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H. il. CARLTON & CO.
VOL. 3. sro 49.
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Two Dollars per annum.
Or Jpjras ferpit.
H. II. CARLTON & CO., Proprietors.
ONE COPY, One Year, .... $ fi OO
five: COPIES, One Y«ar |mwMW 8 7B
ten COPIES, One Year ... IB OO
yhe Official City 'Paper
From our Dally Edition of .October I.
Gen. DeTrobriand TJ. S. A. is in our
! city.
Two superannuated animals of the marsu
pial breed, better known as ’possums, se
cured by having their tails inserted into a
| slit of a hickory stick, were exhibited in town
yesterday afternoon.
New York, Sept. 30.—Arrived: Vera j
Cruz, Maria Cell*, Crosby, Carradoe,
ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES 1 Homeward, Kate Prince, Regina, and San-
1 dusky.
Deshoines, Iowa, Sept. 30.—Grant re
sponded to a call, making quite a lengthy
... , , , „ . ,. . , speech. He expressed his gratification in
We heard yesterday of a duel being on the ) recalling the days when they had suffered
Kates of Advertising:
isient *»lveTiisements, of one square or wore Si 00
... deny to those who fought
! frown down any tendency to resort to the | against us any privilege under the joint
“Code Duello.” i Government which we claim for ourselves.
Advertising is one of the powers of this . the contrary, we welcome all such to
•' It is an encyclopedia upon the wall; | hel P build our waste places,_ and perpetuate
iransiem auveriiseinem*, oi unesquaTc ot uioTe;i w
cr square for the first insertion, and 5o cents for each sub*
•ijueut insertion.
uh.AU adveriisemttnts considered transient except i
here snecial contracts are made. ; World vuvjvivmmuw vpvu iuv i - . . -w
word. ™.k.o»e«,«.«. . it knows all, or nt least talks about every- , our institutions against _ all enemies _
thing with equal self-possession; history, brothers in a common heritage; hut we are
science, strategy, commerce. It meddles not prepared to apologize for haste to
with every subject. , j guard against a recurrence of those days.
We must begin by guarding against every
IMT Liberal contracts made with yearly advertisers.
('lullon of Administration or Guardianship Si 00
Application tor lHnmijuilon Administrator
Application for l^av
> Sell Lands
r Debtors and Uredltow
S thrn of Land, Ac., per square
Walt-s lVrishablo l*ro|»eriy t 10 days, per sq
17-tray Notices, 3b day* ~
Mivnir Sales, per square
Tax r.dlei tor’s Sales, per square ~
PoncloMire Mori sage, per square, each time
Unit* ^i.d’s, per square, each time ..
rGuardian 6 00
. - begin by guarding against
I lie following which we clip from an ex- ! cneniv preventing prosperity and free Re-
eliange, will doubtless seem very natural to publican institutions,
sw j some of our Dry Goods Clerks: I Regarding politics, lie said: “We are to
2«! “They met, that is, she went to the store ! have another contest in the near future of
loo An«l made him turn his department o’er, I our political existence. I predict that the
—————— ’Til! he vanished behind the drygoods, and then dividing line will not ho Mason and Dix-
Daily Edition of September 30. I »nc pleasantly sattl she would call again."
Knotty melons, warranted to give chills,
only five cents.
H. W. Heath, Deputy Sheriff of Warren
county was shot last Thursday by a negro.
Pottsvieee,JPa., Sept. 30.—An explo
sion occurred'at Anchor Colliery. Two were
killed, and oneTatallyjVarid several hadly
hurt * 1
Lafayette, Ind., S3»t' 30.—Morley &
Marshbetter’s .lumber wurd burned; .loss
$33,000. .
Fall River, Sept aKb—Quite a large
number of hands went ,fo work, and others
gave notice that they wefld resume to-mor-
row. All the mills are running.
Boston, Sept. 30.-r-Lea <fr Shepard,
propose to pay twenty rents on the dollar.
Their liabilities are ovqj; ’ df million.
Meridex, Vt., Sept 30.—Rev.^C. A.
Graeber was found innocent of the charge ■ next week.
of improper liberties with a young lady ; s ior Court> Judge Rice predding , ; s
Quebec, Sept. 30. Fishing boat found- now in session at Gaiuesville.—Southron.
ered in a gale, crew lost
New York, Sept. 30.—Crowds gathered A n,an is S oin g t0 the Romc f‘>r with 6
at the Third Avenue Savings Bank to-day,' alligators and a palmetto tree 16 feet high.
The Social Dancing dub of Macou appears
to have become quite au institution.
Belton boasts of two pairs ef striped stock
Savannah has a Chinese laundry in full
Jas. Rosso, Sr., of Savannah is dead.—
Hon. A. H. Stephens will lecture in
Chicago this season.
Rome is livdy over the . Great North Ga.
Fair and River Couvention.
Howe’s great circus will' be in Gainesville
We were highly entertained lastTuo
mori'ing by a visit from
Delight v of Augusta.
