Rockdale register. (Conyers, Ga.) 1874-1877, February 17, 1876, Image 3

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Rockdale Register. Thursday, feb. 17, 187 c. CQI9IM. G i.. Dec. 23rd, 1875. At meeting ot the Block holders of the Rockdale Register Publishing Cos mpany, teld this Jay, the following officers Were elec. for the ensuing year : Gao. W. Guxaton, President. A. H. Zacubi, Vies-President. T. J. ftuotiLt, Treasurer. W. P. Reed. Secretory. A. C, Ed. and Bus. Mail, a**!— i Legal advertisement* m nst hereafter fce paid for in ad ranee. No deviation from this rule will bo made at any time, or under Ainy. circumstances. All advertisements must J>e handed in i*efore 12 o’clock, m., on Wed nesday, the day before publication. Reoistb Cos. 4——^—!f—^ ' As3® - 1 v.g ~ * 1 - ' - •■ ■ ■ - Go to Weaver & Granade’s for cheap (Groceries. •Some of Dr. Lee’s strawberries were ■nearly ripe, just before the polar-wave. The dog law was lost In the Senate yesterday. Our Senator, Hun. H. D. McDan ;ield, .voted against the bill. A citizen of Rockdale county has 2, -500 bushels of corn for sale—home raised. That is the way to farm.—Cot. ijtar. for all sorts of Fancy Candies and Fruits, the public are invited to oall at Weaver & Granade’s We learned, a few days ago, that M Brs. McClelland A Brittain’s High School ha 169 students. This is a good attendance for the season, *T— •' Hon J. A. Stewart has introduced a bill in the House giving the Town Council of Conyers power to flue and imprison delinquent Street Tax payers. Courts. Justice A M Heims, gave judgment in several civil cases on last Tuesday, No de fense. - '• O ft Heaver & Granade are selling goods low for the cash and cash only, or its e quivalent. ; —: —— ♦ No Judge, The Governor at this writing has not supplied the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hon. A. L. Davidson, County Judge. -a 1 ♦'' ■ We are gratified to learn tint the Fe male College is being well patronised. Presi dent Guinn has surrounded himself with a corps of able assistants. The new teacher* Miss Cook is winning gold n opinions. Town Commissioners. The Town Council tried four cases at its last regular meeting, on Monday night. Our City Fathers got the best three out of four in the judicial content. Carh rsville is bragoHig over a hen •th it laid a three and a half ounce egg. £ quire Turner prolably owns onejof the same fami ly. One of his hens laid an egg. a few days ft.o. of exactly the same weight as the one above recorded. Street Overseer. John ex-Marshal of this city, was elected Street Overseer, e.t the Conn ell Meeting, on last Monday night. We hope Jack will put the streets in order, and keep them so. I -■■■ ■ " . Our Conyers friends who have paid ten dollars in advance for the Herald need not feel so blue about the "suspension of that paper. Col. Alston is going to start another daily at once, and he will probably send it to his old subscribers for their unexpired terms. ♦ ♦ Homestead and Exemptions. Seventy-three persons have taken the benefit of the Homestead and Exemption laws of this State, in Rockdale county. They curse it and take it. —— ♦ ♦——•— Mr, W. W. Swann brought us a cou pie of eggs, the other day, weighing respect ively three ounces and three ounces and a half. Both had double yolks. We didn’t have an opportunity of testing these remarka ble eggs, but our enterprising friend, Capt. Wm. T. Huson, pronounced them eggs-cellent. Transfer of Stock. Hon. A. L. Davidson has sold his ten shares of Register Stock to Col. J. C. Barton. We congratulate our friend Barton on his trade and herewith acknowledge him as one of the brotherhood of quill drivers of the Register Company. Valentine Party. The Valentine party given by Mrs. Lane and Miss Frank Baker, at Mrs. Martha Baker"s on last Monday night, was a success and passed off pleasantly. Mnsic, cards, wit, humor, love and beauty ruled, the hour. The crowd before breaking up each promised to write the other a valentine, Here’s ours. Taken Charge. Messrs. E. B. Rosser and J. C. Barton, Assignees of Capt. J. M. Summers, Bankrupt, took charge of the assets of said estate on Monday. ffoL J. C. Barton, one of the As signees, then rented the mill to Capt. Summers at forty dollars per month. * The Courier Journal at Half v Price. By reference to an advertisement in r a^ r