Rockdale register. (Conyers, Ga.) 1874-1877, January 06, 1876, Image 3

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IfeeMaS® fttgisto, CON YE US GA., TnUESDAY, JAN. 0, 187<*. D D !J :1 i’ :<;■/, a single Jow in Conyers ! ®y ( v t Presbyterian friends contemplate IB ’g anew church in a more central part . The ground has been purchased. g t=. —- *ldiotel building is now being V tVe presume it will soon be" re- ilia taut ial edifice of brick. •m • Now is a good time to subset ibe for The Rrciibteb. Gen. J. P. Simms is running for May [pr of Covington. "The recent .warm weather has spoiled Wto Vr*‘ f meat in this section. It was The ggiy to our farmers. L , F He Hfyhat the usual number of good resolutions have been formed for the New Year, and it is to be hopoi that they will he kept. Alie Conyers Male and Female Acad cn* will re-open on Monday, the 10th inst. It is to be Loped that this excellent school will receive- even a more liberal patronage than heretofore. We had the pleasure, the other day, of meeting Mr. Butler, of Dalton, who is spending a few days in our town. Mr. Butler is so well pleased with Middle Georgia that he thinks of locating in this section. * This is Centennial year. The Regis tek's centennial celebration will not come off before 1974. It is true that we could celebrate this year, but as we have only a little while to wait we feel assured ttat our readers will be content to wait with us until thoremainingOS years roll away. Mr. Addison H. Sfcavei is the clerk ajgthe “ Belay House.” He is an ene”gotic <t*l capable business man, and enjoys a largo acquaintance with the travelling public. His numerous friends will always find him at his post at the “ Belay House,” and guests and strangers may be assured of satisfactory en tertainment for the inner man and courteous attention to the outer. The notorious Charles Kelly' is said to be still loafing about in the neighborhood of Covington. The Sheriff of Newton was on his trail last Tuesday, but without success. Married’. On the evening of December 23id, 187.",, by Eev. Allen Stewart, at the residenco of the bride’s father, in Henry county, Ga., Miss Sabah E. Albert, to Me. John S, McKee, of Griffin, Ga. Long may the bride Miss Saiah B : Happy with the groom, John S. McKee, B. Messrs. Q. L Brantley and L. A. Lee have returned to Atlanta tojattend lectures at Abe Medical College. They had a fine time ■acre during the Christmas holidays. That Fine Dray T>7 Zachry and Overbay’s is just what our mer chants and everybody else need when they have hauling to do. Leave your orders at Zachry A Overbay’s Warehouse, and they will be promptly attended to. • -■ ■ Oar Municipal Flection. The election for Town Ooramissicners came oil on Saturday last, with the following result: Commissioners elected—N. W. Mad dox, S. F. Speer, W. E. Treadwell, J. W. Langford. J. H. Almand. A large number of scattei'ing votes were cast, hut the above named gentleman will con stitute an able boaid. The white votes amounted to 147 ; colored, 32. - - ♦ O —— We had a pleasant call yesterday from Mr. S. G. Johnson, the polite and efficient travelling agent of the Atlanta Herald, We commend Jlr. Johnson to our citizens. Ho one of tho brightest papers in the |South, and we are glad to learn that he is meeting with great success. To-day is the appointed time for Rex *o hold forth in Atlanta. The display -will doubtless he magnificent, and it is probable that cfiiite a number of our citizens will at tend. Sucli'fantastic and bizarre grotesqueries seem like a mockery these hard times. Mr. 11. 