Rockdale register. (Conyers, Ga.) 1874-1877, November 09, 1876, Image 2

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By the Register DvUithing Company A. < McC %LLA. . Editor ami Huxim-M Manager. ~ 7A Rnrxim.K Kwni'Ti!* costs only 7mo Dollar* par annum. It ha* a large an? constantly inr renting circula tion, and it one of the very hett adver titin i mediums in the State ■i - - Hon*., A. 0. Bacon, of Bib's nl 11. H. £*oton, ol ClrrU, are tb*- imminent cai*lt*ite* lor (he Speaker*hip of tire next Honse of U*pr of 11*in Mum. * Uncle Samuel J stop* to the front. Tildcn at the bat! Hrudricka on deck! Hon. J. H. Blount i* elected from thin i6'.b) District. Hampton and worm the day in g'.oriooa old S'Mith Carolina. A bright alar ol hope is up the dark place*. An Unbroken Brotherhood. Returns show a lull Pemoeralic Coil. gi'<attonal delegations frern Georgia, to ait! lion. Julian llartridgc, Ist District; lion. H T . E. Siniih, 2nd; Hon. Phil Cook, 3rd ; lion. Henry K. Han a, 4ih Hou. Mi ton A. Candler, sta; Hoo. James H. B ount, Gilt ; Hon. Win 11. Fallon. (In 1) lib ; lion. A H. Stephen, 8b ; lion. B. H. HiH, 9th. The Deputy U s. Marshal appointed for the great emergency in Atlau’.a on 'J’aesd iv voted the Denioi rulic ticket. Now that iihlen is elected, negrois will be put back into slavery, Radicals reconstructed. Tit amp Tkamc. Ninety thousand ol tioers holders wi'l in irch out to tne tune of unoie Samuel and reluriu, to ma'e way tor uncle Ham's boys. What say you oo* - , Hayes A Cot You cun pla.-e us ►quart* yon tl*e -n* ntoria record. We are in lavor of the reelection of Hon. T. M. Norwood, lie is the right man in the right place, i.ct liiin go back fully emloiaed by the legialature. The country owes him that for his past able service. vovi i (/ton Mar. Put us down the same way. i i m -♦ ■ — ■- Thank God the Victory is Ours. The very latest news we have shows 192 votes or over; 185 being necessary to elect. The long dark night ol agony is over at last. Thank God ! victory is ours 1 and with it. comes liberty and peace to the down trodden people, and Mates ot the South! Tilden has made the best tight on record. His legions have tram* pled on Radicalism and squelched it with all its reeking corruption ! Let us all rejoice 1 for with this glori rious triumph minus a peace that snr pasaein all undertlauding. Again we ►ay, rejoice ! The very hills, r allies and mountains will catch up the echoes ; and the oppressed of every chine will join the shouts ot “many souls male happy, and millions of hearts made glad I" •‘For the night shall be filled with music. And th :• cams .hat infest the day. Shall fold their tents like the Arabs, And as silently (teal a* iy." JXJBILAT£ D^O. The World of Wednesday morning has tlie following leader: “Peace <*ti earth to men gocxl will’ is the glorious message of this glorious day. ibe magnificent victory which we an nrat>c*> to day has been won, indeed, by a great, undid and determined |>oliijca! party, bat it has been won by a party tor the sulvatiou ot the jujople. It brings to the deflated the time blessings which it ensares bo the vio'ors. It is the triumph <*f union over disunion, of order and of the law over the ► irita of disorder and ol anarchy ;of statesmanship and patri otism over [lartisati insoience and sec.- tional halo. '1 lit re is not an liumd man in the V niietl Mates of whatever tftrd, nr hativtr color, or t.ffilittlion*, who lias not cause this day whether he know* it or not, to thank God for ‘.lie wirk w Inch was yesterday done. In all our pasi bistory nosuhliiuer epeoiawle bad been presei led 10 the world than wliet. the armies ol the lepubiic flushed with victory melted tjuieily back into the jjreat body oi the • topic at the close of the civil war. The political philr>so pher* ol all uuliors stood astonished at the scene. Uow much grander is the sight winch we wit ness to-day of a gi gantic political revolution plannedh g*n and carried out without the flritig ot, a shot in anger, by the simple exertion of the popular will working