Rockdale register. (Conyers, Ga.) 1874-1877, September 21, 1876, Image 3

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■thk register. Bw'YERV • TIIPRSDAY HER 21, 187. i-- - " B" Kain is needed badly. I Tatef eiiKtunlfi art* coming t 8 the front. ■ Ytllow fever is growing worse in Sn Httitmh. i I Head J. & McLean s advertisement in Hnolhcr eolnmiii I possum itud Utter will bo here soon. Ba t htr cotne. - S Town Council was not in session on Monday niglH. ■ When veu sell cotton cill by and >} for the liKOisTKit. B Mr W W Swann h: a grain of coin Bvith a double heart. B Hon Oscar Thomason and bride ol Bjailison, passtd up the Georgia 11 H Bst afternoon. I Senator T M Norwood passed Con- Bers on Wednesday's up train on his Bvny to Atlanta. Swann, Elliott & Cos. have moved ■their headquarters to the house occupied ■by J E Maddox. jfl J F J Whitehead and S F Smith are ■ about to open up a family grocery and ■ liquor business in the house of N W 3 Maddox A Cos. ■ Mr J II Alntand has his ginnery in ■ Conyers in full blast. H , ♦ ->♦-* Mr W W Swann’s old hen that laid the big eggs that we mentioned some lime ago in the REGtsmt is dead. She is laying her last lay. The average country editor speaks of the “Kunmiing of King Kottou.” “Be liold King Ko'.ton Kuruelh.” He is al ready here. T II Bryans sold $ acre lot to W E MoCa'.la. The grounds lie in the rear of Mr M s dwelling, A young man from liome, Ga. is in town, visiting the belle of • Conyers, on Mill street. It is making some of our hoys look rather regretful. Look, boys, bif .ue you leap. Strange. —A person cau’t hawk and spit in Church without a certain young mar. blushing behind his ears. Anew violinist made his appearance on ihe streets of Conyers lasi Monday night. Where did he “llale” from 1 —— The streets of Conyers were crowded with wagons from Rockdale, Newton ,*111(3 Oltn?r cun lilies loadutl will* ootton on lust Tuesday. We are glad to see the collecting of money to repair the Methodist Church in this place. We bare published a few dots Iron our special reporter tills week. Some thing is said about our young people, but they must take in good part, as it was Written in a Christian-like spirit, Rockdale Paper Mill, through Capt. A. 11. Zacbry, sent 50 lbs of newspaper to Savannah, the proceeds of the sale thereof to be applied to the Yellow Fe vet sufferers in that city. A generous donation. Candidates on the right. Candidates on the right of them, Candidates on the left. Candidates on the left of tbenl, Candidates in the front. Candidates in the front of them, And yet the weak, broken column of voters of Rockdale stand still. They are firm. “Stand the ground ye are on my braves,” steady and all may yet be well. Falter and all is lost Conyers is a good place for a voting man from a distance to get sick in. Fair and loving hands are ever ready to soothe and administer to the wants of the afflic ted. “Oh, woman in your houiß of ease, Coy,, uncertain Slid hard to please, When pain and anguish rack the brow, A ministering angel thou.” J, P. Court. Hon. A, M. Helms, N. P. & Ex. Off <l. P. 476th District, held a levee on Tuesday, apd jadgmented t\Vo civil ca ses. As there were ilo defences filed on oath, plaintiffs come off first best. Messrs. Burress and Strains, Universalisl ministers, will preach at Conyers on the seventeenth of October next. The pub lie are invited. —• ■ 1 ' ■■■ ♦♦ ♦ ' Mrs. Levi Mercer of Newton county died at the home of her husband in that county on Saturday. Mis. John Guinn died at her sou-iu law John Croasley’s in DeKalb county on Monday night, Mr. Gideon Guinn is a koii of deceased. Mrs. Elisabeth Scott, wife of Mr. A. T Scott, of this county, died on last Wed nesday night. Several cfeath notices in this issoe. lhe bereaved ones have our sympathies. Squire T. C, Posey brought a bale of loiida cotton to town on yesterday, belle of Castle Mound was in the Ci, y yesterday. Rev. W. 1). Heath oceuj ied (lie pulpit at the Methodist Church last sabbath morning, and r.lso at night. Ilis sermons on both occasions are highly spoken of. He preached at ifgh: from tlio text, “1\ by will you die 7" Ilis sermon was an impressive cue, and replete with bib lical truths. Rev. S. Marsters, of DcKalb county, age, seventy odd, married a blushing young bride of thirty-odd, Miss Mary MorriSj in that county rometime