The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, September 22, 1875, Image 3

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■a*—a t|c |rt|tns Georgian. p. A. STOVALL, . . Local Editor. ,VEOXKS» vV AOKMSH, SEPT. 12, 1875. Advertiser* Directory. ,.J attention i* called to the following new Adr A^rk^Fmal NoU«. L&s&iSsisim. Will. OrtlldM^ Am Hi hawing Macau *• 1 • / i Co -LadXa’ Bo* Toed Slroea. 8,11 „ i£h.D-«Dw»)lto* House for Bent. K- 1 • ! j| T. 1 urowu—Administrator's Sale. f ire iIIli h AflSSK-WnS2 8huttle Sewing Ueohine. 1 0 vall—W'arebooa* end Commission Merchant [7. Stovall f&SZSBm Emigrant*- and Traveler* W«,t«*rJ- atheniensis, h Col. I. >1- Chahbonnikr will take temporary charge of Prof. Brook’s Chair at the Dnirenity. If reports be true, Athena will not be so far i,ehind in matrimonial statistic* this fall. Mr. Hkkrt Hull, of Savannah, was in our city last Saturday. „ c are paineu to learn that Ur. Joint C. (IniKH was stricken with paralysis last Friday. " B. Ag.’’ will be the new degree conferred by the Agricultural College next Commence ment, tit* B. Sc. W’c nrc called upon to chronicle the death of a little infant of Mrs. Welch, of our city. ItrKL’s Kidek. of tlie City Mills, had his left arm badly torn by being caught in some ma chinery, one day last week, These “tic barks” are just the very things fur the rainy weather. Funny, ain’t it? More von think about it, the funnier it gets 1 We think tlmt the Atlanta Water Works must h*vc “busted,” from the appearance of things down here last Friday. The blooming ueacli is on the wano . And the melon is almost gone, ■ Mow melancholy! r ’'.hose shell facings used in the con- -t ruction ol the Insurance Building are very nest, snd will give n tine finish to the.edifice. Wc ate sorry to learn that Mr. B. W. Cash, of Clarke rounty, died Tuesday, 10th inst., after a painful and lingering illness. S , Mr Leonard Puinizy, with h&: sister, iliss Let.\ Pnisizv, wero at the Kimball House, in Atlanta, last Thursday. * l)r. J. A. Ilussicuyr and A&fy have re turned from Senoia, Gu., where they have been spending the latter part of the summer. A party of ladies and gentlemen left Athens, last Wcdnesd \y. for a trip to the Falls. This is indeed, a very pleasant time of year for such an excursion. •*> We hear that Dr. A. A. Lipscomb,of our city* will deliver the Address at the Opening Exer cises of Vanderbilt University, and will dedicate the College to the cause of general education. Serg't T. P. Vincent has returned home from his summer tour. Wc are not apprised, as yet. whether he will accept the appointment under the Khedive recently offered him, or not. The officers of the Athens Guards request Pus to say that every member is earnestly re- ' quested to meet with the Company on Wednes day and Friday nights for drills. All absentees W >H I* noted, and the By-Laws rigidly enforced. I Aiatos lirBBARD, a negro, who some time ago stole a horae from Mr. John Sate, was ar rested last Saturday by one of our vigilant po lice and lodged in jail, where he now awaits his trial. Those theatricals which were to come off lost week did not do so, on account of the indispo sition of some of the actors; but everything •wing tavorablc, the “ Rough Diamond” will flash forth upon the hoards next Friday night. Ye Local promises to maintain “a proper dig- uify” in his department, and the Rockdale Rtfitter advises him to quit the business. But | the K'litor ot thnt paper ain’t a "trained jonr- nalist,” and we don’t mind him much. Dur community beard, with deep regret, of the death of a little child of Maj. A. L. Deah- 'x«. It had been ill for some time; died Sat- 'av and was buried Sunday morning. We «hnd to the family our sympathies in their I'fron Yemeni. Bisnop RKCKwrrn.—We understand that wi< distinguished divine will make a visitation the Churches in this city, on Sunday next, the 2flth inst. Re will preach in Emmanuel Church at 11 o’clock a. m.. and at St. Mary’s in the evening, at 7J o’clock. Wc clip the following from the Marietta Journal of the lflth : "The beautiful and Intel 'iitent Mias Gratis C. Kino, ot Athens, has left n " r c 'ty after a pleasant sojourn, and our Ma rietta young men are sad. very sad—especially one of them.” Tin- Watchman comes to ua this week in a new and very becoming attire. The large, clear type gives if an open appearance and enhances if s looks muchly. Athen’s enterprise is begin ning. wc hope, to show itself in herpapei We are extremely 1 ,glad to note the return of Brof. CnAiu.Es Morris from Virginia, where he has been spending the summer among his i "Id friends. Prof. Morris is one of the ablest inien in «>ur College Faculty and we hope that I'he University of Georgia will be ao fortunate las to retain him long on Its honored list of pre ceptors. , During the first part ol last week,the nights ere lovely indeed. The " harvest moon” has !