through the legitimate forms and in traditions, spirit ot our tree institution*. To us who have been part and the work, to the active n.en ot both political parties, it doubtless seems a simple and nalura< thing in migh To foreign observers sti.i lojjiuat a h i.eaooi*. ail* r ue, -l- H assume it* true pniportion*, and it will stand in his'ory as 'he noblest iinauiua h|.. vindication >! the wisdom and thel faith of those great *eu who founded nor nationality oti ttie principles ded in their time a add and Üb*| ian and even in our data dishonored but too often by the’contempt of Americana un worthy ot their great heritage of fiee doni. A passenger in a sailing packet was complaining to an old “sa t lh t he as so tick he conldn’t keep anything on hi* stomach, when the c nilor exclaimed* I Can t keep anything on your stummic! yon jest iiy a mustaid piaster, and if that dnnt't Stiek, 111 tsnd irrog for all hand* Horn here t*> the Injiea.’ ftCK&stLF Register. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, 'bt the ROCKDALE REGI TER PC BUSHING CO. AT CONYERS, GEORGIA. batks or SL'BscKii nx : One Y.*ar 5? Mooth*. Three Months, ° Club* of Five or more, 25 per cent, lets ! - The tiEoisTxa is * huge 24 column paper. The Register is the Old Reliable.. TIIE REGISTER Will give you the Genera end Local News. Dernoctotic at ah times and under all circumstances / Tin Political Campaign for 1876 —the Cen tennial year—is now opened. SUBSCRIBE FOB THE “ REGHEE/' And keep posted on the coming 'issues of tho day. Within the next Bix mouths, every elective Office in tho United States, from Bailiff to President, will be elected. The Campaign will be "Ked Hot and stall a Heating.” The most vital issues are in this Campaign Subscribe for Tur Rkqistkb, the Old Rclia le, an 1 keep up with the Timet ! Ijt 12 a day at home. Agents wanted. Out ‘ tit id terms free. Tsus A Cos., Augusta,- Maine. tvol3-41 JOHN MILLEDGK, ATTORNEY AT W. ATI.ASTA, liEOBGI A. ■W re 21 Pryor street, opfutilt Kimball Horn PIANO AND ORGAN DEPOT. MILUPsTcil* & fBHEit, ATLANTA, GEORG I A, Sole Agents for the World-Renowned iS. Sf iS 11313 (.rand, Sqnare'and^Uprigbt PIANOS. These instruments have been before the public for more than forty years, aud upon i heir excellence attained an Unpur chased Pre-eminence which eatahli hea them as Unequalled for their Tone. Touch, Work manship and Durability. They have received sevontj -five gold and silver Medals over all other competitors. Endorsed bv •Thalbe'g." “uottoohalk,” •Strakosh.” “Pauline Lucca.” ‘Clara Louis.? Kellogg.” “lima D. Murska," “Muiio” Mills, and others. Also securing the first and high est premiums at the INTERNATIONAL CENTENNIAL EMBffION, PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER, 1876. The prices of these instruments are os low as the exclusive use of first-class material* will allow. and price Hat* mailed free on application to PHILLIPS. CREW & FREYER, General Agent*, Atlanta, Ga. fjySold on easy terms. 16-tf — AGENTS. If you want the best selling arti ole m the world and a solid gold patent le ver watch, free of cost, write at once to J- Bride * Cos., 767 Broadway, New York. !Ot f .VFW GOODS Jutt Received, at 3. SL Anderson’s, Nql ' jm I COM Mr. NCI AI- SWKICT, CONYERS : : GEORGIA, m DRY HOODS, HOOT', SHOES, HATH, NOTIONS, GROCERIES of nil kind.*, BACON, FLOUR, • CHEESE, LVRD, MEAL, MOLASSES. We propose to sell for cash for short prof. it. My Mdemnftii, Mr. Wa atley, will pleas ure in waiting on all cuAtomera who will FAVOR US WITH A CALL. Try us and see if we mean what we say. s* k* djmMmojf. THREE POINTS FOR CONSIDERA TION. During the past five year* the V,EGETINE ha* been steadily working itself into public fa | vor, and t’n.s* who weie at first most incredu lous in regard to its merits are now iw most ! ardent friends and supporters; I There are three esseutial causes for those ! having such a horror of patent medicines, changing th ir opinion and lending their influ ence toward the advancement of VEGETINE. Ist—lt is an honestly-prepa ed medicine from barks, roots and herbs. 