The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 01, 1875, Image 4

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— 'oclical. •I Picture or RUn§. ’Ti* i lovely summer’a eve; The earth in calm, serene; The nan, retreating from the sky, Still smile* upon the scene ; And. as hi* crimson rays Fall softly from above, Tl>ey fall upon one spot, at least, Whose atmosphere is love. la tills street, rustic spot, Far from the world of care LosTm th’ enchanting dream’of love, Behold a happy pair.; Their souls together bound ; For each within the other’s heart* A retting place has found. Beside them runs a brook ’ * “5 Whose wavelets, bright and dear, Laugh softly at the words of love He pours into her ear.] Be ion them wavea a field, Of bright and golden grain, Whose soft and allk en leaven repeat The happy tale again. Above them tower* an oak, Whose foliage green and bongha Whiaper together of tlieir sweet And oft repeated vows. And gentle xeplir's breath. n with perfume sweet, Floats softly ’round the placed scene When love and beauty meet. King Cupid's amorous hosts • Ling Cu Fly ’round on noiseless wing; And gentle rays from fairy-land; Their tiny offering bring. The scene, indeed, is one Keplete with touching grace; For natures loveliest works are here To beautify the place. Miscellaneous Selections. .1/ the Ball. Now that the round faced sun, that impe rial old Harry the Eighth of the sky, begins to lose caste with the incoming mellowness of September, and October, standing in the immediate background, holds the belles, hab itues and debutantes of social life in her shin ing hands, ready to open the society ball in the proper time, the following bit of social gossip from the pen of a graceful lady con tributor is very apf and to the point. We recognize in it many of our acquaintances as well as four own, with the certainty, how ever, that a self-recoguition won’t extend to themselves: Here, there, everywhere, the stylish look ing girl who has evidently much reputation among her set for beauty. She intests the stairs and conservatory between dances and wears the expression of carrying on flirtations, tint senseless amusement of mediocre people. She teases herself about some man or other, and her talk is made up of affected archness, affected Englishisms and unaffected folly; such phrases as "Ever so nice, don’t you know, “ Dead loads of money,” “ Had such n jolly time, for 1 was the only American present; all the rest foreigners,” filling up largely. She has plenty of partners for the dance but none for life offering, and her chaperon, who is taking short naps while the band is braying in her ears, is dejected by reason thereof. There are girls who are carefully shunned by men of every age and condition. They have pale faces, hair the color of unwashed wool and invariably wear pink roses. You never see the shadow even of a man fall on them. They never-leave the wall, and yot sometimes there is a vacancy in the ranks, ami on inquiry it turns out that the vacatur has guue on her wedding tour, and when the husband is produced for public inspection he is an intelligent, agreeable man. Why he marries is a mystery, unless he is actuated by the same feeling which makes women buy a cheap dress, because they can get two for what one would come to. But little do men know ti.ete cheap women. They live for ever nnd often have the pleasure of seeing a [and attaches himself to some young beau- ; ty who scorns his antiquated vows and com pliments. Theleader ofthegermau is hand- ! some and looks as if he “had a history and a ; mystery.” His figure is superb, his clothes fit faultlessly, his eyes are the color of a pond of water in the shade nnd have an expression, one-third melancholy, one-third tenderness, one-third dare-devilish. He shows unaffect ed indifference for women, and of course is adored by them. He is poor exceedingly trifling, and parents eye hitn with disfavor. That admirable creature, the safe young man, stands by a soft-eyed, pink-aud-white little girl, whose face shows she wishes him— farther. His raiments alwayslooks of it had been made for some one else, and he is too sensible to talk society nonsense. He only dances quadrilles and'fathers