^jn stalking abroad in the heavens, offering very inducement to sentimental swains and renading parties. But a general rain having during Thursday and Friday, all that »«most ungraciously knocked in the bead. Baa* Ball has received & fresh impetus in oar P*j *j nc « the' lafe vMt 4HMe “Dixie*,” ot Vision. Athens tbonld have a good Club, "’■Mly sll town* in wWwgiaTj'uaat off their wnuM pn»h lb# Madison’s, the uur ""* t8 the contrary, notwithstanding, »»KoiTdn"’J,T Friday mornin «. hi ‘ c hed to nly imbued ^» n <W>intown, » nd - av and . " * *P° n lve inclination, ran E« i nt0 I r' P ’ Ut ' d th ® and them ' ■ -- . rilr * r ' The whole team came ft finally*"!. A° the ,, °“ onl - »>ut the moles We have received a letter from old John Robinaon saying that hit great Circus # and Menagerie would be iu Athens toon. He has spent $50,000 in making additiona to rtaince he was last with ua, and how has a first class show. Robinson's Circus has always been a fivoritc here and elsewhere South, and we know that everybody, white, and black, young and old, rejoice to hear that he will visit us again. Telfair Wetter, Esq., who has been trav eling through Northeast Georgia, passed through Athens last Wednesday, on his way to his home in Savannah. • Air. Wetter, of course, speaks most enthu siastically of tlic scenery of that section of. our State, will probably locate; there, after?" ha graduates at the University; and very strange to remark, be does not feel at all tired from his long jaunt. While on bis way, he composed several poems, which we hope he will Bluntly give to the public. Died in Athens, Gil, Monday, Sept. 30th. Isabella, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs,R. D. More of Charleston. Mrs. More who has been in our city for a short while, left Monday night with the remains for Charleston, S. C. Hoke School.—The-Home School tor young ladies, opened Monday, 13th inst, with very encouraging prospects. We are glad; indeed, to see that our Seminaries arc beginning the new session so encouragingly, lor nothing speaks so highly for a place us well Hied schools. The Home School, under the able manage ment of its accomplished teachers, has always enjoyed an excellent reputation, and we nre pleased to hear that many young ladies from other cities will be in attendance. Misses Doughty, Lawton, Dickey and Walton, from Augusta, and many others from different places, are expected. it The Perils of Journalism.—We understand that a young man in onr city, whose name wc bad the temerity to associate with a little.epi sode in the Mayor's Corirt last week, is on the war-path, and with a deadly Barlow, thirsts for our blood. Now, in all of our reports, wc shall state fact* just as they occur, and if iu a tree country, freedom of speech is not accorded to a free man, and above all, if the liberty of the Press is to be restricted, we think it is time that personal measures arc taken to secure the same. Hereafter, tbeu, we shall arm ourselves with a Mountain Howitzer, and will be ready on all occasions for the tbul invader. The Stags.—We notice through |hecolumns of the Augusta Constitutionalist, that wide awake paper which is up to the tiroes in every respect, th’at several fine Dramatic Troupes will be in that city this season. , . . Booth, the great tragedian. Joe Jefferson, ing, and is in the employ of Messrs. Eaves, McGikty & Co. On being told to briug up brick the other day, be became somewhat saucy, and finally .succeeded, in being assisted off the scaf fold by a brickbat. Simon was loolqed upon, however, as the aggressor, and now “wiggle waggles” around on the chain-gang until hi* crime to the tunc of ten is “burned and purged a ay.” Next on tlie docket waltzes forth Georgia Appleby, (col.,) a maid whose em barrassment jin appearing in open Court is only equalled by 1 her pugilistic propensity and her facility to use bad grammar in the shape of “cuss words,” when out of it, Georgia, it seems, actid very indecorously, because Ltt Broun, f4*o col„ accused her of mealing a bas ket and actually kicked her frisnd down stum. A general melee then ensued, in which Georgia figured extensively and came out with high- honor. His Honor did not, however, exactly countenance such conduct, and revieiving the whole matter through the spectacles of equity, insisted that she and her amiable friend pay five apiece. The docket was now cleared, jus tice was appeased and the law vindicated. His Honor smilingly took bis departure, ye Report er gathered up bis copious notes and wended bis weary way, and Georgia Appleby was at peace with all the world. * JVevs MvertisemenU. Colonists, Emigrants and Travel ers ylrsDeard. ¥7tOB mspcircaUrSj Bme tmlilw tad gen- r end fiknuM in re.-ard to trsnsraytxtlou Mt ties to all vaunt* in Tonne*, e*. Aikasmo, Suaaonn, Min. newt*, Colorado, Kansas, Texas, lowwNew Mexico, Dial, and California, apply to or address Aun? B. 'WnxNx, General Emigrant Agent, Office Nc. X H. I. Kimhell House, Atlanta. Ga. ... No one should go We*t without first getting be com muaicktioo with the General Emigrant Agent and be- an* toning implements generally- AU information Sept 22^iLtf. W. L. DANUW, G. P. <fc T. A. Having for some time considered that the progressive interest of our city could in no way be better subserved, than through a medium l>y which to continu ally advertise the world of our advant ages, educationally, commercially, agri culturally, and in many other respects, and with already an assurance on the part of a large portion of our citizens to contribute their aid and encouragement, to our enterprise;, we have determined to issue, commencing Thursday, Sept. 30th, the first number of The Athens Daily Georgian. We will issue three numbers of The