11. Parks, of the Atlanta Con gtitution, was in town this week. Parks is a .capital agent, and is rolling up a big list of subscribers for his journal. Auction House. Messrs. C. H. Taylor and A. J. Ilay good have associated themselves together for the purpose of doing < a general auction business, This will be a great convenience to the public, both to buyers and sellers. Par ties having real estate, furniture, remnants of stocks', etc., to sell, will find it to their advan tage to call in the assistance of Taylor & Hay good. The exercises of the Conyers Female College will he resumed on Monday, the 10th inst. Prof. Guinn has a corps of able teach ers, and the reputation of this well-known in stitution will be fully maintained in the future as in the past. Miss Sallie Cook, the new in structress in Latin, French and Belles Lettres, is spoken of as a young lady of brilliant at lainmcnts, and the College is to he congratu lated upon such an acquisition. — vVe regret to learn that Mi \ James •Moote, a citizen of Gwinnett county, was ac cidently drowned at Miner’s Ford, on Monn- Ain Creek’ on Tuesday night, last week. Mr. Jloor leaves a family, and the sad occurence is deplored by a large circle of friends. / "We learn that the body was disinterred after at Salem, m this county, Fird *n inquest was hold by Coroner Veal, of DeKalb. A verdict was rendered in accordance with' the adove facts. • - Tlieie is a remarkable erriosity in this county in the shape of a singing dog. Th e way that “purp” manages to yowl ami howl out the popular canine airs of the day is truly wonderful and ear-splitting performance. Tluutksi I take this method of returning thanks to the members of my church and congrega tion, for the excellent donation to myself and family of presell Is, useful as well as ornamen tal, on the evening of December 31st." Thoso prescuts were doubly appreciated. The es teemed donors, moved as I believe they were, by affection for myself and family, selected not only objects that wore charmingly orna- mental, but highly useful. We shall ever cherish those gifts, not simply as valuable within themselves, but on account of the mo tive which prompted the ir presentation. To the members of my church who shared in this donation, I return the warmest gratitude of a pastor’s heart., and while I wish for you and your littlo ones a eon ttint stream of happiness, it shall also bo my pleasure to labor, to the utmost of my ability, for your spiritual growth. I am determined, God being my helper, to be more faithful in my ministrations. It rejoices my heart to re alize that the beloved members of my flock sympathize fully with mo in my ardent labors. Trammeled as I am by school-room duties, pastoral visitation—the sweetest work of my life—is very much interfered with. But lam so glad to know that you bear with me so pa tiently. Let us pray constantly that the Great Head of the Church may make us more effi cient in Ilis service. To the members of my congregation who shared in the donation, I return unfeigned thanks. May God bless you abundantly. I know of but one thing that would add to my joy, and that is, to welcome you into the great chamber of my Master. To this end I shall preach and pray. May this be the year of your Spiritual recovery. I shall over re member you, and even at a throne of grace. If any pastor has reason to bo proud of bis church and congregation—l >mthat man; uni form kindness has been extend and me by both. Brethren and friends, a few more (lays will end our pilgrimage; let us so live, that when we leave this vale of tears, we shall all bo membeis of the congregation of the redeem ed, where no krrting is known, and no fare well tear is ever shed. I WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY New YeAE. J. M. BRITTAIN, Pastor First Baptist Church. Conyers, Ga., J an. stli, 1875. The Baptist Festival. On New Year's Eve llie First Baptist Church in this place was crowded with the elite of our city. Tho occasion was an elegant Sunday School entertainment, and all present seemed to enjoy the affair greatly. The exercises opened with singing, followed by a prayer by Eev. 11. Qr.igg—Rev. Dr. Sha ver having teen called away to Augusta. The tinging was charming, and the song by the little children was particularly admired. “Waiting aud Watching for Me” sung by two young ladies, was highly appreciated. The exercises were conducted by liev. J. M. Brit tain, and the music was under the direction of Mrs. F. M. Haygood. The fine orgau courte ously loaned by Dr. J. A. Stewart