The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, September 29, 1875, Image 4

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.c:' Poetrg. Rejected. Ton do not love me t Well good bye 1 'Tie beat that we nhould pert; Yu you ere free I I’d retuerdle Titan bind a netleaa heart, t Yea loted me once—thank God for that And oh. whqr’er Ton be. I’ll, atill remain your faithful friend, And—I will pray for thee. When brighter eaenu have left no trace, That we two .’ar have met, And in another'a fond embrace, Thia parting you forget, I’ll bid my brefeng heart “ be atill,” For thia eball comfort me; . Though every W06 my boaom fill, I yet may pray for thee. - ^7i Another’a hand may aootho your pain— Another’a lipa may kiu the brow That mine may never pram again, For, oh. you do not love me now! I know it by the altered eyes, That nsea to smile when 1 waa near; And when I smiled not in return, Were quickly dim'd by love’s fond tear. own so aad of late, [me no mournfully, ‘ I would tell my fate. Yet oonld not for aweet pity’s sake. Stand where the sun’s last fingering rays Upon your face can fall, And let me have one last fond gaae On what was once my ell. And mutt I lorn thee 1 Thou whom smile So long hath boon my heaven! O, God! and moat my bleeding hurt From its one etgy be riven > I did not mean to givo you pain— Thera, there, aweet love, don’t cry 1 Please hush I I will hot rave again— No, no, not if I die! And yet God bieae you for the tear That gems thorn precious eyes; It shows—that though I’ve grown lees dear Yon do not quite despise, Now let me kiss your hand once more. You whom 1 thought to call “ My Wife," Now one tweet smile and 1 will go— Farewell, my heart, my light and fife! Farm anb HoQschoIb. Cotton Seed Meal. As tliis is a large production of our coun try, it is well cnougn for us to examine its economies. Brossingault, the distinguished French agricultural chemist, estimates the nutriment of One lb. Oil Meal eqtui to 3 lbs. Com. One lb. Oil Meal equal to 9 lbs. Wheat bran. One lb. Oil Meal equal to 10 lbs. Hay. The American Agriculturalist sometime since contained an analysis made by the most eminent agricultural chemists, showing the relative nntritivc value of the different foods, as follows: THE ONLY STOVE MADE With Sliding Oven Doors. Painted Feb. 2,1889, aad 8ept 2,1889. STOVES! STOVES!! The undersigned is now prepared to offer the nubile the FINEST ASSORTMENT OF mm -w jb mm, Plain Japaned AND STAMPED TIN WARES In Northeast Georgia, at LOW FIGURES. Hoofing, Guttering and Tin Work Of all kinds, done pruinptly and cheap. J. T. COMER. Between Center A Reaves and Oit A Co., A ugust 25—13-61. Up Stain. vitn Nearly all uUeax* originate from Indication and Torpidity of the Liver, aud relit f is always anxiously ■ought after. If the Liver Is Regulated in its action, health la almost invariably secured. Want of action in the Liver causes Headache, Coasllpatlon. Jaundice, Pala in the Shoulders, (tilth, ( hills. Uteinnw, Mar Stom ach, bad taste In Ike mouth, btllioaa attacks, palpitation of tat heart, depression or spirits, or the blaoo, and hundred other symptoms, for which SIIMONK LITER UKUPLATOU is the heat remedy that has ever been dis- rovered. It acts mildly, effectually, and being a simple vepetahle compound, con do no ii*jarv in aoy qusntics that it may bo taken. It is harmless in evenr way; it has been used for 40 years and hundreds^! the good and great from all parts of the country will vouch for .its being the purest aad best. Simmons' Liter Regulator, or Medicine, Is harmless, .tyj . • ^4. j / , Is no drastic violent medicine, Is sure to euro If taken regularly, Is no intoxicating beverage, Is a faultless family medicine. It the cheapest medicine in the world, Is given with safety and the happiest results to the delicate Infknt, Does not Interfere with business, Does not df “ Takes the . _ Contains the simplest and bast remedies. For Sale Ry All Druggists. « not disarrange the system, ;ee the place ot Quinine and Bitters oC every kind. HOPE. ‘8 O’clock.’ nbPE. Flesh Fat Food. Producing. Producing. Turnips,... 4.; ... 1 5 Carrots, .... 1 7 Straw, _.. 3 16 Potatoes, ... 3 17 Hay, (early cut) . ... 8 50 Ryew •••••••••••••••• ... 11 62 Oats.......... — 12 17 Corn, .... 12 68 Peas......... ... 22 60 Linseed Cake .... 28 56 Bran and coarse mill stuff; .„. 31 54 Cotton seed cake ... 41 77 < From tho above, it will be seen that cot- A NEW NOVEL BY CURISTIAN REID. A QUESTION^OP HONOR, BY CHRISTIAN REID, Author of “ Morton House,'* *• Valerie Aylmer," •• A Daughter of Bohemia," etc. 1 vol.. I12uio. 500 pages. Tinted paper Cloth, Price, 11.75. In this strong and absorbing novel the author of" Valerie Aylmer," and "A Daughter of Bohemia, " exhibits at their best all those strikiugqualifications that have made her previous novels so successful—strength of style, accu racy of character drawing, aud ever culminating interest of plot.—" A Question of Honor" will be, without doubt, one of the successes of the summer. Bv the same author: VALERIE AYLMER. 8vo., paper.$1; cloth. *1.50. The author is one of the rising and brilliant lights of American literature.—Portland Argus. MORTON HOUSE, Svo., with illustratious, paper, 91.00; cloth, 91.50. trillion*; papar, 91.000; cloth, 91.50 They are -seven ms charming and interesting stories as can be found in one' v« luuie from any late uovelist.— Cincinnati T lures. MABEL LEE, 8vo., with illuflratious; paper, 91; cloth, 91.50. A story of alisorbiug interest,—St. Louis Republican. EBB-TIDE, 3vo., with Illustrations; paiier, 91.00; cloth, Eld>-Tide is a story of power and pathos, and will U* much admired.—Boston Commonwealth. A DAUGHTER OF BOHEMIA, 8vo., with Illustrations; paper, $1.00; cloth, $1.50. It is novel of brilliancy and attractiveness.—N. Y. Evening Mail. Eithcrof the above mailed, j*ost paid, to any part efthe United States, on receipt of the price. D. APPLETON & Co., 43-tit. Publishers, New York. THE GREAT GEORGIA STATE FAIR, bite ■ ^»i Y'V."“ -?* The Annual Fair for 1875 of the Georgia State Agricultural Society will be held in M AO ON, GEORGIA, At the Beautiful CENTRAL CITY PARK GROUNDS,Beginning I MONDAY, OCTOBER 18. } AND CONTINUING ONE WEEK. A Ixige, varied in<l liberal Premium Llit, covering all Department* of Industry, from which life following on extract*: Field Crop Department. For the best and largest display in Biftt and variety of sample products from the field, garden, orchard, dairy and apiary—the contribution of a single fkrm... M l...« 1™..J J 9100 For the best six. stalk* of cotton-to become the property of the Society 59 tor the best five hales, crop lot of short staple cotton, by one exhibitor .......... 150 For the best single tale of short staple hor the best single bale upland long staple* ..L. Horse Department. Best thoroughbred stallion, **• . • . . . . . „ . gioo 1 Best walking horse. , 1 Best saddle horse or mare. Best single buggle horse ot pare, Best combination horse or mare, - - . . . . • . 100 Best double team, owned by one exhibitor, - - - . . _ - -100 Best Georgia raised mule, . Best mule, opeu to the YQrid, - . - Cattle RENOWNED WILSON *100 ton seed mcftl stands first as a flesh former, and equal to anything as to both a flesh former and a fat former, both sets of figures being added together. Cotton seed oil mod has been known com paratively a short time, but is now recognized in all sections, where it is used as the best food for stock, especially for beef cattle and dairy purposes. In tne Report of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture, for 1868, we find the following from H. S. Porter, of Hatfield, in that State, the largest stock feeder in New Eugland: “ In regard to cotton seed meal, I have been using it for the past ten years with great suoccss, not only for dairy purposes, but more especially for fattening purposes. I have used it in small quantities- three quarts per day—mixed with Indian meal and shorts, and I have found very beno- ficial results. , * .