Rockdale register. (Conyers, Ga.) 1874-1877, April 20, 1876, Image 3

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Rockdale Register. ONYKBS- GA./FhURSDAY APR Coktkm, Ga.i Dec: 29rd, 1875. At a meeting ot the stockholders of k* Rockdale Register 'iMbliahrag Company, eld thia day, the following officers were elec ed for the eneuing rear i Übo \V. Olkatiln, President. a. H. Zachbii Vice-President. T ‘ j rnKADW*ix, Treasurer. ■yv P. Rzxd, Secretary. X.'c. McCxtrJt; Ed. and Bus. Man. Legal advertisements in ust liereafier a naid for iri ttdvrtnce. No deviation from jTiirule will be mode at any time, or under ' circumstances. All, advertuawenta must I handed in before 12 O’clock, m., on Wed leitday, th* day before publication. ie 3 Register Cos. ASilB llt9lß{BTiyy New Vmhicli.— Dr. A. C. W. Travis im anew vehicle. It* a little buggy. Col. J N Glenn, one of the leading ittorneys of Horae, Ga., expects to move o Conyers, shortly, to practice his pro vision. We welcome all such. The latest novelty In the way of a drink in Conyers ia a “Cider Flipp,” ith an egg in it. Go to Jaek Hill's Ind try it for yourself. - Our Presbyterian friends have bought jeround for their new churoh on Deoatur btreet. Mr. James Marston has taken the contract, and when completed, the building will be an ornament to Con yers. I'koosamme of the Pressytbriaw Sabbath Schooi. os Conyers, 6th o Mat. —Music. First and opening song, *• Welcome To All." Speaker :M. K. Stewart, Music, second, “ White as Snow.” S D Might, Superintendent. Hen. L F Livingstone bat been elect* M Chairman of the Democratic Execu iire Committee of Newton county, and E Womack, Esqr, Secretary. Newton county sends A. B. Simms, Capers Dickson, James W right and T J Shepherd as delegate# to Millcdgeville, ApTil 26th inst. Our impression is that we will have a “ triangular fight" in Rockdale county tor Governor. It will be between three men. Dr. J J W Glenn carried home with him last Saturday, a bran new* bull pup. At first we couldn’t imagine what the Doctor wanted with it—him or her— hut a second thought convinced ns that he wanted a protector, in his rambles. When he goes out to promeuand* , He looks no fine ana gu y. He has to take his pup along To keep the gills away ! Debtors. All persons indebted to the Register for last year, for subscriptions, advertisements or in any other way, must com; forward and settle, as we are needing the money. The Company have ordered me to bring suit on all claims that are not settled. If you won't want to tie sued come and pay up. A. 0. McCalla. Editor and Business Manager. Mureh 7th, 1870 —no>32-tf. Conyers has the notoriety now of MVIIig rt sheep that sucks most of the Hows here. Thai accounts for the scarc ity of milk in this place. We used to hear of biting animals dtiring the war, and the late of a sheep that Ms foolish enough to alterriot to bite and sdldier. We have ridtltlrijv iii particdlar against the “lost sheep" of Cdtiyers: but would Sty it d’oUltl riot be aiiiili if she went tliH wily that fill biting 91leep tried to yd. Most of tiie liiisiiieSs noiisbS iri Con. yore have run up their flags—the red, white and blue. " They have hung their banners on the out ward walls Their castle strength will laugh to siege a scorn.” “ Wave Munich all fliy BannSfs— Wave and charge with all thy chivalry.” Jfyogrees is the banner of Conyers. “Unconquered banner keep it still”; don't fold it, but let it wave. Col. S G Jonnson, agent Atlanta Times, is in Conyers, this week, solicit, ing subscribers for bis paper—one ot the best in the State. We