Athens Georgian, the Daily, the Semi-Weekly and the Week-ly. Having engaged to receive the regular Asso ciated Press Dispatches, we will present John T. Reynold’s Combination, the Stewart ! to our readers, through OUr Daily, the Sisters, and the Holman Opera Troupe, besides many others, are expected. If these Companies come to Augusta, we sin cerely hope that some of them will favor Athens also. Here, we have a fine and commodious Opera House andan appreciative community, and we see no reason why our stage should not be honored with some of the “Star" actors. After the reception we gave tlie Holman's Inst November, we are sure that they wilt come. In M. A- STOVALL, wailehoyse AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Mo. 1. Warren Block, Augusta, Georgia. rriHANKFUL ft* th* liberal patronage heretofore bo- J. stowed, would taka this occasion to notify th* dantereofGeoigi* snd Sooth Carolina that he continent CooiadaaioB Basinas in aU it* hranihq (< haying and aelliig futures), and soSdts PROSPECTUS THE ATHENS DAILY GEORGIAN. Blasting done with Galvanic Battery and Giant Powder. B Y the above method, any number of Holes, from 1 to *0, may be find in a waU at the awn* instant, thereby getting the benefit of the full force of the ex- | iloeivee used. Excavations mad* for Mill 8ite* and sill Dams, obstructions removed In water courses, Ac., dfcc. Work taken by tlie foot, or u may b* speci fied in th* contract. For particulars, apply to : ' CHILDS. MCKEKSON A CO. Hardware Dealers, Athene, G*. Sept-SS—47-tt sumo telegraphic news they receive in the dailies of other cities. The ad vantage we claim for our Daily is, that we will he enabled to give to our merch tints and trading commuuity generally, the foreign and domestic news, market reports, &c., from 12 to 14hours sooner than it can be obtained through the fact, we doubt it they drew a' larger or more : daily papers of other cities. This ad- appreciative audience auywhere iu the Southern i vantage, it must bo admitted, will states than at Athens. bo x of great service to our comm We hope that the manager of Deupree’s! . ° ,, Hall, whoever be may be, will exert himself! ,ntCrest ’ Our Daily Will enable US to and secure for our community during; the com- j give our Semi-Weekly and Weekly ing season, some first class entertainments. According to our announcement in theGEOR- oiAN last week, the Augusta Convocation of the Protestant Episcopal Church convened in Emanuel Church, in this city, last Tuesday night. The sermon was preached by Rev. W. P. Kramer, of Augusta, from tlie Text— “ Min was made from the dnst ot the earth, and into his nostrils was breathed the breath of life.” This discourse was an exceedingly logical one, and evinced deep thought and great ener gy of expression. Mr. Kramer delivered it in bis usual effective manner, and made a profound impression upon his audience. As a preacher, wc know none of the Diocese who is superior to him; socially, he is most en gaging and interesting in manners, ~^0n Wed nesday, the Rev. Mr. Knowles, of Madison, preached. Thursday morning, Mr. Kramer, again, and Thursday,night, the Rev. Mr. Claris of Augusta, concluded the exercises. The Con vocation wai MTictly a religious exercise, there; being nothing,secular introduced snd no busi ness whatever transacted. Convocations of the Established Church of England hnve long been in vogue, the proceedings being purely sarcedo subscribers a paper, not only larger and containing more of reading matter, but replete at all times with the latest news from all parts of the world. In the conduct of our paper, wo shall at all times, as we have in the past, be independent in all things, commending that which is right, and condemning that which is wrong. In politics, wc shall adhere tenaciously and unreservedly to those principles which are protective of the rights of the States, and of the whole people, such as are guaranteed under u common Constitu tion, nnd which ore ever antagonistic to corruption, sectional supremacy and constitutional disregard. Each of onr issues will contain liberal amount of reading matter, upon all subjects, embracing politics, educa tion, science; literature, religion, ngri culture and the various mechanical and industrial pursuits. Iu ; our Daily we shall devote much attention to the local as well as general uews, which will l>e tel, and in former times, uutrammeled by Par- ; ° f interest to our readers, and we trust liamentary restrictions. It was not. wc under- l^* htllb ! e *° tbc and prosperity stand, until comparatively lately, thnt they have been adopted by the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. Prof. Wm. Leroy Broun. L. L. D.—We are pained to say that tho report which appeared in the Georgian last week regarding Prof. Wm. Leroy Broun leaving the University for Vanderbilt College, has proven eoireet. Prof. Broun has for the past eight years, of our city. interest, not only in the ad vancoment’ of our local interest, but in the general development of our whole section, to come forward and sustaiu us with their palronage, promising on our part to spare no exertions to make THE ATHENS GEOBGIAN been connected with the University of Geor -ja j \ journal which will be of both profit in the Chair of Natural Philosophy and Astron- a))( ] interest to our whole people, omy, tad also in the capacity ..t President of j -f£Rjy|S OF SUBSCRIPTION: - $10.00 - 5.00 > Up. #w *y, got out, and the wagon f •"•ardent w ^' ag ‘ hC C ° Urt H0Me ’ [ves, McCirty * mornlD * t « *«"»• L erect,-a ,* Co ” ,or $27,597.50. Itls fenue The"!