* For fattening pur poses, I have never seen anything equal to it. I find that those cattle which have been fed with cotton seed meal and Indian meal always weigh the, best, and so far ns my ex perience goes, feeding with cotton seed meal has been a great success. I have also used it for fattening sheep with, groat satis faction.* 1 '• ‘ An immensely profitable idea has been developed at New Orleans in die use of cotton seed bulls fed abundantly with two to three quarts of oil meal daily. A Missis sippi planter has tried dead corn stalks as n roughness, with the small feed of meal as above, and with great success. He cut his stalks up and fed abundantly. To our hill farmers, this all convevs the hint that their straw may be tiius utilized, proving both a food and ft fertilizer. Cotton seed halls are known to he only a “ woody fibre,” using the words of David Dale QwfthTjln his geolbgyl^f Arkansas. Corn! 'Main! ftro commonly regarded, as a “ woody fibre,’’ and straw is treated as no better; but each these, when used in con* nection with such- concentrated food as oil meal, seems to act as a fermenting grass in the eoirVpminch—that fermentation giving heat, life and rotundity to the animals. There's millions in it.—Soutltern J’iirmtr. Wiiat will mark Hens Lay.—Put two or more quarts of water in a kettle, add one large need pep|ier,ior two small ones, then put the > tie over the lfre. When the water Itoils, stir in coarse ground In dian meal, uulil you make a thick uiusli. Let it cook an hour or more, hot. University of Georgia, SEVENTY-FIFTH YEAR. FACULTY. H. II. TUCKER, D. D., Chancellor. \V. H WADDELL, A. M., Prof, of Latin. CHARLES MORRIS, A. M.. Prof, of Greek. C. P. WILLCOX, A. M., Prof, of Modern Langttaccs. E. W. SPEER, D. 1)., Prof, of Belles-Lettres. P. H. MKLL. D. 1>., LL.D.. Prof, of Metaphysics. W. L. BROUN, LL.D, Prof, of Natural Philosophy A Pres. Gs. Statu College Agriculture A Mech. Arts. WMS. RUTHERFORD. A.M., Prot of Mathematics. L. H. (TIARBONN1ER, A. M., Prof, of Engineering. H. C. WHITE, C. A M. E., Prof. Chemistry A Geology W. M. BROWNE, A. M.. Prof, of History. E. M. PENDLETON, M. D., Prof, of Agriculture. W. W. LUMPKIN, A.|M., Prof, of English Literature. W. L. MITCHELL, A. M., Prof, of Law. The noxt Term opens on October Cth, 1875 Tuition in Academic Department, 975, payable in advance, vis: 935 on Oct. 6th, with95 Library fee, and 940 on March 1st, 1876. Fifty beneficiaries Irom the State admitted without fee. The State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts feruia a part of the University, and opens Oct. €th. Law School opens Aug. 16th, 1875; 2d term opens Feb. 21st, 1876 ; Fees 960 per term. Every branch of a liberal and professional education afforded. For catalogues, Ac., address W. II. WADDELL, cec. Faculty, August 18-42-tf. Athens, Ga. IDE EDM1LC PAIL " Behold J trill stand before! he* Hurt , upon tha rock im JIvreb ; mud thou shalt [smite the rock mnd there shall corns wa fer out of it that the people may rfri*k"~Ex. Perhaps at no period f of Christian history from the days in which Christ astouished the multitude at tbe pool of But heads, has such an excitement prevailed among the sick as is now created by the accidental discovery of a fountain of mineral water which bevond cavil eclipses the whole fraternity of the learned faculty in restoring to original health almost every form of chrouic disease. Find ing it impossible to accommodate the sick here, the proprie tors lirojKMie to furnish the concentrat'd medicine pro** pared l»y simply reducing the water by evaporation into a tine powder or Mass, which possesses all the wonderful virtues of the water in a cheap and convenient form. The Mass is a fine tonic, alterative and al>*orl*ent and Is es pecially useful to ladies suffering from irregularities and affections .peculiar to their sex. It has been universally approved aud eudorsed l>jr the Medical Profession wher ever introduced, both as a diesidcratmm in their materia, and as the best popular remedy ever offered in the cure of Asthma, Bilious Affections, Bronchitis, Chills, Coughs, Cancer, Asiatic Cholera, Cramp Cholic, Cutaneous Erupt ions, Dy*]>epsia, Consumption, Dropsy, Sore