2d— It honestly ac- I < on.] dishes all that is claimed for it, without leaving any bad effects in the system. 3d—lt prevents honest vouchers in testimonials from I honest, well-knowned citizens, whose signatures are sufficient guarantee of their earnestness in i the matter. ’ Taking ; into consideration the vast quantity of medicine brought conspicu ously befi re'the public through the | advertisements in the m w-psper columns, with ! no proof of merit or genuine vouchers of what it hasdoue, we should >e pardoned for uiani : testing a small degree of pride in presenting the following testimonials from Rev. J. S. Dickenson, D, I)., the popular and ever-gnnial pastor of the South Baptist Church, Bost.on: THE Till EH BODY SUES FUlt SLEEP. Boston, March 16, 174. H. R. St2vkns, Esq : Dear Sir—lt is as much from a sense of duty as of gratitude that L write to say that your VECJEII E—even if it is patent medicine— has been of great help to me when nothing else seemed to avail which I could sa.ely use. Ei ther excessive mental work or unusual care brings upon me a nervous cxh, ustion that des perately needs sleep, but as desperately defies it. bight after night the poor, tired body sues for sleep until the dav-dawn is welcomed back, and we begin our work tired out with an al most fruitless chase after rest. Now I have found that a littfc VEGENINE taken just be fore f retire gives me sweet and immediate sleep, and without any of the evil effects of the usu .Is narcotics. 1 think two things would tend to make hi ail. • workers sleep. 1st —A lit tle less work. 2d—A little more VEGETINE, hiTspi esciiption has helped me. Now 1 have a particular horror of ‘‘patent uiepicine,” but I have a greater horror of being afraid to tell the straight out truth. The YEG ETINE has I own it no J-’ S. DIOKENSNX. V ALU tBLE EVIDENCE. The following unsolicited iestimonial from Rev O. T. WALKER, I>. D., formerly pastor of llowdom Hquare Church, and at present settled m Providence, R. 4, must be esteemed as reliable evidence. No one should fail to observe that this tes. tiuiojnai it the result f two years’ experwno e with the use of iu the ltev. Mr. IS ni ter's family, who no'" pionouaces it invalua ble : Pboviuence, R. L., 164 Ttaus t Street. U, R. Stevens, Esq.: I feel hound to express with my signature the high value I dlace upon your Vegitiu My mmily huve used it lor the last two years, In nervous debility it is invaluable, aud I rec ommend it to ail who may need au mvigora tin g. renovating tonic. O T Walker, Formerly Paster of Jdow doiu_ttq. Church, Boston. THE BEST EVIDENCE. The following letter from Rev, K. S. BEST, pastor M E Church, Natick Mass, will be read with interest by many physicians. Also tiioee , suh ring from tiie Maine disease at .itflcted the sou Ot tile Rt E Is lie St. No person .can doubt this testimony, and there is no doubt about the curative powers ol VEGETIVE : N atick, Mass., Jau 1, 1874. Mb K R Rtevans : Deal Sir— We have good reason for re garding _,our VEGKT4NF a medicine of the great value. We feel assured that it has liven the means of saving our sou’s life He is now seventeen years of age ; lot the last two years he baa suffered Irvin necrosis o, Lis leg, caused by scrofulous affection, afid was so far reduced that nearly ad who saw him th, ught his re covery impossible A council of able physi cians could give os but the faintest hope ol his ever rallying, two of the number declaim tuat he was beyond the reach of human rem edies, that lveu amputation coi Id not save him, as he had not vigor enough to endure the operation Just then we commenced giving him Vegotine, and from that time to the pres ent he has been continuously improving lie, thrown away crutches and cane, aud walks about cheer Ely aud strong Though there is still sou e discharge from the opening where the him, was named, we have the lulhst confidence that in a uctlo ime he will be perfectly cured ' He taxon about curve dozen bottles of Vegeline, out late y nses but liu.e, as lm m.