Rockdale register. (Conyers, Ga.) 1874-1877, March 23, 1876, Image 4

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kocrtdale Register. CONYEBS.GA., THURSDAY MAR. 23, 1873. ~ra,r ■. ■ NlttTH ANDSJOLLII * F ! urkinn lihmu'i had an thrown at him in throo month*. ( Jo i * K*t* out ho will rctiro to a little far iititl sit in the btiadu ami think. ,A Neva la highway man bought nix book* of en AgontjjuHt for the ]ih*umre of stealing the money Lack. So ue oi v wants to know why it in that ob- Irono ner are never wealthy. They toil not, neither do they spin. They gaze. *l(o< host jr thieves are not content with steal lljc * whole wanh, but take the cloth<‘B>line alul ell over the yard foi pins. Colonel Forney is home— speeches have been itch* .. xklh have been shaken- und now tor that httic explanation in leg aid to that $25 (HH). Rome people regard it as singular that s man “who nc\er played cards in his life, beoaum'it* wicked,” wi 1 exact lifteen per cent, interest from a widow. None of the employe* of the fast ma 1 trains are religious men, but they look very solemn when the spued goes up to forty-live miles an hour. Bayard Taylor used to talk a great deal al out the venal prc*s. You can now see him at the Tribune counter drawing his salary with lie greatest alacrity. Jcmirab Sprang, of Bottainwn, Connecticut, got up from his choir as hi* w ife broke a pitch er, heaved a sigh, and went to the barn and hand'd lunseif. Then hi* wile wished she hadn’t, It i* said that if you eat an orungo every morning before breakfast you will soon dislike whiskey. See what a narrow escajie people Plight have hud but for someone making this disco veiy! The Sultan of Turkey ha* made another concession m favor of the women. Hereafter no Turk can divorce hi* wife without giving her time to pack her trunk and buy her rail road ticket. The Brooklyn Argus won’t let Susan B. Anthony alone until it stum her Mettled down in front of her own family hearth, and Susan wAys she won,*t settle as long an there is a breath oi life left in her. A Chicago woman would be perfectly happy if her jKHxlle dog wasn’t gradually losing its eyesight. She men the day coming when the little dpjj tfill imw a hot stove-leg by mistake for a cniCK6U-bonC'. Several outsiders have offered to hang Ku benstein for the sum of #25, but the sheriff hesitates to clone a bargain. No one- -not oven a sheriff—cun toll whether a New York murderer will be hung or pardoned. riftsburg prefers a hot poker to a bowie knife to stab with. /im Nazum, of Alabama, comatf about as near htdng au acrobat as a name will permit. l'r loads of ]>u]]iit furniture made of the Boston olui will hoou bo hurrying Westward. Oh man in New Mexico owns 80,000 .head of and each, one can hour him when lie hollers. It is said that a man can be more successful ly 111 zy in New .Mexico than anywlioie else in this broad country The Missouri Penitentiary iB stili open to cullers, Let. the government prosecution keep this fuel before the people. tiocsl St. I,ou!s soedety frowns ujion a man who won'fjmrry a cane Sundays. It ciui ex cuse old boots if he has a cane, Thirty or forty Chicago women are walking "matches” in hulls and rinks, anxious tu help along the prosperity of the country. A New York thief had bagged up eight clocks as plunder, when a detective wound him up aud set him going for the station house. Kubonttein now raises another objection, lie wants to be hanged On Sunday, if at all, and lie wants the rope padded with cotton bathing. The Wisconsin Legislature infuses to lax chu: cii property. Koine of the members have a dim idea that they mayyet own a church. Among Mrs. HelUnnp'h assets aro thirty hats And bouuets from Till is. They don't stack up l,igh enough to hide her husband's disgrace. The Chicago I’ont thinks that women have InoiD iheiital woikto perform than men. It must wear the brain to put a border on a lamp fuat. Does it show hick of devotion for a husband to sit up afteh his wilo goes to bod and crack walnuts with w brick and make a dreudful HmketF A candidate for office in Rochester parried a washwoman acic*H\h street on his, to bow the 11. Hikes that bo was not stuck ujt and high-nosed. It is believed by the detectives that old Ben der, the Kansas murderer, is dead. Whuu the detectives cin't catch a mail they always be lieve him dead. TWMVrIoK imagines himself some (treat lieu, and perhaps lie