Eyes, General Debility, IHarrhcea, Effects «*f Debauchery, Female weak ness, Gravel, Ueahache, Heart Disease, Hemorrhages, Kiducy diseases. Ulcers, Loss of Appetite, Languor, Liver diseases, Tetter, Mental Depression, Nervous Debility, Neuralgia, N«>cturnal Emissions, Night Sweats, Prolapsus Uteri, Sexual weakness. Scrofula, .Summer Complaints, Vcncrial diseases. Worms, Whites, and all diseases whch derive their origin from the Blood, liver or Kidneys. Dissolved In water it makes an excellent wash, gargle and injection, and incorporated with freak lard, perw- raf/w cures the most obstinate case ot Biles. The claims this remedy cannot be over estimated in theme of the diseases mentioned above. The Analysis of the Mass iy Prut Clue. F. tliandiar, Ph. D. of the College of Pharmacy, New York City, proves its perfect adaptation to everv form of disease proceeding from the Stomach, the Liver the Kidneys, and the Blood. ANALYSIS: Sulphuric Acid. Alumina, 1 Oxide of Iron, j Line, 1 Magnesia, l'otasa, Soda, Carbonic Arid. Phorphoric Acid Silica. Organic Matter. The Mass is harmless and mar be used at will. Being fully aware of the popular pr^udiee existing against advertised remedies we oiler the Mao* under the following arrant*, viz: 1st that the medicine shall he what claimed for it. 2ud. All money sent by Registered let ters shall reach us. 3yd, All medicines ordered by the public shall reach them ingood condition and give satisfac tion. 4th, That we hold ourselves responsible to forfeit |500, if we violate any of these warrant?. Price- ^ ” ** 95. Six ill be sent C. O. I>. with return charges Department. Boat hrnl—anr bull anil four Conor—all to bo ofono brood and ownod excluolrely by one exhibitor, ll»»t mil.h cow, ..... . . . . _ . Cow giving tbe rtcbcat milk. **> and S'julbrtlie boot bull aad cow, mpoctlvely, of each of tho following breeds: Alderney, Ayrcshlre, Devon end Durham. Best sow aud pip under six months old, ..... ! i! ’' Poultry Department. Tor the best trio of each variety, ....... Best and largest display In variety and merit of domestic fowls, raised In Georgia, Vest and largest display in variety and merit of same, open to tho world, Best display of pigeons, .... . Best display of rabbits, - w - Horticultural Department Best display of garden vegetables, grown hv one person, - 925 I Home Industrial Department. BECE1VED THE GRAND PRIZE M E X> A L. Vienna, 1873. WARRANTED FIVE YEARS | It requires no Instructions to run it. It can not get out of order. It will do ntry clast and kind of work. It has no cast iron cog wheels to break. It is not necessary to buy two WILSON HA CHINES, in order to be able to do light and heavy work. It mil sew from Tissue Taper to Harness Leather. It is aefar in advance of other Sexcing Machines in the magnitude of its stgierior improvements, as a Steam Car excels in achievements the old fashioned Stage Coach. *S | Prices made to suit the Times, Either for Cash or Credit. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF STYLES AND PRICES. Best collection of jellies, preserves, pickles, jams, catsups, syrups and cordials, made and exhibited by one lady, Best display of breads by one lady, 150 | Ornamental Needle Work. B» -i display iu variety of fern*!* handicraft,embracing needlework, embroidery.crochetlng.kntUlnx,ate., by on* lady, *3 I Fine Art Department. Fest oil painting (any subject), --.... Best portrait (minting, - Best j>:iintiug in waters color, .Agents "Wanted> Address UPSHA.W & GRIFFITH, Athens, Georgia. Sept. 22-47-tf. Bert display of pointings and drawings by one exhibitor, Best collection of drawings by a girl under sixteen years o Bert display et drawings by the pupils of one school or col Best disjday of Photographs, Best display o: jewelry, silverware, etc., Best display of dry goods, - ________ Best display ot fancy groceries, ......... Best display of glassware and crockery, - Best display of clothing, .......... Best dis,.layoff millinery,. - - Special Premiums for Granges. To* the Grange in tlw State making the largest and finest display in merit and variety, of stoock products, and results of home industries, all raised, produced or made by the members of that particular Grange. . 