added great ly to this part of the entertainment. The address by Rev. F. M. Haygood was] at once pleasing, and instructing. Towards the close of the exorcises the diatribe.! ion of presents was made. 1 These embraced a great variety of ornamental and useful articles, amounting to about S2OO in value. l!ev. Mr. Brittain and wife received a china toa-set, a sack of flour, etc., etc] Rev. Dr. Shaver got a tine walking cane, a box of cigars, etc. Rev. Mr. J! ajgood received an umbrella and a fine hat. During the evening Mr. Judson Haygcod’s little girls recited in a charming way the “Crown of Life,” and with their bouquet and golden let ters made a beautiful coronation sccdg. Mrs. Agnes Jones, the blind singer from Tennessee, was present and tool;’part in the exercises. A contribution was taken up for her benefit. The entertainment closed with that stirring song “Hold the Fort,” by the choir. We learn that the Sunday Schotl passed a resolution of thanks to Dr. Stewart for the use of his organ. On Monday night, December 27th, the large and elegant residence of Mr. John M. Allen, about ten miles south of_Covington, was entirely destroyed by fire. The house contained nine large rooms, besides a number of closets, and originally cost about $5,000. It was insured for $2,500. Tho house.was en tirely destroyed, together with a large amount of tho household goods. Mr. Allen is sure it was the work of an incendiary. When the fire was first discovered, ho ran to his trunk, in which he had $1,960 in currency, and found the trunk bad been opened, and the money gone. Ho thinks he waß robbed, and hig house fired to cover the robbery. His lO3S, over and above the insurance, ]will probably reach $2,000 or $3,500. — Covington Star. The Methodist Christmas Tree. On Christinas Eva a large and de lighted crowd of Sunday school scholars, their parents met at the Methodist church to attend a Christmas Tree Festival. At 7 o’clock the Superintendent, Col. J. C. Barton balled the house to order, and announ ced a programme consisting of Singing, Pray er by Rev. J. L. Stewart; Kecitation of the Parable of the Ten Virgins, by ten little girls; Recitation of the Parable of the Sower, by Master Gussie Guinn ; Recitation of the Para ble of the Lost Sheep, by Master Onnie Rob erts ; Recitation of the Prodigal Son, by Mas ter Jno. Livingstone Travis; Distribution of Prizes, by the Siflferintendent, assisted by W. E. McCall,], A. M. Helms, Esq., 11. Y. McCord, and P. F. Christian, and four pages. The exercises were interspersed with music appropriate to each parable. The recitations were very much admired, especially the rendition of the Ten Virgins and the Prodigal Son. The manner of delivei-y and the acting of the youthful psrformera elicited universal commendation. The music v. as led by Mr. A. M. Helms, and was truly an enjoyable treat to the lovers of good singing. Everybody went away well pleased with the entertainment. We leam that on the following Sunday prizes were presented by the Superintendent to the scholurs who had memorized the largest number of Scriptural verses during the year. Several of the children had memorized in the neighborhood of a thousand verses. Newton county proposes to offer a can didate for Congress. Wo will not speak fer Rockdale, but we have several men among ns vyhg ai’S big Chough to till the Governor's The Best Bargains „ Can ho had at the store of J P Rosser & Cos. Coats, vests, pants, etc., at cost. Ladies and gentlemen new have a splendid opportunity to get their clothing and dry goods for the whi ter. Quick sales and no profits. 