Rockdale register. (Conyers, Ga.) 1874-1877, July 13, 1876, Image 4

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Rockdale Recrister^ The Two Men. I What has Hayes done to lead anybody to suppose that ho will make a wise and strong president ? fAs Representative in (ongrese, his career was that ot n man of mediocre abilities. lie lell no mark on the House and none of any ac count on legislation. It was the Con pi essional service ol a man destitute of special fitness for the duties af a legisla tor. As Governor of Ohio he has done nothing ol significance, except stand as the figure head of a party nd a finan cial theory. He ia an amiable man, we all know ; a roan of integrit y J we are tree to allow a pious man and a rcspec table citizen. But that is not (lie kind ef a man we want for President at this time, when moral and intellectual vigor are requir ed in the W hite House, and a great work ef reform needs to lie undertaken. The suave Haves, manipulated by tire Came ronatnd all the Kings ofOrantism, could accompli Hi nothing for the purification of politics, even though he might earn estly wish to see tilings brtterod. He would not know how to woik at it He has no clear and decided ideas on the subject to enforce. He would have to woik through the Republican leaders, who arc abler and cleverer than he, and wou.d twist him about ns they willed It would be the history of the last eight yer.ra repeated, with,peibaps a litile more outward appearance ol decency Han Grant has cared to keep up. The'C a merons, Morton, Logan, Zach Chandler, Blaine and the rest, would work behind the hcpleas Hay rs, and things would go nusubwU hilly as they do now. llie Republican Rings are hard at work for him, and ot course with expectations. But Tildcn is a horse of uuother color. No ope who knows anything about, him doubts his ability to run the Presidency after his own fashion, or believes-that he would do otherwise than so run it. He is not a mere figure, hut a statesman ol tried and proved abili’y, a thoughtful student of practical government, a man who has proved bis faith by his deeds, and whose messages as Governor of New York are valuable contiibntions to po litical science ; while his career ns such has been full of practical accomplish ment in the breaking up of Kings aud the reduction of taxation. .Besides, )m is far outside ot all Rings, and is pledged to the needed reform. There fore It is that the people will reject the inoffensive Hayes and take the .active, aggressie Reformer, Tilde n. It is reported that the intrinsic value of chicken feathers thrown awray every year in the United States is equal to the money we pay for cotton. The pbtme of the feathers, it separated from the oleins, forms a down which, it is stated, sells in I’aris lor nearly two dollars n pound. - ♦ ♦ ♦ Is There A Goct. A PATHhTIC SCENK IN A GORMAN IIOMMTAI.. Translated by Emily It. Steinestel. One of the largest and finest saloodu nndboer gardens iu the city of Has been turned into a hospital for the ac- Aommodation ot the wounded after the battlo ot L&ngensulza. From all parts of the country oontri lutions of fruit, wine, and other delica cies had been forwarded to be distribtod among the sufferers. In charge of some of these articles accompanied by my children, who carried bouquets and bas ket* of flowers, (it was the season of blossoms, and r sea were to be had by thousands,) Id reeled my steps toward this hospital. 1 brought the children because 1 thiuk it is good tor them to beoorue acquainted with suffering by striving to alleviate practically Jthe ll's of their fellow-inau, and permiting their hands eai'y to prepare a pleasure or do a kiud act. They had made some wreaths for the dead, likewise; for daily, hourly some of tho wounded were paesug u way. l left llio children in the garden with their flowers, and while they distributed them among the grateful men who seem ed oheered with the fragrant and bright blosoms, I passed on to the department where the ‘sileut sleepers' were being prepared tor burial, waen the air sud denly resounded with 3 shrill, piteous cry that cams from the ward where the men had been quarlreJ who were very severe- ly wounded or had undergone imputa tion. Wi all i'au to the place whence the sound came. It was a soldier in the throes of death. The struggle £ was ag ouiisng to witness. A young ldy stood beside.tlie cot fanning the dying man, pale, weary, hopeless; she held the eou vulsed Laud, her eyes dry with the stire ot intense eudnrauce. As we approaohed a miuister present came and grasped her hand saying ; ‘Do not despair, piay, pray to God, He alone can hup.’ She turned to him, exclaiming, bit-, terlys ‘God’ There is uo God, or such horror would uot curse the earth ; Pray! have I not prayed night and day ? See! Wbat has it availed! Behold the excru ciating termeut of that poor soul; ho cannot live he cnunoi uie. Oh, go! Leave off such idlo words of comfort. I will uot pray, for there is uo God,’ The minister lilted his hands solcmu’y toward heaven saying; ‘Young triend your grief gives lUu-rauoe to words for which you are scarcely accountable. Do you still deny God and His mercy, then look at the face of your frieud now. She gazed at thu dying man again; a wonderful change had taken place. The glow of level had Jeit his cheeks, the wildly rolling eyes were smiliug softly, the apadnaodic limbs were resting quietly aud quivering hands were folded as it iu prayer. Lake a flash ot aunlight, cou aiousuess appeared for an instant to re name her sway. ‘Aunie, Dear Acme.’ he whispered, with a smile of ineffable peace; theu lips and eyes closed forever. Deeply touched and silent wo stood arouud with reverence as the minister offered up an impressive prayer for the ead. Yes there i 8 a God!’ be repeal ud; aud we all looked into the corner of our bearle , saying amen.’ In an aborning apartment stood au old piano that Lad been part ;t its for. i rrrr helonglnr, hut had not been rowOV edwhtn the military took possession. Some oue, during this scene, had quietly opened this Jiostrument, and alter a sweet prelude began singing out that ex n i**e none — | ■Ti.thu. ordained by God above i That we must, part from all we love and ohem- Tho’ nought en.n no near tbo heart, An when our dear* t triads do part, . Or perish—ye*. poriith ! . Kverv one prewettt joined in sang this j song, so K pletc w ith beautiful meaning to the end. 'I here were no <hy eye* but comforted and trusting in the midst ol suffering and death, we rmlizcd tha. ‘there is a God.’ , Before the song lmd ended my little o-irl had left the ward and returned with n wreath of flowers tha 1 she placed over the dcaed, nml a full blown rose that she had retained, because of its feet beautv, she now fastened it in bis finger* a* if he were holding it. Ihe visitor at the piano evidently observed this, and began to sing. ‘The Last Rose ot Summer’ ns the young lady, with a softened and tearful look at the remains of him who would have been her hus band if life had been granted to lulflil their troth, left the room on the arm of the minister. Tlfe Biggest Bear Story. The Reno (New.) Gazette repeat* it thus: *l‘ve loiigbt ’em etandin and run ning’, but the toughest citizen I ever lit onto was a b!acc ’tin. lie was sittin. in the cliapparel eatin’ mazanita hemes, a lien rny dog smelt him aud went home. I sneaked up and begun aggravatin’ him by shootin’ at hi* ears and feet. I then took around him, and with three shots cut off his tail. Old Blacky heel’d me shootin’, and turuiu around, see his tail luyiii* there. Le picked it up and looked at the trade mark, and I seo in a minute that war was a cornin’. I lit out for a tree, "ith only two catridges lclt and him a comm . •Well, to make a long story short, I shot twice, hillin’ him both times, and he begun to git Ijot, so he look up the tree after me,: ml I knocked him down three times before my gen broke. lie started on the fourth trip, and I didn't know what to do till I thought of rny Derin ger, which shot a four ounce ball. . I drew her out, tied a siring to the bick er. and as o'd Blacky came up with htb mouth open I dropped her in. He had not time to spit ier out, and so lie swal lowed aud I pulled the string. Off went the gun, and, so help me, 1 never see anything of bear or pistol since.’ A Jtcbuke. Toe following is related of the late Walter T. Colquitt, one of Georgia's greatest men in his day. He was a strong Methodist, fervent in prayer and zealous in the class.tneeting, but he would frolic with the children. On one occasion he was found by his presiding elder playing marbles with his boys, lie was a proficient in tho game, and the boys all delighted to get bun on their side. The presiding elder was one of tho straight faced long faced kind, who “crucified the flesh" in every possi - ble way, and who bel'eved that playing marbles was a great sin. The elder, whose name was Hodges, rebuked Mr. Colquitt for his course, but the great lawyer kept on with his game.