r 1 r nikwiiib ° ™ offer • r -koistes and tho Louisville Cou- T ZT Tcneyecrt ' v on ’y Thr ™ *>°i , Tl s M the best Offer off e kind ever made to the reading public. Bring up your money, gentlemen, and buy a year’s supply'of information and entertain’nest MARKIKD, W. Z. Taylor and Miss Harris, in At* lanta, on Tuescjay night. The happy couple arrived in Conyers on the down oassenger train, yesterday, ahd are stop ping at the residence of the groom’s father. They have our best withes. ALSO, by Rev. Jno. L. Stewart, on the 13th mst., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. W. H, Taylor to Miss L. E. W aldrop. Personals. Mr. B D. Gullett, Sr., inventor of the celebrated Gullett Gin, and President of the Gullett Manufacturing Cos., of Amite, La. wag in town on Wednesday of this week, the guest of our friend, F, D, McMillan. Mr. G— stopped hero looking after a good location to start a branch of his manufactory. Here is the place. We welcome all such. Dr. Jno. W. Williams of Holly Spring, Ark., brother-in-law of our fellow citizen Jas. R. McCord, Esq., with wife is in the city. The Doctor is on his way to Meridian, Miss. Tlio North Eastern R. K. About nine miles of track on this road have already been laid, at the Athens end. Rails will soon be ready to com plete the railroad to Lula, about 29 miles from Athens. ffiotilg Made Happy and Hearts Made Glad. Hon. Obadiah Seamans, Ordinary of this county, has issued fifty-three mar riage licenses, since September the first, 1875, - V “We ask not for the dear ernes, A life all radiant as others have done ; But that, life may have just enough shad ow. To temper the glare of the Sun.” We expect them to have it too. Some of them have already found how it is themaclves—we mean, the shadow. V Habeas Corpus. Ellen Turner sued out a writ of Ha beas Corpus against Sip Turner, for the possession of her child, Eugenia, which was tried before Hon. 0. Seamans, Ordi nary. The parties were p, o. cs. The case was quite a novel one. It ranged from grave to gay, from lively to severe. Mingled with sighs and tears, joined with mirth and laughter. The effort of Mr. Janies W. Pruett, Att’y foi petitioner, was highly spoken of. Messrs, A, M. Helms and G. W- Gleaton, Counsel for defendants, also made as.usual good speeches, though it was no go. Mr. Pruett got the child. Judgment for Plaintiff. Grand Jurors. The Grand JurorsMrawn for the Spring Term of Rockdale Superior Court, 1876, are : David Vaughn, W E Treadwell, Jos. A Stewart, C V Sanford, James Scott, S F Speer, Geo. W Simmons, F S Treadwell, T B Thompson, J T Swan*’, Kelly Simms, Geo. M Upshaw, T D Swann, T C Swanri, Jno. L Scott, R B Vaughn, W W Swann, S J Taylor, Asa F Simms, •A J Smith, Tohn H Smith, Martin G Warren, Jno, S. Shipley, W J Night, L T Skipper, Jno, H Taylor, G W Walker, Jas. H Turner, Milton Hollingsworth, List of Petit Jurors in next week’s is.- sue. Blobbs* Inflation Plan. Blobbs says that he has found a remedy for the hard times. He paid a five dollar debt, the other day, and the man he paid it to set tled an old bill with it, and so the thing con tinued. That five dollars traveled through perhaps a hundred ha nds, satisfying SSOO indebtedness. It found its way to mer chants, mechanics, doctors, farmers and, won derful to relate, it at last reached a lawyer ; but the poor dovil couldn’t hold it long enough to realize how it felt —it vanished quicker than a Conjuror’s ball. Finally the peregrin ating “V.” fell into the hands of a rightfisted old fellow who straightway sent it up to At lanta along with some other money, agd had it oonverted into gold. Blobbs says that if people would only keep money circulating by paying off their small debts, it would not take a very large amount to answer our business necessities. But if people hoard their money, a panic is the inev itable result. Blobbs is undoubtedly right, and his plan is practical inflation. Social Circle. We are gratified to learn that this enterprising neighbor of < urs is in a prosper ous and flomishing condition. The following facts showing the statue of the town will doubtless be of interest to our readers . Social Circle contains two churches (Meth odist and Baptist) with large congregations ; one bank, conducted by C. T.