In our weekly trade review, we will on-
, r , r . _ fT . on’s hut between patriotism and inteUi-1 but dispersed upon notice “that the bank —Courier.
Hst Tuesday 1 1,10 V" J- °“ VEI V of ^xmgtou gence on the one aide, and superstition, am-; ha( , clf £j pura 7 ant to nn order granted bjr TUe Belt
fir young lawyer ot such promise, and bition and ignorance on the other. Let us f t s r a b
I)r. W. II. who so ably advises the people of his town labor for the security of free thought,! ^ * ,
|aml section against the evil of violating speech, and press, pure morals, unfettered . " d T , r . , T . r . , r, x, ,
_ I those laws which are designed lor the good religious sentiments and equal rights rectors of tlieNorthmi PiicificR. Ii., to-day, | Rev. N. H. McIntosh, D.D., has tender-
granted by j The Belton Courier lias made its first ap*
pearance at our office. We welcome it
The Board of Di- among our exchanges and wish it all success.
,1, nor to do justice to our friends who a, “ a Protection of society, hove in on us and privileges for all, irrespective of
I n or ami sustain us with their patronage. yesterday. Tom gladdened our heart with nationality, color or religion. Encourage
1 ° ' j his genial presence and left us, not in tears, free schools; resolve that money appropria-
Tlicve is a young _ Hotel keeper in town j hut in sadness, when he departed. ted to them he not applied for the support-
who can kill a pigeon 30 yards with an T . . ... , of sectarian schools. Resolve that neither
Alabama sling; but says that shooting is!. lT is somewhat a coincidence that the first State nor nation shall support institutions
expensive. ! issue of o„ r Daily should be upon the New | ^ tbose where every child may got a
. . . | Yrart day of the Jewish ecclesiastical year. nmmnnn
The At m ils Academy
\t nens Academy is progressing , 5636 years ago, says the Isrealitish Calen- o t i le istie m<ran
h ,° r a t r ’ t ' le , eart ’ 1 "as usheml into the celestial Leave religiem to the family altar; keep
ha-about as many pupils as he can well at-j list of planets, and another world joined its j Church Estate forever separate. With
Mel.,,. feeble anthem in the grand symphony to the; these safe-guards, I believe the battles
■•Can any one toll where my cat is | Mighty Ruler; that same day another j which created the Army o 1,,n 1
g,.i- a funny song, Vmt when sung by . humble votarie enters the journalistic circles, not \,een fouo-ht in vain
a colored moke around a moat shop as hap- , nnd adds its still small voice to the great Sherman cTosed sneaki
I.ened here the other loses its cause of Truth and Right.
sectarian teachings.
elected Chas. B, Wright, of Philadelphia, cd his final re-ignation as Pastor of first
President, and Geo. Stark, of New Hamp- Baptist Church Macon.—Telegraph and
shire, Vice President. Messenger.
Washington, Sept. 30.—The Spanish; The Athens Georgian is to be publish-
Minister has received the following from . ed daily at an early day. It lias been fitted
Cuba: out with a new power press, and will no
No disembarkation of the expedition of doubt be a lively and first class paper.— gestion.-
common school education, umnixed'with I the Uraguay has been made on this island, - Standard.
Gen. Robert Toombs did not speak at
the Court House on Thursday, as was an
nounced in the Southron, last week. We
are not apprised of the reasons why. Wo
supposed it was all arranged when the an
nouncement wasmade.—SoutAron.
Hon. John W. Wofford for Gov
ernor.—The above gentleman is being
suggested by his friends for Governor.
The name ofWofford is a tower of strength
in North Georgia. The Seventh and the
Ninth Districts cast nearly half the white
vote of Georgia, and fully one-half the Dem
ocratic majority; 'and if they unite and
present the name of John W. Wofford, he
will be nominated. We are oonstrained to
say that he is a man of fine ability and
sterling integrity, and would make a splen
did Governor, and would be acceptable to
all true Democrats.—Commercial.
The New York Sun says the negroes of
Jackson county, Gv, are reveling in the
excitements of a revival season. Here is
the favorite camp meeting chorus:
Forty-sebcn bull frog all in de row,
Down in dc lagoon, laffin at de crow:
Brcss de good Lord, how de culled angels
Hand out dc dimes, or you all gwine to hell.
Bress de good Lord.
Pio Nono College.—Rev. C. C. Pren-
dergrast has just returned from Macon.
He reports that Pio Nono College opened
last Tuesday with forty regular scholars, of
whom thirteen are from Augusta. The
roll will be increased to seventy-five in a few
days, which, with twenty-five day scholars
from Macon, will make a total of one hun
dred.— Constitutionalist.
