Rockdale register. (Conyers, Ga.) 1874-1877, October 26, 1876, Image 3

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THE register^ CONYERS, GA., THURSDAY OCT 38. 1870. ' JFCJI SHE Jill F. anoctfully announce myself as a cundi , ! r .'; Sheriff of Rockdale county, and refer ’ " ."na’st record os Sheriff of the county. If ’O ,I ' > ■' I R hail Strive to fill the office satisfaoto ! iiv, both to myself, and to tile citizens of tho c°' iut y-. D. N. HUDSON. oct2s-wo ‘ FOR tax collector. Tho friends of T. T. Thrasher propose his ‘e as a candidate for Tax Collector of Bock !do county at the election to be held in Jftnu next and ask that his claims be duly con sider-d by the voters ot said county. Octohei lSth-tde TO THE VOTERS OF ROCKDALE. [ , un a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court, and if elected, Joseph A. McCord (who has been Deputy Clerk two ~.,.v rs) will be my Deputy. ' J Respectfully, Ac., Oct. 12th, 1876. —tde J. P. ROSSER. FOR TAX RECEIVER. Imu a can lidate-for the office of Tax Re ... ; v ,. r of Rockdale county. c,l t j 0 W. T. 11USON. " 'for COUNTY TREASURER. T hereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of Rockdale county. J. E. MADDOX. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. D. M. Parker will be supported for Clerk Su perior Court of Rockdale county by nolO-tde Many Friends. ” FOR SHERIFF. Mr John H Taylor will be supported for Sheriff of Rockdale county, at the ensuing election by _ Sept 12tli, 1876— ti Many Friends ■WANTED. Iqr - IWE TBZ mS 9 without any regard to previous col or or politics to vote for J. A. U. STEW VUT for County Treasurer. Every one so doin will be entitled tout hroSio. tde The weather, as well as the moon, has been undergoing some changes of late. Rockdale Fair closed on last Saturday afternoon. - i<N Brick Stoie Fair opened on Tuesday morning. A few Rockdalians are and expect to be in attendance. Henry Superior Court is in session this WCekf Chestnuts and goobers are quoted prime in the Conyers Board of Trade. Justice A. M. Helms held a court on Tuesday for the trial of some illegality 3:1 SeS. Candidates are still making their way into ti e hearts ot the vntirs of the land. Rev. Joim Eubanks and Rev. Mr. Jordan will occupy the pulpit of the Frirnitive Baptist church, in this place, on Saturday and Sit' day next. Improvements will be made to the Methodist church building, in this place, soon. There is some talk ot an Univorsalist church being started in Conyers. The Conyers Cornet Band is one of the attractions here. Miss Lucy Harris, of Atlanta, has been spending several 1 days with her rel atives in Conyers. She left on last even ing’s tiain for her home. Conyeis lawyers are making prepara tion to attend the Supreme Court. Go to A. J, Pierce’s if you want shoes. Mocking?, calicos, clothing, groceries, or anything else CHEAP for CASH. Trade is said to be lively in the Queen City, notwithstanding the low price ot cotton and o her produce. North Georgia apples and cabbages are making their appearance in Conyers. Rich Almand entered some fowls in the Fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wood did the hon ors of the Hotel on the Fair grounds. Mr- 11. Sti ickland is studying law with Col. J. N Glenn. Col. J. 11. Lowe, of Henry county is dead. Col. J. N. Glenn has teen on a trip to Indian Springs. A fowl, half turkey and half guinea, attracted considerable attintion at I lie Rockdale Fair last week. Also a gourd over fifty years old that holds over a bushel. Wu learn that Mrs. S. E. Summers has rented the Whitehead House in this place, and will take charge of the same about Chris'mas, and run it next year. AVe wish her success in her conteuiplas ted undertaking. Ifockdale ladies were the greatest at ttaction at the Fairest week. And the young men were the most attracted. Quite likely. A marriage is to Lome off soon. AVhat is it in this cold world that makes it fatal to be loved ” Capt A. 11. Zacliry is one of the Jud gesnl the Brick Snore Fair. T.u* Ptxdjytpran church was crowded to its luliesi capacity, to witness the dedication cerimonies and to hear the dedication senuon of Dr Irvine on last Sunday. —"— ■ * r ~ Conyers Cornett Band left tor Brick Stoic hair