- Mobley; two lawyers -Col. T. Spearman and Maj. A, 8. Florence j several good physicians ; Masonic Lodge and a Lodge of Good Templars ; two livery stables; one drug store ; two bar-roonls one male and female school under Prof. Wal lace and Miss Ellen Hammond ; ten stores, and a large manufacturing establishment de voted to bonnets and ladies’ underwear. This last institution is owned by Col. J. T. White head, the brother of our popular Sheriff. '"Col. Whitehead gives employment to 25 gr 30 young ladies, and does a large business. A number of handsome residences have recently been erected, and the town is increas ing in commercial importance. Tn Social matters the Circle has always maintained a high standing. WaJ It Alßonauza]? We understand Mr. Anderson‘^Owens, who resides at the mouth of Big Haynes creek, near Bald Rock, in Rockdale 00., recently dug up a J large earthern pot on his frm, which was embedded In) tho clay several leet deep, and is supposed to have Jieen buried there by Ferdinand DcSoto, who passed through that section in 1689, Some ofjMr. Owens! neighbors think the pot contained money, but a: he is reticent on the subject, the public is left to t fortp its own oonjeotures on that point. The spot in which tho pot was found is only ahont forty yards from the main entrenchment, of DeSoto’s for lified camp, where there are yet many' interesting relics of that important and historio expedition Cov. Star. — Some miserable wretch threw a billet of wood into the lady’s car of the Cov ington t' aoeommodation train, when about four miles this side of Conyers, last Thursday night, which broke through one of rhe windows and came near striking the handsome faoe of Mr. 11. 11. Parks, of the Atlanta Constitution, who was in the car at the time. With so much torce was ths wood thrown by the incarnate fiend, that a part ot the win dow facing was split off bv it, and the glass broken to atoms, ana thrown into Mr. Park’s tace and about, the car. The train was slopped by conductor Boyd, as quickly as possible, and run back to where the wood was thrown, and search was made for] vilhan, .but he had made his escape. Col. W. W. Clark, one of the directors of the road, was aboard the train at the time, and we understand he will 'offer a reward for the arrest ot the guilty party.—[Cov ington Star. Notice, All persons indebted to the estate of W. H, Lee & Sop, Bankrupts, are rc quested to come forward at once and settle. lam required to collect without delay. W. P. Reed, Assignee in the matter of W. H. Lee <fc Son, Bauknij ts. One by one, says the Semi~ tinel, every great American goveriitnen tal principle is being bartered away by the anti-Americau chain gang iu power. The whole world pronounces the late letter of Grant,s head , sadine of Slate, Fish, to the European’powers in regard toCubn,a surrender, an abandonment thetime-honored Monroe doctrine of America for Americana. In a book called “Courtship, Love, and matrimony” pubfished in 1660, there is this clause concerning the privileges f women in leap year: “Albeit it is owe become a part of the. common lawe, in regard to the social relations ol life, that as often as every bissextile year doth return, the ladyes have the sole priviledge during the time it contiuuelh of making love unto the men, which they doe, either by words or lookes, as to them it scemeth prefer; and, moreover no man entitled to the, benefit of clergy who dothe in any wise treat her proposal with slight or contumely.” The defense intimated by Babcock,s i counsel is that admitting the irregularit ies < frauds of those who have been convicted, Babcock knew nothing about it. They were the President,* most in timate friends, those who were trusted implicitly, those who had given material assistance to Gen. Grant in his election and, therefore, Babcock, the President,s private secretary, never doubted them, nor thought of scanning closely their act#. ■M——l ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. In the District; Court of the United ."States for the Northern District of Georgia—ln the matter of J. M. Summers, Bankrupt. This is to give notice, once a week, for three weeks, that we have been appointed Assignees of of the above named Bankrupt, who resides in Rockdale County in said Dis trict. E. B. ROSSER, J. C. BARTON, no-30-3t. Assignees. NOTICE TO DEBTORS & CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all