are author i*ed to state that the Times is in no way bonnected with the late Herald or Con. tier. f'itfd *S©ridoi& , tlev. W. D. Heath, paitor Conyefs M. E. Churoh, South, preached a splen did missionary sermon last Sunday. The ofily fault we found with it, wtfS its length. We heard the same otjefctlb'h urged by others. itTs/s. A. Rockdale Sunday School Association will hold .its annual Celebration f'tff this year, at Conyers, on Saturday, 6th day of inav. Everybody is invited; espe• cially all the Sunday School people of the county. On a Visrff. Mrs. Kitty Stewart and dhftflfen left for Montvale Spnnga, TenrieWeri, last Monday evening. Little King Sfewart promised to write back letters to ail bis rtlatives, if his Mama would sign bis name to them after he had written them. Mr. J. A. B. Stewart remains in Conyers during Mrs. Stewart’s absence, visiting her parents. Arch takes it rather hard, being left behind; though we have hopes ot him making a first class bache lor, at least, during uie summer. List of Candidates. Candidates for the next Legisla'ure are increasing in number and are coining to the front thick and fast. Several new names are spokeu of. We propose shortly to publish a list of prospective candidates for Rockdale ; and revise and correct the list as new candidates come on or old ones drop off the stage. If we leave out any names of those con cerned, we hope the public, or the iudi vidual interested, will inform us of the fact. ” i'°r all the world’s a stage, And the m.m and women merely players; -sch have their exits and entrances— And one man in his time plays many parts.” Y. M. C. A. At a meeting of the Young Men’s Christian Association, of Conyers, last Sunday evening, the following gentlemen were elected as delegates to attend the annual Convention of the Young Men's Christian Association of Georgia, to be held in Atlanta; Georgia, April 21st, 22d and 23rd ult.: Dr. A. C. W. TniVis, Prof, John F. McClelland, and A. M. Helms, Esq. -- A Mouse or Hat —lt takes oifo so£en men (with sticks,) to kill a irtouso; and two dozen to kill a rat, in Codycrs. • A Good Servant. —CaptitlH John jf. Zachry has anew servatit—if Swede that is very popular. She suits ttife CHb tain to a T. Piscatorial Club. The Piscatorial Club of Conyers had another one of its meeting last week. Present—Messrs. Broadnax and Reagan. The session lasted two days. Tlia prin cipal business before the club was, “how to (do) bait, so as to avoid the usual luck of fishermen.” They (a) bailed, with the tiHVilege of (re) baiting. The olub lias had a two-days session this tVfeek. They met, as is oustoiuary, on thb clasdib banks of Yellow Rivet, Their eiperieribe (as we thought,) yield ed splendid reilllti. The club have had good luck this weeft. Have caught sev eral red horse, as sbll as blue cat. We kuew they would. N.bit tithe, hang your coat# on a hitkdry ilthb, Arid don’t go near the water; —theil jerk: Bargains! We took a wa'k through tllb estab lishment of Downs A LatigfohJ; last Saturday. They have on hand a large stock ot buggies, carriages, wagons, wheelbarrows, eto. Parties wishing scything hi their line will do well to call, aa they are selling at extremely low figures for cash—and nearly as cheap to good men on time. Patronize home in dustry. From Good to Bettetfi Those whom I have heretofore solicited to the Relay House, of this city, will now find me with the old and reliable hotel, the Whitehead House —£. Thorn, Manager. M. W. ALMAND. The latest thing in the way of a sen sation in Conyers is regular old-fashion, ed foot racing. Avery