this morning to make music tor that institution. There’ll he music in the air, when the baud begins to play. DEATHS A little child ot Mr. and Mis. Win. White died on Sunday evening last. I’rot. C. 11. Pay'or lot a clild on Saturday night. We extend our sympathies to the be reaved ones. Mr. \V. H. James, joint editor and proprietor of the Daily Register, Sher man Texas, is on a visit to Conyers. We wish him a pleasant sojourn while in Georgia. We wont, tell on him. The poet says ; Wert thou as far as that vast shore, washed by the farthest sea, I would venMit e tor such merchandize. Col S. K Johnson, Superintendent. Ga. Railroad, has placed an extra train on tlie road to accomodate parties wishing to v’sit Brick Store Fair. It arrives at Conyers a few minutes before nine, a.m, and returns at six, p.m. Hen. Frank Chambers, Democratic Elector for this Dis'riot, spoke in Crn vers on last Thursday. His speech was a p’ain, sensible, talk; telling us our plain duty. Hon. J. IT. Blount’s speech at th' 1 Fair gronnds on Fridivwas a verv flue effort. It was highly spoken of by all that beard it. When he spoke of the corruption at Washington and other places, canned by the Radical party, bis bearers opened their eves, bet us all pome together on the 7th of November and vote tor the men and the measures that will purge the wholo country of its crimes and follies. Mr. .T. F. Marat on, the contractor and builder of the new Presbyterian church in this nlace, lias completed the same. The building reflects credit on the skill and t.vste of builder, as wel 1 as beiu>; an ornament and honor to Conytrs and vi cinity. T>. N. Hudson announces himself a candidate for Sheriff. See his card n this issue. Mr. Hudson has been Sher iff once and deputy once. lie made an excellent oflic r. He promises to do bis best in the future if elected. The voters ]of the county can consider the matter | for themselves and decide it according to | their interest, in the matter. Secretary's Office, Rockdale county Fair Association. - Conyers, Ga., Oct. 23, 1876. ) Editor Register: —Below I will give you the entire number ot entrvs made in each department at the Fair : Department Ist. Field crops, 93 Department 2nd.—Stock, 43 Depirtmeut. 3id.—Poultry, 21 Department 4th.—Home industry, 118 Department sth.—Tools, impliments, Manufacturers and Machinery, 32 Department 6th,—Fine Arts, 57 Department 7th.—Floral, 3 Department Bth. Special premiums, 7 Total, 379 In connection with the above*report,we wish to return our sincere and heartfelt thanks to those who contributed so large lyand liberally to the enterprise, and es pecially to the ladies ; for they did honor to the Association, and besides won for themselves a name that will ever stand, like a monument, showing to generations vet unborn that the fair ladies of Rock dale were first, and ranked highest among those who were contributors at the late Fair—one prominent feature that will he written in the history of our famous little county. II S. McNair, Secretary DEDICATION HYMN. Dedicated to the Conyers Presby terian Church. BY SIDNEY HERBERT. Up to Thy Courts, O, God of grace, We come to seek T y bi essed face ; Thy face that glows with love divine lor all whom Thou hast marked as Thine. Here in this Church of man’s device, Where sin can still our souls entice, We need Thy presense in our hearts, Through the rich grace Thy love imparts, O consecrate our souls, os well As walls, and tower aad sounding bell, That to Thy service here are given, To aid in teaching men of Heaven. No sounding bell, no tower so high Can save a soul that’s doomed to die ; Nor can this service give to these Power to bend in faith our knees. Our bouls, our hearts, our purest love. All must abide in God above ; Then shall this Church most truly be A house in which to worship Thee. Then with foundations broad and deep, The living Church its walls shall keep. As Thou hast kept the walls of Zion, Stronger than stone, or brass ox iron. Presbyterian Church—Dr. Irvine. As we have stated elsewhere in tin issue, the new Presbyterian church in Conyers has been finished, and is now being used for the purposes for which it was built. The dedication serin >n was preached on hist Sabbath by Rev. Rob