persons having deminds against the estate of Mrs. Allio Rhodes, late of Rockdale County, deceased, to present them to me properly made out with in the time prescribed by law. And all per sons indebted to said estate, are hereby requir ed to maks immediate payment. D N. HUDSON, no. 30—Administrator. ASSIGNEE’S NOTICE. In the District Court cf the United States for thb Northern District of Georgia—ln the matter of Jno. F. Albert, Bankrupt, This is to give notice once a week, for three weeks, that I have been appointed Assignee of the estate of the above named Bankrupt, who resides in Rockdale county, in said Dis- GEO. W. GL EATON, no. 30-3 t AssiotrCß. JJANRRUJPT SALE. By virtue of an order of the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Ga., will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Conyers. Saturday, Feb. 19th, 1876, the notes, fi fas’ and accounts, amounting to $3,980 00, the es tate of S. Mayfield A Son, Bankrupts, for the benefit of the creditors of said Bankrupts. S3 6th,-3w E. B. Bosses, Assignee. . QLD HUKDUED! THE “EOCKDALE KKGISTK R," And Louisville yy y TANARUS?, |f T t y COURIER-JOURNAL One year for Three Dollars. Two papers for little more than the price of one. O Send us three dollars and receive yonr home paper with the " Courier-Joubval,” the best, wittiest, brightest and ablestcity weekly in the 1 country. REGISTER CO., . • * ' (}ys7£M, Ga. . Highest Standard FERTILIZERS. John C. Ragsdale, Swift’s Compound, $65 A TON. Includes Freight. 483 lbs of Middling Cotton on or before the Ist of Next Novombcr, Will Pay for a Ton of Either of the Above First Class Fertilizers. If You Buy a STRAIGHT Guano, let ouo or the other of Those. BE IT t Stewart & McCau.a, Agls., 28—3-mos. Conyers, Ga. Jno. N. Swirt, Gen'l Agt, LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN TS. Rockdai.e Sheriff Sale fok March. WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT house doo* in the town of Conyers, within the legal hours of sale, on tho FIRST TUESDAY IN MARCH, 1876, the following property, to wit; One Hundred and Fifty acres of land, more or less, in the Tenth Distriot, of originally tl enr y, then New ton, now Newton and Rockdale Counties, It being the south-east corner of lot No. 140, bounded North, by lands of Hollingsworth and Mann, East, by Holltogsworth and Plunk ett ; South, by F. J. Whitehead ; West, by Aabury Veal and Sam Veal. Levied on as the property of S. P. Daniel, by virtue of and to satisfy ten fi. fa. issued from Rockdale County Court, in favor of J. H. Turner u>. S. P. Daniel. Written notice given parties. F. J. Whitehead, Sheriff. ALSO, At the same time and place will be gold Four thousand lbs., more or less, of seed cotton, 1 bay horse mule abrut XI years old, 1 bay horse mule ten or twolve years old, 4 fattening hogs, 2 sows and pigs, 18 acres of com in the field called Sandy Creek field, 7 acres on Big Haynes Creek, also in the field ; 2 bales of ootton now in the field, including patch in front of his son’s house. Levied on as the property of J. H. Wells, by virtue of and to satisfy a distress warrant issued from Rock dale County Court, in favor of Martha J. Sigman v*. J. H. Wells. F. J- Whitehead. Sheriff. ALSO, At the same time and plaoo will bo sold the following property, to-wit: One house and lot in Conyers containing one-half acre, more or less, bounded North by Decatur Btieet, West by N W Maddox, East by J H Alinand, South by Commeree street, and now occupied by P G McCullough ; also one store house and lot containining 50 by 20 feet, bounded North by lands of T J Nelms, East by lands of 1 J Hartefteld, South by right of Ga. R. R., West by N W Maddox. Levied on the property of T J Nelms, by virtue of and to satisfy three fi fas issued from Rockdale County Court in fa vor of T.J Low & Bro vs T J Nelms. Proper ty pointed out by def’t. F. J. Whitehead, Sheriff. ALSO, At the same time and place will be sold the following property, to-wit; Parts of lots Nos'. 