is firs! best; Ilenry McCord second best. They are the only ones that have tried their mus cle*. so far. When some new roan does, we fear Avery will be second and Hen ry third best. Delegates to Millcdgeville. A. C. McCai.i.a, D. N. Bakkr. ALTSRNATR6. J. C. Barton, J. A. Kennedy. Co>lht.i>l ents. —Col. J. C. Birton. our County Sbhool Commissioner, will please accept d'.ri thanks for a copy of In struct ioti ill tllb S'chbol Law, issued by Prof. Orr, MartiH; ia7.l. Vv'hen J. E. MaddoA gets lonely lie has a regular “stag darice” iH His Un X Ld . Lisha does the fiddling him self, while the boys cross hands and torin a ring. Balance all; swing bdl ners aud cut the pigeon wing. Rockdale county has two clubs; tiie Honey Credk Agricultural Club and tiie VV. L. Peek. They must be a rather selfish set oi fellows; at least, they fail to carry out ihe Scriptural injunction of “letting their lights sHfne, that other men see ing,their works, may be benefitted there byT’ 1 They rather light their own can dles ami put them under a bushel. Let the people hear from you through the columns of Ihe Rkroistkk. Gentleiiien; let your deeds be known. Ctli- fai-rliefS still continue to buy gu ard,’ provisiorls, file., on tune. They might to make tiie one and raise the other. Times will never be prosperous heie till we ledl fi to be self-sustaining. iftsii; Mr. T. C. Posey is' dbiflg to let off his fish pond in a few days. He wants just two hundred and of liiS rela tives and friends to be on liana, ( with their own luricli tiadkfets filled With the good things 6f this life. If they come as he directs theifi; he promises all pres ent a good lime and a first-class dinner f and Btippet; tod; if Ibey will ,go h’diiie and Cdok: Coffie Wife, come , all, of this braise hand of two Hundred arid fifty, and let’s have a rousing time. If friend Posey don’t stop his extreme liberality we will have to put his name Off ofir tandidatorial list. {rood News, Jkfr. t. fl. Taylor,. photographer, has fitted up,a fir Sf-class gallery with large sky-light, in this place,' for the,purpose of doing first-class worF. Uu’rmg Jus absence Mr. Henry Mur phjr; vfti'o rfide/s tends the,art thoroughly, will have charge of the .. .. 9et< ike Hbitch 3t 6. H. Taylor, in this issdfe'; He h'as procured the services of Mi. Murphy, and artist of ability, who will have cn#rgp of tbe, business in tne absence of Froff Taylor. -$ -i Viai{oni to Conyers will see by the card of Webster Alraand that be • now with the W hi'ehead House; Webb is a good hotel, man; His irtany frisnda will find him O. K.—right fide tip with care. Call and see hftti. Messrs. T. J. Christian ancf J. P. Til ley went on a visit to Doraville, in De- Kalb county, last Saturday, returning Sunday night 10 o'clock;, ~ We can sorter understand why Jeff made the trip. He has relatives there and there about. Hut the thing that puzzles us most is why Tilley went. Doraville is a good leng ways oJ—and in a buggy, too : and no kilh or kin— it’s strange. Still, Tilley’s eyes look brighter after the trip He speaks of how the lights in the house burned bright. What house? How friendly the people were. What people? About Miss May. Is it the next month after April) or is it some other May ? Love towards love as school boys from their books; Love from lore, to school with heavy looks.” Personal, Rev. D. Sliavbr, formerly of Conyers, and at one time chief editor of the fim Hkoistkh, but now of Augusta, Ga., is now in our town, on a visit to his family here; Mr. and Mrs. Reed and A. IT. Shaver. We welcome the Doctor back