Rockdale register. (Conyers, Ga.) 1874-1877, February 10, 1876, Image 4

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Rockdale Register. i!BY8 &BQD j£jii:iry* CONYERS, QA„ THURSDAY FEU. 10, 1870. -- 8 Counter claims * Your wife*. shopping bills, "The rich,"nail a Dutchman, 'Vat venison breauve itixhduor. I eat mutton because it tsh i hoop. An In lianapolis monkey ato a box of pills ind oi id. Tlicy ujx-rier tly didn’t work well -- ■ Scotch saying i—A dear plant wi’ a mot' na*m on’s a vaarv goad thing, but a dinner plant wi’ a mon's dinner on'# a bettor. The Philndolpl ii l’res. Club ha* elected Mr. Morwitz aa its Vioe-Prea and mt. They have more-wit. there than we gave hhuiD credit for. An exchange *ayg that Don Carlos has 8,00) men at Inin and 40,000 on—paper This is io bo Inin-ical, Tho intensely poetical editor of tho Austin ( Fox.) Jteveille describes il recent grngeoi. set in that vicinity as re*ambling a ripe pump kin wrapped in the AmSrio wi flag. An accomplish!) 1 book-keeper wishes us to say that ho will give any man $10,OX) a year who will procure for hiui tin; positiou of con fideutial clerk of Mr. Alkali Babbllt. Man *-"I)o you think it would ho safe for in' 1 to cross this pasture ?” >f aid-'dVull, the old b ill don't like red v< ry n uoh, Imt if you will chalk your no-jc I guess he won't attack you.” Hret Harto admits that lie learned tho prin ter s trado. He says lie could work six IjHurts of type par day on a hau l piers, and could correct a roll r ai good as anybody, Iha Library Committee of ('onjrMi has ordered a bust of the late Chi s’. Jiutiae Tan coy. Just by way of contrast, tiny think of buying a spree of Ax ck Ch in Her at the same time. Tlio London Rothschild in dsil, anl every ]>oor devil of an editor remarks with satisfied complacency that “money could not nave him.’ Poverty don’t wo a man f?itli or. “You ain’t afraid to die ?” said thu clergy man, tenderly. “No,’ replied the sufferer, “I’m only afraid if I do that tho old woman will|g> snooting among niy private tho first thing." “Which accounts for tlio unusually interest ting paper wo publish this week,” as the young Ilian, temporarily left in charge of the - rund exchange, said, when he iinnouncol his boss’s absence in Now York. Tils time when a omit- fully realises that woman s sphere should bo enlarged if when ho finds that his washer-woman lias mistaken his tockings for his shirt-bosom, and starched liom accordingly. When a man detects a missing button after getting on n dem shirt, no one in tho house is awara of tho fact, 110 takes oil tho shirt and puts on another, quietly smiling all tho whilo. He novor, never speaks of it to n soul. Professor Babcock lectured in Boston on Sat urday on “a grain cf salt.” Of oourse ho la bored under Bonn disadvantage from tho fact that his hearers felt bound to taka his state ments cam yrono j.ilii. David Dudley Field is not a toucher of pen manship. Recently ho signed a legal docu ment, und sent it to]a printer in Albany. Tho proof was sent to him to bo rea 1, and “David Dudley Field” in manuscript appeared in typo “Tried and duly filed.’’ "Tlio boy at the heal of the chin \irill stats what were tho dark ages of the world f” Boy hesitates. “Next, Ulster Biggi, can you toll mo what the dork ages ware ?” "I guosa they were tho agos boforcspoetaolo i warn iuvonted. “Go to your seats, A young woman in Chicago put her false teeth in a glass of water at night, an 1 in the morning found them imbedded in a chunk of solid ioi. She was lata at breakfat, the proc. ess of thawing out the teeth with a bonfire of matches having been slow. A man in England lws taken out n patont for paper bod blanket!. A person ought to fool comfortable under a quilt of CoityrMsionfi! Globes, with a spread of patent oilio i reports, *rd an extra thickness of statistics across