* ° M 8temi * lot » on Princ * b f ""» ‘he aWW ,1** TW7 b " nlUW ° ne ’ , k '” nt the contractors, we are ««to wU1 beB S re * t 1 of »Court HoLtS"*** be “ ,ongln P« ra “ch too •mau'tb^that" l! l>reSent " Sed glad that *h * . that P ur P°*«, sad «> that the whole thing 1, settled at last Daily, for 12 months, »«• 6 *« “ 3 “ - 1 “ « 1 . - Semi-Weekly, 12 months, .4 »4 * g <« “i “ } “ ; 4. 4. f J «« \i Weekly, 12 months, ** G “ - - « 3 “ - - Specimen copies sent free. Address, The Athens Geobgian, Athens, Georgia. 2.50 LUO 4.00 2.00 1.00 50 2.00 1.00 50 8ept. ts—47-Sm. SHOES, SHOES. MORE SHOES' BETTER SHOES! .iilr :f’ T -jH I have for the fall trade the largest and best stuck of S-oea ever offered in Georgia, and at prices as LOW OR LOWER than similar goods can be bought t-iiier in Boston, New York or Baltimore. All my good.* are numatket a re d under my owu supervision, of } OAK TANNED STOCK of my own tanninfc, and ewr ni* ce carefully selected. They are in W<*i- Titand Durability Suj*erior to any in the market, and guaranteed to rcutaiii NO WELTS OK SPLITS. I take this method of returning ny sincere thanka to the citizens of Nofthcut Georgia Jar their extremely liberal patronage in the nul shall endeavor to merit it in the future. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED Don’t Buy Unless Stamped upon the Bottom , • of each Shot: . : ^ ATHENS. G± ^ Ask for the BRUMBY SHOE. 7ak*no other. For tie by the principal merchants of Uia Motion, who aril mm Foods m low as they can ■ b* bought anywhere, or ealo at *rholoa.-de only bv JN0. W. BRUMBY, Athens, Georgia. SepL 24—47-4t. Clarke County* Clarke Sheiirs Sale. W next. erty, to wit: , wl „ Six acre* of Land, in Clark county, adjoining land* of Ralph Lyle (colored), David D. Barrow and other*. Said land now occupied by Nathan Jonee, Moses Angus snd Jane Stephens, are situate and lying, about three miles northwest of the city of Athena. “L-vied on a* the proporty of Richards. Taylor, to satiety two ff. the. ofthe August term of Clark Superior Court, 1885, Bur- well H. Yerby vs. T»yk* A Hoyt, principal, Lewis J. lnmpkin and Thoms* Crawford, securities, in the one ease, and Lewis J.Lompkin and JoMph T. Lumpkin, intboothsr. All sold to nthfr the abirce stated fl. foa. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff 1, 1875. 44-tt mmesmm 4“ GEORGIA.—CLARKE COONTY7 - Oxn nr Aar’s Omct, September 15,187AB raELLAH BATTESE, (colored) wife of Mike BsUcm IJ (6olored),^her grid husband refusing, has applied 4T-». „ m __.and Tains. and I will peas upoo same at 11 , on the 1st day of October, 1875, at my ASA M. JACKSON, 7 Ordinary. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. VHEREAS, Nathaniel Eiehardaon, Administrator of David Bichardeon, deceased, applies to mo for Imvo to soil all the Beal Estate of tad deceased, for the purpoM of distribution, therefore, ail concerned ua hereby noti fied to show cauae, if any they have, at my office, on ot before th* first Monday in November next, why said leave should not be granted. Given under my hand, at offioe, this 6th day of Sep tember, 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, 47-4L Ordinary. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. Whereas, Nathaniel Bichardeon, Administrator of Jan* 8. Ricbsrdson, deceased, applies to me for leav* to sell all the BealEitete of said deoMMd, for the purpoae of distribution, therefore all concerned are hereby noti fied to ibow cause, if any they have, on or before the let Monday in November next, why said leave tbonld not be irr ante J. Given under my band, at office, this 6th day of Sep tember, 1878. ASA M. JACKSON, 47-4U J Ordinary. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Clark* County, will be sold before the Court House door of tad County, on th* first Tuesday in November next, doting the legal hours of tale, one tract of t*nd bring partly in tad County of Oconee and partly in tad County of Clarke, uontaiuing 702 acre*, more or leas, on the Oconeo River and oboal Creek, adjoining George W. Veal, Wm. Butler and others, on which iaagood Dwell ing House containing six rooms, a good Gin House and Screw, a good Shoal on Shoal Creek for Grist and 8aw Mill, Gin, <bu., and a large quantity of timber conveni ent. Said tract to be divided and cold in three or more Mpuate tracts, plat* of which will be exhibited on the day of sale. Alto 7 shares of Georgia Bail Boad Stock. All to be sold as the property of Thomas H. Young, de ceased, for th* * enent of his legatees. Terms for the Railroad Stock Cosh. For the land half cash the other half 12 months credit, with note and approved security, and bond for title* when land is paid for. JEREMIAH D. BROWN, Adm’r. de bonis non with the will annexed. Sept. 2t—«7-4w. WARRANTED FIVE YEARS I9UI and kind of work. . , j j.