lo cated in Atlanta. Confidential Medical Ad viser for all persons afflicted; also, sole pro prietor of his celebrated recently discov § § ed, and PURELY i t LI O TIc N CO i VEGETABLE; : TOBA CC U . oyer sev eii hun § antidote, § (bed cured ; guar- afitees all cases; medicine sent 0. o. and. to all parts of the country. Office and rooms 85 and 87 White hallstroet, Atlanta Ga. <ST All communica tions strictly private. v nolß-ly Heart h ami home, ANL> “the we ek i. vo ti Arm c.” The largest, cheapest, and best Illustrated Newspaper, weekly edition of The only Daily Illustrated Newspaper in the World. And the model Home paper of America. Twelve large pages ; beautiful Illustrations; a magnificent two-page steel production- of a celebrated picture; serial and short stories; fashions; news; travels, etc , in every num ber. Only .$12,50 j>cr Year, Cost’y and useful premiums given to clubs. The largest cash commission to agents of any paper. Write for specimen. THE GBAPIIIG COMPANY, 35—fl Park Place, New York. s\yi smitJl Is now offering one of the greatest inducements to his customers in the whiskey liue that was ever known before. You can now get a F S drink, at his saloon. A I T fine lot of Wines, Kant V N Whiskies, etc., just re- E E ceivcd and selling cheap C for cash. BIiLIAUDS I Are one of the attractions of this estab lishment, Give him a call, 2nd door Hotel Block. 194 t. A W A Y WITH HARD T I M E S. J. S. Anthony has marked all his goods down to suit the timds, and is now selling Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoos, without re gard to cost. Jtio sure to go and see him be qj-e you buy. Night & White's ol 1 stand, CBtinereial street, Conyers, Ga, , LEO.II MVERTIsr.UMTH. p EOEGIA-tiocKDAIE Covayx: Presler F. Christian, adiainistw.t r of tlie estate of C. w. Fox, dee’d. havhnf made ap plication for leave to sell the lands of said es tivtefor division among tho heirs and to debts. If any object, am ft! let J; her V ' * filed within the time allowed i '. v w >(''’ , 1 will be granted the applicant as u. seamans, OtmiNARY. NOTICE. (jKORt- 1 V—l Kin OB Ootsty : wh i. ~ I>. N. Hudson having hi pjjppM i ' 111 ' f'' hufci 3 ' 'ministration on tho estate •of -ks. A. Ijt, . late ol -. 4 county, deceased, inus u'tbcr.-fore, to cite and admonish all and mn ■ ulnr. the kindred and creditow of censed, to be and appear at my office on.MON DAY. Feb. 7th., next, to show cause, if iui v they cun, wliy letters of administration shonel not bo granted to D. N. Hudson on tlie estate of -Mrs. A. Rhodes, deceased. O. SEAMANS, OItn.JNARV. Administrator’;) Sale. A Valualle Water-Power for Sale. GEORGIA, Rockdale County: By virtue of an order from tho Court of Or dinary, of said county, Will be sold before tho Courthouse door, in tho town of Conyers, in said county, or. the FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY NEXT, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Two lots of land, number* 217 aud .218; contain in' tour hundred aud live (405) acres, moie or less in the lGth district of originally Henry, now Rockdale county. South River running through said land, and being the county line. About one hundred and sixty (lfiO) acres of said land lies in Do Kalb county, in about six miles of the Georgia Railroad. On auid prem ises there are two first-class waters powers, excelled by none in the South. There is on the upper shoal about thirty feet fall; on the lower shoal about 17 feet fall, and from six to eight hundred horse power. There is a grist and saw mill on the place. Sold as tho prop erty of Joun Albekt, late of said county:,' deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors of said deceased. _ Twins —Mads known on application to < that of the undersigned. NANCY ALBERT, W. TANARUS, ALBERT, Dec. 30, 23-Gt. Administrators. The property was sold on tlie first Tuesday in December, according to law, and tho pur chaser failing to comply with the term:; of sale. It will now be sold at the risk of