last week. Mr.M. had been a widower only about three months Mr Harslets is a prominent man and has been in the State Legislature two or three lim**s. * ♦ —►- ♦ ■ A. W/Carswed is in Atlafttn, the guest of the Montgomery House. The time has been when Alex . would have tarried awhile in Conyers. A change must have come over the spirit of his dreams. For Tax Receiver. lam a Candidate for the office of Tax Re ceiver of Rockdale county. tde W. T. 11USON. Sheriff J II Bryans of Henry county was in Conyers yetterdny, He carried off a couple of colored brethren as pris oners Col A C Perry returned from his trip to Chattooga county on Tuesday. He reports things as somewhat excited there politically. The race between Dabney Felton and the radical candidate for Congress waxes hot. The Colonel at tended Chattooga Superior Court and was engaged in the prosecution of a murder case against Kirbey. The de fendant is a prominent man in ihat sec* tion,bas held various offices in bis county aud District, has been a member of the Legislature, Judge of the county and Superior Courts, Lawyer &c. The tacts wtsre strong against him, but he was acquitted. The defendant is a criple. We see from the paper of that county that the Colonel made a big political speech while there , We welcome him home. Mr. Editor: —Will you allow us in your valuable Register to return thanks to the white friends of Conyers, Georgia for donating to us nails and moil y in the building of orir church. We also invoke i lie blessing of God upon them, and trusting to see the day when we can "e turn the same kindness back again. We also wi!l0 auk more friends of they will donate something to us for the accom pltstimg oi out* cniircti. j rusting mat tied will bless them witii prosperity. Your humble servants and tr istees of iiie E. Church. Thomas Turner, Washington Jones, Isaac Turner, J. B- Lofton, Pastor. Conyers Female College. Conyers, Ga., Sept. 18, 1876. Dear Ei>itok: —The public being in* vited to attend the exercises of the Col lege on last Friday ' afternoon, we, as patrons of the institution, considered it our fluty to visit the school to encourage the pupils aud teachers with our pres ence. Accordingly, about 2 o’clock, we left our places of basifiess in - tow n and walked leisurely over to the College, where we met a cordial reception from both teachers and pupils. W e found the school in session, the teachers and pupils all in place, and perfect order and sys tem pervaded the entire school. At 2:30 r. m , President Bailey requested the senior class in Geology to come forward, which was cheerfully complied with, and the class was soon sealed in front of a long table conlaiuiug many of old earth’s mineral curiosities. And after answer ing question after question promptly ar,d correctly for an hour and a-half, the young ladies then proceeded to classify and explain the various specimens that lay scattered before them on the table. This they did very read'ly, tlms convin cing all present that they understood well the lessons passed over. Next in order came the ififant class in Geography taught, orally, by Miss Marel. This class of little ones entertained us delightfully for half an lour, answering correctly nearly every question. The recitations of the little girls and the speeches of the little hoys were good. We are well pleased with the system atic management of the school in all its departments, and with the kind, cheerful aud co-oper.itive appearance of the entire Faculty and pupils. More after next Friday. • S. H. Anderson, T. J. Treadwell. Benevolent Association, ) Savannah, Ga., Sept. 16, 1876. / S. F. Speer, Esq,, Mayor Conyers Georgia: Dear Sir— We are sincerely grateful to you and your cit'zens for their timely aid to ns in this our serious trial, and beg you to accept, and make known our sin cere thanks for these acceptable dona tions. In haste. Yours truly, J. F. Wu EATON. By Htxpy S. Wayne. Cut by Grins and Otherwise. A negro boy by the name of Wash Jones had his hand cut by a gin at F. D. McMillan’s ginnnery on Tuesday. The wound was dressed by Dr. C. 11. Turner, and is getting on very well, though pain fill. Mr W T Stanton received also a flesh wound in the palm of the hand on same day—painful though nol dangerous. Dr. A. A. Stewart called in to see hhu and reports him doing well, and already at work. The wound was caused by bis gin. William Marbnt had bis right band very severely if not dangerously mashed in a syrup mill on Tuesday. Young Marlnit is about fourteen, and a grand son of 11. 