^lu It has no cast iron cog wheels to break. It is not necessary to buy <too WILSON MA CHINES, in order to be able to do light and heavy work. m V- It toill sew from Tissue Paper to Harness Leather. ", It is as far in advance of other Sewing Machines in the magnitude of its superior improvements, as a Steam Car excels in achievements the old fashioned Stage Coach. Prices made to suit the Times, Either for Cash or'CredltT* SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CA1ALOGUE OF STYLES AND PRIQE& Agents Wanted* Address, - UPSHAW & GRIFFITH, Sept. 22-47-tf. Athens, Georgia* Oconee County. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. ■ Whereas, Stephen Thomas as Guardian of Stephen E. Moore, orphan of Rictiara D. Moore, deceased, ap plies to me for letters of dumiisaion from .-aid guardian ship. These ore therefore to cite and admouisu all cou- cemed to show erase, (if any they have) at my office on or before the first Moud ty in November next why aaid Jettera should not he granted. Given under my bun-., and oikeial signature at office, this 4th day of Septemtar, 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. Sept. 15—96-4w. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS, Elixur L. Newton, Administrator of the Estate of Charles B. Lombard, late of tad county, dccen-ed, petitions for a tdecharge from said Administration. Therefore, ail p non. concerned are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, why tad Administrator should nut, at it rc^-ular term ofthe Court of Ordhuuy of said county, to be held on tlie first Monday in October next, be discharged from auiil Admiuiatratiou. Given under my hand at office, this 4thdayof June, 1875. ASA M. JACKSON 52-17t Ordinary. For Sale or Rent. For Sale. A 100 Gallon Still, with Cap and Worm Apply to Sumuicy, ilatchaaop A Beil, orJi Newton. Jane 2,1875. . 2 . r d ischarge ministration. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby to show cause,'if any they hare, why said Administra tion should not, it the regular term of the Court of Or dinary of said county, to do held on the firat Monday in 0<jtobcr next, be discharged from said Admiuistra- 1 tiOO; ' ’ o GWan under my hand at office, this 4th day June. 1875. ASA M. JACKSON. S2.17t. , a . ! Ordinary ^ k/V II. Dean, Executory FOR SALE. Two Wagons and J^live Good Hones, Cheap for Cash or on time until November. Approved eecnrity, * ” HCGi Feb. J. H. HUGGINS, _ No, 7 Broad Street, Athena, G*. county, deceased, petition, the Court for a discharge from tad Ex&utorehip. , Tj“”k re > “"kerned are hereby required Therefore, all persons are hereby notified to file their to show cauM, if any they have, why said Executor, -vs—*:— ■- . -L a, should not, *i a regular term of the Court of Ordiuarv of tad county, to be held on the first Monday in Ctefo- bsr next, bo discharged from tad Exeeutonhip. Given under my hand at offioe, tin* 4th day ofjnne, 1875. ASAM. JACKSON, Sl-17t Ordinary. FOR SALE- Plantation^ within eix miles of Athens, containing acres of whichia andthe nat is three hundred and aeveuty-eii One hundred acres cl( bottom—tldrty of this is in good Upland. Seventy-five acre, in' the balance in pine growth. Good Dwelling House, ' out House*. Gin Houses and Packing Screw, fine well Watered, and other Fim Warn improve- rico reasonable. Terms cash. Apply to II. H. CARLTON & CO., Beal Estate Agent*. Or, JOEL M. DEAN, Athens, Ga. Aug. 25-iS-tf. 1,124 Acres Valuable Land for Sale. - A DMINISTRATOR'S Sale.—Pursuant torn order o the Coait of Ordinary of Clark oocrnty, will be sold before the CourtHouM door of Mid county, in Athens, on the first Tuesday in Novembar'naxt, muring the le gal hours of sale, 1,124 seres or valuable land, lying trout two and a half to four miles from Athena. Said land will be sold in tracta varying from 53 to 48 acre*, on several of which tracts are valuable water power.. Most of tad land* are valuable forming lands, a fair noportion of same heavily timbered ana well watered. Persons wishing to purehsM lands in tho vicinity of Athena are urged to examine tad lands, ia is believed hey cannot be I^EST NON EXPLOSIVE OIL 25 CENTS A QAL- JYtu> .trfvertisements. the State College, nnd Ilia depart are will lie gnat* Ins* to the Institution as;, well as a source of deep regret to his many friends hero and throughout the State. ■ ' A * • *• - ’ Aa a Professor, Dr. Broun is surpassed, we are confident, hv no one in the United States, and as a disciplinarian and manager, he is up to the mark in every respect. Wc wish him unbounded success in his new field of labor, and would accord unto him the confidence and esteem of the people of our *>s ter State such as he possesses here. It is, indeed, a grand recommendation to Vanderbilt University, that among the first men whom they should secure for their Faculty, nre Dr. A. A. Lipscomb nnd Wm. Leroy Broun. Mayor’. Court, Athens, top. 14, ’7A 0 Lon AT JTM. BARRY’S i* LITTLESTURKON Charees Francis Lewis, a disciple of Don j TUKCORNER.” Sept. 22—67-st. Carlos, was charged with the most ungallant offense of beating hia better half, who, by-the- way, is net n disciple of the aforesaid Don Oabloa. Tbit, however, did not cfinstitifU the violent difference between them, but it wa* pro voked, we opine, by a too ardent devotion to " Mountain Dew” by the male part of tbe fam ily: Charles Francis on being arraigned before Mayor Kura, pleaded “not guilty.” and proceed- ed In a very elaborate, though somewhat flighty way, to plead his own case. But as Hi* Honor did not consider that he