16-4 t Legal advertisements must* lioreafi®' be paid for. in advance. No deviation fro 111 this rule will bo made at any time, or und any circumstances. All advertisements inu be handed in before 12 o’clock, m.,| on Wed nesday, the day before publication. Rechstkr'Co. Closing Out|Jat"Cost. J. P. Eosscr A Cos., for the next 30 days, will sell dry goods, clothing, boots and shoos, no tions, etc., at cost. Give them a call, and see if they do not mean just what they’say. 16—It Parties indebted to McCord ifc Sons are notified to come forward and settle by the FIRST OF JANUARY NEXT, or their notes and accounts will be sued. J. C. BARTON, Att’y at Law. Conyers, Ga., Vec. 16th, 1875. t 23 Q. R. Nolan, attorney at law, died Saturday morning, at his homo in McDonough, Ga., aged about fifty years. Hemy county has lost one of her best and most useful citi zens. He has been from his youth one of the leading lawyers in this section, and was for many years Ordinary.— Constitution. Lamps ami Glass-Ware. A good lino of Lumps, Chimneys, Wicks and Burners, for salo by J. S. Anthony, Com streot, Conyers, Ga., tali of “ The Big Rod Coffee Tot.” Nice tin toilet S3ts (for bedrooms,) in imitation of oak and walnut, at J. S. Antho ny’s Stove and Tin House, Commercial street., Conyers, Ga., at the sign of “The big rod coff ee Pot.” The “ Annotated Penal Laws of Geor gia,” by Judge Jno. L. Hopkins, has been puv lished. Judge Hopkins says in jhis preface : “It is of tba utmost importance that the criminal laws of a . State should be in such form as to be easily understood by the poople, and certainly and intelligently enforced by the courts. The Supreme Court Reports are prac tically not within tlio reach of tho Justices of the Peace. The importance to society and to accused persons of intelligent action in criminal cases on the part of Justices of the Peace cannot be overestimated-”.. Regular services at tlio Pi esbyterian Church will hereafter bo bold ou the Second and Fourth Sundays. CONYERS "" FE3IALEV O L L E G E, CONYEKS, GEOI.GIA. 'Ulie exercises of the above Institution will 1 bo resumed on MONDAY, - JANUARY TENT 11, 1 8 7 0. E. A. GUINN President, And Professor of Mathematics, Mental, Moral and Natural Science. -——o MISS SALLIE COOK, Instructress in Latin and French, and Belles Lettres. . o- Miss J. I. MARSTON, Instructress in Primary ond Prep. Departments Instructress in Music. CAIISTHENIC EXERCISES, So conducive to health and gracefulness in movement, uill be regularly practiced under the skillful management of Miss Cook, throughout the year. BOARD For pupils, exclusive of washing ond lights, sl2 50 per month, in the best families of the place. R. A. GUINN, President. TU3 CHRISTIAN INDEX. A large eight page weekly. Organ of the Baptist Denomination. Should be in'every Baptist Frinily in the Land. It is the paper our children ought to read. It is the paper tor nil who would know the truth as it, is in Jhscs. Subscribe for it at ones—lnduce your Friends and Neignbors to do Likewise. If you liavn’t the money, subscribe any how—Your pastor will make tho arrange ment for you. Send for spc c i in e n ic o p i as. The price of “The Index” is f 3 'd ycer. Address all orders to JAS. P. IIA UNISON & Cos. Box 24, Atlanta, Ga. r In connection with the Index we have, perhaps, the largest and most complete book and job printing office in the South, known as the Iranknh-steam printing house, at which every vanety of book, mercantile, legal and railway printing is executed. In excellency of manner, promptness and cheapness, wo defy competition. Our Blank Book Manufactory is, likewise, well appointed. Orders solicited for every grade of work in tilts pepartment. County omci?]s wIl find it to their interest to con suit ns as to legal form books, records, min utes, blanks, eta. Thi3 establishment has long been thor oughly refitted and refurnished, regardless of expense, with every variety of new book and job printing materisl, together with a full complement of skilled workmen. Wedding cards of new and elegant design, rivaling the beautiful productions of the en graver ; bill and letter heads of the most ap proved styles; showbills, poster.-!, programmes, minutes, catalogues, books, railroad tickets, and everything that can be printed. Try the Franklin. Address all communications to JAS, ?. HARRISON -& Cos. - P. O. Drawer, 24, Atlanta, Ga. WA AT 1'77 n Agents for the Best VV Xjl_aN I Ja U selling Prize Package in the word. It contains 15 sheets paper, 15 envelopes, golden pen, pen holder, pencil, pat ent yard measure, and a piece of Jewelry. Sin gle package, with elegant prize, post paid, 25c. Circulars free. Bride A Cos., 709, ’Broadway, ‘ Nvy y.