11. Peek. A portion oi the bone ot the ftiiddle finger was taken out. Dr. A. A. Stewart, assisted by Dr. J. P. Rosser, dressed the wound, and the pa tient is thought to lie doing finely. William Pramlette, age, about thirteen, nephew ol Mr. Dock Mann, had his right band caught in the cogs of a syrup mill on the said fatal Tuesday. The index finger was amputated by Dr. A. A. Stew art. At our latest account the patient was doiog well. The wound is very painful though not dangerous. We see from the foregoing cnsnalitids that four persons have been injured—two by being cut in gins, aud two by being wounded with syrup mills. Their wounds have been dressed, and all the injured parties are doing as well as could be expected under the existing circum stances, and will sootl be up and doing and fully restored to their wanted activ ity. They have our sympathies. The Very Latest Arrival Master James H. Hollingsworth, jr. So Jim lias a boy at last, after an unpar allelled streak of luck on the oth er side of the fence. Let us rejoice with him. Ilaopy fa her. Hopeful son. Mb. Editor :— lf you see proper you may insert the above in your scrap col umn to tease cur worthy friend Jim 11. 7 girls and only one boy. Respectfully, J. A. 11. On pain ot the King's displeasure. Wo will mention that Justice M. M. Bentley held a court, on last/Saturday A'case was dismissed on motion of coun sel for defendant, because the summons did not hear date fifteen days before .day ot trial. Koekdale Superior Court. We find from all examination of the dockets ot T. J. Treadwell. Clerk of l.iu Superior Court of this ccunly; that the following number of civil ease* have been returned to the fall term of our Su perior Court: Common law docket, 11 Equity “ “ 1 Claim “ “ 2 Appeal “ 1? Certiorari “ “ 12 Aar. -. T - Total 43 There are about seventy civil cases in all remaining on the dockets, besides the criminal cases that are ot the grade of felonies; the County Court having dis posed of all the misdemeanor cases that eanie within the jurisdiction of that court. A few criminal 3ases are on the docket for trial or disposition in some way. The case of Ishain Kelly, charged with murder, transferred from Newton Superior Court, will probably be up for trial. It is thought that lion. G. J. Wright, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Al bany Circuit, will preside in our court, and that Judge Hall will hold court at Albany in Judge W right’s stead. Court Will convene Monday week, the second day of October. Parties, attor neys, witnesses, jit’ors, sheriffs, bailiffs, and other officers of court and parties interested will do well to take due notice aud govern themselves accordingly. Newton Superior Court. On Monday at 9:20 a. m. we took the down passenger train for Covington, to attend Newton Superior Court. On board the cars We met his honor, J edge John I. Hall, Capt. T. B. Cabamss, So licitor General, and Judge Gleaton, all on their way to the same point. Senator f M. Norwood was also aboard, on IBs way to Oxford, where his family are now stopping. Prof. G. J. Orr, Siate School Commissioner, was en route for the same p'ace, traveling in the interest of the publi Jsch )olf, C ? T. Ackerman, ex Attorney general U. S, was moving in the same direction. We all arrived safe at our point of destination at ten o’clock of the same a. m. and registered at the Cox Hole'. As we are not dead heads on this trip, but are regular paying patrons, we will say but little of the Cox Hotel or its bill of fare, Ac. In a few moments af ter owr arrival Court was opened 0y Deputy Sheriff T. S. Black, and organ ized, with Mr. J. S. Stafford as foreman of the Grand Jury. The trial juries were also promptly empaneled and sealed in their proper stal's. The able local bar was all on hand, seemingly ready for business. After an exhaustive charge to the Grand Jury his honor, Judge Hall, .announced that busiuess was in order. As usual, a" full quota ot bailiffs acre sworn in, and we presume qualified to assist the court ill its arduous and grave duties.. In the afternoon Senator 11. D. McDaniel, of Monroe, put in his appon - mice, and at night, on