Colonization ofGeorgia—AGoodSug-
It is evident that'Savannah shares
notwithstanding the American newspapers; At a colored camp meeting in Macon last' °J lt '. thec i ountr y. tbat she has a larger pop-
have published the contrary. Signed, Val- Sunday the arbor under which the congre- 1 if/T ,an v®" < » nlf ® rt a bl y 8u P.P°rt-
masfda r „ , • , ^ classes are feeling the effects of this ae-
ga .on was gather, fell and caused a considers | - particularly the poor,
able demoralization of the proceedings.- i P The h ’ u P tlc and ,
I Telrgraph and Messenger.
The Beecher scandal has
We have often heard
Imt .Mr. Moss the Mayor
ulmioiiized things. It
i <»!, raising the ten and seein
1 filer.
Philanthropists are not entirely extinet.
of ten and costs, and the world is not altogether unmindful could be printed iu full and scattered broad-1 explanation of its expression of the mysteries ed and with”them a large influx of now stu-
■ pro tern, lias rev-! of the cares of yc “ceaseless quill drivers;” cast through the South, to show the people I 0 f the soul, I propose to regard promiscuous dents.
is now fifteen and f’ or 0,1 our desk before us lies a donation of there how the soldiers of the North all feel ! kissing as opposed to good taste, good man- j r, -ii. .. e . ...
...a tnWe„ n.,,1 ni<rnr a towards them. ! = * .1 i„ i 1.J1.T _ It will be a matter of regret with every
uere iood morals auf good health. . Me^ZtTn gSE Z
The custom of my own sex, interchanging q Haygood, D. D., the Sunday School Sec-
, fl I ‘ retary If the M. E. Church, South, has re-
is stated that ridiculed that it is going out of fashion among R ,Vn«l Ida muiim.,
_ bank has sus- j refined people, and is kept alive in the rural ® _ * - '
in Chief as he curls the wreathes pended, that it will not open to-day for bus- 1 districts, where railroad, telegraph and news- * wo “uvannah colored Companies and one
’ - ’ ’ 1 - —- - “ from Augusta have untied to form a battal-
tothe Centennial. Hay crop of
three quarter of a crop.—Morning
it live tobacco and cigars from our kindhearted towards them,
j and enterprising friends, Orr & Co. Thanks |
Wedded.—On the evening of the 17th, \ gentlemen, we will “ remember you in our BANK SUSPENSION.
John R. Moore of Athens was married at j !"‘f. ers ’ an<1 - v< : I lo ( ca '- although he never New Torn, Sept 30.-It is stat
the residence <if the bride’s father in this citv, , ? dl fe < : s ’ can uil - fro ! n tllu . satisfaction ot the third Avenue Savings
• Miss Marion C. Murphy. The atten- 1 the t,,,tor
...w ,.„v. J - I . — — — r r ..„ .. r „ „ very sorry to hear yesterday of
The sidewalk on the right hand side ot' u .jp remembered, spent a part ot the have just been entered on the bank hook, another, to whom she docs not bear such re-j the death of Mrs. Ben Bussey, at her home
College Avenue going towards the Post 1 summer with his sister Mrs. Howell Cobb , and will be returned in full, as far as can ! lations, is an exhibition of bad taste and bad ’ in_ Huntsville. Ala. Mrs. Bussey was the
““ *-—***-- - T * — - c *’ ■- - 1 “ * land afflicting wife of the eldest son of Dr. N. J. Bussey,
lan, who has of this city.—Columbus Times.
....... ; exce Pt a little The colored convention held at Sanders-
earry him oft’. j “a 11 ** has sustained three runs —lirst in of it3 amorous fire, and who thinks that his ! ville the other day for the purpose of discus-
simply execrable—why do not our city nu- This gentleman was a brother o( Andrews 13G8, which lasted four days; second in gray hair gives him the privilege of etnbrnc- sing tho propriety of emigrating to the West
tlh.Miiis see that tins is properly paved? McKinlcv who died on the Sth inst. amlin! 1871 * a,ul ,ast 1,1 January, 1872, during : J > 3 L - 1 " ^ ’ - - . ..
We were extremely sorry to learn yester-1 one short month, he too was called to join {o ." r mi, ! iona was !!»»*“ tbe . te »
day afternoon that a voting man in this city, j * be loved one “gone before.'
well known and of n highly respected family, i A Handsome Machine.—We
1 .ml Lon detected in nn net of Kleptomania
weeks the panic lasted. The bank lias
never recovered from the effects of thatcel-
mg and kissing every’ young woman who j was well attended, but few favored the idea,
comes in lus way, not suspecting that they , and the probability is that none will go ex-
submit because they do not know how to re- I cept those who cau well be spared,
fuse, not imagining that in many instances a jwo trains on the Port Royal Railroad
collided on 28th. The engines were prompt
ly reversed, but too late and the hands jump
ing from the train left one engine unoccu-
j- i .i -~ L i •. - pied which obeyed its reversing and backed
undigmhed this habit.. S p fi ve milwI-OkronWe and sLfinri.