ert Irvine, D. D., of Augusta, Ga, The Blh ohnptir ot Ist Kings was read ns the scriptural or dedication less on. An appropriate and fervent prayer was offered by Dr. Frazer, of Decatur. The text from which the noted, lent non and eloquent divine preached the dedica tion sermon, was the 12th verse of *lst chapter of Ist Corinthians, which leads : ‘•Now this I say, that every one cf you saith, lam ot Paul; and lam otu Apol los; and lam of Cephas ; and I am of Christ." The speaker pictured the dif ferent parties named, and showed how vain and foolish it was to follow anyone but the nio 'k and lowly Saviour. Grace is from on high. “Paul may plant and Apollos water, but God giveth the in crease." The powers and the gifts ot the man must be hid by the Cross, A saint may pray for a sinner, but a sinner must pray tor himself.” lie preached four sermons while here. On Sunday night from this text: “l'ln fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much,” lie said a right eous man was one quickened by the spirit of God ; by grace from on high. All others are unrighteous. His picture of the drought and deso lation iu the time of Elijah—when In prayed that it might not rain, and it rained not tot the space of three 'years and six months. How lie prayed again and it rained, and the earth brought fruit, and man and beast were gladdened —was portrayed with a power that was sublime, and a pathos that was touching ly tender and -adly beautiful; convincing his hearers ot the power and efficacy el prayer. All of his sermons here were marked by the same strength of thought, force, of diction and beauty of expieasion as those we have named. They show the learning, eloquence, fervor, piety, strength ot mind atul liberal ciivisliat spirit ot the man who loses sight of self white keeping the cross in view. We are.unable to give even a synopsis of his remarks. Dr. Frazer preached on Tuesday night a very able sermon from this text: “Make me as one ot thy hired servants.’’ Rev. Mr. Morton has been in attend ance also on the meeting. Our people were so well pleased wi ll Dr. Irvine, that we hope lie will find it convenient to visit Conyers often ard preach to us. A Southern Enterprise. We to day insert the advertisement ot Wm Ktia’be & Go., and dip the fol iowing from Hie New York tribune: ‘l’lie Baltimore niano firm ot Wm. Knahe tfc Cos. is one of the oldest in the country. Making irorn forty to fifty pi anos per week, the Knabe manufactory sends the instrument to divers quarters of the United Slates and finds v tluiblu patrons in South America, the West Indies, and in Europe. Their trade in the southern stales has been extending largely of Lite years. The Knalie pianos have been the most popular of any in the South, and they certainly have no roam ‘or complaint wherever they are testi d.’ Mesrs. Phillips & Crew, Atlanta, ate the Georgia agents for these pianos. Da you take The Sunny South? If not, send for it immediately. It is the univetsal favorite, and all Southern ers are proud of it. Let a large chtb he raised without delay in Ills community. It is the only illustrated literary weekly in the South, and the press and people everywhere unite in pronouncing it the equal in every respect of any similar publication in Ame-ica. The heat liter my talent of the whole country, North and South, is writing tor it, and it has something each week for all classes ot readers. Its stories are superior in lit eral)-merit, and equal in thrilling inti tv est, te those ot any other paper, and its essays upon all subjects are Horn the best minds of the age. In addition to thrilling new stories, a senes of brilhant articles will soon be gin on the Campaigns and Hatties of the Army of lenntsee, by Colonel B. W. Frobel, a distinguished military en gineer of that army in all its trying times. These papers will explain all the movements of Genetals Johnston, Ilood and Sherman. Don’t miss any of the numbers They will read like a facinatiug romance. Mew and exciting stories arc begin ning every week or two. . State and local agents aru being ap pointed everywhere, bullet each cim munity form a ciub at once and send on for the paper. Having pmfted success fully tiirough two ot the hardest years we shall ever see, it now challenges the admiration and unlimited support ol the people. The price is 83 a year, but clubs ol four and upwards get it for §2. 