tho foot. A Chinaman in California, whoso life was insured for n large amount, wns seriously hurt by failin ' from a wagon. There was some doubt of his ever getting better, and at length one of his friends wrote to tho insurance com pany, “Charley half dead ; like half money.” Wo didn’t soo anybody on Now Year’s that we could conscientiously call drunk ; but wo observed one follow who had his shadow buck ed u;> against an alley grata holding it there with his finger shoved through a knothole aud talking it to death with uncompromising grav ity. “Will yonr Honor please cliargotha jury,’ asked an Arkansas lawyer at thj conclusion of a, horse-thief trial. “I will,” replied his Honor, “ the Court charges ooch juryman one dollar for drinks, and six dollars extra for the one who used the Court’s hat for a spittoon during the first day of tho session.” A lady remarked to a popular divine that his sermons were a little too long. “Don’t you think so P” said she — “just a little ?” “Ah ! dear madam,” replied the divine, “I am afraid you don’t like “tho sincere milk o the Word.” “Yes, I do,’ said she : “hut you know tdia fashion is con leased milk." Jqdge Brady, of New York, tells this good story I He was ope day on tho wharf while an immigrant ship was coming in. An Irish .üboriT, who knew him, edged alongsi te, and, after a look at the crowded ship, turned to the Judge and said : “Tell ye- what, Misther Bra dy, thiin furriners is goin’ to play tho devil with us entirely. What’ll wo do at all, at all- A clergyman of a country village church desired to give notice that there would bo no act vice in tbu afternoon us ho was going to officiate for another clergyman. Tho clerk, as soon as tho sermon was finished, rose up with all due solemnity, fti.d cried out, "I am ic.jues d to give notice that thei o will be no sorvico this afternoon, as Mr. L. is going fishing with another clergyman.” Of the late. William H. Astor it is said that JnMised no tobacco and little wine, though when in health, formerly, be gav* quiet, pleasant dinners. He was seldom out late, did not attend the alro, did not get excited nor indulge in profane adjectives, sported not with guns and nogs (nor do the two sons who are his principal heirs,) never kept a fast horßo, never gambled, JJis whole life whh simple and orderly. He could r ever bo tnduoed to “ take the chair,” or enter into politics, and had small respect or I confidence iu the “grout man” of the! period. He minded bis ow n busiresa. Bishop Haven. This somewhat notorious individual is earning some celebrity outside of Geor gia, where he has long been known as a slanderer of our people, ns would appear from the following preamble and res olution, copied horn the Pacific Metho dist, of San Fraeeisco, Cal.,: “Whereas, Gilbert Haven has told so much that is untrue about the South and has gone into eestacies over mulatto beauties, and has dabbled so much in polities, that he has become unaccepta ble ; i rtcM-fiiic, “Resolved, That be be requested' to desist from the exercise of his episcopal office until there is a thorough reform in his morals." How to Become :i Lawyer. From the Detroit Free Frets. A day or two ago. when a young man entered a Detroit lawyer’s office to study law, the practitioner sat down beside him and said: “Now, sec hero, I have no time to fool away, and if you don’t pan out well 1 won’t keep you here thirty days. Do you want to make a good lawyer?” “Yes, sir.” “W ell, now, listen. Ite polite to old people, beoauso they have cash. 15- good to the boys, because they are growing up to a cash basis Work in reporters and get puffs. (Jo to church for the sake of example. Don't tool any lime away on poetry, and don't even look at a girl until you can plead a case. If you can follow these instructions you will succeed. If yon cannot, go and