Rockdale register. (Conyers, Ga.) 1874-1877, February 08, 1877, Image 4

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THE UEOISTEU. J CONYRRS.GA., TIIL’KSDAXI* ED 8, lh/7 - -i ■ - ■ ■■ ' The Power of Poesy. Sweet William went to see his “own true love,” About a week or two ago, And took with him a book of Tuppev’i poems, To while away an hour or bo. Sweet William read poem after poem to her— So much he loved the gentle hard— Until the maiden very drowsy grew, And twice did yawn white off her guard. At last, in deep distress, she said: ‘‘l know A sweeter poem than those, n>y dear ! And then Sweet William asked her what it was, ••Recite it, love, and let me hear 1 ’ “’Tis one 1 learned when vory young,” she said; "Pathetic, too. yet do not woep; T'Jl only aay the opening line, my dear ; ’Tis now 1 lay me down to sleep.” (Confusion of Sweet William.) -* Points in Corn Culture A corn grower in the corn Slaton of Ilinoia makes the following points : 1. In the fall and winter the giound slionld be plowed from eight to ten inches deep, but in the spring from tour to six leches is deep enough. It docs not pay to go down in scroll of anew form at that time of the year. 2 It does not pay to plow corn stalks under in the spring, unless the land i g wet or liable to b: kc. 3. Corn drilled one stalk in a hill, does not grow so strong at first, and is harder to keep clean than if planted two or more together. 4. Corn cheeked and plowed both ways is injured more by storm than if drilled. 5. Two stalks every two feet has prov ed the best with me. 6, Corn (tint is well harrowed and then plowed twice will be cleaner and grow better than if plowed three times without being harrowed. A clean glove often hides a dirty band. A contented mind is a continued least. A faithful friend is a strong de fence. Bear your misfortunes with forti tude, Be just, but trust not every one. Betray no trust; divulge no secret. Better to be alone than in bad campa vy, . Ccnnnand your temper lest it will command you. Command nothing so much as strict virture. Complacency is more persuasive than anger. Comply cheerfully where necessity enjoins. Study to be usetpl rather than divert ling. Such as the tree is, such will be the fruit. Take lieed will surely speed. That is geld which is worth gold. Undertake no more than you can per form. Uukmd expression wound sensitive ni'nds. Uuso time as though you knew its value. Use with religious awe God’s sacred name. Who is bad to his own is bad to him-, self, Youth is the season for improve ment. Zeno, of all virtnres, inado his choice of silence. A passionate and revengeful temper renders a man unfit tor advice, deprives him of his reason, and robs him of all that is great and noble in his nature. A Marina woman is so cleanly that she uses two rolling pins, one for the pio crust and the other for her husband's head. A clergyman in Northern Indiana as cended the pulpit the other Sunday and said ; ‘No mau can serve tho Lord while he i has the jumping toothache. 1 therefore disstuiss the congregation.' A Philadelphia shoe merchant wrote to his wife that he had beoomc a convert to cremation, and she said: Go ahead; have your ashes returned C. O. D. Why is a negro with an extinguished eye like remains otau ancient city t Be cause he exhibibits the mins of Poxipcy eye. Why are murders frequent ? Because people are permitted to slay sleigh) with impunity. Why is the love of a mother for her child like the smooth surface of the sea ? Because it U un-wave-ring. Why should we pity a traveller when about to put up at an inn ? Because he is inn disposed. > ■ —■■ ■" ■ Josh Billings says: ‘When a young man ain’t good for anything else, I like tew see him carry a gold-headed cane. If he can't buy a cane, let h’m part his hair in the middle. Politeness to a man is what beauty f and modesty is to a woman. A coquette is a rose lVoiu whojn every lover plucks a leaT; the thorn remains jor the future husband. Anthem ol the Louisiana Returning Board : ■\\ bile the lamp holds out to burn, The vilofit sinner mny tetum. When alone, we should watch our thoughts ; In our families, out tempera ; ] and in society, our tongues. ‘Dar now,’ said tlio negro preacher as the deacon left the meeting in a pet. ‘l)ar now, dat'd just what do Bible says, ope wicked inn when nobody’s after him.” An Irishman who had blistered his fingers in trying to put on a | air of new bools, cxcHmcd aloud : “1 believe I shall never get them on until I wear cm a day or two.’ Why is a man going bo- hanged like the Now Haven rail road? Because he looods to providence for suppoit. (,) r VAN OX CAIt ns 15 stylus with name lOctg /wO postpaid. J. It. Hustod, Nuusua ltc-ns Cos. Now York. 10-4 w TT JML MM3' M NGr —WITH — A Cold is Always Dangerous USE WELL’S CARBOLIC TABLETS,! a sure romody for coughs, and all diseases of ‘l itliroat, lungs, chest and mucouajr embrano PUT DP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. SO 1.1) IIV AI.T. mao GISTS, C. n. CniTTENTON, 7 Sixth Avenue, Now York HEADACHE. Wit. V. W. BENSON’S CELERY AND CHAMOMILE PILLS are prepared expressly to euro Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, and will cure nny case. Trice 50 cents, postage froo- Sold by all druggists and country stores. Office, If 0 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md—Reference: G. J. Les ter, Cashier Howard Bank, Baltimore, Md. a month to active men selling our Letter Copying book. No press or water used. Sample copy worth $3 00 Fit HE. Send stamp for circular. EXCEL SIOR M'F’Gt, CO., 99 Madison and 132 Dear borr St., Chicago. OFFICIAL HISTORY OF TIIE ciiiininmoi. It sells faster than ny other book. One Agent sold i!t copies in one day. This is the only authentic and couiplote history published Send 10* our extra terms to Agents. Addrevs, National Publishing Cos., Philadelphia, Pa., or St. Louis, Mo. U Subscribers for 1877: Everybody is getting POTTER’S AM ERICAN MONTHLY, a richly illustrated, ably'edited Family Magazine at only $3 a year Specimens 25cts. Ureat terms to clubs, John E. Pctfcr & Cos„ Philadelphia. Active agents wanted instuuhly to introduce THO 1 mini MM DKSCHIimD AND lU.USTUATI£D V Nearly 800 pages ; only $2 50; rich illustra tions ; and a treasure as the best and cheapest History of the great exhibition. Endorsed t>y oificvals, press and clergy. Is sol ting immense ly. One lady cleared $350 in four weeks. Act quickly. Now or never. For full particulars Address, Hubbard Bros., Tuba,, 733 Samson St., Phila. SOOITaGENTS *3 CHARLEY ROSS. Written by his father. A comploto accoun of this mysterious abduction and exciting search. With fac siitile letters and illustra tions. Out sella all other books. One agent took 50 orders in one day. Terms liberal. Addresß, John E. Totter A Cos., Publishers Philadelphia. 4w ' THE SAVANNAH MORNIN& NEWS FOlt 187 7. On the Ist of January, 1877, tho Morning Nkwk ontorsupon its twenty-seventh volume, and, it is hoped by its conductors, upon A pros pevousyear, Every returning anniversary has witnessed its extending influouce, an to-day it is the text of the political faith of thousands of readers. Its uniform consistency and stead fast devotion to principle has gained for it the confidence of the public, thus enabling it to contribute largely to the triumph of the Dem ocratic party. In tho future, as in tho pass, no pains will be spared to make the Morning News in every respect still mole deserving of the confidence and patronage which has been so liberally extended to it by tho people of Georgia and Florida. Tlio ample moans of the establish most will be devoted to the improvement of tho paper in all its departments, and to ma king it a Comprehensive, instructive and re liable medium of the current news. Its staff of special correspondents—at Washington, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, and other points of Interest—has been recognized with a view of mooting every possible emorgenej that may arise, and pains will bo taken to to make its commercial news, foreign and domestic, complete and reliable. As wo are about entering upon tho new year, we desire to call espeoial attention to club rates of subscription. POSTAGE FREE. We will pay postage on all our papers going to mail subscribers, thus making the Morning Nkws the cheapest newspaper of its size and character in the South. Terms of Subscription DAILY. Olio copy, onoyear... $ 10 00 Five copies, one year (to one address!,.. 45 00 Ton copies, one year (to one address)... 80 00 TRI-VEEKLY. One copy, one year $ 6 00 Two copies, one year (tocno addres)... 10 00 Five copies, one year (to one address!... 15 00 Ten copies, one year (to one address)... 