is. Groat liore generally live upon other people*’ cash, just as Don Curios is now doing. Washington society iu luud because Geu. Sherman thinks it a poor city to bring up a respectable fuiuily in. The General has trav eled —he ought to know. T'lio Brooklyn Argus predicts a speedy re turn to oalioo dresses ana plain Dollars. When calico dresses cost from ♦iu to 1,000 they will be very fusbionublo. It bos just been discovered that it isn’t whisky that kills. When a man’s teeth strike a tumbler there is friction, and frietiou jars his nerves and wears him out. The carriage bill for riding the Kinj> of the Sandwich Islands unwind New York lias not yet keen paid. The Council argues that he ought to have taken a street oar. Boston Is said to have set her foot down against female bar beak Boston wives have long held tlicir husband* by the nose, and think they can do it yet. — Hothesier Chronicle. The lowa Legislature hasn't but one bald he ded member, and he's willing to resign. Jennie June is getting so that she believes iu woman's rights. Farewell, Mrs. June! The Boston Transcript claimstbat Xenophon used to write short hand. That's a long state lmnt. A New Orleans street corcompony hass2,ooo in counterfeit uicklee. Honesty is the Iwst policy. Duluth can't settle the question: ‘'Dock a black smoke-jack oraauicut or beautify a white chimney f” The profit on every yard of bunting sold to make a free American Hag is sixty per cent. No wonder she waves. One English lord has been fouud who be lieves that all women who pay tuxes,-hould also vote. Now let ’em vote. Chicago has five hundred saloons running without license. The query in Chicago is : "llow much do they pay for the privilege TANARUS" \i hen that limited mail train on the Fonn ■ylvtnia Centralßoilp.a 1 want over u Lank tho other dny wasn't it going beyond its baits ? liutlato has got rid of th*t son of a l > like who couldn’t pay his hoard, and that wr n’t be a god town for titled knaves for months to come. The post-trader at Fort Sill charges $2 no for a pair of thirty cent suspenders. In this M gallus” way he ha* been enabled to roll up enonnoun profits. Spring has no fur advanced in California that a woman can dig horseradish with an old bar rel-stave, and hov husband can leave his feet out of lad. Curses, like yullotV'--’fogged poultry, always come* httftie.t'o roost. Think of the Secrutnty of War of the Utried Stat*H, the bosom friend ami counselor of fhe President, with his head bowed on his hands in the criminal court of Washington, and guarded by a nigger i)eputy Marshal. It's enough to move the heart of n saw-log to pity, and draw tin cups of tiled noth otic tears from , the eyes of a potato.— KaltUjh StntiYiel. ——- ■- ■ - ■■■■ Maiikikd a Coaciimak. —Anolhrrcane of marrying a coachman in reported. The bride i* the daughter of a wealthy resident of Stamford, Connecticut handsome, intelligent and admired by many of the society l.eaux of that aria tocratic place*. The husband is a young Englishman, who has been groom and coachmon for the young lady's father for about two years, one unusually intelli gent for his occupation, and liked ex ceedingly hy all the family, and, it seems especially hy the daughter. The court ship took place by daylight, almost ex clusively during the drives to the depot to receive the indulgent papa. They were married ir Stamford by a Method ist clergyman. “Wool Hat” in the Planters Advo cate. tells the lollowing plain story why he is poor: “I am poor because I buy more than I sell. In the first placed bay a part of iny meat from the North West i my fish comes from Portland i for the taking of which the Mainelanders receives a bona ty’froin the Government. My onion sets and all my garden seed I bny from Michigan. I sold the wool from eigh teen sheep at cents per pound to an agent of a manufacturing company at Heading, Penn., four months thereafter, bought a hat fioin the same company, paying at the rate of six dollars a pound for the wool. The hide of buck, I sold at S cents per pound. It went to Elmi ra, N. V., was tanned, sent back, ami I bought it at 35 cents a pound, and it weighed more than it did when I sold it. My axe handles come from Connecti cut, my matches from Delaw ore, my pen and papi r Irom New Yolk. Am I llie only tool in Georgia 1 —■.