learn to he a doctor and kill your best frientU.” AGENTS WANTED FOR TIIE A narrative of the S hVOAIYN 1 $ exploits, idventures IN i and travels of Mad s IJATTLE. $ awe L. J. Valas quez, otherwise known as “ I,T. HA.RRBY T. BUFORD, C. S. A. A true SOUTHERN HEROINE, Ed ited by C J H r orlhtnjton, Late U. S. Navy. |\| ADAME VALASQUEZ, disguised as a I*l C'liifo lorato officer, participated in a num ber of the hardest fought battles of the late war, and greatly distinguished her self bv the extraordinary valor she dispalyed; She also distinguished herself as a SPY and SECRET SERVICE AGENT, and on numerous occasions ran through tho Federal lines and obtained information of vi tal importance to tho Confederate command ers. Obtaining admission the SCENES AT WASHINGTON, sho established confidential relations with prominent Fedc si officials was concerned in tho great BOND SWINDLE, by which tl\e United States Treasury suffered to the extent of millions of dollars ; was ac tively engage I iu blockade-running, and in en couraging. SUBSTITUTING mid BOUNTY FRAUDS by which tho work of recruiting tho Federal amios was so seriously impeded; and was thp hroin 'of a number of exploite even more in teostingrthuu those of the battle-field. It al so contains a history of her mining on the Pacific slope, her Travels in Europe, South America, and among the Mormons, Love, Courtship, Marriage, etc. Tho above facts are sustained by leading men both South and North who participated. No book of such varied an intense interest as the “ Woman in Battle” has over been issued in America. Agents wanted in every county in. the Uni ted States. Agents can mako more money by cauvassing for this book than any others, as it is tho cheapest, as well as the best selling Agents' book ever published. The hook is a large octavo volume of over GOO pages, pro fusely illustrated. We print, bind and pub lish our own books; hence, can allow linger comm issions than any other houso. Secure your ohoioo of territory at once. Address, SOUTHERN PUBLISHING CO., Corner Pryor and Mitchell Streets, Atlanta, Geouuia, Nice tin toilet s.ts (for bedrooms,) in imitation of oak and walnut, at J. S, Antho ny s Stove and Tin House. Commercial street, Conyers, Ga., at the sign of “The big red coff ee Pot.” A. Great Offer. Wo dosiro during the holidays to disposo of UK) Pianos aud Organs of first olass makers, inelu ling Waters’ at lower prices than ever bo fore offered. Monthly installments received running from 12 to 36 months. Warranted for six yours. Second hand instruments at ex tremely low prices for cash. Illustrated cata logue mailed. Agents wanted. Wareroorus •481 Broadway, N, Y. HORACE WATERS A SONS. 4w JJ II . II UGl| EY , DEALER IN GENERAL MKBOHANOISE, is now receiving his stock, and will yxm have a i GE NEitAh V A RIE FY' STO Re! ’” V in tho Captain Summers’ Building, opposite tho Whitehead House, where he will be pleased to see his friends and numerous former cus tomers, in order tint ho may prove his grati tulo for past patronage by offering the Best Goods at GREATLY REDUCES PRICES ! ct7-uo’.l-'Jm Lamps and Glass-Ware. A good line of Lira s. Chimneys, Wicks and Hu.-ners, for sale b,- J. s Aut'ionv, v'om stroet, Convorn, Ga , sign of Tie LSi’- p, ,1 Coffoo Pot-” J i TU't CHRISTIAN INDEX. A largo eight page weekly. Organ of the Baptist Denomination. Should be in every baptist Frmily in the Land. It is the paper our children ought to read. It is the paper (or all who would know the truth as it is in Jesus. Hnhscr .be far Hoi once — Truin/A yovr Friends and Ncignhors to do Likewise. If yon liani’t the money, subscribe by how Your pastor ivil 1 make tho arrange ment for you. Send for specimen copies. The price of "Thf In and ex" is s3lo'.yeer. Ad b oss all orders to JAS. P. HARRISON & Cos. Box 24, Atlanta, Ga. In connection with