confined himself strict ly tothelawand evidence, he took the liberty «f interrupting him, and considering Lewis’ ora tion altogether too thin, consigned him to tbe tender mercies of the city Jailor for fifteen days. Charles Francis, however, did not ex actly aee the juitice of »uch a sentence, and de livered himielf of some brilliant repartee snd sarcasm at his Honor’s expense, which only had tbe effect of adding five days to-his vacation, ^ , Mayor’s Court! Sept. 17th. Court met promptly at 4 o'clock, and His Honor summoned before him one Simon Thomas, (col.,) a youth of parts and of unmistakable pluck. Simon ia one of the architects of the city, being engaged in work on the Insurance Build FOB 8ALE.; , j A VALUABLE PLANTATION, WATER POWER AND MILLS. ill «<>U, on liberal term^-apd woull take iaexchaoca some good property in AtneOa In part pay. This property is known aa tbe MOUNT VERNON, OR ED. CAMPS Mli-LS, and situated on the old stage route between Atlanta and Dahlunega twvniv-four miles above Atlanta, hi* teen u of Norcrotwor Duluth, batwi —— —-- of Kufwell and Alpharetta, tL- of Miltou. . ilaagood clim ie, with an abundauee of pare, cold water. It i» well iiMp.o >cd. Fine wheat, corn cotton, and clover luuda, k!x am* • ell set to clover at thlt time, an ORCU.. KD OF TWENTY ACRh-'* of the oett varieties of fruits. The settlement constats of four huudred and sixty-live acres, and can be conveniently r>ub-divlded into five or aix small torus, to suit purchasers. The improvements consist of m t MERCHANT FLOURING MILL, stone building, 30x36 feel; basement. 12 feet; two ten feet stories; oImj, (arret; one pair (bur feet eight inch Bam. on wWest—capacity, 150 -bnshels ten hours; ferty- two lnekos Cjm county Burr, on cart—have ground 20 bushels of meal in sixty-threo nunuus. Ail iu first rata trim, wUhn liberal custom. i wi«tj-(V. feel of wa.c.- head and fell at the mills. Utu «mr w. ter power, of twenty-one feat fell, «»n the pboe, uniaipruved. Abundant supply of stoue convenient, eai to uuarry. The best barn and stable 1 kn »w of, except built by our Ei-Qo» era<ir, Rufus B. Bullock. Tne wall of dwelling new briu; donrsfeash mad blinds all mode, and malarial convt.«ieni and cheap to ▲ good act of double Ot ra-Crfl*. with largo shed fbx sccuriog wsgoas snd other vehicle*, sixteen dollars have beau ax ponded In tbe purchase and ■sant of this valuable Farm and MiU. Savors! good tenant hvososon tha place. Tho Atlanta A Tennessee Esilrund will run throagh tha place. Tim road is now graded to the msnafecturing town of Roswell, only three miles distant I would incite person* wonting such walaaWa property to can an ma, and allow themselves plenty of tbna to exa mine tbe property carefully. E. JlCiUMP, Athnt^tii. For further lutormstiun refer to J. S- Wili Estate Agent, Athens, Ua. « analyais of said Spring can be noa at tr.o Ordinary’s office of oohi county, and will bo exhtb.tod on Ihe <|ay of tale. Tho burying grounds of about one acre of the Helicon 8pnnga tract, will be «d.. AU to ba sold as the •roparty of Everett Yerby, deu4*r*rjd, for t'*e benefit of is heira and credM*^^. Tt- iu- « .tv . Aug. t5tU 1875. TH' *. iiLD*ON, Adm’r. Aug. 25th-4fi-4t | rl.U; • Fee #y.75 1 improve- Notice. iVEEDLES for all kinfi. of Sewing Madtlnea, at la wholesale and rcfoO, by .-IL ’.. t' Sept. 22, 1875-4Mf ; , 8. C. DOB$$, A«eot,; To Rent. - m \ very desirable RESIDENCE on Jtekaon Street. A 1‘rice low and tertneeaey. acre, of Bottoai and 73 of Upland, ihoSrc*nb««5. SSTteedwelllta.*m taTWwtieo I ofthe 273 acres. The UpUnda are Bed SoU, and ofthe -taut. l*Sr to ^^S U &.te the State for dlrercurln, crop., which wm Mhrare Cental, Omw, Clorer ul Co?T Commercial FmtUlrrr. ay a ataebjitzet ,m| cent tha. forth.r South, wmkWgU * Farm. With . Rule trouble the Ur»«‘ I le!4 * “7 te Sept. 22,1875—t7-tf. No. 1 Broad SL, Up Stira. FAIR ANB^MELY NOTICE. fltHANKlNG fiMrftf*nd*ftr titarp.tron^e in the 1 pMt, and aaktegforaeontiasaaiM of the urce, I begtoeay that, ' if FROM AND AFTER THE let OF OCTOBER, my tennvwill be u CASH 6n delivery, except to thoM parties who hare alyaya paid their bill* on presentation. Where goods are charged. It will ba with th* diatioet understanding that the bill* are DUE AT THE END OF THE MONTH. I would Willingly give longer time if I were able, bet I am not. I trust that no one will Ip offended at the course, aa my necessities drive me to it. I hope by prompt attention to bnaiaca* and lew prices, to merit a continuance of tbepatronagoof th* public. BURKE, Bookseller and Stationer. V.A.1 Sept. 22-47-tf. THE FINEST FARM — N0RTHEAST GEORGIA FOR SALES OWING to my bom all having grown VJ up and lert me, myV*e, and mj health riving waj, I offer for aale 4M acres of Land, ljlngH mllea from Athena, on Hadaoo river and Lamar creel, on the road to n£^!ato^SBw£^»d, —tafwhkh to FInt *<* ***-*&- The BalMlag* are f*>d. and i* Oi-TW-KSHa*. -eye. «,n __ 20 hen* pewar Enrine. well Ac. Aah.VbMd^Usg-g.orWmer^fhjmj, pelted by Water—two j welling- . •ammer resort*. Within three mile* 1* » nerer folllne Water Power, ota low price, oflkrtn*»n Inducement to “fiStaSSfa.ttajjtoy te»*4e „ 1 I wlu sell the abore CM acre, of Land »r WS.00 per halt cr - — . Ubsral lodolmt purchaser parlnz in tercel. Machli xbsabov. to* hOMfo of*H. H.CARLTON and J. 8. WILLIFORD. Beal Estate A(.nts, Athens, Os. or will be Mhl hy the owner *thl«reaid«c*. JOHN N. MONTGOMERY^ GEORGIA.