Rockdale register. (Conyers, Ga.) 1874-1877, June 08, 1876, Image 2

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Rockdale Register. By the Register Bublitying Company A. V. Mci’ALLA, Kttitor Mxt Buslne** Mwia^r •jiu hlkXualk Kicui*tic <*" omy 7, c0 Dollar* f*r annum It ha* o large and constantly increaeing cirtndo tion., and it ont of the >'*ry best adver tising medium* in the State. tTSWTvS COUNTY JUDGEMENT. In tbe County Court of Newton Coon •..on last Satpnlay, in the vwe ot Jol n & ti ff.n, n. Davidao* A Richanla. Il< n J T H.m'rrfon Judjto pienuVin*. Tin coart held the detendant* liable for f 100 .Umagc*, on account (a* altedged) that plnintif bought of defendant, .puriou. r powwou. guano, jahioh drra.ged h * crop In 1574, the above amount. It tony be‘ good law, but it • bad pre cedent. ■ THE COURIER. On loot Saturday, the long .ought for and muchly expected Conyer. Couritt, n c de it* ap|>* ranee. It ia a uprightly, naw.y aud entertaining heet. Publish ed by Measra. Shaver A Scott, and ed iud by Wallace P. Heed. It ia needle** for aa to aay anything about Mr. Reed, M he ia known to new.|a|>er men not only in (•eorgit, but a. a correspondent fat several Northern and Eastern papers The readers of the anuiantß will cer tainly recognise him. To the Courier, its edit* r, publisher*, and other attaches, we extend the right hand o! fellowship, sad .welcome it into the ranks ot journalism : wishing it suc cess and a career of honor and useful- MM. HON. THOMAS HARDEMAN. Ob Monday of this week, Col. Thomaa liarieman, of Macon, (who they aay la. a candidate for Governor) waa in Con* y.n, and addrerat-d the ciiiiena of Hock dale county, in the Court Houae at 3$ o’clock, r. x. Col. 11. had a good crowd, taking' into consideration the buaytiroca, Ac. Several ladioa were preaent, and by the time appointed ft r the address the Court llouae waa nearly fall. On motion, Judge E. B. Hoaaer, Chairman ot the Executive Committee of the Democratic parly of Kockdale oounty, waa called to the chair, and A. M. Ilelma, Kaq , the permanent Secreta ry of the same was requested to act us Secretary of the meeting. The speaker was introduced to the audience by Judge Rosser in a short pithy style ; and then the distinguished eloquent gent etnhn, amid the applause of his hearers, entered on his misß.on, which was to enlighten, instruct, and convince, as well aa to please. His well earned reputation of by gone years tor oratory was well sustained. lie has not lost any ot the fire of youth. The ge nius of ora'ory has only been mellowed and beautified by the sad experience ot tha past coupled with the glootn and desperation of the present. The speaker gave his hearers a vivid pioture ot the causes ot offr troubles. He attributed it not ouly to reconstruc tion in Washington and at home; not only to bad legislation in the general and State government; but by bad man agement oittsclvea. He said the gov ernment ot the United States was poor because it imported more than it expor ted. Georgia waa poor because she sent to the West tor her supplies, instead ot raising them at home. Cur people were poor because they bought more than they sold. Ho said that troubles were on us, but that trusting iu Gcd and rely ing on our own st mt hearts and strong •rma we oould and would not only re deem our country, but ourselves. He also paid a glowing, true and b-au tiful tribute to women. Said she had a sphere to work in and oould be ‘useful as well aa ornamental.’’ That she waa not only the stay and solace of man ill bis hours of ease and prosperity, but a com panion and help meet in times of want and distress. Let us tske ths advice given by the distinguished spesker and go to work and help save our country. Col. 11. did not one time allude to the faut that he wjs a candidate tor Governor. Several of our citisens had to ask him that qu< ■ tton after he got through 'peaking. That, he said, was with the people; ’twH for them to say. We don’t know whether Col. liarde nnn waa pleased with our town and people or not; but we do know that our people were not only pleased with his speech but with the speaker. We heard several speak for Hardeman. Thousands of Republcans would vote | r Tilden at opposed to almost every other prominent Republican aspirant 1 1 an Btistow, and Democrats all over the country would vote for Bi istow should their own party nominate a man teas dSstiirotlve’y associated with the Wroth of reform. Ths great mass of in dependent voters for either of these ran didates should but one be placed in nora uetioa—[Sau Francisco Call—Hep. About Newspaper Ethics. A great deal ha* been said about it. The true eyiem is that a nvwsp*)*- rojirWtc*r*can manage his own I usin>-ss osuit himseit. lie d< e* not enter tin craft for fnn, but to make a livelihood nd nv ke money it he t-sn —to manage hi* journal as he would auy private bu*- i iess—to lead public opinion it he can ; if uoi, to follow—tor public opinion a* a rule, nnleos swayed by extraordinary f Ossious' is oorrccL The people are led. Now, much hue and cry has been rawed against thi Tilden bureau for sending out ixtract* favorable to Tilden for pub. liration. It is not asked that they l-ein *erted free but is advertising in reading matter to be paid for. It is the Jpnresi business transaction in the world. It is no more than the frequent cards wt ’**' signed '.Many Citizen*,' ‘Populu*,', favoring A, B, C, for Kheriff*, constable, congress, Ac , for all of which a first ol** journal demands pay. The bureau if there l>e such a thing, does Dot ask in sertions in editorial columns ; the editor can dissent if he vhooses. The only thing required is for a certain amount is to insert certain articles, extracts from other papers, as paid advertisements Where has newspaper ethics got anything to do with the matter? They can in sert opinion* o" Tom, Dick, Harry A Co s, but not of an influential journal. They could publish proclamations of Bullock when they knew he was robbing Ihe slate, and make, enormous bills therefor but it is a violation of newspaper ethics to insert as reading matter au extract from the Courier-Journal, Richmond Dispatch and other lending journals as reading matter, if offered pay. Puff a c:.n lidate tor a county or state office as inucli ne you please, but you violate the ethic* when you dare Insert a paid para graph lor a presidential candidate from a bureau. In the one case you are help ing to inaniifactiiie public opinion and iu the other likewise, but the former is wrong, *y the ‘ultrait* though they both amount to the same thing. It may sound grandiloquent in words, but is not worth a cent iu practice. Manage yom business matters as any other bus iuess—that'!> sensible ethics, arid no mat ter what they say is the kind practiced. —[Columbus Enquirer. " *m ... AN HISTORICAL FACT. Every agent who has been steadily selling the Improved S2O Homestead Sewing Machine for three years, own* his dwelling house has a good nceount in bank, is clear of debt, and has money at interest, —the natural consequence of securing a good agency for superior goods at the lowest prices. A good first-class Sewing Machine, moat useful—reliable at all times, easy to understand and control, the same izo and does the same work as any machines that sell at Four Tines the price. There is no ma chine at any prio better, or that will do finer or more work, -nd certainly none so low In price by many dollars. The Homestead is wide ly known and used in thousands of families in the Eastern and Middle States, and daily be coming popular in the West. It will suve its coat several times over in one season, doing the work of the family, or will earn four or five dollars a day fur any man or woman who sew s fora living. It is the strongest machine ma de, is ready at all times to do its work makes the strongest and finest stitch yet in vented, and is fully acknowledged us the stan dard Family Sewing Machine. Price, complete for domestic use, S2O, delivered