dote upon him, although daughters will none of him. “The gentleman,” says Emerson, “is a man of truth, lord of his own actions, and express ing that lordship in his behavior, net in any manner dependent and servile either on per sons or opinions or possessions. Beyond this fact of truth and real force the word de notes good nature or benevolence; manhood first nnd then gentleness.” I do not fell ns if I could improve on this definatiou, so put it here as a good description of the few ele gant men of the world you will see say one to every thousand. You recognize the man at once by his quietly saying the right thing in the right place and never bring in any one’s way, or rather his easy superiority makes underbread people inelt before him. He possesses the clothes-wearing faculty, and his eyes are—let me see—I have a theory that character is shown as much in the color as in the expression of eyes. Black eyes, glittering like a doll’s, belong to plebeian blood, and the women who have them wear Japanese switch curb and “a keep of compa ny with fellows” who are also black-eyed and wear red ties. Soft brown eyes belong to noble hearted, generous people, hazel eyes to intellect, grey ej’es to mendacity and dark blue eyes to a king. The well-bred man, then, shall have blue eyes. You sec many other familiar faces, hut you nave talkeu and danced until you feel B«the*u. ho* such that l>ed is your best friend. The host sleeping aloud in a corner. You do not whole fraumit awaken him, hut seek the hostess, who is 1 GAILBOAO T; 1$ COMMG! THE ONLY STOVE MADE With Sliding Oven Doors. Patented Feb. 2,1869. and Sept. 2,1869. STOVES! STOVES!! STOVS The undersigned is now prepared to offer the public the FINEST ASSORTMENT OF Plain Japancd AND STAMPED TIN WARES In Northeast (Icorgi*, at LOW FIGURES. Roofing, Guttenng and Tin Work Of all kiud*, done promptly and cheap. J. T. COMER. RE TH! NORTHEASTERN AND THE NEW GOODS JCST RECEIVED‘AND DAILY ARRIVING, AT HUNTER & BEUSSE’S, ARE CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE STOCK CONS:,<T* Ok A LARGE LOT OF A D Y-M A 1) E CLOT 11 J N G ! aidaip^3q> im> aiaAaosto CASKIEKKR AKB OTHER CLOTHS, Parasols, Umbrellas and Pry Goods, r^,/A IBKlSh BEIRi ’TT’SW XRim.rE’N. Boots and Shoes, Fancy and Family Groceries, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Leather^ Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Cigars, Tobacco, &c., &c. CHOICE FLOUR AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, OSNABURGS, SHEETINGS, YARNS, &C., &C., &C., &C- The above Goods having been recently purchased in New York, at reduced prices, are now offered to the public at Low Figures. S&~ Come and he convinced. Sept. 29—43-tf. HUNTER & BEUSSE, DEL'PR EE’S CORNER- L. 8CHEVEXELL. O. H. YANCEY. Betweeu Ceuter A Heaves and Orr A Co., August 25—13-tit. Up Stain. HOPE. ‘8 O’clock.’ HOPE. MREEDMl.CDAU. * 4 Hr hold I trill stand br/orr ikre thrre upon the rock in Jloreb: and thou shall \sutile the rock and there shall come ir»i- \tcr out of it that the people may drink."—Ex. Perhaps at no (•eriod'of Christian history from the days iu which Christ astonished the multitude at the pool of Bethesda, has such an excitement prevailed among the sick as is now created by the accidental discovery of a fountain of miucrsl water'which bejoud cavil eclipses the whole fraternity of the learned faculty in restoring to original health almost every form of chronic disease. Find ing it imjtossilde to accommodate the sick here, the proprie- t L. SCHEVENELL & BROAD STREET, ATHENS. OA. CO.. DEALERS IN weariedly looking on the endless german, nnd tom propose to furnish the concentrated medicine . / i • i . r • *i ° ... I >are " by simply reducing the water by evaporation whose fnCft brightens faintly US you say a fine powder or Mass, which possesses all the wonderful Good night.”