—Finally Mr. Hodges said, -‘Brother Colquitt, I fear that I shall have to bear witless against you at the great court of high Heaven," and turned to go off, when Colquitt said, “hold on a moment, par son, just step into my law office, and I will lake down your interrogatories in the case, for fear you might not be at the court." —Griffin Dlcics. Wouth Know i no. —A Writer in the London Daily JVews says it is not, un fortunately, genai ally known that m the ease of fire iu buildings containing hor ses, if the harness be merely put on (however roughly) the horses will quit their stables without difficulty. A knowl edge of this fact may be the means of saving ninny a valuable animal from a horrible death. The Danbury lYetct says that vloiug business without advertising is a good deal like trying to borrow a flag on the Fourth of July. ’ An eccentric man in Michigan has built a church, and back of the pulpit has pla ced a large slab, lettered as follows : “No man will be allowed to preach in this church who preaches from manuscript, who does not kneel while praying, who belonus to any secret society, or who has his life insured in any way." Increases tho Quantity. Improves tho Quality. ARMS TEONG’S mm BOJS POWDER. GOOD FRESH BUTTER ALL TliK YEAR ROUND. i BUTTER IN 20 MINUTES. ti~ .M, - Lincoln Butter Fbwdei is an entirely harm less article nuuie from a celebrated Kngli-'b recipe, and now in ila-ily use by many of the most noted farmers in the butter counties a round Philadelphia In hot weather this Powder makes butter much firmer and 6tv ter than it usually is, and keeps it from turning rancid. 11 also removes the strong flavor of turnips, garlic, weeds, corn stalks, cotton seed, etc. : and the increased yield of butter much more than pays the ,tri fling expense of using it. 35 CENTS PE II PACKAGE. ■WHOLESALE DEPOT : 106 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. v11n044-6in 1876. 1876. 11l CHUT CiHl. Parties desiring information as to best routes to the Centennial, or to any baimner Re sorts or to any other point in tho country should address H. 55. 55RLNh General Passenger Ag oat Ksnnesaw Route, Atkntr. Ga. . ' TilK )( PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, BY Tilt: ROCKDALE lIEGIbTRR PCBLISBISO CO. AT CONYERS, GEORGIA. rates ok sense nil ti n : One Year -ix Month* Three Months, *" C lid* of Five or more, 25 per cent, less ! The lizaißTEit is a ini go 21 column paper. The Register is the Old Reliable.. THE REGISTER AY ill give you the General end Local News. Democratic at all times and under all circumstances ! Ties Political Campaign for 1876 —the Cen tennial year—is now opened. BUBSCKIBK t’Ott Tilt: RI.UISTKK And keep posted on the coming issues of the day. Within the next six months, every elective Office in the United States, from Bailiff to President, will be elected. The Campaign will be “Bed Hot and still a Heating.” Tho most vital issues are in this Campaign. Subscribo for The Register, the .Old Relia ble, and keep up with tho Times ! SQUARE GRAND PIANOS RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICKS. ■ o 9000 for $250. SG,‘.O for $275 S7OO lor S3OO. S3OO for $350. THE ‘memmohv piano to. It.VVE STRUCK llAltl) PAN PRICES ONLY ONE PRICE FOR CASH AND A LOW ONE. • o NO DEVIATION o Wo give no discounts. We pay no agents com.uniissions, which double the prices of all Pianos. We look to the people, who want a first-class Piano at a fair profit over cost of manu facture. We appoint the.Peoplo our agents, and give them our Pianos as low as any agent can buy equally good Pianos of any other Manufacturer, giving tho People, in a reduced price, what is usually expended in commissions, rent, freight, travelling and incidental expenses. Tho •‘Mendelssohn’’ Piano Cos. can sell yon a 71 octavo, rosewood case Piano, 6 feet 10 inches long, with front round corners, car ved legs, serpentine and plinth mouldings, -withall improvements, including Dull Iron Frame, Over Strung Hass, Agrafe Treble, and French Grand Action, which only accompany the best Pianos of the most celebrated makers, at the very low prico of $251, $275 or S3OO, according to style of case, or with four round cor ners and full Agraffe for $350, and guar antee them in every respect equal to aiyr Piano made on a similar, style, or no sale. The “Mendlessohn” Piano is manufactured from the very best materials, and by the most skilled and finished workmen. Tho manufacture is conducted by one of tho most experienced