among His host of friends here; and especially to the sanctum of THk KeHistkil He will remain with us onty ii few days; Democratic Meeting. , Pursuant to a ball ot the Democrats of Rockdale coefi’y for the purpose of appointing delegates to attend a meet ing of the Democrats of the State lo be held at Milledgbville on the 26th of April, instant, a £ood many citiJfbns met at the Courthouse on last Saluj-dtiy April 15ln: The meeting tvas called to order by Hon; E B Rosser; cliaifthah bt the Dbrtiocfatlb Executive Coni m lithe of said Mr fib briefly stated thb ob ject of the ffieelittg: On motion of Dr. J J W Glenn if committee of thb fob lowing gentlemen were appointed to present to the body a suitable persoii io act as delegate—W L Peek; J J W Glenn and Col J W Pruett. The names of A C McCalla and D N Baker were presented, who were unanimously se lected, with the privilege of chosiug al ternates. On motion, it was agreed that at the next meeting of the Demo cratsof said county,a reorganization would be had and new officers elected. The meeting then adjourned subject to the eall of the chairman, A M HELMS, E B ROSSER, Secretary. Chairman Rockdale Sunday Sehooll Asso ciation, 1870. MEETING—FIRST SATURDAY IN MAY NEXT. Conyers, Ga., April Bth, 1876. The executive commit lee met and was called to order by J. F. McClelland, P resident. On motion, the following was adopted as a programme lor the exercises of the day: Song, by the entire H*ftociation—“Cor onation." Prayer, by ltev. Henry Qu'gg. Song, by the entire association— “ Shall We Gather at the River.” Salutatory, by Conyers M. E. S. ff. Song, by Conyers M. E. S. S. Speech, by Smyrna Presbyterian §. S. Song, by Smyrna Presbyterian S. S; Speech, by Conyers M. E. S. S. Song, “ “ “ . , Speech, by Conyers Baptist 8. S. Son,g “ “ Speech, by Conyers Presbyterian S. S. Song, “ “ “ “ Speech, by Ebineza M. E. S. S. Song, “ “ “ Speech, by Z 'on Ba| list S. S., “ “ “ “ Speech, by Union M. E S. S. Song, “ “ “ “ Speech, by Paper Mill S, S. Song, “ “ Speech, by Philadelphia M. E. S. S Song, “ “ “ Song,by entire Association—“Four tain.’’ Annual address by Dr. 0. L. Smith. Song, by entire association—“ Jifcus Lover of My Soul.” Reports from all the different schools belonging to the Association. Miscellaneous mattet. Mil. Editor :—You will confer a favor by jjublishing the foregt ing program niH Tile Association will meet in front of (He Methodist church in Conyer/, and tlib jjroCession will be formed pi°cisely ■ft i) i,‘clock, a. in., on Saturday, the Gib Say of May next, aud will march to the Academy grounds. The forming of the procession will be under the control of A i J. Utiygood, Matlhal of the day.'. . . , There will be a“ basketsdinner” spread on the oceasio'ij. u * The Sunday Schools ftorri (he fidjoin ing counties are cordia iuvitstl. Very Retpectfully,’ J. C. B^RTdN,’ Sec. It. S. s; A. urns', The firm of Weaver and Granade is this day dissolved by mutual consent* G. W. Weaver having bought out the interest of J. L. Gran ge— w ill continue the business, selling at bot tom prices for cash, and cash only. Give him a call. April 19th, 1865. G. W. Weaver, n039 J. L. Granade. • • f ' AGENTS WANTED! Medals and di plomas awarded .for HOLMAN'S new PICTORIAL BIBLES. 