tho first purchaser. DMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By virtue of an order from the court of Or dinary of Newton county, I will soli on the Ist Tuesday in January next, before the Court house door, in the town of Conyers, the follow ing property, to-wit: Six lots of land con taining from one to on" and a half, acres, each, situated in the town of Conyers fronting Decatur street; eight lots of land, near the Female College : containing from ono to two acres each; and sundry, other lots. Saul lots being part of the estate of the late John Persall deceased, of Newton county. Tarries .desiring to see the land car have the lots shown ‘ham by John L. Scott, Adm’r- 1 Notice to Debtors amt Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all persons having demands against tbs estate of John P. Csss, late of Rockdale county, deceased, to present tban. to me properly made out, withm the time jirescribed by law. And all persons in debted to said estate are hereby required to u. aku immediate .pity ment. l'J Gw JOHN VV. CARR. Adahmstratok. JjIXECUTOR'S SALE. GEORGlA — Rockdale County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Or dinary, of said county, will be soli 1 before thm. Oouftirpuse door, in the town of Conyers, oai the FJKBT. To its DAY IN JANUARY, 1675, within the, Jogal hours tf sale, the following property, The South half of lot of land No. ltht; Uth District originally Henry, now -book'tale, joining land of Vf. 11. McCord; on South and East, on North by Jno. S. Albeit, and U. Bentley on the West, Sold as tho property of Buchner Ray, late of said county, deceased. Timurs: CASH. J. G. &i J. I), IIA Y, lß4t. Executors. / 8 EORGlA—Rockdale county : \_l Whereas, Martha Francis having made application for exemption of personalty, and the setting apart a. valuation of homestead. I will pass upon the same on the FIFTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1870, at 10 o'clock, at my of fice. 0. SEAMANS, Ordinary. pEGßGlA—Rcckdale County: If Whereas, Asbury Tate having made ap plication ior EXEMPTION OF PERSON AL TY, and I will pass upon the samc'on the 3rd day of January next, at ten o’clock, a. m„ at my office. Tlris December 2nd, 1875 22 2t O. SEAMANS, OIiDINART. n EORGlA— Rockdale County. u" Whereas, 8. I*. DANIEL has applied fev' exemption of i>ersonalty, and I will pass upu’i the same on the 3rd day of January next, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at my office. dec23-2t 0. SEAMANS, Oudinaky. Bockdai.e Sheriff Sale foh Feij. Will-be sold before the court housH door, in the town of Conyers, within the legal hours of sale, cn the FIRST TOEBD Ai IN FEBRUARY, 187 G, the folliwiug property, to-wit: Ono brick house and lot containing two acres, more or less, situated in the town of Conyers, State and county aforesaid; bounded b est by Andy Plunkett and T J Treadwell; South, by Henry Alxnand; East by John Down.s„antd North by Railroad street. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa in favor of T. XI. Armistcad, Tax Collector, vs. Mrs. C W Fox, issued Dec. 8, 1875. Levied on by G T Cham berlain, L. C., and returned to me, I l '. J. Whitehead, Sheriff. I OST. DOST. Ij Four promissory notes due Dec, 2.),‘187* There weje three one hundred dollar notes ami one $37 50 dollar note. The notes are against Hdury Abound, with D. M. Almaud ; security." The public are warned against - trading lor said notes. J. M. WHITE. Conyers, Ga., Dec. 30, 187r>-n023-4t. GE 0 R G lA— Rockdale CousTy. : Whereas, Samuel Huson, col., having’ made application for Exemption of Personali ty and setting apart a valuation of Home stead. I will pass upon the same on the FOUR-' TEENTH DAY OF JANUARY,-1876, at my office. 0. SEAMANS, n024-2t Okdinaky • TUMBLED DOWN, j But not broken. lam now selling Cooking Stoves at •rice.-s pever before heard of; “ seeing is beliapng” ; so give me a call before you buy. J. 3. ANTHONY, Commercial St., Conytrs, G - k Sign of "The Big, E;d Coffee Pet,”