50 00 WEEKLY. line copy, one year 2 00 Five copies, one year (to one addreu)... 0 00 Ten copies, one year (to one address)... IS 00 Twenty copies, ono year )to one address) 05 00 REMITTANCES Can be made by Tost Office order, Registered Letter or Express, at uiy risk. Letters should be addressed, <J, H. EBTILL, Savannah, Ga sl2 a day at home. Agent* wan'd. Oat iUtad tefms free: Truk & Cos., Aagi;s:a- Maine. * * PIANOS EMAILED 'yX wHOLE SALE l’avlC-<>. .■ (jHtCOfur fP-fiO.' tor /os . , s3o(Tfor b3oo. , # f tuu. ■*, j • r~v* " ■HEll’llSOiir Pihffi to. ' AaVR'IfTM ' K ll* M> VAN I'ICjEES ONLY ONE I'RK'E FOR CAbJI AND A LOW ONE. .7 . ' NO DEVIATION' Wo give no discounts. * We pay no ug "Is cdmianiiißions, v.lica Wo look t > the people, who v.enOi ilrst-cJnss Piano at a fair profit over cost of manu facture. AYr appoint the People our agents, and give th vu our Piano:: nr. low as any • agent can buy equally goo I'ninoa ol jny other manufacturer, giving tlm People, in a reduced prl.-e. v.lmt is usually expended in coinmissians, rent, freight, t;a,o,lmg and' incidental crpenscs.-- Tho “Mendchaobn” Piano Cos. can sell you a 7J qctavey rosewood ease Piano, G.faot 10 inches long, with frotifrtmnd corner?, /a* ved legs, \ < -pontine ahd pPnth moulding*; withafl improvement*, Including Jfiill iron Fr<#ne* Over Strung Hass, Agraffe Treble, and French■ Grand which Or 1 'actin' any the beat Piano* of the most celebrated mahers, at tho very low price of. ?2.'A $275 or S3OO, according to style of case, or with four round cor ners and full Agraffe for $350, and guar antee thorn in every respect equal to any Piano mado on a similar, style, or no sale. The “Mendlossohn” Piano is manufactured from the very best materials, and by tho most skilled and finished workmen. The manufacture is conducted I y one of the most experienced Piano manufacturer# in tho country. Tiffs is no new enterprise, turning out a pcor uu<l cheap Piano, made from green wood, a id by greener mechan ics. Our Piano is unsurpassed by nny in t-e mar ket for its rich and powerful tones, and its adaptation to tho human voico in. sympa thotic, mellow and singing qualifies.. It speaks for itself. We are willing to place it beside any other make of Piano on its merits, either in beauty of ease, or excellence of tune, and “at half the money” equally good instru ments. ,■ • , “The best is the cheapest"— Whom it costs tag least money. All Pianos fully warranted for fwe years. Send for our Illustrated ajiffPospriptiv# Cir cular. TIIE •MfitiDELbSOlltt’ PIANO,,GO., Office of Mm ufuctory, 50 Broadway, 2r.04 ! lHm New York. -x- : AN HIS I'OIHCAL FACT. Every agent who has b. ■ :i steadily soiling tho Improved S2O 11 .mestun l Sewing MacJjjfO for three years, oips liis dwelTfng house has a good account in batik, is c’-af of debt, and has money at interest;—the natural' consequence of securing a good agency, for sßpi riorG goods at the lowest prices A gh..d first-class l"wweg Machine, meat us Ini—reliable, at all times, easy to ithdersta.- 1 end control; tie- same uizo and does the same vorVus any machines - that sell at Four Times the price. Tin re is no ma shine at any price better, or that will do liner or more work, and certainly none so low in price by many dollars. 'The llo:,ii.KTE4i?ja wide ly known,anil uaad ia thousands of families in the Eastern and Middle States; and daily-be coming popular in the West, It will save its. cost several times over, in one season’, doing, tho work of the family,.or will earn four, five dollufs a day for any man or woman ivß sews for a living. It is the’strongest machine made, is ready at all times to do its work makes the strongest and finest stitch yet u ventod, and is fully acknowledged as the stan dard Family Sewing Machine. Price, complete for domestic use, S2O, delivered at your door, no matter how remote you may reside, busi ness permanent and honorable, with more oar. tain and rapid sales, and larger profits than any other. Extraordinary liberal offers mad to local ot traveling agents _ where wo him none established; or, if there is agent near you send your order direct to the fttetoky. address John tt. Kendall & Cos., G3O Broadway, New York. f , , v\3-12p Awarded Hie Highest Medal at Vienna,' E. & 11, T. ffllllM 4 CO. 591 Jiroct'lwNew Yowc, ' (Opposite Metropolitan Hotel) MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS AND DEARER IN ENGRAVINGS, chromos and frames. STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, Albums, Graplioscopes, Photograplis, And kindred goo, tsf—Celebrities, Actresses,etc pfiotogrArmc materials. 