— ——— A curious Enoch Arden story is going the rounds of the press. It i 1 lust rates the strange snarls into which the tuarris age relnthnlS sometimes get inadvertaldy involved. James Swingle, a Pennsylva nia fanner of sixty, married for his sec ond wife a young lady of twenty-two. I’hey lived happily together for Rome time, when one evening he went on an errand to the neighboring village and failed to return. There seemed all prob ability that he had been murdered by a gang of desperadoes that infested that district. In the lapse of lime one of It's sons by his first wife, married the sin posed widow, and several children were born to them. Last month n letter was received, signed James Swingle. It stated that he was a*. Cleveland, Ohio, and in a very destitute condition. At liist the letter was thought to hoax ; but tho son finally went to that city, and found his father sick and sadly changed ftom what he was when lie left borne, lie grew delirious from jcy, mid tried to tell what motive had induced him to desert his family. For a few days after having left home he said no wandered about, on a strange, if not insane im pulse, and when he came to himself Ill icit ashamed to return, Having some money along he resolved to go abroad and increase his fortune. Ho went to Australia, and was successful in amassing considerable money, mid was on Ins way home when he lost it all in California, lie, however, reached Cleveland, when he was stricken down hy sickness. The old man was taken home, ard his wife, who was also the wife of his son took her plaee by his bedside and oared for him. The facts were kept from him, but the agony of the innocent parties to these complicated relations may be bet ter imagined than described. For n few we*‘ks this Pennsylvania Enoch Arden lingered and then died, thereby giving the only possible solution to this pussling connnbin! problem. Oun Sit/'Eit Coinn—The si'ter 1 folns of the United State* avo now a trade dol lar, a half dollar or fifty cent pitw:e, a quarter dollar or t wenty-five sent (lieoe, and a dime or le'i-cent piece, weighing respectively 420 grains troy, 12 1 2 grams, 16 "l 4 grains and 2 1-2 grains. A Lill now before the Senate adds to these a double dime or twenty-ccnt piece weighing 5 grams, and a dollar weighing 25 grams Silver coins arc now a legal tender for any amount not exc eding live dollars. The" bill referred to makes the silver dollar legal tender to the amount of twenty dollars, the half dollar to the amount often dttlhit's and the quarter dollar, double dime and dime to the amour,tof five dollars. A IYIihCK OF A .tf.t.V. What wreck so shocking as tho wreck of a dissolute man—Hie vigor of life ex hausted, and yet the first steps in an honorable career not taken—in himself t> lazar house ol disease; dead, but by a heathenish custom of society, not buried! Hogues have had the initial letters of their title burnt into the palms of their hands. Even for murder Cain was only branded on the forehead , hut over tho person ol the debauchee, or the inebriate, the signatures of intarny are written. How nature brands him with stigma and opprobrium! How she hangs labels all over him, to testify her disgust at his ex istence and to admonish others to be ware of ids example ! How she loosens all his joints, sends tremors along the' muscles aud beuds fot ward his fram as it to bring him upon all tours with kind, red brutes, or to degrade him to the rep tile's crawling ! llow she and sfigures his countenance, as if iuUnt upou oblitera ting all traces of her <>wu image, so that she may swear that she never made him! How she pours rheum over his eyes, sends foul spirits to inhabit hi* breath, and shrieks, as With a trumpet, trom I every pore of hi? body, ‘liebold a Least' IVi/pTe who propose to purchase sew ing machines, will be glad to know that a heavy reduction in price is expected at an early day. The Moose Committee on Patents ha reported against an exten sion of the patent dn is known as “Wilson's four motion teed,” and an expensive royalty will be abolished. The fact came out bef’dre tin- committee at tlie cost of sewing machines is not more than from twelve to fifteen dollars. Q I, I) II U N I> K K I>! TUB “ Jl O C X U A 1. K It K <i!