tho Index we have, perhaps, |ho largest and most complete Look and job printing office in the South, known as the I* rauklin steam printing house, at which every variety cf book, mercantile, legal and railway printing is executed. In excellency of manner, promptness and cheapness, we defy competition. Our Blank Book Manufactory is, likewise, well appointed. Orders solicited for overy grade of work in this, pepartmont. County officirls will find it to their interest to con sult us as to legal form books, records, min utes, blanks, etc. This establishment has long been thor oughly refitted and refurnished, regardless of expense, with overy variety of new book and job printing inatorißl, r together with a full complement of skilled workmen. Wedding card* of new and elegant design, rivaling the beautiful productions of the en graver ; bill and letter heads of the most ap proved styles; showbills, posters, programmes, minutes, catalogues, hooks, railroad] tickets, aud everything that can be printed. Try he Franklin. Address all communications to JAS. P. HARRISON & Cos. I*. O. Drawer, 21, Atlanta, Ga. THE weekly SU]N\ 17 70 mw YORK. 187(1 Eighteen hundred end seventy-six is the Centennial year. It is also tho year in which an Opposition House of Representatives, the first since the war, will be in power at Wash ington ; and tho year of tho twenty-third elec tion of a President of the United States. All jof thpso events are Bure to be of great interest and' importance, especially tho two latter ; and all of them and everything connected with them w ill be fully ar.d freshly reported and expounded it.,Tin Sun. The Opposition House of Representatives, taking up t'lo line of inquiry opened years ago by The Sun, will sternly an 1 diligently inves tigate the corruptions and misdeeds of Grant’s administration; and it will, it is to be hoped, lay the foundation for anew and botti r period in cur national history. Of all this The Sun will contain complete and accurate accounts, furnishing its read irs with early and triul.wor | thy information upon these absorbing topics. The twenty-third Presidential election, with tho preparations for it, will be memorable us deciding upon Grant’s aspirations for a third term of power and plunder, and still more as deciding who shall be the candidate of the party of Reform, and as electing that candi date. Concerning all those subjects, those who read The Bun will havo the constant means of being thoroughly wellirformed. The Wkeklv Sun, which has attained a circulation of over eighty thousand copies, al ready lias its readers in every State and Ter ritory, and wo trust that tho year 187f? will see their numbors doubled. It will continue to be a thorough newspaper. All the general news of tho day will be found in it, condensed when unimportant, nt full length when of mo ment; and always, wo trust, treated in a clear, interesting and instructive manner. It is our aim to make tho Weekly Sun the best family newspaper in the world, and we shall coutinup to give in its columns a largo amount of miscellaneous reading, such as sto ries, tales, poems, scientific intelligence and agricultural information, for which we are not able to make room in our daily odition. Tho agricultural department especially is one of its promiuent features. Tho fashions are also reg ularly reported in its columns ; and so are the markets of every kind. The Weekly Sun, eight, pages, \,ith fifty six broad columns, is only $l2O a year, pos tage prepaid. As this price barely repays the cost of the paper, no discount can be made from this rate to clubs, agents postmasters, or anyone. The Daily Sun, a hirge four page newspa per of twenty-eight columns, gives all tho nows for two cents a copy. Subscription, pos tage prepaid, 55c a month or s(>.so a year. Sunday edition extra, sl.lO per