at your door, no matter how remote you may reside. Busi ness permanent and honorable, with more cer tain aud rapid sales, and larger profits than any other. Extraordinary liberal offers made to local or traveling agents where wo have uone established; or, if there is agent near you send your order direct to the factory, address John 11. Kendall A Uo., 630 Broadwuy, New York. 245-3 m THE LATEST NEWS. o About a dozen churches in Georgia within the last month have been robbed of the pul pit Bibles. Father Homan, with #9,000 and two young ladies, has mysteriously disappeared from Cincinnati. A Lowndes county darkey who is the father of fifty-three cLildrea is the champion chicken lifter. The band of thieves desperadoes known as the Georgia Tigers ia still operating iu Twiggs county. What will be done with Bullock ? is now the question. He has already declined to run for Governor. Mr. David James, of Clayton county, writes to the News, that his hogs were poiaend by eating the leaves of a poplar tree. A Small cyclone passed over portions of Washington county on Sunday, destroying fen ces, and in one instance blowing over a gin house. # The Columbos Enquirer reports a horrible case of incest, in which a man and his own daughter Were the actors. Tue man is iu jail at Opilika. Mr. Frank Mann, of Spalding county, ha* shown the editor of the Gridin News the first ootton boll of the season. The stalk is a little over one foot high. There is a Indy in Rome 102 years old. hale and healthy and sprightlier in body and mind than many octogenarians. She speaks of vis iting ills Centennial. Quite recently s house occupied by two color ed families near Bankston, in Monroe oounty, was rebbed and set on fire. Two children were burned in the dwelling. A Habersham oounty man is said to have brat his wife to death the other day. A diet of peach leather, raw oorn whisky and ted bugs will accomplish anything. On Triday last, two children of Mr. James < Street, a girl and boy, one thirteen and the other eight years of age, while playing in a spring branch netr Kingston, wire drowned. Hon. J. / .Crawford, of Bartow county, died from a hoe-sting, at his home near CassvUle, 'on Thursday. Hs w* at work around hi* Is* t ,n>i*. when Se received S sung on the fare >e*rt (rmi which he died in two tears. Ths UdUO.-vtUe Southron asys a M*. Husk in* hs* just Mato s ante ot one of oor Georg u o. Id mines to an English eompony for SWO,- 000. Tbs money wa* past in Atlanta hint | week. The mine oon'pruK* several hundred I arms of rich mining linds. The ingenious negroes of Wilkiinsou have trap* constructed of rope* and po es in the *wam|>* lor the purpose ot catch mg hogs. The new device of the cun- ! uitig rascals break a hog's neck before he hud lime squeal, and lie is skinned while suspended in the machine. A Gentleman informs the Camming Clarion that, while |lravel ng thnn |ih it, place Pi Bnlotd. not long ago, he saw a woman ploughing a man. The mail was actually hilt bed to the plough, and was pulling as well os a horse could. That is fie hugest fanning we have heard ol lately. GRAND EXCURSION . TO PORT ROYAL —ANI> UNITED STATES FLEET ON THE MORNING 0? 26th JULY NEXT, a train of Passenger Conches will leave Atlan ta, soon after the departure of the regular Passenger train, following the same, and arrive in Augusta about 4 o'clock p. M. Leave Au fusta about 9 r. u. same day, and arrive at ort Royal at 6A. u. 27th of July. A steamer will be in readiness at the wharf at Port Roy al, for all who feel disposed to visit the United State! Fleet and a short trip to the ocean, and return in the evening, when dancing will com mence when all may partake of tins social and harmless amusement. A fine band will accompany the excursionist the whole tiip. NO ADDITIONAL CHARGES MADE. Tho price of tickets covers all expenses, save refreshments snd meals. Tickets purchased prior to 20th of July will entitle the owner to Reserved Seats ; after that date, sales of tick