—II ashington Capitol. * ♦ * 2'hc "Printer and His 2'jpes. The following beautiful extract is from the pen of Benjamin F. Taylor, the printer poet : “Perhaps there is no department of en terprise whose details are less understood by . »... . . , . *• » diseases, letter, Mental Depression, Itcrvous 1 Hr trill intelligent people than the ‘art preservative, i Neuralgia, Nocturnal Emissions, Night Sweats. Prolap ffia tipliinenmDnt of tvrra I Uteri, Sexual weakness. Scrofula, SWlutuer Cotuplaii tliO achievement Ol ly pcs. j YenerUI diseases, Worms, Whites, and ail diseases wl» virtues of the water in a cheap ami convenient fonu. The Mo** is a fine tonic, alterative and absorbent and is es pecially useful to ladies suffering from irregularities and affections pec uliar to their sex. It ha* been universally approved and endorsed by the Medical Profession wher ever introduced, both as a dissideratum iu their materia, ami as the best js.pular remedy ever offered in the cure of Asthma, Bilious Affections, Bronchitis, Thills, Coughs, Cancer, .-Isiafie Cholera, Cramp Cholic, Cutaneous Erupt ions. Dyspepsia. Consumption, Dropsy, Sore Eyes, General Debility, Diarrhua, Effects of 1 debauchery, Female weak ness, Gravel, lleahoche, Heart Disease, Hemorrhages, Kidney diseases. Ulcers, L«iof Appetite, Languor, Liver disease*. Tetter, Mental Impression, Nervous Debility, 'Every dav of their life they are accustom* derive their origin from the liitloti, Liver or Kidneys. * . __ i .i _ /• i Dissolved iu water it makes an excellent wash, gargle Ctl to lead the newspaper and find fault and injection, and incorporate! with fresh lard, per man- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. GUESTS, PISTOLS, AMMUISriTIOISr Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, PAWOV fee*, Having BEST WORKMEN, we are prepared to do REPAIRING IN SUPERIOR STYLE. RECEIVED THE GRAND PRIZE MELA L. U Vienna, 1873. WARRANTED FIVE YEARS. It requires no Instructions to run it. It can not get out of order. It trill d, tfer y and kind of work. It has no cast iron cog wheels to break. It is not necessary to buy tiro WlZSfjt* MA CIIINES, in order to be able to do light and henry work. It will sew from Tissue Paper to Harness Leather. It is as far in advance of other Sewing Machines in the magnitude of its improvements, as a Steam Car excels in achievements the old fashioned Stage Coi,[ Prices made to suit the Times, Either for Cash or SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF STYLES AND PRICED I Agents "Wanted.* Address UPSHAW & GRIFFITH, Athens, Georgia Sept. 22-47-tf. *9 WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF S i 1L V JE K A A 1> GOLD PLATING, And all work of this kind, such as Forks, Spoons, Watches, Ac., plated by us, warranted equal to that done by any establishment in the countiy. : so rwe ysa. wc b bc with its statement, its arguments and its cutty -------- ; . " . .. of this reiueuy cannot be over estimated In the rare or looks; to plume themselves on the discovery the diseases mentioned aU>ve. The Analysis of the Mass of some roguish and aerobatic tyjte that gets «^%^! , ;.Vt»^rf«t 2u,!uti^ THE GREAT GEORGIA STATE FAIR, THE (iRANGERS’ LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANI OF THE-— UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ,$4,500,000 »te in the man: Parent Office, Mobile, Alabama. Capital Stock - - ..... 8100,00/, W. H. KETCHUM,'President Of which 8100,000 to be owned in each Department. Each Policy-holder is entitled to a of the Company, some waste letter or two in it; but of the ! process by which the paper is made, of the myriads of motions and thousands of pieces i necessary to composition they know little and think less. “They little imagine the discourse of a wonder, indeed, when they s{>eak of the fair white carpet woven for thought to walk on of the rags that fluttered on the hack of the beggar yesterday. of disease proceeding from the Mouioch. the Liver the Kidueys, and the Blood. ANALYSIS: ulphuric Acid. \ As Sulphate Alumina, Oxide of Iron, Line, Magnesia, Potass, | Smla, j Carbonic At id. l’horphoric Acid. Silica. Organic Matter. The Mass is harmless and may be used at will. Being fully aware of the popular prejudice existing against advertised remedies we oiler the Mms under the allowing „i) , ,i J ; .t • i r .1 warrant*, viz: 1st that the medicine shall Ik* wli “But there is something more wonderful c | aimeJ f., r u. 2nd. aii us, *-nt by lirgutcm still. When we look at the hundred and ten* shall reach us. :»rd. All mctlicines ordered bv the ... . .... , i