340 and 339, in the 16th District of originally Henry, now Rockdale county; part of lot No. 352 in said District, containing 25 acres, more or less; the West half of lot 339, in said Dis trict ; also 20 acres, more or less, of lot 329 in said District; aleo.part of lot No. 314; also 40 acres, more or less, of lot 337 altogether con taining 650 acres, more or less, and being the lands embraced in a deed from B F Carr to John Neal, of date of 4th day of March, 1874, and recorded in the Clerk’s office of tho Supe rior Court of Rockdale oounty, in book of Deeds A., page 443. Levied oh as the proper ty of B F Carr by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa issued from Rockdale Superior Court, Spring Term, 1875, in favor of Clark A Pace vs B r Carr. Property pointed out by Pl’ffs. F. J. Whitehead, (Sheriff. ALSO, At the same time and place will be sold the following property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in tho town of Conyers, Ga., county of Rockdale, known and distinguished as the College lot, with all tho appertenances thereunto belong ing—number not, known. Levied on the prop erty of S. Mayfiield, President of the Trustees of the Conyers Female College, by virtue of ahd to satisfy a fl fa in favor of William Gal loway vs S Mayfield, President of the Trustees of .the Conyers Female College. Property pointed out by the defendant, S. Mayfield, President of the Trustees of the Conyers Fe male College. F. J. Whitehead, Sheriff. ALSO,’ At the same tlme|and place will be sold the following property to-wit < One house and lot in the town of Conyers, containining one-half acre, more or less, bounded North by Decatur street. East by J H Almand, South by Com merce street, West by N W Maddox, and now occupied by P G McCullough ; also one store house and lot containing 50 by 20 feet, bound ed North by lands of T J Nelms, East by lands of I J Hartsfield, South by right of Ga. R. R., West by N W Maddox’. Levied on as the property cf T J Nelms, by virtue of and to satisfy two fi |fas issued from the Justices’ Court of the 476 district, G M, one in favor of A J Pierce, and one in.favor of Mrs. M A Al len vs James Jones, principal, and T J Nelms, security. Property pointed out by defendant. Levied on by S B Hartsfield, L C and returned to me. F. J. Whitehead, Sheriff. ALSO, At the same time and place] Will be sold] the following pfwperly, to-wit i one house and lot in the town of Conyers, containing one-half acre, more or less, bounded North by Decatur street, East by J H Almand, South by Com merce street, West by N W Maddox, and now occupied by P G NeGullough; also one store house and lot, containing 50 by 20 feet, bound ed North by l&nd.of I J Hartsfield, South by right of Ga. R. R. and West by N W Maddox, Levied on as the pooperty of T J Nelms, by virtue of and to satisfy sundry 4 fas issued from the Justices Couitjof the 476 district, G M in favor of G W Gleaton et al vs T J Nelms. Property pointed out by defendant. Levied on by S B Hartsfield L 0 and returned to me. F. J. Whitead, 1 Sheriff. JAMES BANKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office No. 8, James’ Bank Block, Atlanta, Georgia. Special attention given to the collection of c aims All businese attended to promptly - NOTICK “ THE public are hereby cautioned against purchasing or trading for a certain promissary not for $319,26, date/1 March 22d, 1875, given by S. F. Speer to John Thompson, guardian for Thos. P. Thompson, as said note has boon I paid and fully satisfied, ard has been lost or .Hen, /GHN THOMPSON, i fjlhe Greatest Medical Discovery OF THE XlXth CENTURY. HEALTH, Il.tU rr, AND tIAFPINF.ES IIKSTOHKDO MODERN WOMANHOOD ! j r> li . J . BRADFIELD- s"°FE WALK KKGULA.TOR . woman's best friend. Its operations are quick and sure t and it never fails to cafe. Thankful for the very flattering reception tile Female Regulator has met with %om.all por tions of the country, tho Proprietor begs to announce that bo has largely increased Ms manu • factoring facilities, and hopes that before long he will be able to pltiae within the roach at every suffering woman, this, the immtest boon ot her sex. PRICE 150 per Bottle. ' ■ ffiirSbld by all Djuggists in the United State*,'®! J 5. B. BRADFIELD , Atlanta, Georgia, Rrojmetor. READ! READH “l-t 133 ■ ' It is well known to doctors and ladies thut women are subject to enormous diseases pecu liar to thoir sex,—such as suppression of the menses, whites, painful monthly periodicals, rheumatism of the back and womb, irregular menstruation, hemorrhage or excessive “ fiosr'* prolapsus, uteri, or falling of the womb. Blooming in all her Pristine Beauty, health, strength and elasticity. Tried doctor after iocter lIiitLEDOE, Ga., February 18. 