—CLAUKE COUNTY. Oconee Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold before tho Court House door iq Wat- kinaville, between tbe legal hours of sale, on tbe firat Tuesday in October next, tbe following property, to wit: A Hail, in the second story ofs building, in tbe town of Watkinaville, known as the Odd Fellows' Hall, Levied on aa the property of tbe Odd Fellows, to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from Oconee Superior Court in favor ot A.T. Lockio vs. said Odd Fellows. Property poiuted oat by defendants. W. \V. PRICE, Sheriff Also, at same time and place, will be Mid tbe follow- ing property, to wit: One grey Hone, Doctor, two mouso colored Mules, and two bay MuleB; one two- horse wagon and harness, and one yoke of oxen and oue cart. Levied on as the property of Jaoob W. Dickcn, by un attachment and fi. fa. issued upon tad altacbmeut, from Oconee Superior Court, in favor of John O. Thrasher vs. said Dicken. Property pointed out in said attachment und fl. fa. SepL 8—»3-4t. W. \V. PRICE, Sheriff. From Knoxville ban Com] large lumps, band clinker*. \ FTER the publication of this notice once a week for four weeks, and at tho Regular Term of the Court of Ontiuary of Oconeo County, to be held on the 1st Monday in October next, application will bo mode to tad Court for leave to eel! the lands of Jasper N. Ed wards, late of tad couuty, deceased, for the purpose of distribution with the heirs of said Estate. JOSEPH E. TBIBLE, Aug. 27,1875-4-f-4t. Administrator. GEORGIA.—OCONEE COUNTY. week me, at .. of Ordinary of said Conn- tv, for leave to sell the Real Estate belonging to tbe Estate of Samuel Simonton, deceased. JOHN F. MURRAY, Adm’r. Watkinaville, Ga., Aug. 30,1875. 44-4L GEORGIA.—OCONEE COUNTY. \ FTER the publication of this notice once a week for four weeks, application will bo made by me, at the Regular Term of the Court Ordinary of tad County, for leave to sell tlie Real Estate of Young Vickers, deceased. THOMAS BOOTH, Administrator. Watkinaville, Ga., Aug. SO, 1875. 44-4L GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY bereas, Robert SL 8l Notice. A FTER the publication of this notice once a week for four weeks, and at tbe Regular Term of the Court of Ordinary for Oconee Couuty, application will be made to tad Court for leave to soil all the Real Estate belonging to the Estate of James L. Gregory, deceased, in terras ofthe law. ■. GEORGE IL McREE, Aug. 27,1875—44—4t. Adm’r. mitb, Joel M. Dean, William > of John Dean, late of tad James EGriffith, late of tad county, deceased. Therefore, all persons are hereby notified to flii objections, if any they have, at my nfflce t on or before the first Monday in October next, else said Letter, will ti&st&r* Ordinaiy. ) grant) Given nnder my hand and official 50, 1875, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT Id an order of th* Court'of Ordinaiy qf. Banka County, will bo sold before the Court House door in Hartwell, dnriug the legal hours of sale, on tbe firat Tuesday iu November next, one tract of land, lying and being in Hart county on waters of Lightwoed ~ Creek, contafnin r three hundred and sixteen acres. more or leas, being a part of 948 acres. Survey granted to Thomu King and Alvin E. W hitler, formerly of Carnesville, Frauklin County, Ga., all in tlie original forest. Aim one other tract of fitly acres, adjoining land* of Hart County. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. P URSUANT to mi order of the Court of Ordinaiy of Hart County, GA, will be sold before the Court House door in llartweil, tad couuty, within tbe legal boon of sale, ou the first Tuesday in November next, tho following property to wit: lift v acres of land, more or lesa, lying iu M . i n coun ) , G*., adjoining lands of Rachel Sutler*, lMvia C*iq.e snd others, bold for tho benefit of t* e heirs and > i \iivufo Venus eadt.. R. S. \\ 1L1.U • jRD, Administrator. Sept. 15—46-4.v. . , N GlICE.—Alter the puhlieatiouof this notice, once a week d r mur weeks, a] week i. r tour wee; the Court of or. iuary of il to sell tho lands belonging to Hilliard, late of said county, 1876. Sept. 1-44-41 be made to Georgia for leave tateoir Sarah E. , tbi* August, 18, M.M. JOHNSON, . Administrator. GEORGI A.—H A|IT CO.UNTY. •M/HEREAS. JohnA Mesnritv- aunties to me for YV Letter* of Administration on tiJKISate of David P.BaUeoger, late of said county, decosaed. ■ These are, therefore tostto ana admonish UR ad, to show cause, if any they live, at my office, on or bMbce the first Monday in U ter* should not bo granted. Given under my tend at («!», this 28 1875. FRED C.STEP1 Bept. 1-C4-4L Ordinaiy. next, why said let- y NOTICK! Great Beduetlon tn Prices. O N and after OoL 1M we shell olftr to our easterners, good* in our Un* at much lower figure, than here tofore. To enable ns to do this, we will wlop* strictly lb* Cash System. We arc now recriviug a large and fall assortment of goods, bought at low prices, which wo invito oil to and examine. CHILDS, NICKERSON A CO. SepL 15—46-tf. State, County & School Taxes for 1875. rw-HEThx Digest for 1875, has been plaeed in my J hands for collection. I bare peremptory order* to collect immediately. I will not indulge in the fbture as I have in tha past. 1b* faU to thebeat time to pay taxes, and it will be to the Interest of tax payers to set- tle their taxes without delay and save cost. JNO.W. JOHNSON, Tax Collector, Clarke eonnty, G*. SepLlS—484t THE NEW Wool Carding Factory. /CUSTOM Wool Curds now in operation V at ths Factory at tho asstsrn tormlnas of Broad ttgustlt. 