- olares that he is too well to be taking medicine Respectfully yours, E S Best, Mbs L C F Best RELIABLE EVIDENCE -175 Baltic Street, Brooklyn, N Y, N0v,14, 1874 • h Stevens, l.sq : Dear Sir--Kroui pci tonal beuefit received by its use, as well as lioin personal ku.wieiige jot thoee who-e cures thereby have teemed ai- I moat miraculous. 1 can most lieartily and sin -1 cerely resommeuu the VegetaOe for the ooui -1 plaints tor win. h it is claimed to cure JA-iIBS P LUDLOW, I*afc Paster Calvary Cburch, bacruiueuto, o*l Yegetlae is M by ail Druggists, ‘l’HEliE IB MUiNtl'L\ IT. In these hard times a good return for hones labor is very des rabie. Any active young man or young lady can earn a haudseme sum by addressing, for particulars, the Managers of The Constitution, the great political and iaraily journal published at the Capital of the State. CONSTITUTION PUBLISHING CO., Atlanta, G*. ( - ja J-tDZR WILL OUT. K f u w years sy>‘’A'lffd* l F'ower- was a, i —i t. be a certain core for Dyspepsia all j .-.r complaint, wf thin Dyipcptms mI *n >n ts thei frisnds how sssdy and qui kd he • had been cured by iU Ihe grew ,eiit* of U.tckh's About FieiWKK rngvin. . /aked kkroegh tHs .ountry bt on* suffer r D,r, until, without adv.rtutojr, Ba . •*s ti*oome immense. Druggist* in *VE* ilVfSfin tho Unitcl States are selling it ,0 person suffering with Sour Stomawh Head t. h-? ('ug r iv < Di > Mii jAlpitiition of tuc Ht'irl .digest ion, iow -pints, etc. can Uki throe do :s Without relief. Gr to your Druggest R. H mnl gppt m IxottW foi 7*” MiU *ud try it ta.uplc bottles 10 ,-cuU. Wonderful Success, Tt is reported that Boschef.'s Gerban Stb cr has. sin.-s its introduction in the Unit -d States, real-bed the immense sale of 10,000 do ten per veir. Over fi.dOO Druggists have or- 1 dered this medicine direct* from the Factory, at Woodbury. N. J.. and not one has reported a -ingle failure, but every Utter ipeaks of its astonishing suoctss in i-uring severe Coughs, Co'ds settled on the Bre-at, Consumtion, or anv disease of Thv-at an i lungs. Wo advise any p.-rson that his unvpre iipositinn to wesk Lungs, to go to their Druggist W. 11, Lee. and get this Medicine, or inquire aliout It. Reg ular sire, 75 e**nts; -ample Bottle, cents. Two dos.-s will relieve any case. Don't neg lect yonr cough. teirUKAiiY FOR AGENTS—THK MU BPMITI-51. DK*CHIUF.D AND 11.I.USTHATE0, A graphic pen-picture of its history, grand imildings, wonderful exhibits, curiosities, great days, etc. Profusely illustrated thoroughly popular and very cheap. Is sel ing immensely 5.000 Agents wanted. Send for full particulars This will be the chance of 100 years to coin money fast. Get the only reliable history. Hubbard Bros., Pubs,, 733 Samson St., Phila. Caption —Be not deceived by premature books, assuming to be “official” and telling what will happen in Aug. vnd Sept. 4w Fsycbomaney. or Soul Charming.” How either sex may fascinate and gain the love 4 affections of any person they choose instant ly. This simple, mental aequiremeu all can possess, free, by mail, for 2oi.ts, together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Di earns, Hints to Ladies, Weddmg-Night Shirt, Ac. A queer hook. Address, T. Willia'O A Cos., Pub lishers, Philadelphia. no4l-4w. ■ * BLJ M- Since Rupture is dangerous and the E a?tio and other trusses injure tbosi who use t em, all flosses are throwing them away and Using Dr. Sherman’s Rupture support and Curative Compound, which givos relief in all cases and restores the parts to natural vigor. I'r. Sher man’s books w-ith valuable information and likeness of bad cases before and after tur. son for D> cents. Office 1 Ann street, New York Save this. 4w ONE DOLLAR 1 WILL GET THE ■EitiT mmm, Free of Postage, tiu jiuiin Ist, \m. It is the leading paper of tho South. Red hot Presidential and Gubernatorial Campaigns opening. Every Georgian slionid take the People’s paper. Several serial stories, bv dis tinguished authors running all the time. CiTThe Getter up of a club of ten w ill re ceive the paper free, jjrjl Daily, SIO,O J per annum ; $5,30 for 6 uio ; $2,63 for three months, Send your subscription for this great politi cal and family journal, PUBLISHED AT THE CAPITOL. W. A. HEMPHILL A CO., Publishers. Atlanta, Georg l p Jjt\| OWe have in press anew cam iIVJ ill i\ ‘ O paign Look by a College Pres. cl. D. Big pay. .i0 cents will seeme out tit and lenity. E. B. Treat, Pub,, 805 Broad wav, New York 4w W. M. Emm* M. #, • : ; DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY: ; Centre Street, CONYERS, ::::::: GEORGIA —Desli r in— DRUGS. MEDICINES, < IIEMICALS Perfumery and Fancy Toilet articles, PULE WINES A LIQUORS for Medicinal use. Paints. Oils. Varnishes, Ac. Trusses and shonl •hr Braces. Fresh Garden Seeds. Patent Medicines of all kinds. Physician’s Pre scription- accurately compounded..3ss Hlfll' CENTEMAL; _ T 876 Parlies desiring information as to best routes to the Centennial, or to any* Summer sorts or to any other point i" the country hon'd address B W. WRKN’N. General Passenger Agent Kenrmsaw Route, Atlanta. Ga. gMIfTRATIOiSABLEp Designed to qualify young men for the active duties of life BUSINESS TRAINING a specialty. Our institution —the most thorough, complete and practical in the United States, Young men desiring a start in life, Parents having sous to educate, ore invited to w-rite to us for catalogue and particulars. Total Collegia e Fee, $67 50. No vacations Enter at any time. References—our patrons and former student. Address H. W. SAPLER. Buildings Nos. 6 and 8 N. Charles St., Balti more. HMw "eek to Agents; Samples vKqC \ / /FREE. P. O. Victory, Augusta will yl I Maine aug24 7-Ly TTe'urT: an age .cv .1 and SSO or SIOO per w, ok., ‘•yWVVE KEADT AND NEVEB OCT Of ORDER HOMIEST .AO. 820 iEWIMC ; $2) MACHINE ’*; fok domestic csk WITH T .vBLE and FIXTURES COMPLETE ONLY |2O. A perfect an<’ unequalled, large, strong and durable uiauburn, constructed elegant and solid, from the b -*t material with mathematic al precision, for Const-fit Family use or manu facturing purposes. Always ready at a mo ment’s notice to do iw day s work, never nut of order, and will last a gmerailon with moderate oare; easy to Understand and manage light, smooth, and swift running, like the well regulated moveui art of a fine watoh; Simple, Compact, Efficient an I reliable, with all the v„l iable improvements to be found in the highest priced Maciues, warranted to do the same work, the same wav, ar.d as rapid and smooth as a s7’> M-chine. An ai knowledged triumph of ingenious mechanical skill, resend tially the working woman's friend, and farcin advance of all ordinary Machines, fo- absolute Strength, Reliability and g-noral usefulness; will Hem. Fell. Tuck .Seam. Quilt, Bind, Braid Cord. Gather, Euffie, Shirr Plait. Fold, wal lop. Roll, Embro tier, Run up Breadth, Ac., with wondrfuJ rnpiditv. neatness and ease, and ease, sews the strongest lasting stitch equally Uue and smooth tlirougl- <*H kind's of goods, from cambric to several thicknesses of broadcloth or leather, with fine or coarse cot tor, linen, silk or twine. Gives perfect satis-, faction. Will earn it - cost several timos over in a season in the work it does, or make a goo-1 living for any loan *-r woman who desires to use it Tor fhat purpose; works so faithful and easy the servants or children c*n use-it. without damage. Price cl Machine with light table, fully equipped for family work. S2O. Half I'ase," Cover, aide Drawers and Cabinet Styles each at correspondingly low rates' ilafe delivery guaranteed, free from damage. Explanatory pamphlets illustrated with engra- j vings of the several styles of sewing, Ac., [ mailed free. Confidential terms with liberal ; inducements to enterprising Clsrgyinen.Teacb, ] ers, Busin-ss Men, Traveling or Local Agents, ! Ac., who desire exclusive Agencies, furnished on application. Address John H. Kendall A C 0.630 Broadway. New York. J45-ly. BQB&mS* STARCH P OIJBH. A GHE A T JJhSVo V Eli ¥1 I 1 By the use of which everv family may give their Linen that brilliant polish peculiar to fine laundry work. Saving time an t labor in iron ing, more than its entire cost. Warranted Sold by Druggists and Grocers Eoery , where. ASK FOE DOBBINS’. DOBBINS, Bi.OS. A ■: O 246-Sin 13 N. Fourth St. y PliiladC’pliCl. ; For wle by BRYANS A SFEER, Con- cn, C'a A winded Ike Highest yiriinl ut Vieuan, T.