tho Goober, Col. E. W. Beck, ot Griffin, came. After the eourt was organized the common law docket was taken up and several cases were disposed of by judgment or other wise. During recess of the court, a meeting of the Democracy of the county was called, Dr. J. J. Dealing, President, in the.Cbalr, E. \\ oma<.k,,Esqr. Secretary, to ratify the nominations made on Satur day. From an extract from the Enter prise extra, which wo insert in ibis issue, we find that Hon. L. F. Livingston and Gen. J. P. Simms are the nominees; having received the higliet votes, New ton has done her, 'duty, 'and would not have failed il either one of the candi dates before the people had been suc cessful. Col. L. If. Adei son is the peo ple's candidate ; that is, he desires his elect io.i regardless ol parties or party organizations. Lem is a good fellow, but on the wrong side, if ho is on am side. When the meeting was called to older, Col W, 13. Griffin, one of the de feated candidates, with his usual magna nimity, moved to make tho nominal ions unanimous, which was done amid cheers, fco. Gen. Simula and Col. Livingston announced their acceptance of the nom inations, wit! thanks, and promised to do their best for the Slate, as well as old New ton. The Chairman was made a committee of one to request Senator T M. Nor wool to make a speech on Wednesday, lie was also requested to see lion. B. 11. Hill, who will" be in attendance on the court, and get him to name a day during! the term when it would suit him to dev liver an address on political issues. The meeting then adjourned. Boykin Wrigh*, of the Augusta bar, was also on hand He is a bright aud promising young man. Court will be apt to occupy nearly two weeks. Several criminals are in jail and more expected—eight, to the best of our recollection—four or five charged with murder, the oLliers with fighting, Ac. Tho civil docket will be gone through with tiiis week and ihe criminal taken up next. In our next we will,something about the people and crops of old New ton. IV e are glad to know that most of heripeople white and black are beginning to see light ahead, for we fee! an interest in their waif me, having in the past been one of litem, mi ineir auieu. Remit of the Frimary Election of Newton County. The primary election for choosing two Democratic candidates for Ihe Legisla ture from Newton county is over. The following is the vote Which ftic’h Candi da, e received in t e precincts mined be. low : J[Covi;.oton.t—J- P. Simms, 176; L. F. Livingston, 161 ; T. N. Pitts, 150; W. B. Griffin, 134. Brick Store. —Simms, 24 ; Livings ton. 21 ; Pitts, 1; Griffin, 20. Steadman. —Simms, 14; Livingtor, 12; f'Kt-, 2. Gem Creek.— Simms, 9 ; Livington, 7 ; Pitts, 5 ; Griffin, 3. W^att. —Simms, II ; Livingston, 11, Rocky Plains.—Simms, 38; Livings ton, 37 ; Pitts, 10; Griffin, 4. Stanskl/s.—Simms, II; Livingston, 13 ; Griffin, 2. Oak llii.l.— Simms, 13; Livingston, 63 ; Pitts, 5; Griffin, 20. NkvvTon Factory. —SinTnfs, 13 ; Ltv. ingston, 18} Pitts, 17 ; Griffin, 37. llays.—Simms, 23 ; Livingston, 9 ; Pitts, 26 } Griffin, 3. gjSKfhe above vote of the Districts was handed to its by parties from their respective precincts. The following howevei, is the official TOTAL. Simms, 347. Livingston, 368. Pius, 216. Griffin, 226. Covinyton Enterprise Extra. Letter Lint. The following is the list of letters re maining uncalled lor in the Post Office at tliis place : 8 E Avarev, Frank Amons, J ’3 Bow en, s J i owen, Elizabeth N Guffin, Ebzih Gay, S il Doughty Esq, Miss FI B Harp, James J Holbeit, Ben Kelly, John Jones Mr Sarah D Latham, Mis Annie Logan, Nancy Pimm ti, Thomas Benneti, J VV Street, Emetine Wesley, William Wal ker, Sallie Thompson, Mas L M Ttnusli <:r. Hon. T. M. Norwood) In response to the invitation of the inass meeting on Monday last, to address the people ot Newton county, at the cou r t house, on the political issues of the day, lion T M Norwood writes to Dr J J Bearing, chairman of the executive com luitlee, that he will do so on Wednes day next, ihe 27th ; nst. Let him have a large audience.