50. Address Jno. H. Sea's. Atlanta, Ga. club it with oui paper, and for $4 25 \ou can secure your home pa per and our great Southern literary I journal.both of which everybody in iftm comuitmity should sustain. FOR BALE 1 , The house and lot whereon Judge A. TANARUS/ Da vidson now lives it Conyers, in hereby offered for stile, It, is near the business part of the town, has six or seven rooms,besides dining and cook rooms: good orchard, and throo or four acres of land attached- Apply to W T. STIIPtiBY, or A. 0. McOALLA. PIANO AND ORGAN DEPOT. MIttUMA FRETEP, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Sole Agents for tho World-Renowned isis \p3H3 ( rand, Squaro*andJUprigbt PIANOS. These instruments have been before the public for more than forty years, aud upon heir excellence alone have attained an Unptir chased Pre-eminence which establi-hes them as Unequalled for their Tone, Touch, Work manship and Durability. They have receive seventy-five Hold and silver Medals over nil other competitors. Endorsed by ‘Thnlbo g,” ‘‘i.ottschulk,” “Strakosli,” “Pauline Lucca.” ‘Clara Louise Kellogg,” “lima D Murska,” “"'.ln ;■ o” Mills, and others. Also securing the first and high est premiums at the INTERNATIONAL CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER, 1876. The prices of these instruments are ns low iif tho exclusive use of first-class materials will allow. (&4?“Catalogucs aud price lists mailed fret on application to PHILLIFS. CREW IKEYER, General Agents, Atlanta, On. W Sold on easy terms. 16-tf JAMES C. BARTON. | CALEB J. BARTON BARTON & BARTON. Attorneys at Law, CONYERS, : : : GEORGIA, Will p,notice in the Courts of this State, and in tli. U. S. Courts at Atlanta, Ga. Special attention given to the Collection oj 'Claims. v3-nls-tf A. C. KoCALIA, Attorney at Law, CONYERS, : : : GEORGIA, Will practice in Rockdale and adjoining coun ties. vB-n!f>-ly ftftftftft ft! ft ft ft!J ft ft ft ft ft ft ft; To tlie Working Class. —We are now prepared to furnish nil cusses with constant employ in out at homo, the whole of the time, or for the spare moments. Business new, light anil profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn fr im 50 cents to $5.00 per evening, anil a proportional sum by devoting their w hole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see tins notice may send their address, > nil test the business we make this unparralleled offer: To such ns "'ell satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full partic u litrs, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the largest and best illustrated publications, all sent tree by mail. Header, if you want per manent, profitable work, address, Geo. Stin son A Cos., Portland, Maine. Aft A A Can’t be made by every agent every NMMMiuonth in the bu -iness we furnish, but V€/ W those willing to work can earn a dozen dollars a day right in their own localities. Havo n , room to explain here. Business pleas ant and honorable. Women, and boys and girls co as well s mem. We furnish you a coMpletoOuttit free. The business pays better than anything else. We will bear expense of starting yon. Write and see. Farmers and me chanics, their sons and daughters, and all class es in need of paying work at borne, should write to us and learn about the work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Address True & Cos., Augusta, Maine. \T A We will start you in a brsi- J.\ l J ness you can make 850 a week \|n \] I3 V without capital easy and re iVl UIN X speetable for either Hex. — Agents Supply Cos , 261 Bowery-, New York. A WEEK Male or female. No capital tjpUl* We give steady work that will bring you $2 k> a month at home day or evening. - inventors Union, 173 Green wick St., N. Y. Agents. Investigate the merits of the Illus trated Weekly, before determining upon your work for this fall and winter. The com bination for this senson surpasses anything heretofore attempted. Terms sent free on ap plication. Address, Chas. Clucas., 14 Warren street, New York. tw ■ itJ ■*" ir mu a* e Since Rupture is dangerous and the Elastic and other