ets with Reserved Seats will be closed. It will be a source of great satisfaction to most persons to embrace this occi ion to view the grand old ocean, ihe beach, shipping, and harbor, together with that delightful visit to the U. S. Fleet, now near Port Royal, where every courtesy will be shown them by the po lite and agree able officers in command. This excursion is gotten up at this late date, to enable tho Planters and Fanners to embrace the opportunity. Their crops, etc,, will by that time be finished, and all have leisure foi the trip. Tickets will be for sale by Agents, at all R. R. Stations, to the day of departure. CHARGES : From Atlanta to Port Royal and Return, $3.50 “ Conyers “ . “ 8.50 “ Greensboro “ “ 3.(K “ Milledgeville “ “ 3.00 " Athens •• " 3.00 " Washington “ “ 3.00 “ Augusta " “ 2.00 For Tickets or further information, apply to J. H. DAVIS, * Manager, Augusta, Gn. Or to T. 11. BRYANS, J..* Agent, Conyers. Ga. johnm illeix; e, ATTORNEY AT W. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. f‘fee 2J Pryor street, opposite Kimball House THE NATIONAL HOTEL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 1 the rates of board<f,£k K Aat tiiis popular hotel have been\/ I'll I reduced to $2.50 per day. For thi*' (JtU "price offer ac commodations and fare unsurpassed by any three or four dollar house in the South. Come and get an old Virginia welcome. LEE Ja HEWITT, • Fropiuetoks. Debtors. All persons indebted to the Register for last year, for subscriptions, advertisements or in any other way, must come forward and settle, ax we are needing the money. The Company have ordered mo to bring suit email claims that are not settled. If yon oon’t want to be sued come and pay up. A. C. McC alla. Editor and Business Manager. March 7th. 1876—n0-32-tf. $5 .to Agents Wanted for anew business, in which any active Man or Woman can $lO easily make $5 to #lO a day., One who had never canvassed before made $7.50 A in 1 hour; an experienced agent made $72.75 in 15 hours. Particulars free.— DAY C. A. Clegg, Manager, 69 Duane street, N, Y. "We know C. A. Clegg to be re- SVJiE sponsible and reliable, and think he of fers agents extraordinary induce ments.”—[N. Y. Weekly Sun, April 19, 1876. CONYERS PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BT STEWART A. MCC ALLA. COTTON Cotton —Good midlings ...10}@U Midlings, lUfellJ Low midlings, ~... 9s(a 10 . Tinged 9(? 9} Stains 7 (a 1 7J Bed stains, 7 {a, 7, Blue “ 5 @ 6 Dirty Blues and Bed 4 @) G PROVISION MARKET. Jfit-C R Bulk 12}@13 L C “ llnlk Shoulder 9} (S'lo Bulk Hams, 14 (o 15 Smoked Pig Hams 17 (a IS ■ Canvassed " ?2J(SI7 Com, —Sacked 82 @BS Flour—Extra Family, per barrel...#B (8J Family, per barrel... $6J@7 Qroceritt —Coffee,., 25 @271 Sugar, Standard A 12 (a 12, N. 0., Fancy Ilf (a 12 " Raw.. 10 (all Yellow C’e,. .....10 @ll Syrup, N O, 70 @75 “ “ Prime 65 @7O Molasses, Sugar House, 40 @'4s *• Cuba, & Mußcovadoss @6O Oil, Kerosene 25 @3O Small Groceries unchanged. IJRY GOODS Never so cheap for Oash. * MONETORY. * vei so scarce sinoe the fall of the Confede A P I?MTS! 73 subscribers in one day. /\IT l’J 1M I O Best literary paper. Only $1,60 a year. Three $lO chromos free. Mun veu A Sponsler, Pubs., Philapelphta, Fa. 4w HEAD THIS TWICE. ATTENTION FARMERS ! .i new Pall 0,475, Rl'BT ruKJV. We hare received frdtn Nr>va Srotitl a lot of the Nora Scotia or Canadian lilack Oat*. We believe thi* is the first time they have ever been offered for sale in the United States. The Gat* are much larger and heavier than the American Oat*. They are blaek, weighing from 3S to 40 pounds to the bushel, aad will yield front 70 to SO bushels to the acre on first i lass land. They are far superior to any oats ever produced in this country, and every farm ‘er should give them a trial. One package will produce need suffieiontfor planting 7 to 10 acres the following season. They are a Fall Oats and strictly rust-proof. Order early so as to be prepared for Fall sowing- I Package,.... o.