— Covington Star. For Sheriff. Mr John H Taylor will be supported foi Sheriff of Rockdale county, at the ensuing I election by 1 Sept 12th, 1870—ti Mast Fbie.ndh mm m m\m * Hf ALL persons wanting Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Lines, etc., will <1 well to cull nt my shop where they cun he had very Low Fan L’-'fffm 1 am determined to stop the Northern inferior harness fioin selling in this county, if soiling good hand-made harness cheap will do it. Give me a trial before buying elsewhere. Old harness and saddles® repaired promptly end cheaply. Respectfully, _n-3.ii J. S. LEAN. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself ns a candidate for Treasurer of Rockdale county. 9-tde J. E. MADDOX. For Clerk Superior Court.* D. M. Parker will he supported for Clerk Su perior Cotu t of Rockdale county by nolO-tdo Many Friends. UJNYKK3 PKICKS CURRENT. corrected weekly nr J. H. ALMAN’D, SON A CO. Cotton —Steady, .......... 0J( „t>t GROCERIES AND ritOYINIONS “Meal —C R Hulk..,, ....Ili(al2 LC “ 104 Of 11 Bilik Hams 4. Canvassed “ 18 (a 18J Corn, —-Sacked 700 75 Fiour —Extra, Family, per barrel...s7s('i** Family, per barrel s6j(a)7i Coffee, Kin, 23 (.. 25 Sugar, granulated Loaf lit J (tr 14. “ NO Fancy..... 12J(13 “ Yellow C 10 (oil Syrup, Honey drip 60 (if (15 Molasses, Muscovado 60 (.. 55 ‘* Black Strap, .33)("35 I'llOllUCK Butter.,... 25c Eggs, (ST 5 Ragx 1 (i 2J Tallow 7 (.. 8 Boohw.i t, * 20 (a 25 Dry Hides, 7 (, 81 Chickens 10 6/25 Wheat-, SldO to $1.25 per bushel. Meal, 800. per bushel. THE RIGHT MAN IN THE ftHJfIT PLACE. It has got tc be a fashion, now, For folks to keep an instrument To toll of passing time : Some keep a watch—some keep a clock— And frequently they mix them ; But if they should get broke, you know, They'd need tome one to fix them I As that’s my trade, I’ll tell you this— My workmanship ne’er foils— My shop is found at Thompson’s Store — My name is J. Hi Halos. I am told that Conyers has long needed a fitst cliifts Watchmaker and Jeweler. A graduate in the Horological Science of Kulinskis’ Horological Institutes New York ; having had three years practice in t.ho United States Watch factory—going from the lowest to the highest step known to the profession in manufacturing parts,—with an additional ex perience of six years la repairing under Ihe instruction and supervision of one of the finest workmen Si nth, I fool I can offer my services to the public as a first-class work man. I have? located permanently in Con yers, and will do fine work at reasonable prices. K#} -REPAIRING FINE WATCHES a Specialty. Solid Jewelry, Engagement and Wedding rings made to order. I challenge any one to shotv' greater skill or taste in re pairing jewelry. No daubing With lead at this establishment, either in watch or jewelry re pairing. I solicit public patronage, guaran tee all work to give perfect satisfaction. 1 can he found at Dr. T. 15. Thompson’s store, Commercial street. Respectfully, •j. h. Hales, aug&j-Sly] gents. If you witrtfc the best selling article tx in the world and a solid gold patent lever watch, free of cost, write 1 1 once to J. Unde A Cos,, 707 Broadway, N. Y.4w BAM R HPT 10 OF MILTON GOLD JEWELIiY cheat failure or the Milton Gold Jewelry Company, in England, Their entire stock consigned to us to realize many Everybody bus heurd of Milton Gold Jkw x.lry, it having boon sold in this mark it foi ten years, and worn by the best and richest ( lass of our population Still, it takes an ex pert jeweler to discover Milton gold from Vir gin gold We will send for the ninety days o; ly the following articles by mail, post paid, ot, re ■ opt of 50 cents! One pair Elegant Sleeve Buttons, with It,dependence Hall en; raved, re!ail prie, <•••"- $1 is- One set Spiral Shirt Studs, retail price.., 75 One beautiful Coral Scarf l’in, retail price 7f> One el-ganfc Gents’ Watch Chain, latest pattern, retail, price l r,O One Collar Button, retail price, r,U One elegant Wedding Ring, virry heavy, retail price, 2 00 T0ta1.... .