year. We have no travelling agents. Address, THE SUN, n025-tf New York City. Wait no Longer*. Having sold out our entire stock of goods to Mr. ,T. S. Anthony, who pvoposes to con tinue Tji . inoss at our old stand, and whom we take groat pleasure in recommending to our old customers as a porfoct gentleman, and a man who will do the right tiling by all who will give him a trial. Our object in thus closing out is to ivina up our business, and we kindly ask all those who have notes and accounts with us to come for ward and settle, as wo arc compelled to have money. A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUF FICIENT. Respectfully, NlGlit A WHITE. I*. S. Thirties wishing to sottlewill always find me at the old stand. S. D. NT. Dyspepsia Dyspepsia is the most discouraging and dis tressing and sense man is heir to. Americans are particularly subject to this disease and its ef fects ; such as sourstomach, sick headache, ha bitual costiveness, heartburn, water-brash, gnawing and burning pains in the pit of- the stomach, oowing up the fuod, coated tongue, disagreeable taste in the mouth, impure blood and all diseases of the Stomach and Diver.— Two doses of Gkken’s August Flower will re lieve you at once, and there positively is not a case in the United States it will not cure. If you doubt this go to your Druggist, Dr. W. H. Lee A Son, and get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular size 75 cents. Jauli-Iy JOHN MILLEDUE, attorney at law. ATI. IST CiKOIiIU A. l f cc ~i Pryor street,. oy.posilc Kimball House 4* 818, ATLANTA, GEOIt GI A , Sind for Circulars MILBURN ASTU DDiK i>A Iv EK WAGONS; AYEItY & SONS & WATTS' STEEL and OAST PLOWS ; IMI’RVED FIELD \nd GARDEN SEEDS; INCLUDING SEED WHEATS RUST PROOF OATS, BARLEY, It YE and the GRASS- ' ES. GENERAL AGENTS FOR % WOOD, TABER & MORSE ierSTEAM •s.iß[tio.tio .IOJ PU9S GRAVEN'S’’ Cotton Gin Feeder. Send for cutout abs of description and es. 0 J^TAf essre Aachry S[ Overlay represent us at Conyers, Georgia. uoll-tf Dr. 8. P. Downs J. W. Langford. DOWNS & LANGFORD. CONYERS, GEORGIA. *■/, DEALERS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OK HAND CARTS, WHEEL BARROWS, and VEHICLES of all kind*. HARNESS, from the Cheapest to the Dearest,, both Hand and Machine Stitch ed. We keep tho celebrated I I | BSTEVEUET I' HARNESS..jpgI theßistin TTtise, for CARRIAGES BUGGIES, or one Horse WAGONS, (htn supply any part of HARNESS on short notice. Also,, a full stock of T3AT S3 133 in great variety always on liatnf, for homo building purposes. Carpenters and Contractors would do well to see our special wholesale rates. Mouldings, Lit ices, Stops, Strips, etc., a speciality, and nude of any width, thickness, or shape. Window Sash— pi'impd- and glassed—Blinds and Doors, either white or yellow pine. Also suitable lumber fov Cofiins. We always keep in stock Burial cases and Caskets of various sizes and lengths, from infants to adults—all at very low figures. Coffin Hardware generally. With our facilities, we propose to make Coffins of any style, from the plainest to the finest, cheaper than we possibly could by hand alone. Givens a trial and see! Fat©at w&eels, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Bodies, Seats, Shafts, Poles Dash Frames, Axles, Springs. IRON in great variety. Screws and Bolts of best make. Patent and Enameled Leather, Enameled Cloths, Moss and everything a Trimmer needs. Full stock of best Carriage Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Colors, Ornaments, and Paints generally. NEW CARRIAGES, BUGGIES and WAGONS always on hand, in great variety, and can make to order any style or quality desired. Old ones Repaired, Painted and Trimmed at short notiee, and at living rates. We buy the best material, and having suitable machinery, are able to turn off work with neatness and