1800 Illustrations. Address fpr new-circulars, A. J. HOLMAN ft CO., 930 Arch street, Phi. SHERIFFS SALE JUNE. Ilf il T h'd before tie Courthouse door, in VI tKe town of Conyers, within the .legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June, the following property, to-wit: One hundred and forty acres of land, more or less, number 314, jin the 10th district of originally Henry noiy itockdale county, bounded as follows : North, by Daniel Chandler; South, by Kilpatrick’s land; East and West, by lands of Ralph Neal. Levied on as the property of B. F. Carr, to satisfy two fi fas issued from Roods’.? Superi or Court, in favor of Winship 4 Bro., versus B. F. Carr. Property pointed out’ by plainf tiifs att >rney. F. J, WHITEHEAD, Sheri vr. 1 •.j i > f- . G E O E G I A —Rocdale Covntt. Emily Smith 1 Libel for, Devores, Rock versus 7 dale- Superior Court Spring Daniel Smith. ) Term, 1876.' Bule,fo perfect service. It appearing to the ■t by the return of the sheriff that the de fendant does not live in this county; and, it further appearing that said defendant does not reside iff this State ; .it is cm motiO'if. ot counsel ordered, that, said defendant.,be and appear/and ah ewer at the ifnft' tefm of this courtj else the case Will be considered in de fault, and the plaintiff allowed to. proceed ; and, it is further ordered, that th nr rifle bo published in The Rockdale RvuisriEri, a newspaper published in Conyers, in said coun ty, oSce a month for four months, befcnW, the next term of this court/ J. C. BARTON, Aprill3 Plaintiff’s Att’y. A true extract from the minutes of Rock dale Superior Court/ Sp'/fiYg Term, 1876. T J TREADWELL, CI.KKK. - (SEOROlA— Rockdale Countt. Whereas, William R. Allen, having made application to me for the Exemption of Per sonalty and setting apart a homestead, I will pass upon the same on the 24th day of April, 1876, at 10 o’clock, at my office. March 30th, 1876! O. SEAMANS, n37-4t. Ordinary. THB NATIONAL HOTEL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 1 the Tates of board A A r* Aat this popular . hotel have boon \ / (Hlreduced to $2.50 per day! For thisYWltf Vp r i ce o ff oV ac . emnnrodutions and fore unsurpassed by nny three pr forir dollar house in the South. Coiuo hfld Ret an old Virginia welcomed LEE A HEWITT, Promo eto its; Is YOUR ITFE WORTH TEN CENTS f Sieknei’s p’revsils everywhere, niid eveiy body coidpl.ains of some disease during their life. Whyn eiek, the object is to got well ; now we j*y plainly that no person iu this world that is suffering with Dyspepsia. Lives Complaint and its effects, such uh Indigestion Cotivehet%, Sick Headaeho, Sour Stomach Hoart bUrn, Polpiutt.ion of the Heart, Depress ed Spims. pilliy.'isriea, Ac., can taka Green’s August Flower without getting relief and cure If you doubt this, go to ydUr Druggist W II Lee A Son; and get a Sample Bottle for 10 donta and try it. Regular sl*o 75 oects. Two coses will relieve you. To S/aii Priycrs. The tax payers of Rockdale county are here by notified that my books are now opened for tax returns of this year (1876). Farmers, must come prepared to make re turns of the quantity of crops produced last year; and the amount of land cultivated in the various crops planted this year. W. T. HU SON, April 6, 1876—lrn. Tax Rxceiter. Q^EORGI A—RoclffiAua County. Whereas, Robert l’lunket having applied to me for Exemption of Personalty and Valua tion of homestead, I will pass upon the same on the 17th day of April, at 10 o'clock, a. in., at ay offico. March,29th, 1876. O. SEAMANS, Ordinary. ASSIGNEE’S NOTICE. In the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Georgia—ln the matter of Thomas J. Nelms, Bankrupt. Thia is to give notice, once a week, for three weeks, that we have been appointed Assignees of the estate of the above named Bankrupt, who resides in Rockdale County in said Dis trict. E. B. ROSSER, .