*T ’• K And Louisville WIIILT OOUUIEB- JOUKNA L One year for Three Dollars. Two pa, era/or little more than the price o O home Send uh three dollars and receive your./ one paper with t he " Courier-Journal/’ the best wittiest, brightest and ablest city weekly in the country. iiEQI>TF,H CO., Costers, Ga. CONYERS F E M A L 12 COLLEO 12, CONYEItS, GEORGIA. m],e exercises of the above Institution will [ be resumed on MONDAY, JANUAItYTHNT If, 1 8 7 (I. R. A. GUINN PRESIDENT, And I’ro/eiior of Mathematica, Mental, Moral and Natural Science. MISS HAELIE COOK, Inatruetress in Latin and French, and Jkllee Lettrea. MissJ. I. MAItSTON, Jnatrucireu in Primary and Prep. Departmentt lnttructreee m Music. CAfeWTHENIO EXERCISES, So conducive to health and grdcefulneas in movement, will be regularly practiced a rider the skillful management of Miss Cook, throughout the year. O iSOAItIJ For pupils, exclusive of washing and lights, .sl2 50 per month) in the best families of the place. Ai. A. GUINN, President. T-H-IL weekly Bit isr. 1770 NEW YORK 1870 Eighteen hundred eu severity six is tho Centennial year. It is alno tho in wh li an Opposition House of l’ppresontutivcs, e first since the war, w he in -power at Wa - ington ; and the year of the twenty-third c c tion of a President ol the United Stilt os. All of these events are sure to le of great interest and importance, especially the two latter; and all of them and everything connected with them will he fully aid freshly reported and expounded in Tnv Sun. The Opposition House of Representatives, taking up the line of inquiry opened years ago by The Sun, will sternly ami diligently inves tigate the corruptions and misdeeds of Grant’s administration ; ami it will, it is to he hoped, lay the foundation for anew and hettc r period in cur national history. Of all this The Sun will contain complete and accurate act omits, furnishing its readers with early and trustwor thy information upon these absorbing topics. The twenty-third Presidential election, with the preparations for it, will he memorable as deciding upon Grant’s aspirations for a third term of power and plunder, and still more as deciding who shall be the candidate of the party of Reforhl, and its electing that candi date. Concerning aU these subjects, those who road The Sun will have the constant means of being thoroughly well ii formed. The Wisf.klv Sun. which has attained a circulation of over eighty thousand copies, al ready has its readers in every State and Ter ritory, and wo trust that the year 187( will see their numbers doubled. It will continue to be a thorough newspaper. All the general nows of the day will be ftkiitd ill it; condensed when unimportant, at frill length when of mo liient; and Always, wo trust, treated in a clear, ill foresting and instructive manner. It is our aim to make tho Weekly Sun tho best family newspaper in the world, and we shall continue to give in its columns a large amount|of miscellaneous reading, such as sto ries, tales, ppeniS, scientific intelligence and agricultural information, for which we aro not able to make room in our daily edition. The agricultural department especially is one of its prominent features. The fashions are also reg ularly reported in its columns ; and so are the markets of every kind. The Weekly Sun, eight pages, with flfly six broad columns, iN only $1 20 a year, pos tage prepaid. As this pride barely repays the cost of the paper, no discount can be made frdn this fttto to clubs, agents postmasters, or ahyone. The Daily Sun, a large four page newspa per of twenty-eight cdtUinnß, gives all the news for twd edits a copy. Subscription, pos tage prepaid, 55c a month or $0.50 a year; Sunday edition extra, sl.lO per year. We have no travelling agents. Address, THE SUN, n025-tf New York City. Wait no Longer. Having soltl out oiir e'nti-e stock of goods to Mr. J. S. Anthony, who proposes to con tinue business at our old stand, and whom we take groat pleasure in recommending to our old customers as a perfect gentleman, aud a man who will do the right thing by all who will give Hint it trial; Our object in thus closing out is to vino up our business; atid we kindly ask all those who hare notes and accounts with us to come for ward aiid settle; as we are compelled to have money. A WORD TO THU WISK IS SUF FICIE N T. iiespeeft f ally, NIGHT k WHITE. I** 8 • Parties wishing to settle will always find me at the old stand. S. D. N. Dyspepsia Dyspepsia is the most discouraging and dis tressing disease man is heir to. Americans arc particularly subject to this disease and its ef fects ; such as sour stomach, sick headache, ha bitual costiveness, heartburn, water-brash, gnawing and burning pains in the pit of the stomach, coming up of the food, coated tongue, I disagreeable taste in tho mouth, impure blood and all diseases of the Stomach and Liver.