in old men, I want to assure them that it is 1 , . ,
absolutely disgusting to voiing women. They i m ^ " e ' va nd fine spring was discovered at
- - - Tallulah Falls this summer by Mrs. Irwin,
Washington, Sept. 30.—The Commis- are very sly aSout it too. I note they don’t ^ a l!, u *ah b alls this summer by Mrs. Irwin,
with a slab of satin wood iiiinid with mother' sio,,crs of the Freedmans’ Saving and hug ami kks young girls in the presence of!®* M y b “^ Mias Stewart, of Colombus, and
I of nenrl " ’ I Trust Company will commence paving div- their fathers, and—well, there is no use be- ^ r ' tucker, of Athens. The spring was
s. | The wheel and entire machinery of this iden ^ ^2° per cent, on all audited cUiins ing too delicate about a subject that won’t j “J ^ D^ShtStom^
i i elnhornte nrrim-oment was mounted and 0,1 ,be llrst ot November next, at their admit of delicacy; the whole proceeding , 3 t<>rs ine laus will nntl it at ttie bottom ot
. I some portions heavily plated with Sd and 0< «ce here, iqion presentation of pass book I vulgar, immodest and immoral. These old *•
reulrd the greatest surprise and deep
est regret amonga large circle of friends
acquaintances, both of himself and fam
As the facts of the case have not been provenients and appertenences, en- j
thoroughly investigated, we have concluded . cased in a cabinet of mahogoney, highly pol-1
ii> mention no names, and for the present to i ished, elegantly carved and most artistically
forlu-ar further comment upon this most nn- i trimmed with bronze, and surmounted
fortunate affair.
of pearl.
Tlie Approaching Political Campaigns.
The ensuing twelve or fourteen month 1 ., . - _
.1 doubt, will embrace the mo# im d ^k ei j^{h > J^ ar f IVI AlU)"etheHt was°n n"o«l I or evidences of indebtedness. Depositors incontinents had better be saying their ! in " tbe name “ Callie Springs.” Telegraph.
taut period in American nolitigs. With- ; exouisite niece' of mechanism and would of 1 rcsidin S iu tl,is vicinity should present their prayers and thinking of another world. Yesterday morning, Robt. Flournoy, col-
‘ 1 kself hpa heiuirifuToriiament' for anvla!l\”a claims personally. AH cheeks should be Medically cotisidcrcl, the most loathsome ored, kUled a genuine pelican weighing about
measured from tip to tip,
was about eight feet high,
covered with white down, to
We advise the "iadics*of • ,,a **y drawn to the assignee goes. ! and seethe nurses and little children, * this the depth of two inches.
in this period must necessarily he embraced
the solution of those political troubles
which for the past ten years or more, have
>o threatened the overthrow of that form of
government, which as an heritage from the
patriots of the former, purer days of our
republic, served the safety of the public weal.
Indeed, within the next three months, will
have been settled, by the political determi
nations of those States whose elective su
premacy largely controls the destinies of the
nation, the question as to whether American
freemen shall yet be free through a restora
tion of good and Constitutional government,
or whether we shall have fastened upon us
tor another four years the administration of
that party whose insupportable corruption
and dishonest inaugurations of oppressive
measures for political agrandizenient, have
forced the American people to regard Con
stitutional liberties and tlic rights of free
men more a matter of history, than of pres
ent experience.
Then, how anxiously are the minds of an
oppressed and outraged people turned to
Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania,
and with what hope and expectation of re
lief, will they watch for the results in those
Slates whose controling power must deter
mine alike the fato of Radicalism and the
clmm-es of a Democratic victory in 1870.
From all that we are enabled to glean
from the political news ot these States, wc
think the Democratic party now occupies
strong ground with the chances of victory
strongly in its favor.
The advent of Sciiurz. into Ohio, upon
die Currency question, has been attended
"hh suvli strong suspicion of his being tin-
di r the control and influence of tho Nortli-
r " :i »d Eastern monoied iiiouojHilies, that
' ’’"L'.i-s hi 5 partieipancy in the Campaign,
j "' "tind inure to the success, than the de-
*' Governor Allen.
[ . ' "go reduction in the Republican
Maine, the indications in New
'""sylvaiiia, Maryland and other
lar hi can lie divined, coupled
j" 11 ‘ dlv revolution which obtained
' Sl , ' 1 "’ '"'i' Lots of snfiiHcnt-’Mgiiifieance
1,11 ' '"’cr ior us to begin to bail with glad-
" , ' l: " ''''turning sense of wisdoin, justice
•i'1'l modoraiioii in the minds of the people,
" ' a< '‘ must prove as inevitably the over
throw and destruction of corrupt govern-
be about 8250.