- 9: Oi BARTON, tio-35-?f: Assiqnbes. fmKORoiA. RCIC&DALE COUNTY: y. Brown) of Henry county, Ga. having made application to the Court of Ordi nary to be appolhted Guardian of the person and property df Alison Brown, a minor, under the age of foitfteen years, a resident of Rock dale county. This is cite all persons con cerned; u> be and lippear at the next term of this coiirt, to he held on Monday, the Ist day of May next, to show causl? if KriJ they cap,' why the said J P Brown shduld pot be eritrilst ed with the guardianship of t,hq. said Ab HOU Brown. Given under my hand and official sig nature, this M"rst 21st, 1876. O. SEAMANS, v OnbiNAK-?. pROPOSALS FOR BUILDING A BRIDGE. There will be lot to the loweitt bidder, tlvjß building of a Bridge on the public road across the branch running through the land of D. N. Hudson on Tuesday, the 2nd day of May next, \’o bid will be received only private, and sealed ip, and must be deposited in the Ordinary’# nftico by 12 o'clock on that day, after which time Die bids will be opened, examined and the best interest of the county considered, and the contract closed. Plan and specification may be seen at any time iu the Ordinary’s of fico. O. Seamans, March 24, 187G—lin. Ordinary. SPECIFICATION. One span of 5 sleepers 26 feet long 12x12 all heart; the butts at each end to be built of good sound timber, and to extend back along the road so I hat. the dirt or filling in, may make tilt buttment and bridge level with the rock at south-west end of the Bridge ; and the butt merit on the ofchrir tffdq to be raised in like .'tu ner high en-.ugh to make the Bridge level; The top piece of timber ncj-oss the buttment at each cud of the Bridge on which the sleep ers rest must be hewed 12x12 J 2 feet loug, all heart; flooring 12 feht lone, li inch thick, all heart; a hewed piece of, timber 12x12. laid on each side of the Bridge/ to extend across the whole length of the Bridge; pitied down to the sleeper.' CONY&US PRICES CURKKNT. CORRECTED WEEKLT BY STEWART A MCCALLA. . , cofrouf We think reached ihe lowest price for the sea son, during the last days of February. Sin e the first of tfie jnonth there has been a slight improvement,ip all grads af cotton. We tnink parties holding,cotton will do well to sell du | ring the present pionth, Many sold before the Idet of March, and it is pot likely they will j have cause to regret ij,, Mfheu. the acres to be planted becomes knov/n,’ jyjd it is our opinion that it 1/e greater than last year,' cotton will weaken and go lower in price. We quote Cotton —G<?od midlings.....' lQl(<Ell. Mid1ing5.,...........1Ufe11* Jjoi f midlings,. 9f@lo Tmged,.9 @ 91 e 4 stains, 7 (S 7J Blue " 5 C< 6 Dirty Blues and Rod 4 (g 6 I PROVISION MARKET. i Meat—C R Bulk 12j@13 L C * Bulk Shoulder 91(910 Bulk Ham 5,..................... 14 <915 Smoked, Pig Ham5..,.........17 <9lB Canvassed “ 124(®17 Com,—Sacked... 82 @BS Flour —Extra Family,.per barrel...sß @B4 Family, per barrel s6i@7 Groceries— I Coffee,., 25 (*27s Sugar, Standard ft. 12 @l2 J , " N. 0„ Fancy llt@l2 " . Raw ~..10 @ll . Yellow C’a, 10 (sell syrup, n @75 “ " Prime .65 &70 ifitolaases, Sugar.House,..,'...'4o @45 ~ “ Cuba 4 Musoovadosf> @6O Qil, Ketosene ..-.'