#l 00 . . 2 00 r, •• 3 00 10 “J" 5 CK) The Oats will be sent prepaid by mail. Special terms to Agents. Send money by P. O. Order or Registered Letter. Address OSMENT fc CO., Cleveland, Bradley County, Tennessee. Absolute divorces obtained from Courts of different for desertion, Ac. No publicity required. No charge until divorce granted. Address M. HOUSE, 2-45-(im Attorney, 194 Broadway, N. Y. JAPAN PEAS! SOME 7 IIING E E W 200 BUSHELS TO THE ACRE. The Pea grows in the form of a bush. Three to five feet high, yielding from one quart to a half gallon of peas per bush' Fine for table use, and excellent for stock. In order to in troduce this new, valuble, aud wonderful pea in every county throughout the United States, we offer them in tniall quantities at half our reg ular price, thus afforing every person a chance to try them at a small cost. 1 Package '. ~..25 cents. 5 “ $1 00 Prepaid by .mail with circulars giving full directions for planting, cultivating Ac. Addieas OSMENT& 00 Importers, Growers and Dealers in New and Rare Seeds, Cleveland, Tennessee. Agents wanted for the New Historical work Our WESTERN BORDER. A complete graphic history of American Pio neer Life tOO Years ago. Its thrilling con flicts red and white foes. Exciting adventures, captivities, forays, scouts, pioneer women.and boys, Indian war-paths, camp life, and sports. A book for old and young: Not a dul page. No competition. Enormous sales. Agents Wanted everywhere. Illustrated oil culars free, J. C. McCurdy & Co.* Philadelphia, Pa. 4w UST otice. DR. J. H. WHITE has permanently located in Conyers for the purpose 7of practicing Physic. Diseases of Women, and all ChrOnic Diseases made a speciality The best of refer ences given. Offioe at the Store of D. S. But ler. maylß-no-44-6w, §®cimTM. UNIVERSAL HISTORY. to the close of the first 100 years of out Na tional Independence, including an account of the coming grand Centennial exhibition, 700 pages, fine engravings, low price, quick sales, extra terms. Send for circular. P. W. Zie gler & co,' 518 Arch st., Philadelphia Pa. 4w . : FOB COUGHS, COLDS and HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS, PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. For sale by Druggists generally, and JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS. For beßt chance in the world to coin money, U S Safety Pocket co., Newark, New Jersey. Fuller, Warren & Cos. manufacturers of STOVE RANGE The largest assortment and It in the n arket. FURNACE** GOLDEN CROWN REPORTER. SPIRIT OF ’76. OUTHERN GEM. AM) THE FAMOUS TEW ART IMPROVED. MEET THE WANTS OF EVERY DEALER. Correspondence invited. Price List, and Ou upon application to Fuller, Warren & Cos., 236 Water street. New York. 4w Increases the Quantity. Improves the Quality. ARMSTRONG’S LINCOLI BOTfER POWDER. GOOD FRESH BUTTER ALL THE VEAR ROUND. BUTTER IN 20 MINUTES. Lincoln Butter Powdei is an entirely harm less article made from a celebrated English recipe, arid now in daily use by many of the most noted farmers in the butter counties a round Philadelphia. In hot weather this Powder makes butter much firmer and sweeter than it usually is, and keeps it from turning rancid. It also removes the strong flavor of turnips, garlic, weeds, corn stalks, cotton seed, etc. ; and the increased yield of buttor much more than pays the tri fling expense of using it. 35 CENTS PER PACKAGE. WHOLESALE DEPOT : 106 MARKET ST.) PHILADELPHIA, PA. v11n044 6m 1870. 