* Si; 50 Remember, we will send you the above named six articles, winch we have retailed for JO 50, by mail, post paid, for AO cents, or 4 sample lots for uO, and iSi sample lots | fol . *4 00. f satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded | Address WILLIAM \Y. HELL & CO., Importers of Watches and Jewelry, fi North Seventh St„ Philadelphia, Pa, Pleas u st ate where you saw this advertise ment , 16-dm AGENTS. If you-want the host selling arti cle in the world and a solid gold patent lo ver watch, free of cost, write o: once to .1- Bride A Cos., 707 Broadway, New York. 104 w. Ro iTtdsle Court of Ordinary, i For County I'lirposcs. At Cmamukhn, August 30th, ]876, \\ HRRAf , Hi Kxoi Honey, James M. Smith the Govei not* of the Slate of Georgia, listing as less, and i vo tenths of oi*e per cent ad valorem on the the taxahl • property of the State for • Stitc taxes for the year 1876. It is therefore ordered that the following us* <ess eutu be, and they nro hereby made, ltd the county tax for Rockdale county for the veai* 187,i for the purposes heiein set forth, and that the same bo collected by T. M. Armistoad, Tax i ol lector of Rockdale comity, or his sucenssora in office, and ini,id over to the Treasurer of said county by the lfith of December next ■ 1 For ordinary County purposed in <1 for cxtnt services and sidaYieS of county ofliems for the jcr 1876, lon per cent mfvuloi, ill in the Stato tax on property. II Tc support (lie prior (Iffeon per cent on tho Slate iax udvutonun oh property. 111 For building aud repairing the county 1 rids goB ten per cent on the Stato tax on property. |JV “I ° pa\ the Grand and Petit, Jurors for the year 1876, fifteen(j > ,v ant i.dvnloiem en pt’op erty. O. BF.AMANS, v013.n08-n.ng3o 30,1, Ordinary. Q.ICORO IA —JlooKDAir. County : This in to not ify all persons rnncOi nod that application will be nude at the Court of Ordi nary of Rockdale county (Ga.) nt tho next reg ular ten#, on the first Monday in October next, for leave to sell all the lands belonging to tho estate of Mrs. Aloy Rhodes deceased, for the purpose of distribution amongst the heirs and creditors of said demised. 0. SEAMANS, Fept. 7th, 1876.—tt, OrdiNArV. (1 EOKUlA—Rockdale County : r This is to notify nil persons concerned that application will be made to the Court of Ordi nary of Rockdale count\ (Ga.) at the next reg ular term, on the first Monday in October next, for* leave to sell till tue rial estate be longing to the. estate of Sophronin E. Wallis deceased, for the purpose of distribution among the heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. o. Damans, Ordinary. (GEORGIA —Rockdale County : Whereas, Samuel H Broadnax having made application to me to he appointed Guardian of the property of Ada V., Ed ward U.. John 11. and Esther R. Broadnax,res idents of Rockdale, orphans and minor chil dren of Joel C. Broadnax, deoeased. This is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at thu.Court, of Ordinary, to bo held on tli > first Monday in October next, and show Hunt) if any they tan, why the said Bauino 1 11. Broadnax should no! be entrust w ith the guar* dinnship of the property of raid minor chil dren. O SEAMANS, ORDINARY. Notice !. TO allwlio areiwlclMio ii&liy MusurAcuumils Remember yonr notes are due the 1'„ dof October. We have waited with jam auorher year, and some of you two and tin ee years. Wo laid to stop business on your account. Now we wnpt you to come forward on tiiß—by the Ist day of October Remember your prom ises We don’t, want to put any one to trorfblo or cost We think our friends will come boldly - ----- - y-s • 2-'*-y**uwp fc' l 3'e , e**-c * Ist. 1876, and let as get to business again—A friend in need is a friend indeed,—and we wifi remember you in the future We mean business Yours Respectfully, lOtf NIGHT A WHITE. W. M. M. P, j ii i)itl?Q G lH'ij and APtj>TIfEOAEY • j \ Centre S trc ef, CONYERS, ::::::: OIORGIA —Denier in— DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS l'orfif® Cry and Fancy Toilet articles. RULE WINES & Uqt'OliS for Medicinal use. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Ac. Trusses and shout dor Billi es. Fresh Garden Seeds. Pateift Medicines of all kinds. W 'Physician’s Pre scriptions accurately compounded., 99JStrjfS p ST AR <3 H P O IJSH . A frllEA T JJISCO VEII ¥! By the tise of which every family nmy give their Linen that brilliant palish peculiar to fine laundry work, having time and labor in iron ing, more than its efltTre cost. Warranted. bold ly 1 ruggists and Grocers Eecry v‘hcrc. ASK FOR DOBBINS’. DOBBINS, BROS, it ( O. •’ W-fim lfi N. Fourth St., Philadelphia. For sale by BRYANS 4 Conyers, Ga Mind reading, Psychomancy, Fascination Soul Charming, Mesmerism,and Marriage Otiido, showing how either sex may fascinate and gain tlw love and affections of any person 'they <moo*e instantly, 400 pages. By mail o'* certs. Hunt k Cos., IXO S. 7th HI,/ Philadel phia, I’a.- . 10-if