9159 I The above are but specimens of a comprehensive list of large Money Premiums. The best and largrot Live Stack Show ever held in the State or theSouth. More and finer horses, mules, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry, than ever before exhibited. Parties wishing fine stock, as affine saddle or harness horse, milch con thoroughbred bull, trio of chickens, etc., will fiud the occaslonot this Fair a rare opportunity to secure them. Several eminent and representative men from the North aad Northwest have been invited to deliver addrei Fair, aud many distinguished visitors throughout the whole country are expected. The public will be keptlpostcd ns to the progres* and developments of the Fair in future advertisements. , send to the Secretary at Macon for Premium Lists, embracing a full schedule of the premiums, rules, regulations, etc., and containing two engravings of the beautiful and magnificent Fair Grounds. ■ A. H. COLQUITT, President. I.. T, As Sulphates. it we violate any oi tuese warrants, ex—9*- postage paid by mail, or. three packages for >ix packages will be sent by Express for 99, or. It be sent C. O. P. with return charges added, If or dered in lots ol not less thanouc half dozen. Address, Alim 91 ass Company, Alum Wells P. O., Washington Co., Va. August IS 1873—42-ly TALMARGE -fc CO., —DEALERS IK— 1 - Shun Drug Dobsons. MEDICINE RENDERED USELESS! 1*1 y OLTA’S ELECTRO BELTS and BAND8 are indors'd. ' by the most eminent physicians in the world for the euro of rheumatism, neuralgia, liver complaint, dyspepsia, kidney disease, aches, pain**, nervous disorders, fits, female complaints, nervous and general debility, and otherchrimfe diseases of the chest, head, liver, stomach, kidneys and blood. Book with full particulars free by Volta Belt Ga, Cincinnati, o ticpL I5-4G-R. } f 93 SAMPLES where. AddressTIIEt'NlON PUB. CO„ Newark, N. J. Fept. 15rttt-R,. i .. ruj . American and Foreign Watches, CJ.OCKS JEWELRY, Merchants’ Displays. rawiiiit T HE iubocribera have removal to No. 12, FRANKLIN HOUSE RANGE, Broad Street, wlier, they keep eon- stoutly on hand a large and well selected stock of FURNITURE OF EVERY DESC RIPTION, To which they invite the ettention of the public, and which will be sold [ ns JEW JE 7WS- COFFINS AND BURIAL CASES, Famished AS LOW OR LOWER than bv any other establishment in the city, also furnish, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE, our handsome HEARSE, w When fhrniahed by us, we will with hor&es aud driver, for funeral* within the city. Athena, Ga., Sept. 8—45-4m. J. F. WILSON &. CO., MALCOM JOHNSTON, Secretory. L. SCHF.VEXELL. L. SCHEVENELL & ,f- «' » BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA. O. H. YANCEY. CO, THE GRANGERS’ LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY, —or the— UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $4,500,000 I Of whieh 1100,000 to be owned in each Department. Each Policy-holder is entitled to a vote iu the monagemeat 1 of the Compony. DEALERS IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. OUN8, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, $100,000. &0*j L **free.' TRUE A Co., Augusta, Maine. Sept. IS-46-11. ’ $50 TO $10$00 ilas t»ecn invested in itock Privileges and paid, 900 c eIt. PROFIT. ) V* How to Do It.” a Book on Wall St., s**nt frve. TUM- BRIDGE A CO., Bankers A Brokers, 2 Wall-rt., N Y. Sept. 15-46-U. Qf!1A AAA ROYAL II AVAN A LOTTERY. BOlVsVwv* tribute*! every fifteen days. 1 prize.-$loo,ouo | 1 price 950,ua 2 prices, 925,000 each .50.000 354 prizes, amounting to .......310,000 Whole tickets, $20; quarters, $5; twentieth! Circulars of Information free. Prices cashed. A. JpONAU A Co., Bankers, Post-office Box 2089. 21 Park Row Spw York. Royal Saxon aud Brunswiek Government lotteries con stantly on hand. Dl*- 91. CAWSSS, FAWCV AWTSOXdeS, ««,, Having BEST WORKMEN, we are prepared to do It E PAIRING IN SUPERIOR STYLE. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SILVER AND GOLD PLATING, And all work of this kind, such as Forks, Spooks, Watches, dec., plated by us, warranted equal to that done by any establishment in the country. THE COET utfrros crew presses. 1 Manufactured only ly the Athens Foun- i'.Tb dry and Machine Works, u. re- JIKSK made to finftt upward, dr down- I wniri^s by Hand or Power, to meet the want* of all luiviilff lLitimif to »*> Hml are no hew' exj*criiueut.. ’We imve uurtdc tturtitponial* of their merit. # ,, . Bill ortuu1>er?» with illustration for framing, giveh to V\\rj purcli;L<vr of a set of irons. POWER PRESS, THE JAS. LEFfE&fo Dsskle Tsrbise Water Wheel, KsanlkctBredby A Parent Office, Mobile, Alabama. Capital Stock - W. H. KETCI1UU, President F. E. DAVIDSON, Vicn-Presidtnt, K. W. FORT, Secretory. Georgia Department, Rome, Georgia. Capital Stock §100,000, Office, No. 2 Commercial Building, Major C. Q. SAMUEL, President AI.FBED SHORTER, Vicc-Preridrnt, K. J. OWALTNEY, 8eoctoiy C. ROW ELL, Attorney, Dr. G. \V. HOLMES, Medical Examiner. BOARD OF DIRECTORS—A. P. Allwood, Trion Factory; :C. Rowell, Rome, Ga; Alfred Shorter, Rome, Ga,; C. G. Samuel, Rome, Ga.; John H. Newton, Athens, Ga.; A.R.Jones, Cedartown, Ga.;fHon. D. F. Hammond, Atlanta, Ga.; Hon. D. B. Hamilton, Rome, Ga.; Cain Glover, Rome, Ga.; T. McGuire, Rome, Ga.; F. Woodruff, Rome, Ga.; J. L. Camp, Rome, Ga.; M. II. Bunu, Cedartown, Go.; A. J. King, Cave Spring, Ga.; Hon. W. H. Hntohins, Polk county, Georgia. Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alabanin. Capital Stock $100,000. Hon. N. N. CLEMENT8 President and General Manager, Tn.luJooeo, Ala. Hon. DAVID CLOPTON, Vioe:Preaident Montgomery, Ala. W\ L. CHAMBERS, Secretory STONE * CLOPTON, Attorneys. Mississippi Department, Meridian, Mississippi. Capital Stock $100,000 Col. JAMES W. BECK, President JOHN H. GRAY, Vice-President. L. A. DUNCAN, Secretory. Security ! Economy ! Liberality i I Art the Leading Principles of this Company. All approved forms of Life and Endowment Policies issued in •nma of $100 to $10,0o0. Also, Term Policies of One, Tim***, Five or Seven year*. AU Life Policies non-iorfei!- ing after two annual payment*, when the in*urcd willentitled to a paid up Policy or Cash Surrender thereof. l)ividends may be used to protect policies against 1 min* in case of failure to pay premium*. Tins,'with the ^forfeiting ind Cash Surrender feature*, are audirieut to uiukethi* Company popular among thiukieg men. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. Address C. G. Samuel, President, Rome, Ga. W. G. ENGLAND, of Mobil**, Alabama, General Superi!iten>lent of Ageneie«. tTh. WYNN. The Brown Cotton Gin Co.‘, Feed while Hone radish chopped fine and stirred in, haa been found to liftve good results. Four weeks ago we commenced feeding our hens mush as prepared in the above direc tions, and lor results, we arc getting from five to ten eggs per day; whereas, previous to feeding,;we had not had eggs for a long time. We hear a great deal of complaint from other people about not getting eggs. To such, we would warmly recommend cooked food, fed hot. Boiled apple skins seaeoned with red pepper; or boiled pota toes seasoned with horse radish are good 0k - for feed—much better than uncooked corn. Corn, when fed to the hen by itself has a tendency to fatten hens instead of producing the more profitable egg-laying. A spoon ful of *u*pnur Stirred with thtir food occa sionally, will rid them of vermin and tone up their systems. It is especially good for young, chickens or turkeys. Out of a flock of ten ehiokent hatched Last November, we have lost but one. They have been fed cooked food mostly, and are growing finely. —Ohio Earner. Sate the Soapsuds.—However deplora ble mghmtbibt houaehold, {sad the carefuljiouse-mistress or tidy mai( 1 has it in her power to disoomforte^ to the ~ bountiful Oar modify its len, It is a very ungry and thirsty and flowers are glad of every drop of wash water, and will repay every bit of fatigne it may post ns to give them this fertilizer. TffJhfe sun. is.sinning hot when wo go out to dispense our favor, it is best ibr'us to dig & slight trench not far from the .root of the plant and pour the water into it, and cover again with the soil. This makes the water go farther, am at the same time does not tempt the root lets to the surfaoOjPftbe ground.