......25 @3O l Small Groceries unchanged. DRY GOODS I- V* • . • Never so cheap for Cash. MONETORY. NeAer so scarce since the talf ot the Confeder acy. Wait no Longer. Tfaving Bold out our enti-s stock of goods tt II Mr. J. 8. Anthony, who proposes to con tinue business at our old stand, and whom we take great pleasure in recommending to o*l old customers as a perfect gentleman, and 8 man who will do the right thing by all who will give him a trial. Our object in thus closing out is to win a up ovfr bmsfneKS, .afrit ipe kiffdly ask All those whe have notes' arid accounts with us to., coujp for ward and settle/arf we-are compelled • to- have money. A V*)KD TO THB WISETS SUF FICIENT. Respectfully, NIGHT & WHITE. P. S. Parties wishing to settle will alwayr and me at the old stand. S. D. N. , Ij'he Greatest Medical Discovery OF THE XlXth CENtUit^. HEALTH, r.IAI TV, AND IIAMTNEB UESTOUEIIO #i6KliN W#ll]lllilOOa ! Dlt . J . BRADFI ELI) *8 FE M ALE REGU LA T 6 Woman's best emend. itb operations Ere qritbk and sure: and it never fails to cure; Thankful for the very flattering reception ttld Female Regulator has wet ipth from all fot tions of the country, the Proprietor begs to annouhee that he has largely inch’sspd hla mufi - factuf-ing facilities, and Hopes that before loug he will bo rfblo to place within the reach of e\-ery silffering woman, this, the greatest boon of her sox.. j I’RICE 1 50 per Bottle. , &®’"SciUl by all in the United S(:ito.&jj Ij. 11. liflAlJFtfiLD, Atlanta , Georgia , Proprietor. ’ READ! RE-VDI! K il IS well known to doctors nnd ladies that women are sulijoct to enormous diseases pecu liar to their sex,—such as suppression of the mensj-s, whites,' painful monthly periodicals; rheumatism of the hack and womb, irregular menstruation, hemorrhage or excessive “flow" prolapsus, uteri, or falling of the womb. , blooming in all Ktr Prist v Beauty, heattH, strmglK and elasticity. fvtß doctor'aftmr dnt .r Riitlk.ihie; Ga:, Febriltu-y 18/1874. This is to certify that my WifewJjU iln ir\yßltl| ft>r six years Had disease of the' womb and headache, weight in lower littjt Hi. inn baoK ; suffered from languor, exhaustbm and nervous ness, loss of ap|>etitc and fleshy had become so exhausted nfi'l wollt, hot friends were pprehensive she would heVer gbt woll. Tried doctor after,doMs; ji)eh| rhedii-lnem lad despaired of llSr lttl{)roveiuent, when fortnfatoly she commenced lin Dr. Bradfield's Fe male Regulator. She is now woll; throe or four bottles cured hor; Improved in health, ap petite and flesh j she ia blooming in all her pristine b'e*uty, strength, and elasticity.’’ I re gard yon as Mbf. Pteelbr from the dark portals of death,—and my benefactor. May your shad-’ ow never tfrHw I AAA, and you never become weary in well-doing. JOHJC'BHAKP. . nrFoI Bile by W. H: LEE atid JONES & CARSWELL Cbfij’ef#, Gil: o bobbbo obooH o 000 oooooooooooooooS 000 O OODOOO 00000 o oooooooooooHbbbbhbboboobooooboobboooooooonooooooooobooooooooob ooooooooooooooobobooooobbbbbbobbbbbooooooooooboohoooooooooooob bobboo , 000 000 feibbbbbob PACIFIC GUANb fcbMPitNf; bbbofcbbb oooobb bbobbti oooooooodboboooooooooooooooooobodHbbbobobbobboooobobooooooooGo oooooooooooobbbbbbbbooboboboo()obool)coobooooooooooboooooooooooo o booooo 00000 o > 000 dlib’Bobbbbbobbbbo 000 o oooobb bbbob o Capital * iI.OOOiOOO ! SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANtI compound acid phosphate, i bsipbWirii Abib phosphatE; COMPOSTING irt ifob TT 0 N SEED. 1 THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FERTILIZERS IN USE. _. - , . *, _ IXTXOBUCIPIS I|H, Soluble Paciflo Guano Cash .' S4B 00 Soluble l’acifio Guano. Time, Cotton Option, lfio 60 00 Compound acid phosphate cash 86 00 Compound acid phosphate, Time, cotton option, 150 42 Ob Freight from Augusta to Conyers $2.40 per Ton. DELIVERED AT ANY DEPbT IN THE CITY FREE OF CHARGE., Time sales payable Ist of NOVEMBER, 1876, without ifH&rest,' with option of paying it Middling cotton at 15c, delivered utydur raflroacl defbt. J; O MAITHEWSON A COli K'l w .o.v M . - . , . AdENTsJ A V fait A} GtitiUOU. STEVTAuT .V McCALLA, Agents, Conyers, Ga. Have You A Dollar? for on£ EolLar we will sfcNti, pdsTAciiii-Hii} Hit ffalti IfclSSi i ■ f K m _ *” • V tiiwx] . ... * . f . 