Athens to go and see it.
one kissing that one and that one kissing this j We are glad to note that CarlisleJTerry,
one, hut that I moralize on the carelessness son of Dr. Terry of this city, has received an
Personal. \ Montreal, Sept. 30th.—The suit of the of fathers and mothers who fail to instruct ( appointment oi/the staff o^Dr. Little, State
We had the pleasure of mcetin" on onr ! Canadian Institute against St. Surplice those who have their little^ ones in charge Geological Surveyor, and left yesterday to
’ . ,. , -. r ” c . : Cemetary for two thousand dollars in Gui- ■ against so pernicious a habit. enter uiwn the duties of his appointment in
streets j esterday, our liieiul Mr. Samuil hord’s case, was dismissed, each party pay- j Finally, Mr. Editor, I want to say to wo- North Georgia. He is a young man of geni-
Lumpkin, Solicitor General of the North- ; ing costs. j men, “Do stop kissing, one another; it us and capacity, and we feel confident will
cm circuit. We learn from him that the | London, Sept. 30th.—The Globe says foolish, and you know it’s not sincere.” acquit himself handsomely. The surveying
intention of immediately aug- ,°' d , men > “ Ro res P ect your gray hairs j corps \ye learn arc encamped at present near
Toccoa Falls.—Columbus Enquirer.
A Lady Gallantly Rescued from
Drowning.—About six o’clock Sunday af-
Liunpkin says that there were several critn- Donan takes 38,000 pound in gold. 5a *a*' ° 11 ^ ou d /* n ' ridicul- ^gj^joon a party of young folks were taking a
inal eases disposed of during the recent j Cable rates were raised Monday to one j vnn ° U \vi!n5«nnf« ! stro '' on tbe Eastern wharves looking at the
term, and there are many moreyet remain- ; dodar a '' ord - ,,
ing. Hie good people ot that county lh( , occupation of thc inland and UtUe ^ Pprhaps great granddaughter?” To young Jcssie Wh;te> who wag wal t dn „“ ery uear the
debout, indicates,Turkev’s intention to force i g !v s * i ou are silly little fools not to be ed | oat j, er hai ance and f e H j n to the river,
an issue with Servia. * ab ’? prot “ l J°. urscl , ves . 'j 0 ™ thu ? j Mr. William Duggan, who was one of the
The British Bark President York, for ulfl,cted A ®«« n “ a httle independence and | t 8tr ipp*l hi? coat off and jumped in
Hamburg, wrecked oft’the coast of Holland. ‘ , T , °’ P y°, u - H j’our tormentor a p ter | ler _ jj er s truogles in the water came
The crew were saved. : ^ 1 » an . old «nan, reply ’that a why tis Dear drowning bot h of them, but Mr. Dug.
Madrid, Sejit. 30th.-Troops were sent; “"Thhi'u all'l have*™* m M^nth^Bnbieei 1 S 8 " fina lly succeeded in landing her in a po-
to Andusia to hunt down the party of com- ,,, a tultn-inL!,,™ ^ J n,f sitiou where lrieilds on the wharf could reach
munists who are inaruding there. ! nt ‘ffiS?*• ““ d i do 6ome g° od ’ her, where she was pulled out. This is the
— If ashmgton CapitoL second time within the past few months that
. ~ ’ * * 7 . _ i Mr. Duggan has saved the life of some of
A Vital Word.—Now. It is a word the fair 6ex.—Savannah News.
would doubtless be very glad if there was
only one case on their criminal docket, but
we fear it will he a long time before such a
felicitous condition of things may he reas
onably expected, doubtless to thc regret of
the Solicitor who is a most earnest advo-
York, p,
cate for the suppression of crime.
. , . ‘® r , .... - f Rome, Sept. 30.—Cardinal McClosky I
i: i s ^ doctois and 135 lawyers. too t possession ofhis title to-day, in the
hut ior the frequent deaths from starvation j church of Sanctft Moria Supra Minervam.
among them the two professions there , Ue 0Iltcred tbe Churcli with thirty Domi-
would become a little crowdeo.—Courier I Ilit . an Fathera and several Prelates, and af-
V\ T e hope the doctors before starving will
relieve Mayor Estes from the imputation of
having shipped them over the Georgia Rail
road. The lawyers may perish occasion
ally, hut that is no reason why the Supreme
Court will have to be abolished.— Consti
Jess so. And notwithstanding the pro
fessional inipecuneosity in these parts, for
which there seems to attaeli no blame to
Mayor Estes, and in view- of the fact that
the Supreme Court question is safe under
the guardianship of “ Quis, ” wc dont see
why the Athens Daily Georgian may not
prove a success.
niean Fathers and several Prelates, and af
ter a short prayer, seated himself in the
Episcopal chair.