1870. ill IE GREAT CENTER II lit. o Parties desiring information as to best routes to the Centennial, or to any Summer Re sorts or to any other point in the country should address * B. W. WRENN, General Passenger Agont Kennesa w Route, tf Atlanta, Ga. PEABODY HOUSE COKNfcU 0E UMCCffT AKD NINTH STREETS., PHILADELPHIA* PA. f-., J? |P| Convenient te all places of amnsmuent and oar lineff in the city. No changes to and from the Centennial Grounds. Col. Watson, proprietor of the Henry House, Cincinnati for the past twenty years, and pres ent proprietor, lias leased the house for a teyni of years, and has newly furnished and tu.cdn throughout. He will keep a sttietly first-cWss house, and has accommodation for 500 guests.' Terms only 43 per dAv. . Cel. Watson is a native of YTrgiHio, and probably the cnly Hotel Proprietor in Phila delphia from the South. SQUARE GRAND PIANOS RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES, SOO for $650 tor $275 S7OO lor S3OO. S3OO for $350. the ‘MENDIiLSSOH?,’ PIAXO ID. HAVE STRUCK HARD PAN I’RICES ONLY ONE PRICE FOR CASH AND A LOW ONE. NO DEVIATION. We give no discounts. We pay no agents comm missions, which double the prices of all Pianos. We look to the people, who want a first-class Piano at a fair profit over cost of manu facture. We appoint the, People our agents, and give them our Pianos as low as any' agent call buy equally good Pianos of any other manufacturer, giving the People, in a reduced price, what is usually expended in commissions, rent, freight, travelling and incidental expenses. The “Mendelssohn” Piano Cos. call sell you a 7 j c c avo, rosewood case Piano, 6 feet 10 inches long, with front round corners, car ved legs, serpentine and plinth mouldings, with all improvements, including Full Iron Frame , Over Strung Bass, Agrafe Treble, and French Grand Action, which only accompany t!?e best Pianos of the most celebrated makers, at the very low price of 425 , $275 or S3OO, according to style of case, or with four round cor ners and full Agraffe for $350, and guar antee them in every respect equal to auy Piano made on asimildr, style, or no sale. The “Mendlessohn” Piailo Is manufactured from the very best materials, aftd by the most skilled and finished workifietl. The manufacture is conducted by otic of the most experienced Piano manufacturers in the country. This is uio new enterprise, turning out a pettr and cheap Pintlo, made from green wood, and by greener mechan ics, Our Piatm is unsurpassed by any ip t e mar ket for its rich and powerful tones, and its . adaptation to the human voice in sympa ffieticV tnStioy trod singing qualities. • It speaks for itself. We ar§ Willing t j place it beside any other make Of Piano on its merits, either in bbairty of case, or excellence of tone, and "at half the money” equally good instru ments. "The'best is the cheapest’’— When it costs the least money. All Pianos fully warranted for five years. Send for our Illustrated andilSespriptive Cir cular. ' THE -MENDELSSOHN’ FIANO CO., Office of Manufactory, 56 Broadway, 2tio44lßii) New Yofk, sll2 a day at home. Agents wanted. Out fitand terms free. Trle & Cos;- Augusta, Maine. tvol3-41 TUMBLED D O V? Nyj But not broken. I am now selling Cooking Stoves at prices never before heard of; “ seeing is believing’* so givfe me a call before you buy. J. 3. ANTHONY, Commercial St,, Conyers, Ga S gn of "The Big, Rid Coffee Pot.” SECURE AN AGENCY O and SSO or SIOO per week, “the ever ready and never out of order” HOMESTEAD ' S2O SEWING S2O MACHINE FOR DOMESTIC USE WITH TABLE and FIXTURES COMPLETE ONLY S2O. A perfect and unequalled, large, strong and durable machine, constructed elegant and solid, from the best material with mathematic al precision, for Constant Family use or manu facturing purposes. Always re.dy at a mo ment’s notice to do its day’s work, never out of order, and will last a generation with moderate care; easy to understand and manage light, smooth, and swift running, like the well regulated movement of a fine watch; Simple, Compact, Efficient and reliable, with all the valuable improvements to be found in Jthe highest priced Marines, warranted to do‘the same work, the same way, and as rapid ane smooth as a $75 Machine. An acknowledged triumph of ingenious mechanical skill, essend tially the working woman’s friend, and far in advance of all ordinary Machines, for absolute Strength, Reliability and general usefulness; will Hem, Fell, Tuck, Seam. Quilt, Bind, Braid Cord, Gather, Rutile, Shirr, Plait, Fold, Scal