dispatch. With constant devotion to our Busi ness, Honest Dealings with our Custom ers,Experienced Faithful Mechanics, and the manufacture of Reliable Goods in rour line, we hope to merit a liberal pat ronage from a Generous Public. Thank ing you for your past favors, we will be glad to see you again at our office on Depot Street, near the Geo R R. Respectfully, Downs & Langford WIIE-i/ii lI L’ HAS BEEN T RIED m§ii§& has established itself as a perfect regulator nudsuHE REMEDY for disorders o' the system arising from improper action of the Liver and Bowels. IT IS NOT A PHYSIC, but, by stimulating tho secretive organs, gently and gradually re moves all impurities, and regulates the entire system 'IT IS NOT A DOCTORED BITTERS, but VEGETABLE TONIC which assists digestion, and thus stimulates, ti}o appetite for food necessary to invigorate lhe weakened and inactive organs, and gives strength to all the vital forces. IT CARRIES ITS OWN RECOMMENDA TION, as the large andrapidly increasing sales testify. •Price : One Dollar a bottle. Ask your drug gist for it. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & CO Wholesale Agents.Phila., A CARD. 13d. D. S. SOUTHWICK, one cf the Ulost successful physicians of New Orleans, has lo cated in Atlanta. Confidential Medical Ad viser for all persons afflicted; also, sole pro prietor of his celebrated recently discov , LIQUOR AND § ani F PURELY TOBACCO ! VEGETABLE ; i antidote, '• t ’ ver seven htin -8 § dred cured ; gnar ... , antees all cases { medicine sent c. o. and. to all parts of the country. Office and rooms 85 anu 87 White .hallstreet, Atlanta Ga. Cl" All communiea .olß ttnctly private. nolß-ly general. DEALERS IN’ WATERS’ CONCERTO PARLOR ORGANa f . arc the most beautiful in style * and perfect in tone ever iundc. (SmsffloF* The CONCERTO ST CP&b the best ever placed in tiny Or. gun, It is produced by an cx fl . Ira act of reeds, pccu liarly voiced, the E Fm iysfgT EOT of which fa MOST SSftj.agigSlij£fgSla CIIAH.NINO an-iSOII, stiiikinu, wmi its ! SB mutation ort c iiu. ,S| |l I SjPlsPMli MAN VOICE IS su. ™ISIIKIZSm'mJS purn. watbhk> fM hr,ilgi new or< n estral, lg| VESPER, a RAN D and Om VIALEBTT2 ORGANS, : " in Kiniqisg french Coses, C combine PURITY oj TOICINO with prrent volume of tono ; sultoblo CHURCH. 0 WATI&KS* new scale pianos have, great power and a fmc tone, with nil modern iinprovemcnts, end are the IJEST I*l A NOS *IIA HE. Tlieso Orsr.iw and pianos are wnrrantcd/or six years. PRICES EXTREME LY LOW for cash or part casli and balance in monthly payments. Second-Hand instruments at great bargains. Pianos and Organs to rent until paid for as per eontract# AGENTS WAN TED. Special inducements to tlie trade. A lib eral and . count to Teacher*, Minister, j*, Churches School r, Loihw,etc. / I.LCSTII A TED CA TALOGUESMAILED, r HORACE WATERS & SONS, 481 Hroadway, Now York. P. O. Box 3507* TWO DOZEN COOKING STQYEB- - STORE, AND SOON TO ARRIVE, AT J . S . ANTHONY’S S^ove,ar.d Tin House, Commmeroial Street Conyers, Georgia, Sign of the hij, re l coffee pot. $1 SI IT will got acopy of The La- Granoe Reporter, for six. months; the Premium Weekly op Gkoroia; took the gold medal at the State Fair in 1873, as the best country What It Will Do. weekly in the State, “typogra phy, make-up, business, read ing matter, and editorial man agement considered,” SEND ONE DOLLAR AND TRY IT FOR SIX MONTHS. Specu la e n copies free. SI SI THE LAGRANGE REPORTER Is not merely a local paper. Besides its local and miscellaneous reading; it has a department devoted to the. farm and garden, a depart ment especially adapted to household reading; one devoted to State news, one to news of the Sonthern States, and one to the news of the world; collated with great care from the tele graphic dispatches as found in the best metro politan dailies. Especial pains are