Washington, Sept. 30.—Among
eadets found qualified and admitted at will bring tho needed relief, or pave the, , , . .. . . , ,
West Point were Thomas J. Louis, of Lou- way to the Redeemer’s feet, or deepen His ! H?. urt house where the criminual lay concraled
isiana, M. J. Jenkins and Allen R. Gordon, sympathy, or increase His readiness to web J he alm08t * n T"“ b . l « ,. 8y ?f a
of South Carolina, John L. Goodall, and Lome au4 forgive and bestow life upon the for negro s in the South by FederM
Edward T. Jones of Tennessee, John II. smitten and baffled soul. It is only to go offi T ? wou,d n “‘ 6ee “. to tend . ‘f
Woods, Chas. F. Price, of West Virginia, to Him at once, bow at His feet, yield the I ifff'.-
flie vacancies by failure of Ucpreseiita- j heart to His claim, trust His promise, and laR wh ,c h 80 muchlhas been said of late,
lives to nominate are the third and sixth ! to-day is sure to be the day of salvation. ! Why ’ bless you A v ' bea a ne 8™ lar ;
districts of Louisiana, fourth, fifth, mid sixth Now. It is the word meant forthose ««“)• ars u n *J^hery or murder, he run* to
■ --- the nearest Federal official—that is, if he is a
knowing negro.—Savannah News.
“ Jean Valjean,” the Augusta correspon
dent oi the Louisville CouriersJoumal, writes
districts of Virginia, third and fifth districts ' who have been heedless, hard, worldly, ro
of South Carolina, third and fourth districts j sistful, and who are putting off the great
of Alabama, second district of Florida, duty of submission. The waited-for-to-
I eighth and ninth districts of Georgia.
By Telegraph.
Special flrom Crawford.
How the Hally was received There.
Crawford, Sept. 30.1 p. nt.
Dr. H. II. Carlton—Athens
Yonr Daily is a grand success,
paper. We distributed all
will do all w-e can for you. The people are ! ’
delightedw Just keep it up to t 1 '
present standard and you are bound
succeed. T. L. Gantt—Echo.
^ Washington, Sept. SO.—Probabilities for him hohlcn with the chorda of liis sins, : ous, active, vigilant, or determined.
New England, the Middle States and thc joined to his idols, and given over to be-! organization ramifies through every nc
_ cloudy weather, lower temperature than daily breathe, or discern the beckoning to
The Indians on the frontier are still ’hel- on Thursday, Northerly to Westerly winds thc blessed Kfe where only the spirit rests
igerent. But from the dispatches of to-day,. and slowly rising barometer. South Allan- at home. , . . ,,' .
I we really are at a loss to know whether In Ue and Guff Stoles, clear or partly cloudy \ Let this word Now be heard and heeded,
i « * ... n • 1 TV a1. ... ' on J - -- - until QahIK
The bustle and excitement that followed
.. . . | the close of the war attracted hundreds,
tins Bishop Pierce ^writes to the Covington j nay, thousands of people to Savannah, who
Greenbacks were abun-
went as merry as a marriage
times are changed, and the
picture is reversed.
With the surplus population, the times
go hard on account oi the scarcity of labor.
Factories which in other towns exist, more
or less, are here entirely non est and the
cry is hard times, no work, and consequent
ly, no money. How is this state of affairs
to be remedied? In such cases, Horace
Greeley was wont to say, “ Go}West, young
man;” but it might be properly and wisely
said, “ Go to the country, young man and
There is plenty of land in Georgia await
ing the pleasure and plow of the husband
man going a begging for immigrants and
settlers. “ Charity begins at home.” Our
own people are better entitled to her boun
tiful soil than the Mennonites, Scandina
vians and Chinamen. Would it not bo wise
for those who labor and are heavy burtb-
ened to flee from penury and taxes, to the
peaceful bosom of the country, and find in'
dependence and rest?
How is this to bo done? Form into vil
lages or colonies of from ten to one hun
dred families, after the model of Vineland,
New Jersey. This plan has many advan
tages. In the first place, it affords mutual
protection to life and property against
prowling thieves and vagabonds. Secondly,
it will admit of schoolhouses and churches,
the great essentials of Christianity and civ
ilization; the other concomitants—courts,
prisons, poor-houses—can be dispensed
with. This is a practical and important
snbject for the consideration of philanthro
pists and our people generally, and demands
an abler pen than mine, such as “ R. M.
O.” or “ Paul Pry,” to do it justice. I hope
thc subject may be taken up and that much
good may come of it.—Savannah News.
From the Microscope to the Woodl
The other day a Detroit father purchased
a microscope for his son, a boy of ten, patted
the lad on the shoulder and said to him :
“ My son, take this microscope, and go
out and study the beauties oi nature.”
The boy left all other amusements for
that, and he took such great interest and im
proved so rapidly, that at tbe tea table, to
which several visitors sat down with the
family, he felt that he must make some re
marks. Turning te one of the ladies, he ini>
“ Did you ever look at cheese through
microscope? - ’
“ I don’t think I ever did,” she pleasantly
“ Well, you just ought to see the things
crawl —-—’’
“John! Johnl” exclaimed the lather,
shaking his head at the boy across the table.
John subdued for a minute or two, and
when his mother passed the cheese around,
everybody said, “Thank you, no.” Pretty
soon the young student, desiring to molify his
father, asked:
“ Father, did you ever look at a toad
through a microscope?”