&if.T. msiiixr i re. 591 Broadway S’etc York, (Opposite Mttropoliian Ilort-I) MANtJrACTCIir.K3, IMPORT Fits AND DEALER IS ENGRAVINGS, CHROMO3 AND FRAMES. irrLKEOSCOTES AND VIEWS, Albums, Graphoscapi s, PhotogrHpL*, And kiudred goods —Celebrities, Actresses, ct*. PIIOIOG API! 1C MATERIA ?. We are Headquvrters for everything in thncoy of STEREOeiCOPTICOXij,# MAGIC LAXTE KA* Being Manufacturers of the MICRO-SCIENTIFIC LANTERN, STE EO-PANOPTICON, University Stereupticon, Advertiser's Stereoplioon, Artoptu an, School Lantern, Family Lantern, People's Lantern, Each style being the best of if class in the market. Catslogn-'S of Lantern and S ides, with di rections for using, so t o application. Aliy enterpi ising man can make money with a \ agic Lantern. Visitors to the Centennial Exposition wrii do well to defer purchasing goods in our line until they come to our store in New York, where they will find greater varitey aud mor. moderate prices, and can select more at It is lire. But we have a concession to sell some styles of our goods in the bull din, of the De partment of Public Comfort, and those no coining to New- York me invite’ 1o call 011 011, representation there. W'A nil stock of ViewS of the Ex ; oit o Buildings and their contents tST' ut out this advertis t. for refer, nee THE GEORGIA DAILY CQMMEALTh o IS PUBLISHED KVEBT ETENINO [Except Sunday] BT THE COMMONWEALTH PUBLISHING CO Vi P’l. Atlanta, Georgia. And is edited by *. 01. Carey W. Styles, late of the aioany News, with efficient assistants. The Commonwealth gives the current new, oi the . i'y, Suite, and el ewhere, market re ports. and vigorous editorials on Municipal. Political aud General Subjects. The c ming canvass, late and National, will be ch.seiy watched and properl piesented while the Mechanical and Agricultural intei esta of the State will not be neglected. It has a large and rapidly increasing circulation. f TERMS. One month, 75 cents; Two months, $1 25 ; (four rawatbs, $6 0* i. Pointing, Bunting and Ruling of every kind don n the best si yle nil at lowest prices; Commonwealth Publishing Company, Atlanta., Georga-.i ivH.. GRAND 1 PIANOS RETAILED AT WUOLK PRli EB. S bi U SGOO for #260. JsUsd fpr $275 ,S7OO lor |3f.O. S— for |3^ THE ‘MLMIHiSSIHKV Fimn. 11AVK VTBT.-CK IIAI-D PAX PRlt^ ONLY ONE PRICE FOR CASH Avp ' JiOW ONE. 1 p NO DEVI AITON XVt- give no discount*. We pay no agents eommmireion?, whitfc double the prices of oil Pianos. We look to the people, who wanta first Piano at a fair profit over co*t of manu facture. We appoint the People our agent! and give them our Pianos as low a* agent can buy equally good Pianos of anj other manufa. turer, giving the People, a reduced price, wbat is usc.lly expended in conMmaskina, lent, freight, travlli olf and incidental expenses. ' The “Mwmleleaohn” Piano Cos. can sell j ott a 7i octavo, rosewood case Piano, 6 feet 10 inches long, with front round corners, cn ved legs, serpentine and plinth moulding!, withatl impr veuiouta, including bull Iron fiYunfe, Over Strung Boss, Agrafe 7 rtble, and French Grand Action, which only accompany the beet Pianos cl the most celebrated makers, at the very low price of $25 >, $275 or S3OO, according to style of, caee, or wjthr four*, round cor nel* and full Agraffe for $350, and guar* ail tee them in every respect equal to any Piano made on a-siuiilnr, style, or no sole. i The “Mendlessohn” Piano is manufactured from the very best materials, and by the most skilled and finish;.d workmen. Thyi manufacture Is conducted "by one of the most experienced Piano manufacturers in the country. This is no new enterprise, turning out a pc or andcheap Piano, made from green wood, aud by greener mechan ics. ," ! Our Piano is unsurpassed by any in t e mar ket for its ‘rich and powerful tom s, and its adaptation to the human voice in sympa thetic, mellow and singing qualities. It speaks for itself. ; We. are willing t place it beside oby other make of Piano on its merits, either in beauty of case, or excellence of tone, and ‘■at half the money” equally good instru ments- ‘‘The bast is the chcapert”— When it co fs the 1 ms- money. \1 Pi .i.o? fully waiT.