trusses injure those who use them, all classes are throwing them away and using Dr. Sherman’s Rupture support and Curative Compound, which gives relief in all cases and restores the parts to natural vigor. Dr. Sher man’s books with valuable information and likeneSH of bad cases before and after cure sent for 10 cents. Ollico 1 Ann street. Now York. Save this. 4w PRESS—OUTFITS READY—THE CENIENHIIL EXPOSITIJN. DKMCKIUKI) ANI) lI.f.UHTUATKD, A graphic pen-picture of its history, grand buildings, wonderful exhibits, curiosities, great days, etc. Profusely illustrated, thoroughly popular and very cheap. Must sell immensely 5,00 Agents wanted. Send for full particulars This will be the chance of 100 years to coin money fast. Get the only reliable history. Hubbard Bros., Pubs,, 733 Samson St.. Phila. Caution —Be not deceived by premature books, assuming to be “official" and tolling what will happen in Aug. and Sept. 4w THERE IS MONEY IN IT. In these hard times a good return for hones labor is very derrable. Any active young man or young lady can earn a handsome sum by addressing, for particulars, the Managers of The Constitution, the great political and family journal published at the Capital of the j State. CONSTITUTION PUBLISHING CO., Atlanta, Ga. ' JYATESBAN IAS I T i ORN E Y AT L.i AY, Office No. 8, James’ Bank Block, Atlanta, Georgia. Special attention given to the collectio of c aim Sit business attended to promptly ASSIGNEE’S SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Register in Bankruptcy will be sold before tho Court House door in tho town of Conyers and county of Rockdale on the first Tuesday in November next the following property, belonging to tho os*ote of J. M. Summers, bankrupt, to-wit Fifty-eight aud seven-eighth ('HJ > acres of land, lying on Little Haynes Creek in said county, on which is situated a goo I Merchant. Mill with two seta of runners, ft good giu-hnus j store-house and dwelling. The mill has u large local custom and is considered a first-class Flouring Mill, and the water power is a never failing powei. Fifty-five end five-eighth (53|) acres of land adjoining the above, on " hi. b is a good dwell ing house and all necessary out buildings, nbcUt twenty a itch of good lad ti iu land, und about twenty acres of woodland. Two hundred acres of land, more or lefts, ,n said county, being parts of lots Nos. 2,Mi and ;|MI and being, the farm on which Lee Henry now lives. One stove house and lot. on Centre stroot iu the town of Conyers, 6 i, a2 , .1 feet. One dwelling house aud lot, in the town of Conyers, oontair ing foui acres, mote or loss, on Alioaud Htreet; aud one acre of land ad joining the dwelling house lot, fronting on sai l Almand street. iWT \ plat of tho mill property can he seen at (lie office of J. C. Burton at the Court House in Conyere. * A WO, \t the same tiiuo and place tho fo’.h wit g property belonging to the estate of T. J. Nclirs, bankrupt, to-wit : Eighty (HO) acres of land lying on the Geor gia Rail Road, and being within half r. mile of the ehi-poruto limits of the town of Conyers- Seventy-five (7i>) acres, more or less, known ne a port of the Jerry Darnel land, lying about one mile from tin' corporate limits of the town of Conyers and on ti e Georgia Rail Road. One hundred and two (102) acres of hind. No. 188, in the 10th district of Rockdale county. Lot of land, No. 276, in tho 18th district of Dooly (onnty. Georgia. Lot of land. No. 15(1, in tho 27th district of Decatur county Georgia. And one aero lot iu the town of Ocnyers, fronting on North Rail Road street. IMS’To mis made known on day of sale. I-’. B. Rosses, J. Barton, Assignees of said Bankrupts. HARNESS AND SADDLES. a \ LL persons wanting Harness, A Bridles, Collars, Lines, ete., will do wed to call at my shop wheie they can uo hie. .cry Low poo Cash, 1 am determined to stop the Northern interior harness from selling in this county, if selling good liand-i ado harness cheap will do it . Giro me a trial before buying elsewhere. Old harness and sat!