— Two doses of Gkkkn's Auoujjt Flow ek will re lieve yon at once, and there positively is not a ease in Iho United States if will riot cure. If you doubt this go to your Druggist, Dr. W. H. Lbk A. Son, and gota ample bottle for 10cents and try it. Regular si.o 75 cents. Jitnl i-lv j, BEii., wiitsas $ A. TI.A NT A , O'!'! Olt< IA , (J KN KR A L E A Lit US IN Send fdt Circular* - MILBURN & STUDEBAKEK WAGONS; AVERY <fc SON'S .fc WATTS' STEEL and CAST PLOWS ; IMPRVED FIKLI) and GARDEN SEEDS; INCLUDING SEED WHEATS RUST PROOF OATS, BARLEY, UYK and ,l'e GHAS.S- Ls. GENERAL AGENTS FOR : WOOD, TABER & MOBSE WrsTEAM ''''' Send for Cirisi lar. [ lEAVENS” Cotton Gin Feeder. Send for circulars of description and prv'o os. o tar McssrZachry ij' Ovcrbay represent us at Conyers, Georgia. uoll-if Dr. 8. P. Down, DOWNS & LANGFORD. CONYglt-t, QEOitOIA. / DKAhERS IN ANl> MANUFACTURERS 01-’ HAND CARTS, WHEEL BARROWS and VEHICLES of all kinds. HARNESS, from the Cheapest to the Dourest, both Hand and Machine Stiteli ed. We keep the celebrated j L | oar EVE RET I' | the Best in Uuse, for CARRIAGES BUGGIES) or one Horse WAGONS. Can supply Atiy piti't of HARNESS oti short notice. Also, a full stock of by, mn: hsb :ra sa. in great variety always on hand, for home building purposes. Carpenters mid Contractors would do well to see our special wholesale rates. Mouldings, lattices, Stops, Strips, etc., a speciality, and made of any width, thickness, or shape. Window Sash— primed anil glassed—Blinds and Doors, either white or yellow pine. Also suitable lumber for Coffins. We always keep in stock Burial eases and Caskets of various sizes and lengths, from infants to adults—all at very low figures. Coffin Hardware generally. With our facilities, we propose to make Coffins of any style, from the plainest to the finest, cheaper than we possibly could by hand alone. mG-ioeus a trial and see ! Patent wheels. Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Bodies, S"ats, Shafts, Poles Dash Frames, Axles, Springs. IRON in great variety. Screws and Bolts ot best make, f itent, and Enameled Leather, Enameled Cloths, Moss and everything a Trimmer needs. Full stock of best Carriage Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Colois, Ornaments, and Paints generally. NEW CARRIAGES, BUGGIES and WAGONS always on hand, in great variety) and can make to order any style of quality desired. Old ones Repaired, Painted and Trimmed at short notice, and at living rates. We buy the best material, and having suitable machinery, are able to turn off york with neatness and dispatch. With constant devotion to our Bitsi ness, Honest Dealings with our Custom ers, Experienced Faithful Mechanics, and the manufacture of Reliable Goods in four line, we hope to merit a liberal pat railage from a Generous Public. Thank ing you tor your past favors, we will be glfld to see yoit again at oiir office ou Depot Street, near the Geo Ii R. Respectfully, Downs & Langford tfO EXCUSE FOR Pfi NG SICK, No person can use Boschee’s Gorman Syrup without getting immediate relief ’f cure.— We have the first case oi Coughs, Colds, or Consumption, or any disease of the Thror.t and Lungs, yet to hear from that has not beet cured. YVe have distributed every year foi three years over 250,000 sample bottles t< Druggists in all parts of the United States No other Manufacturer of Medicine ever gavu their Preparation such a test as this. Go to your Druggist. Dfi. W. H. Lee & Son, knd get a bottle for 75 cents and try it—two doses will relieve you. Sample Bottles 10 cents each* J lit) 14 75-Iy WHEREVER-IT HAS BEEN TRIED imisiiA has established itself as a perfect regulator and sums remedy for disorders o’ the system arising from improper action of the Liver and Bowels. IT IH NOT A PHYSIC, but, by stimulating the secretive organs, gently and gradually re moves all impurities, and regulates the entire System , IT IS NOT A DOCTORED BITTERS, but VEGETABLE TONIC' which assists digestion, aud thus stimulates, the appetite for food necessary to invigorate Ihe weakened and inactive organs, aud gives strength to all the vital forces. IT GAJRRIESITS OWN RECOMMENDA TION, as the large andrapidly increasing sties gislify. se Jr rice : One Dollar a bottle. Ask your drng t tfor it. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY 4 CO >\ holesalo Agent*, rhila.. J. W. Langford. CONCERTO PARLOR ORGAN a i _ are the most beautiful in stylo v and perfect in tone ever luade. IP&WFiSfr* The CONCERTO STOP©fc the |eil ever placed in any Or aau # It is produced by an cx fljtra met'o/ reeds, peca . liarly voiced, Vie EF 1 FISCT of which is MOST CIIAIOIINU and SOUL HTIKKINCS, while Its PM i nutation of to iiu . fflh man voice is hu k|| I; m i PKItB. waters* ! : sißn ® W N EXV OKI IIESTRAL, VIA U T ® ORGANS, • Uniiue French Cases, f * combine PURITY o) VOTCINL with irrent volume of tone; suitablo for PARLOR v CHURC H. 0 "WATJ2KS* NEW SCALE PIANOS have (rrcat power and a fine singriuir tone 9 with alt nuxlern linpiovcincnts, and. era the REST Fl* ANOS .VIA HE. Those Oranno and Pianos are iYnrrnnt el/cii' dx years. PKIUES EXTREME LY LOW for cash or part caisl* and balance in imbitlily payments. St*eond-lland instrumriils at arent luirurains. Pianos and Organs to rent until paid for as per contract* ACJENTS WAN TER. S-pccial inducement* to the trade. Alib eral disconnt t ' Trackers, Minister.*, Churches Schools, Lodges, etc. J U USTUA TEbCA TA LOO LIES MAILED. t HORACE WATER.** & HONS, 43113ron.dwuy New York. P. O. box 3507* TWO DOZEN COOKING STOYES IX STORE, AND SOON TO ARRIVE, AT J , S . A N T lION Y'S Stove and Tin House, Oommmercial Street Conyers, Georgia. Sign of the llj, red coffee pot. jS. HON Y, MANUFACTURER ok TIN WARE AND DEALER IN STOVES, HARDWARE, C ROC K El; Y, G L ASS WARE, i-jAMPS, etc. ROOFING, GUTTERING, & JOB WORK of alljkinds, in tin, sheet-iron, zinc, etc., done promptly, and at low prices. All work IVAK- ItANTED. J. a. ANTHONY, Commercial St., Conyers, Ga. - Sign of “ The Big, Rod Coffee Pot.” Stoves, Stoves, At prices to sui the times; ranging from $15,00 upward. Be sure to give him a cell be fore ft oil liny elsewhere. J. S .Anth my, Com. Bteet Conyers, Ga., at tho sign of “The Big Red Coffee Pot.” TIFT YCEM'SMOCKEI) OFF! WE WII.L SEND THIS DETROIT FREE TRESS, M. QUAD'SPAPER, To The Register subscribers for per annum. The regular price of this great hu morous weekly is Bring us $3 50 cents and get two good papers for the year. REGISTER CO. COLONISTS, EMIGRAN TS, ANI) TRAVELERS WESTWARD. For map circulars, condensed timo tables and general information in regard to transpor tation facilities to all points in Tennessee, Ar kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Colorado, han sas, Texas, lowa, New Mexico, Utah and fornia, apply to or address Albert B "Wrenn, General Railrond Agent, Office Atlanta, Ga No one should g 1 West without first getting in communication with the General Railroad Agent, and become informed as to superior advantages, cheap and quick transportation of families, household goods, stock and farming implements generally. All information cheer fully given. W L DANLEY, a p & t i. JOHN MILLEDGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Office 2J Pryor street, opposite Kimball House. THIS PAPER IS ON HIE WITH Where Advertising Contracts can be mode. Send for Cii u., EDLE & GULLET"! ‘S IMPROVED COTTON GINS: COOK'S PATENT SUGAR and SYRUP EVAPORATING PANS; VICTOR DANE MILL; SWEEP STAKE THRESHER and SEPARA TOR; CARDWEIJ/S THRESH ER and SEPARATOR; i ' “ BUCKEYij ,V “ CHAMPION” MOWERS and REAPER; i Send for Circulars. j fJUIE PEOPLE WANT PROOF. Thera is nomedieine prescribed hy Physician or sold by Druggists, that carries such evidence of its success and superior virtue as Boschee’s German Syrup for Severe Coughs. Colds settled on the Breast.. Consuption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs, a proof of that fact is that any person afflicted, can get Saample Bottle for 10 cents and try its upperior effect before buying size at 75 cents. It has lately been introduced in this country from Germany, and its wonderful cures are astonishing everyone that uses it. Three dose will relieve any case, Try it. Sold by W H Lee Dr. W; It. Las, DRUGGIST & APCTHECii RY Centre Street, ONYEBS, GEORGIA —Has on hand a full stock of— Pure medicines anfl chemicals, pateFt niedioities ot all kinds; jiailiie, oils, glass and putty; dye stuffs ot all kindb; toil et and fancy articles; Grass, flower and garden seed; pure liquors of all kinds, lor medicinal purpo se s. Prescriptions carefully