—Duchess -R»msr. Silver ami Plated Ware, MU >iCAL INSTRUMENTS, SPQRTSSEN’S ARTICLES 01? All MW. B EING better prepared now than ever to do all kinda 'of Rxrxumto, and apering no pains to plraae oil, will only ask to ’ GIVE US A TRIAL. Rf ENGRAVING in all its breucliea NEATLY AND FKOMl’Tl.Y EXECUTED. Our aim will lie to offer go. 4, relinYde good.., at 'the VE1U UlWEhTVWUURES SOI^.AOKX^a FrtU J. Moses’ Electro Galvanic . ■ Speotaiclos. I ;;*ir» toroid GulAaiitl Silver l»ou/lit, for wliich Ibe liiffio'Mi varii |>r»t-o will be |«ih1. F5T < 'ollctfe Aveune, sit** tin*. i*o*i-office. March Srd.—tf. NEW LON DON, CONN., Manufocturcrs of Cotton Gins, Cotton Gin Feeders, Con denser* and Cotton Gin Materials of every description. Our Gins have Iwen in use thirty years, aud have on established reimtation for simplicity, iig it-ruouiue. du rability and for quality and quantity ef lint produced. Our Feeder is cosily attached to the Glu, mud essily op erated by any band of ordinary intelligence. They ere the simplest end cheapest Feeder in the market end feed with more regularity then la possible by hand, increasing the outtnmand giving a cleaner and better sample. At all Fairs where exhibited and by Planters having them In use, they have been accorded the highest enceniuma. Our Condensers are well-made, durable and simple in con struction, aad do what la required of them rapidly aad well. No additional power is required to drive the Feed er or Condenser, and no Gin House is complete without are prepared to warrant, to any reasonable ct satisfaction to every purchaser. Circulars, prices and ftill information ftarnished. Address as above, or apply toSUMMEY, HUTCHINSON A BELL, Athens, ASTONISHING. Sept. 15-46-B. mr A Q —The choices! in the woriJ-Importere’ lfl&O. prion— Luce*! Company In America—sto- stapl. article—plmma everybody—Trade continually In- creasing Axeata wanted everywhere best inducements— don't wsste Time—send Aw circular to Robert Wells, 41 Vesey St., N. Y., P. O. Ifox 1487. Sept. 1S-1A-R. Week (asrxntced to Mxle and Female Agents, in their ilocslity. Gals Nothin, tntrr it. Particulars _Free. I*. O. VICKI? 1 BY A CO., Angusto, Me. Sept. 15-46*11. $5 to $20 ! ^, r ^5*^ e -- s » , "p , «- o r ,h *' tnt. Sept. 15-46-R. 1 CO , Portland, Maine. CEHERAL TICKET AGENCY. RAILROAD TICKETS 'or tale, by all routea, aad to all principal points L - ,i 1: UNITED STATES. ' Boy jourTickcto before leaving Athens, and get all iutonnatioa from Agent May IS, *75 Capt, WM. WILLI AM8, Southern Express Co^ Athena, Ga. ■ Th« Sask* Bos: Academy is the name o ._ WA . ,. TrwW.a achoal. The scholars must all be P*«. receipt of Oe prioc^Foymle, ; Patterns for DoUst-Clothes. Instructive, Amusing and Enierimv&ljt; “I stopped at the Book Store, and tha Tronaoaan I for DolUe must have aame new cloths I Seal here are the patterns, in oolors ao t have tried every one, and find them all Each package contains all the patterns neccssirv for Sent an. DoU's W*rtrobe.Prioo SOoenU. {Stage paid, ob receipt of the price. For sole at . 7 Aaare The progreas made- by the WILSON SHUTTLE SEWINGMACHINE. Inventive aMU haa been taxed to its utmost, and tha result is, the The Most Perfect and Desirable Machine, for General and.Family Use, yet produced. It hi Simple and East to Operate, it not liable to get but out of repajy, its Work ie the Beet aa waa ahotrn by the FIRST PREMIUMS awarded it at the Universal Exhibition iu Yleuua, in 18TS, and it U told at a LESS PRICE than mgr other Machine of Ua STANDARD EXCEL- ^ftooaiebT3. M.UPSHAW end F.P. GRIFFITH. Be aura to see the Wi|aon before you buy. May 14,1875 W-tf. i m. Mi Rustle Window Shades. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN At $1.50 per pair. At 81.75 per pair. At $2.00 per pair. At $2.20 per pair. At $4.00 per pair. At $4.50 per pair. Tbe mo^t elegant, simple, aud most durable Sliadee in use. The above prices include all the necessary fixtures. They eaa be put up in five minutes, by aoy ouo who can drive a nail, and they never art out of order. Call I and see them at BURKE’S Book Store Jane 2,1876—Sl-tt Coll at J. C. WILKINS & CO., | If you want a HARDWARE, IKON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse-Shoe Nails. N.O 1 COOK STOVE, AND TIN WAJiK or AU KINTM, CHEAP FOR CASH. Roofing and Guttering a Speciality. Sept. 15, 1875. 44—«m. FITS CURED FREE!! A NY person suffering from the above XA.dl.«lse Is requested to sddress Da. Paicic, ends trial bottle of medicine will ha forwarded by Express. FREE! The only com being the Exprees chains, which, owing to my largo business, ore small. Dr. Price has made the treatment of FITS OR EPILEP6Y a study for years, and he will warrant a ears by the use of bis remedy. Do uot foil to send to him for a trial bottle; It coats nothing, end be WILL CURE YOU, no matter of how long standing your ease mar he, or how many other remedies may have failed. Circulars and testimonials sent with FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. Bo particular to give your Express, as weU as your Post OSes direction, and Address, OK. MUM. T. PRICK, Fsh.24.ty. (7 William Street, New York. Manhood; sexual extra 1 •*-Price, IssB celebrated author, In this mratoe, from a thirty alarming consequence, c How Lost, How Re stored! | a_new edition of for. Celvvr- ij on tho of Sperm luToiueU , Consuml by .self-ludulgeoca. or Abo manufacture and have on hand tha celebrated Brooks Revolving Screw Press. ^***5!’NICK] Sept. 15—45-41. I, Agent, CO ALT U AVINGaffiSthSM’ aCoaf S* with my Warehouse, with a i DRED TONS, I am now inf Coala to the etttaem Ga. in connect inn stock of FOUR HUN- i offer the follow- very low prices: . GENUINE From Knoxville Iron dS!w ,,r *> k *" d : . “CAHABA,” Oi Alabama. Almost excellent Coal Ibr domestic bring Rad Alit, targW haps, kindlea quickly, makea no cinders, eoot or dust. i “ BLACK CREEK,” Alabama. A new Coal, r from the Coal Fields of Alabama or’ “COAL CREEK,” jjr. Borns bright)v t bjjta irndb free from slate god l ^ ' 1 t |hu X- NEW ROOKS. S IGNA Onida’a laotJ $2.00 Three Feathers, byWm. Black, $1.00. Rape of the Camp, Illustrated, $100. Alice Loreloe, by Blackwood, TSc. Walter’a Won), by James Fayne, 50c. A mad Mmrrisre, by SI. Anus Fleming, $1.75. Pastor’s Recollections, $1 At. For sale at June 21. 84-tf. BURKE’S Book Store Blacksmith Shop. H ILL FEW would napeatflilly aim ounce to tho citizens of Athena and adjoining country that ha b fully prepared to do all manoar of work in tho Black- amith Hue in a superior manner and at reasonable charge*. Ha haathe host workmen and nsea nothing but the beat materia). PUutotlin Work, Horae shoe ing, and very diffleolt jobs a apeeially. SHOP located opposite Mr. J. Z. Coopert livery Stable, 20dea. MILBURN WAGONS. AdBICVLTIJBAL IMPLBMEIfS, ..J SeJdlo.y P.11...... «.,Ko. Qpnt—. 1J;w WW. 4.«-„ Rubber and Leather Belting, Mill Saws, Mill biudmgs. Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hollow-ware, &e. Also, Manufacturer’s Agents for the sale of the "W INSHIP GIN 2 . Brinley’s Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows, Fairbanks’ Standard Scales, Circular Saws, Any article in our line not tit flock will be ordered when desired, with the least ponuu delay. Call and examine our stock and prices.-X&B 33 (f June 1$, 1875. r. A. SDMMBY. P. W. HUTCHESON. A. A. BKU- SUMMEY, HUTCHESON & BELL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ®W A IRON, STEEL AND N AILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT®' MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR T1IE SALE #* Good Reading at Panic Prices. D URING the summer months, Miscellaneous Books ofal) kinds, win be sold at Gxxatlt Reduced Pmcxx. Npw is the time to get good reading at low 41-tf. June 2.1975. Cotton Gins, Presses, PORTABLE ENGX^Bp' Mowers, Reapers, DEUPREE BLOCK, ATHENS, GEORGIA. June 23,1875.