4 J - • t contains ALL THE NEWS of thepast seven days,’ collected by the nta andhia correspondents of the New York Daily World, and in fulness, accuracy and entorpr tin respect is unequalled. < 2. Its AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT contains tlic latest news of fafrm experiments at home and abroad, contributions by home and foreign writcis, full reports %f the Farmers Club of the American Institute, and quotations of valuable and interesting articles appearng in the agricultural weeklies and magazines. 3. Its GRANGE NEWS, to which attention is specially called, is a .feature which can bo foilttd th no dther paper. All the resources at thy command pf a,great metropolitan daily nedspitper itfd employed ih its ctdlflction, end the reßylt is a pace each.week where the mem bers irfay find a 'Complete record of the work of tfie order lor fne Seven days. In sridi tiori to this weekly record, The World gives.the cream ot all th& Ideal gHtttge papers in every, slate. This department is and will continue to bo under the charge of one of the active members of tbe orper. ~ i .. , 4. For tho fIRESID,B DEPARTMENT, in adrUtioy to its attractions, such a? poetry, miscellany humorous extracts, Ac., during the coming year, there will be not loss than one hand red shorf tale-; by Hio best vriters of fiction in England and Amerioa. 5. The MARKET RETORTS, brought down to the hour of publication, are the best that n o made. Each market is reported by one whoso special knowledge and training myke the bt-Bt authority upon that subject in the United States. For accuracy and oom lete'i ahe market reports of of The World are unrivalled. "The World if not only the host bu£ cheapest newspaper eyor.ptteyei the farmer. 1 " SEMI-WEEKLY (104 Nos.) $2 a Jc.-tr. DAILY ?\? Nos.) slopr eyear. Specamcn copies sent upon applicati on. Address THE WORLD, 35 PAKK ROW, NEW YGRK. jfll EGREAT ES’lit OHfIAN! IgMkr bi b* rnmlk HHBf ■. ‘ .p • f•f 9• • '• t * |Tlitt MOST OKGAN MAN in /fi* WORD^ 1000 ORGANS MADE E'flElfY MONTH OF THE MOST ELABORATE STYLE** , MPUOVED TONE aNd SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION. TJIe Mo3t, Mqtf'FCT itKED ORGAN MADE. THE FINEST ME CHANIOS and IN tEffTOKS OF THE AGE EMPLOYED. The only organ manufacturers who give written warrantees. Special discountsto Churcst and Schools. Reliable ifgontß Wanted in deorgia, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina an* and for Illustrated atalogues to G A*. Guilford, South* rn Agent 52 Whitehall Stbkkx, . . ATLANTA, GEORG QL D HUNDRED! THE “ROCKDALE RKOISTE B*' And Louisville WE K KL Y COURIER-JOtJRrtA i Qne jenv for Three Dollars. Two papers for hifle ihoYe lhaii the price o -H home Send us three dollars and receive'your./ paper with the " Courikb-Journal,” tbebe/t. wittiest, brightest and ablestcity weekly in tie country. &*.’A. ! Roofing gutterfrig,' and job work of eveiy in fin and sheet iron, will be iirfie promptly arid reasonably, by J. S- Antho atAV, CeVnV ' Conyers, Ga., tWe sign of •The Dig Rod Coffee-Pot, T tf M DOWN, Hut not broken'. lat ifeir selllng Cooking Stoveif if ffrtceg never before heard, of; " seeing is believing-”; so give me a call before you buy. J. s. aNtDony, Commorei.'il St., ConvMi, Oft Sign Of “The Big, Red Coffee T’ot.'”