coin pounded. give si e A dA i. i.! W II LEE, si k. tip: CUIHBTIAN INDEX A large eight page weekly. Organ of the Baptist Denomination. Should be in every Baptist Frmily in the Land. It is the paper our children ought to read. It is the paper 'or all who would know the truth as it is in Jf.scs. Subscribe for it at once —Induce your Friends and Neignbors to do Likewise. If you havn’t the money, subscribe by how —Your pastor will make the arrange ment for you. Send for specimen copies. The price of “Th e l n and K x" is $3 a’ yeer. Address all orders to JAS. P. HARRISON <fc Cos. • Box 24, Atlanta, Ga. In connection with the Index we have, perhaps, the largest and most complete book and job printing,office in the South, known as the Franklin Ktean? printing house, at which every Variety cf book, mercantile, legal and railway printing is executed. In excellency of mannor, promptness and cheapness, we defy competition. Our Blank Book Manufactory is, likewise, well appointed. Orders solicited for every grade of work in this pepartment. County officicls will find it to their interest to con sult us as to legal form books, records, min utes, blanks, etc. This establishment has long been thor oughly refitted and refurnished, regardless of expense, with every variety of Dew book and job printing materiel, together with a full complement of skilled workmen. Wedding cards of new and elegant design rivaling the beautiful productions of the en graver ; bill and letter heads of the most ap - proved styles; showbills, posters, programmes, minutes, catalogues, books, railroad tickets, aud everything that can be printed. Try he Franklin. Address all communications to JAS, P. HARRISON & Cos. P. O. Drawer, 24, Atlanta, Ga. ftoofing guttering, and job work oi every descripton, in tin and sheet iron, will done promptly and reasonably, by J. S. Ar nv, Com. street, Conyers, Ga., at th® •The Big Red Coffee Pot, T)lBBi:AT BKPiTATIOX which Dr. Pemberton i fluid extract c| stillingia, (or Queen’s deli -fit) has attained m all sections of the country as a GREAT AND 000 MEDICINE, and the large number of a'stimonials wliiclj are constantly being recci\ odfroir. persons who have been cmed by its use, is proof of its great merits. OO 00 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooood o The great health restorer o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooofj OO 00 is a positi. o specific hnd cure for dyspopsiljj liver complaints, constipation, hoadkche, diir zinesß, pains in the back, kidney complaihtsj' jaundice, female weaKnens, luniVngo, penera. debility, gravel, gout, seiofuln, cancerous hu mor, erysipelas, salt-rheum, ringworm, pim plus itrd humorß on the face, old ulcers, rncu matism, mercurial and syphilitic affeetibns It removes ail mercurial or other poisons, from the blood, and soon restores the system to perfect health and purity. pale, yellow, sickly looking skin s soon changed to one of beauty , freshness “lid health It will cure any chronic 01 long-standing diseases, whose res’, or direct cause is bad blood. A trial will prove it. Thousands have been snatched as it Weu from the grave by its miraculous powei. who. now enjoy health and happiness, where once all was misery. It invigorates and strengthens tlio whole system, acts upon the secretive organs, alluys inflammation, cures ulceration, and regulated the bowels. DR. PEMBERTONS STILLINGIA OR QUEENS DELIGHT GIVES' health, strength and ai petite. It purifies the blood, and renovates and in vigorates the whole system, Its medical prop ! ferries are alterative, tonic, solvent, and diu retifi. Foi testimonials of wonderful cures, send to the Proprietor, or call on your Druggist. Tbo genuine is prepared only by L>R. J. S. PEMBERTON, Chemist, Atlanta; Ga. For sale by all first-class druggists. Office of G W Adair, Wall Cttcet, Atlanta, Ga., July 16, 1876. , Dr. J. S. Pemberton —Dear Sir: I have used yoi r extract of Stillingiafor a chron-; ic skin at ection of many years standing; which made a c ire after all Other remedies had fa il ed. 1.4 ve known your stillingia used in the worst ot Bof scrofula, secondary, sypliilictic diseases heumatism, kidney and liver affect ions, wi great success. In fact, I have netr known i o fail in the ircst desperate cases. I conside i the greatest blood purifier known. Yours truly, J C EVANS. JSfFor sale by Jones & Carswell, Con yers, Georgia.