lop, Roll, Embroider, Run up Breadth, Ac., with wondrful rapidity, neatness and ease, and ease, sews the strongest lasting stitch equally fine and smooth through all kinds of goods, from cambric to several thicknesses of broadcloth or leather, with fine or coarge cot ton, linen, silk or twine. Gives perfect satis faction. Will earn ita f ")t several times over in a season in the work it does, or make good living for any man or woman who desires to use it for that purpose; works so faithful and easy the servants or children can URe it without damage. Price of Machine with light table, fully equipped for family work, S2O. Half Case, Cover, Side Drawers and Cabinet Styles each at correspondingly loW rates’ Safe delivery guaranteed, free from damage. Explanatory pamphlets illustrated with engra vings of the several styles of Ac., mailed free. Confidential terms with liberal inducements to enterprising Clsrgymen,Teach ers, Business Men, Traveling or Local Agents, Ac., who desire exclusive Agencies, on-application. Address John H. Kendall A Cos., 630 Broadway, New York. 245-ly. T)sychomancy, or Soul Charming,” How JL eil her sex may fascinate and gain the love A affections of any person they choose instant- Iv. This simple, menial acquirement all ean possess, free, by mail, for 25cts, together .with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirt, Ac. ’ A queer hook. Address, T. William A Cos., Pub lishers, Philadelphia. nofl-4w. which Dr. Fontbertop • (fluid extract ; stfllingia,. (or Queewawfi fht) has attain^ ,, all sections yf the c 4 Mt*ry oa - I aRE AT A NT? GWO ‘ls I%'l CIR f 1 .-tad tha large number of eatimani&ls whitf ■ are constantly buiiig receii od frou person, have been cured by ite uae, ia conclusive ' of its great media. Off *-• -*5. V • 00 oouoooooooooooopoooaooooooor 0000000 o . The great health restorer 0 OOOOOvOOUtH)OOOOOOOOOOOo6p<XH>U' in H ll ~ l! com?' ziness, pqins in the boo -t* kidney complaint,, 1 jaundice, female weakness, lumbago, geneni J debility, gravel, gout, ociofula, cancerous hu. 1 mor, erysipelas, salt-rheum, ringworm, pj , ft pies ard hunjofs Uh the food, old ulcers, rhe ( ; 1 mutism, mercurial and syphUitic affection- It removes all mercurial of Other poi*.,,. | from the blood, and soon restores the System t,, I perfect health and purity: InSl pftle, yellon I sickly looking skin id soon changed to opc of ! beauty, freslfiSes* nd health. It willcur, am chronic or long-standing diseases, Whose rol f or direct cause is bad blood. A trial will prev., it. Thousands have been snatched s it were f from the grave by Its miraculous pow. i, w ), 0 now enjoy health and happiness, where Mice all was misery. ' , It invigorates and strengthens the whole system, kets upfin the secretive organs,- allays inflammation, ctlftis ulceration, end tegulatcs the bowels. • DR. PEMBERTONS STIIJJNGIa OR QUEENS DKLAGHT GIVES HEALTH, STRENGTH AND AIV PETITE, , It purifies the blood, and renovates and in vigorates the whole system. Its medical prop, erties are alterative, tojiic, solvent, and diu. retie.. , .... . F6i testimonials of wetaderful cures,’ Wild to the Proprietor, or call on your*Druggist. Tha genuine is prepared only by I>lt. J. S. PEMBERTON, , , - , Cbemistj-Atlanta , Ga. For sale by all firs.t-class di'Uggists. , . Office of G VT Adair,'WU street, Atlaaita, Ga., July jLji, 1873. Dr. XS. Pemberton— 'Or..\R Sir: I have used ydt * extract of- Stillingiafor.a' chrcn ic skin at ectlon of many yeays stiuubijg,which made a c ire aftet all other remedies ' had fail ed. Iha re knowh yt.tlb stillingia used in the worst ca ;s of Icrofuls, iwcomlary, syphilictic diseased Jituo-aiitni, kidney and liver affect ions, wi ' great sure***. Ift fact, I'bave nev known i o fail in the ut st desperate cases. I conside r the greatest blocd purifier known. ' Yours truly, J C EVANS. fcgTFor sale by Jones A Carswzll, Cob yers, Georgia. NO EXCUSE FOR PE NG SICK. No person can use Boschoe’s Gorman Syrup without getting immediate relief > ( cure.