“I will talk with you after supper," re*
plied the parent scowling at the boy.
John was rather disappointed at bia fail*
ure to arouse enthusiasm, and just as the
strawberries were being passed around, he
“ Well, you just ought to look at a straw,
berry once through a microscope! They
look just like warts, they do, and you think
you see bugs running—”
“ Jawn 1" said his mother.
“ Boy 1” warned his lather.
“ Well, they look wors’n flies’heads!” pro
tested the boy, who imagined tbat they doubt
ed his veracity, for flies ”
“Boy r said the father, making a mo
tion for John to leave the table.
John left, and as soon as it was conve*
nient for him to do so, the father escurted
the lad to tbe washroom in the basement;
bounced him around, and said:
“ My son, gimme that microscope, and
you take the axe and go out and study tho
beauties of that woodpile!”
If that boy continues to fed the way he
does at present, he will become a bank rob*
her instead of a naturalist.
Tbat is a whole speech in itself, crowded
into two sentences, uttered by Cassius M.
Clay to the New York Sun: “I am against
inflation, but still more against Grantism. J
should hardly have turned Troy in 1776 be
cause of Continental money.” A great many
people of both parties will commit that
speech to memory, and many vote* will be
cast to vindicate it
*r> , sr*-. j s=s. : 2
Delay is an added an and a wider straying h , d ^ . communication with
Waiting .s worse than useless. A deepened J* 1 United Bt at«Disti“tAttorney for sev*
the one hand, no terrible struggle for sell-' ‘
mastery and self-purification on the other, State. ^judge should have refustri ^r-
--- - r - - ’ > mission to the sheriff to enter a room iu the
. morrow may never come, or if it does, it
; may dawn upon the transgressor whose dis- ’ relative to the Georgia patrons as follows:
| regard of the work of repentance has left ; Never was this organization more vigor-
• ' 111,,, l.i.l.ll.Tk „'|th fill* ehorils Illfi BltlQ 1 nna Onti-a ktinilanl A, iIa.A,Akma.1 The
_ _ nook of
j the State. It has the fuIl~power'to shape
is a word for all who have dn-; destiny* Were it to so will. bardly an office
i remaining tindoue, or glimpses of a bet- could be filled or a law enacted without its
“*■ which they have not begunjlo live,' consent. It is both respected and feared by
as it will surely guarantee a return j tho recent fight nt Bridger Ferry, they , and continued warm weather, with South : and life will be found in it.
*■«> those (Vnrtitntional principles of our
©fathers, which once held under Federal
compact, bound in tho strength of- true
Lnion these tJnited States of America.
were moved to battle array from their de- j to West winds; slight changes in barome-
sire for the blood of the white man, where ter and light rains north of Georgia. Cau- . A lazy fellow falling a distance Of fifty
with to appease their wrath, or for the tionary signals continue at Wood’s Hole, feet, and escaping with only a few scratches,
flesh of thc hnliock, with which to appease
the hunger of ye savages.
Boston, Thatcher’s Island; Portland and a by-slunder remarked that “he was too slow
Eastport; 1 10 f„n fast enough to hurt himself.”
of the whole country time will determine.
Knowing the personal character of Its mem
bership to be almost universally good, we
need have no fear that whatever influence or
power it may choose ,to exercise politically
will he other than that of wisdom, justice
and moderation. Jt may be that in the
next decade or two the lawyers will be sent
to rear and the farmers reign iq their
27ie Marrying Question.
Among the portentous maxims of old Ben
Franklin, that the original American philos*
loaopher devised between his hours of scien*
tific and political wprk, is that which advises
the young to marry ;,and other profound in*
spectors of the system of humanity have ven
tured to repear the same instruction, even in
the face of the Shaksperean saying that a
young man married is a man that is married.
Political economists, too, have not been idle,
and it has been demonstrated over and over
again that marriage promotes longevity, mor
ality and financial prosperity. Nature has
always seconded such notions of science and
philosophy. The love of home is an innate
quality oi the human heart, and we know
that while there may be a possible home
without a mother-in-law, there can be none
without a wife. * Re it ever so humble/ says
Papne’s touching lyric, * there is no place like
home,’ and this m substantiated by the affec-.
tkm whicbexirts between ti*S8HM9tul a*
the rich, and by the pain which follows an
enforced separation of families. The wisdom
of the Creator in giving Adam a companion
has always been recognized without tbe help
of theological distinctions, and unhappy
though many married pairs may be, we feel
a good deal more than is expressed even in
the words of Holy Writ, that a true wife is
not simply a ‘ help’ bnt a port of the man
himself, a restored ‘rib,’ without which he
makes through the world a disjointed and
crab-like progression.
Of late years we hear marriages discussed
from so purely utilitarian a point of view as
to be seriously* alarming, and the heavier bur
then is laid upon the shoulders of the weaker
vassals’ that their extravagance stands in the
way of the marital obligations of the race;
that young men cannot afford to marry girls
who carry fortunes on their backs, and whose
main occupations are dressing and tattle.