(Hess repaired promptly and cheaply. Respectfully, ii 8,1. J. S. M LEAN. CONYERS 'PRICKS CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY J. H. ALMAND, SON & CO. C>lton —Middlings, steady, fill" 6J Stains, dull 8 (a 9$ GUOCRJtIKH AND rItOVmIONH Meat —C R Bulk Ui(l2 LC “ I<'if" 11 Bulk Hams 13J(ult Canvassed " 18 (a IHJ Corn, — Sacked 70(3,75 Flour —Extra Family, per barrel.. #7< ( 71 Family, per barrel s6j(o'7.j Coifee, ltio, 211 (u 25 Sugar, granulated Loaf 13j(“ 14 “ NO Fancy 12l>/13 “ Yellow C, 10 ("11 Syrup, Honey drip 60 (a 65 Molasses, Muscovado 50 (a 55 “ Black Strap, 33 J (a. 35 PRODUCE Butter., 25c Kggs, (n In bugs 1 Of 2j Tallow, 7 0? 8 Beeswax 20 fa2s Dry Hides . 7 (' 6J Chickens 10 (a 25 Wheat, SIOO to $1.25 per bushel. Meal, 75c per bushel.,, j ITHE RIGHT MAN IN THE EIGHT PLACE. • It has got to be a fashion, now, In every place and clime, For folks to keep an instrument To toll of passing time : Some keep n watch—tome k ep a clock And frequently they mix them ; But if they should get broke, you know, They 'd need tome one to fix them ! p As that’s my trade, I’ll tell you this— Mv workmanship ne’er.,fails- My shop is found at Thompson’s Store— My name is J; H. Hales. 1 am told thut Conyers has long needed a first class Watchmaker and Jeweler. "A fr iduate in the Horologies 1 Science of Kulinsk’s’ Horological Institute, New York ; having hud three years practice in the United States Watch factory -going from the lowest to the highest step known to the profession in manufacturing parts,—with an additional ex perience of six years in repairing under tho instruction and supervision of one of the finest workmen S< nth, 1 feel I can offer my services to the public as a first-class work man. I have located permanently in Con vert and will do fine work at reasonable prices. FINE MATCHES a Snecialtj . Solid Jewelry, Engagemen* and Wedding rings made to order. 1 challenge anv one to show greater skill or taste in re pairing jewelry. No daubing with lead at this j establishment' either in watch orj. welry re pairing. T solicit public patronage, guaran tee all work to give p rfect satisfaction. I can be found at Dr. T. U. Thompson’s store. Commercial street. Respectfully, J. H- HALES. ! aug23-81y] . i I) YII DOur 1 fe-lik • Steel Em-ravings of 'lllllA I t'ithe Presid ntial Candidates sell ■rapidly- Send for circular. N MAKE y Engrav no Cos., 35 Wall St., . *l* A DAY.fBox 3236, N. Y. 9-8 t 1 NOTICE. FOBBALI. Eighteen hundred acr->K of lui.d, lying on t.ho Georgia Railroad, 8} miles from t’onyejs, and 5 mil is from Covington. The land is well I m'a'rcd and well watered, and has good tens .ut houses on it. It will make ono of the Best Stock Farms in Middle Georgia. Tutus: One-fourth crab j ha. unco iu two iiiinuttl payments, ff not sold in a body, the land will be divided into lots to suit pun husers, and if not disposed of at pri vate sale, will be sold boforo the Court House door, in Conyers, on the I d Tuesday in De co nber. For further refenneo apply to J. M. IACHRY, or i. K. ZACHRY, Conyers, Ga. On Plantation. October 12th. 1876. — IK' l 4 tda DEORGIA Kocmmm: County ; II Whereas, W. D. Cl. Bentley, W. H. McCord and others having made application to tho Court of Ordinary for the opening out and ea. tubllshing a now public road commencing ut or near McCord’s school house and inteisectiug with tho road leading from Flat Sin tils to Mc- Donough, near Mr, Whitley's dwelling. All person concerned are h -reby notilud to file their objections, If any they have, iu my nffeo, by tho 14th day if November next, or the or der will pass granting said rontcmpluti and road as applied for. 0 SEAM Ah S, 0 t- herflfh, 187(1- -tdg Obdieakt. Rockdale Court of Ordinary. Fur County FurpoNug. At Chambers, August 30 h, 1876. Whereas, His Kxc'llouey, James M. >mith, the Governor of the State of Georgia, having assessed five tenths of one per cent advidorem on the the taxable property of tho State fur State taxcH for the year 1876. It is therefore ordered that, the following as sess ents be, and they uro hereby made, as the county tax for Rockdale county for tin- your 1H76 for tin- purposes helein act forth, and that the same be collected by T. M. Aimistcad, Tux Collector of Rockdale county, or his successors in office, and paid over to the Treasurer of said county by the loth of December next : For ordinary county purposes a: 4 for extra services and salaries of county otflcois for the