Piano manufacturers in the country. This is no new enterprise, turningout apeor and cheap Piano, made from greou \p>od, and by greener mechan ics. Our Piano is unsurpassed by any in tie mar ket for its rich and powerful tones, and its a- laptation to the human voioe in sympa thetic, mellow aud singing qualities. It speaks for itself. We are willing to place it beside any other make of Piano on its merits, either in beauty of case, or excellence of tone, and “at half the money” equally good instru ments. “The best is the cheapest”— When it oosts the least money. AU Pianos fully warranted for five years. Send for our Illustrated and Pespriptive Cir cular. THE ‘MENDELSSOHN’ PIANO CO., Office of Manufactory, 56 Broadway, 2n04418m New York. Aoknts wanted for the New Historical work Our WESTERN BORDER. A complete graphic history of American Pio neer Info 100 Years ago. Its thrilling con flicts red and white foes. Exciting adventures, captivities, forays, scouts, pioneer women and boys, Indian warpaths, camp life, and sports. A book for old ana young: Mot a dul page. No competition. Enormous sales. Agents Wanted evirwherc, Illustrated ciiculare free, J. C. McCurdy 4 Cos., Philadelphia, I’a. 4w TfcLK w keklY sun 17 70 NSW YORK 1870 Eighteen hnndred rn severty-aU is C ntenmftl year. It is also tin) year m which an Opposition House of Representative*. the first since the war, wo I*> in powerat wih iugton ; and the year of the twenty-third Wee iion of a President of the United lUM4>< All of these events arc sure to be of great interest and importance, especially the two latter; and allot them and everything connected with; them w ill is) fully and freshly reported and expounded in Thi Sun. The Opposition Homo of Representative*. j nkiing up the line of inquiry opened yearn ago an The Sox, will sternly nnd diligently mves tigato the corruptions and misdeeds of Grant * tdministratina; and it will, it is to be hoped, tv the foundation for a now nnd both r period In enr national history. Of all thi* The Sun will contain complete ami accurate accounts, furnishing its renders with curly and trust wor thy information npon these absort ing topic*. The twenty-third Presidential election, with the preparations for it, will tv ms'uoralile as deciding npon Grunt’s inspirations for u third term of power and plunder, and still more as deciding who shall he the candidate of the party of Reform, nr.d as electing tint candi date. Concerning all these subjects, those who read The Sun will have the constant, means of being thoroughly well it formed. The Welxi.v Sun, which has attained a circulation of over eighty thousand copies, al ready Los its readers in every State end '1 er ritory, and we trust that the year 1870 will see their numbers doubled. It will continue to be a thorough newspaper. All the general news of the day wid be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at full length when of mo ment ; and always, we trust, treated in a clear nteresting and inst ructive manner. It is our aim to make the Weekly Sun the best family newspaper in the world, and we nhall continue to give in its columns a large amount of miscellaneous reading, such ns sto ries, tides, poems, scientific intelligence and agricultural information, for which we are not able to make room iu our daily edition. The agricultural department especially is one uf its prominent features. The fashions are also reg ularly reported in its columns; and so are the markets of evtry kind. The Weekly Sun, eight pages, with fifty six broad columns, is only $1.20 a year, pos tage- prepaid. As this price barely repays tha cost of the paper, no discount can be made from this rate to clubs, agents postmasters, or anyone. The Daily Sun, a large four page newspa per of twenty-eight columns, gives all the news for two cents a copy. Subscription, pos tage prepaid, 55c a month or s( a year. Sunday edition extra, sl.lO per year. We have no travelling agents. Address, THE SUN, n025-tf New York City. Sensible Advice. You are asked every day through the col umns of newspapers aud by your druggist to use something fjr dyspepsia and liver com plaint that you know nothing about, you get discouraged spending money with but little success. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Green’s August Flower will cure you of dyspepsia and liver complaint with all it.:, effects, such as sour stomach, sick headache, habitual costiveness, palpi to tion of the heart, heart-burn, water brash, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, etc., we ask you to go to your druggist, W. H. Lee, and get a sample bottle of Green’s August Flower lor ten cents and try it, or a regular size for 75 cts., two doses will relieve you. Janl-t-ly "no EXCUSE FOR RE-NG SICK, No person can use Boechec’s Gorman Syruj j without getting immediatereliif '< cure.— We have the first case ot Coughs, Cold or Consumption, or nfty disease of the Throt-i and Lungs, yet to hear from that has not beer cured. We have distributed every year fci three years over 250,000 sample bottles t< Druggists in all parts of the United State! No othef Manufacturer of Medioine ever gav their Preparation sucli a test as this. Oo to your Druggist, Dr. W. H. Lee & Son, and ge a bottle for 75 cents and try it—two doses will relieve you. Sample Bottles 10 cents each. Janl4 75-ly A gents wanted for the Centennial Book of i \ Biography, or the lives of the great men oour first 100 years. Send for circulars. P Z Wiegler & Cos., Phila., Pa. or Chicago, II). PURE TEAS—IN SEALED PACKAGES, Direct from China and Japan. delivered at Tons own door fresh from the gardens of their growth. Imported direct by THE WELLS LEA COMPANY 201 Fulton Staeet, N, Y. The difficulty of getting pure Teas of really fine quality in the United States, has induced the Wells Tea Company to ship their Teas in sealed packages direct from the gardens in which they are grqjvn, and as a further guar antee of their being delivered in then genuine state, they entrugt the sale of them only to reliable agents —the name of the nearest agent to you is printed at the foot of this advertise ment —so that the tea pass through noue but responsible hands, and will be delivored at your own door as fresh as when they loft the gardtns of China and Japan : tue price is also printed on each package, so that no error can occur. Everybody buys Tea. Everybody wishes *o buy it at first hands the best qualities at the lowest prices. Everybody desires —when they find a Tea suitable to their tastes —to be certain of get ting the same article always. You can have all th6se advantages by buy ing of the wells tea company. Because they import their own Teas, and sell them at wholesale prices—without tho six or eight intermediate profits usually charged. Because the quality is better at the price than is sold by any other house. Because their long experience in China and Japan enables them to make better selections than ordinary Dealers —and to import them to with greater advantages. Because they absolutely guarantee the qual ity of all their goods—and keep them to one invariable standard, so that you cun always rely on them. Because they do business for cash only—and therefore make no extra profit from good cus tomers to cover losses by bad debts. Because their agents nre responsible and re. liable men—who deliver Teas precisely as re ceived from the Company. Because having once tried those Teas, you will not need to go elsewhere hereafter. Wanted —A Druggist, or other first-class merchant, in every town and city iu the Uni ted States, to whom will be given the Sole Agency for that locality. Address, for terms and full paiticulars, TIIE WELLS TEA CO, P. O. Box 4560 Fulton Street, N. Y. 48-lm. FOR COUGHS, COLDS and HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE WELL'S CARBOLIC,TABLETS, PUT UP ONLT IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. For sale by Druggists generally, and JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY A CO. Phqadeli hia, Pit. .DJBBIW ST HUH PALISH. ieSf if iW I ? '■ 1 3SBS . I GJiEA T DISCO VLR I7 By the use of which every family may give their Linen that brilliant polish peculiar to fine laundry work. Saving time and labor in iron ing, more than its entire cost. Warranted. Sold by druggists and Grocers Every where. ASK FOR DOBBINS’. DOBBINS, BKO3. & CO. 2 tG-3m 13 N. Fourth St., Philadelphia. For f*nle by BRYANS A SPF.ER, Conyers, Ga J.. BE*,. WILSON & C0 S AT|L AXT A , <: Id OItG IA , (itNKUA I. jjEAI.KIIS IN' Solid for Circulars* MIL BURN & STUDEBAKEK WAGONS; A VERY & SONS & WATTS' STEEL and OAST PLOWS; IMPRVED FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS; INCLUDING SEED WHEATS, RUST PROOF OAT’S. BARLEY, RYE and the GRASS ES. GENERAL AGENTS FOR ‘ WOOD! TABER & MORSE •©“STEAM ENGINES.,®* • • • • ; Send for Circulars'. \ | lEAVENS” Cotton Gin Feeder. Send for circbtar* of description and pr o es. I J ffflfMcssr-’ liachry i\' Overbuy represent its at Conyers, Georgia. uoll-tf