i , i i r public .hall reach thru* iugnnd condition aiidrfve .atlsfje- filly-two little boxes, shaded l>y the touch ofi lion, till, That «• hold on naive* reipou.llde to r.rlcil S.'hW, if we violate any of the*** warrants. inky fingers, that compose the printers; Peic*—$i po»tage paid by mail, or, three packages for “case,* noiseless except the clicking ot the $5. Six lockage* Willbe sent by Kxi.ros for I’J, or. it 1 - • c « ; 1 will tie sent C.O. D. with return charges added, if or- types as one by one they take their place in dendinT the growing line, we think we have found the marvel of art. “We think how many fancies in fragments there arc in the boxes, how many atoms of poetry ami eloquence the printer can make here and there if he only has a little chart to work by, how many fancies in a small ‘hand- its ot not less thaaoae half dozen. Address, Ali m Mass Company. Alum Wells P. O., Washington Co., Vs. August IK 1R75—12-ly. third husband put well underground, f or : ful, how much truth in chaos. e'esth premier pas qui coute. Alter having ! ‘‘How hep.cks up this scattered element ng achievod the difficult step to a first husband all the rest is easy walking. The marriage belle stands in a group of adorers. She is tall, with a handsome figure and easy manners. She says and does things with captivating grace that would be alarm ing in unmarried women, and men who are afraid of being snared before their time revel in the thought of being safe, matrimonially, here, and enjoy laying their cautious gallant ly aside. Indeed, every man iu the room has been up to hear her bright chit-chat but one, and consequently you set him down as being her husband. As he, her legal pro tector, is so amiable as to let her devote her- self-tocaliing firth other men’s admiration, far befit from me to cast a pebble at this im- poi tation qf Parisian principles to America, Sbbouah l suppose one may cherish one’s privatq opinion of iL Surrounded by people whom her gracious good breeding compels into a like courtliness is the polished woman whose freedom from nianuerisms and quiet grace will make her queen w" reverse I until he holds in his hand a stanza of ‘Gray’s Elegy,’ or a melody upon Grimes’ ‘All But- | toned up Before.’ Now he sets ‘Puppy Missing,’ and now ‘Paradise Lost.’ lie arrays a bride in ‘small caps’ ami a sonnet in ‘nonpareil.’ He announces that the Ian- ! gnishing‘live’ in one sentence; transpose-; the word, and deplores the days that are few and ‘evil’ in the mxt. “A poor jest finds its way slowly into the printer’s hands like a dock just run dr.ilt, and a stream of eloquence marches into liiic letter by letter. We fancy we can tell the difference by ear, but perhaps not. “The types that told a wedding party yesterday announces a funeral to-morrow with perhaps the same letters. “They are then the elements to make a world of. Those types are are a world with something in it as beautiful as spring, ns rich as summer, and as grand as autumn flowers that frost cannot nip—fruit that shall ripen for all time. “The newspaticr has become the log-book of the world. It tells us what rate the world TALMADGE —DEALERS IN— American and Foreign Watches, CLOCKS JEWELRY. The Annual Fair for 1S75 of the Georgia State Agricultural Society will be held in M AGON, GEO GIA, At the Beautiful CENTRAL CITY PARK GROUNDS.Beginning MONDAY. OCTOBER 18. AND CONTINUING ONE WEEK. A Tarirvl and lilwral Premium Li-.t, covering*11 Department*of Tndu-lry, from wlitc!. tl,cfollowing ar,extract*: Field Crop Department. For the W»t and largest display in merit and variety of sample products from thu l«dd, gard and apiary—the contribution ot a single farm - For the best six stalks of cotton -to become the property of theSoeiety...— For the Unt five boles, crop lot of short staple cotton, by otfe exhibitor ...»