1875. NEW STORE HORSE / FOR RENT. n^IlE New Store Room on Clayton -L 8treet, and adjoining Lester’s Block, with four gesd Offices abore, will bo ready for use by the 15th ef September, and are naw offered for rent. Apply to JOHN H. NEWTON, or Seaonrr, Htrrcxtneoa A Ban GEORGIA.—OCONEE COUNTY. W nEREAS, George E. Griffith applies to me for Lettere of Administration upon the Estate of Banks County* 8*pt. 22—47-tw. of Ob* Brown, deceeaed. COAL! COAL!! JJAVING established a Coil Yard ing Coal* GENUINE iqt-. y.ztti “ COAL CREEK,’ a.s.s.SSSft.lS CAHABA.’ OfAUbama. A|most excellent Coal for dometa* uata being Bed AsfiTUrge lamps, kindlts quickly, and makes no cinders, soot or dust. H “ BLACK, CREEK,” 1 ’ Of Alabama. A new Coel, anft tbe pujtat that aatoaa from the Coal Fields of Alabama or Tifan steer - J. H. CARLTON. August 11,1875. o 5-> : *14^ ifY / I -jiU Boot and Hub Mamfedufe^ r •• > tiw • .1 id OJtDMtf ■ COLLEGE AVENUE, . Next JDoor to Post Office, fff 'Low Coo- O N hand, Upper* for „ gross, Alexia-Ties, and Prince Albert*, tog promptbr executed. *t Send ten dollars, per mail or express and yen shall re ceive a firat elate pair of boot*. 55-tf. June 80, 1876. Warning. fffHE public are hereby notified, that Lucy A Ellen. Dowdy, soiored, who was nnder eantreet to for dm during th* year (875, baa, sent, left my employ, and tha public are ed, under the penalties Of the law, ‘~ Lucy EUen Dowdy Septp—44-lm. without my eon t hereby waxn- raar? Teffenon, Ga. DAVENPORT’S Poison Revived. 'T'HIS Celebrated Rat Poison, add for 1 so many years, by Me. MOSE9 DAVENPORT, and proven to he the most effective RAT. POISON ever Intrododed Into this or any ether country, U saw revived by th* original receipts and for sals by his Son, SEABORN L. DAVENPORT, Sept. 8—15-dm. Athens, Ga- Toy Money. . Uu- fi T EN Dollars’ worth of ToyGreen Backs for Ten Cent*. The very thing for boys, at ‘ ' BURK’S Book Store. June 2,1875. Sl-tL rI>HE recent death of . A partner. Walton H. Griffith, fbroes upon an* tha necessity of closing np the (ratines* of Griffith dtCrana atones. All thoee indebted to the late firm will pine* call and settle op without delay. 1 propose to continue tho business in all of its branehea, and hope by strict attention to merit a contin uance ofthe patronage ao liberally bestowed ln the part. "X.B. CRANK. . Feb. No 2. Befoge* Block, Thomas BL Call at J. C. WILKINS & €0., 'MIK COLT COTTON SCREW PRESSES, Manufactured only by the Athens Foun dry and Machine Works. ft’ HESE Presses arc mnde to . I war,!», by Hand or Power, to upwards or down* .the wants of al* havtug baling to <io andyre no new experiment. We have ample testimonial! of their merit. Bill of timber* with illustration for framing, given to every purchaser of a set Of Irons. POWER PRESS. N.O l COOK STOVE, AND TIN WARE OB ALL KINDS, CHEAP FOR C A 8 H. Roofing and Guttering a Speciality. ' SepL 15, Jf75. ’ ■ A PROC L AmATIOW* GEORGIA. y JAMES M. SMITH, Governor of taid Stats. Whtreu, official Information has been received at this epartment that on tho twenty tax day of December 174, in Hart county, a murder waa committed upon the body of David Carpenter, by Willis Gaines, (colored,) andthat tad Gaineaon tho night of tbe twentieth -of May last, escaped from the Jrilof said eonnty, sndjs now at lane. I have thought proper therefore to ban* this my Pro clamation, hereby offering steward of on* hundred rod fifty dollar* for the apprehension and delivery of tbe tad Willi* Gaines totbe Sheriff of laid C State. And 1 do moreover charge and i. officer* In this State, Civil and Military, tobev _ endeavoring to apprehend the said Willis Gaihe* hi order that he maybe brought to justice for th* cBanee with .which he stands charged. Given nnder my hand and the Great Seal of the State at the Capitol in Atlanta, this eighth day of Septem ber, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred end seventy five; and of the Independence ct the United ^States of America the onu hundredth. . JAMES M. SMTTH. BY THE GOVERNOR: About twenty-seven years old; five font, eight in ches high; very heavily built; weighs about one hun dred and eighty pounds; low forehead; down cast and mem look. SepL 16—C6-5L Lucy Cobb Institute, ATHENS, GA. H f. a.hSlI^’} AeaodateP.lrt»rti, ILL open on tbe 8th day of September, ’^CHARGES FEB TEE* (Ineladlag Fuel). Primary hit T--iT.-t-n-ri-toil.ff Aeadeulc Department (Latin included).....—.... CnllegUt* “ “ “ Music, iDstrei—*-* nl it Oral. T?e Scholaitlc year is divided Into tkreeTjrtio!. *7 70 14 » * **' 2**0 20 00 20 00 ]> 13 LAManCona, Bec'y. JOHN H. NEWTON, President Board of Trastec*. <t>m Also roanufiicture and have on band tbe celebrated Brooks Revolving Screw Press. Address, Great Reduction in Prices F or tbe next thirty, days. Brackets, WaU Peckete, and all kinds ef Ornamental Wood Work, will bo acid at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Now li tbe time to make your hraaas tmllM at tew fi*ure». Orest baijaln* |tven in a