CYP® Jt II KG R KATES T A Y 0 R G A N ! | Til It MOS r EXTENSIVE ORGAN MANUFACTORY in tux WORD }- 1000 ORGANS MADE EREKY MONTH OF THE MOST ELABORATE STYLE'S MPUOVEDTONE AND SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION. THE MOST PERFECT REED ORGAN EVER MADE. THE FINEST ME CHANICS and INVENTORS OF THE AGE EMPLOYED. The only organ manufacturers who give written warrantees. Special discounts to Chorees and Schools. Reliable Agents Wanted in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina and East Tennessee. and for Illustrated atalognes to GT< Guilford, Southern Agent 52 Whitehall Stkeex, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, he Greatest Medical Discovery OF TIIEXIX th O E NTU R \ r . o HEALTH, B. r .ALTV, AM) lIAPriNKBS RESVOUEDO iIODDIvN WOMAKHOO'J ! L> R . J . BKADFIELD'g FE MA L E REG \i L A T O R woman’s BUST EMEND. * Its operations are quick and sure -• and it never fails to cure. —o Thankful for the very flattering reception tlio Female Regulator has met with from all pot tions of the country, the Proprietor begs to announce that he has largely increased his manu 1 factm-ing facilities, and hopes that before long he will he able to place w ithin tho reach ul every suffering woman, this, the greatest boon of her sCx. PRICE 1 50 per Bottle. by all Diuggists in the United Slats*.- I ®* L. 11. JiIiAJJFIELD , Atlanta , Georgia, Proprietor. READ! BEAD!! — +_+ - I.'”-''--" „ ' i It is well known to doctors and ladies that, woman arc subject to enormous diseases pecu liar to their sex,—such as suppression of the menses, whites, painful monthly periodicals rheumatism of the back and womb, irregular menstruation, hemorrhage or excessive ‘‘ flow prolapsus, uteri, or falling of the womb. Blooming in alt her Pristi. e Beauty, health, strength and elasticity. Tried doctor after doctor Buti.edge, Ga., ’February IS- 1874. This is to certify that my wife was an invalid for six years Had disease of the womb ani headaohe, weight in lower part of the back; suffered from languor, exhaustion and nervous fcess, loss or appetite and flesh. She had become so exhausted and weak, her friends were apprelxensivo she would never get well. Tried doctor after doctor, and patent mediciness— aud despaired of her improvement, when fortunately she commenced on ]) r . Bradfields l - male Regulator. She is now well; three or four bottles cured her. Improved in hcaltK 11 ! petite and flesh; •' she Is blooming in all her pristine beauty, strength, and elasticity. . r . ward you as her savior from the dark portals’ 6f death,—and my benefactor. May your shad ow never grow less, and you never become wearv in #ell-doing. ’ JOHN SHARI WTForSaIe by w. E. L®E ami .TONE? A CARSWELL Conyers, Ga. To tar WwRXiNa Claw —We'c an furnish v ,, lU yi.:au*tit .-t can uiaki: vei . . e pivcijypv.: ; owq L'V-iti,.iiboujt bein;' , M 1 iijiui overnight. Agents wontei; iu , v, iy fbn and countj to take fulmcriber-, f ,r The A-ntennftu Leeird, tha largest publi cation iu tilt; United States—lC pages, Ci col i uruus; Ekrmtly cor year Therer ord is devoted to whatever ! 1 1 of interest connected -with the Oetenniai r ‘r. The great Exbil iim at Philadelphia in tullv l'u3tiuted in detail. Everybody wants if. The whole people feel g' eR t interest in their Country’s CVritenniul Birthdiy, and want to know all about it. An elegant patri ot ia crayou draw i g premium tuve s.*nt>-d tree to each subacriber. It is entitled, “Xn lemcuxhrur ce of the One Hund e th Ait:. versniy of the Independence of the United Statun ” Site, 23 by 30 inches. Any one can become a successful agent, for but show the puperand picture and hundreds < f snbsciibtri are e'isly obtained everywhere. There ,is no business that, w ill pay like this nt present. We have many agents who are makeing as high as S2O per day nnd upward". Now in the rime: don't delay: Remember it costs nothing to give the business a trial, bend for onv circulars, terms, nnd sample eopyofpaper. which arcsent, free to all who npdly ; Jdo it U> liny. Complete outfit free to those whode. c-ide to engage. Farmers and mechanics’and there sons and daughters make the very bestoy ayentn. Address ly THE CENTENNIAL RECORD.Fortland Main. Sunil for Circulars. NEEDLE & GULLETT'S IMPROVED COTTON GINS ; COOK'S patent sugar and syrup evaporating PANS; VICTOR CANE MILL; SWEEP STAKE THRESHER and SEPARA TOR; CARD WELL ‘S THRESH ER and SEPARA I’OR; T “ BUCKEYE” and “ CHAM PIuN ’’ MOWERS and REAPiK; i Send for Circulars.