year 1876, ten per cent ndvalorcm in the Stato tax on property. II “Tc support the poor fifteen per osnt on the State tax advalorum on property. ill For building and repairing the county brid ges ten per cent on the Statu tax on property. ]V To pin the Grand and Petit Jurors for the year 1876, fifteen pc" not ndvnloinn on prop erty. O. SEAMANS, vul3-noB-uug3o 300. Ordinary. liEOltOl.Y— Rockdale County : U This is to notify all persons concerned that application will be n ode at tbo Court of Ordi nary of Roekdsle county (Ga) at the next regu lar term, on the first Monday in November next, for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of John P. Carr, deceased, for the purpose of distribution amongst the heirs and meditors of said deceased t. SEAMANS, Oct sth, t.876,—4t Ordinary. |‘l EORGlA— Rockdale County : Bessie Sherman 1 Libel for Divorce. vk. > Rockdale Superior Court, John W. Sherman. ) Fall Term, 1876. Rule to Prefect Service, —It appearing to the court l>y the return of the Sheriff that the defendant does not live in this county ; and it further appearing that said defendant does not reside in this State ; it is, on motion of counsel, ordered that said defendant be nnd ap peal- and answer at the next term of this court, else the ease will be considered in default and plaintiff allowed to proceed. And it iH further ordered that this rule be published in the Rockdale Register, a newspaper published in Conyers in said county, once a month for four months before the next term of this couit. J. C. BARTON, G. J. WRIGHT, ITt’ff’n Att'y. J. S. C. A. C. Presiding. A true extract from titr minutes of Rockdale Superior Court. T. J. Tkiadwh.l, nol3-4m Clerk. S VLE. By virtue of nn order from the Court of Or dinary of Ito< Ul tie county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, 1876, at the Court House door in said county, within the legal hours of sale, all the real t state Belong ing the Mrs. Aley Rhodes, deceased : Contain ing one hundred and twenty-eight acres of Inn ! more or less, lying in the sixteenth district of originally Henry now Rockdale county ; it be ing parts of lots Nos. 245. 246 ami 265, and ad joining lands of Jim Jones (col.), Dock wann (col.) on the West, and on the North bv Win, Rhodes and Munnel Hay good (col.) and D, N. Hudson, on the East by lands belonging to John Bostwiek, deceased, and the South by lands of John W. Johnson. Soil for the pur pose of distribution among the heirs and te>- pay creditors of said deceased. Terms : One half cash, balance in twelve months, payable in notes of one hundred dollars or less; bond for titles till purchase money is paid. D. N. HURON, Administrator of Mrs. Aley Rhodes. Y DMiNIETHATOR'S kale. *" By virtue of nn order jiom the Court of Or dinary of Rockdale county will be sold on the first i uchday in Noveliilu i next, 1876. at the Court House door in -aid county, between the legal hours of svle, -II tier real estate belong ing to the estate of Boj,l ronta E. Wallis, de ceased: Consisting ol nn undivided one-half interest in a house and hit in the town of Con yers, well improved, containing one acre, more or less, bounded nr follows : On the West by Academy street, on the North by H. Wallis, East by Mrs. Cutii Scott, North by William Brown ; also ninety-four acres of land, more or 1 ss. lying in the seventeenth district, of originally Henry now Rockdale county, and part of lot, No, (20 ,) two hundred and five and bound on the South by H. Wallis,“West by 8,. J. MarlaO, Nortli by Turn Turner (col.). East by H. Wallis and Maddox. Terms of salo cast.. J. F. WALLIS. Administrator. Notice l TO all who areiiidebted to ns by Notes or Accounts Remember your notes are due Ist day of October. Wo have waited with you another year, and some of you two and thi ee years. Wo had to stop business on yom- account. Nov we want yon to oome forward on time—by the Ist day of October Remember your pom-., ises We don’t want to put any one to trout or cost We think our friends will oome boldly to the front and meet us promptly by Octobe. Ist 1870. and let us got to brininess again—a. friend in need is a friend indeed— and wt will remember von " f V uture Wo mean business Yours Respectfully, lOtf NIGHT & WHITE.