-rk. 4w J> 11. HUGHEY, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, . ia now receiving his stock, and will soon have a V” GENERAL^VARIETY'STORE,'"'; in the Captain Summers’ Building, opposite tho Whitehead House, where he will bo pleased to see his friends and numerous former cus tomers, in order that tie may prove his grati tude for past patronage by offering the Host Goods at X)REATLY reduced FK ICES ! oct7-noll-3m NO EXCUSE FOR PE.NG SICK, No person can use Boschee's German Syrup without getting immediate relief ■> and euro.— We have the first case of Coughs, Colds, or Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs, yet to hoar frfcm that has not been cured. Wo have distributed every year for 1 hreo years over 230,000 sample bottles tC- Druggists iu all parts of tho United States No other Manufacturer of Medicine ever gave their Preparation such a test as this. Go to your Druggist, Db. W. H. Lee & Son, and gat a bottle for 75 cents and try it —two doses will relievo you. Sample Bottles 10 cents each. Janl4 75-ly IS YOUR LIFE WORTH TEN CENTS ? Sickness prevails everywhere, and ovoiy body complains of some disease during their life. When sick, tho object is to get well: now wo say plainly that no person in this world that is suffering with Dyspepsia. Lives Complaint and its effects, such us Indigestion Costiveness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach Heart burn, Palpitation of the Heart, Depress ed Spirits, Bil iousnes, Ac., can t ike Green’s August Flower without getting relief and cure If you doubt this, go to your Druggist W H Lee & Son, and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular size 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. ])r. W. H. Lee, DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY, Centre Street, CONYERS, GEORGIA —Has on hand a full stock of— Pure medicines and chemicals, patent medicines ot ull kinds; paints, oils, glass and putty; dye stutis ot all kinds; toil et and fancy articles; Grass, flower and garden seed; pure- liquors of all kinds, for medicinal purpo se s. Prescriptions carefully cam p o u n and c cl. GIVE ME AC A L r.! . VV [I LEE, m m. J S. ANTHONY, MANUFACTURER op TIN WARE, AND DEALER IN STOVES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, etc. ROOFING, GUTTERING, & JOB WORK of all kinds, in tin, sheet-iron, zinc, etc., done promptly, and at low prices. All work WAR RANTED. J. S. ANTHONY, Commercial St., Conyers, Ga Sign of “ T!ie Big, Red Coffee Pot." Stoves, staves. At prices to sui' the times; ranging from if 15,00 upward. Ba sure to give him a call be fore you buy elsewhere. J. S .Anth my, Com. steet Conyers, Qa., at tho sign of “The Big Rod Coffee Rot.” (HANGeT)F liASK. ________ ___ j laving bought the stock of goods lately own -11 ed by MESSRS. NIGHT & WHITE, I have removed my STOVE AND TIN ESTABLISHMNT to their old stand, where I hopo to bo better 1 repared than over to supply my friends, and the public generally, with any goods they wish in the bt3?) AND TIN LINN. Also, in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Hardware. Crockery Glassware, Lamps, Tabic and pock et Cutlery, Notions, Hosiery, Fancy Goods, etc. Thanking,my friends for their past liberal patronage, 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. 6>vW To the customers of the old firm of Night & White, I make my best bow, and as sure them them that if they will confer their favors upon me, I will do all in my power to serve them to their entire satisfaction. J. S. ANTHONY. 