4 We are lUadquwtersfor everything an theway bf STEREOSCOPTICONS MAGIC LAXTEIINS Bein& Manufacturers of tho MICRO-SCIENTIFIC LANTERN, STB K EO-PAN OP i’ICON, University Stereoptieon,- Advertiser's Stereoptieon, Artopticon, School Lantern, ‘ Family Laiftoiy, People's Lantern, Each style briny the best- of its class in the marled. Catalogues of Lantern and Slides, with di rections for using, sent on application. Any- enterprising man can make money with a Magic Lantern. C-r Visitors to tlio Centennial Exposition will do well te; defer purchasing goods in our line until they come to our store in sew York, whore they will find greater vuritey nnd more moderate prices, and can select more at leis ure. But we have a concession to sell some style3 of our goods in the building of the De partment, of Public Comfort, and those not coming to New York invited to call on our representation there. C-tTA full stoelc of Views of tho Exposition Buildings and their contents jy Cut out this advertis t for reference' .g - A K Aik A per day at heme. Samples worth \ lto V/ f| ouc -dollar free. StAnson & Cos., Vll V~D Portland, Maine. tvollHl AAA A Can’t be made by every agent every Villi Umonth in the business wo furnish, but Willi those willing to work can earn a dozen dollars a day bight in their’ own localities. Have no room to explain boro. ploas ant and honorable, Y> omen, and boys and .rirls do ah well as men;' We fnrfii'di you a complete C utfit free. The business pays better than anything else, bo will bear ,expense ot starting you. Write and see. Fanners and me elianics.-lUt ir sons said daughters, :uidaL class es iu need of paying work fit home, should write to us and 1-' irn about tho work at once Now is the time. Don t delay-. Address Im a CdS Augusta, "Maine. ' ’ ,# jswnir^r 1877. :• ■, l.i .is ’ ' vH* r. . . .-d ‘ 1 * I", , ’ ~ dtl-ptf. Jill \-rV j, r , , ;? } ■■■/}• ‘•* %*■/'* ' ’ *' , i • - r THE .... • i 7 / .* . fl IV*.’.* •'* '*'• ,l * . j . ' n ’ui Vi T **•.*' ~? f "I fI.I ’f I ' „<• ). ft -..1 !lJ- 1 i o € KDALE ReGISTBEj PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY JJY HIE Rockdale Register Publishing; €o„ ~t , " r - • ' - ■ “ r - ■ * ' • *,., 4 • G@WJE RS* GE A* Large 24= Columii Paper. : i\ : A’ •' • ■ - ’ *'. ] _ miRIiSM. # ONE YEAR $2 00 SIX MOTHS, 1 00 THREE MONTHS, 50 • :, - Ir *• • Cl iu!os oP Moi e 25 per cent / ■ T f ib ' ’ S * . 1 —o — I ' "•' 1 j-' , • [ j . ir ’ | The Editor and Proprietors of tha Bmi Register, are located here and mdentified wit • i, Backdate county, tha State ef Georgia rgia the South and the whole county. Sqstaia the Bmictm and help m reake nuke it a first-class country paper. PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS! Which may be done With one-fourth the ÜBU ! ... orpcneTx.'bvusing nnrS PATENT Mi PJ®* (Fifteen Years'listfiblisliud,) MIXED RBADY FOR USE. Eire-proof, Water-proof, Durable! Economical and Ornamental. ! ,Mf I I'A'l’d . M A roof may he covered with a vwyjcfceap thin! gle, Slid by application of thia aly,, to•HHrfffnTw 1 (o Yf, ycnis. OldT'ofs < iTv! pal died and coated, looking much better an! fast ng longer than new shingles without th! slat*, for One-tliiisl the Cost of Ite-shingiin J T o expense of slating now Shingles is on! about the cost of simply laying them, Th! paint is fib* i’KOOF against sparks or ftr.j n J embers, as may bo casijx tested,by any one.! IT STOPS £VESY LEAK, I and for tin or iron has lio equal, as it expands] by heat, contracts by cold, and nevfh cracul nor scales. Roofs coverod with Tar Sheatingl Felt can be made water-tight at a small ex-1 pense, and preserved for many years, | This Slate Paint is j EXTREMELY CHEAP. I Two gollons will cover a'hundrcdsquarcfeet nil shingle roof, while on tin, iron, felt. mateLdl boards, or any smooth surface, from two owl to ope gallon are required to 100 Bqnaro I surface, aujlajthough tho point hu a 1 body it is&aily applied wbJu aLr “ h No Tar is used in this Composition I therefore' it neither cracks in Winter nor rnnß I in Summer. |l On decayed shingles, it fills up the