1874. Tlii* is to oeptify that my wife was an invalid for six years Had disease of the womb and headache, weight in lower l>*rt of the back; suffered from languor, exhaustion and nervous ness, loss of appetite and flesh. She had beeomo so exhausted and weak, her friends were apprehensive she would never get well. Tried doctor after doctor, and patent medicinesa— tad despaired of her improvement, when fortunately she ooinmenced on Dr. Bradfield's fe male Regulator. She is now woll; three or four botllos cured her. Improved in health, ap petite and flesh ; '* she Is blooming in all her pristine beauty, strength, and elasticity.” I re gard you as her savior from the dark portals of death, —and my benefactor. May your Shad ow never grow less, and von novor become weary in well-doing. JOHN SHARP. JWFor Sale by W. H. LEE and JONES & CARSWELL Conyers, Ga. w . A'.''- O 000000 00000 o 000 0000000000000000 000 o 000000 00000 o 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000 000000 00000000 PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY. oooocooo 000000 . , 000000 ' 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 OOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O 000000 00000 o 003 0000000000000000 000 O 000000 00000 o Capital ------- $1,000,000 ! SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO AND COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, * FOlt COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FERTILIZERSJIN USE. . I H T BOn TJ C ID I N 1 8 6 6.. Prices lu , Augusta, Georgia. Soluble Pacific Guano Cash s*B 00 Soluble Pacific Guano, Time, Cotton Option, 150 60 00 Compound acid phosphate cash !. 36 OO Compound acid phosphate, Time, ootton option, 150 42 00 Freight from to Conyers $2.40 per Ton. DELIVERED AT ANY DEPOT IN THE CITY FREE OF CHARGE. Time sale* payable Ist of NOVEMBER, 1876, without interest, with option of paying in Middling cotton at 15e. delivered at your and k CO. , Gknkral Agents, Ai’gusta,uGeouoia. STEWART & McCALLA, Agents, Conyers, Ga. tno3B '• V ... ■ ? -d. .*■ '*■■■■:' ft.''"' - _ Have You A Dollar ? . FOE ONE DOLLAR WE WILL SEND, POSTAGE-PAID, pi* ffgMUi o*bH OMB YKAMo . contains ALL THE NEWS of thepast seven days, collected bv the agonto and correspondents of the New York Daily World, and in fulness, accuracy and enterprise in this respect r,jctjLTUR A L DEPARTMENT contains tho latest nows ot fafrm experiments at home and abroad, contrilmiians by home and forrign writeis, full reports of the Farmers Club of the American Institute, and quotations of valuable and interesting articles appeamg in the agricultural weeklies and magazines. , , . v. v _ 3 lis GRANGE NEWS, to which attention is specially called, is a feature which can be found in no other paper. All tho resources at the command of a great matropobtandaiy newspaper are employed in its collection, and the result is a page each week where the mem bers mav find a complete record of the work of the order for the past seven days. In addi tion to this weekly record. The World gives tho cream o! all th" State. This department is and will continue to ho under the (fiiargo of one of the active members^ of tl.e o^^ ide DEPARTMENT, in addition to it other attractions, aw* as poetry, miscellany humorous extracts, Ac., during the coming year, there will bo not less than one hnnd red short tales by tho best vnters of ficUon in England an 1 Amenoi. 6. The MARKET REPORTS, brought down to the hour of publication, are the es that can be made. Each market is reported by one whose special knowledge and training make Him the best authority upon that subject in the United States. For accuracy and coin .. lefceiws* the market Reports or of The World are unrivalled. m.*J •‘The World if not only the best but tho cheapest Wspoor ev offereii •’* SEMI-WEEKLY (104 Nos.) $2 a year. DAILY (313 Nos.) flOpe.r yea . A^?s COPiOS Benrupoa The WORLD, 35 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. Yh E GREATEST AY ORGAN! /’ ~ 1 $ • # * '• '> * * • • ’ Xi*r- '’e iVirec ji < ii/i’6‘iVvV inWw^rdjt, hwi ARYANS MADE EREKY MONTH OF THE MOST ELABORATE -STYLE* 1000 ORGANS MADE SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION. . East Tennessee. Send for lUustnvtod'ata'.ogues to Or . Cuilfor£ ■ att.anta, georgi