1 § Look out for the si-fn of the big, rod coffee pot. nol7-td JAMILS BANKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office No. 8, James' Bank Block, Atlanta, Georgia. Special attention (jiven to the collection of c aims All hminens attended to promptly s WHEREVER IT II AS BEEN TRIED has established itself na a perfect regulator and suer remedy for disorders o* the system arising from improper aotieu of tho Liver and Bowels. IT IS NOT A PHYSIC, but, by stimulating tho secretive organs, gently and gradually re moves all impurities, and regulates the entire system ‘ IT IS NOT A DOCTORED BITTERS, but VEGETABLE TONIC whioh assists digestion, and thus stimulate > tho up petite for food necessary to invigorate the weakened and inactive organs, and gives strength to all the vital forces. IT CARRIES ITS OWN RECOMMENDA TION, as the large andrapidly increasing sales testify. Price : Ouo Dollar ft, bottle. Ask your drug gist for it. JOHN. CN, HOLr,OIVAY,A CO \V bolosale Agents,Phila.. (1 A r |’ , aloguo of New Books on building id J V I fro '. Bicknoll A Cos., 27 Warren 'street, New York. * u v v-t, \ j tnd Reading, Pyschomanoy, Fareination, l* l Soul charming, Mesmerism, and marri age guide, showing how either sex may fasci nate and gain the love and affection of any person they choose, instantly ; 4Of pages. By mail 50c. Hunt & Cos, 709 H’divay N. Y. 4w [ll lj! in Agents wanted. Good chance for I 111 /ill money, to parties who do- J vote whole or part of time in selling our Teas. Liberal commissions. Send for terms. P. O. Box 5643. “ Groat Amorii an Tea U 0.,” 31 A 33 Vesey street, N Y, FOR COUGHS, COLDS and HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USB WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS, PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. For sale by Druggists generally, and JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & CO., , ■ , Iniiadelpbia, I’a. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE A narrative of the $ WOMAN $ exploits, ndventures i IN j and travels of Mad- S BATTLE.’, $ ante L. J. Kalus- ques, others iso known as “ LT. HARRRY T. BUFORD, C. 3. A. A true SOUTHERN HEROINE, Ed ited by 0 J Worthington,iXsatu U. S. Navy, Madame valasquez, disguised as a . Confederate officer, participated in a num ber of the hardest fought battles of the late war, and greatly distinguished her self liv tho extraordinary valoi she deployed. She also distinguished herself as a SPY and SECRET SERVICE AGENT, and on numerous occasions ran through the Federal linos and obtained information of vi tal importance to the Confederate uommaud ers. Obtaining admission behind tho SCENES AT WASHINGTON, •she established confidential relations wit’. prominent Federal officials was concerned in the great BOND SW IN U LE, by which tho United States Treasury suffered to the extent of millions of dollars; was ac tively engaged iu blockado-running, anil in en couraging SUB TITUTING and BOUNTY FRAUDS by which the work of recruiting tho Fodoral armies was so serionslv impeded ; and wan tho heroine of a number of exploits even more in teresting than those of the battle-field. It al so contains a history of her mining on tho Pacific lope, bar Travels in Europe, South America, and among the Mormons, Love, Courtship, Marriage, etc. Tho abovo facts are sustained by loading men both South and North who participated. No book of such varied an intense interest as tho “ Woman in Battle” has ever boon issued in America. Agents wanted in every county in the Uni ted States. Agents can make more money by canvassing for this book than any other.), as it is the cheapest, as well as the best selling j Agents’book, over published. Tho book - a largo octavo volume of over 000 j. i. ■. pr >• f.isety illustrated. We print, bind and puli-I lish our own books ; hence, can allow huger commissions than any other houso. Secure your choice of territory at onco. Address, SOUTHERN PUBLISHING CO., Corner Pryor and Mitchell $ treats, Atlanta, Geouoia. $ i $r • IT will got a copy of The La- Gbanuh ItisPOBTKa, for six months; the Pkkmium Week i. t of Georgia: took thegold medal at the State Fair in 1673, as the best country What It Will Do. wookly irj the State, "typogra phy, make-up, business, read ing matter, and editorial man agement considered,” SEN l> ONE DOLLAR AND TRY IT FOR SIX MONTHS. Speci m e n copies free. $1 $1 THE LAGRANGE REPORTER la not merely a local paper. Besides its local and miscellaneous reading; it has a department devoted to the farm ami garden, a depart- j ment especially adapted to household reading; one devoted to State nows, one to news of the Southern States, and one to the news of the world; collated with great care from tho tele graphic dispatches as found in the best metro pplitan dailies. Especial pains are given to the news columns, tho design of the publish ir 1 eing to give his reail ir.