holes and I pores, and gives anew substantial roof that I wil last for years. Curled or warped shingles I it brings to their places, and keeps them there I It fills up all holes in felt roofs, stops the I leaks—and although a slow dryer,rain does not I affect it a few hours after apylyinq. As nearly I all paints that black contain tar, be sure I you obtain our genuine article, which (for I shingle roofs) is CHOCOLATE COLOR, when first applied, changing in about a'month to a uniform slate color, and is, to all intents and purposes slats. On TIN ROOFS onr rod oolor is usually preferred, as one coat is equal to five of any ordinary paint. For BRICK WALLS Onr bright red is tho only reliable Slate Paint over introduced that will effectually prevent dompness from penetrating and discolorirg the plsster. Those paints are also largely used on out houses and fences, or as a priming coat on fine buildings. Our only colors are Chocolate, Red, Bright Bed and Orange. NEW YORK CASH PRICE LIST 5 Gallons, can and box $ 5 00 10 “ keg * 9 W 20 “ half barrel, 10 (X) 40 “ one barrel... 30 00 Wo Rave in stock, of pur own manufacture, roofing materials, etc. at the following low pri ces : 1000 rolls extra RinS-bpa Roofing, at 3 costa p‘r square foot. (Or vu. wall furnish Rubber Rc ofing; Nails, Caps, and Slate Paint for an entire new roof, at 4l cauls per square foot.) 2000 rolls 2-ply I’arred.EooSng Felt, at 1} cents per square foot. 3000 rcl s 3-ply Tarred. Hoofing Felt, at 2( ceuts per s fnare foot. 260 rolls barred SlaatF.iftg, at 1 cent per square foot. 5000 gallon s fine Lnamtir.ff-ff at, mixed ready for use, on inside or ontfcs}& work, at S2 p gallon, all shades. 1000 Bbls State Flonr ...per Bbß. S3 1 .0(1) 1000 " Soapstone Flour '< 3|(Xl; 1000 •' Gmiton Mineral,... v. 3;tK. ,, | 1000 “ Metallic Taint,dry... ‘<- 3iooij Special pries per ton or ear lojtd let?. AU orders must be accompanied with tin money, or subject to SO days draft (ft KeH known parties. H. I. SLATE PAINT COHPAHf, 102 fe 104 Maiden Lane, New V 1877. alKIlAtl). ~T877 Agents Wanted I E dosh-e to secure the Services of eps-rget-iw ladies, men. boys and girls to canvass for the Pee Dee Herald, a large twi nty-edght column Fire-side paper, published at Wadetboip,’ N. C., every Wednesday. "We -will pay cash for services. The subscription prit eis s-o low that it is no trouble to get up a club. Subscript? o ** only One Dollar Send for cirenla vs and spec.- imen copies if you wish to be an agent. Address JNO. T. PATRICE, Wadesboro, N. C. “HERALD COMPOUND.” Wo have a compound that we guarantee to' mend broken glass-ware, crockery-ware, furni ture, &c., so it will never come apart. It will also put a patch on a shoe that will stick as tight as though it was sewed or pegged on. Ask your Druggist or Merchant for a bottle, or f they haven’t get it, send 25 cents to J. T. Patrick, Wadesboro, N. 0-. Agents wanted. n024 4t Scientific Farmer. Science is knowledge: scientific is knowing • just this and nothing less or more. 1 Should be taken by t ie intelligent farmer. Can be of use to every good farmer, In practice, most practical!! Unters every State and Tenitory. Nothing like it published in the world. To all who wish to farm profitably, it appeals. In all things truthful end accurate. For one year, but one dollar. In every case, gives satisfaction. Cheap, scientific and reliable. For one dollar sent to the publishers And your name and post-office plainly written, Return mail will bring the first number. Many dollars value is often wasted Eve the best practice is discovered, and Remember the Scientific Fab her saves and earns money to the careful reader. Address, SCIENTIFIC FARMER CO., boston, Mass. FIVE CO ri EE, 75 CENTS EACH. Fits or Epilepsy. .A.NY person afflicted.with the above and is requested to send their address to Asn Robbins, and a trial Box of Dr. Goulard s fallible Fit Powders will be sent to them, ' mail, post paid, fees. These Powders i be ntested by hundreds of cases in tne World, and a permanent cure has been tne f -in every instance. Sufferers i r01 “ disease should give these powders an e y al, as its curative powers are wondei u , pel-sons having been cuied by a trial Price for large box, by mail, post paid to any part of the United States or Canaa-* ASH & ROBBINS, . 3-24-ly 360 Fultiu street, ByookijJb 1