given to the news columns, the design of the publisher being to give his readers the essence of all the news, gathered from all sources and boiled i down. By this system, the readers are kept informed of all events of importance that hap pen anywhere, and the publisher thinks he can justly claim that in this respect. The La- Grange Reporter has no superior of its class. Terms, $2 a year; $ 1 for six months. Send for specimen copy. Address J. T. WATERMA N LaGrange, Qa. Hearth ami home, AND “the weekly gjapiii c.” The largest, cheapest, and best Illustrated Newspaper, weekly edition of The only Daily Illustrated Newspaper in the World. And the model Home paper of America. Twelve large pages; beautiful Illustrations; a magnificent two-pagfr steel production of a celebrated picture; serial and short- stories; fashions ; news ; travels, etc , in every num ber. Only $2,50 per Year. Costly and useful premiums given to clubs. The largest cash commission to agents of any paper. Write for specimen. THE GRAPHIC COMPANY* 85-41 Park Place, New York. NO EXCUSE FOR BEING SICK, No person can use Boschee’s Gorman Syrup without getting immediaterslief 11 and eure.-i We have the first ease of Coughs, Colds or Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs, yet to hoar from that has not been cured. We have distributed every year for three years over 250,000 sample bottles tc Druggists in all parts of the United States No other Manufacturer of Medicine ever gave their Preparation such a test as this. Go to your Druggist, Dr. W. H. Lee & Son, and gat a bottle for 75 cents and try it—two doses will relieve you. Sample Bottles 10 cents each. Janl4 75-ly AWAY WITH HARD T I M E S. J. S. Anthony has marked all his goods down to suit the times, and is now sellinv Dry i Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, without re gard to cost. Be sure to go and see him be sore you uy. Night <fc White’s old sta n ’ QCinmerdal street, Conyers, Ga. Send fur Circulars. NEEDLE & GUI.LF.TTS IMPROVED COTTON GINS ; COOK'S patent sugar and syrup evaporating PANS; VICTOR CANE MILL; SWEEP STAKE THRESHER and SEPARA TOR; CARDWELL’S THRESH ER and SEPARA TOR; V • ‘ BUCKEYE” and “ CHAMPION” MOWERS aii.l REAPER ; ; •s.iqno.uf) ,icj pnog |j STABL DISKED 1N1755. hk cut tmm AUGS- Tim, G&ORGIA s Onto/the in the country. One of the L h7~~ _-IDLYO papers ,'n the South. The Largest c £ -wcuhiim in Eastern Georgia. Tin Otfi -ial Organ of several counties. imuuKu DAILY, TJX 11-WEELKY, WEEKLY, THE Daily and 1 with i roadihm matter 0 f overydescript .ion-telograpliic, Georgia and- outh Carolina and Gene? id news’' Interesting CO and Bpecial' { ■!,.’ gram* from at 1 Important points. SubserftF' tion, $lO. ' TheTri-wi-tsaklvClnoniclonnd Sentinel is in tended for.poi ntsconveniont to u tri-weekly’ mail. It cont aiin! nearly everything of inter* eat wliii.h app- in the Daily. Su^cription^ Chronicle and Svntmel is n maminoih shes- -ot, gotten up ispoei’ftll'y 'f or our suhsorihora in the a'cijta,:' t‘is one of the largest papers published la the South, and gives, besides Editorials, nil he news of the week, full and kccuv ite review of the Augusta Marie -et and prices c rent. Tho corn morcial reports* area special feature of the edition. Specimen e<=piesof any isg e Rent free. WALSH W WEIGHT, Proprietors, Augusta Ga r P A HE OH E Rt^UT which Dr- Pemberton’s fluid extract of stiUingia, (or delight) has aftoiued in all sections of The country aa a OHEA T A —LVDO OOD MEDICINE, “and the largo number of testimonials which are constantly being received from persons who have been cui-tad by its use, is conclusive proof of its great ux -rits. 00 OO , OOOOOOOOOODOOOOOCOOOOOOO o The -*nrmt health restorer o oooooooooooooooooooooooo 00 OO is a positive s^=ecifloand cure for dyspepsia, liver ci)inplairx_ -ts, constipation, headache, diz