- the essence of all the news, gathered from all sources an 1 boiled down. By this system, the- readers are kept informed of all events of importance that hap pen anywhere, and tho publisher thinks lie can justly claim that in Ibis respect Thb La- Giianuk Rzpokteu lias no superior of its class. Terms, $2 a year; $1 tor six months. Bend for spociuien copy. Address J. T. WATERMAN LaGhanue, Ga. AVLifc no .Longer. rrliving sold out our enti-o stock of goods to 11 Mr. J. B. Anthony, who proposes to con tinue business at our old stand, and whom wo take great pleasure in recommending to our old Customers as a perfect gentleman, and a man who will do the right thing by all whe will givo him a trial. Om 1 object in thus closing out is to wina up our business, and-WO kindly ask all those who have accounts with us to come for ward and settle, as we are compelled ter have money. A WORD ’l.O TUB WISE IB SUF FICIE NT. Respect! nil y, NIGHT & WHITE. I I*. S. Pai-ties wishing to settle will al ways find me at the old stand. B. D. N. Hoofing guttering, and job work c.f every descripton, in tin and sheet iron, will be done promptly and reasonably, by .7. fe. Ahtho- j ny , Com. street, Conyers, Ga., t th; sign of. “ The Big Red Coffee Pot, 1 ESTABLISHED 1N1785. ‘dUROiM'LETSENTIim. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Oao of tho OLDEST papers in the country. One of the LEADING papers in the .South. O The Largest circulation in Eastern Georgia. O The Oglieial Organ of several comities. UUIU.ISIIIU) DAILY, TRI-WKELKY, WEEKLY, 'IIHE Daily Chronicle and Sentinel is filled 1. with interesting reading matter of every description -telegraphic, local, editorial, Georgia and South Carolina and Uctlo al nows; interesting correspondence, and special tele grams from all important points. Subscrip tion, $lO. The Tri-weekly Chronicle and Sentinel is in tended for points convenient to a tri-wee tty mail. It contains nearly everything of inter est which appears in the Daily. Subscription, f5. Tho Weekly Chronicle and Sentinel is n mammoth sheet, gotten up especially for our subscribers iu the country, ft is one of the largest papers published in the South, aud gives, besides Editorials, nil the emreut uo'ei of the week, a lull and accurate icview of the Augusta Market and prices current. Tho com mercial reports are a special feature ut the edition. Subscription $2. .■specimen copies of any issue sunt free. W.U.SII a WitlGill, Proprietors, Augusta Ga. 1 m: hiii; vr in ri r*'!" n which Dr. Pemberton’s fluid extract of stilliuyia, (or Queen’s delight) Ims attained in al! sections of the country as a GUE AT A N1) GOO b MEDICINE, uni the large testimonials which are constantly being reueivedlTou. persons who have been cured by its use, is conclusive proof ot its great merits. Oil OO ouoooooooooouoooooooooooooocooooooo o 7he i/reut health restorer o 0000000000000 000000000000000000000.0 OO 00 is a positive specific and euro for dyspepsia, liver complaints, ■constipation, headache, diz ziness, pains in the back, kidney complaints, jaundice, female Voalincss, lumbago, l general debility, gravel, gout, aciofula, oanoerout hu mor, erysipelas, salt-rhoum, ringworm, pim ples in and humors on tho iiico, old ulcers, rheu matism, mercurial and syphilitic affections. it removes ull mercurial or other poisons from tile blood, nud sooll restores tho system to perfect health and purity. That pale, yellow, sickly looking skin is soon changed to one of beauty, freshness slid health, it will cure any chrome oi long-standing diseases, whose real or direct cause iH bad blood. A