-i ted for five years. Sen ■ f.e oh lUn-tv.; sn 1 Dospriptive Cir , u A: . THE •\fEN,IEL >f>IIV PIANO CO., ■ - 0 ' M , ' . .<r. ndway, • .1 S-) 18.1 N w Y' >rk. V Li l tor a Superb Wh raP FOR N R*T A RT. MEx .km . litH-.' ’’ frustrated in oil • . ; - .. . t celebrated pain ■V . .1 ,c. -an Masters. Some -b .• y new: aptivetek every one. V . isemest Premium ever offered. - . ;i! cost eh ant hook for all car - a.- .mi. !.- a the Boli s ay s ason. Kxtra terms to goo i \g-pts. Apply to J. P. FORD A 00., Publishers, New York. noB-8t AN HIS <dli CAL FACT. Every agent who has be:n steadily selliug the Improved S2O Homestead Sewing Machiae for three years, owns his dwelling house has a good account in bank, is clear of debt, and has mon-'j a t interest, —the natural 1 consequence of s- curing a good agency lor superior goods at the lov/est piiccs A goo‘l first-class Sewing Ms hine. most useful —reliible nt all times, easy to understand and control, the same uizo and ito s (lie same work as any machines *lmt, sell st Fora Tuns the prie Th re is 1 o tna sbine at an- price bettev, or that will do finer or li tre week, "and certainly none so low 1 a price by innn.v dollars. The Homestead is wife ly know n and used in thousands of families v : the Eastei n and Middie Stater., and daily be coming popular in the Vest. It will save ils cost several times over in one reason, doing the work of tile family, or will earn fnnr or rive dollars a d>'\ for any man or woman who sows for a living. It is the strongest moehine made, is ready at ail times to do its work make- the strongest aud finest stitch vet n vented. aud is fully acknowledged as the gtuzi dard Family Sewing Machine. Price, complete for domestic use. §2O. delivered at yonr dooiy no matter how remote von may reside. Busi ness permanent ai.d honorable, with more cer tain hiid rapid sales, an 1 b.rgcr profits than any other. Exfiaerdinarr iiheral ( fifeA mivi to 1 cal or traveling agents where we h.m none established: or, if there is ngent near peer semi yonr order direct to the factory, address- Jolfti 11. Kendall A wo., 630 Broadway, N*w York. 2 Ojb" ■ mj mm HABIT CURED. CERTAIN and SURE CURE Large reduction in priees A trial bottle free, •Mrs, J, A Drollinger, Lal’orte, Indiana, Box 1038 (Formerly Mrs Dr S B Collins) 104wr ’ gents wanted for the Centennial Book of l \ Biography, or the lives of the great men ooui first 100 years. Send for circulars. P L Viegler A Cos., Phila., Pa or Chicago, HI. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT CEN7NNIAL BOOK. ir mouse sale. IT PAYS. Send for circular W. Zeigler A Go. Philadelphia, Pa. 10-4 w COHN’S F-ait Side Agency for JE. COURT'S Jm n FINE SHOES. biaot c:..sst res:. Illustrated catalogue* and Pi ice Lisle sent FHEE. State where you saw this. ,i' v & REFOUM, Now ready ii Ijl/Juis tor agents. The National bind Book for voters, with Life of Tilden A .■■ndiioks, and an expose of Ring* As Frauds, 10 pages. Illustrated, 50 cents w 11 secure •itflt and territory, SIOO t< month made. L. ~ Treat. Pub., 805 BVay, New York. 10-** ,iUi)l lli-200 PIISOSomL® it Manufacturers prices The Subscribers will ell their Entire Stock of Pianos & ud second hand, sheet music, music books, .id merchandise at very near cost prices for ash during September previous to removal to ueir new stole 40 East 14th st., Union Square, >ct. Ist. Illustrated catalogues mailed. A ,unts wanted. Special inducements to the .rade. Horace Waters & Soris, Manufacturere ,nd Dealer*, 481 B’way, New York, 10-4 w JAMES BANKS A T DUN E Y A T L A VV, Office No. 8, Janies’ Bank Block, A tint) to. Georgia. ■“ . .Special’ attention given to-the collectin' ej c,u 111 butintes alien 1* |>nmij>%