ziness, pnins i the back, kidney complaints, jaundice, weslmess, lumbago, general debility, graved—tl, gout, scrofula, oanceroua Iny mor, erysipelii aRR, salt-rheuui, ringworm, pim ples and hunx-- on the face, old ulcers, rheu matism, mere L=rial and syphilitic affections. It removes all mercurial or other poisons from the blooU3BE_, and soon restores the system to perfect health. and purity. That pale, yellow, sickly looking- skin is soon changed to one of beauty, freshi*- ess #nd health. It will cure any chronic oi diseases, whose real or direct cause is had blood. A trial will'prove it. t housand—ub have been snatched as it were from the graven by its miraculous powei, who now enjoy hen. ZM. th and happiness, where once all was misery. It invigorat a=s3s and strengthens the whole ; system, acts outlie secretive organs” allays j iufliiminatiou, ourosulceiution, and regulates the bowels. DR. PE.\I I 3EUTONS STILLING IA OR QUI-! ENS DELIGHT GIVES lIEALTI M , STRENGTH AND At* PETITE. ‘ ” - It purifies t*=e blood, and renovates and in vigorates the x 'w hole system, Its im-dical prop erties are ultoz: .utive, tonic, solvent, and diu vetic. For testimo'-g- -kialsof wonderful cures, solid to the Proprietor __ or.uillon your Druggist. 'pho genuine is only uy Dlt. -- J. B.ITMBEKTON, C'heiaisj, Atlanta, Ga. For sale by al 1 firsMass'druggists. Office c=f 0 W Adair’Wall street, Atlanta, Ga., July 1(5, 1875. Dr. IS. Per Sir; I have used your of Stillingia for a chron ic skin alfoctii > ■a of many y • ins standing, w hich made a care at' -*er all other remedies had fail ed. I tore lux —Divn your stillingia used in the worst cases of scrofula, secondary, syphilictic diseases, rheuxs—autism, kidney and liver uffect ions, with grei*. -t success. In fact, I have nev-' &no\yn it to fa.i in the irest desperate cases. I consider it the grouted bjoed purifier known. truly, j c EVANS. H'-'f’.'For mile by Jobs. A Carswell, Con yers, Georgia. ll’lift PEOr* - XE WANT PROOF. There is no n cdicineprescribed by Physician or sold by gists, that carries such evidence of its success a- ■■ ad superior virtue as Boschee’s German for Severe Coughs. Colds settled on the Breast. Consuption, or any disease of the 'hroat and Lungs, a proof of that fact is tha-t=i any person afflicted, can get Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try itp upperior effect loefore buying size at 75 cents, It has lately btac rr introduced in this country from Germany, and its wonderful cures are astonishing uses it. Three lp3a will relieve any case, Try it, Sold by W H Lee eOLONIS'VZTS, EMIGRAN TS, AND TRAVEL LERS WESTWARD. For map condensed time tables and general- inf - -ormation in regard, to transpor tation facilities to all points in Tennessee* Ar kansas, Misson w ~i, Minnesota, Colorado, Kan sas,Texas, New Mexico, Utah and Cali fornia, apply to- or address Albert B Wrenn, General Agent, Office Atlanta, Ga No one shoul<=n3 go West without first getting in communicafci -on with the General Railroad Agent, and bee informed as to superior advantages, and quick transportation of families, housed: goods, Btock and farming implements ger jLerally. All information cheer fully given. W L DANLEY, ’' o p & T A. Dll. IV. 11. L,*s=e, DRUGGISTS! & APCTHEOARY- Ce r tr e Street, CONYERS, - ::: : : : GEORGIA —Has hand a full stock of- — Pip medic! and chemicals, pate n't, medicine ol all kinds; paints, “ oils, jw- lass and putty; dye stuf3Er a otall kinds; toil et and fancy articles; Grass, flower at ad garden seed; pure liquors of hIL kinds, for medicinal purpo s e s. Prescriptions ‘ com pounded. CIV E It ACAUI W H LEE, m D. Roofing tteriug, and job work of every in tin and sheet iron, will be done promptly i— ~nd reasonably, by .1. S. Antho ! ny,Com. street., Conyers, Ga., vi th? sign of The Big Red <— "offee Pot,