trial will prove it. Thousands have been snatched as it wore from the grave by its miraculous* powoi, who now enjoy health aud happiness, when once ull was misery. It invigorates und strengthens the whole system, acts upon the secretive organs, allays inflammation, cures ulceration, and regulates the bowels. DR. PEMBERTONS STILLINGIA OR QUEENS DELIGHT GIVES HEALTH, STRENGTH AND AL> PETITE. It purifies the blood, and renovates and in 'Vigoratos the whole system, Its medical prop erties are alterative, tonic, solvent, and diu iotio. Foi testimonials of wonderful euros, sond to the Proprietor, or call on your Druggist! * The genuine is prepared only by ' Dlt. J. ri. I'iSMIfIiKTON, Cuomist, Atlanta, Ga. , For sale by all first-class druggists. Office of G W Adair, VVnil streot, Atlanta, Ga., July 16, 1875. i’emberton — Deak Snt: 1 have used your extract of Stillingiafor a chron'- ic skin affection of many years standiug.whicb made a euro alter all other remedies had ed. I have known your stillingia used ufttfb,. woisfc cases of scrofula, secondary, di i, rheumatism, kidney and livur cm. , wiiii great success. In fact, I have lie" a ■cmii to it in the ir> st desperate cases.' I . on. ri .o it the greatest bleed purifier known'. Yours truly, J 0 EVANB. fthjt For salt i.y Jones- A Cans warn., Con yers, Uoorgiu. IjVTIIE PEOPLE WANT PROOF. There is no medicine proscribed by Physician or sold by Druggists, thut carries such ovidoneffl of its success and superior virtue as Boscher’h German Syrup for Severe Coughs. Colds settle:! on tho Breast. Consuption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs, a proof <JT that fact is that any person afflicted, can get Saamplo Bottle lor 10 cents and trj its upporior effect before Imying size at 75 cents, it has lately been introduced in this -country from Germany, and its wonderful cures are astonishing everyone that uses it. Three I>u will relieve any case, Try it, Sold by W II Lea. (COLONISTS, EMIGRANTS, AND tji TRAVELERS WESTWARD. For map circulars, condensed time tables an 1 general information in regard to transpor tation facilities to all points in Tcnnusioe, Ar kan:jas,'Mrssoi/vi, Minnesota. Colorado, Kan sas, lex as, lowa, New Mexico, Utah anl Cali fornia, pply to or address Albert B Wronn, General R lilroad Agent, Office Atlanta, Ga No one nho I I go West without first getting in communication with tho General Railroad Agent, and become informed i.s to superior advantages, cheap and quick transportation of families, household goods, stock and fanning implements generally. All inf urination chosr -1 Lilly given. W L .DAN LEY, a i- & t *7 NO, ID. nr ANN ELIZA YOUNU. Brigham Young’s Rebellious Wife. Ksj'/'Tho only complete exposure of all tho Secrets of Brigham's Harem ever written. Bom in Mormoniam, Ann Eliza now exposes to the world, as no other woman can, the se crete, mysteries, ami crimes of tho horrible system of. Polygamy, from tho very beginning. Nearly 209 illu..(rations beautify thy work. It is the best selling bock published. 10.0 XI more men and women cun have employment and make fioiu #5 to 810 duly. All livu agents are writing l’or illustrated circulars, with Large Terms. Bent free. Do not delay but address Dustin, Gilman .V, Cos., Hartford;' Conn., Chicago, 11., or Cm , O. 4w ARTHUR’S Illustrated Homo Magazine. '"Tin house hold -Magazine ill A morion.” Two semi sto rms in 1?7(!. " Eaglescliffc,” bv Mrs. Julia C. li. Don ; and “Mirian.” by T. B. Arthur. Butterick’s newest patterns in every number. Terms, 2.50 per year; 3-cqpms f0r 6.50. ,Splen did book offers and premium*. Bpeenmn number HO cents. T. S. Arthur & Son, thila dulphia Penn. 4w * i . an outfit free. Wo wart someone in every county to taka orders and deliver goods for the old and origi nal <:. O. D. House. Large cash wages. .Splen did chance in every neighborhood for tie right person of either sex, young or old. Samples-,- Lew list, circulars, terms, etc., a complete oute. ’fit sent free and post paid. Address, H. J, Hale & Cos.. , N lb--ir-l street, Baltimore, ‘Maryland. „