Were we to listen to or read in confidence all
that is said derogatory to the future matrons
of unborn Americans, we should stand
aghast at tbe prospect which is thns presens
ted of our future Republic. We are over
whelmed with accounts of our Lillies and
Rosalies of Saratoga or the seaside; of their
fondness for mammoth trunks and daily
changes of attire, of drives and dinners, small
talk and novels, operas and soirees, and dis
sipation generally. According to this pic
ture, the girl3 are the most mvolous creas
tures in the world. Some of them may owe
their beauty to the beneficence of nature,
but if they are pretty they are either stupid
or vicious, and are most likely to unite both
the undersirable mental and qualities with a
positive physical plainness. It is somewhat
surprising how determined the female writers
from the watering places are in writing down
American female beauty and merit, and ar
guing that the young woman of society is not
fit for the condition of marriage and the sub
sequent family relations.
In a contemporary newspaper is a pathetic
arraignment of this kind against the Ameri
can maiden. We should, perhaps, take no
notice of it except that it presents a picture
of tbe model young American of the mascu
line gander who lights his lantern and goes
through the world hunting for a congenial
mate. This young man is, seemingly, a
paragon of perfection. He never parta his
hair in the middle, nor runs in debt to his
tailor; he smokes not, neither does he chew;
he is a punctual attendant upon church, and
doesn’t know the name of any horse that
ever ran a mile inside of 1:50. He puta all
his savings in the bank, has a cottage paid
for, supports his widowed mother,- never tas
ted alcohol, and abhors swearing. He is al
together one of the good, the true and the
beautiful, with capitals for each adjective.
He wants a wife who shall stead upon the
same comparative plane ai»d be despairs of
finding such a one. His estimate It m little
too high for average human natire, and
probably rather above his own msdiam if he
could strike it correctly.
The girl of tbe period does not, however,
lack a defender. The comphunant was quick
ly and sharply answered by a correspondent,
who, among other things, said that ‘ the av
erage American girl of to-day is not the fast
and giddy creature our bachelor friend de
scribes. Such pictures of true and sweet
maidenhood we trust are not rare as those
who care to seek them. Many a true heart
beats beneath a beaded cuirass* Hands that
have been in the flour often go info six-buts
toned gloves; and feet that have rocked the
cradle sometimes lead to mazes of tbe Gers
man.’ There is wisdom in this quotation,
and its point is that there is something uns
natural and not commendable iu tbe woman
who, before she has made considerable prog
ress toward tbe half century, cares nothing
for graceful dressing, pleasant company, the
theatre and the opera. A young girl takes
as naturally to a pretty dren as ster does to
flowers and music, and te debar her from
such pleasures after marriage is simply to
make her prematurely old. What vanity
there is in this line is pardonable. It comes
from the love of beauty and harmony, and
in many cases it will be found that the liking
for a fashionable appearance is gratified at a
small expense. Some of these visions of
feminine beauty which parade the streets
and seem to have exhausted hundreds of dol
lars in their getting-up, have really not re
quired as many as ten. Many of the articles
worn by ladies, though pretty, are expensive,
and no bachelor will ever know how much a
clever woman can do with a five dollar bill.
To bring all that we have said to bear upon
the matrimonial question, we may add tkat a
man of good judgment can always find a girl
who wilT help aud not hinder him iu life;
who will make him a pleasant home and
share all his troubles with him; and, more
over, that tbe average of true love and confi
dence is as high in the ultra fashionable
classes of society as in any other.
“Is be anything anyhow ?" said one young
lady to another as they promenaded Laramie
street, and discussed a nice young man. “Oh
yes,"replied the other, “hex something; he’s
an awfnl big fool.”
A Pugnacious Goat.—His head was
the shape and size of « Bullitt county water
melon, aud he was so black tbat charcoal
would make a light mark on him. The
goat was asleep, leaning against the aide of
the house. The darkey was taadung fc de
cayed cigar. He espied the goat, looked at
the lit and of the agar, grianed. tbi* at the
tail end of the gdat, “ griaaad 1o«1m/* look
ed all around to see that nobody Was looking,
and touched the lit end pf that cigar. to the
tail end of -that goot. - The goat turned a
handspring, and the negro opened. his big
mouth to laugh, but the goat butted him so
quickly between the chin and ,hi8 breeches
pockets that his jaws came together, making
la noise loudgr than the report of a gun.
The negtoe’s hat, boots, and cigar lay in a
pile, ten feet off, while his body Vras curled
uplikedhorseshoela tiie mouth 6fa sewar
Mnr~. Wheohe “came to*htf looked
at each cne ia the crowd, and dis-
tbe crowd by saying: “ Will some
ou getnmen’ shoot me wid a pistol ? A
dat’s as big a fool as I is ain’t got no
as UMn.”—Louisville CourieisJournal.
The good little bootblack’s epitaph.—$one
to shine among the angels.