...... .. For the best single I ale of short staple — For the best single bale upland long staple Horse Department. Best thoroughbred stallion, - -- -- -- -- - Best walking home. - Best saddle horse or mare, - - - Best single buggie horve ot luare, - - - Best combination horse or luaie, - - * Best double team, owned by one exhibitor, lk*st Georgia raised mule, - -- -- -- -- - Best mule, opeu to the work!, - -- -- -- -- - Cattle Department. Best herd—one bull and four cows or heifers—all to he of one breed and owned exclusively by one exhibitor, Best mi Mi cow, - -- - - - - - - . - 50 Cow giving the richest milk. - - - - - - - . - 50 StO and $'-*o for the best bull and row, respectively, of each of. the folio* ing breeds: Alderney, Ay reshire, Devon end Durham. j Best sow and pigs under six months old, - - - - . . . 50 Poultry Department. • For the best trio of each variety, - -- -- -- -- -- Best and largest display in variety and merit of domestic fowls, raised iu Georgia, - j Best and largest display in variety and merit of saro*, opeu to the world, - Best display of pigeons, - - - • - - ! Best display of rabbits, --- - - - - ' - Horticultural Department. ! Bc*l di.|*l:iy Ufginlrn vvgctaMe., grown bv one prnon, ........ Home Industrial Department. i IW-st ctdltM on ot jellies, preserves, pickles, jams, catsups, syrups and cordials, made and exhibited by one lady, I Best dispia) ot hit ads by one lady, - -- -- -- -- .. 20 Oruainentnl Needle Work. | Bc*t di*| l.i> in variety «f femxle bnutlienift,embracingneeilleid|)iAi cuitiraldery.creeht lin^.Vnittin^.ele., I.v oneliuly, $5 Fine Art Department. • p'est oi^ptilnling (any subject), - - - 25 j Beat p«.rt rail |aiu ting, - - - - - - - - - - 20 ' Best painting iu waters color, - - - - - - . 20 • IV wt ilisjdity of paint iues and drawings by ope exhibitor, - 25 ! Be. t collection of drawings by a girl under sixteen years of age, - - - - - . . 25 , Best display ol drawings by the pupils of one school or college, ------ .50 I'svl disj.hy of i’holographs, ------- Uest display of jewelry, silverware, ete., - - - . Merchants’ Displays. Best display of dry goods, Best display ol fauc-y grocer Its, - - ’ j - , { - - lb-st display of gla-swure and crockery, - • - - - - - - - 50 Best display of dot hi ng, - -- -- -- -- - - 25 lte.'t displajr^of milliiiery, ........... . 05 -• - Special Premiums for Granges. To tho Gr.mve in the State making the largest and finest display in merit and variety, of stoock product*, and results ofhunie industries, all raised, produced or made by thu metubcra of that particular Giauge, $1.10 The al*ove are but speciaiens of a comprehensive list of large Mouey Premiums. **'* * "* *Sot* - chard, dairy $100 $100 $100 110 rever she is; for you feel there is a :ce of character and true womaiili* ness behind her tact and refinement. She is witty without being loud, and has nil the marks of good breeding with Oliver Wendell .... - Holmes enumerates : “ Good dressing, quiet hut it is only cmning to baseness, something ways, low tones of voice, lips that can wait, l hat is done time innumerable, eyes that do uot wander, shyness of personal- “We console ourselves by thinking that ities, except in certain intimatecommunions.” j 01,0 cin ,. e ° , news pHp^ "'hat he cannot Y’ou may not meet such a woman every where, i n ™ a ^ 0 * IVI0 ? oa ’ i3 a bridge for time— although you may see imitations, hut when *hat he can fling over the chasm of dead you do you pay at once that homage which >' e!lrs > ni .'‘ , s ; l * e ly Iwck upoii the shad- genuine elegance commands from all. owv sea into the far past. 1 lie si withoutlf. W e aHmof find our ‘reckoning’ gjjyQp ail(1 Fillt€(l WflTe, “True the green-grocer may bundle up a MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS pound ot candles in our expre&ted thoughts, but SPORTSMEN'S ARTICLES OP ls i ALL KINDS. F- E. DAVIDSON, Via-hwi K. W. FORT, Sccrelnry. Georgia Department, Home, Georgia. Capital Stock $100,000. Office, No. 2 Commercial Building, Major C. O. SAMUEL, President ALFRED SHORTER, WViJral R. 3. GWALTNEY, Seecetarv C. KoWJXL ,tttoni„, l)r. G. TV. HOLMES, Medical Examiner. BOARD OF DIRECTORS—A. I*. Allgood, Trion Factory; C. Rowell, Rome, Ga; Alfred Sborut, Uoiot. Ga.;C. G. Samuel, Rome, Ga.; John H. Newton, Athena, Ga.; A.R.Jonea,Cedartown, Gn.;_lion.b.¥.RmmdouvI. j Atlanta, Ga.; Hon. D. B. Hamilton, Rome, G;i.; Cuiu Glover, Rome, Ga.; T. MeGuire, Rome, Ga.: V. WtMlrut i Rome, Ga.; J. L. Cump, Rome, Ga.; M. H. Bunn, Cedartown, Ga.; A. J. Kit jr, Cave Spring, Gallon. W. I II. Hutchins, Folk county, Georgia. Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alabama. j Capital Stock $100,000. Hon. N. N. CLEMENTS., President and General Manager, Tuwktloow,Ni I Hon. DAVID CLOl*TON, Vice:President Montgomery, u W. L. CHAMBERS, Secretary STONE 6 CLOFTOS, Attonkj 3Iississippi Department, Meridian, Mississippi. Capital Stock $100,000 Col. JAMES \V. BECK, President JOHN II. GRAY, Vki*-Pre»k!ttL L. A. DUNCAN, Secretary. Security ! Economy ! Liberality ! Are the Leading Principles of this Company. All approved forms of Life and Endowment Policies i*ted * . ,.r iiiui... si a ib.. k .% l,, a. thi.ii.j a - 11R LT sums of $loo to $l0,(Xk». Aho, Term Policies of One. Three, Five or Seven years. All Life Polices non-brir.: in? after two annual payments, when the injured will he entitled to a jmid up Policy or Cash Surrender tliereof. Dividends may l>*i used to protect policies against lapsing in case of failure to pay premium*. TliU.'vitk tb NonWorfcitinif and Cash Surrender features, arc sufficient to muket his Company popular among thinking bet GOOD AGENTS WANTED. Address C. G. Samuel, President, Rome, Ga. W. G. ENGLAND, of Mobile, Alabama, Gcueral Superintendent of Agencies. Sept. 8—45-fim.. T HE subscribers have removed to No. 12, FRANKLIN HOUSE RANGE. BroadStieet, where they leep c stantly on hand a large and well selected stock of $25 $50 FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. To which they invite the attention of the public, nnd which will l* s »lJ ^ * rmr mi* jw m ab jbzx: jm twv qd* jc. . Tfcr w, COFFINS AND BURIAL CASES When furnished hy r.*, vtr, ith horses aud driver, Furnished AS LOW OR LOWER than bvnnv other establishment in the eitv. also furnish, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE, our handsome HEARSE, w within the city. .J. F. WILSON & co.. Allien*, Ga., Sept. S—!•'>—tin. A. K. CHILDS. H. NICKERSON. Um linn a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN $100 B EING better prepared now tbun ever todo all kinds of Rctahuno, und sparing no pains to please all, will only ask to GIVE US \ TRIAL. nr ENGRAVING in i ll it* bmnclie* NEATLY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED. : singer shall Our aim will he to offer good, reliable goods, ut tliu VERY LOWEST FIGURES. Ami now for the men. There are the in dividuals who have faint-looking moustaches n,ore and wear accurate evening dress, nnd all so alike that you fell it would lie a help to have not end his song, nor .the soul be eloquent no A Burke county fanner was curious as to SOLE AGENTS FOR J. Moses’ Electro Galvanic Spectacles. Old Gold and Silver bought, for which the Thai, m-.ita ,,„.i„. „ the internal constructions of a hornet’s nest, liiitbwt cmIi price will he paid. . JSuS.XSSr Eft&r- them numbered. cloud until the band swells out in the passion- ,, . , ate sweetness of Warren’s lovliest of waltzes "J 11 P^hlylie able to see a barn and ether • • • — like small objects in a mouth or two.—Miners Po»t-ofB«. and the german begins. Then they come in- i Ke 8m ? to use with the little brass bells, gauze rosettes doumat. and other essentials of the dance at* “But oh! the would-be wit, Myself and misery know the man.” He goes about hnrrowing men’s souls by his almanac wit and prepared impromptus. After an interview with him you go away, knowing to a dot how a mouse feels when lie is escaping from under an air-pump. Chat- “Figures will lie,” said a young married friend to our reporter this morning, “and don’t you bet on the figure of a woman unti 1 vou know by actual observation just what have to sustain your judgment. Yes, sir, I know that figures will lie.” Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, She’s a small woman,” said a youth of field defines a buffoon os a professional fool, i,; s mother, “ hut when she hauls off her while a wag is an amatenr fool. There something so malignant about a would-be buffoon or**afe thut the plea of folly would not protect his head if I could revive the good old days of absolute monarchy and be the autocrat myself. There is a class of youthful offenders who affect on air of gloomy cynicism, and prattle of there being no such thing as reality or troth or Jove. They pique themselves on being fowl creatures among the women, and •lkjof their suecessess to any stranger who will listen. They talk with animation of be ing (hue, and pine to thought like one of OuidaV heroes. They think it stylish to be wieked, but don’t know how, and toss off a glass of weak claret punch with a reckless air, aa if they wok desperate fellows, instead merely being harmless yonng idiots whose fooleries a few years contact with the world will cure. They have immense contempt for ' women, and me* It'Aurora Leigh and Mid dleman!). These sentiments they impart slipper and says, ‘ Samuel, come here this minit,’ we boys go just as though she weighed four hundred pounds.” COLLEGE AVENUE, Next Poor to Post Office. r Low Quartet» The l***t siiJ largt-st Live hlet k Show ever held in the State >uth. swine and ponltrv, than ever Wfore exhibited. Parties wlshiug fine stock, as affine saddle or ham thoroughbred hull, trio of chickens, etc., will find the occasional this Fair a rare opportunity to se< Several cuiiucut and representative nieu front the North and Northwest have bceu invited to del More and finer borne*, mules, cattle, sheep, .. •— harness horse, milch cow, ‘i secure them. - . ,—— . deliver addresses at the rair, and many distinguished visitors throughout the whole country are expected. The public will be kept iMisted as to the progres and developments of the Fair in future advertisements. Send to the Secretary at Macon for Premium Lists, embracing a full schedule of the piemiums. rules, regulations, etc., and containing two engraving* of the beautiful and magnitreeni Fair (»rounds. A. H. COLQUITT, President. Aug. 4—IO-1 It T. t*. HOLT, tieneral 8u|»eriutendent. MAL.COM JOHNSTON. Secretary. THE JAS. Doable Turbine Water \»’...„!» Mguui'aituri .117 POOLE & K JI. J, Baltimore* TIC. 7,000 XOir J J l - .7 blmpl^Stror'*,!' r ' , always reliable ul l. fectory. MauufftCtnrcr*,: , 1! Fcrtaiia ii Ltu.. 'ogiaca, Stcaii Euilvrc, r iw & Gristill”, ing rSaeMaerv.Cca* in:r for Cattsa*. Flour, Paint. Vfhito T ‘ ASTONISHING. a ipocialtT. Jlaekli.u i.ia.!o' tirarlntt; ticn- rate and of Very be* t boJforClraiUn. FITS CURED FREE !! A NY XJt- disea O N luuul, Up^tcr* for making ffresa,^Alexis-Titnv, nnd Prince Alberts*. Rcjwir in': promptly executed. Send ten Aollura, per mail or express and you shall re ceive a first class pair of boots. June 8*>, 1875. 55-tf. Two Irishmen, traveling on the Baltimore nnd Ohio rail load track, came to a mile-post, when one of them said: “ Tread aisy, Pat; here lies a man 108 years old—his name was Miles, from Baltimore.” with falls ng frankness to any female who callow clutches. There is the mnn who apparently goee to balls for the purpose of blocking up.tne door* ways, as he never leaves them except for supper. He neither dances or talks, and looks as if the whole company owed him a quarter’s rent which he is hopeless of collect ing. Then you see tho man who is really sixty- U. H.njhnnkiUl.j.aP Harriet Beecher Stowe, it is said, wants to write the life of Mark Twain, but the humor ist very naturally doesn’t want to run the risk of being smeared as the ghost of Byron was. A matter-of-fact philosopher asserts that “loveis to domestic life what butter is to bread—it possesses little nourishment in itself but gives substantial* a grand relish, without which they would be hard to swallow.” A Rhode Island man, dad in three pairs of pants, was found dead on top of a railroad car the other night His sad fate should be a warning toall who would attempt to wedge themselves into that state with three pairs of pants on. — IForeesfer Press. . issiiw. An exchange says * the Sandwich Island ers bdievo that Beelzebub walks in theeartb in the form of a woman.’ If that be true the revailiug style of tiebacks is certainly a gyjfcff* tn 1,10 rt™] at last. ^ DAVfAPOKf’S eflLcum m at Poison Revived. Rat Poison, sold for r PHI8 Celebrated -L so many year*, by Ma. MOSKS DAVKNPOIIT, and proven to be the moat effective R AT POISON ever Introduced into ihia or any other country. Is now revived hy the original receipts and for sale by his Bon, SEABORN L. DAVENPORT, Sept, s—«-Gm. Athens, Gn- CIGAR AND TOBACCO EMPORIUM. MR. a. HAUSER, Kee|» comtUnUjr on luuid n fine nuortiueut of n nsro 1 cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, PIPES, BATCH CASES, Ete., Ut. Let all who tlealrt to enjoy a real luxury in the vaj of amokiof or chewing and at a eoni|orativelr aniall coat, call at hit emporium, on Coileje Avenue,* Atuana, Ga. Us, 12, 1875—23-1£ Great Reduction in Prices F or the next thirty davs. Brackets, Wall Mab,ul all kind, of Ornamental Wood Work, wUI bo add at . GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Now la the lima to make your houaes beautiful at low ■fare*. Great bargain, given la every till - flenMnai iun»._ Book Store. person suffering from the above d!*ea*e U nqiii-stel to addry*a 1>k. 1‘ltH'K, and a trial lioltleof uiadlclna will be lurwarded by Kx|irv„. FREE! The only ro*t being the Expreaa chatvea, my large bualneaa, are auiull. Dr. ltii treatment of ^ QR EPILE p S Y The Most Perfect nnd Desirable Machine, ««tady lor yean, aod he wlll warrani a^ cure by U.e u» f or General mid Family Use, icprngre.* m.vlo by the WILSON SUUTTLE gee, which, owing to SEWING MACHINE. Ii . . „ „ nventive skill haa bceu taxed ii-e ha, made the to it* utmost, and the result i», the of hi, remedy. Do not fail to wand to him fora trial bottip;- ,,JC. Aa-STII . Til It coata uotbfog, and be P r ?} u ^ ed - “ “ 8, ' n P'® ““l *0 Operate, m WILL CURE YOU. ,lot Imbl ? to ol l* out of r * ! P“ r ’ iu " ork U ‘1»® Heat V T .7 ’ * . Si was llinwn Kv fhn many ho _ m wu shown by tho may bare failed. filrcuLra and FII1ST PREMIUMS awarded it at the Uni vernal Exhibition iu Vienua. iu 1878, and it» .old at a ’ other remedl tcUmonlaL eeut with FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. Be particular to give your Exprem, u well aa your Po.t Office directiuu. and Addrew, nn. CII1S. T. PRICE, Yeq.ti.1y. - v '“ ~ 87 William Street, Kew Yurk. Rustle Window Shades. LESS PRICE »'>v other Machine of its STANDARD EXCEL- LaNCL. At 81.50 per pair. At $1.75 jier pair. At $2.00 per pair. At $2.20 per pair. At $4.00 per pair. At $4.50 per pair. Fur mdo by J. M. Ul*SHA\V and V. P. GRIFFITH Be sure to .see the Wilson before you buy. I J*sjr»,JS75 ’ «,_ tf HARDWIRE IRON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse-Shoe Nails. At I L B XJ R N AGMCIilLTFRAL W AGON : 8. IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Saddlery Hardware, Fellows, Huh?, S|x>kt*s, Buggy Wheels, Axle?, | Ac., Rubber and Leather Belting, Mill Saws, Mill Finding?, Anvils, lkll»* f > Vice*, Hollow-ware, «&e. Also, Manufacturer’s Agents for the Sale of the U «. i*- WINSHIP GTNi Brinley’s Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows, Fairbanks’ Standard S«iles, Circulars** Any article in our line not in stock will be arderetl when desired, with the lead! ^ delay. Call aiul examine our stock and prices.“(xH , June 10, 1875. P. A. SUMMBV. P. \V. HUTCHESON. SUMMBV, HUTCHESON & BE^l WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN The innat elegant, simple, ami moat datable Shade* iu ate, Tbs above price* include all the ueeeaaary fixture. They can be put up in five minutee, by any oue who can drive a nail, aud they never set out of order. r '- " and aee them at BURKE’S Juue S, 1875—Sl-tf. , Call Bookstore U.SSH t'OK lYOOIs, —— ou— CLOTH FOR WOOL. Tlie Allien* MauufiwUriag Conuwuv are now making a much larger variety of Woolen Gouda than ever before. I prupoie Ext xchtmge them for Wool, believing H to be more to the internet of the Planter to Exchange the Wool fit' ed and Spun at home. JUall for Sample* and Terms of lor Cloth, rutlicr tlrnn have it t.’ard- . a. Call aw Samples and Terms of E mnKisT»^Af. iR ^ WXH, ‘ ffrKLD ’ | Notice. [VEEDLES for Jail kind. Jof Sewing Machines, at 1 v wholesale and retail, by awwa. . Sept. 22, 1875—47-tf S. C.;DOBIiS, Agent. Call at J. C. WILKINS & CO., If you want a N,d 1 COOK STOVE, AND ns WABE OF ALL KINDS, CHEA? f or cash. Roofing and Guttering a Speciality. £.Sept. 15,1875. 46—«m. IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, AGRICULTURAL 1MPLEMEN 1 b ' MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR THE SALE v* Cotton Gins, Pre PORTABLE E3STG-XKES Mowers, Reapers, THREASHEI l s L , ijT / DEUPREE BLOCK, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Jun 123,1875. . _mamMaa HU _