-. We have the first case ot Coughs, Colds t>r Consumption, or any disease of tlie Throat aud Lungs, yet to hear from that han net bean cured. We have distributed every year for three years over 250,090 sample -bottles to Druggists in all parts of the United States No other Manufacturer of Medicine ever gave their Preparation such a test as "this. Go t yonr Druggist, Dr. W: H. Lee S- So.v, and ge, a bottle for 75 cents and try it—two dokr-s wiß relieve you. Sample Bottles 10-cents eaah. JiiiilA 75-ly SeSteibltf Advice. You are asked every day through thp co 1 - Umns of newspapers md by vou druggist to use something fjrdyspepsia, and liver, com plaiht that you know nothing about, you get discouraged spending money with but' little success. Now to give you satisfactory, proof that Green’s August Flower will cure you of dyspepsia and with all it:* effects, such as sour stevi ift-h, sick headache, habitual costiveness, palpitation of the heart, heart-burn, water brash, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, etc., we qsk yon to go to your druggist, W. H. Lee, and get a sample bottlo of Green's August Flower -Jor ten cents and try it, or a regular size for 75 cts., two do3es will relieve you. dwnl-Lly | IIE PEOPLE- WANT PROOF. There is no medielne'preaeribed by Physician or sold by iA-uggists,that (Jiutries such evidence of its succeffff aud sttpSrior trirfir.b as Boschee’s German ptyritp for SeVetfe Coughs.- Colds settled on the Breast. Udjilßiipttbn, ofl :iny ditfease of the Throat 371(1 Ltiflgii, id proof Of that fact is that auy person afflicted, can get Baample Bottle for 10 cents and trj its uppevior effect before buying size at 75 cents, It has lately-beeu introAibed in this:country from Germany* and its wonderful cures are ostotiieiiifig everyoffe that dkes it: Three if ill rolieve' arty Vst, Tiy* it, Sold by WAI Leo WHERE VE R IT HAS BEEN TRIED' hnß established itself as a perfect regulator and sube remedy for disordefs'os-' the system arising from improper ixAion of the Liver and Bowels. , IT IS NOT A PHYS-. but?, by stride letting the secretive organs, .Jf and gradually re moves all impurities nd regulates the entire system • ■ • ■ IT IS NOT A DOCTORED BITTERS, but- VEGETABLE TONIC which assists digestion, and thus stimulates, the appetite for food necessary to invigorate lhe weakened and inactive organs, and gives strength to all the vita! forces. IT CARRIESITS OWN RECOMMENDA TION, as the large andrapidly increasing sales gistify. * seprice : One Dollar a bottle. Ask your.drug t tfor it. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY A CO Wholesale Agents,Phila., The American People* No people in the woild suffer so much with dyspepsia as Americms—and althoughy.-ars of experience in Medicine have failed to accom plish a certain and’sure'remedy until Gbeen’s- August Flower was introduced for this dis ease and its effects ; yet so well has this reme dy succeeded in every case to effect a cure that there is not a Druggist in the Uni ed States but recommends the August Flowee, in all eases of dyspepsia and liver complaint, costiveness, sour, stomach, sick headache, and all derangements of the stomach and liver. Go to your druggist, W. H. I/fc*v and get a sample bottle for ten cents• and try it. - 'I" 10 doses will relieve any one case. Regular site 76 cents. ' ! ‘ v ' ; •• ; JanuaryM-Iy r A CAISD- Dr. D. S. SQUTHVUCK, one cf the most successful physicians of New Orleans, has lo cated in Atlanta. Confidential Medical Ad viser for all persons afflicted; also, sole pro prietor of his celebrated reoently ’ discov § § ed, and PUBIJIA ? liquor and ? VEGETABLE ; : TO HA CC 0 : oTer ggven hnn s ANTIDOTE, S dred cured ; go*l - : *•. all cases Mind Reading, Psychomancy, Fascination. Soul charming, mesmerism, and M Guide, showing how cither sex may failin' and gain the love and affection of any P° they choose instantly, 400 pages, by J■’£ Hunt A cc-, 139 South 7th street, Phila.